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IMTexas, 18-24 Feb WKO Thread

Another week on tap.  I'm crushing a rest day today!  Looking to have a guy day with my 10 year old: movie, sushi, and who knows what else.  Get after it everyone!



  • I'm trying to decide whether to test this week or just keep current info and work on pacing. What do you guys think
  • I only really started working out again a couple of weeks back so testing is only going to frustrate me now. I plan on testing three weeks prior to the Texas 70.3 and dropping another test four weeks out from IMTX.

    I think I'm going to bang out 5-6 miles today. I have the day of for George and Abe's birthdays.
  • @John, I think it largely depends on your own assessment of where you are. For example, I'm testing this week on the bike because its been a long time since I tested and I think I may be able to squeeze out a bump. If not, a test is still a solid workout. On the other hand, I'm not testing on the run because I think my run zones are actually a bit too hot for me right now (For context, I can crush a 5k because I've had to test a 3 mile run twice a year for the last 22 years, but I slow down significantly as the distance stretches out). I'm actually thinking of dropping my training VDOT a couple of points for the IM build. IF I find my way into the water, I'll test, but I'm still trying to find the mental/life space to get into the pool.

    Good luck with whatever you choose.
  • @ John... ditto to what Roy said....as I just wrapped up GetFaster with a Half Marathon that kinda confirmed by vdot at a longer distance...I'm not going to run test this week....but I am going to Bike test because it has been 8 weeks since my last test & know that I have improved since the beginning of GetFaster...but that will be the number I use throughout the Race Prep ...

    Today was 2500 in the pool...10x100(20') (the first 2 were warmups @ 2:00-2:02..then the rest 1:48-1:55)...5x200(30') (1:52-1:55)...5x50(15')(1:48-1:50)...and a 250 cooldown....I will add a 3 swim day beginning this week and start to build the distance as well....I'm way ahead of last year on the swim...

  • Thanks guys. figured i would go ahead and test. This is the last week of my GF plan and haven't tested on the bike or the run since week 1. Didn't test on the run at the beginning of the OS due to marathon recovery. So, ive only tested once on the run. I might even test for the swim. Haven't done that in about 6-8 months.
  • So this is where the IM Texas Group went and hid!! I'm on week 8 and it looks like testing week for me. Good to see you all here...
  • Think I also hate bike testing indoors. My outdoor test is a 20 mile loop consisting of rolling hills, flats and some climbs. Problem I had was it didn't translate well to indoor training.
  • Because of my time table (finished GF'r plan and work) I did all three back-to-back-to-back for the last three days. It's just the way it turned out and I would not recommend it for anyone. The funny thing is I don't want to do any transition "work" this week. I'm on the low end of the learning curve with a new to me PowerTap and trying to get all those numbers straight. Today I wanted to either S, B, or R today...instead reading and folding clothes etc. SAU's, and getting ready for work tomorrow.  I have to talk to someone about getting back into the group because I no longer have any "groups" with the new system. Glad to find you guys again!
  • Transition week fun...AaaWoooooo....Coyote chasin' me on the trainer today...1hr. @ 183W avg.(.87IF) with 3x5min. intervals @ 230w + 12min. @ 189-200W...and cooldown...(to be honest I was a little tired...and had to do some of this work not in full aero)


  • Using this week as testing week/ transition week before long build for Texas. 3-4 WKOs max with 3 of them testing. Plus have to earn some SAUs before next phase
  • Basically transition here. But working the tandem. Mt lemmon attack today. See if we can grind up it. Just great to be in the sun. And mexican eating. And some splurges like Sonoran hot dogs. Anyone going to tucson must stay in this airbnb place. Rght on the Colassal Cave route. Eastside. And close to the start of the Lemmon climb.
  • So Question IMTX peeps.....how many of you are currently relegated to indoor riding?  And are you planning on hitting the 4hr/3hr Sat/Sun Rides right away?

    I've been stuck inside for the last month (was able to do some outside weekends in Dec/early Jan....2-3hrs....) indoors the longest so far has been 2.5....not relishing 4hrs on the trainer which I figure I will de rigeur starting next weekend ....I think by mid-late March I should be okay (DST & avg. temp creep back up)......but for the first 3 weekends I may keep it to 2.5-3hr. inside?  Thoughts on this?

    Also...kinda peeved that I can't see the entire 12 week plan...I would like to know what weeks the RR's are scheduled so I can plan/logistics ahead of time...

  • After a little mental hemming and hawing, I decided to go with a 5/10/20 test this morning. I personally find the ‘new’ test a bit physically/mentally tougher than the old 2x20 but I wanted an apples to apples comparison coming out of the OS. It was definitely tough and the tank was below empty when I was finished, but I’m relatively happy with the results (we always want more&hellipimage. Since the speakers on my computer blew out a few days ago, I had the 2001 Tour de France on the screen and my rock/dance mix on the iPod. I wish my vacation time lasted as long as the last two minutes of these tests.

    December 16 test 260 VO2 301 FTP (317 NP for the segment)

    February 19 test 264 VO2 306 FTP (322 NP for the segment) - 3.5 kg/watt

    Ride Link- http://app.strava.com/activities/41498043

    Good luck with whatever workouts/test you guys have going this week! Keep those posts coming, they keep me motivated.
  • @Joe, I'm still inside, but I hope to get outside this weekend and forward. I definitely can't see doing 3 and 4 hours rides on the trainer, but we'll have to see. Also, I have a drop-down box on my training page that lets me look at each week. Do you have that function?
  • @Joseph I've been doing the 4hr / 3 hr rides and had to do a lot of them indoors. Last Saturday was crappy weather so to break it up I did my run on the treadmill at my gym, got on the spin bike in the cycle room and cranked out 30 minutes and that bled into the first spin class. did that spin class...stayed on the bike for another 30 mins and then caught the next spin class. Stayed on another 30 minutes to complete the 3.5. It really broke up the monotony mentally.

    Did my bike test this morning (I'm a HR athlete) and was disappointed in my results but not distressed.

  • I'v been stuck indoors. Couple of rides outside when we had some 50-60 degree days. Funny, I don't mind the 3-4 hour trainer rides but > 30 minutes on a TM and I'm going nuts. Roy. Not going to be able to do long ride this weekend but we should try to hook up for some other long rides. beats the monotony of riding solo
  • @Roy....yup found the drop down....and RR's are in week 15 & 18....

    @Dwight...nice approach...and I wouldn't sweat a bad test...just make sure your getting rest and not wearing down too much...I would also stick with your older test results...not step down....others may comment on this...

    @John - I'm good on the TM to about 90 minutes....and think I will be okay for 3 inside....but I don't want to do many of those...have you been on the IM Race Plan or just doing longer rides because you love the trainer so much?

  • @Joe. Just doing longer rides because I love trainer. Logistically it works pretty good for me. Start IM plan on Monday.

  • Posted By Joseph Lombardi on 19 Feb 2013 11:16 AM

    @Dwight...nice approach...and I wouldn't sweat a bad test...just make sure your getting rest and not wearing down too much...I would also stick with your older test results...not step down....others may comment on this...

    Thanks Joseph and that's exactly what I was planning on doing...sticking with the "old" numbers.  I've been really bad about getting enough rest or taking a day off.  I'm still doing Crossfit twice a week and probably need to cut that out and take some down time.  On the plus side, I've dropped 13 lbs. since January 1 and only have 10 to go.


  • 30 minutes on the treadmill at lunch. Stretching afterward.

    @Dwight, be careful with the amount of extra-credit work you are doing. These plans are no joke by themselves. Your body gets stronger only when you allow it to rest.
  • I hear you @Roy...and I'm gearing the extra credit WAY back.  I was guilty of reading my own press clippings (4x IM)  and thought I could handle the extra load.  This is my first time on EN and I'm loving the community and the approach.  It's definitely working.

  • @Roy .... WTG keeping this going with another week. I completely missed it.... Just found it....

    I love reading the discussion about testing. It sounds like confession. I haven't tested since......

    Tested Swim yesterday (mon) 1000yd 15:50 which included dropping my counter, going back for it and continuing so I logged it as 15:35...4200yds total

    Tested Bike today 2x20(2) Alltime high FTP. 42min NP on TR/CT data 231(TR suggested 234 which woulda been the average of the 2 intervals) , 42min NP on Garmin/Quarq data 236 , Critical power in Golden Cheetah gave me 241. Since I'm doing the work inside on TR/CT I set my new FTP at 231.... But outside with Quarq 236...

    Interesting notes on FTP testing ...Last 3 tests - 1/26/13 - 18min TT @240 , 1/4/13 - 5/10/20 - 20-@232 , 12/9/13- 5/10/20- 20@234 ,..... Todays 2x20 twice as long and intervals were 235/232 .... That 5 min V02 blows me up.... I can't say I like the 2x20 better as it hurt like hell but I wasnt falling apart at the end like on the 5/10/20 test. Now where did my lungs go?...
  • @Tim ... I asked this question on the dashboard with no luck so maybe you or others can chime in.  I'm a HR athlete..have been for over 8 years.  I tested in the OS doing the 2x20 and today I tested doing the 1x40.  Am I comparing apples to apples or will the two tests yield slightly different results?  My 1x40 was slightly lower today ....but only lower to the point where I could have been tired, etc.  Nothing drastic and nothing I'm overly concerned about.


  • @Dwight--- HR and Percieved effort is certainly a way to keep yourself honest and make sure you complete your tests and workouts in the proper intensity zone, but as far as comparing and saying you did better/worse or less/more than last test , I just dont think you can... There are just way too many variables that effect HR. My average HR for tests over the last 3 years has been between 165-180 with no real relation to the final results. Pace/Speed or better yet Power is measurable and non-negotiable ... it is what it is... Very strongly recommend, if you can swing it, the trainerroad set up.... It will be the best $10 per month you ever spend . If you need to know more about TR dont hesitate to ask. You can literally use it month to month and turn it off when your done to save the money. Caution.... you will want a PM afterwards....
  • @ tim...thanks for the sage advice...much needed and appreciated.  And I want a PM now LOL...it's just not in the budget after spending the last year getting engaged, buying  a house, paying for our wedding, etc. 

     So for Trainer Road I just need a Garmin Speed Sensor?  I already use a 910XT so I have the ANT+ stick.  If that's  the case I'm getting one today...

  • @Dwight....Yep, trainer, laptop mac or PC, ANT stick which you have, and Garmin speed/cadence sensor.... you'll be up and running in less than 30 min.... I have hooked many on TR and no I'm not associated with them LOL.... You don't even know you want it yet?...Enjoy and lemme know if you need help.
  • @tim ... thanks again and will do...will have it set up this weekend.  Look forward to sharing my progress on it and meeting you and the rest of the gang in TX.
  • @Dwight, X@ on TrainerRoad. It's really simple to use, and if you spend anytime at all on a trainer, it's totally worth it.
  • 2550 in the pool this morning nothing special or magical...1200 lazy warmup...1x400 steady progressive...300 drills (mostly side kicking)...6x100(20') at (1:47-1:55) for me that is t-pace to t-pace -5...100 cooldown...

    Gonna run at lunch.

  • 7.5 at lunch with 3 on the track at TP. Felt good to stretch the legs as I haven't run hard in a bit. Weather was brisk but nice. Hoping it sticks for the weekend.
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