Home OutSeason (January ‘10)

Lost the first week - now what??

Pretty much lost the first week of the OS plan to my cold/coughing - a few easy workouts on the bike - anything remotely intense and I start to cough.  If I'm lucky, I'll feel well enough to do my testing late next week (maybe Wed & Fri or Thurs & Sat).  So how do I catch up?  Obviously, week 1 is the first week I feel well enough to do my test.  Do I jump from there to the same week as the rest of the group?  I know that's hard to answer until I know when I will actually be able to start.  Just trying to plan ahead -I guess that's just how I think.


  • Bob,

    Sorry to hear your sick. I would post this question here. endurancenation.us.dnnmax.com/Commu....aspx#4365 The coaches monitor this thread.

    Hope you feel better.

  • Bob,

    Get the coaches response  for sure but here's what I did.  I was travelling and sick for the first week and got in one 15-20 minute bike and started coughing so I shut it down.  I just did the FTT test Tuesday and picked up at the second week.  I was not running so I had more flexibility and recovery.  Given that you have to move in to the later part of the week for testing a coaches consult is wise.

    As I understand it as you go from beginner to advanced plans they start to ramp up faster.  That is my longest FTP intervals in the beginner program in the first 8 weeks was 2X15 while the advance people hit 2X20's before the test in week 8.  



  • Ditto the recomendation to "ask the coach". If your feeling better I'd say you can probably just do the testing next week and then skip ahead to week 3 with the rest of us the following week.
  • you should be able to just work in the test for a tuesday interval session and continue on. you aren't that far "behind" at all!
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