Garmin Device
Forerunner 910XT
IMMoo RR: 10:32:46 #8 in AG #114 overall. Missed KQ by one spot.
Pre race had taken more rest than usual to recover from CDA but had very good RR#1 29 days out and RR#2 16 days out and 20.5 mile run 24 days out practicing increased calorie and fluid intake and confidence was high. Taper was uneventful and no nagging injuries or colds/URI. Weather forecast even looked favorable so it seemed I had only to execute as I had in training and gut out last 10-14K of run.
Had gained 3-4 lbs since CDA as I may have been too lean and certainly battled cold weather in Idaho. Swimming had been going as well as it had in recent years as per my interval splits and training partners complaints and riding was as good as ever and had been able to tolerate more calories on RR's and actually negative split my wattage like never before. Worried about run post CDA but my negative split long run 24 days out w/ 200 cal/hr of gel and 30 oz/hr of H2O w/o any GI issues eased that concern. Felt very good at end of that run unlike my typical slowing late in a long run. It was 7:59/mi avg which was a bit faster than my goal 3:35 at IMMoo but I had run mid 7's at end and lowered avg pace.
Ate plenty of carbs leading up to race and race morning ate at 3:45AM. Had 1.5 bagels w/ honey on them, 2 bananas, 24 oz OJ, 30 grams whey w/ water, 32 oz water and 20 oz G2 (low cal but used for 'lytes), 2 S caps. At 6:15 had 16 oz water, 2 Hammer gels, 3 S caps and went down to swim entrance to beat crowds and stress. Very low stress morning w/o rushing around and took cab to RSN/BSN bags to stay off feet. Had also had very low stress travel to race and pre race and skipped all social engagements, dinners, etc to just relax last 3 days. Nothing occured which I could use as an excuse or to blame a poor performance on!
In water at 645am to warm up and do 3-4 short accels to help make race pace feel slower and hung on kayak behind ski ramp a few minutes until 6:58 when I moved to far left (inside) up front as I had had a great swim from there in 2009. P had advised to swim easily and conserve energy so I avoided the scrum and when boxed in by swimmer on both sides, would yield ground rather than fight. Had VERY relaxed swim though longest leg was into a bit of chop and had to roll more than I wanted to breathe. Might have been too relaxed as time was 68:44 vs my 2009 time of 63:55 when I was more in the mix but not any fitter swim-wise.
Thought I had a very good but not rushed T1 and put on arm warmers (socks from Walmart for throwaway) as I did in 2009. Time was 7:21 vs 2009 time of 6:48.
Cool and windy on bike and winds increased during day so I rode 808 ft and Sub 9 rear rather than 1080 front. In 2009 I used same wheel set but was on a Pinarello and had a less aero and aggressive fit than I do now on my Speed Concept 9.9 after working w/ Todd K. New setup proven faster at 10 mi TT at Lowes Motor Speedway over several events.
Goal was keep VI to 1.03 and NP no higher than 225W and negative split the halves while eating >50% of calories by 56 mi mark. No time goals, only food goals and execution goals. Started GPS after exiting helix and stopped timer on arriving at helix for T2 so distance a tad short. 1st 15-20 minutes was very crowded due to slower swim and no passing zone/bike path and AVP was about 160 until well after Rimrock. Stayed safe during passing so no IMC repeats. Legs felt decent and stuck with goal of NP of <220W 1st half and planned to allow self to increase to <225NP 2nd half if legs ok. Started eating/drinking early. Total cals were: 1710 of Inifnit in 128 oz fluid, 1 large banana (150 cal), 400 cal EFS Liquid Shot and approx 40-50 oz water. Also had 3 S caps and 2 Vivarin at halfway of bike. By BSN at mi 58 had eaten half of Inifnit, 300 cal of EFS and all banana. A couple times I felt slightly full so backed off heart rate until I felt better then started eating again.<br />
Feel like I rode well and met calorie and execution goals. VI 1.04 but peed x 3 at mi 35, 70 and 109 and coasted then as well as on some hills ( Vmax was 48.7 mph and only had a 53/12). Also had to brake more on 1st loop to avoid some passes around high speed corners w/ some peers w/ scary bad bike handing skills. Also had to back off many times and soft pedal when multiple draft packs went past on flatter sections. Ref moto would pull up and watch them but I saw ZERO penalty calls and not a single person in penalty tent during my ride. I heard farther back in pack there were some calls made as per my buddy Tim who rode a 5:50 time.
Tried to keep watts low on hill but sometimes had to go 280-300W just to keep cadence at 60 on a 39-27 gear. Still, I noticed I was being passed on uphills and flying by the passers on all downhills and I was very happy to know I was doing opposite of vast majority and what coaches had told me to do. I visualized running them down late in run.
Felt like wind picked up 2nd half and my time was postivie split even though I had identical AVP and NP on 1st and 2nd halves. Legs were not as great as I initially thought so ended up not increasing wattage 2nd half. Instead kept HR lower and ate, ate, ate.
2260 cal in 5:20:57 = 426 cal/hr which far exceeds my previous 300-325 cal/hr at prior IM's. My ride in 2009 was 5:15:07 but I lost wattage data (was on a wired SRM PCV so not comparable anyway) so was disappointed in time but figured it was due to wind and I only had to use 269 TSS to get #3 AG ride so figured I was setup for a great run given cooler temps than in 2009.
T2 was a quick 2:44 vs 3:39 in 2009 when I cramped at mile 111 after what was likely a much higher VI ride. Took 3 S caps and 2 Tylenol in T2 also. Carried a 20 oz bottle to refill and flasks of Napalm w/ 600 mg sodium and 185 mg caffeine per 250 cal. Had 3 flasks total for 750 cal on run, also took 2 S caps w/ each 100 cal of Napalm at mile 2 then every 3 miles after that (miles 5, 8, 11, etc.)
Noticed that when I got off bike in T2, my legs felt AWFUL. Not cramping as in 2009 but very stiff, sore and I had a terrible stride length. Kept positive and figured I'd loosen up soon particularly since I did a 269 TSS ride and had felt much better on each RR leading up to Moo. Used my 310 as 910 was mounted on bike so I could look at AVP/NP w/o breaking aero but since 310 was in T2 bag INSIDE terrace, it had lost signal and gave me incorrect pace 1st mile. Correct pace from then on but seems file was corrupted and I'm trying to recover it now though I can view splits on watch now.
Put on arm coolers and hat as I ran and 1st 10K was at about goal pace and happy that my heart rate was lower than I was expecting in mid to high 120's so was confident I'd have more to give late in marathon. Drank 10 oz water per 100 cal Napalm so filled bottle 3 times for 80 oz total. Also grabbed sponges, wet hat/arm coolers, etc at EACH aid station.
Met run nutrition goals except for mile 17 and 20 feedings when I got more like 75 cal instead of 100 cal and total was 700 cal Napalm rather than 750 cal but this is again more than I had consumed in either water or calories in 8 prior IM's. Got all S caps in and took an extra "emergency" 500 mg Tylenol and 200 mg Vivarin in RSN bag when I noticed my RPE was increasing but pace was dropping from 10-30K on run. HR was not budging despite increased RPE.
Legs felt progressively worse during run despite cool temps and breeze. Stride length was pitiful and avg cadence was only 88. Just couldn't make legs GO! At mile 19 at bottom of last major hill on Observatory I decided to force myself to get back to sub 9:00 miles but when I stopped x 2 for feedings, could not make back the time. Last run split was about equal to 2nd to last run split which actually required a lot more mental energy and focus to do even though it looks like crap. Very disappointing and perplexing given my execution that day.
Run split 3:53:00 vs 3:42:33 in 2009 when battling cramps and eating Endurolytes like candy in 10 degree+ warmer temps. This blows my mind as I have been running much better this year than I had in 2009.
I cetainly did not perform up to my expectations or ride to what I thought would be a KQ. Imagine my surprise when it rolled down to #7 in my AG and I missed it by one spot (though many minutes). The real slat in wound was the fact the German guy who I saw on bike in a draft pack got the last KQ in my AG! WTF happened to Karma???
To summarize, I followed my execution to near perfection but underperformed really in all 3 disciplines as compared to 2009 when I raced in an admittedly "dumber" manner EN-wise. I will note I was averaging a good 22+ hours/week the summer of 2009. What does this say about me and my N=1 as far as the volume/intensity equation??? I don't know. Thoughts?? Should I go back to a volume approach and apply my improved nutrition and execution to that type of training? Not sure, just brain storming and looking for some answers if any are out there....
My manual run splits as per Garmin 310XT (1st mile not correct) w/ HR and cad.
6:45 @ 130/92, 8:06 @ 130/91, 8:09 @ 129/89, 8:21 @ 130/89, 8:18 @ 128/89, 9:01 @ 131/85, 8:11 @ 130/90, 8:35 @ 130/88, 8:39 @ 126/88, 8:41 @ 128/89, 9:06 @ 126/87, 8:45 @ 124/89, 9:08 @ 126/89, 9:19 @ 123/88, 9:14 @ 124/88, 9:15 @ 124/87, 9:19 @ 125/88, 9:30 @ 122/86, 9:49 @ 125/84, 8:49 @ 127/88, 9:20 @ 125/87, 9:20 @ 124/87, 8:55 @ 128/89, 9:09 @ 128/87, 8:57 @ 126/88, 9:11 @ 130/88, 7:55 @ 133/91 (last 1/3 mi) dead "sprint".
Lap 1 (0:28:00.50):
Duration: 28:01
Work: 341 kJ
TSS: 22.5 (intensity factor 0.7)
Norm Power: 215
VI: 1.06
Pw:HR: -16.77%
Pa:HR: 0.96%
Distance: 10.006 mi
Elevation Gain: 320 ft
Elevation Loss: 165 ft
Grade: 0.3 % (148 ft)
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 452 203 watts
Heart Rate: 99 132 120 bpm
Cadence: 6 113 89 rpm
Speed: 0 35.2 21.2 mph
Pace 1:42 0:00 2:49 min/mi
Altitude: 873 1074 931 ft
Crank Torque: 0 1415 194 lb-in
Lap 2 (0:27:39.75):
Duration: 27:40
Work: 354 kJ
TSS: 23.7 (intensity factor 0.717)
Norm Power: 220
VI: 1.03
Pw:HR: -0.22%
Pa:HR: -1.9%
Distance: 10.002 mi
Elevation Gain: 303 ft
Elevation Loss: 473 ft
Grade: -0.3 % (-170 ft)
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 389 213 watts
Heart Rate: 98 130 120 bpm
Cadence: 24 115 89 rpm
Speed: 0 40.6 21.5 mph
Pace 1:29 0:00 2:47 min/mi
Altitude: 881 1158 986 ft
Crank Torque: 0 734 205 lb-in
Lap 3 (0:31:00.60):
Duration: 31:02
Work: 410 kJ
TSS: 27.9 (intensity factor 0.734)
Norm Power: 225
VI: 1.02
Pw:HR: 3.33%
Pa:HR: 9.98%
Distance: 10.008 mi
Elevation Gain: 640 ft
Elevation Loss: 371 ft
Grade: 0.5 % (272 ft)
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 359 220 watts
Heart Rate: 101 130 121 bpm
Cadence: 42 123 88 rpm
Speed: 0 42.3 19.2 mph
Pace 1:25 0:00 3:07 min/mi
Altitude: 868 1180 993 ft
Crank Torque: 0 387 212 lb-in
Lap 4 (0:27:44.09):
Duration: 27:44
Work: 340 kJ
TSS: 23.6 (intensity factor 0.715)
Norm Power: 219
VI: 1.07
Pw:HR: 3.81%
Pa:HR: -24.82%
Distance: 10.003 mi
Elevation Gain: 432 ft
Elevation Loss: 775 ft
Grade: -0.6 % (-343 ft)
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 425 205 watts
Heart Rate: 88 131 119 bpm
Cadence: 6 135 87 rpm
Speed: 6.6 42.7 21.5 mph
Pace 1:24 9:07 2:47 min/mi
Altitude: 785 1163 957 ft
Crank Torque: 0 622 200 lb-in
Lap 5 (0:28:24.23):
Duration: 28:24
Work: 376 kJ
TSS: 26.4 (intensity factor 0.747)
Norm Power: 229
VI: 1.04
Pw:HR: 5.95%
Pa:HR: -15.67%
Distance: 9.996 mi
Elevation Gain: 577 ft
Elevation Loss: 463 ft
Grade: 0.2 % (114 ft)
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 390 221 watts
Heart Rate: 104 133 124 bpm
Cadence: 14 122 85 rpm
Speed: 4.7 48.2 21.0 mph
Pace 1:15 12:52 2:52 min/mi
Altitude: 812 1107 944 ft
Crank Torque: 0 456 224 lb-in
Lap 6 (0:26:44.40):
Duration: 26:55
Work: 331 kJ
TSS: 22.2 (intensity factor 0.704)
Norm Power: 216
VI: 1.05
Pw:HR: -3.44%
Pa:HR: 16.36%
Distance: 10.002 mi
Elevation Gain: 267 ft
Elevation Loss: 377 ft
Grade: -0.2 % (-113 ft)
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 409 205 watts
Heart Rate: 101 139 124 bpm
Cadence: 7 125 87 rpm
Speed: 0 42.9 22.2 mph
Pace 1:24 0:00 2:42 min/mi
Altitude: 820 945 883 ft
Crank Torque: 0 1440 202 lb-in
Lap 7 (0:32:09.84):
Duration: 32:10
Work: 415 kJ
TSS: 28.1 (intensity factor 0.724)
Norm Power: 222
VI: 1.03
Pw:HR: -0.07%
Pa:HR: 13.02%
Distance: 9.998 mi
Elevation Gain: 593 ft
Elevation Loss: 344 ft
Grade: 0.5 % (249 ft)
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 404 215 watts
Heart Rate: 114 138 128 bpm
Cadence: 23 116 86 rpm
Speed: 0 39.8 18.5 mph
Pace 1:31 0:00 3:15 min/mi
Altitude: 798 1089 890 ft
Crank Torque: 0 431 214 lb-in
Lap 8 (0:28:02.66):
Duration: 28:03
Work: 352 kJ
TSS: 23.4 (intensity factor 0.708)
Norm Power: 217
VI: 1.04
Pw:HR: 5.05%
Pa:HR: -13.21%
Distance: 10.008 mi
Elevation Gain: 453 ft
Elevation Loss: 816 ft
Grade: -0.7 % (-363 ft)
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 357 210 watts
Heart Rate: 95 134 126 bpm
Cadence: 20 117 87 rpm
Speed: 5.7 40 21.3 mph
Pace 1:30 10:30 2:49 min/mi
Altitude: 686 1103 923 ft
Crank Torque: 0 1368 207 lb-in
Lap 9 (0:29:23.19):
Duration: 29:24
Work: 380 kJ
TSS: 25.8 (intensity factor 0.725)
Norm Power: 223
VI: 1.03
Pw:HR: -0.84%
Pa:HR: 1.02%
Distance: 9.999 mi
Elevation Gain: 562 ft
Elevation Loss: 353 ft
Grade: 0.4 % (217 ft)
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 371 216 watts
Heart Rate: 116 138 129 bpm
Cadence: 21 115 85 rpm
Speed: 0 48 20.3 mph
Pace 1:15 0:00 2:57 min/mi
Altitude: 698 1045 850 ft
Crank Torque: 0 665 221 lb-in
Lap 10 (0:26:08.34):
Duration: 26:09
Work: 318 kJ
TSS: 20 (intensity factor 0.677)
Norm Power: 208
VI: 1.02
Pw:HR: -1.39%
Pa:HR: 8.86%
Distance: 10.009 mi
Elevation Gain: 251 ft
Elevation Loss: 331 ft
Grade: -0.2 % (-79 ft)
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 368 203 watts
Heart Rate: 116 132 125 bpm
Cadence: 8 120 87 rpm
Speed: 0 41.4 22.8 mph
Pace 1:27 0:00 2:38 min/mi
Altitude: 785 972 854 ft
Crank Torque: 0 1070 198 lb-in
Lap 11 (0:29:12.83):
Duration: 29:13
Work: 346 kJ
TSS: 22.2 (intensity factor 0.675)
Norm Power: 207
VI: 1.05
Pw:HR: 5.18%
Pa:HR: 0.56%
Distance: 9.994 mi
Elevation Gain: 301 ft
Elevation Loss: 424 ft
Grade: -0.2 % (-130 ft)
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 382 197 watts
Heart Rate: 102 133 125 bpm
Cadence: 14 106 85 rpm
Speed: 7.5 35.4 20.4 mph
Pace 1:42 7:59 2:56 min/mi
Altitude: 704 980 785 ft
Crank Torque: 0 1153 196 lb-in
Lap 12 (0:04:53.41):
Duration: 4:49
Work: 55 kJ
TSS: n/a
Norm Power: n/a
VI: n/a
Pw:HR: 15.17%
Pa:HR: 9.72%
Distance: 1.502 mi
Elevation Gain: 46 ft
Elevation Loss: 20 ft
Grade: 0.4 % (30 ft)
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 349 194 watts
Heart Rate: 106 126 121 bpm
Cadence: 20 99 86 rpm
Speed: 0 22.2 18.5 mph
Pace 2:42 0:00 3:14 min/mi
Altitude: 715 744 722 ft
Crank Torque: 0 533 190 lb-in
Entire workout (210 watts):
Duration: 5:19:34
Work: 4024 kJ
TSS: 269.6 (intensity factor 0.712)
Norm Power: 219
VI: 1.04
Pw:HR: 5.68%
Pa:HR: 7.05%
Distance: 111.528 mi
Elevation Gain: 4743 ft
Elevation Loss: 4911 ft
Grade: -0.0 % (-169 ft)
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 452 210 watts
Heart Rate: 88 139 124 bpm
Cadence: 6 135 87 rpm
Speed: 0 48.2 20.8 mph
Pace 1:15 0:00 2:53 min/mi
Altitude: 686 1180 906 ft
Crank Torque: 0 1440 207 lb-in
Peak 5s (383 watts):
Duration: 0:05
Work: 1 kJ
TSS: n/a
Norm Power: n/a
VI: n/a
Pw:HR: -0.52%
Pa:HR: -2.58%
Distance: 73 ft
Elevation Gain: 0 ft
Elevation Loss: 0 ft
Grade: 4.5 % (3 ft)
Min Max Avg
Power: 347 404 383 watts
Heart Rate: 121 121 121 bpm
Cadence: 85 87 86 rpm
Speed: 10.4 11 10.5 mph
Pace 5:27 5:47 5:42 min/mi
Altitude: 911 914 913 ft
Crank Torque: 345 397 375 lb-in
Peak 10s (345 watts):
Duration: 0:10
Work: 3 kJ
TSS: n/a
Norm Power: n/a
VI: n/a
Pw:HR: -25.43%
Pa:HR: 5.06%
Distance: 155 ft
Elevation Gain: 0 ft
Elevation Loss: 0 ft
Grade: 8.9 % (14 ft)
Min Max Avg
Power: 258 404 345 watts
Heart Rate: 121 122 121 bpm
Cadence: 66 87 78 rpm
Speed: 10.4 12.2 10.8 mph
Pace 4:54 5:47 5:32 min/mi
Altitude: 907 914 911 ft
Crank Torque: 320 408 372 lb-in
Peak 20s (337 watts):
Duration: 0:20
Work: 6 kJ
TSS: n/a
Norm Power: n/a
VI: n/a
Pw:HR: 3.68%
Pa:HR: 14%
Distance: 356 ft
Elevation Gain: 10 ft
Elevation Loss: 0 ft
Grade: 6.1 % (22 ft)
Min Max Avg
Power: 303 373 337 watts
Heart Rate: 123 129 126 bpm
Cadence: 72 87 77 rpm
Speed: 10.8 14.9 12.1 mph
Pace 4:02 5:33 4:58 min/mi
Altitude: 923 941 932 ft
Crank Torque: 294 413 371 lb-in
Peak 30s (316 watts):
Duration: 0:30
Work: 9 kJ
TSS: n/a
Norm Power: n/a
VI: n/a
Pw:HR: 0.55%
Pa:HR: 28.68%
Distance: 715 ft
Elevation Gain: 31 ft
Elevation Loss: 0 ft
Grade: 4.4 % (31 ft)
Min Max Avg
Power: 215 387 316 watts
Heart Rate: 99 123 111 bpm
Cadence: 80 103 90 rpm
Speed: 13.7 19.6 16.1 mph
Pace 3:04 4:22 3:44 min/mi
Altitude: 891 923 906 ft
Crank Torque: 178 396 301 lb-in
Peak 1min (290 watts):
Duration: 1:00
Work: 17 kJ
TSS: n/a
Norm Power: n/a
VI: n/a
Pw:HR: 13.25%
Pa:HR: 7.19%
Distance: 666 ft
Elevation Gain: 63 ft
Elevation Loss: 0 ft
Grade: 9.5 % (63 ft)
Min Max Avg
Power: 245 371 290 watts
Heart Rate: 128 137 133 bpm
Cadence: 59 82 67 rpm
Speed: 6.5 12.7 7.6 mph
Pace 4:43 9:17 7:54 min/mi
Altitude: 975 1038 1010 ft
Crank Torque: 293 458 367 lb-in
Peak 2min (265 watts):
Duration: 2:00
Work: 31 kJ
TSS: n/a
Norm Power: n/a
VI: n/a
Pw:HR: 2.55%
Pa:HR: 27.61%
Distance: 0.311 mi
Elevation Gain: 120 ft
Elevation Loss: 0 ft
Grade: 7.5 % (123 ft)
Min Max Avg
Power: 147 314 265 watts
Heart Rate: 125 132 129 bpm
Cadence: 55 100 70 rpm
Speed: 4.7 22.6 9.3 mph
Pace 2:40 12:52 6:28 min/mi
Altitude: 870 993 936 ft
Crank Torque: 132 439 330 lb-in
Peak 5min (249 watts):
Duration: 5:00
Work: 74 kJ
TSS: 5.6 (intensity factor 0.817)
Norm Power: 251
VI: 1.01
Pw:HR: -1.96%
Pa:HR: -6.92%
Distance: 1.198 mi
Elevation Gain: 190 ft
Elevation Loss: 12 ft
Grade: 2.9 % (181 ft)
Min Max Avg
Power: 52 376 249 watts
Heart Rate: 124 133 127 bpm
Cadence: 49 99 79 rpm
Speed: 4.8 30.6 14.1 mph
Pace 1:58 12:32 4:16 min/mi
Altitude: 926 1107 1012 ft
Crank Torque: 60 456 276 lb-in
Peak 10min (239 watts):
Duration: 10:00
Work: 143 kJ
TSS: 10.4 (intensity factor 0.791)
Norm Power: 243
VI: 1.02
Pw:HR: 7.31%
Pa:HR: -55.84%
Distance: 3.077 mi
Elevation Gain: 287 ft
Elevation Loss: 74 ft
Grade: 1.4 % (224 ft)
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 376 239 watts
Heart Rate: 116 133 127 bpm
Cadence: 30 109 83 rpm
Speed: 4.8 36.4 18.2 mph
Pace 1:39 12:32 3:17 min/mi
Altitude: 875 1107 1028 ft
Crank Torque: 0 456 250 lb-in
Peak 20min (228 watts):
Duration: 20:00
Work: 273 kJ
TSS: 19.5 (intensity factor 0.765)
Norm Power: 235
VI: 1.03
Pw:HR: 3.75%
Pa:HR: -37.29%
Distance: 6.624 mi
Elevation Gain: 495 ft
Elevation Loss: 302 ft
Grade: 0.6 % (193 ft)
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 390 228 watts
Heart Rate: 106 133 125 bpm
Cadence: 14 109 83 rpm
Speed: 4.7 48.2 19.7 mph
Pace 1:15 12:52 3:03 min/mi
Altitude: 820 1107 971 ft
Crank Torque: 0 456 237 lb-in
Peak 30min (226 watts):
Duration: 30:00
Work: 406 kJ
TSS: 28 (intensity factor 0.749)
Norm Power: 230
VI: 1.02
Pw:HR: -0.03%
Pa:HR: 6.53%
Distance: 10.518 mi
Elevation Gain: 518 ft
Elevation Loss: 523 ft
Grade: -0.0 % (-5 ft)
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 389 226 watts
Heart Rate: 106 130 122 bpm
Cadence: 25 123 89 rpm
Speed: 0 42.3 20.9 mph
Pace 1:25 0:00 2:53 min/mi
Altitude: 868 1038 926 ft
Crank Torque: 0 734 216 lb-in
Peak 60min (220 watts):
Duration: 1:00:00
Work: 792 kJ
TSS: 53.6 (intensity factor 0.732)
Norm Power: 225
VI: 1.02
Pw:HR: -1.33%
Pa:HR: 7.88%
Distance: 20.416 mi
Elevation Gain: 1020 ft
Elevation Loss: 815 ft
Grade: 0.2 % (213 ft)
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 452 220 watts
Heart Rate: 98 130 121 bpm
Cadence: 24 123 89 rpm
Speed: 0 42.3 20.3 mph
Pace 1:25 0:00 2:58 min/mi
Altitude: 868 1158 978 ft
Crank Torque: 0 734 211 lb-in
A couple of questions for you.
How much did you weigh?
Also why the Whey protein before the race? initial thoughts based on the data you provide. Comparing one year another is not helpful, better to look at yourself compared to others in the same race. 15 minutes +/- would have gotten you easily into the podium/Kona mix. Since your dont describe any issues related to significant problems on the run, I'll assume your nutrition and hydration don't present any opportunity for sig. Improvement. Also, your fitness is what it is on race day, so were there some execution lessons?
Swim... See Matt A's LV report on taking a more aggressive posture towards drafting. Also, since you can do a 63 min Monona swim, that's probably what you SHOULD do, meaning start racing from 7 AM, not 8:15.
Bike ... Why was the IF in the final hour lower? Was the north wind coming into town a factor? Did you start to motor down anticipating the run? Were you earlier efforts too much (doubtful). A data geek might be able to figure out the value in minutes of an IF of 0.72 in that last hour for you. Keeping the effort up the last 22 miles is worth it ... Count road kill starting @ mile 90.
Run...a 3:42-45 marathon would average 8:30-35 miles. Even if you followed an even pace strategy, as I do, you still went out too hard/fast in the first 6-8 miles. Maybe going 8:35, HR of 124-6 for the first quarter of the run could have bought you 5 minutes +/- towards the middle/end?
You might as well try some stuff in FL ... You've got time to rest up Nov/Dec.
Hmmm, the combo of how you felt at the end of the bike and the drop in run performance cries accumulated fatigue to me, like your endurance batteries weren't quite topped off. How was your taper? You said you had good RRs, how was total volume and intensity over those 6? weeks or so, was it tough to get out go, was motivation low, etc? I'm wondering if you really got full recovery from IMCDA or carried through some fatigue. Thats easy to do, especially when you've got revenge and KQ on the brain.
X2 what Al said about IMFL. Good time to experiment. But I'd experiment with "less is more." So between now and then, I would take Patrick's approach to Kona, minimize the training volume. Your fitness is there, its ready, you just need to maintain it and recharge your stores. So dont worry about doing the big vol wko etc. Do the basics to keep your FTP etc where it is. Use the time to really top off the batteries. Really keep an eye on your fatigue markers: morning HR, sleep, appetite, motivation. Listen to them and indulge them a bit. Thats my 2c, FWIW.
Your right there, its gonna happen!
@Jason Weighed 154-155 before CDA and 158-159 before IMMoo at 6'1". Very lean still but not crazy lean like CDA.
The whey is what I have every single morning including all WKO's and RR's and OK'd by P on race day. I like to make sure I have enough protein every day as I am watching my labs and usually low normal on my total protein and albumin for years.
@Al I was happy w/ my nutrition improvements in RR's and WKO's leading up to race. No GI issues during race so this is a definite improvement.
Swim: My plan was to not race until mile 19 on run but I see I did give up some time I will not likely get back even w/ a super (for me) run.
Bike: It was a tailwind last part of lollipop and downhill net w/ head/side wind on way back on stick and I was wanting to get all calories in and save legs a bit. I was indeed counting road kill coming home on bike. Still didn't feel as good as RR# 1 or 2 in past month. Don't think it was fatigue from my RR's as I'd think RR#2 would have revealed fatigue from RR#1 yet I felt better for RR#2 but still didn't overextend self. I should have felt better in last 2 hours on bike than I did but it was very subtle and only grossly apparent in T2.
I ran about 10 min faster in hotter temps in 2009 off a harder bike, this is what sticks in my craw. I was aiming for 3:35 and optimal IM pace was 3:27 at my VDOT in ideal temps. 269 TSS is not too hard a bike to run off IMO and per RnP's charts. P had suggested running to HR not pace as he did in IMTX and I was following this advice not typical EN protocol. I rolled the dice for a KQ but came up a lot shorter than I anticipated based on evidence from RR's.
I plan to rest extra and do some testing of theories at IMF. Then a LOT of down time after IMF! Thx. I value your input!
@Rian I considered that but I really, really recovered post CDA and went "less is more" until last month. RR's were so good I was positive I was fully recovered but I underperformed even relative to my two RR's in the race.
If anything I wondered if I did too little post CDA rather than too much but took P's advice to recover maximally to heart. Most weeks were in 12 hour range and only a couple weeks in 15-16 hour range. Lots of run frequency but less volume. Maybe this was an issue??
Early post CDA like July, motivation waxed and waned but was solid all August after I took another ez week in early August.
Will do as per to IMF. Wondering if I should focus on run and less on bike/swim??
My thoughts for the under 8 weeks left until IMF are, 1 week recovery, 3 weeks graudal reintroduction to training volume then 2 weeks of IM volume training w/ 2 long rides and 2 medium long runs and 2 week taper.
I am an experienced runner with only one IM under my belt, so take all of this for what it is worth. I think you definitely went out too fast on the run. Someone with your fitness should be able to do the run in under 3:45 under almost any conditions.
And although you pushed your nutrition very well through the bike, overall on the day I still think you might be making nutrition more complicated than it needs to be. I had been doing a similar plan as yours in my training up to recent IM Lou. A physician like you, I kind of enjoyed calculated sodium, calories and the like, almost as if I was calculating IVF on someone in the ICU. But it was getting complicated. Also, during my race rehearsals, I was not able to run off of the bike to what I thought my potential was. I thought that maybe I just wasn't cut out for biking or triathlon in general. Then, a month before IM Lou, I totally gave up my old nutrition plan and went religiously with what Jesse K. presents in the nutrition webinar on the EN site. Took some practice to get used to over that month. But overall was very, very simple and made an amazing difference for me on race day (esp on the run) under pretty hot conditions in Louisville. The other thing I like about Jesse's nutrition plan is that it takes almost zero mental energy to execute on race day. Leaving your mind free to execute/make decisions in other areas of the race. Something you may want to consider.
Thx Rob. This was a new nutrition plan for me that P and I had discussed and agreed upon and it had appeared successful in RR's. Definitely more thought out than previous IM's and as roughly trying to replace about 60% or so of Na+ and calories vs my previous efforts of maybe 40% of both. I'm actually happy with my gut as I have always had GI issues like gas (or worse) during last half of Mary but not this year at Moo. I will go back to look at Jesse Webinar though.
The first mile was incorrect on my Garmin due to being indoors in T2 bag and losing satellites but my first 10K was slower what Matt S IM Marathon guideline indicates as my potential at VDOT of 55ish. (3:27:xx). I've run 3:39-3:44 in all but my first two IM's (blew up not knowing what the hell I was doing) until coming to EN when I've run 4++ (IMC 2011 after bike crash w/ sep ribs), 3:55 w/ hypothermia at CDA and now 3:53 w/ very, very good swim/bike execution and nutrition. This is what makes me wonder if I need volume for run.
We are all N=1 and maybe my N responds to more running perhaps???
My notes:
Last year we got some bonus mileage and rode 113.5 miles (awesome). I just fired up notebook where I keep my WKO files and this is what I've got
0-56 -- 2:35 @ .706 IF, 212w Pnorm, 1.03 VI
56-112 -- 2:32 @ .717 IF, 215w Pnorm, 1.03 VI (looks like I created 2 x 56 mile intervals and tossed out the additional 1.5 miles?)
0-112 -- 5:08 @ .712 IF, 213w Pnorm
Entire ride -- 5:13, .71 IF, 213w Pnorm, 1.03 VI, 113.552mi
The net is that when I look at your ride, I see a guy who raced a bit in the first 60-90' vs mailing it in. This is why, I think, you rode a 2:31 (fookin' fast on that course, given the uphill stick and windy conditions) vs maybe the 2:34-6 you should have ridden. Then when I look at your last hour on the bike I see a guy who was either paying for that 1st hour or decided to back off (?), turning down the watts into a headwind (not sure if this is correct) for the last hour. You also describe coasting a bit. The net is that ^this^ probably cost you several minutes in the second half.
My bottomline is a guy like you (and me, P, Mancona, etc) putting up a positive bike split that large without an accompanying description of crazy winds is an indication of bike pacing that could have been improved. The net is a smarter ride could have been 4-6' faster --> better spread of the watts across the day, conserving energy on the first half so you have an answer for the second half, resulting in a faster bike at the same or slightly higher watts.
Also, after 2+yrs on the team and 2 races I'm 0-2 with meeting you. I'm very certain that after having raced IMWI 3x, ridden it about 8x in camps, I could have found you a few minutes on the course with a handshake and face to face conversation. For example, staying on the gas on the slight uphill on hwy S, straffing the left turn on Witte (scare the volunteer), spinning out at 40+ and carrying that speed through Witte; creating an interval from the bottom of Old Sauk to the top of Midtown on the first lap and benchmarking that for the second half; staying on the gas at the top of Midtown and bombing down Shady Oak, carrying that speed all the way and into Verona; opportunities in the corners in Verona, in the short, sorta residential section after Gray's Tied House; riding allll the way to the right on Stagecoach, where the pavement is slightly less rough.
For the run, I'll go with Al's comments: Run...a 3:42-45 marathon would average 8:30-35 miles. Even if you followed an even pace strategy, as I do, you still went out too hard/fast in the first 6-8 miles. Maybe going 8:35, HR of 124-6 for the first quarter of the run could have bought you 5 minutes +/- towards the middle/end?
here is my SRM file run through WKO w/ 1st and 2nd half and each hour split out. I had 2:38 for first half not 2:31. I think WTC had a computer error later corrected. It was a positive split ride but the wind had picked up during the day and I did coast to pee x 2 on 2nd loop and admittedly felt a bit flat and bloated on last 30 or so miles so backed off to eat more in anticipation of run. the SRM file includes the volunteer walking bike to rack I guess so AVP looks lower 2nd half due to it being walked but my Garmin 910 indicated 210/219 AVP/NP after 56 miles and again when I turned it off at bottom of helix into T2. I thought I executed EXACTLY as I had on RR# 1 and 2 and had been told to do. VI of 1.04 (per 910XT) is as good as I could do given need to stay clean of drafting after a 68:xx swim, peeing x3, only having a 12 gear, not 11 tooth. I promise you I pedalled like hell on downhills.
Please take a look at SRM data and see the 2 halves as well as each hour. As for the run, I was running to HR as per P's instructions but was not well from the get go. I ran 3:42 in 2009 in warmer temps w/ legs cramps and poorly paced bike and really thought my running had been better all year than in 2009. I wanted to go to Kona and rolled the dice and wanted a 3:35 run and mentally felt I had prepared for it. Of course, even running a 3:40 would not have been enough to get around Arnd, the German drafter who was #7 in my AG. That's sobering.
As for the ride, I'd done much more impressive wattages in both my recent RR's and increased wattage at end of ride. Very few power spikes on hills and I felt my 1st loop was VERY conservative compared to my usual IM's and my 2004 and 2009 IMMoo rides.
Sorry I did not meet up w/ you in Madison. Sucks to miss out on your insights but was with a buddy and trying to minimize my stress and obligations. I have met w/ you several times prior to being EN member and heard your 4 Keys talks 3 times at IMMoo 2004, IMCDA 2007 and IMMoo 2009 I believe.
1st half:
Duration: 2:37:23
Work: 1988 kJ
TSS: 135.2 (intensity factor 0.719)
Norm Power: 221
VI: 1.05
Pw:HR: 2.36%
Pa:HR: -0.39%
Distance: 55.772 mi
Elevation Gain: 1831 ft
Elevation Loss: 1923 ft
Grade: -0.0 % (-92 ft)
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 453 211 watts
Heart Rate: 0 135 121 bpm
Cadence: 20 134 88 rpm
Speed: 6.1 48.8 21.3 mph
Pace 1:14 9:51 2:49 min/mi
Altitude: 902 1293 1072 ft
Temperature: 59 77 64.0 Fahrenheit
SRM #2:
Duration: 1:00:11
Work: 756 kJ
TSS: 50.4 (intensity factor 0.712)
Norm Power: 219
VI: 1.04
Pw:HR: -4.66%
Pa:HR: -6.77%
Distance: 21.551 mi
Elevation Gain: 600 ft
Elevation Loss: 682 ft
Grade: -0.1 % (-82 ft)
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 453 210 watts
Heart Rate: 0 131 120 bpm
Cadence: 20 118 89 rpm
Speed: 7.6 41.6 21.5 mph
Pace 1:26 7:51 2:48 min/mi
Altitude: 955 1230 1042 ft
Temperature: 59 77 61.2 Fahrenheit
SRM #3:
Duration: 1:00:11
Work: 761 kJ
TSS: 52.1 (intensity factor 0.721)
Norm Power: 221
VI: 1.05
Pw:HR: 5.39%
Pa:HR: -10.52%
Distance: 20.771 mi
Elevation Gain: 709 ft
Elevation Loss: 807 ft
Grade: -0.1 % (-95 ft)
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 426 211 watts
Heart Rate: 93 130 120 bpm
Cadence: 21 134 88 rpm
Speed: 6.6 43.1 20.7 mph
Pace 1:24 9:07 2:54 min/mi
Altitude: 902 1293 1087 ft
Temperature: 60.8 68 62.9 Fahrenheit
SRM #4:
Duration: 1:00:11 (1:00:20)
Work: 772 kJ
TSS: 53.1 (intensity factor 0.728)
Norm Power: 223
VI: 1.04
Pw:HR: 2.42%
Pa:HR: 3.67%
Distance: 21.363 mi
Elevation Gain: 758 ft
Elevation Loss: 640 ft
Grade: 0.1 % (125 ft)
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 407 214 watts
Heart Rate: 104 139 125 bpm
Cadence: 21 125 86 rpm
Speed: 3.9 48.8 21.3 mph
Pace 1:14 15:20 2:49 min/mi
Altitude: 965 1243 1065 ft
Temperature: 66.2 73.4 70.5 Fahrenheit
2nd half:
Duration: 2:44:36 (2:44:50)
Work: 2017 kJ
TSS: 133.9 (intensity factor 0.699)
Norm Power: 215
VI: 1.05
Pw:HR: 3.48%
Pa:HR: -3.17%
Distance: 56.122 mi
Elevation Gain: 1752 ft
Elevation Loss: 1864 ft
Grade: -0.0 % (-108 ft)
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 405 204 watts
Heart Rate: 0 139 125 bpm
Cadence: 20 125 86 rpm
Speed: 1.9 48.3 20.5 mph
Pace 1:15 31:09 2:56 min/mi
Altitude: 889 1273 1048 ft
Temperature: 64.4 78.8 71.1 Fahrenheit
SRM #6:
Duration: 59:41
Work: 745 kJ
TSS: 49.3 (intensity factor 0.704)
Norm Power: 216
VI: 1.04
Pw:HR: 0.44%
Pa:HR: -8.97%
Distance: 20.316 mi
Elevation Gain: 650 ft
Elevation Loss: 797 ft
Grade: -0.1 % (-144 ft)
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 405 208 watts
Heart Rate: 100 133 126 bpm
Cadence: 20 116 86 rpm
Speed: 6 40.4 20.4 mph
Pace 1:29 9:57 2:56 min/mi
Altitude: 889 1273 1070 ft
Temperature: 64.4 73.4 67.8 Fahrenheit
SRM #7:
Duration: 1:00:11
Work: 753 kJ
TSS: 49.2 (intensity factor 0.701)
Norm Power: 215
VI: 1.03
Pw:HR: 1.23%
Pa:HR: -5.21%
Distance: 21.42 mi
Elevation Gain: 758 ft
Elevation Loss: 741 ft
Grade: 0.0 % (13 ft)
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 369 209 watts
Heart Rate: 116 138 127 bpm
Cadence: 20 120 86 rpm
Speed: 6 48.3 21.4 mph
Pace 1:15 9:57 2:49 min/mi
Altitude: 948 1227 1081 ft
Temperature: 69.8 78.8 74.1 Fahrenheit
SRM #8:
Duration: 21:38 (21:43)
Work: 216 kJ
TSS: 14.5 (intensity factor 0.634)
Norm Power: 195
VI: 1.16
Pw:HR: 7.92%
Pa:HR: 5.05%
Distance: 6.484 mi
Elevation Gain: 89 ft
Elevation Loss: 108 ft
Grade: -0.0 % (-16 ft)
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 382 167 watts
Heart Rate: 0 130 113 bpm
Cadence: 21 103 85 rpm
Speed: 1.9 31.3 18.0 mph
Pace 1:55 31:09 3:20 min/mi
Altitude: 906 978 926 ft
Temperature: 69.8 75.2 72.1 Fahrenheit
Entire workout (207 watts):
Duration: 5:21:59 (5:22:12)
Work: 4006 kJ
TSS: 269.2 (intensity factor 0.709)
Norm Power: 218
VI: 1.05
Pw:HR: 6.1%
Pa:HR: 7.46%
Distance: 111.891 mi
Elevation Gain: 3583 ft
Elevation Loss: 3786 ft
Grade: -0.0 % (-200 ft)
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 453 207 watts
Heart Rate: 0 139 123 bpm
Cadence: 20 134 87 rpm
Speed: 1.9 48.8 20.9 mph
Pace 1:14 31:09 2:53 min/mi
Altitude: 889 1293 1059 ft
Temperature: 59 78.8 67.6 Fahrenheit
Peak 5s (379 watts):
Duration: 0:05
Work: 1 kJ
TSS: n/a
Norm Power: n/a
VI: n/a
Pw:HR: -2.62%
Pa:HR: -1.85%
Distance: 80 ft
Elevation Gain: 0 ft
Elevation Loss: 0 ft
Grade: 0.0 % (0 ft)
Min Max Avg
Power: 347 405 379 watts
Heart Rate: 121 121 121 bpm
Cadence: 84 88 86 rpm
Speed: 10.7 11.1 10.9 mph
Pace 5:24 5:37 5:31 min/mi
Altitude: 1079 1079 1079 ft
Temperature: 73.4 73.4 73.4 Fahrenheit
Peak 10s (345 watts):
Duration: 0:10
Work: 3 kJ
TSS: n/a
Norm Power: n/a
VI: n/a
Pw:HR: -22.11%
Pa:HR: 0.35%
Distance: 161 ft
Elevation Gain: 0 ft
Elevation Loss: 0 ft
Grade: 4.1 % (7 ft)
Min Max Avg
Power: 258 405 345 watts
Heart Rate: 121 122 121 bpm
Cadence: 64 88 79 rpm
Speed: 10.5 11.8 11.0 mph
Pace 5:05 5:43 5:29 min/mi
Altitude: 1076 1083 1079 ft
Temperature: 73.4 73.4 73.4 Fahrenheit
Peak 20s (337 watts):
Duration: 0:20
Work: 6 kJ
TSS: n/a
Norm Power: n/a
VI: n/a
Pw:HR: 2.09%
Pa:HR: 12.24%
Distance: 355 ft
Elevation Gain: 10 ft
Elevation Loss: 0 ft
Grade: 4.6 % (16 ft)
Min Max Avg
Power: 294 374 337 watts
Heart Rate: 122 127 124 bpm
Cadence: 71 87 77 rpm
Speed: 10.9 14.9 12.1 mph
Pace 4:01 5:31 4:57 min/mi
Altitude: 981 997 988 ft
Temperature: 62.6 62.6 62.6 Fahrenheit
Peak 30s (315 watts):
Duration: 0:30
Work: 9 kJ
TSS: n/a
Norm Power: n/a
VI: n/a
Pw:HR: -0.38%
Pa:HR: 25.34%
Distance: 702 ft
Elevation Gain: 0 ft
Elevation Loss: 0 ft
Grade: 0.9 % (7 ft)
Min Max Avg
Power: 216 388 315 watts
Heart Rate: 103 119 109 bpm
Cadence: 79 105 89 rpm
Speed: 13.7 19.6 16.0 mph
Pace 3:03 4:22 3:46 min/mi
Altitude: 965 974 968 ft
Temperature: 62.6 62.6 62.6 Fahrenheit
Peak 1min (288 watts):
Duration: 1:00
Work: 17 kJ
TSS: n/a
Norm Power: n/a
VI: n/a
Pw:HR: 12.69%
Pa:HR: 4.41%
Distance: 668 ft
Elevation Gain: 49 ft
Elevation Loss: 0 ft
Grade: 8.4 % (56 ft)
Min Max Avg
Power: 211 369 288 watts
Heart Rate: 129 135 132 bpm
Cadence: 58 82 67 rpm
Speed: 6.5 11.6 7.6 mph
Pace 5:10 9:12 7:55 min/mi
Altitude: 1158 1214 1186 ft
Temperature: 71.6 73.4 72.7 Fahrenheit
Peak 2min (264 watts):
Duration: 2:00
Work: 31 kJ
TSS: n/a
Norm Power: n/a
VI: n/a
Pw:HR: 7.69%
Pa:HR: 11.38%
Distance: 0.29 mi
Elevation Gain: 98 ft
Elevation Loss: 0 ft
Grade: 6.9 % (105 ft)
Min Max Avg
Power: 183 314 264 watts
Heart Rate: 126 132 129 bpm
Cadence: 55 87 69 rpm
Speed: 6.2 17.2 8.7 mph
Pace 3:29 9:45 6:54 min/mi
Altitude: 1030 1135 1082 ft
Temperature: 69.8 71.6 70.9 Fahrenheit
Peak 5min (249 watts):
Duration: 5:00
Work: 74 kJ
TSS: 5.6 (intensity factor 0.816)
Norm Power: 251
VI: 1.01
Pw:HR: -1.58%
Pa:HR: -2.62%
Distance: 1.201 mi
Elevation Gain: 177 ft
Elevation Loss: 0 ft
Grade: 2.8 % (180 ft)
Min Max Avg
Power: 16 376 249 watts
Heart Rate: 126 132 127 bpm
Cadence: 35 101 78 rpm
Speed: 6.1 30.8 14.4 mph
Pace 1:57 9:51 4:10 min/mi
Altitude: 1056 1237 1148 ft
Temperature: 66.2 68 67.4 Fahrenheit
Peak 10min (239 watts):
Duration: 10:00
Work: 143 kJ
TSS: 10.4 (intensity factor 0.79)
Norm Power: 243
VI: 1.01
Pw:HR: 6.56%
Pa:HR: -54.01%
Distance: 3.087 mi
Elevation Gain: 246 ft
Elevation Loss: 30 ft
Grade: 1.4 % (223 ft)
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 376 239 watts
Heart Rate: 118 132 126 bpm
Cadence: 21 108 82 rpm
Speed: 6.1 36.6 18.5 mph
Pace 1:38 9:51 3:14 min/mi
Altitude: 1007 1243 1166 ft
Temperature: 66.2 71.6 68.8 Fahrenheit
Peak 20min (228 watts):
Duration: 20:00
Work: 274 kJ
TSS: 18.9 (intensity factor 0.753)
Norm Power: 231
VI: 1.01
Pw:HR: 4.4%
Pa:HR: -1.92%
Distance: 7.036 mi
Elevation Gain: 236 ft
Elevation Loss: 197 ft
Grade: 0.1 % (46 ft)
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 423 228 watts
Heart Rate: 110 130 123 bpm
Cadence: 28 123 90 rpm
Speed: 8 42.4 21.1 mph
Pace 1:25 7:33 2:51 min/mi
Altitude: 1004 1155 1049 ft
Temperature: 60.8 60.8 60.8 Fahrenheit
Peak 30min (226 watts):
Duration: 30:00
Work: 406 kJ
TSS: 28.1 (intensity factor 0.75)
Norm Power: 230
VI: 1.02
Pw:HR: -0.23%
Pa:HR: 6.8%
Distance: 10.539 mi
Elevation Gain: 374 ft
Elevation Loss: 358 ft
Grade: 0.0 % (16 ft)
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 423 226 watts
Heart Rate: 105 130 122 bpm
Cadence: 26 123 89 rpm
Speed: 7.6 42.4 21.1 mph
Pace 1:25 7:51 2:51 min/mi
Altitude: 1001 1155 1042 ft
Temperature: 59 60.8 60.5 Fahrenheit
Peak 60min (220 watts):
Duration: 1:00:00
Work: 792 kJ
TSS: 53.8 (intensity factor 0.733)
Norm Power: 225
VI: 1.02
Pw:HR: -1.39%
Pa:HR: 8.03%
Distance: 20.45 mi
Elevation Gain: 846 ft
Elevation Loss: 607 ft
Grade: 0.2 % (246 ft)
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 453 220 watts
Heart Rate: 100 130 121 bpm
Cadence: 26 123 89 rpm
Speed: 7.6 42.4 20.4 mph
Pace 1:25 7:51 2:56 min/mi
Altitude: 1001 1260 1082 ft
Temperature: 59 60.8 60.1 Fahrenheit
Any guidelines on how a 46 yo guy does his 3rd IM in 7 weeks? 1 week rest, 3 weeks getting back to typical IM load then 2 weeks of IM training and 2 weeks of taper??
JB, I'm gonna duck that question, I dont have nearly enough experience to offer up a viable solution. The plan you posed sounds reasonable to me, I wouldn't think you'd need RRs at this point, just do enough to stay sharp, you can alway over sharpen a blade. If you dont get a response from the WSMs or RNP here, hit the Macro thread.
Rootin for ya brotha!
Jeff, i think you're the guinea pig here. If I were in your shoes, here is the general approach I would take, attitude wise:
I personally would do a race rehearsal, but might consider 5 hrs bike/1 hour run
Anyway, my 2€
@Rian yes, plan to rest enough or even too much!
Thx Al, I do plan on another RR as I'm still new to the nutrition plan P has advised and I want more experience with it.
Will probably get back on the intensity wagon after I recover a while longer.
Personal experience. Have had great runs last two races. Though maybe undercooked the bikes. Change for me was the nutrition. 185 pounds. At least 40oz perform per hour and 200 calories of gels/bars/etc. Your calories and electrolytes seem ok. Consider switch to the mostly Perform thing though?
That's great Robin. Nice runs!
But why change to Perform if Inifnit and Napalm are working and well tolerated? I asked P same thing. What makes Perform better other than it is found on course? I'd like to be able to take it from course but after two bad experiences at prior races, the thought of it makes me nauseaus and no way I could force it down for 10 hours. You know the way something you ate that made you feel sick is not desired for a long period of time? I feel that way w/ Perform. Yuck!
Yes i feel same way about gatorade endurance. I guess if your Infinit is similar composition to Perform, should not be a difference. Other than protiein. And maybe the different types of sugar matter? are my other notes...
Jeff, thanks for the email update. You should absolutely be about 15-20' behind your open marathon time in an IM, so there is definitely some time to be had. I wandered in my analysis here (very long) but I think that you are still pushing a bit too much on the bike; I am looking for a bike where you fall asleep for 30'-45' at the start, then ride really well…so you can dominate the run. I can't imagine you getting much fitter than you are now, I think we are still trying to find that great ride. I don't think it's a fitness problem…you are fit. Given that your CDA and WI files are practically identical, I think we need to change how you race, as minor as the details I am talking about sound, so you can run at your best (like the competition).
Hope this helps!
Here is part one:
Here is part two of my review:
yeah I think we all have one we hate!
I worked w/ Ryan it Inifnit after CDA to refine my formula w/ his input and speed gastric emptying. Reduced my protein , took out caffeine and moved long distance slider down to get a better mix of longer and shorter CHO.
I'm going to have to listen to that crucible a couple more times to get the full picture but quickly wanted to make you aware of a couple things. Please see above Connect file for correct VI which is 1.04, not 1.05 as per SRM which has about 2 minutes of zero watts when volunteer apparently rolled it to my rack after I dismounted. My official time was 5:20 and SRM has 5:22. I should have adjusted the interval to eliminate the time after dismount but I was not thinking. I remember looking at Garmin at mile 56 and having 2:38 and AVP 211 and NP 220 and again looking right before helix and seeing AVP of 211 and NP 220. So more like a 4 minute positive time split but with increasing winds over the day and a headwind back home on the return leg of stick (even though it was a bit downhill).
My two RR's had suggested I would have no power dropoff at 225 NP for the day as both had my highest wattage as the 2nd half both times. That was the reason I had increased my power after 1st half hour. 1st 10 miles I was at AVP of 203W due to no passing zone and working my way out of traffic. A VI of 1.04 on that course seems reasonable to me as RIch was very happy w/ his VI of 1.03. Plus w/ his better swim, he had a lot less traffic to negotiate and could ride a bit smoother than getting out of the water in the 400's overall position. I also had shut down my power a bit when I was having to force myself to eat on 2nd half. But yes legs were not feeling like they had on either RR pre IMMoo.
One thing I think we need to address is why I'm running so poorly off a VI 1.04 ride w/ only 269 TSS on one of the toughest IM bike courses in North America. It certainly can't be blamed on nutrition this time. What has me frustrated is the undsiputed fact that in 2009 in warmer temps, I raced the swim, raced the bike (w/ much worse execution), cramped at mile 110 of bike, and consumed a good 600+ fewer calories. Yet I was 20 minutes faster.
I think that is the bigger picture. Doesn't seem like 10 watts less in 1st hour or going from VI of 1.04 to 1.03 was going to make a huge difference to me. Not at least the amount of time I needed to be in top 5 in AG. I realize and accept you have done many more IM's than I have but I will admit I have personally made numerous execution errors, huge ones even, pre EN yet had been running consistently only 5-10 min off my predicted be IM marathon times and now and wallowing 20 minutes slower off easier (read as lower TSS and improved VI) rides. Is it possible I respond better to volume rather than a classic EN OS period? We need to discuss this another time I think.
I will ride stupid easy for 15 miles before going steady at IMF but I think we should also look at possibility I may need to tweak my training for the future. I thought my nutrition was vastly improved but you barely mentioned that. I realize it was a two part crucible and certainly appreciate the time but I want to look at training in all 3 sports and executing in all 3. The 5 minutes I gave up in swim by going easy concerns me. I might miss a KQ by a lot less than that and I don't recall being too gassed after exiting water in 2009. I just got in the fray and mixed it up more staying on feet more aggressively.
Once again, I thank you for your in depth review and time spent fleshing out the details of my file! I hope my reply doesn't seem ungrateful but rather more bringing up questions to better understand this complicated race distance.
Entire workout (181 watts):
Duration: 5:08:58
Work: 3358 kJ
TSS: 255.6 (intensity factor 0.705)
Norm Power: 190
VI: 1.05
Pw:HR: 0.96%
Pa:HR: 4.75%
Distance: 112.677 mi
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 521 181 watts
Heart Rate: 131 188 164 bpm
Cadence: 29 244 85 rpm
Speed: 2.7 47.7 21.9 mph
P, looked up Mancona's data and he had a VI of 1.05 in 2009 which is hair worse than mine. I think Rich had a 1.03 in training and don't recall what his last race VI at IMMoo was, maybe he can share his file. Again, this seems to indicate my VI of 1.04 was in the KQ/well executed EN player ballpark and point to need for more than an easier 1st hour to find my missing time.
After thinking about it overnight, I previously had a lot more bike and run miles in legs pre Moo 2009. And IMCDA and IMF in 2007 as well. Could this be an explanation for legs feeling so poorly off bike in CDA and Moo??
I will try to hit all of your points above:
1 - @Mancona's File was from 2009. The race again in 2011 with much better execution. He was a veritable newbie at that point in time… And he had a miserable run with one of the most amazing displays of physical determination I've ever seen to win his age group.
2 - I get that your VI was 1.04. As Rich stated his was 1.02… The broader point being that there is some time that you lost the bike by misplacing your watts. We focus on this because these are essentially “free” Watts. Anyone can go hard on the bike up the hill were too hard on the flat's… It takes an execution ninja to find that extra speed on the course. VI is an indicator of that; all of the notes that Rich gave in his reply above are also course specific notes on where you can find free speed in Madison.
3 - The swim is your swim. I want to to swim it easy, but I also don't want you to swim 5 min. lower than you think you are capable of doing. By all means, I am not advocating you go out knowing you can swim a 103 but you clock a 108 because I told you not to swim hard. Swim your swim.
4 - You noted that you took it easy at the beginning but I'm pretty sure that your normalized power for the 1st 30 min. was 218... if your target was 225 for the day that I could see the 1st 30 to 45 min. between 205 and 210.
5 - Aside from not missing JRA effort at the start of your bike, I think you rode the 1st two thirds of the course just a little too hard. In other words, I think you could've gotten away with a target of 220 instead of 225. I personally target real-time watts, not the normalized ones, and as a result always end up a few watts lower than my target: if I were to target 225 W might normalize would end up being between 220 and 222 for example. By targeting a normalized number across 30 min. there is ample opportunity--as the interval progresses--for you to ride too hard and not see the expression of that on your computer. This is reflected in your mean maximal power chart where the different columns of power are a mirror image on both sides of 225 W, instead of being front loaded with plenty of time at or just under those watts. As I noted in my analysis, you spend probably 45 min. of your ride at an intensity level higher than your target. That will absolutely affect your legs.
6 - I think we see the cost of your decision to ride at 225 normalized on the 1st half of your ride this is very similar to what happened to you in CDA as well take effect at about mile 70. So now we have 2 races where at the 3 1/2 hour mark your effort level and your watts start to drop. (I am surprised you did not mention the fact that these 2 races were almost identical in performance.) while normally I would be concerned about the drop, in your case I more concerned about the fact that you wrote a little too hard at the start of the bike ride. If you have sacrificed 5 to 8 min. in the 1st 65 miles of your bike you would have more than made up that time at the end of the ride when it was “free.” Not to mention, of course, what you could've then done on the run.
7 - One of the reasons for this emphasis on a strong final push, is that it sets you up for a great run here you writing a strong bike that leads you to a subpar last 60 to 9220 min. has you on a downward trend. Trying then to ramp back up into the wrong is almost impossible at an elite level. By building your effort across the bike and across today, much like I recommended you do in your caffeine intake, you hit the run just as you're starting to peak with your performance not after 60 or 90 min. of declining performance.
8 - By all means you are welcome to train more. But I don't think that's the answer. 1st and foremost I think we need to look at your execution. As we have stated for both CDA and now Madison, you have left some free speed out there on the bike that would've allowed you to run better. Make no mistake about it: everyone who beat you in Madison ran better off the bike. You are a in your age group, and you had the fastest bike split of anyone in the top 8. They simply outran you to the tune of 15 to 25 min.
Beyond execution, I think it's worthwhile considering your taper as perhaps you are not that fresh. but I don't think more training will have you ready. Your FTP is your FTP, and it's very high. Same goes for your view.. What's happening is not that you're not fit enough, but that you're not realizing that fitness on race day. As we say all the time inside EN, "Race Day Is About Execution, Not Fitness." I would rate myself and 8/10 in terms of fitness as compared to anyone who shows up in a regular race, but I give myself a 9.5 for execution every time. That is my secret advantage, and that is the same advantage that we need to instill in you given your physical talents.
More training on the bike and more training on the run just creates more fatigue, but it doesn't guarantee improved performance. There is no correlation between increased fatigue and increase performance on race day. It's who shows up the strongest, the most rested, and the most able to execute. I can safely say that you fall already into the strongest category, I don't know how rested you are, and we have identified some areas where you can improve your execution.
Hope this helps!!!
Very good info here P. Thx. I had not seem Mancona's 2011 file. Will try to find it and learn from that too. Was my nutrition execution on target? Is there anything to target for IMF? JRA for 1st 40 minutes then up to 220NP goal? Right? Keep calories the same?
I agree the 1st 90 min of my ride is not where I want my 60 min max power to be but I had planned to build from 220NP on 1st loop to 225NP on 2nd loop but didn't have the legs for it which was surprising given the lower IF compared to my typical 0.75. Really thought I could pick it up after 0.70 1st half. Perplexed about why I felt so poorly after going so easily on swim and bike yet getting a lot more calories in that day. Just looking for answers and the key to unlocking a better run! Definitely agree w/ taking any "free watts" I can get.
2 more ¢ from me.
Race Execution Is King.
For those who, for whatever reason (time to train, genetic potential, competitive spirit) are in the MOP, the En race execution strategies are very helpful to produce a satisfying result, sometimes 1-2 hours better than no racing that way.
But for those at the very pointy end of their AG Race Exectution is THE differential. Crowie is not fitter than Lieto; he's a smarter racer.
Like you, Jeff, I had a very good result in one of my early IMs, but didn't really understand how I'd done that. It took me 5 more years and a total of 7 IMs, to finally figure out how to put the whole race-day package together, to put myself in a place where I could actually execute and race the marathon, rather than just try and survive it. Once I got there, my times started to drop even further than I'd thought possible - 4:22>15>08>05>03, all after age 57.
There aren't very many Chrissie Wellingtons out there, who can go out and execute perfectly and win from their very first race. For most of us, it takes a lot of trial and error, and refinement and cementing of RPE while racing, to put the final package together. Aftert all, how many IMs did Coach P run before he won @ TX this year?
Keep at it, with humility and discipline, you'll become a wise racer and surprise yourself, sooner or later.
good point Al. i get another chance in florida. thx
The thing is, I don't think you executed the bike as well as you think you did. See P's #4, 5 and 6 above. I have similar bike strength as you, putting up 215-217w on IM courses. I would have fallen asleep to 198-200w for the first hour and then gotten to work, sitting on 220-225w and letting the final watts settle out in that range. I would have created a very low VI (mine was 1.03 not 1.02) by not coasting, carrying that speed around the course, and really focusing on squeezing everything I could out of the free speed / better places to spend watts opportunities on the course. And you totally shut it down in the last hour, riding at .67-68. Better to ride at .68-69 in the first hour, when it truly is very, very easy, and then have those watts to spend in the last 90-120' of the bike when winds always pick up, it gets harder, etc.
thx rich. do you recommend the same execution for florida?