2013 Master Season Plans
As you all know, the Team will target the following races for 2013, with the intent of getting as many EN athletes as possible training, learning, and racing together at the same time.
- Quassy Half (6/2/13, official website)
- Ironman Lake Placid (7/21/13, official website)
- Racine 70.3 (7/14/2013, official website)
- Ironman Wisconsin (9/8/2013, official website)
We have created a few “Master Season Plans” to support this effort -- our perfect seasons for athletes who’ve registered for these main events. We’ve also made some significant changes to existing training plans and have created new plans for the 2013 season.
Changes and additions:
- There will only be two “official” OutSeason starts and groups -- November (10/29/12) and January (1/7/13).
- The OS plans will be reduced from 20- to 14-weeks, to decrease burnout, and will merge FTP and VO2 work across a single week model.
- We will introduce Single Sport Block (SSB) focused training plans to round out the OS.
Please Note: The intent of these Master Season Plans is to lay everything out for you in one shot: 2012 becomes a running block becomes the OS becomes the GF or HIM plans becomes my A-race plan, all cleanly supported by regional skills camps, Crucible Camps, and Triathlon Rallies on the IMWI & IMLP courses. This is the Easy Button for the 2013 season! |
Master Season Plans and Screencasts
Ironman Lake Placid --or-- athletes with their main A-race happening before 8/1/2013
- View the Master / Overview Screencast
- View the Online Document
- Download a PDF version
Plan A, aka The Perfect Version -- Screencast
- You will finish your 2012 triathlon season in September or early October.
- After some recovery, you’ll transition to the OutSeason in November (10/29).
- At the conclusion of the OS you’ll transition for a week of recovery.
- Then you’ll do a Single Sport Block for six (6) weeks, followed by four (4) weeks of the Get Fast Plan.
- Then it’s time to recover for one more week.
- Your training for Ironman Lake Placid officially begins on April 29th, when you’ll transition over to the Ironman training plan.
- Everyone is encouraged to race Quassy Half Iron with the Team and / or then to attend the Ironman Lake Placid Triathlon Rally (June 7th to 9th), chosen to coincide with the first official race rehearsal in your training plan.
Plan B, aka Racing In March/April Version -- Screencast
- You will finish your 2012 triathlon season in September or early October.
- After some recovery, you’ll transition to the OutSeason in November (10/29).
- At the conclusion of the OS you’ll transition for a week of recovery.
- Since you’ll be racing something in the March or April timeframe, you will only do two (2) weeks of a Single Sport Block before moving over to either the 70.3 Plan (for Half Irons) or the Get Fast Plan (for sprints, olympics, duathlons, etc.). The plan you choose here depends on your Spring and early Summer race calendar.
- You will merge with Plan A for the transition week of 4/22 before starting your Ironman training on April 29th.
Plan C, aka Newbie Ironman Athlete Version -- Screencast
- You will finish your 2012 triathlon season in September or early October.
- After some recovery, you’ll transition to the OutSeason in November (10/29).
- At the conclusion of the OS you’ll transition for a week of recovery.
- You will do a shortened, four (4) week Single Sport Block to get some specific fitness / strength.
- You will then transition into the 20-week Ironman Plan on March 11th, merging with Plan A and B who will start their Ironman training on April 29th.
Ironman Wisconsin --or-- Athletes with their main A-race happening after 8/1/2013
- View the overview PowerPoint presentation, with screencasts
- View the season plan spreadsheet on Google Docs here, or
- Download the .pdf here
Plan A, aka the Perfect Season -- Screencast
- You will finish your 2012 triathlon season in September or early October.
- After some recovery, you’ll transition to about an eight week running / running focused training block through the holidays.
- You will start the OutSeason on January 7th
- At the conclusion of the OS you’ll transition to the Get Faster or Half Ironman plan, depending on your spring and early summer race calendar.
- Your training for Ironman Wisconsin officially begins on June 17th, when you’ll transition over to the Ironman training plan.
- Everyone is encouraged to race Racine 70.3 with the team and / or to attend the Ironman Wisconsin Triathlon Rally (link), chosen to coincide with the first official race rehearsal in your training plan.
Plan B, aka Late 2012 A-Race and Spring 2013 Short Course or Half Ironman -- Screencast
- Your 2012 triathlon season ends in late October or November.
- After some recovery you’ll do a ~4 week running block, ending when you...
- Start the OutSeason on January 7th.
- You’ll then merge with Plan A at the conclusion of the OS and start your Ironman training on June 17th.
Plan C, aka Very Late 2012 A-Race, Late Spring 2013 Race, and Experienced Ironman Athlete -- Screencast
- Your 2012 triathlon season ends in November, ie, IMFL, IMAZ, and IMCoz athletes.
- After recovering through December, you’ll start the OutSeason on January 7th.
- At the conclusion of the OS you’ll do a single sport focus training plan or the Get Faster plan.
- You’ll then merge with Plan A and B, starting your Ironman training on June 17th.
Plan D, aka Some Flavor of A, B, or C 2012 Finishes, but Need / Want an Extra 8 Weeks in the IM Plan after Your OutSeason -- Screencast
- At the end of your 2012 season you’ll drop yourself into one of the A, B, or C post-2012 tracks above.
- You will start the OutSeason with the Team on January 7th.
- You’ll take one transition week at the conclusion of the OutSeason plan and then begin the 20wk Ironman training plan, for a full 20wks of Ironman training, on April 22nd.
- Any short course or Half Ironman races will do in route to Wisconsin will be integrated into your Ironman training plan.
As a reminder, this is part of our 2012-2013 plan for races, camps, etc which you can read more about here.
I am looking towards IM Lake Placid in July 2013, after the 70.3 that I am working towards on Sept 8th, the next real "A" event I have is the Goofy Challenge Jan. 12th & 13th, which kind of lands around weeks 11-12 of the O.S. part. Would we be looking to incorporate some more run time into that O.S. to make that work? I know we have a lot of time (Months actually) to figure that out, but it is DISNEY so something to look forward to.
Part of the reason why we wanted to get this out there so soon is so we can help you better choose what races to do and not do.
Please see this blog post regarding marathons.
And everyone else thinking about doing a marathon within the boundaries of these season plans we've laid out...please read the blog post above ;-)
I'm definitely a "C"-type, coming back from a long layoff, training to finish IMTX in May as my A race for 2013. After that, I'm just doing fun stuff.
Given that, following the guidance laid out, I would start a 14 week OS August 26. I would not expect the new 2013 OS plans to be released by then and I would not ask that of you guys. So, how would/could I adjust the 2012 OS plan (20 weeks) down to 14 weeks? Just do the 8-week FTP + 6 week VO2 (weeks 1-14)?
here's the official 2013 date on the website:
Looking at the A plan for IMLP....
I have the 'need to run Boston' but want to have my single sport block focus on bike.... yes, I've read the marathon blog post... so "I know what I am doing" (in the stupid sense AND that I know it's stupid)... so yes, having the cake and eating too... classic...
I'm running Boston for a charity I support and want to commit to that... but really, I am quite content with just COMPLETING it at my long run pace (7:28) or so and possibly limiting the impact/damage...
if Boston was run EASY, could I still manage a SSB Bike if:
a) just maintain easy/long run once/week
b) avoid taper and
c) reduce recovery time.... ?
this is unconventional for sure... just want the thoughts on this.... is it possible to do the bike focus and have the easy/long run once/week to keep the legs in the know for Boston? or would the bike focus cause my legs to hemmorage if I tried to get a long/easy run in there?
Thanks in advance...
If you're doing marathon training during a bike focus training plan...then it's not really a bike focus training plan and I would counter why are you bothering to call it a bike focus plan? If it's truly your limiter...then work on it for reals
Sorry, but I'm always going to toe a very, very hard line when it comes to our athletes doing marathons, even Boston, in route to their A-races. The reason is because Patrick and I can show you countless, countless "I want my cake and eat it to" situations as you describe that end with us replying, some where in route to their A-race or after their A-race with an "I told you so."
So with my tri coach hat on I'm going to continue to try to talk you, and everyone else, out of it because this time we've given ourselves enough lead time to keep our athletes from registering for all kinds of stuff that doesn't make much sense given the goals they've given us
! Thanks Rich! In the span of mere minutes, I've hatched a plan that will work... I'll support the marathon team, but won't run it... I'll keep the charity work on schedule with the marathon, but extend it and have it tied to IMLP... this will allow me to stay connected to the marathon while focusing on IMLP... I want to be in Kona next October so I will be a good disciple and listen! No cake for me 
Does this mean we won't be able to load the OS plan to begin any date we want?
Well i am overwhelmed. Just starting to understand the OS and Iron plans and how to make them work for me. Not sure how to work in this new info for future planning. especially with may and november IMs.
@Robin: nothing has changed. You can still get all the help you need in the Macro Thread or by submitting a race survey. In fact, if your A-race is in May or in November, I supposed you could just ignore this entire thread, etc all together.
Degree of difficulty: I've been wrangled into the Mickey Mouse Marathon on Jan 7th (with no other races between late Sept and Jan ... and before a larger group of friends worked up the courage for IM). Would I just delay entry into the "A" group by a week or would it make more sense to follow the "B" plan? Both seems reasonable as I sit here typing away at the keyboard in July the year before, but it is July so lots of things seem reasonable.
Since a couple of people have raised the IM Tahoe issue, I'll throw in my 2¢ on my preliminary calendar for 2013. My life inlcudes the folllowing: last race in 2012 on Oct 13. 2-3 weeks of down time in Jan-Feb for skiing (basically MLK - Pres day). I'll either do an HIM the first weekend of May, or Am Zof 3rd weekend - or both! Then IM Tahoe. Don;t tell anyone, but I'll also roll into IM Coz two months after that. So what do I see my macro training plan to be?
November OS. I've been doing "only" 14 weeks of OS for several years now, so I'm glad this gets official OK. Start HIM plan Mid-Feb. Starting late May, Get Faster Plan to get me through June. (June will also inlcude 1-2 BBW/BTW in the mountains.) July 1, start IM training for Tahoe. The last week of the Get Faster plan is a down week, testing only, and serves as a good transition into 12 weeks of IM training. And I'll take a week of recovery/transition following my May races before starting the GF plan, which I'll load to end on June 30th.
If you are NOT going to do an early season race, then the Jan OS makes the most sense, of course.
RnP, I like the concept surrounding the specificty (and flexibility) for the supported events, nice job. The sport specific blocks are progressive as is the shortening of the OS.
I like that it can be tweaked or EN'rs can continue to load what they feel they need (with support from Rich).
Myself, well I am doing the ITU long dist event in France 6/2/2013 it essentially aligns and I just need to tweak the distances a bit.
This is helpful...I figured after I get through IMLP I'll "design" the 2013 season. I've contemplated Am Zo as well. Would be some good bike training and it's a quick trip for me. The way you have briefly outlined your season gives good food for thought! Thanks!!!
Great - Joel doesn't like change
thx for this - really awesome how much work you guys do for us here.... I think my plan for next yr is to focus on (local) 70.3's (with 3 little munchkins, getting away for races is a REAL issue...) - having said that I MAY travel to Oceanside 70.3 to start my season and was then hoping to qualify for 70.3 Worlds again (at the Calgary 70.3?), race that hard and then use my season of 70.3 race speed and fitness to transition into a late season IM - AZ if I can get in online (as per reason above I can`t travel to this yrs to volunteer and get in that way so have to rely on being fast on the draw on the internet when it opens online...)
I was planning on doing the Calgary Marathon (end of May) - but having read the above blog link I think I will cut that to the HM as we have a local 70.3 I would do about 3 wks later so a full marathon would mess with that prep (its been the course for the Provincial Long Course Championships so want to go in strong!)
Thx again as the way you lay out this Master Plan makes it easy to see how I can plan out next season given my goal A races (Calgary 70.3 to get a Worlds slot, then Worlds - then I still have what - 8 or 9 wks to build to AZ). Its great to be able to slide into this general outline, with just a few tweaks, rather than having to try to start from scratch!
Really liking all this master planning stuff!
I have a view questions for all you peeps. Having set my goal to go full ironman in 2013, I have choices to make. Here are my inputs:
Originally my thought is to do a late 2013 summer event. So far in the running- IMWI, Cedar Point, and Beach to Battleship. I wasn't set on doing Syracuse 70.3 next year (Quassy as a team event sure is appealing), except as maybe a team depending on training schedule. Earlier summer event is a conflict as spring turkey hunting season is a huge passion of mine, also most springs are not as nice for biking as this past one was. I would be willing to back off hunting in May to do IMLP as the IM training would start then. I see that IMLP is a week later in 2013. Not sold on doing Quassy as a 70.3, but maybe as an OLY or even doing the 70.3 as an EN team. Really would enjoy being with the team and all the mojo that goes with it. My goal is to do my first ironman with all the EN mojo and team support as I can. This means attening the camp (which ever one applies) as well.
Two questions: Comparing IMLP against IMWI, which makes for a better first ironman? My entry attempt would be online, should I try to get in IMLP, or hold for IMWI?
anyone else having trouble with the screencasts? every time i launch, i get to the page, IE goes 'pop' and i lose the window.
i downloaded the pdf but would like to hear the pitch.
Old plan:
This fall/winter, I planned to do a 20 week OS. In the spring, I planned to start the 20 week HIM plan keying on the St. George race as the terminal point of the HIM plan. After St. George, I planned to do a transition plan (never used them, but I see them out there) or maybe take a break for a week or two, then begin 20 week IM plan keyed on the IMFL race as the terminal point. At about week 5 of the IM plan, I would do Muncie with a 3 day taper. After Muncie, I would resume the IM plan at about week 7 and follow it through to IMFL. My goal is to maintain an upward trajectory in fitness throughout the season and minimize training interruptions.
New Plan:
Under the new plan that's being proposed, I'm not quite sure. My last HIM race in 2012 is September 8, so I would like to start the OS work or do something starting in mid September but no later than October (a great time to run in Michigan). If I do the 8 week running focus block as the new plan suggests, I will be ready for the OS in November or December, followed by the 8 weeks get faster leading up to St. George in May. After St. George, I do Muncie 8 weeks later and need some kind of plan to follow (another 8 weeks of go faster or start the 20 week IM plan?). After Muncie, depending on how things were done, I would either need to pick up the IM plan around week 4 or continue the IM plan if I start it before Muncie.
Can you get me going in the right direction?
@Paul -- this is 2012 and we are talking about 2013 stuff. Please give us another year, at least, to sort out 2014 :-)
@Steven -- no, we have not yet written those single sport plans