What it takes...November 2011
wow... it's November which means Christmas is coming. I'm so amazed with how fast time flies. I officially started OS last night, and I admit, begrudgingly so. But, being on the bike and spinning my guts out felt kinda good. So much pent up frustration to work out that I didn't even realize was there. Not thrilled with the 22 point drop from late August (from 188 to 166) but I started OS last year in the 140s, I think 145, so at least I didn't fall that far. I know I got way outta shape the last 2 months so it is what it is. My goal is to drop 10 lbs and get to 200 FTP. We'll see how it goes.
@Jennifer ;and Nemo - yes, I think this is much more reasonable than the cleanse I did last year bc I can eat 3 meals a day and snack (not subbing out 2 meals for liquids). But the nice thing about the Clean program was that I could have non-gluten grains and beans. But, I'm surving without quinoa and brown rice just fine. Happily I can have coffee but sadly without milk or sugar... but I'm starting to get used to coconut milk in it.
@Robin - welcome! Very cool to have a new chica in the haus, especially one doing CDA with me and Nemo (and Kate Green, but I haven't heard from her in this forum in a while - she and her hubby recently left VA, where we met, for San Francisco). Also super cool that you did the Whole 30! Would love to hear your thoughts. I think I can keep up the mostly paleo, but I suspect milk and stevia may go back into my coffee... and might do some pizza and brown rice pasta nights now and again.
10 days in and I'm already down about 8lbs. I can't complain with that. I think I'm over the sugar cravings, which is nice. Those typically hit me after a meal when I want a little something sweet (and when I'd usually reach for a piece of dark chocolate). I'll have some dried mango or apple sauce and that is just about perfect. Getting used to breakfast, too. One day I had leftover squash and ground bison "chili," yesterday I had some squash soup. Today was eggs and homemade turkey breakfast sausage. Still strange, but I'm getting there. amazingly I'm also finding myself less and less hungry. I'm hardly snacking and I'm eating really well... but I'm not finishing my plate and am finally learning that that's okay and I don't have to eat it just because it's there.
Becky, you might want to check out my blog. I have a bunch of Paleo/Primal posts and recipes up there.. It's at: http://Everymom2Ironmom.com I'm just about to write up a post about what I feed my kids. Though they're not paleo, they've both gone gluten free and cow's milk free and eat mostly what I eat so a lot of meat, veggies, etc. Also, the Paleo Rodeo is a great place to read about all things paleo, including good recipes. They post a new one every Friday, I'll post a link on Friday.
The thing I'm most impressed with since going Paleo is how quickly I recover and heal. I broke my arm this summer at the elbow, and my orthopedist was blown away by how fast the bone healed (completely by the 3.5 week X-rays). 9 weeks after breaking it, I swam 6.4 miles across Crater Lake with my Masters team, averaging a 1:25 pace. Then this summer I ran a 24 mile solo trail marathon, and the next day I literally had no soreness in my legs. I had my daughter shoot a video of me jumping up and down. Usually after a marathon I do that shuffly thing, especially up and down stairs. I also started noticing that while all my karate partners have serious bruising on arms and legs, my bruises disappear within hours. I've posted about all of those on my blog.
The thing I struggle with most on Paleo is eating enough carbs. Exactly how many bananas and yams can one person eat? I wonder what I'm going to do once the big mileage for IM takes over. It might be difficult and I'm open to adding stuff like rice back into my diet if I need to. But I'm never adding wheat back because for me, the soreness in muscles and joints only shows up when I eat gluten.
Yes, I'm very excited about IMCdA, training here with you folks and meeting up before the race. EN is a whole different approach for me and I'm excited to see what it will bring! It will be great to have some encouragement and companionship online. I did IMFL five years ago and have been itching to get back to IM distance for a couple of years now. Mostly it's about finding the time and $$$. Most years I do Sprint, Oly, and HIM distances locally.
Yeah, more chica's at IMCDA!!! Always good to have a nice big group of us at a race.
For the new ladies in the haus, I thought it might be helpful to give you a little explanation for why this thread gets a "restart" every month. A long time ago, the ladies here had a "What it Takes" thread we started which we sorta used as our kitchen table. The place where we came together to chat, ask for advice, complain about our jobs, scream for help, whatever. Well that thread got really really long and,,,,um,,,,well we nearly brought down EN with it!
We were all complaining about how we couldn't post pictures anymore or couldn't insert links, etc etc and when they dug into the issue it turned out our "little" thread was causing the problem 
Soooooo, we made a deal with the Boyz to re-start the thread every month in order to keep the peace
Anywhooooo that's the story. We've got lots of new Chicas in the haus with the new OS starting and I just thought you all might like to know why we do what we do!
@Nemo - that's a riot! and I never knew that and this will be my 3rd year (although I could have guessed, when you were all training for Moo this thread was hopping!)
@Jennifer, I forgot to wish you good luck this weekend at the 15k, what a perfect sounding distance! (I signed up for one in December and am not sure if I can do it, maybe I'll downgrade to the 5k). And, more importantly, have a great birthday!!! I wish I could say I was 30 again! Heck, I'm not really even a mid-30-something anymore. I'll be pushing 40 after my next bday in feb (when I turn 38). But you know what, I'm still feeling pretty good.
@Robin - thanks, I'll check out the blog and the recipes for sure. That's definitely been the fun part of all of this, trying new things, new combinations, new spices... I've hit a few cites a friend suggested (who's done this before) but none are coming to mind. So far my favorite has been this meatloaf that has almond flour in it and chicken breasts stuffed with mushrooms and pecans with a dijon and sage reduction on top. Mmmm..... and I've found an acorn sqash oatmeal that I love in the morning post-workout. I have the same fear about carbs when I get into the thick of things. I definitely think I'll add some brown rice and quinoa back into the routine then. Oh, and I might add that it sounds like you can kick most of the haus's tushes... IMs, karate, ultra running. Damn, girl... you're a rockstar
@Becky, no tushy kicking here. My motto is "I may not be fast, but I can go forever". I have more endurance than speed, so I'm hoping by venturing here I can add some of the latter! BTW, I would love your meatloaf and chicken breast recipes, or links. Hubby misses meatloaf.
and like you, I'm not fast, but I can go all day long. :-)
1 diced red onion
2 lbs of grass fed ground beef (Try with 1lb of pork and 1lb of beef)
1 cup almond meal
2 eggs
1 can tomato paste
1 tbsp crushed garlic
1/2 tbsp sea salt
2 tbsp dried basil
1 tsp marjoram
cracked black pepper to taste
Mix all ingredients by hand in a large mixing bowl. Place meat mixture into a large glass baking pan and form into a loaf. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour or until meat is no longer pink in the middle. (took longer for me) - I also do this in the crockpot for about 6-8hrs or so. Tastes just as good.
And for a BBQ sauce to top it with:
You can easily cut this recipe in half.
Is Placid really feasible?
I apparently strained it. I didn't have pain until one week later. I haven't been on the bike since IMOO until today... I am a week late with the bike test. I enjoy having the swimming, running etc to relieve stress. He suggested that I could walk...or get one of those "cool" aqua joggers and run in the pool. He suggested that I take another few months off and I almost went nuts in the office....and my husband told him I might go a little crazier with him leaving if I am not able to do much. I couldn't get a massage after the race because I can't lay in certain positions without pain.
I have been taking motrin around the clock, celebrex occasionally and something stronger to sleep every now and then. Lidocaine patches aren't doing much. I wish I could get a block....however I would drop a lung. The husband spoke with some of his pain colleagues and I might give acupuncture a try. I am willing to try about anything just not to have constant pain. I saw a PT and she said that I needed to get my clavicle and ribs realigned....and to see a physical med doc...and to follow up with her after I see that doc. I have spent more time at the doctors offices in the past 1.5 months than I have in the past 15 years minus the pregnancies. I try to stay far away from the hospital as a patient since I work in one...
As for working out, I will miss the pool. I might get some kicking workouts in or just right arm drills. I am just a crazy ER nurse that likes to work out. I have been taking a few jogs a week, nothing to hard.
Hi Jen, I don't really know you yet, since I'm new to the forum, and I don't know if any of this will be helpful, but I thought I would share some of the things I've discovered about healing from soft tissue injuries. Backstory: I'm in no way a medical professional, but I'm a pro at healing only because because I'm a pro at breaking things (14 bones, 3 of them in the last 3 years, several dislocations, many stitches, etc.).
First thing I do is load up on Vitamin D, a Cal/Mag/Zinc supplement, Vitamin C (I use Emergen-C nightly) and Fish Oil, daily. These were all suggested by my orthopedist as helping to heal muscles/ligaments/tendons around a joint. Next, as soon as swelling has gone down, visit my chiropractor who also does Acustim (acupuncture-ish technique that uses electrical stimulation instead of needles). He makes sure everything's back in alignment and then does the Acustim to get all the meridians unblocked and lets things start healing. Lastly, I've discovered in the last couple of years that eating a Paleo diet vastly improves my healing times. I think this is largely because eliminating grains from the diet eliminates a lot of the causes of inflammation which prevents healing, and the Paleo diet brings the body into a good Ph balance, whereas if you eat a lot of dairy (esp. cheese, my downfall), the body can get very acidic, which impedes healing. They sell sports supplements like Acid Blasters that do the same thing (let you do harder workouts because they help the muscles heal faster), but IMHO it's best addressed through diet.
So, like I said, I'm not sure how much of this is useful to you, but might be worth checking it out. FWIW, this summer after breaking my arm at the elbow joint in June with accompanying soft tissue injuries, I did a 6.4 mile open water swim in August. About the time my orthopedist cleared me to "start swimming again", LOL. This was a huge improvement in healing over the last time I broke my arm. My thinking is that the Paleo diet was the defining difference. I also can't say enough good things about chiropractic and acupuncture or acustim. My neighbor is an acupuncturist and he's always doing miracles with helping people heal faster.
Have you posted this under the medical forum yet? I think if you throw this out there, you might find a few people who have been in this situation, and might offer you some more suggestions.
I'm curious, how did your attempted bike test go? Were you able to complete it? I'm wondering if there isn't some way you could modify your position on the bike so you are not stressing your pec....I'm in the midst of my own 'I just signed up for an ironman physical meltdown', and found the bike test to be close to torture... Every time I sign up for an ironman, something goes wonky
I would start a thread in the medical forum. We have lots of docs and PTs in da haus (Kit and Michele come to mind quickly). I personally don't like hearing that you're constantly on motrin (or constantly in pain). from what I understand (from dealing with the PF all frickin year last year) it kinda stops helping... so I'd do it for a week then go off it for a couple... something my ART/Graston doc told me. When I bruised my rib this summer Traumeel helped (anti-inflammatory analgesic cream).
I agree that once the strain is healed, you'll need PT. But hearing you're in constant pain is very troubling. I'm sure you've had XRays and MRIs and all that good stuff... if you need to be adjusted, find a good chiro (I'd suggest someone who is also certified in ART, which is great for the soft tissue work). I resorted to acupuncture for my PF in the month before Moo and it would help some of the throbbing/pain.
hang in there... and don't give up on Placid! If it's any consolation, I'm only running 10 minute segments with 2 minute walk breaks, maxing out at 30 minutes running total per my PT and my IM is a month before yours... and I stopped running in July so my base of fitness has had lots of time to deteriorate. :-) But I know what we can do. I know what we HAVE done... we WILL get through this season successfully!
Bike test was 160 for the FTP. I am a weak cyclist. Almost embarrassed to say that last year I started to train with power and my first bike test was and FTP of 105. I ended up last season with an FTP of 170 for the bike test and didn't really test again come summer. It wasn't as bad as I had anticipated since I haven't been on the bike since IMMOO.
I hope to hit the 200s by the end of the outseason as long as my pec allows. I was a little ghetto fabulous with my couch pillow propped up on my left aerobar for comfort on the second part.
I just don't want to end up being a fat bastard.....because I really can't deprive myself of all of the holiday food...and since we are heading home for xmas...deep dish pizza and other awesome foods await..
Hang in there Jen.
and to shoot from 105 to 170 is AWESOME. and 160 is a great place to start, only dropping 10 ticks - you got me licked. I dropped from 188 to 166. I'm pulling to break 200 in OS, too... and now that I'm officially back off of running that's all I have to keep me going.
So, this past Sat I took a train to CT to meet the Pursuit Athletic Performance team (Doc Strecker and Coach Al). I had a blast... but they put me in running jail. But, they are optimistic I could be out of there sooner than many because I already have very good (actually, too good) flexibility and posture. So, no stretching for me and lots of core stability work.... Hopefully I can move to the next level in 4-6 weeks... and then maybe maybe maybe graduate to running in 8-12 depending. I'll probably go back for a follow up visit when I'm cleared to run. Looks like OS will be all biking for me again this year, but here's to actually staying the course and having an injury free season when I can start running again!
I'm on Day 22 of the Whole 30 paleo challenge. I'm not supposed to be weighing in at all, but I am. And on Mondays I take all measurements. As of today I'm exactly 10 lbs down (but my weight still fluctuates a bit, this is my lowest weigh in yet) from my starting point and about 6 total inches (one of them is my boobs... seriously, I hate that that always happens) including my waist and hips - where I was really noticing the pudge/pouch. One more week to go... hopefully I'll continue to progress and keep my will power going - it's been hard, really hard at times to not crack open a bottle of wine with dinner... I fear going home for T'giving, but I'm starting to forumulate a plan - which includes bringing my bike and trainer (I'm driving), making a few things to share at dinner (baked brussel sprouts with bacon), bringing a sweet potato to bake so I don't turn to the mashed potatoes, and packing paleo snacks (almond butter, clean lunch meat, homemade turkey breakfast sausage, raw nuts, unsweetened dried fruit) so I can be sure I have safe go-to foods. If I can drop another 3-4 I'll be in my "appropriate" off season weight, but I'd really like to drop another 7 to be at 130 even (but that's my post OS goal weight) and then shoot for 125 by May and hold it there through CDA. We'll see...
Do we have any chicas racing in AZ?
Jen- so sorry to hear about the injury. But I agree- IMLP is still pretty far away so don't give up hope just yet.
Becky- I'll be really interested in hearing how everything goes with the PAP work. What are they having you do right now and how will you know if you get to move to that next level?
I'm doing well. Just exhausted from the week of travel followed by a long weekend of volunteer work at the OBX Marathon. It's really fun volunteer stuff though. Anywho- life should be getting back to "normal" now. Regular food, regular sleep, regular bowel movements, you know- all the stuff that just makes you feel, well, regular!
Jen- so sorry to hear about the injury. But I agree- IMLP is still pretty far away so don't give up hope just yet.
Becky- I'll be really interested in hearing how everything goes with the PAP work. What are they having you do right now and how will you know if you get to move to that next level?
I'm doing well. Just exhausted from the week of travel followed by a long weekend of volunteer work at the OBX Marathon. It's really fun volunteer stuff though. Anywho- life should be getting back to "normal" now. Regular food, regular sleep, regular bowel movements, you know- all the stuff that just makes you feel, well, regular!
Hi Gang!
I've been lurking again. Just busy with work, training, and trying to lead a life.
Did the NY Marathon on 11/6. It was an amazing experience. Really, AMAZING! Here is a link to pics I took while running: http://pennyandjohn.shutterfly.com/487. Next up . . The Goofy Challenge in January. The spring is going to be CRAZY with work. Houston marathon expo the weekend after Goofy. Houston is the site for the olympic trials, so it is going to be amazing! Then we are looking at putting on a fully-supported, womens' only IMTX training camp in late March (with a cool female Pro to be there, too), then IMTX in May. Thrown in are other races we have to work. I'm thinking of trying to train for a HIM in 2012. Was thinking in the Spring, but am already feeling overwhelmed.
OMG! I can't believe next week is Thanksgiving! Where did the year go?!?!?
Welcome to the new ladies! Join in and have fun. With this group you get out what you put in.
Penny, keep me posted on that womens' only IMTX camp. It sounds like great fun, and I may be in need of a motivation boost by that point of IM training!
Any hints on who the female pro will be?
Becky, I am interested to hear how the whole 30S day cleanse thing goes. Paleo is not right for me, but my partner may try it. She loves those cleansing type challenge thingies.
Not much going on here. I am enjoying the October OS, but got a little overzealous on the running and now have some hamstring trouble. I'm going bike only this week to try to give it a rest.
Take care, everyone!
Not much going on here. Traveling all month of Nov. but will finally get home on Friday. So I have not been following the OS as per the Plan. Right now I am on running hiatis due to GT bursitis, torn glut min and labral tear, all on the right side. I did do a 4.5 mile run almost 2 weeks ago but mainly focusing on the bike. My 14 y.o. daughter and I are back at the Y on sat. am for spinning class. I have really missed this time with her.
I am taking private TRX classes to learn the basics and doing LOTS of core.
I have also been doing a modified Atkins diet (very similar to paleo), but mainly low carb with lots of veggies and fruits. I have lost some (not sure how much because I don't believe in scales) but my clothes are looser and am feeling pretty good. Hopefully I can keep my resolve during the holidays because I LOVE to bake at this time of year.
Hope everyone has a great holiday next week.
@Mary- I see HHH on your signature for 2011, I was there too! I'm hoping to do the Wisconsin Triple Crown next year. Are you doing any of those rides?
I started the OS Nov 7, and skipped up to week 3 this week. I like anything ultra, so I'm finding it quite funny that 10 minutes suddenly seems like an eternity
@ Sarah, my sister, Sue Chapman (another ENr) and I did the triple crown this year. LOVED IT!! Arcadia Brute was in the pouring rain as it's early in the year and Diaryland Dare rained the last few miles of the 200. DD was by far my favorite and I hope to do it this year again. We have done HHH the last 2 years and will probably do it again next year. I know there are several other chicas in the haus interested in it next year. Maybe we could get a team together.
@Ruth- I would love to hear about your experience with the DD 300K. I bet that was crazy hard. I would love to give it a try this year, but by that point in the year I'll need to start thinking Ironman, so I suspect I'll top out at 200k. I'm expecting that will be plenty hard for me.
I'm in for Ironman Florida 2012, anyone else?
wow, lots of activity... hope I catch everyone
@Ruth - welcome... and how funny that last yeat my A races were also Eagleman and IMWI... (and Tim and Jen Jardeleeza were also there). Too bad we didn't meet. Because of CDA I won't be doing EM this year (after 3 years of brutal heat and humidity). I've been in NoVa about 11 years now, living in Old Town (near the Braddock Road metro) for maybe 6 or 7... wow, time flies.
@Penny - holy smokes chica, you have a full plate. The women's only camp sounds GREAT. Good luck!
@Mary - glad to hear the new diet is working, especially with all the traveling you do. Eating out always kills me bc I have no control over the portions and have no shut off function so I eat what's in front of me... Very cool to hear you're doing the TRX work (same instructor that Sue had?) I asked for one for Xmas, thinking the brothers could go in on it 3 ways... not sure if I'll get it. If not, that might be something I get for myself my next 3 payday month.
@Nemo - the PAP guys have me doing a lot of core stability and strength as well as hip and glute work. Things like clam shells, bridges, planks and side planks, and the bird dog. I'm not entirely sure how they'll know when to move me up. I think I'll give it another week and take some video of me doing each exercise for some feedback. They guesstimated 4-8 weeks, but bc I don't have flexibility issues they think I could be on the lower end of the spectrum.
Can't remember who asked about the paleo challenge - so far really good. I'm in the home stretch and while I definitely miss wine and have almost caved, it's been really easy. When those weak moments strike I think about my progress and have been able to talk myself off the ledge. My normal clothes aren't fitting just yet, but it's gettting close and the old clothes I'm wearing now are starting to get baggy. I'm falling asleep sooo much easier, which is such a welcome change. Big picture = no dairy, sugar (I definitely miss stevia in my coffee), alcohol, grain, legumes, nothing processed... So essentially I eat veggies, fruits, fresh meat, and eggs. I have to read labels super carefully as they put sugar in just about everything it seems like... and soy, too. I hope to keep it up, which I think will be very easy to do, but I will have my treats now and again and going out will be what it will be. Thanksgiving should be interesting but I'm formulating a plan and will do the best I can.
Becky, have your read any of Mark Sisson's site: http://www.marksdailyapple.com/
He calls himself "primal" not "paleo", but it's very similar. What I love about his philosophy is his 80/20 rule. Basically, eat clean 80% of the time, and the other 20% of the time give yourself permission to splurge a little. Except that the more you eat like this, the less you tend to splurge. I switched over to a more relaxed paleo/primal after doing the Whole30, and it's worked out really well. It's funny but last night we all went out for frozen yogurt, which was going to be my 20% cheat (sugar + dairy), but I took 2 bites and threw the rest away. It just tasted disgusting. My kids thought I was nuts.
Anyways, I think he has a very common sense approach to transitioning to a workable long-term plan for eating. Like I could never not drink a glass of wine occasionally every again, or not ever eat a piece of pumpkin pie. I just don't want to go back to my old sugar-addicted days...