What it Takes . . . May 2012
Hi Ladies!
How is everyone doing? Hope you all are doing well.
Things here are good. Moved my training plan up a couple of weeks so I could get a sneak peek and start planning my weeks. It officially starts in 2 weeks. Work is good. Getting excited about IMTX. I got to meet and see so many EN'ers last year. That made it fun! The deal with Chocolate Milk is a go, so far. Still need to get the contract signed, but that should happen at IMTX. That means I'll be at CDA, Lake Placid, NYC, IMAZ, Las Vegas 70.3 and. . . Kona! Should get to spread lots of EN love while I'm out and about. These are going to, for the most part, be short trips (may leave the day before the race or race day), but should still be fun.
Take care everyone!
Penny- your new job rocks!!
I'm in taper mode for IMTX, and my body hates it! This whole thing has been rather comicial. The last time I tapered hard for a race I got really antsy and started picking fights with Tabitha. This time, let's see: 3 weeks out, I had an IT band flare up on the leg that I never have any problems with, and a 3 day headache that I eventually diagnosed as mild hyponatremia. My body is really sodium sensitive and I enjoy seeing lower numbers on the scale each morning, so I was having Tabitha not put salt in our dinners (yes, I am lucky that my partner cooks our meals every night), I wasn't eating any processed foods with salt, and I was sweating lots from workouts. After day 3 of this strange headache I finally put two and two together, and literally had a few licks from a salt packet. Headache resolved within 10 minutes! Maybe placebo, maybe not...Anyway, 2 weeks out, I got a migraine that lasted 5 days rather than the usual 3, and it was a bad one. I was taking Zofran and big doses of Advil just to stay at work. Fun times! Now, one week out, I have developed some redness in one of my eyes. It's not pinkeye (had that before), and it doesn't really hurt, but worrisome all the same. I'll be visiting the opthalmologist tomorrow if it persists. I'm just hoping that all of these little things add up to a great race day on Saturday!
Penny, I'm looking forward to seeing you this week! I like your chocolate milk gig - it's already my recovery drink of choice.
Nemo, how is Leia?
How is everyone else doing?
@Kristen, ah the dreaded taper. I hope you make it through! That's always one of the hardest parts, isn't it?
@Penny, I'll look forward to seeing you at IMCdA, that's a cool gig you've got there with chocolate milk (can't go wrong with that!)
My week has been up and down, I just did a mother's day run this morning with my 12 y.o. daughter, her first 5k. We had a great time together with a run/walk plan (probably more walk than run!) The 5k was in honor of an amazing triathlete and my mentor in the sport, who died 6 years ago this May in a bike collision with a logging truck
I miss her, her toughness and wisdom and humor. She is still remembered and honored by so many. Sometimes I still can't believe that she's gone.
On the up side, I had a good RR#1 for CdA on Friday - Swim time for 4200 was 59, bike averaged at 17 mph, and run was mostly on my splits. So all good there.
On the downside, I have a wicked case of poison oak (which when it happens to me looks and feels more like a burn, I've got big swatches of oozing skin, which makes swimming tough), and I gave myself a mini-concussion yesterday when my trunk (and attached bike rack) swung down on my head. Heads wounds sure do bleed a lot. I think I scared most of the folks in the grocery store parking lot with my appearance.
This week: first open water swim (yeah!), my daughter has a starring role in a musical (lots of rehearsals = lots of running around) and my son does his pre-test for his black belt test in karate (which will tell him if he's allowed to test or not). And my hubby is out of town, oh and I have houseguests next weekend. Just a teeny bit of stress in there!
@Robin: Excellent about CdA. I love it up there! It will be a quick in-and-out for me, but will be good to see so many people. Poison oak and an evil trunk? Sounds like someone is telling you to take a break.
This was my first week of real training for Redman in September. I missed some of the workouts, but am getting my head around it now. On a good note, John rolled off his project in St. Louis, so he'll be home to help with puppy duty more for a little bit. IMTX working this week is going to mess with workouts, too. But, it will all be OK. I've been fighting a lot of fatigue and wonder if something is up hormonally. My endo called and moved my appointment up - so we may be about to make a change. Have that appointment on the 21st.
As far as eating - he said to eat about 400 calories before a hard workout. He said "if you finish and you're hungry, you didn't eat enough before." This causes a problem since I take the synthroid in the morning which means not eating prior to workouts. I've been working out at night so if they exhaust me I can just eat and go to bed.
I got a new toy a couple of weeks ago - BodyMedia+Link. I'm loving it because it helps me monitor my activity and also, and more importantly, my sleep. I can't lie about how much I slept when the numbers are right in front of me. It is helping me realize I do need sleep to function well and helping me connect the quality of sleep to how I feel. If I get up and feel like crap, I plug it in and see, "well no wonder! I woke up 5 times last night!"
Can't wait to see you guys at the races!
Kristen, so sorry to hear of all the taper problems! And Robin, goodness girl! Take care of yourself too! Headwounds do indeed, bleed like crazy! Been there, done that!
Penny, good luck with your training for Redman, and your appointment with your endo. I am really interested in reading up about your BodyMedia+Link. I am back into running, albeit slow. Truly trying hard to lose weight and train for Air Force Marathon in Sept. and Chicago Marathon in October.
Nemo, good to see you in here too!
I hope all of you had a good weekend and have a wonderful week ahead!
@Robin, poison oak and a head wound are no fun!
@Barb, glad to see you back!
Can I vent here for a moment? I think I bit off more than I could chew this year.....
I've been racing/training for triathlons since 2007, however, as time has gone on life has changed quite a bit. I got married, had a daughter, then ten months after she was born, I found out I was preggo with the twins. Daughter is now 2, twins are now 11 months old. When I brought them home from the hospital, I felt so out of sorts (obviously), and was sitting there tandem-breast-feeding (TMI), tracking a training partner of mine online at IMLP 2011. So, yeah, I got the bug again and was feeling like I needed something to kick my tail back into gear. So the next day, I jumped online and registered for 2012.
Soooo, here I am, 9 or so weeks away from race day, and I'm hangin' on by a thread some days. I'm still doing most of the workouts, but I for sure may have set my sights a little high for working full time and having three babies at home. I had lofty goals of beating my IMWisco PR of 12:05. Now I just want to make it through the race in one piece.
I think I put a little too much pressure on myself sometimes. It wouldn't matter if I didn't want to spend every available moment with my kiddos, but I'm getting up at 4:30 or 5 AM most of the time on weekends to get the bulk of my workouts in before they wake up. I'd rather only miss an hour or so of time with them in the morning, then start a ride at 9AM and miss most of the day! It goes without saying that my kids are my priority. Always will be. No question. But, I also know that I'm a better mom and a better person if I stay in shape and set goals for myself.
I can do this, right? I'm actually looking forward to the couple of weeks after the race, when I'm proud that I made it, and when I can sleep in for a few weekends!
That all being said, I think my diet is taking a hit on this, too. I get up insanely early, workout, go to work, come home, spend time with the kids, put them to bed, then basically collapse on the couch and start eating. UGH! I may be using this as a stress-relief after an insane day, but it needs to ease up a little, or I'll be carrying an extra ten pounds up and down the Adirondack Mountains in July!
Any advice from you moms out there who've been through the "baby" phase and still maintained an athletic lifestyle?
Thanks for letting me vent.
@Penny, didn't mean to thread-jack! Sounds like you've got an awesome thing going there with Chocolate Milk!
@Kori, I am AMAZED at how you've accomplished training for an IM with three young kids. That takes a lot of creativity, effort, and dedication. Just take it easy on yourself! Remember that *everyone* starts to feel the pressure 9 weeks out from an Ironman, let alone those of us with young kids. Heck, I'm 5 weeks out from CdA and going totally bonkers, and my kids are 15 and 12.
You can totally do this, and you can just enjoy your day and not pressure yourself to measure up to pre-kid goals. Myself, I have PKPRs (post-kid PRs) because there's no way that I can match the times I put down when I was in my 20s and could train whenever I wanted, only had to worry about feeding myself, had money for expensive triathlon gear, etc.
Just out of curiousity, as a mom who also tandem nursed, how are you handling the time gap for the IM? After 12 hours, do you think engorgement will be a serious problem?? I did an Oly when my kids were still nursing, and I had to find the baby to nurse right after the race!
I can't imagine doing what you are with three kids. I have two fluffy kids (AKA dogs) and I worry about not being a good doggie mom by being gone so much. That said, I can't speak to the mom side of things. What I can say is to realize what you said in your post - you are a better mom/person when you set goals for yourself and stay in shape. This isn't a permanent state of things. It will all be over in a few weeks. You are doing the best you can a this (and every moment in time).
I was meeting with a client last night who was having similar guilt issues. I think that, as high achievers, we always want to do more and do it better. That isn't realistic. We need to cut ourselves some slack. We need to shut up that negative voice in our heads that always tell us to do more, puts us down, and tells us we aren't good enough. I actually hav clients give that voice a name so they can tell it to shut up when it starts (e.g. "Negative Nelly" seems to be popular). That way, when that voice starts you can say "SHUT UP NELLY!" It seems to work. :-) Personally, I've taken to telling myself, "I'm doing the best I can right now. And, that is great."
I didn't work out yesterday, so got my swim in this morning. Planning on getting a run in this afternoon.
Have a great day ladies!
@Robin - I just weaned the twins off of breastmilk. They are now on formula for a month or so before we switch them to milk. Even with my first daughter, I only seemed to get about 11 months of breastmilk before I start to dry up. I'm ok with that, though. Not having to pump gives me an extra hour or two every day as well! I think I will have a ceremonial burning of that thing now that I'm done reproducing.
I did breastfeed my first daughter through two HIM races, and yeah, that was tricky. I saw my hubby at mile 9 of the run and said "GET MY PUMP READY IN THE CAR!" I crossed the finish line and kept running. I was pumping in the back seat before my HR came down. HAHAHAAAA!!!! The really tricky thing was finding a tri-top or tri-bra that would support those puppies. I normally am a "B" on a good day. Whole different ball game trying to run with those size "D" babies. I'm happily back to normal after weaning. :-)
One other gripe that I always have with IM training - am I the only one who washes/blow-dries their hair like 10 times a week?? I need to start doubling up my workouts just so I can stop taking showers every 4 hours! I might save an ocean.....or my hair.
@Penny - Hope your swim and run went well today! I have to admit, no matter how tired/frustrated I am, every time I knock out a workout, I feel like a new woman. Something to be said for hitting that "reset" button with a good solid effort.
Much love to all!!
Sorry I've come late to this thread, but boy, is this the one for me! I also have 3 young kids, work full-time, and love triathlon as a way to get back in shape/"my thing".
Mine are 6, 4 & 1. I did my fist IM when the baby was 15 months. I am also doing IMLP (looking forward to meeting you)-the baby will be almost 2. I can definitely say that it takes awhile for the body and muscles to come back--especially the muscles. I had lost most of the baby weight by the IM, but my muscle definition wasn't as good as it is after almost 2 years. I mean, even if you are working out during pregnancy you lose some muscle form, so remember that. Don't think about PRs, think about your healthy lifestyle and the message you are sending to your kids (even if they are too little to understand right now, they will see pictures later and appreciate you hopefully)
In terms of fitting it all in, last year I also did what you are doing now-got up at 5am to get the workouts in so I didn't miss most of the day. But, ya know what? I was exhausted! I wasn't being a good quality-time parent at all! I bet those twins are still napping. Why not go out then, or go out in the morning and come back within an hour of them waking up. You have to have good support from your spouse, but if that is in line, you can lose the guilt. I am not as tired, getting in better workouts, and the kids play--they're having fun either way! If I haven't had spousal support or availability I have hired a babysitter once or twice. I probably sound like a bad parent, but honestly, I'm not. This year has really been much better on everyone!
I don't know if this is helpful, but if you have any other specific questions, feel free to write to me directly too. The only other thing I will say is that I really love triathlon. If I didn't love it, I wouldn't be here. If I just wanted to do these things to say I did them, I would be here for the wrong reason. I truly love getting up & working out, etc. BUT, I have had 2-3 weeks were I really struggled, and it was a sign that I was overtrained or exhausted. I took a week off. I know that's hard to hear with 9 weeks to go, but whether now or anytime that you feel unhappy--it's ok to take a break. Recovery makes you stronger and you will have so much to get to that finish line for!!
Good luck!!! I hope this is making sense!
Hubby has been really supportive of my training, but he's a firefighter, so he's gone alot, too. I have an AMAZING sitter that I use on weekend mornings to get the rides in when the hubs is on duty.
I am hoping to someday show the picture I took of my 10 month old daughter and me at the finish area of IM Wisconsin so she can see how happy I was to share that moment with her. It was pretty cool. I tried to upload the picture here, but I haven't figured out how to do that yet. :-)
Thanks for reminding me that other moms face the same challenges and get through it just like I do.
I woke up and planned to do my run on the treadmill and then get the ride done as soon as my hubby got home before I went into work. I couldn't get out of bed, so I scrapped the pre-run and just did the ride. 90 minutes of solid effort. I'll take it. :-)
How is everyone doing?
@Kori: 90 minutes of quality is better than more that is less than great. Good job at making that call!
All here is good. Recovering from IMTX. Had a great time working the expo and volunteering at the race. Volunteered at T1 water station then from 6PM to 1AM at main medical. That was quite the experience. I saw WAY too many people I knew in medical. It was a hot day. No cloud cover = extra heat. I'm thrilled that Kristen finished! WOO HOO! There was a lady at IMTX who is doing research on "Iron Families." I have her card. I'll post it up here when I have it. She is looking for moms and dads to do a survey and talk to her.
Entering week 3 of training for Redman. I didn't train much last week, but am picking back up this week. It is so nice to have a plan to look at that says "today you're doing X." Wednesdays is my off/teaching day (but, I'm not longer teaching, so a day to do things). Going to get on the bike here in a few minutes. Planning on doing some Bikram Yoga tonight. Haven't been in a few weeks, so I know it won't be pretty. But, I miss it and miss how I feel after.
Some of my friends talked me into doing a mud run on Saturday. I'm still not sue about it, but we'll see. The goal is just to have fun with friends. A couple of the ladies and me are going to walk/jog and do the obstacles we want. I'm still not sold on it. . . .
Have a great day everyone!
Penny- Redman sounds like it will be a great challenge- maybe easier than volunteering at IMTX though!!
Can't imagine juggling tri and kids. I have a hard time with 2 4-legged kids (or fluffy as Penny calls them) and a wife who is less than thrilled with my time-sucking sport. I should probably be better, like Kori, and get stuff done in the am. But with an hour commute each way for work, I'd be getting up too insanely early. (for me)
I cut out the 3rd swim WKO each week to give me at least 1 day off per week, but may need to try to get another day off every other week or something to get some SAUs. (My account is in default) Any tips/recos folks have to better juggling and keeping the peace at home while training? I've just been training for an Oly which is next week, then I ramp up to the HIM plan, then the IM plan in Sept. for IMFL (first IM) Don't want to need a divorce lawyer at the finish line!
@Kristen - you were the first to jump in and help me out when I posted the question about low run volume - so, so grateful for your advice!
@Kori and Dottie - ladies, you are BOTH amazing. My boys are 5.5 and 4, and I couldn't agree more that all this makes me a better mom in the long run! I just LOVE seeing my boys' faces when I get back from those four hour rides - I don't know why, but it's the best!
@Penny - "Iron Families!" Love it! For some reason, everyone always seems 10x more interested when they find out that John and I both do IM and we have kids... I don't know why! Have you found that Bikram has really helped you performance/recovery-wise? I've been wanted to get to a Bikram class for the longest time and just haven't pulled the trigger....
@Nemo - I hope you're planning to head back to AmZof again next year! I think John has me talked into it! It sounds epic!
@Kim - Oh I wish I had some sage advice for you, other than to get the wife involved! Does she race? Train? Volunteer? Anything??? My friend/swim coach trained for IMLou with me last year, and she was always telling me how her husband was annoyed with all of her training - well, he saw her cross the finish line at IMLou and was totally inspired and registered for his first 70.3. John and I don't always train together (we have dual and often dueling training schedules!), but I love that we share this together and support the other's training and racing. He works crazy long hours and has an hour commute, too - I give him a lot of credit for getting up at 4:45a.m. to train in the morning so he can hang out with the boys when he gets home (work + commuting = 6:30a.m - 7:15pm, M-F - YUCK). And, of course, if there's anything that SHE enjoys doing, devote time to that as well (which probably goes without saying, b/c I'm sure you already do!). Good luck!
Kim- my hubby isn't a triathlete and so I often feel a little guilty about training too. The real key is communication and flexibility for me. Joe is a surfer (and used to hangglide a lot before we moved down here). His activities are very weather dependent, so I tell him "hey- I need to get in a 3 hour ride today, what time do you think surf will be good for you?" and while he surfs, I ride. That way both of us get to do our thing. He's also a late night/sleep in late kinda guy, so on weekends if I can get up and out on the road really early, I can often be back in time to share a pancake breakfast with him. Finally, I think the thing I do that helps out most is that I don't do IM's more than once every two years. So when I'm in IM focus, he knows its 12-16 weeks of really intense training but that when its done, its done. When I'm not doing IM training I'm really really loose with the training schedule and I put time spent with him first on my priority list. So if that means I miss a workout- ok, no biggie. I hope some of that helps!
@Nemo, glad to hear things have calmed down in kitty land!
@Jessica, I read your post and thought "this sounds just like me"! I was happy to report that the run jail was not a big deal. You've got the engine, and now the core strength, and your legs know what to do!
@Kim and Dottie, my wife is also an "Iron Widow". She doesn't complain at all, though, and will sometimes do parts of long rides with me and then act as support crew for the rest. I am truly lucky, because Tabitha kept our (kid free) household running, cooked, went to the store, etc, all on top of a full time job. She deserves some sort of medal, too! I agree that date nights are very important, as well as not scheduling an IM every year.
Am loving this conversation - wow Dottie, can't believe your wife is an Olympian!! At least she gets the time commitment to sports I guess!
Hubby and I need to schedule more date nights for sure. I agree that supporting your spouse in their passions is key, it seems to be the thing that really keeps our relationship strong. My hubby likes to mountain bike, so I try to make sure that when his buddies call him to ride that he can make it. They often ride in evenings/afternoons, which leaves me the mornings on weekends. Also, it's been 6 years since I did an Ironman - we agreed on every 5 years while the kids were small (but I broke my arm last year) and every 2 years from here on out. So I'm looking forward to getting to do this more in the future.
I have to say (and not to scare anyone with small kids) that it was so much easier to find time to train when they were younger! Now our kids are busier than we are.
A couple day's schedule:
Friday: Daughter to dance class at 9:00, walk dogs, home by 10:30. 4 hour ride 11 - 3. Houseguests arrive at 3:30 for the weekend. I am a sweaty mess. Son has to be at friends to practice karate at 5:00, daughter has final dress rehearsal for her musical from 5:30 - 9:00. Pick up son at 7:30, go home. Leave an hour later to pick up daughter at 8:45.
Saturday: Up at 6:00 am to swim coach, swing by karate dojo to pick up son and his black belt partner, bring them home. Get home in time to do hair and makeup for daughter. At the theatre by 11:30. First performance at 1:00, I'm doing photography for the theatre. Go home, collect my mom and hubby. Take son's partner home. Drop son at another friend's house. 2nd performance at 4:00. Done by 6:30. Home, dinner.... oh yeah. I have a triathlon tomorrow and I haven't even gotten my gear ready!! Make dinner for houseguests, send hubby out to collect son. Try to pack triathlon gear. Done at 10:30. Sleep...
Yahhhhhh! Gone are the days when I could just hire a babysitter. Now I need to hire a taxi driver! One who can do hair, makeup, correct karate forms, do theatrical photography, and homeschool the kids..... wait. that's me. Sigh. Next year son can drive, I guess that's something.
Also, there's nothing more disconcerting than getting a phonecall when you're out on a bikeride:
"Mom, my pet mouse escaped in my room"
"Mom, I left the iron on my uniform too long and it got scorched. What do I do?"
"Mom, there's a raccoon near the chicken coop"
Did a ride (trainer), run, then Bikram tonight. I fell so much better when I can fit the Bikram in. I'm a HUGE fan now. I used to make fun of my friends who did it. Then, I got a groupon for 5 classes for $25. I figured if I hated it, I hadn't lost much money to find out. The first class was a challenge, the second was HORRIBLE, the third was better (I've heard that either the second or third is really hard). After about 7 or 8 it was like "I got this!" I didn't feel like I was going to throw up all the time. I'm still figuring out nutrition for it (what and how soon to eat before) and have to really watch hydration before and after. I'm going to try to fit in two sessions per week. I'm so relaxed when I leave because I can't think about anything else during the class (well, not for long any way). I also feel like I've had a massage (I've heard others say this, too). I can tell when I haven't gone - those knots in my shoulders get out of control. I sleep so much better when I do it. And, each class has successes ("hey! I couldn't do that last time!") and challenges ("WTF! I could do that last time!") which makes it interesting. It also has its own vocabulary. Now, I text a friend with "Hey! Had a great camel!" It really is funny.
On spousal issues - I see both sides since John races. I'm doing my first full half in September (John is going to do it, too). I'm a bit concerned that everything house-wise is going to go in the toilet with both of us training. But, it looks like he'll be in town vs. traveling Monday - Thursday. Which is a nice change. Next year will be interesting if he does IMTX and I do IMFL. We won't see each other most of the year! LOL! At least both being athletes helps us support each other. Because we have pretty much always been active since the 90's, I'm not sure how to help those with a spouse/SO that isn't. I guess the best thing, either way, is that when you are together to REALLY be together. Pay attention to what they are saying, have great conversations (not just the transactional household ones), and show them you love them. I like to put love notes and cards into John's suitcase/laptop case so he see it when he unpacks. Maybe leave cards by the coffee maker when you'll be out when they get up? A note on the mirror? Date nights are great, too. Being sure you help around the house (pet peeve - when John comes home and dumps all his bottles in the sink without loading them in the dishwasher; how many bottles can one man use?!?!?). Helping with dishes, laundry, cooking, cleaning. We tend to get so wrapped up in training we forget there is the whole other "maintenance" aspect to running a household. Don't dump it all on your spouse/SO. Just my $0.02 having seen the other side.
Well, off to walk the dogs and get to bed. I'll do more personal later. Have a great night! I'm so glad this thread has gotten active again. WOO HOO!
Penny, you have me sold on the Bikram! Sounds awkwardly, painfully, blissful! I second the note on the mirror... and the random "Love you!" text...
And DOTTIE - Ice Hockey Olympian spouse!?!?! SUPER cool!
So, Robin, you're scaring the he|| outta me here! Of course, it's going to be a trade-off: when they're older they can feed/bathe themselves, but then they'll have their own activities, and Jessica, you are 100% right. I want to be there for THEM. It's no longer about me.
My 2 year old is already in gymnastics 2 nights/week. What the heavens am I going to do when one is in hockey, one is in dance, and one is in soccer??
Robin, you give me hope, since you're apparently still alive and kicking and swimming laps around everyone. ;-)
Dottie - Way cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sheri doesn't race, although I have tried to get her into some part of the sport.. even bought her running sneakers, but she has no interest. She will ride her bike alongside me when I run on the trail sometimes but that's about it. She likes to play tennis so I try to schedule stuff so she can play, I can train and the dogs aren't left alone toooo much. They are 5 and 9 months so they both need a lot more time to learn manners, etc.
@ Everyone with 2-legged kids: Dunno how you do it!
@Kori- You mentioned diaper pail.... Which one do you have? I happen to work for Diaper Genie (So if it is the other brand, I don't wanna know.
@Kim-what about helping her find a tennis league to play in? I used to play in one and it was really fun! Sat morning games (when you could ride!) and they always have a potluck after. I was gone for hours at my tennis events pre-tri.
Or something else that she likes or can start--a book club, knitting club, hiking, volunteering--something for Sat mornings or sundays? Just a thought--
@Kori-do you have help at all? Tri is an expensive sport, but if you have any extra, maybe a cleaning lady or hire someone to come and do the cooking, laundry, unpacking/repacking stuff for an hour or two while you are with the kids for nighttime routines, etc. Sometimes you just need to be a little creative and lose a little bit of the control if you can. Again--just a thought, if you can! It takes a few nights to interview 5 candidates at a local starbucks and bam-you have some help. You'd be home, and not carrying for kids. You'd be surprised how many people like to do these kinds of jobs-reasonable cost--?
HA HA HA!!!!! Oh, Kori I can relate to that!
Dottie- excellent point on the benefits of OUTSOURCING!!!! Our kids are the furry kind and while they do require some attention, it is far less than what the 2 legged variety require- especially when they hit those soccer, gymnastics, swim team, etc years!!! OY I don't know how folks with kids juggle it all! I do remember someone here once saying that she would do her run around the soccer field while the kids played. Sure, other parents thought she was nuts, but she got in a run and was there with the kids to watch.
@Dottie: great point on outsourcing! We have some excellent dog sitters who can jump in when we need them. That makes things so much better.
@Nemo: I have a male client who does the same thing - run around the fields while the kids play.
Ran this morning. It seemed hot already at 5:30AM. YIKES! Hopefully, this summer won't be like last. I'm going to take tomorrow off. Getting together with the ladies doing the Mud Run on Saturday tonight for some upper body (AKA drinking) training for the race. We may do some lower body, too (walking back/forth to kitchen for food).
Have a great day everyone!
@Penny: It's true, those furry kids can take a lot of time/attention too. Luckily, mine like to run and are young and have a lot of energy, so I can usually kill two birds with one stone by running and taking them with me. And then they're too tired to get into much mischief!
@Jessica, I honestly think the best age for kids/IM training to coincide is somewhere between 7 - 12 years old. They can feed and dress themselves, but they also like to have babysitters and love to go to friends' houses for long playdates. Also, friends and I used to take the kids to the park and then take turns going out for runs or bike rides. I used to coach a women's triathlon group and we even did "transition day" at the playground. We brought a kiddy pool, we ran around to get our heart rate up, ran through the kiddy pool to get our feet wet and grassy, then did a transition to bike, then to run. When one mom got back, the next would take off, kind of like a relay.
With teens, leaving them for an extended "playdate" with friends can be hazardous! My 15 y.o. is pretty darn responsible but you never know when the lizard brain is going to take over with teens. My friend's son and his friend one day thought it would be really cool to shoot a movie. So they built a miniature set and of course (because they're boys) they had to have an explosion/fire. So they used her fingernail polish remover! Which spilled and then set one of the boys on fire and to the hospital. Honestly, you hear this kind of thing ALL THE TIME. It makes me so nervous.
@Nemo - the soccer field trick: I definitely use that all the time. The moms at the dance studio often see me in the parking lot. No kidding, I park my minivan, set up the laptop in the back, use the back hatch as a rain shield, and set my bike on the trainer behind the open back door with my laptop and a Sufferfest video in front of me.