So I put together two possible planing scenarios for the upcoming season. My A-races are the Musselman HIM on Jul 11 and the Syracuse HIM on Sept 19th. I am in Jan OS, the last week of which coincides with TOC camp. As I see it, I can either create a plan split into 2 seasons around each HIM or train through HIM on the way to HIM#2. There isn't enough gap between the two to complete a full HIM plan or enough time after TOC before Musselman to get in a full plan.
Also planning to try to run the Wineglass Marathon 2-weeks after my Syracuse HIM in an attempt to qualify for Boston. The Marathon won't be a major focus, but I would like to qualify and run Boston as part of "do cool stuff with fitness" life experience plan.
Hi guys! Here's the scoop. I've got major calf injury issues. I've worked with the gait analysis folks at UVA and they have confirmed the issue is all coming from the way I'm running- I need some major stride overhaul. The good news is I'm cleared to bike again, but the bad news is that it looks like I'll be pool running (or whatever) for another few weeks (like maybe 4 more?). I've got a healthy amount of rehab/core/PT work to do in the mean time. When I am finally cleared to run again, it's going to be all about just slowly adding volume/frequency and most importantly- running with the right form to fix the calf problems for good. I'm gonna guess at this point that I won't be ready to do any running speed work until late April/May- which is basically when I am scheduled to end the OS. I've got Eagleman on the calendar for June 13. I'm pretty sure I'll at least be able to run 13.1 miles by then (not fast- but I should be able to complete the distance).
Here's my question. Since this OS I won't be able to work on any running speed work, would I be better served by doing some kind of "Bike Focus" stuff and cutting back on the pool running to just 2xper week? I'm thinking that perhaps I should replace the Sunday "run" with another quality bike ride instead- but I'm not sure what exactly that might look like.
No worries and sorry for the run-around. I would say yes to Kansas 70.3, so do:
full OS
2 week transition
12 week HIM and rip Kansas
1 week transition
11 weeks to IM Lou
Keep the volume down for the HIM cycle except for perhaps 1 weekend where you could go big on bike, like Sat/Sun centuries or something cool.
We'll have the basic month stuff up shortly, you wouldn't have to make that up...and no one in EN gets a 20 week plan...those first 8 weeks are "prep" time for don't need em!
I vote plan number one, on the left. Please train through it so you aren't cooked and have low expectations for musselman based on your TOC re-entry!!!
This is a great question and a great way to tackle a not-so-great situation. I say that you absolutely go bike focus on the Sundays. So that would be Tues/Thurs/Sat/Sun for the bike. If you are inside, then I would repeat the Thursday ride. If you can get outside, get a group or just have fun going hard until you pop. I would do this for two weeks, then every 3rd week is off on Sundays and chill....maybe do something the friday before. Is that good enough?
Coaches RnP: I've posted this question before only to referred to a PDF OS Transition Plan Doc, which is extremely helpful for this week but as part of the IMSG group I'm confused looking at the my personal marco week to week plans from here out as they show continued OS work for another 2 weeks, then a test week. Maybe I misunderstood but I thought you suggested the transition week this week and to start the IS next week but the weekly training plans don't seem to reflect that, can you give me some guidance or do you just want me to be patient as you're currently working on it and it will be posted soon?
Any and all information for IMSG is in the IMSG Group (here). This week you should be transitioning per the docs there. We'll be getting you the 12 week plan, it's a function of what part of the online system will be ready by then, etc.
This is a great question and a great way to tackle a not-so-great situation. I say that you absolutely go bike focus on the Sundays. So that would be Tues/Thurs/Sat/Sun for the bike. If you are inside, then I would repeat the Thursday ride. If you can get outside, get a group or just have fun going hard until you pop. I would do this for two weeks, then every 3rd week is off on Sundays and chill....maybe do something the friday before. Is that good enough?
Yup- that's the direction I was looking for. Just trying to figure out what to do with that Sunday ride. Thanks P!
Coach P, Thanks I'll patiently wait and simply enjoy this easy week. It feels so good! By the way great call in the creation of the IMSG group. I'm sure you've noticed we've been able to connect and create some good energy there.
Saw my doctor today and he is now allowing me to ride my real bike (yeah, I don't have to ride that silly recumbent unless I want to), and to start running - 3 times a week for 3 weeks to see how it goes and keep it to about 2 miles. Soooooo, I went straight to the treadmill at the gym and did 4 x 1/2 mile runs at a very easy pace with .1 mile walk between. NO pain, it was so great... He has basically said forget about the race I was going to do at the end of April, but reminded me that I do have the rest of my life.
Since I have been on the recumbent since November, and pretty erratic the last couple of weeks, and not wanting to really start completely over, I am thinking about going back to week 2. I also have several cross country ski races in the next couple of weeks so that seemed to make sense. My thought is to do the bikes, run as I can and do the intervals in the pool (deep water running) or on the elliptic. In the alternative, I could play for the rest of the month and restart March 1. Since I will be cancelling out of St. Anthony's, te first race on the calendar now is not until Chicago at the end of August and then SOMA 1/2 IM at the end of October. If all goes well, I may try to add a race in June and maybe Branson in September. I call upon your wisdom. Whatever you sugest I can then change my plan.
Just looking at the season ahead and am considering entering a few olympic distance events prior to my A race. Just curious to know your thoughts on whether any of these can/should be scheduled in the last 12 weeks prior to the A race?
Bumping this up, you've missed me guys ! Mebbe the questions are easily accessible & I'm missing something - a sanity check would help, thanks, Dave. PS. my initial thought was to stay in OS as long as possible, even if that means way less than 12 weeks in RP - just 'lost' my week 9 due to a stomach bug, lost weight the wrong way ! so already a week down (was going to start week 9 next week).
Posted By David Flint on 28 Jan 2010 11:47 AM
RnP - your overview & advice please gents - DecOS start - first A-race UK 70.3 on June 20th.
To give me 12wks Prep its only 15 weeks in OS (Adv) - 1 week Tran' (?) and then into Prep phase.
Hows about 16 weeks OS, no transition? Thinking that if wk16 is test week, altho' intensive, there's extra rest days around it (as wk7/8).
As a newbie I'm not sure on Prep phase content or RR formats, however, have highlighted an Oly & HIM race - the HIM is a tad close to 'race' IMO so was intending to bail on the run mid-point or whatever you advise. My rationale was that as a Tri newbie, I needed the race practice & certainly the swim element (plus its a sea swim with loads of current, good prep for IMCOZ).
I think your plan is perfect....have fun at the XC races, biking tues/thrus accorndign to week 2 schedule and only running when you want/can...and stoopid short. Hit 3/1 looking to be a bit more focused, etc. I might suggest dialing in some body comp focus as well just to get lighter...that only makes running more manageable as you return. How does that sound????
We aren't fans of having anything within the last 6 weeks of your training...just too risky. Everything else is just opportunity cost...what do you miss by racing instead of training on a sat/sun. If you do race on the weekend, do what it takes to keep that Sat wrokout (move to non-race day and consider running again after your race or later that day...
Sorry Dave! So many charts and darts this is easy to miss. Week 14 is actually the test week, so do that, take two weeks to transition and start 12 of race prep. Per my blog post here, you can also use that second week to add in a little volume pop to kick things off if you like / weather is nice / you have SAUs, etc. I think this will work out great!
RnP, Guys, I am going to be traveling in New Zealand for weeks 11-14 of the OS plan. I am bringing my bike with me but not my trainer, cause it's summer there Anyhoo, How should I adjust those weeks? I was thinking of upping the bike volume considerably (3-4 rides in Z-3) and stretching the run a bit, or is that to aggressive? Please advise.
I just want to run a few things by you to make sure my thought processes are sound
Original plan
March 28 - 1/2 Mary
May 23 - Oly
July 10 - 1/2 IM A race
After a run on the road earlier this week (6 miles) that left me pretty lame and with an unhappy hip I think I need to drop the 1/2 Mary. I don't see how a) it will be THAT big an advantage to have under my belt for a 1/2 IM in July and b) adding all the miles and minutes while I am in the OS and thriving on that schedule just doesn't seem smart. Any advantage to pushing through with that race that I am not seeing? I think just doing a few local 5ks, maybe a 10k would be more beneficial = no extra training and I can recover from those if I plan well and do it the right way.
New plan
April 17 - sprint tri (maybe - if I get motivated for it - I hate sprints, but the run is on a CC course which is a better surface for me to run on)
May 14-16 - Southeast EN Rally (hopefully)
May 23 - Memphis in May Oly & Exit OS
May 23-30 Transition week
May 30 - July 10 1/2 IM Plan (6 weeks)
July 10 - 1/2 IM
If all goes well I may want to add Longhorn 70.3 October 17, but will wait to decide on that based on how the spring and early summer go.
I am not sure if this a macro or micro question, but I need some advice for the next few weeks. My A Race is on May 16. I had planned on transitioning out of OS the week of Feb 15th, giving exactly 12 weeks of race prep. However, due to my life getting in the way , it turns out that I have had to take 90% of this week off.
So I figured I might as well use this week as my transition week. This leaves me with a 2 week gap in my training plan. My question is what should I use as a 2 week General Prep? I have been considering the following:
The first week of the Intermediate HIM plan that I will be moving into.
Hi RnP, Question about the 12 week Ironman prep; I know that you guys moved the race sim away from the race by one week. Is it ok to keep them where they were in the past? i.e. to 2 weeks and 4 weeks before the race? Before I had known about the move I had moved some stuff around to make sure I am free on the weekends according to the old schedule. I am assuming that should not be too much of an issue? Here is what I have planned for going big; would like to make sure everything looks good: Week 4 (8 weeks before): semi big bike week (probably just 2-3days) Week 6 (6 weeks before): Big Tri/Bike week (5 days) Week 8 (4 weeks before): Race sim 1 Week 10 (2 weeks before): Race sim 2
This is what I have been planing, any thoughts you might have would be great. It would be pretty fantastic if I can keep the race Sim on the date of the old system other then the new dates though. Thanks much. Wei
Sorry Dave! So many charts and darts this is easy to miss. Week 14 is actually the test week, so do that, take two weeks to transition and start 12 of race prep. Per my blog post here, you can also use that second week to add in a little volume pop to kick things off if you like / weather is nice / you have SAUs, etc. I think this will work out great!
FWIW, more transition is better than less...
Thanks Patrick - a question re; the above - considering that a) I'm a Tri newbie (but in the Adv plan if that makes any diff') and b) have IMCOZ in November - would the full IM later in the season suggest staying in OS as long as possible perhaps? Altho' the 70.3 in June & IM in Nov are both A-races what would be the consequances (positives/negatives) of staying in OS until say wk 18?
Or, just go with your original advice - treat the year as '2 seasons' and approach the 70.3 as tho' it was the seasons only A-race?
Sounds awesome. Pics please!!! I say keep the runs as they are except sunday run can be a bit longer. All the bikes can be longer as do main set as specified (or close to it) and then ABP the rest of the time. Just get out there and rip it up....of course, one or two touring rides would be okay (I won't tell rich!).
I think your plan is perfect...pushing through pain is pretty much never a good thing (unless it's all in your head). I would suggest revisiting how important it is for your body to warm up / down well....are you being a good do-bee? Remember that the OS is the hardest part of your season (technically speaking) -- we can't afford to skimp on self-care (I hope I am listening as I type this).
We can make that work no problem, but don't need to sweat that for some's not as big a deal as you might think, we are just being conservative (in general), but we can help you manage that fatigue as you need..when you get there!
It's all least you aren't like deadly sick taking the week off or out with a bum calf muscle, etc.
Given that the first week of the 12 week plan is light until the weekend, I would say pick up the OS doing last weekend's workouts for SAT / Sun (yes, again) then do the week you missed next week, final OS the week of 2/15 THROUGH THE RUN TEST. That means easy thurs/fri/sat/sun of that week, then you can pick up with 11 weeks to go. You don't need as much of a transition then as you had a break now...
I'm doing the Singapore 70.3 on March 21 and have been following the 12 week HIM plan. Mid last week ( week 6 ) a nasty flu knocked me out.
Replies to my post in another thread suggest that i ease back into training once for 2-3 weeks before getting back up to full training load. My concern is as i'm now about to enter week 7 of 12, allowing 2-3 weeks to get back up to speed puts me at tapering time.
This week i missed my first 2hr run in the plan and today (Saturday) I'm skipping the 56 mile race rehearsal, and if i'm easing back into things, i will miss next weeks 2 hour run also, after which the plan's long runs get shorter.
How should i be modifying my training plan for the remaining 5 weeks? or should i be skipping this race?
Sick December 28th through January 9th. Blown ankle January 11th- NOW. First run was a jog on January 22nd. Pain in the ankle so only rode for the last two weeks. Should I drop back to earlier weeks? Should I just continue with the current schedule? THrow this in the mix...still focusing on body comp, I need to drop 10lbs by mid march.
Ran vDot test this week and had no pain but was at the same time as last test i did.
R&P- I have one more follow-up question to my restart of the OS and going "Bike Focus". I don't have a full 20 weeks left in my OS Season, instead I've got about 15 (ending with TOC in week 16). I was assuming that I should "start" the 20 week OS plan over again from the beginning and just "exit early" in week 15. Does that make sense given the layout of the plans, or should I be jumping into Week 6 with the rest of the Jan Peeps?
Just wanted some feedback on upcoming week 11 OS Dec group plan. I originally signed up (before I joined you guys) to run the Myrtle Beach marathon this Sat. I have headed to your recommendations and have not trained for the marathon but have stuck to your training schedule. The last 3 weeks I added a bit to the long runs on Sundays to about max of 10 miles. I plan to run the 1/2 marathon instead of the full marathon this Sat. Any suggestions as to changes in this weeks schedule? I assume I will just switch Sun and Sat workouts. My goal with the 1/2 marathon is to just have fun and not hurt myself.
Oh how I wish it was in my head! I am being very good about my warm up - can do better on the warm down part though. Thanks for pointing that out. Need to be careful to allow the appropriate amount of time for the workouts outside of what is written in the plan!
So I put together two possible planing scenarios for the upcoming season. My A-races are the Musselman HIM on Jul 11 and the Syracuse HIM on Sept 19th. I am in Jan OS, the last week of which coincides with TOC camp. As I see it, I can either create a plan split into 2 seasons around each HIM or train through HIM on the way to HIM#2. There isn't enough gap between the two to complete a full HIM plan or enough time after TOC before Musselman to get in a full plan.
Also planning to try to run the Wineglass Marathon 2-weeks after my Syracuse HIM in an attempt to qualify for Boston. The Marathon won't be a major focus, but I would like to qualify and run Boston as part of "do cool stuff with fitness" life experience plan.
Here's my question. Since this OS I won't be able to work on any running speed work, would I be better served by doing some kind of "Bike Focus" stuff and cutting back on the pool running to just 2xper week? I'm thinking that perhaps I should replace the Sunday "run" with another quality bike ride instead- but I'm not sure what exactly that might look like.
Amy -
No worries and sorry for the run-around. I would say yes to Kansas 70.3, so do:
Keep the volume down for the HIM cycle except for perhaps 1 weekend where you could go big on bike, like Sat/Sun centuries or something cool.
We'll have the basic month stuff up shortly, you wouldn't have to make that up...and no one in EN gets a 20 week plan...those first 8 weeks are "prep" time for don't need em!
KW -
I vote plan number one, on the left. Please train through it so you aren't cooked and have low expectations for musselman based on your TOC re-entry!!!
This is a great question and a great way to tackle a not-so-great situation. I say that you absolutely go bike focus on the Sundays. So that would be Tues/Thurs/Sat/Sun for the bike. If you are inside, then I would repeat the Thursday ride. If you can get outside, get a group or just have fun going hard until you pop. I would do this for two weeks, then every 3rd week is off on Sundays and chill....maybe do something the friday before. Is that good enough?
I've posted this question before only to referred to a PDF OS Transition Plan Doc, which is extremely helpful for this week but as part of the IMSG group I'm confused looking at the my personal marco week to week plans from here out as they show continued OS work for another 2 weeks, then a test week. Maybe I misunderstood but I thought you suggested the transition week this week and to start the IS next week but the weekly training plans don't seem to reflect that, can you give me some guidance or do you just want me to be patient as you're currently working on it and it will be posted soon?
Stephen -
Any and all information for IMSG is in the IMSG Group (here). This week you should be transitioning per the docs there. We'll be getting you the 12 week plan, it's a function of what part of the online system will be ready by then, etc.
Yup- that's the direction I was looking for. Just trying to figure out what to do with that Sunday ride. Thanks P!
Coach P, Thanks I'll patiently wait and simply enjoy this easy week. It feels so good! By the way great call in the creation of the IMSG group. I'm sure you've noticed we've been able to connect and create some good energy there.
Saw my doctor today and he is now allowing me to ride my real bike (yeah, I don't have to ride that silly recumbent unless I want to), and to start running - 3 times a week for 3 weeks to see how it goes and keep it to about 2 miles. Soooooo, I went straight to the treadmill at the gym and did 4 x 1/2 mile runs at a very easy pace with .1 mile walk between. NO pain, it was so great... He has basically said forget about the race I was going to do at the end of April, but reminded me that I do have the rest of my life.
Since I have been on the recumbent since November, and pretty erratic the last couple of weeks, and not wanting to really start completely over, I am thinking about going back to week 2. I also have several cross country ski races in the next couple of weeks so that seemed to make sense. My thought is to do the bikes, run as I can and do the intervals in the pool (deep water running) or on the elliptic. In the alternative, I could play for the rest of the month and restart March 1. Since I will be cancelling out of St. Anthony's, te first race on the calendar now is not until Chicago at the end of August and then SOMA 1/2 IM at the end of October. If all goes well, I may try to add a race in June and maybe Branson in September. I call upon your wisdom. Whatever you sugest I can then change my plan.
Just looking at the season ahead and am considering entering a few olympic distance events prior to my A race. Just curious to know your thoughts on whether any of these can/should be scheduled in the last 12 weeks prior to the A race?
Bumping this up, you've missed me guys ! Mebbe the questions are easily accessible & I'm missing something - a sanity check would help, thanks, Dave.
PS. my initial thought was to stay in OS as long as possible, even if that means way less than 12 weeks in RP - just 'lost' my week 9 due to a stomach bug, lost weight the wrong way ! so already a week down (was going to start week 9 next week).
I think your plan is perfect....have fun at the XC races, biking tues/thrus accorndign to week 2 schedule and only running when you want/can...and stoopid short. Hit 3/1 looking to be a bit more focused, etc. I might suggest dialing in some body comp focus as well just to get lighter...that only makes running more manageable as you return. How does that sound????
We aren't fans of having anything within the last 6 weeks of your training...just too risky. Everything else is just opportunity cost...what do you miss by racing instead of training on a sat/sun. If you do race on the weekend, do what it takes to keep that Sat wrokout (move to non-race day and consider running again after your race or later that day...
Sorry Dave! So many charts and darts this is easy to miss. Week 14 is actually the test week, so do that, take two weeks to transition and start 12 of race prep. Per my blog post here, you can also use that second week to add in a little volume pop to kick things off if you like / weather is nice / you have SAUs, etc. I think this will work out great!
FWIW, more transition is better than less...
Guys, I am going to be traveling in New Zealand for weeks 11-14 of the OS plan. I am bringing my bike with me but not my trainer, cause it's summer there
Anyhoo, How should I adjust those weeks? I was thinking of upping the bike volume considerably (3-4 rides in Z-3) and stretching the run a bit, or is that to aggressive? Please advise.
Thanks, Mike
HI Guys -
I just want to run a few things by you to make sure my thought processes are sound
Original plan
March 28 - 1/2 Mary
May 23 - Oly
July 10 - 1/2 IM A race
After a run on the road earlier this week (6 miles) that left me pretty lame and with an unhappy hip I think I need to drop the 1/2 Mary. I don't see how a) it will be THAT big an advantage to have under my belt for a 1/2 IM in July and b) adding all the miles and minutes while I am in the OS and thriving on that schedule just doesn't seem smart. Any advantage to pushing through with that race that I am not seeing? I think just doing a few local 5ks, maybe a 10k would be more beneficial = no extra training and I can recover from those if I plan well and do it the right way.
New plan
April 17 - sprint tri (maybe - if I get motivated for it - I hate sprints, but the run is on a CC course which is a better surface for me to run on)
May 14-16 - Southeast EN Rally (hopefully)
May 23 - Memphis in May Oly & Exit OS
May 23-30 Transition week
May 30 - July 10 1/2 IM Plan (6 weeks)
July 10 - 1/2 IM
If all goes well I may want to add Longhorn 70.3 October 17, but will wait to decide on that based on how the spring and early summer go.
, it turns out that I have had to take 90% of this week off.
I am not sure if this a macro or micro question, but I need some advice for the next few weeks. My A Race is on May 16. I had planned on transitioning out of OS the week of Feb 15th, giving exactly 12 weeks of race prep. However, due to my life getting in the way
So I figured I might as well use this week as my transition week. This leaves me with a 2 week gap in my training plan. My question is what should I use as a 2 week General Prep? I have been considering the following:
Thanks for your help,
Question about the 12 week Ironman prep; I know that you guys moved the race sim away from the race by one week. Is it ok to keep them where they were in the past? i.e. to 2 weeks and 4 weeks before the race? Before I had known about the move I had moved some stuff around to make sure I am free on the weekends according to the old schedule. I am assuming that should not be too much of an issue?
Here is what I have planned for going big; would like to make sure everything looks good:
Week 4 (8 weeks before): semi big bike week (probably just 2-3days)
Week 6 (6 weeks before): Big Tri/Bike week (5 days)
Week 8 (4 weeks before): Race sim 1
Week 10 (2 weeks before): Race sim 2
This is what I have been planing, any thoughts you might have would be great. It would be pretty fantastic if I can keep the race Sim on the date of the old system other then the new dates though.
Thanks much.
Thanks Patrick - a question re; the above - considering that a) I'm a Tri newbie (but in the Adv plan if that makes any diff') and b) have IMCOZ in November - would the full IM later in the season suggest staying in OS as long as possible perhaps? Altho' the 70.3 in June & IM in Nov are both A-races what would be the consequances (positives/negatives) of staying in OS until say wk 18?
Or, just go with your original advice - treat the year as '2 seasons' and approach the 70.3 as tho' it was the seasons only A-race?
Thanks again!
Sounds awesome. Pics please!!! I say keep the runs as they are except sunday run can be a bit longer. All the bikes can be longer as do main set as specified (or close to it) and then ABP the rest of the time. Just get out there and rip it up....of course, one or two touring rides would be okay (I won't tell rich!).
go OS as two seasons...we can always "hack" your IMCOZ build up if needed!
Robin -
I think your plan is perfect...pushing through pain is pretty much never a good thing (unless it's all in your head).
I would suggest revisiting how important it is for your body to warm up / down well....are you being a good do-bee? Remember that the OS is the hardest part of your season (technically speaking) -- we can't afford to skimp on self-care (I hope I am listening as I type this). 
Wei -
We can make that work no problem, but don't need to sweat that for some's not as big a deal as you might think, we are just being conservative (in general), but we can help you manage that fatigue as you need..when you get there!
PG -
It's all least you aren't like deadly sick taking the week off or out with a bum calf muscle, etc.
Given that the first week of the 12 week plan is light until the weekend, I would say pick up the OS doing last weekend's workouts for SAT / Sun (yes, again) then do the week you missed next week, final OS the week of 2/15 THROUGH THE RUN TEST. That means easy thurs/fri/sat/sun of that week, then you can pick up with 11 weeks to go. You don't need as much of a transition then as you had a break now...
I'm doing the Singapore 70.3 on March 21 and have been following the 12 week HIM plan. Mid last week ( week 6 ) a nasty flu knocked me out.
Replies to my post in another thread suggest that i ease back into training once for 2-3 weeks before getting back up to full training load. My concern is as i'm now about to enter week 7 of 12, allowing 2-3 weeks to get back up to speed puts me at tapering time.
This week i missed my first 2hr run in the plan and today (Saturday) I'm skipping the 56 mile race rehearsal, and if i'm easing back into things, i will miss next weeks 2 hour run also, after which the plan's long runs get shorter.
How should i be modifying my training plan for the remaining 5 weeks? or should i be skipping this race?
Many Thanks,
Sick December 28th through January 9th. Blown ankle January 11th- NOW. First run was a jog on January 22nd. Pain in the ankle so only rode for the last two weeks. Should I drop back to earlier weeks? Should I just continue with the current schedule? THrow this in the mix...still focusing on body comp, I need to drop 10lbs by mid march.
Ran vDot test this week and had no pain but was at the same time as last test i did.
Hi R n P,
Just wanted some feedback on upcoming week 11 OS Dec group plan. I originally signed up (before I joined you guys) to run the Myrtle Beach marathon this Sat. I have headed to your recommendations and have not trained for the marathon but have stuck to your training schedule. The last 3 weeks I added a bit to the long runs on Sundays to about max of 10 miles. I plan to run the 1/2 marathon instead of the full marathon this Sat. Any suggestions as to changes in this weeks schedule? I assume I will just switch Sun and Sat workouts. My goal with the 1/2 marathon is to just have fun and not hurt myself.
Oh how I wish it was in my head! I am being very good about my warm up - can do better on the warm down part though. Thanks for pointing that out. Need to be careful to allow the appropriate amount of time for the workouts outside of what is written in the plan!