Home OutSeason (January ‘10)

January OS Week 4 Training Thread

Looking forward to another great week of training. 

And I am calling out all the lurkers with this annoying large, red font to post how you are doing!  

Bill Russell?  Al?  Joel Bell?  Anyone else?  Come on gang, Nemo needs some new blood to converse with in here. 



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    John -

    I am doing the Power Clinic, so I've been posting my workout activity there. But, like Ahnold, I'll be Bahck.

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    is the Power Clinic threads closed?? or can you give us link so we can "check up on you" AL!!! ha ha. we always like to hear how you are doing.

    I took off all of last week.. I got aggravated with persistent piriformis pain although much better.... I had finished a Saturday run at  a casual pace and could feel that area....only a small diameter but tightness...so to the detriment of my mental well being !!!! I took rest days and went to PT...bought new shoes, bought trigger point rolling pin thing!, did gardening and housework, tried to organized my calendar and would like to know the nuts and bolts of IM tng plan (ie how many hours for sat/sun rides, long runs and the other bike) so I can plug in races/trips and didn't even swim or ride last week... in a funk, was tired.. did no weights, pushups or abs!  but continued with week 2 of sugar fasting and going into week 3 now!  I feel like I have gained weight! as I have eaten nuts, fruit out the wazoo, and other healthy stuff.  The dog has also gained weight!  lol as he was forced to just walk with me....about 3 miles per day and I can say now that when I say "right" his little head turns the correct direction!  I would attempt running but felt twinging/and a tennsi ball area... so I just walked!  I would show you my cleaned out laundry room or desk but it isn't very exciting!... or the dog holes that I covered up with 10 bags of dirt!  I now leave in one month for guatemala so been prepping for that!!  and thinking about a family vacation too at the beach... so that is what I did last week!!!


    this week, our poor weather has returned with 15mph winds this afternoon and in the forties!    we did have some sun yesterday morning and it felt so nice.  and I tell you all of that to say that..... I know there are others biding their time out there... so hang with me too and we can start this THANG together!!!  m

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    OK John - here's your report!!!

    Training has been going GREAT for me! Scary great - like everyday I want to pinch myself and make sure I'm not dreaming . I have been suffering major computer & internet connection woes at my house though and since that computer has all of my WKO+ info I haven't been able to post my stuff (insert emoticon giving a big RASPBERRY!) That and I spent a whole lota time getting tax stuff done last week. Nailing the bike workouts and I am sticking to my plan of doing elliptical instead of biking on Wed. and staying on the track on Sat, hitting the intervals dead on the money. Bonus - I feel great and have lost a few lbs  (but I have also given up beer during the week and cut my portion sizes down, but am not so good as Marianne to give up my sugar completely) So the running/elliptical plan is working, but I might start back to 2 full runs a week in Feb. and try adding in 1 brick a few weeks after that if it all continues to go well. I am also sticking w/ my pilates/core stuff to help keep this hip in line and have added Bikram Yoga Monday & Friday for the time being. I won't be able to keep that up for long though as the $$$ and miles to get there are piling up. That is some hard core stuff!! And once I have to start work again in mid-Feb. all of this will become more challenging.

    Now, it's back to taxes and PW Derby cars  Almost there on both. Thanks for the link on the cars John and for the kick in the pants  I suppose I deserved it!

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    Aw, but Al- your still running right?  Don't abandon us completely!

    Tracy- I'm so happy to hear things are going well for you and your hip is behaving!  That's just awesome news and it gives me hope that I can get to where you are at some point too.

    Marianne- check out this thread which points to the new Season Training Plan Tool  That should get you started in gathering the info you are looking for.  WIth the trip to Guatamala I'm sure you are interested in sorting through a lot of these details before you leave!

    I did another water running workout this morning.  This time it was 2 sets of 5x2'(1') intervals.  The folks at the Y are getting used to my routine now and I don't have as much trouble claiming a little spot in the deep end for all of this.  I'll be bringing otterbox to Dallas with me in hopes I can do some water running there too- but I'm going to guess that they won't have a jogging belt- so it might just be swimming.  Hmmmmm, maybe I should pack some paddles too now that I think about it!

    Good luck to everyone on your bike intervals tomorrow!

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    Sorry John, life is just crazy now and I don't hardly get any free time between work and all this wedding planning crap.....oh the joy of planning a wedding! Training has been awesome for me though, I can't really believe how fast everything is coming back. My fitness has really jumped back in the past 3 weeks better then I would have ever thought.
    ....John, one day I'll post some video's of my pain cave and hopefully you will enjoy watching me suffer as much as I did watching you. That was awesome!

    How does everyone feel about not testing this week? I feel like I need to re-test as I'm holding numbers that are not even close to what I tested at, ie: (my FT is 193) Saturday ride I held 2x12 at around 220 (1.14 IF) and 3x15 at around 180 (.94 IF). Should I retest or just guess what my new FT is? What do you think?
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    Since I slept in yesterday, went to Krispy Kreme drive-thru (see that thread separately) and sat on my arse for some great football yesterday, I'm doing my 3x1 mile repeats tonight after work. Followed by a swim to get me reacquainted with using my arms for something other than waving down the waitress.

    While the bike mojo is coming together, I'm doing all I can to get my long intervals in the form of multiple shorter intervals (2x10=4x5), it's better than sandbagging altogether and I definitely feel the fatigue in the legs!
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    I read the Krispy Kreme challenge and I could almost taste the warm doughnut!! thanks Nemo I am heading there and I hoped you would have IMWI figured out... I need something easy and will report back to see if the train map is. I hope WI is nice and neatly done for us. wedding planning??? when is the date!! oh my.. very stressful! hey we need to some engagement pics!! good job on water swimming, my pool is about 30' away so I don't go there as often as I would like to. good job Scott on reentering the water,, you will notice those doughnuts!!! so you better start off with the "bigger size suit" lol.. you know I am teasing you.. (met him at CDA!).... ran 15' today on grass with dog.

    *edit:  I don't have Excel on this mac... so can't download training tool... and the other stuff isn't downloading either

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    Thank goodness they closed the Krispy Kreme by me - I love them, but have stayed away for at least a year.  Beint one for challenges, I probably would have self-inflicted that crazy thing on my already overweight off season body! (I am intrigued by the "mash whem and eat a stack of  them like a sandwich" strategy!!)

    Nice off day today. Set a personal goal of dropping at least 5 pounds this week - I weighed in this AM at 193 - 13 pounds over IM weight, and no change over the first three weeks of the OS. I need to stop the "I deserve this indulgence" attitude! 

    Maybe I should join Coach P's "1 Binge Meal a week plan project!" from FaceBook ...[script removed]

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    Great to wake up and see all the emails of your postings in my inbox.  Great work guys and gals.

    Krispy Kreme . . . . . .  YUM!  It's 9:00 AM, I have my coffee and a chocolate bar sounds mighty good right now.    Maybe 3 of them. 

    FYI - Yesterday I used that planning  tool you mentioned Nemo and I love it!  Not sure why CoachP called me out in the vid, though?  It tells me that this is my last week of OS, then 1 week transition and then I start 12 week Plan.  It made it so much easier than trying to schedule backwards from race day.  Another good tool from the coaches.

    My goal was OS until EO January, but may skip the transition week since I really haven't done much training and do OS for 2 more weeks then jump into the IM Plan.  We shall see.  In short, I am sad to say that I will be leaving January OS in 2 weeks (I can hear some of your sighs of relief and see the jumping for joy).    But until then . . .  LET'S ROCK WEEK 4!


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    Oh ya, and I changed the name of the "Social" thread.  Made it a generic name so no need to have a new one every week since there isn't much happening there.  Hope that is OK?

    John (aka the Facilitator)

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     Okay, I guess it's time to stop lurking so much and try for some accountability. Workouts have been good so far and have been very consistent until yesterdays long run. I was out of town and running was not in the cards. Trying to decide whether to do it today or just chalk it up to a missed workout. Had a great ride on saturday on my new road bike. Rode the Trinity Trail in Fort Worth on a Cervelo R3Sl and love it. Not sure I hit the ride as prescribed but I looked good doing it.  The one problem I am having is weight. I have raced best in the past at 190, which is where I was at IMFL. Now at 205 as of this morning and having a hard time dropping it since workouts are shorter compared to my pre-EN days but my intake is the same or greater.  I am starting to monitor it as of today and need to drop at least 5lbs per month by my first A race, Buffalo Springs. I will keep trying to upload some photos but keeps reading file to large and haven't figured out how to do it from Smugmug yet. Have some good shots of my Pain Cave. Love reading what is going on with everyone. 

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    @Jeff, I'm in the same boat. I missed yesterday's run too. I think I'm going to just make it up this afternoon though and pick up week 4 tomorrow as planned in the schedule.
    I too have about 15 unwanted lbs. that I've added since IMFL, don't worry though it will eventually come off once the workouts get longer and it starts to warm up!

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    I guess I'm a lurker. Started a week late due to a repiratory infection. Did week 1, then skipped to week 3. I think I'm pretty much up to speed now (need to be switching from beginner to intermediate in a week or two I think). I didn't really do OS last year - goofed off all of January, then did mostly easy to moderate work until 10-12 weeks before vineman when I switched to the IM plan. These intervals are hard. I have to admit that I haven't really set up a pain cave - I really don't like using the trainer in the garage. I do my indoor work on a bike at the health club. It's a little hard to gauge effort, but I feel like I'm about to die and my HR is high, so that must be pretty close to right. I've got a power meter on the way, so when I get that set up, I guess I'll have to do some of my bikes on the trainer if the weather doesn't cooperate. I live in NCAL, so I can pretty much run outside anytime as long as I am willing to get wet. Used to avoid that, but since I did the first 3 hours of my IM last year in the rain, I'm a little more tolerant.
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    Alright I wil stop lurking. Workouts having been going well. Been hitting power and speed intervals. Feel I have something left in me after the run intervals which makes me wonder if the vdot was accurate. Had a good bike ride outdoors on sat, being in NE I enjoy the 40deg days in the winter.

    I join the group of people missing yesterday's run, chalk it up to the jets loss , or just a crazy day with family. Will be trying to make it up today. Realized from my calendar I have 180 days to imlp, so might be time to stop missing those workouts.



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    Posted By Atif Malik on 25 Jan 2010 01:23 PM

    Feel I have something left in me after the run intervals which makes me wonder if the vdot was accurate.



    So nice to get a few lurkers out of the closet!   Atif- don't worry about having some energy left after the run workouts right now.  We're still really early in the OS and at this point the workouts shouldn't feel too hard.  We'll get there- trust me!  But for now, if you feel like you still got a little left in the tank- your doing just fine.


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    What a $hit start to my day when on the way home from work I slid into the ditch but I'm in good company TJ Tollakson did the same thing as well today. Stupid Iowa weather.
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    @Jeff / @Chad: Looks like we have a possible weight accountability group! I really want to start dropping the pounds now. I find it's harder to manage fueling / energy balance balance when the work gets longer, so I think that dropping them now with better eating will lead to more success. Who's in for a mini Jan OS weight loss accountability? (BTW - Can someone tell me how to add a footer to my posts? I want to put my stats out there, but haven't figured out how in EN 4.0!!)

    @Bob: You'll love the PM. Thjat way, all the pain and suffering is managed (not reduced, necessarily) and results are measurable!!

    WELCOME ALL LURKERS - I just became public a few weeks ago. You'll love it!

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    OK OK, my bad for not remembering that the Power Clinic Forum is closed to non-participants. I will double post in the future. Here's what I had to say yesterday, basically the week's report. (Context is others were whining about how hard/long the Saturday workout was, which included 10 x 30/30s, and 2 x 20 @ FTP, 5' @ Z5, then 2 x 15' @ 85% - does seem a bit harsh to me, too.)

     -- Since I'm a week behind, and only on week 5 of the OS, I think I had an "easier" time of it today (did my Sat bike today, as I did a 10K race yesterday). Also, my roof is closer to my ceiling than many others in the PC. And, like Matt A, I have swum once on the past two weeks, and am only running about 2.5 hours a week, both way below my usual efforts this time of year. All that, plus the AFC conf champs and two days of the TDUnder on TV made my 1 hour 44 minutes manageable. When the FTP intervals get longer, I may drop one 85% interval, or shorten both. On the other hand, my number one priority this year is to improve my biking enough to find another 7 minutes on the IM marathons at CDA and AZ, so I am all about making the OS bike workouts my primary targets from now through April 10.

    "Whatever It Takes". --

    @ Nemo - Yes I'm doing the Wednesday and Sunday runs, doing a Saturday brick as scheduled, and (so far) doing an easy 30 minute run Fri Am (but don't tell Coach R, as he wants the PCers to get rest on Mon and Fri.

    I'm swimming 30-45 min x 2 a week, and lifting weights for the HGH surge 20-30 minutes 1-2 x a week.

    Mentally, I'm still in my 3 month play zone following IM AZ, with ten more days of skiing coming up Feb 1. Then, it's hit the books for real for another IM trifecta this year.


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    Dan- are you OK?  Was it you and a car going into the ditch, or you and a bike?  What a bummer


    Mike- check out this How To Document that Beth put together for us.  It walks you through how to make that sig thing happen.

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    @nemo yeah, I'm fine slid in gently it was my car. The DOT issues tow bans meaning you can't get towed out until the storm clears. It was pure coincidence TJ went in too, but somehow made me feel better.
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    @ Dan- Glad you are OK

    @Nemo- Maybe the pool will let you borrow a float belt for the trip?

    @Atif- where in NE are you? Plenty of us around. Be sure to consider our NE potluck in the regional threads.

    Looking forward to Week 4. Can't believe it, the time is flying. I treasure Mon & Fri to sleep in just a little, but soon enough I'll be swimming. Come on spring!!!
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    Dan, oh my goodness on the ditch!!! wow glad you are okay! got pics!!?? smile. Jeff, okay on Smug Mug you see the "share" button on upper right? hit that and then copy the "medium" size URL and come here to the forum and hit "add reply" not Quick reply and up will pop at mt icon and then hit paste and voila the little URL should go there and come to the forum... Large should work too but I normally do medium. Mike B, if i remember you like chocolate and all manner of desserts...? smile. I have been every so often posting my weight in the EN body comp section, there is a spreadsheet in there and it is good accountability to weigh in, normally on Wednesdays and if that doesn't help, just put the jammer on and head to the pool!! lol. not to swim but to try and squeeze in the thing!! m
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    I'm game Mike, Lets DO IT! (Now what am I going to do with all those girlscout cookies I ordered yesterday)

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    @michele in CT.
    at least we are not getting ice. but seriously running in the cold wet rain just blows.
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    @marianne I don't have pictures but KCCI does, unfortunately my pilot (Amelia) is #10 of 14 on the slide show no sense in hiding it now FML
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    Oh Dan, for a second I thought you were pic #9!!!! Very scary! So glad things turned out ok for you!
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    @Dan - Is that really your Pilot in the slide?  What a trip!

    Got out and ran 40 minutes this afternoon.  No tech, just a fun run to keep the run frequency up.  I can tell my fitness is coming back cuz the hills I run up are getting easier.  Good way to start the week.

    And with all the talk about donuts this morning and Tom Glynn texting me he was taking his son out for a donut, well, when in Rome . . . .

    Felt like crap about 20 minutes later but it sure was good going down. 

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    No ditches for me today, but I was welcomed home by a 7 foot snow drift in front of the garage... and growing. I'm not touching it until the wind dies down. It will be a good cool down after I do my bike ride in the morning. I'll have to put pics up of that for you all to enjoy.

    Bummer about the ditch Dan. Roads were wicked slick today on the way home.
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    @John and Nemo yes totally mine.........unfortunately I can't wait to pay the towing bill to get it out. It has been noticed by a few others as well.
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    wow Dan, well at least we get to see your scenery!! I told ya to post some pics!!! had to do it the hard way huh?? no seriously, so glad you are not hurt! and speaking of being hurt, that doughnut!! wow John... did you eat all of it.. and real question what was the drink?? chocolate milk, white milk, orange juice, coffee or soda?? Personally I like coffee but I am on week 3 of sugar fasting so I might just keel over if I ate one!! okay okay I did have some hot chocolate mix yesterday!! amazing how sugar is in everything!! the best looking doughnut I ever did see though was the one that Dan Socie posted after a bike ride, was that last year or the year before?
    today's PT exercise: not a new one but they keep upping the weight!! okay so you are by this machine, standing up and an ankle strap is put around your right ankle and attached to a cable with weight at the end of that and you stand there with left foot pointing straight out and only slightly flexed at the knee and arms holding on to bar for support and with right foot (ankle strap) you kick back 30 x! and then change and do that inner ways and then do other leg. PUt a 3lb ankle weight on one side and then do some hip hikes with one leg up high on small platform and the weighted leg dangling and up down up down for 30x and then do other side. Then take that same ankle weight, lie on your side and do leg lifts 30x with hips stacked and legs parallel you lift one leg, keeping foot flexed. These and many more!! strengthen hip/glute and today was my first day not to feel piriformis. fingers crossed.
    Okay Nemo and I have been talking about a February Catch Up group.... I hate to say it, but I haven't done any of the runworkouts!!, haven't ridden in about 2 weeks! but then I haven't been eating doughnuts either !!! lol... anyways we will let you know if we have to bow out of yet another off season group!!! at some point this year, we do have to start training!!! I know there are a couple of other peeps here like Kit, Becky that don't have all three sports spinning like plates yet. anyways, haven't quite figured out how to jump into week 5 of the Jan OS.....at this point, I wanna make sure I can do any week ##! so with patience this week.... I will see if I can start in February or wait a bit longer!!
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