Home Outseaon November 2011 Group Discussion-Outseason November 2011

Week 14 FTP Test and bike sessions



  • @ Gordon - thx for your thoughts - the week before testing work forced some extra rest so i felt good heading into test week - on tues i was physically prepared - stayed off my feet and fueled up nicely during the day left work early only bomb the test - ugg - yesterday was the opposite super long day @ the shop & on my feet all day - driving home i decided wtf why not give it a go

    i don't think i've been over reaching the vo2 stuff - my normal 12' on = 6x2' - i aim for #1&#2 @ 1.15-1.18 then #3&#4 @ 1.2 ish then #5&#6 @ 1.22-1.24 - within each 2' - i aim to finish stronger than where i start - all my z2/z3 bricks have been spot on -recovery seems to be fine - where i really felt strong was my Z3 stuff has comfortably drifted up to 200-205 (should be 190 ish) so i was thinking my FTP would head up proportionally - i think it all boils down to some days you got it and some you don't

    i'm still chasing the elusive 3.0 w/kg image
  • @Roy, new numbers .... well wait for the 120% ones, you get what you asked for .I landed in my test on 270W, last sunday and I did some FTP and VO2 work instead of tests.

    BTW: Nice even splitting, but hey 282 in the 1st interval is a strong statement,

    I did the way Coach P described in one of the podcasts, 1st Interval at current FTP, 2nd do what you can do ....

    result .... no new music could help me only louder ones .

    So have fun with our new 120% numbers tomorrow 

  • @Kai- Just calculated my new 120%..... ouch. Not looking forward to that. May go back down to 1/1's for the first session of that.
  • Thursday is my usual "spin class" day with the roadies, which means it's usually VO2 stuff...and I just sub it for one of the VO2 sessions of the week. This time, we made this mistake of putting in an "aerobic day" disk, but when I figured out what the interval pattern was going to be, I turned it into what turned out to be a good, tough workout.

    The stated pattern was 10' - 6' - 10' - 6' (no rest) for the main set, all below FTP...but I'm not there for a recovery day! :-)

    I turned it into

    10' FTP
    2' recovery
    4'' 110%
    1' recovery
    9' FTP
    2' recovery
    5' 110% (had to go over into the cool-down a bit)

    In the end, that's a little under 20 min FTP and a little under 10' 110%... which proved pretty challenging! I was pretty happy when I hit that last couple seconds!

    But the good news was that within the remaining 10 min or so of "cool down", I was naturally drifting back up to FTP again, so everything is good!

    @ Jenks - Strong work!


    Swam 3,300M yesterday early.


    This morning:



    Entire workout (242 watts):

        Duration:                1:16:41 (1:16:53)

        Work:                     1115 kJ

        TSS:                       109.5 (intensity factor 0.928)

        Norm Power:          280



    WU = 3X3’ Z3 and 1X1’ Z4

    MS = 5X3’ V02, 5X1’ V02, 1X5’ Z4, 1X6’ Z3


    Running this evening after a full day of Super Bowl Party Prep
  • Bike Week ended nicely, todays training was good validation of OS work so far


    12' ON as 8x90" on 120%, was tough but not as bad as in week 12

     2x15' 80-90%, that was actually easy and HR stayed nicley in the lower Z4


    Thu:  2x12' at 100% + 2x2'  120% (new FTP- but on Fitnessbike), FTP Stuff felt actually hard

    Tue:  8' / 12' / 10' at 100%, 12' were longer than I was hoping

    All in all, new FTP seems realistic, I can even push 120% for 2' min, hence I feel ready to grow in Block 3.

    Yes, and I switch my trainer setup for block 3 I  use now the slope mode instead of the Ergo mode, and play more with different cadances.




  • Saturday ride done. Fun with the new zones.

    8 x 1:30 w/ all intervals between 1.20 and 1.24.

    30 minutes @ 0.82.

    Strong week everyone. Strong week.
  • Whew - you guys are hammering it. Makes me wish I had time for a full outseason. Today was RR#1 for the San Juan 70.3. Yes, my first race rehearsal of the year and it's only Feb 4! It's going to be a long season but I know the drill.

    Biked 60 miles on the Suncoast Parkway...30 up to the north and 30 back to the south with about 20 road crossings to slow things up. Came through 56 miles in 2:42 and finished in 2:54. I took it out hard while the wind was coming from the east on my side. I knew it was going to turn and start coming from the south while I was on my way back. I was hoping to finish the bike before it picked up too much. No such luck! At about 45 miles the wind sufferfest began. So no help from the wind whatsoever today.

    Did a 7 mile brick run. San Juan intel says the run is supposed to be cruel and sadistic...very hot and hilly. So my RR plan was to take it out very easy...thinking maybe 8:30s for the 1st three. Hit 8:52 on the 1st then dropped to 8:06 for #2...felt good so kept pushing until about 3.5 - 4 miles when I had a couple of devastating, knife-to-the-bone, hamstring cramps. After that, I decided jogging beat walking so dialed it back to about 9 min miles till I hit 7 total. It was 61 degrees when I started the bike and 80 degrees when I finished the run. I underestimated our "winter' weather and only took 2 S-caps during the bike...paid for that big time.

    New equipment: I've been using Pre-Race powder in a drink before my races the past few years. They now have capsules and I tried 3 of those in the morning. Much better than the powder and you don't have to taste that nasty stuff. I also wore a pair of K-swiss Kwicky Blades for the first time. They are awesome, and a huge improvement over the older Blade. I will be wearing those at San Juan.

    Mistakes to correct for next RR: 1) Take S-cap every 20 mins instead of just 2 for the whole ride. Take some S caps with me on the run. 2) Don't run the night before a RR...that didn't help me either.

  • Got my bike done. Skipping the run since I'm ski racing tomorrow. Another good VO2 day:

    WU: 8'@55%, 12'@86%
    3 x 3' @ 121%, 122%, 124%
    1 x 2.5' @ 121%
    1 x 2' @ 123%
    1 x 1.5' @ 124%
    2 x 10' (1) @ 93%, 94%

    I don't think I've ever had a V02 block where I think I'm actually moving my VO2 up, but these intervals definitely seem like they're getting easier. The last few are still really hard, but the majority are relatively easy. Maybe because I'm not running much due to the rib problem (which persists despite only running 1x in the last 3 weeks)...not sure, but I'll take the improvement!
  • Behind on my posting. Thurs bike, 3 x 10'(4') hitting all the new zones, at 1.00, 1.00 and 1.01

    Saturday bike, 15' ON in 2.5' intervals again hitting all new zones and then 2 x 15'(2') @ .81

    Carry on....  

  • Swam this morning pretty hard, but the bike still went well. Very glad of that. Decided to give the 15 x 1 a go today.

    323, 325, 327, 326, 323, 326, 323, 336, 342, 337, 340, 344, 333, 337, 404

    10 min 241 (0.91)

    10 min 253 (0.95)

    245 NP overall (0.925)

    15 miin transition run on the treadmill. Could have gone on, but the pool was long this morning...

    Now if the FTP would just catch up with the VO2s...

  • Nice work everyone, way to hit the new #'s.

    Woke up yesterday with a cold and sour stomach. I tried to do the workout anyways and did 12 X 1' ON at the new zones. The last couple were tough but managed an IF of 1.25 - 1.30 for all 12 intervals. I bailed on the Z3 stuff because of the way I felt and skipped the brick/evening run.
  • I had to punt Saturday's Brick to today and miss today's run. Still, had a good bike/run. Bumped up to 2' intervals for the ON time, up from 1:45s. Still on the Power Cranks.

    Nailed a 6 mile run immediately afterwards at 9:00 average pace (target of 9:02). I love it when my hubby runs with me on my Z3 runs, because his Z4 is almost exactly my Z3, so he can chat away and keep me occupied.

  • @Paul ; H. - HUGE race rehearsal results!!  You make it seem like an average Workout!!  Way to lead!

  •  Looks like I am tracking a week behind but just did the FTP test. My last month has been terrible for training. Down being alone in Seattle without my family, a bit of travel and then yesterday I had to let someone on my team go. So not in a great head space. Thanks to jen ritter for the suggestion I just try and do last times effort


    Did I mention I gained 8 lbs over the fall? Now on 7th day of a cleanse. No dairy gluten sugar animal protein. I drew the line at cutting out caffeine. 

    Have lost 5 of the eight though...

    And the numbers say... Same avg values 174 FTP. Okay. Held my ground. 

  • Posted By Jane Hargraft on 07 Feb 2012 09:51 AM

     Looks like I am tracking a week behind but just did the FTP test. My last month has been terrible for training. Down being alone in Seattle without my family, a bit of travel and then yesterday I had to let someone on my team go. So not in a great head space. Thanks to jen ritter for the suggestion I just try and do last times effort


    Did I mention I gained 8 lbs over the fall? Now on 7th day of a cleanse. No dairy gluten sugar animal protein. I drew the line at cutting out caffeine. 

    Have lost 5 of the eight though...

    And the numbers say... Same avg values 174 FTP. Okay. Held my ground. 

    Grea work Jane!  Those cleanses are tough and humbling.....not sure I could make it through one of those frankly!


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