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IMTexas, 25Feb-03Mar WKO Thread

12 weeks to show time.  Game on.

First swim of the year (last swim was September-ish) and it showed.  1800 on mostly 100's with some 150's throw in.  Average pace 1:43's.  Hard for me to get to the pool with life responsibilities, so Texas will be what it is.  Outdoor pool near the office opens in May so I have higher hopes for dash-2. 

Get after it everyone!



  • Modifying plan just a little. Not doing run on Moindays. instead substituting a Bike VO2 work out. Have adjusted run to three days per week. which has really felt much better on my legs
  • 2500 yads (Boston lingo) this morning ...will run laytah...

    I'm upping everything this year...but the bike...last year I undertrained on swim (I cannot follow the No Swim in the OS...I need to practice and the additional volume will help me especially just being more relaxed in the water)...so 3-4 swims per week...2/intervals & drills 2/mostly longer relaxed swims...

    Also upping the run...by not doing short bricks after swim or run per plan...but by doing longer runs later in the day...probably at lunch...last year I probably had frequency and the long run...but other than the long run & the interval ..it was mostly short (30max) bricks with the dog...I'm going to improve the quality(not hard running just solid) and volume there...I also think I am shifting my long run to Sunday...and doing it off of/ or followed by morning swim...

    Bike I'm gonna really hit the Saturday Long rides...and two longer interval/FTP sets during the week.....if the weather is good I may also do a ride on Sunday after the long run.....

    So far so good....

  • Looking forward to my swim this afternoon. Doing Crossfit on Monday's instead of the run...at least until I hit goal weight. Down 14 lbs. since Jan 1 and only 9 away from goal. 12 weeks...bring it!!
  • LOL everybody swimming on Monday's!

    Roy nice swim and nice job keeping these threads going.
    JK you sir look like a fish! 1:20's for 100meters fast!
    Joe be interesting to see how you like your changes.
    Dwight... JMO but crossfit aint gonna make you faster(aint gonna make you slower either).... Prioritize whats important to you and have fun!

    Todays swim 1:23 4300yds various 500's mostly with just swim, snorkel , PB , fins , just lotsa yardage for an endurance day and off the legs day!
  • no doubt JK...find me at the start so I can draft off you in the water LOL.

     @Tim-- I hear you...I'm just doing it twice a week and my CF coach has scaled down all leg workouts...mostly working on my core and it's helping in a lot of ways.  and HUGE swim for you man...that's a lot of freaking laps LOL.

  • Bike workout done. 20 x 1/1 at >120% FTP. Two minute break after 10.
  • Run done and dusted. Instead of a treadmill run as directed, I could not resist the sunny NOVA WX and got outside in shorts for a hilly trail run. 4 in 38 minutes. Felt good.

    @Tim re-threads- One of the things I didn't like last year was that neither of my IM groups were vocal and wanted keep wko thread mojo going. So the only time it got loud within the groups was for race rehearsals and 1-2 weeks out from a race. Like most of you have said, I don't post with a "look at me" mentality but rather a "if I have to post it, I will work harder" mentality. I also like the discussions that our workouts bring among the vocal ones. I just wish we'd get some more folks to play, but everyone has their own investment into the Haus.

    As far as the hacking goes, I'm keeping the majority of my plan intact, with swimming getting inserted when life allows. One addition I am going to make is to add 1 or 2 additional 6-ish hour bike rides prior to the race rehearsals. Last year, the hardest ride (mentally and physically) the entire year was RR1 and I'm looking to avoid that experience again this year.

    @Joe (I think from last week's thread)- I moved from the stock 54/38 to 50/34 on my bike. My VI at Louisville was very high last year even with 12-28 on the back (I did intentionally spike hard passing a big group, but that wasn't the entire cause). I want to smooth out my profile. Additionally, my favorite loop locally has 2 very short but steep climbs that force me to either spike power or grind around 45-50 rpms, neither of which I like. I'll provide some feedback after I've had a chance to get out and about on her. She's been in a corner in the basement staring at me since the Ville last year.
  • @ Roy-- keep these threads going and they are definitely keeping me motivated to push harder.  I'm like you, it's not a "look at me" deal it's an accountability deal.  If I want the "look at me" I'd post my WO on Facebook...which I don't LOL.

     Appreciate the chatter and the advice from you "fast" guys...you, Joe, etc...helping me out a lot.

  • Love this weekly thread! Great motivation.

    @Dwight, nice work with the weight loss, impressive!

    I've been tinkering with the weekly plan trying to figure out the best spot for long run and long bike. I don't train much on weekends so the long stuff is during the week for me. Last week did long run Thursday, long ride Friday. I was just too hard. This week , Tuesday long run, Friday long bike.
  • IM TX 10 weeks out. I have been on the Get faster plan and was worried about how that would translate into IM training at 10 weeks. So far so Good!. I took the EN 1k TT swim challenge. While is nothing to brag about I dropped 55 secs in 5 weeks. 

    Vdot 53 FTP 220

  • It's to bad we can't do a group ride via Internet like those JOS guys are doing. May make the four hour trainer rides more enjoyable. I have no techno abilities. I haven't even figured out how to download WKOs to post
  • Nice improvement Roland!
  • @ Roland...we have 12 weeks ;-)

     Had a good morning....45 min run followed immediately by 2700 in the water.  Really pushing the intervals in the pool and hopefully it's paying off.  Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go shoot a horse and eat it LOL.

  • Todays 3x15 FTP ride with my new numbers....Hard? You betcha... http://www.trainerroad.com/cycling/rides/231616

    Feel the energy build , feed off it , share it. Get pumped.

    Body Comp / Weight Loss / w/kg thoughts????...... Now is the time , 12 weeks out to think about it , not 2-3 weeks...... Fuel your workouts , fuel your recovery , eat smart , eat healthy , and turn yourselves into lean mean racing machines.......

    If you want post your current weight and race weight goals... Put it out there... hold yourself accountable just like our workouts....

    Dont laugh.... currently 125lbs , I will be racing IMTX at 120lbs , at IMCZ I was sub 120 and was recently 127 in January , so I'm planning a nice slow .5 lb a week from here.
  • Great thoughts Tim. I have weight loss goals. Race weight 175 lbs. Currently sitting at around 181 so not that much more to lose. Next year will plan on racing sub 170 but didn't want to shock the system to much

    Everybody keep up the great work. 12 weeks out no room for slacking
  • Run done and dusted. Tried to get outside before we got hit by the rain. I succeeding only in actually getting outside BEFORE it started raining. It started about 1 mile into it. However, that made for a really nice run. A total of 7.75 in 1 hour with 2x1.5 on the track @ slightly hotter than TP. Felt really good.

    For race weight/nuitrition commentary, I'm aiming at 185 race day weight. I'm currently sitting at 190 (down from 194 at the beginning of the OS). I don't get too crazy during the OS with the calorie counting, but started logging the intake on LoseIt! last week. I'm good so far with the total calorie intake, but I have discovered that I need to front load more earlier in the day or I get hungry/cranky. I'm not at the point in my athletic career where I'm willing to give up what has been entitled "recreational sugar" in other spaces in the Haus. Honestly, life is too short not to eat ice cream to me. If/when I get to within shouting distance of the FOP, my priorities may change. Right now, I'm good with making gains with hard training.

    Keep on it everyone.
  • @Roy -- if it doesn't stop raining...i mean FLOODING...in ATL I'm going to have to petition WTC to change the run in TX to a treadmill!

    You guys are ahead of me weight wise...goal is 200 for IMTX...raced IMFL and IMAZ at 195 back in 2008...IMKY and IMNY in 2011/2012 at 215...WAY too heavy. Anyway, I'm at 212.5 now and closing in fast...was 227 Jan 1.

  • Getting ready to run and yes it's raining. 3miles at tempo pace is on tap. Gonna be cold and wet
  • @John...enjoy your run!
  • Finished. First run at the new paces. Wasn't sure what to expect. MS: 3 miles at TP (6:37). Mile 1: 6:37, Mile 2: 6:28, Mile 3: 6:32. Satisfied that they were at or under pace but think I need to work on better pacing.
  • Long day today...work precipitated that I do my workout in the evening....knocked of an extended FTP session...90min. total....2x15(4'). 1x10(4') and finished off with 30min. of Z3....overall 176NP/.84IF...a little tired...but good....


    Regarding body comp...I try to maintain in OS...and count on the bump in volume to peel off 2-4lbs.  over the next 3 months...I typically weigh around 152 and like to be around 145-149 for racing...

    Good work everyone....really hoping the weather is reasonable for a nice outside ride this saturday...

  • That was a beast. Assigned 10/15/20 turned into 10/15/12/8 @ 1.0, 1.0, 0.99, 0.99. Hard work but now she's done. Swimming tonight so I'm bumping the run today.

    What did help was that this weekend I upgraded the 5 year old computer in the pain cave to a new 24in LCD TV with wireless Blueray. So now I can go disc, netflix, youtube, or harddrive video without any additional setup. Much better multimedia experience to take my mind off the pain in the legs.

    Good luck everyone. Get after it!
  • Did the long run this week. Not feeling all that well so it was a very sluggish time. Much slower than last week. Glad to be done with the miles in my legs.

    Also started working on swim race pacing with coach. Swam 3 x 1000. First two without looking at clock and last one trying to go a little faster. All ended up just around 17 minutes or 1:42 / 100. We've set goal to be able to swim 4200 yds continuously in the pool without flip turns on a 1:40 by IMTX. Rather average time for most, but huge improvement for me. Now, if they do away with the mass start, I'll be thrilled!
  • Got Good Pool this morning...2700 total...250 warmup/300drills/4x(4x100(15') progressive)(60')/1x350/100 warmdown...WFH....will run later in the light rain!
  • Rookie mistake with today's ride. Poor pacing causes collapse at end. IF: 1.01,1.02,.96,.99. Last interval was suppose to be twenty minutes. Going out to hard in beginning caused me to collapse and break set into 2x 10 minutes
  • Overdue Vdot test today since I screwed up my last one.... 5k , 20:07 , vdot 49.33 , tiny bit faster than last one but not what it should be LOL.... My best vdot test so far has been a HM.... Considering coming off a bike FTP day yesterday with no rest and the heat generated on that TM not bad I guess. I have been training Z4 and Z5 paces based on 51 vdot and my Z2 , Z3 work has been more inline with 49-50 vdot..... which is wierd since I normally do better on longer efforts... Total run workout 37 min and 5.1 miles, cut it short today....

    Jumped in the pool and did 2100yds in 40min , MS was 15x100 with PB/anklebands @ 1:30 per 100 on 15 rest....

    I'll call today an easy day 1:17 total time!
  • @Tim...nice work today man. I busted my hour ride and felt like a superhero but I'm not even in the league of nations with your numbers!
  • Good luck everybody with the long runs tomorrow
  • Posted By Tom Glynn on 27 Feb 2013 07:48 AM 

    Now, if they do away with the mass start, I'll be thrilled!


    Word is the race organizers want the swim to be identical to last year.  Non-wetsuits at 7:00am and wetsuits at 7:10am.

    I'm assuming the higher ups at WTC might apply some pressure to change that.

  • OMG What a difference 50 degrees and shorts make! 

    6.5 miles...45:31 (7min avg)

    1mi. warmup (7:05) 1mi @ 6:39 / quarter mile easy.. 1.5mi. @ 6:50 pace / quarter mile easy.. 1.5mi. steady @ 7:15 pace - finishing mile 6:50. 

    I like.

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