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Workout posts - week of June 4



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    Well, this is crappy...supposed to do my final RR today and I wake up to a monsoon. Looking at the weather radar it appears that the pattern is going to be here for a while. I'm not going to do it in pouring rain. I'm going to wait it out for a little bit and see what happens. If it doesn't clear up I'll push it tomorrow!
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    @ Bruce, Thanks. BTW, how is your Achilles now? Better?

    @ Doug, good luck with the weather.

    I got a nice swim in last night.. around 1800 yds. My right shoulder's a bit sore from the swim re-integration, but not worse than what I've felt before. I'm sure it will settle down.

    Skipping Saturday workout. I'm doing a BBW starting tomorrow... took the week off work and just going to ride around the SF Bay Area and get some miles in.
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    Friday PM Swim:  3,000M


    Sat RR bike:    6 a.m. start…..



    Avg moving speed = 21.2 mph on a .78 IF – had a flat at mile 40.  Adding a covered wheel to the back is probably worth another 1.0 mph in the average for race day.


    Entire workout (233 watts):

        Duration:                2:44:28

        Work:                     2274 kJ

        TSS:                       162.7 (intensity factor 0.781)

        Norm Power:          239

        VI:                           1.02

        Distance:               56.132 mi

        Elevation Gain:      727 ft

        Elevation Loss:      725 ft

                                       Min     Max    Avg

        Power:                    0         516     233     watts

        Heart Rate:            60       155     140     bpm

        Cadence:               32       173     81       rpm

        Speed:                    0         38.9    20.7    mph



    Sat RR Run:



     Run turned into a suffer fest the last 3 miles due to three things – 1) 4th day in a row for running, 2) temps were rising and very warm, 3) primarily uphill the last 3 miles………


    After the 6 miles was complete, I walked most of the remaining .55 miles to cool down.  240 TSS for the day…………………..  Was 85 degrees and 60% humidity when I rolled in from the run.


    Good luck today all!
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    10 hours sleep ... BOOYAH! Muncie 70.3 is 4 weeks from today and I've hit the reset button. Time for one good cycle before I go battle the old guys again. Today's workload:

    10.15 mi run fighting the Humidity Monster. After 5 days of monsoon rain it was rough out there. I got my ass kicked but survived.
    3,000 yard swim. Includes 4 x 500 with paddles, buoy and bands to let the legs recover
    40 miles outdoor on the bike in 2hrs 1 min. I held 20mph through 30 miles but the humidity monster mugged me at everyturn and the body blows took their toll.

    About 2 hours RnR between each of those sessions. No deep quality today, but pretty good overall in the heat. @ Shaughn - yep, I know how it feels!
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    @ Enrique, enjoy the BBW! (big bike week)
    @ Shaughn, nice work on the RR today! I rode pretty much the same wattage as you in my RR. Way to man up on the flat tire (front or rear?)! It stinks to have something like that happen but I guess it's good practice.
    @ Paul, you should've just signed up for a local race or something! Nice wko's.
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    @ Enrique, enjoy the BBW! (big bike week)
    @ Shaughn, nice work on the RR today! I rode pretty much the same wattage as you in my RR. Way to man up on the flat tire (front or rear?)! It stinks to have something like that happen but I guess it's good practice.
    @ Paul, you should've just signed up for a local race or something! Nice wko's.
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    So, I didn't swim yesterday because I only got about 3 hours of sleep Thursday night and I was dragging all day. Today when I woke up it was pouring rain and I decided to push the RR to Sunday. So I went to the gym and got in a 3000 yard swim. 400 WU, 2200 in a new PR by about 45 seconds, then 400 CD. When I got out of the gym it was nice so I said what the heck, I'll do the RR. It went pretty well. Nutrition and hydration were dialed in a lot better than my previous attempt. Although, I could still stand to drink a little more. It's tough though, my stomach feels like it gets really full. Anyways, bike details here:
    Entire workout (234 watts):
    Duration: 2:42:29 (2:43:32)
    Work: 2278 kJ
    TSS: 178.6 (intensity factor 0.815)
    Norm Power: 238
    VI: 1.02
    Pw:HR: n/a
    Pa:HR: n/a
    Distance: 56.99 mi
    Min Max Avg
    Power: 0 538 234 watts
    Cadence: 32 236 84 rpm
    Speed: 0 41.9 21.0 mph
    Pace 1:26 0:00 2:51 min/mi

    When I got off the bike it felt like my heart rate was pretty high (wasn't wearing my HRM) and I was real light headed so I wasn't sure how the run was going to go. It went pretty well though. I'm sure it would've been different if I was running in Texas or Florida, you guys are tough! I wasn't able to go as fast as prescribed on the 3 miles back in but I was still satisfied with the pace. Hopefully with a little taper and race day adrenaline that'll change. Run details here:

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    @ Enrique - Thanks for asking about my achilles.  It is finally getting better.   I'm back to running & building up my frequency 1st, then volume , then speed.  Ran 4 times this week with two 5 milers and two 3 milers. No pain or soreness.  I was even able to pick up the pace today and ran the last two miles of the 5 miler @ 7:40 and 7:25 pace.  Gettin my run mojo back just in time for race season.  I'm doing an OLY in 2 weeks and then the Racine HIM on July 15.  I need to get in some longer runs before the HIM, but I doubt I'll actually do 13 miles until the race. 

    Good luck with your BBW.

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    last rr today. Felt really really easy. Hit my run times that I was so afraid of.
    8.5 hrs of sleep coming then a hard ride tomorrow.
    I can already tell that tapering is going to be a challenge.
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    @Doug - That's a hell of a lot of work to do on one day!  Great RR especially incuding the 3,000M swim up front!!

    Go to the Wiki and find the FREE Racing with Power kit.  Dowloand the Excel file and read the HIM TSS table to determine you IF for the race then derive your goal wattage.  .815 IF is on the high end if you want to be able to run well for the race.  I am targeting around .77 - .78IF and will be challenged to run well off of that, but you are a strong runner and may be able to get away with something a tad higher.

    Rest today bro!

    @ Paul - Doug and I are both 2 weeks out now from our 70.3s.   Yesterday's last 3 miles on the run really reminded me the importance of patience and staying in my box during the race.




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    Jimmy, are you training with a power meter or with HR?  Great momentum going into a race with a successful RR2!

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    @ Shaughn, thanks for the heads up. I took a look at the TSS table for my first RR but I blew myself up on that one by not drinking enough fluids. I'll take a look at the table later today. One of my problems is that I have no idea how long I'm gonna be on the bike for. The course is only about an hour from me but unfortunately I haven't been able to get out there to ride it. There's a large elevation gain in the first 12 miles but the rest of it is all downhill according to the chart on the race website.
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    Shaughn, Doug - great job on those RRs! I'm going to do one in two weeks. I'm already two HIMs and several RRs into the year so that should be sufficient. I targeted .85 FTP at St Croix and felt fine on the run, but then again, I was often coasting down some of the bigger drops. Muncie is supposed to be flat on the bike leg.

    Biked 69 miles this morning to get 200 for the week. The Humidity Monster was out with his big brother, the Horrific Muggy Monster, and at 40 miles I found myself laying on a park bench for 5 mins to catch my breath from the ABP portion of the ride. After that, it was just a Z1/Z2 heater ride. I may do something else later today but right now I need to recover.
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    Nice work Paul! Looking at your signature line you have quite a schedule this year! Wow
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    @shaughn - no power. going by hr and the bottoms of my feet...
    Maybe next year.

    120min z3 ride today. went just fine!
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    Hey team, great to see such stellar workouts. Driving back from Kansas now. Very tough conditions but a great course and a lot of fun. I finished 11th and due to the expanded slots didn't even need a rolldown to get to Vegas!! Full RR to be posted when I get some time to write it up. Short story is that I took 4 mins of my prior PB non-wetsuit swim, rode IF 0.843 on the bike (179.5 TSS), then suffered on a 94-degree unshaded run where my "disappointing" 1:38:37 run...pace of 7:31 (target was 7:00-7:09) actually GAINED placings. That how tough the run was!! Cheers!
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    @ Matt -- That's awesome! Good job.

    Well, Day 1 of BBW is done. 46 miles of very easy bike trails out here in SF East Bay. Tomorrow I'm challenging myself a bit and climbing up Mt Diablo, targeting a total of around 60 miles.

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    Congrats Matt! I heard that both Kansas and Eagleman were very hot. I hope you are going to Vegas...need you there to save finish line grub for me. image I'm traveling w EST for that race.
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