@Robin, yup, I read Primal Blueprint last year and got the cookbook for christmas (have a made a few recipes from there during the W30 challenge - just a few nights ago I made lamb and it was wonderful). I might reread it now that I've committed to the challenge and it's winding down - to help me get back to normalcy. I do remember he's pro-full fat dairy and is okay with red wine on occasion, so what's not to like about that? :-)
Just a hair over 10lbs total loss this morning (in 25 days, I think) - yesterday was closer to 11. Still a bit of fluctuation but it's trending down and I'm happy with that. Hopefully things will taste bad to me when I'm home next weekend for T'giving! But I know I'll be adding stevia back to my coffee and there will be wine consumed! But, to keep me on track and feeling good I've made a list of things to make and bring (brussel sprouts, cranberry sauce, and a sweet potato) for the feast. I've also made a list of things to bring to have on hand (almond butter, an acorn squash, raw nuts, apples, coconut milk, apple sauce cups, avocado, cocnut oil). I know there are grocery stores there but I don't want to have to deal with it or make a trip if I don't have to. I'm also going to bring (or make there) breakfast sausage which is sooooo good as I imagine there will be at least one brunch while we're home and if not, I'll eat it with eggs or the roasted squash "oatmeal" I love love love. I'm also bringing the bike and the trainer - which, I suspect, will get some upturned noses... whatever. I can't run or even walk yet (no walking or elliptical til the orthotics come) so this is all I can do and I want to do it...200 here I come!
This has, all in all, been a really good experience and it's been a lot easier than the cleanse I did last year. I love the new recipes and spending time cooking. And I love that I'm falling asleep easily - it's been a long time since I've been able to shut my brain off and just fall asleep. So, that in and of itself has been worth it. But the weight loss and the toning (in part from all the core work I'm now doing) has been great. I like knowing where my food comes from and what's in it (actually, I like knowing what's NOT in it... nothing bad, nothing unnatural). Ok, sorry, off the soapbox.
I hope everyone else is doing really well... it's starting to get pretty chilly here after a surprisingly warm few weeks. With the rain and the wind most of the leaves are now gone - but they were gorgeous while we had them... that's been the biggest bummer about my not running. But I did get a few outside rides in and got to enjoy the fall colors a bit.
Good luck to any chicas we have in AZ. One of my good friends. Bronwen Rice, is doing AZ as her first IM... so if you happen to be wishing racers well, think of her. She's a total rockstar and I know she'll be awesome.
I always take my bike and trainer when I go to my relatives' houses. They might think I'm nuts, but oh well! Once I tried to use a treadmill that had been gathering dust in a corner, and turns out it was a cheapie model that was only good for about 4 mph. So now i just bring the bike/trainer. I've been known to show up at other events with it too. Once I had to stand in a registration line outdoors in December for school-related stuff for a couple of hours. The other parents were freezing in their camp chairs with their books, laptops, and thermoses. I set up the trainer at my place in line and within 15 minutes I was shedding clothes and was toasty warm. My friend Kay brought her jumprope and hand weights and we just let the other parents stare, LOL.
@Robin - That is awesome! I'll keep that in mind next time I get stuck in a forever long line.
I've riden my bike at the end of a grocery aisle at Hy-Vee, but that was just for an event advertising the first Hy-vee Triathlon.
My mom runs 3 miles every day on her treadmill, so I'm lucky to have that to use when I go home and can't get outside for a run. I've also towed my trainer along, but have only had to use it twice.
Jumping back in the forums, sorry I didn't catch up on everyone's situation but I think I'll start from scratch!!! After three months of 70+ hour weeks at work, no training, bad food and gaining weight....I start Outseason on Monday. Ugh. I'm going to follow the plan with the hope of entering the 20 week IM training for Wisconsin lean and mean!!!! I'm hoping my hours at work begin to trend down. We seem to be starting to have things under control. At this point, it's a daily job to talk my boss off the ledge of going bezerk on us but we seem to be getting it done. Sad thing is, I like her as a person she is just being pushed tremendously by the owner so it's all rolling downhill. Not sure of the longivety of this position but we are just trying to get past the house closing on November 30th and have some money coming in to recover from buying a house here without having our house sold in Minnesota.
Hope you are all well!!! Excited to be back in the forum and chatting!!!!
Hey, if you get a chance, read my dashboard post and give me your opinions!!! I need Wellie here in Maine!!! Need my PowerTap!!! I will be doing a LT test on Monday rather than an FTP and I will be doing on a Lemond Revmaster at the Y rather than a bike. Blows. Maybe I'll try and do it on my old Roo tomorrow as it is supposed to be around 60 degrees here. That sounds better, right????
@Robin, I love it... what a great idea - I'd be nuts enough to do that, too... and I'm sure the looks I'd get would be priceless! I confirmed with one of my brothers that he and his GF are bring workout gear and swimsuits, so we'll try to head out to swim at the rec center when we're home (his GF is a 2x IM and he's just started doing tris), so I won't be alone entirely.
@Sheryl - welcome back!! Glad you're settling in a bit and hope things calm down for you. I just did a reading and study class at work (we have a really good education program here at the FCC and the coordinator finds books for discussion somewhat regularly) that you might want to check out: Working With You is Killing Me. It was a bit simplistic (I've liked the other books/classes better: Getting to Yes, 7 Habits of Effective People, Crucial Conversations) but the big picture might help you with your current exploder boss. If all goes well and I can swing a place to stay with Michele or Mary, I'm hoping to come to WI to cheer you all on... maybe chalk the roads for you in return for your help at BSN and all your support race day! :-)
Hi! I have been a lurker, reading and not posting. Sometimes I just don't feel like I have anything more to add. But I do enjoy the ladies forum.
@Becky- sounds like the Paleo was better for you than cleanse. Glad you are healthy
@Sheryl- toxic bosses bite. Know that we all think you are awesome.
@Robin- You go girl! No one in my family can imagine regular exercise, except my mom, and she only exercises to eat. I take running shoes everywhere and often my bike on road trips.
For this holiday, i am taking a training break. Just 3 days. i am going to visit my BFF in Atlanta. I have yoga on my ipod if I am so motivated, but otherwise, I intend to hang with my friend. She hates to sweat- no exercise.
But I have signed up for 3 iron in 2012: IMSG, Vineman (non M-dot, gotta support the little guys if we ever want to get out from under the pressure of WTC and more money) and IMAZ. This is my last hurrah. I am looking to start working on my doctorate in 2013 (of course I am thinking- well I could do Cda 2013 before school starts in summer/fall 2013....)
@Michelle, did I read that right? 3 IM's in 2012??? Crazy girl. You rock!!!
Don't know how many of you follow Spinervals but they just put out a challenge to do 32 spinerval sessions in 32 days. I signed up. The rule is you have to do the workout but not necessarily the intensity so I figure on non EN biking days, I'll just lower my general intensity and get through it. Should be a good base!
Happy Thanksgiving to you all! I am so thankful to have you all in my life! I can't tell you what a comfort it has been to come here and vent at times! Especially when I feel no one else listens.
I'm psyched your doing IMAZ. So am I! I have LP July 22nd, so will be nice fit as will you after IMSG & Vineman. I know scheduling is tough and with different zones and all, but let's try to meet up at least a few times in training in the Boston area!! Happy T-Day!
Happy Thanksgiving ladies! How is everyone celebrating? We are heading to a friend's house to share the day with their family and we are in charge of bringing the pies! So it's been a pie baking kinda day for us. The house smells amazing and I can't wait to dig in!
Happy (American) Thanksgiving day to all! Or happy 24th of November. We are just having a family-only day today with no guests at all, just the kids and us, very laid back. Maybe the first time in years but it's nice. The weather outside is frightful, but the fire is so delightful. All of our animals are sacked out in front of the flames, bike intervals are done, and food is in the oven. A lot to be thankful for. I hope you all have a wonderful day.
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I haven't been in this forum for a while, and trying to catch up. My 13 yr old daughter and I did "Ironman Black Friday shopping" for the first time (and maybe last time). After a get together with friends in Seattle, we started to drive down to Portland (no sales tax) at 7pm, and shopped until 4am, and then, slept until 11am, then shop more until 8pm. One mall we tried to get to on Thursday night was so packed, created miles of backup on I-5 all the way to the parking lot, we had to turn around. What a craziness... It's good most of our shopping is done. I now need to change gears, and get on the bike. Have a nice rest of the weekend, ladies!
Holy cow Yasko, that really is Iron Shopping! There's no way you would catch me inside a store on Black Friday! I hate crowds and shopping- so the two together is just ick!
Wow, no kidding! That is totally Iron Shopping! I celebrated International Buy Nothing Day as usual and stayed as far from malls and stores as humanly possible.
So funny! Put me in the category of hating shopping, stay away from crowds, and don't even go out on that day! I used to baby sit for my sister so she and her husband could get it all done in one day for their 3 kids. But times change and the kids are grown (almost).
@Dottie- We can definitely train together for IMAZ. IMLP is around the same time as Vineman, so we will have many opportunities. Despite all of my years in da haus, I plan to follow the beginner plans in order to keep it low key for all 3 events. Not going for PR's, just want to finish and not want to quit triathlon.
Hope everyone had a restful thanksgiving. I went to see my BFF in Atlanta. I was the biggest slug: no running, no yoga, stretched 1 day and only because all of the lounging to read was making me stiff. But I am back at it now.
Happy last day of November everyone. This is the end of my first month at EN and I've really enjoyed the training so far. I like having some intensity and focus through these dreary winter months, and I like the brevity of the workouts!
I'm going into a tough weekend, my 12 y.o. daughter is dancing as Clara in the Nutcracker, so it's rehearsals every evening, 5 hour dress rehearsal Friday (the same day as the relatives arrive) houseguests and performances all weekend. Getting training in will be challenging, but much less so because the workouts are relatively short and well-defined. A big bonus!
Wow...everyone had a busy Thanksgiving!!! Big snow the day before here in Freeport, ME. It was one of those beautiful wet heavy snows. Beautiful outside but I know it's bad for the trees. Lots of branches down.
@Nemo, looking at the chin up challenge, I have to share about a gal at the Y I go to. Still don't have my bike and PM here (13th ) and I ride a Revmaster at the Y. The only one not in a spin class is hidden back in the free weight room. (Good for me because no one knows about it) Anyway, a gal comes in every other morning and does three sets of 10 pull ups!!!! I'm in awe!! She is tiny like you! Then a guy came in this morning and did 20 decline pushups supported on his hands with two balls. So his feet were higher than his head. Im starting to hanker for a little 100 push up challenge that I failed at last time.
Big news, we closed on our house yesterday. No furniture but we did drive down there yesterday and do some laundry which was nice. Still ruminating over where the pain cave will go. Eventually, we would like to turn the attached garage into and endless pool/pain cave room but gotta get the Minnesota house sold first. The house is in Harpswell, ME. with water right of way. Should be nice. It wasn't really my favorite house that we looked at but the smell down by the ocean with the pine trees is amazing!!!!
I'm joining you gals on the hate to shop list. HATE to shop!!!
Just a hair over 10lbs total loss this morning (in 25 days, I think) - yesterday was closer to 11. Still a bit of fluctuation but it's trending down and I'm happy with that. Hopefully things will taste bad to me when I'm home next weekend for T'giving! But I know I'll be adding stevia back to my coffee and there will be wine consumed! But, to keep me on track and feeling good I've made a list of things to make and bring (brussel sprouts, cranberry sauce, and a sweet potato) for the feast. I've also made a list of things to bring to have on hand (almond butter, an acorn squash, raw nuts, apples, coconut milk, apple sauce cups, avocado, cocnut oil). I know there are grocery stores there but I don't want to have to deal with it or make a trip if I don't have to. I'm also going to bring (or make there) breakfast sausage which is sooooo good as I imagine there will be at least one brunch while we're home and if not, I'll eat it with eggs or the roasted squash "oatmeal" I love love love. I'm also bringing the bike and the trainer - which, I suspect, will get some upturned noses... whatever. I can't run or even walk yet (no walking or elliptical til the orthotics come) so this is all I can do and I want to do it...200 here I come!
This has, all in all, been a really good experience and it's been a lot easier than the cleanse I did last year. I love the new recipes and spending time cooking. And I love that I'm falling asleep easily - it's been a long time since I've been able to shut my brain off and just fall asleep. So, that in and of itself has been worth it. But the weight loss and the toning (in part from all the core work I'm now doing) has been great. I like knowing where my food comes from and what's in it (actually, I like knowing what's NOT in it... nothing bad, nothing unnatural). Ok, sorry, off the soapbox.
I hope everyone else is doing really well... it's starting to get pretty chilly here after a surprisingly warm few weeks. With the rain and the wind most of the leaves are now gone - but they were gorgeous while we had them... that's been the biggest bummer about my not running. But I did get a few outside rides in and got to enjoy the fall colors a bit.
Good luck to any chicas we have in AZ. One of my good friends. Bronwen Rice, is doing AZ as her first IM... so if you happen to be wishing racers well, think of her. She's a total rockstar and I know she'll be awesome.
I always take my bike and trainer when I go to my relatives' houses. They might think I'm nuts, but oh well! Once I tried to use a treadmill that had been gathering dust in a corner, and turns out it was a cheapie model that was only good for about 4 mph. So now i just bring the bike/trainer. I've been known to show up at other events with it too. Once I had to stand in a registration line outdoors in December for school-related stuff for a couple of hours. The other parents were freezing in their camp chairs with their books, laptops, and thermoses. I set up the trainer at my place in line and within 15 minutes I was shedding clothes and was toasty warm. My friend Kay brought her jumprope and hand weights and we just let the other parents stare, LOL.
I've riden my bike at the end of a grocery aisle at Hy-Vee, but that was just for an event advertising the first Hy-vee Triathlon.
My mom runs 3 miles every day on her treadmill, so I'm lucky to have that to use when I go home and can't get outside for a run. I've also towed my trainer along, but have only had to use it twice.
Jumping back in the forums, sorry I didn't catch up on everyone's situation but I think I'll start from scratch!!! After three months of 70+ hour weeks at work, no training, bad food and gaining weight....I start Outseason on Monday. Ugh. I'm going to follow the plan with the hope of entering the 20 week IM training for Wisconsin lean and mean!!!! I'm hoping my hours at work begin to trend down. We seem to be starting to have things under control. At this point, it's a daily job to talk my boss off the ledge of going bezerk on us but we seem to be getting it done. Sad thing is, I like her as a person she is just being pushed tremendously by the owner so it's all rolling downhill. Not sure of the longivety of this position but we are just trying to get past the house closing on November 30th and have some money coming in to recover from buying a house here without having our house sold in Minnesota.
Hope you are all well!!! Excited to be back in the forum and chatting!!!!
Hey, if you get a chance, read my dashboard post and give me your opinions!!! I need Wellie here in Maine!!! Need my PowerTap!!! I will be doing a LT test on Monday rather than an FTP and I will be doing on a Lemond Revmaster at the Y rather than a bike. Blows. Maybe I'll try and do it on my old Roo tomorrow as it is supposed to be around 60 degrees here. That sounds better, right????
Missed you all!!!
@Sheryl - welcome back!! Glad you're settling in a bit and hope things calm down for you. I just did a reading and study class at work (we have a really good education program here at the FCC and the coordinator finds books for discussion somewhat regularly) that you might want to check out: Working With You is Killing Me. It was a bit simplistic (I've liked the other books/classes better: Getting to Yes, 7 Habits of Effective People, Crucial Conversations) but the big picture might help you with your current exploder boss. If all goes well and I can swing a place to stay with Michele or Mary, I'm hoping to come to WI to cheer you all on... maybe chalk the roads for you in return for your help at BSN and all your support race day! :-)
@Becky- sounds like the Paleo was better for you than cleanse. Glad you are healthy
@Sheryl- toxic bosses bite. Know that we all think you are awesome.
@Robin- You go girl! No one in my family can imagine regular exercise, except my mom, and she only exercises to eat. I take running shoes everywhere and often my bike on road trips.
For this holiday, i am taking a training break. Just 3 days. i am going to visit my BFF in Atlanta. I have yoga on my ipod if I am so motivated, but otherwise, I intend to hang with my friend. She hates to sweat- no exercise.
But I have signed up for 3 iron in 2012: IMSG, Vineman (non M-dot, gotta support the little guys if we ever want to get out from under the pressure of WTC and more money) and IMAZ. This is my last hurrah. I am looking to start working on my doctorate in 2013 (of course I am thinking- well I could do Cda 2013 before school starts in summer/fall 2013....)
Happy Thanksgiving!
@Becky, Will love seeing you in Wisconsin!!!
@Michelle, did I read that right? 3 IM's in 2012??? Crazy girl. You rock!!!
Don't know how many of you follow Spinervals but they just put out a challenge to do 32 spinerval sessions in 32 days. I signed up. The rule is you have to do the workout but not necessarily the intensity so I figure on non EN biking days, I'll just lower my general intensity and get through it. Should be a good base!
Happy Thanksgiving to you all! I am so thankful to have you all in my life! I can't tell you what a comfort it has been to come here and vent at times! Especially when I feel no one else listens.
All please stay safe and healthy!
I'm psyched your doing IMAZ. So am I! I have LP July 22nd, so will be nice fit as will you after IMSG & Vineman. I know scheduling is tough and with different zones and all, but let's try to meet up at least a few times in training in the Boston area!! Happy T-Day!
Happy (American) Thanksgiving day to all! Or happy 24th of November. We are just having a family-only day today with no guests at all, just the kids and us, very laid back. Maybe the first time in years but it's nice. The weather outside is frightful, but the fire is so delightful. All of our animals are sacked out in front of the flames, bike intervals are done, and food is in the oven. A lot to be thankful for. I hope you all have a wonderful day.
Wow, no kidding! That is totally Iron Shopping! I celebrated International Buy Nothing Day as usual and stayed as far from malls and stores as humanly possible.
@Dottie- We can definitely train together for IMAZ. IMLP is around the same time as Vineman, so we will have many opportunities. Despite all of my years in da haus, I plan to follow the beginner plans in order to keep it low key for all 3 events. Not going for PR's, just want to finish and not want to quit triathlon.
Hope everyone had a restful thanksgiving. I went to see my BFF in Atlanta. I was the biggest slug: no running, no yoga, stretched 1 day and only because all of the lounging to read was making me stiff. But I am back at it now.
Happy last day of November everyone. This is the end of my first month at EN and I've really enjoyed the training so far. I like having some intensity and focus through these dreary winter months, and I like the brevity of the workouts!
I'm going into a tough weekend, my 12 y.o. daughter is dancing as Clara in the Nutcracker, so it's rehearsals every evening, 5 hour dress rehearsal Friday (the same day as the relatives arrive) houseguests and performances all weekend. Getting training in will be challenging, but much less so because the workouts are relatively short and well-defined. A big bonus!
I will! There isn't any photography allowed during the performance, so I'm going to go shoot the dress rehearsal tomorrow night.
Wow...everyone had a busy Thanksgiving!!! Big snow the day before here in Freeport, ME. It was one of those beautiful wet heavy snows. Beautiful outside but I know it's bad for the trees. Lots of branches down.
@Nemo, looking at the chin up challenge, I have to share about a gal at the Y I go to. Still don't have my bike and PM here (13th
) and I ride a Revmaster at the Y. The only one not in a spin class is hidden back in the free weight room. (Good for me because no one knows about it) Anyway, a gal comes in every other morning and does three sets of 10 pull ups!!!! I'm in awe!! She is tiny like you! Then a guy came in this morning and did 20 decline pushups supported on his hands with two balls. So his feet were higher than his head. Im starting to hanker for a little 100 push up challenge that I failed at last time. 
Big news, we closed on our house yesterday. No furniture but we did drive down there yesterday and do some laundry which was nice. Still ruminating over where the pain cave will go. Eventually, we would like to turn the attached garage into and endless pool/pain cave room but gotta get the Minnesota house sold first. The house is in Harpswell, ME. with water right of way. Should be nice. It wasn't really my favorite house that we looked at but the smell down by the ocean with the pine trees is amazing!!!!
I'm joining you gals on the hate to shop list. HATE to shop!!!
Take care!!!!