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The Racing and Training Tire Group Buy Thread



  • Posted By William Jenks on 26 Apr 2012 04:54 PM

    Not very good evidence due to sample size, but do we have any info on the puncture rate of people on Vittorias from last year's IM circuit?

    Two weeks after IMWI I race Peregrine Oly.  When I unracked my bike after the race the rear wheel was flat.  Not sure what did it.  

  • Wheel cover is awesome. It's worth the price of admission for the sticker placement real estate alone....
  • Posted By Doug Johnson on 26 Apr 2012 08:58 AM

    @Cary, thanks for the heads up. I have a Speed Concept, hopefully the cover will work with it.

    @Doug - I have not had a problem with the cover.  The magnet on the wheel still works with the DuoTap device.


  •  For those with the speed concept and the disc wheel cover.  I purchased the disc cover for my 7.0 Speed Concept with Duotap hoping I could figure out a way to use it at Eagleman and Louisville.  But as Wheelbuilder warned it will and has rubbed on the duotap.  I saw online where someone cut the wheel cover radius and taped the disc to the spokes.  I haven't tried anything yet but at the moment it will not work without rubbing.  Any help would be appreciated.  


  • @ Joe, thanks. I'm not using the duotap at this point but its good to know for the future.
  • What about the potential of flattig being higher on latex tubes vs butyl ones? Anyone have thoughts on that? The LBSs here all say no one wants latex for that reason - do they don't carry them.
  • Hey Coach Rich,

    I'm getting ready to put in my order for the group buy here. I have a question about the wheel cover. I have a Speed Concept and a Power Tap wheel. If I put a wheel cover on it, I can tell that the cover will interfere with the "duo-tap" sensor on the non-drive chain stay. I've read about ways to deal with this such as pulling the cover in a little bit with electrical/duck tape.

    I have an idea that I believe would work better/cleaner and I was wondering if it is feasible. I was wondering if wheelbuilder could cut the center of the cover to fit around the outside of the Power Tap hub rather than the "axle". If they could do this, the cover would sit right against the spokes and have no issue clearing the chain stay sensor.

    Thanks for your input.
  • @Doug- that's a good idea. As a matter of fact, that's exactly what wheel builder already does. That's why you have to tell them what wheel you have, how many spokes and if it has a PT or not. Each cover is slightly customized for your specific wheel and it will sit right against the spokes. Drive-side and non-drive-side are also shaped differently just like your wheel. As for the Duotap, maybe someone else who has one can chime in.
  • @Doug -- I don't have any problems with my SC and a wheel cover. Some of that might have to do with my wheel (Zipp 808 w/ PT hub), but there was another thread going in the past couple of days about this same thing. I don't know what kind of wheel he had, but he was able to solve the rubbing issue with duct tape to the spokes on the non-drive side.
  • @ John, thanks for the info. The wheelbuilder website says that there are issues with the wheelcover and Speed Concepts (apparently depending on your wheel). It appears that it can be resolved with a little tweaking and I figured it would work out better if a professional did it.

    @ Joe, I've seen you and a couple people say they have no problem, and then I saw a couple people say they did. So I took a look at the wheel on my bike and it appears that different wheels may work better/worse with the SC. In my case, if the wheel cover sits on the outside of the black cap on the non-drive side and I draw a straight line to where the spokes connect to the rim, the cover would rub on the duo-tap. If the radius of the hole was to be cut a little bigger so that the black cap was sticking out of the wheel cover, it wouldn't rub at all.

    I've read a couple forums on the internet now that appear to deal with the issue, and it sounds like there's 2 ways to do it. I just figured if I could have a professional cut a bigger hole it might look neater rather than me trying it. In either case I'm going to order the cover.
  • @Doug - The hole that is cut for the non-drive side is much bigger than the hole on the drive side. Therefore the wheelcover sits on the silver portion of the hub, where the spokes connect to the hub. So essentially all of the black cap is exposed. I would think an email to Wheelbuilder (https://www.wheelbuilder.com/store/help.php?section=contactus&mode=update) would let you know for sure. I am willing to bet that have dealt with your rim/PT/frame issue before.

    I will try to find closeup pictures of my setup. If I am successful, I will post to this thread.
  • @ Joe, if that's the case there shouldn't be a problem at all with the wheel cover. I thought the cover would sit on the outside of the black cap. Thank you for your help.

    @ Coach R, please disregard my question. I'll be submitting my order later on today.
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