Official Carrot & Stick Thread: December 2011 Edition
Okay, this is the way I see it working. The carrot and the stick will both be self-defined, eliminating the need to get into name calling and badgering one another. You set your own goal; we help you try to get there.
So you need to think of three things:
#1 -- Set your Goal (or goals) for the Month
#2 -- Your Carrot for Making the Goal
#3 -- Your Stick for Not Making the Goal
Don't go too crazy or be too hard on yourself...odds are as a Type A tri-geek you already are!

Once you have figured out the above:
#1 -- Post them to the Monthly Carrot & Stick thread.
#2 -- Put them into our Forum Signature (instructions below)
#3 -- Get to work!
#4 -- Return to the original monthly thread for the decided upon "Day of Accountabilty" where we all report in!
How to put to your signature:
#1 -- Go to My account tab and choose profile, and select My settings at the top right hand part of the page.
#2 -- Then on the list at the left, choose forum preferences.
#3 -- There is a box labeled Signature - you can type what you want to appear at the bottom of your posts there.
Feel free to cut / paste the text below...before you put it to your signature box, you'll need to find/replace all of the [ with < and all of the ] with > to activate the web code geekery!
-----------December Carrot & Stick Challenge-----------[br]
Very nice Coach. My signature is modified (I hope), the rest is up to me!
I'm almost afraid I might kill myself w/ some crazy goal.
I'm in and I think mine should show up below!
Wimp, pansy, jerk, softy, weakling, half-blood, what are you made of? Jello?, ......ok got that out of my system.
My Goal(s): Lose 4lbs
My Carrot: Coldstone Creamery Ice Cream
My Stick: No dessert for the first week after failing!
A Races: IMLP & IMAZ
that's how i get those 80-85% sections of the OS done
Can't decide between holding my weight steady vs NOT running for December to let this calf heal. Calf is feeling better today, been 2 weeks off of it. Was gonna do some light trail run/jog Monday just to see if it would pop again. Like I said, it feels good now. But, it's been a sneaky bastard, waiting each time for me to become overconfident about it.
Yep, I'll give it a couple of more days, then get into some baby runs for the rest of the month. Would hate to hit the Jan OS with zero running legs (assuming it's healed enough to run now, ya know?)
So, there ya go...I'll go with the weight thing. If I hit Jan OS, using only pre OS cycling and swimming, and without any consistent running, at a weight that is only 5 lbs off of my previous race weight, I'll be stoked!
Usually I miss a bike work out here or there, then a few more so on... this year I want to finish the OS in the best bike shape ever. So far, so good.
Looks like everyone will be stick skinny by the start of the new year! Good luck and stay strong!
@Chris - consider the Tassimo instead of the Keurig. My Keurig never heated the water enough, but I think I got the cheap model.
My Carrot: Dinner at Morimoto with my wife.
My Stick: No beer for a month.
-----------December Carrot & Stick Challenge-----------[br]
My Goal(s): Do not eat after 7pm [br]
My Carrot: Go to the awesome Gluten Free Restaurant in town [br]
My Stick: No chips or chocolate [br]
Can I add my goal after the fact??? Been aiming to break 1:25 barrier since I ran my first half in 2002 and nearly a decade later finally got there. Didn't want to jinx it by announcing it before hand but achieved it by 9 seconds despite hammering the bike in OS. My carrot was self satisfaction and carrot was having to focus on run and reducing bike focus (which I love). Kind of a cop out to do it now but there it is!
My carrot: Indulge myself at that awesome Mediterranean restaurant down the street once a week.
My stick: No eating out for the rest of January.
OK I'm in. Trying hard to avoid the 10lb gain I experience every year from end of tri season/Thanksgiving to New Year's. Also, you guys can keep your carrots and all that good for ya health food! Its all about the beer for me!
Now I have one, belatedly:
Goal: DON'T run this month or next. Carrot: My PF pain gets better and my foot heals. Stick: I re-injure myself, and I have to lay off runniing 6 months instead of 6 weeks.
Carrot my hammy heals from imaz and I have a good start to the OS
Stick I am miserable not being able to achieve the gains I want in the OS.
I've kind of been slow in getting this up as I could not decide. So went for two goals 6 lbs, 2 of which are already gone. I was on the 5 lbs for the month but decided I waited too long and forced another 1lbs on that. The second is the week 8 FTP test having a strong showing.
Looking towards the rewards as I really want a set of race wheels or perhaps I just come out for the LP camp in June. This gets me $100 dollars in the cookie jar. Oh yes I also get popcorn or candy at the movie.
@ Christy: the ironic thing is, I have to struggle to get out the door for every single run workout I ever do. Now, I have to struggle to keep from going out the door - I hate to START running, but I LOVE it when I'm doing it and after, it seems. I find myself going through the same barginning I try to avoid running ("Well, I can just do this tomorrow before work...") to barginning to start running ("It doesn't hurt as much *today*, maybe I can just give it a little try ..."). The stick is really working, though.