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2015 EN 12 Days of Holiday Running



  • Thing's are evolving peeps, the Ottawa Sleeper Cell is banding together with our nemesis the Interdashional's team.Time to come together and finish 2015 in a flourish ! Deets and team members to follow !
  • So if there is too much ice on the road in my hood (like now) is indoors permissible? Indoors I have to use a Nordic Track since my back does not tolerate tread mills. I have no delusions of being at the top of the chart, just don't want to be using unapproved methods of participating.

  • I'm game.  Looking like it's going to be another hot & humid Christmas in FL this week, I need to lobby the rules committee for at least .25 bonus points for runs when it's over 85 degrees. 

  • Where is sign up sheet ??
  • On page 1 of this thread.  It's a link to tracking spreadsheet under the heading The Annual Holiday Run Challenge

  • Since I'm already challenging myself to run 100 days straight (today is Day51), I will join this challenge as I will be running all those days anyway. 150 miles in 12 days Doug?! Given the mileage and the fact you live in Rochester, you've won this challenge handily image. I'll be running most of my miles in Cancun so I get no add points for sub 32 degree running. This will be fun!!
  • @Danielle, I have no expectations of winning and consider the challenge wide open. I'm going to front load most of my miles during days that the challenge isn't even going on and do a lot of TM running (no bonus points). There are a bunch of monsters training for ultras so it would be hard for me to compete with them anyways. Additionally, the forecast through the New Year has the high temps at a minimum of in the 40's every day with several days in the 50's and and many days where the low doesn't even reach freezing! Crazy weather! Enjoy Cancun! If you keep your streak alive you may be battling for the trophy!
  • I am in. I don't have a mileage goal just want to run strong each day.
  • I'm in!  Glad I actually clicked over to sign up- didn;t realize it started today.
  • Leslie - the challenge actually starts on Dec 25. I made a mistake of saying 12 days. Most of us will be starting on that date.
  • I'm in too! Will see what the legs can do, and how many cookies I get to eat from all the hard work!   

    @Brenda - Thanks for the clarification on start day, since the spreadsheet has columns starting yesterday, Dec 21.

  • I'm in too. No big goals, just run every day outside.
  • Good luck to all.  I'm targeting 3 sessions over that period with my return to running plan and still at the point of no running two days in a row.  I might put my name on the list to help boost people's rank up one as it will be a very small amount of points for me.  It will be good for me to have the accountability as I really have no excuses being off from December 25th- January 4th.
  • I know one thing I won't be getting any points for this year....running below 32 degrees. 83 forecast here for Christmas Day. Sick of hot weather.
  • Does 4.5 miles = 4 points or 4.5 points?  Just need to know if I need to circle the parking lot at the end of the run......

  • Just seeing and jumping in on this thread. I'm in for the 8 day challenge but have no idea what will be in store. Question (And i wonder if the coaching God's are listening….) if we run on 'off" days or run longer than our weekly target run miles will we turn into pillars of salt or something or get chastised? haha…no seriously! Will they mind if we take these 8 days and blast some running miles? just wondering. The past two week have been spectacularly crappy for me so this is EXACTLY what i need to get some mojo back!!! Thanks gang!! image

  • @Brian I believe 4.5 mi ='s 4.5 pts, throw in your time/temp bonus it will be different, parking lot running ugg. Old story, years ago I did 18 miles in a parking lot one year training for Boston in the middle of winter. It was the only cleared spot in the city after a major winter storm 

    @Steph welcome aboard and do what is possible for you. It is an 8 day daily run challenge throw in stategic mileage, time, and temperature and you get a rabbit out of the hat "Top gun runner" crowned on Jan 1st. Join in read the thread for motivation and chime in to keep the troops going out the door !



  • @Danielle   I think you should be able to get add points for running in Sand.

  • Ok, I'm in where is all the girl power!!! Very few chica's participatingimage
  • Does anyone need/want a team member? If not that's cool. I'm gonna shoot for all 8 days.

    @David & @Jamie…it was 84 o here today 87% humidity. I feel your pain 

    @Paula…here we are!!

  • Well runners first day down, a nice little quick run with Brenda. She will post a pic of the first day. But as we move along the runs will get longer for sure.
  • How about we say 4.5 = 4, 4.56 = 5
  • Well, I'm doing a now rare check in with my results for today. I've teamed up with Brenda Ross (I'm so honored I'm blushing) from the Ottawa Sleeper Cell and we have posted 11 points on the day. My 8 were from 1 hour, 5 miles and 2 of those miles were in Z4.

    Who the hell's idea was this anyway? 

  • Day #1 of Run challenge. Only 3 point collected for each of us.
  • Spreadsheet updated with today's results. Spring-like Boxing Day for a 6 mile run at just over an hour for 7 points. Along the way I got to thinking about that post someone had about only doing 10K each day. Now all you Canadians (and other metric system furners), don't go putting kilometer totals in yer spreadsheet. Don't want you inflatin' your numbers unfairly.

    Except for Brenda. RnP told me you could do that.


  • First run of the day done. Updated spreadsheet. Taught 2 classes. Toast.

    Giggling @Peter!!! Haha!

    Is 84 o here today with crazy humidity. Maybe we get an extra point if we run in weather above 90 o ! Jeepers!!
  • Some great numbers in the spreadsheet for the challenge so far! After running 76 miles between Monday and Thursday to keep with my original goal of 150 in 12 days I took it real easy yesterday and only ran 1 mile on the first day of the challenge in hopes of getting the 5 bonus points for running all 8 days. I definitely needed the easy day. This morning I felt a lot better and was able to get in 9 for a total of 11 points today including 1 for running longer than an hour and 1 for running in below freezing conditions. Keep up the good work everyone!
  • Day 2 done and dusted. Only 4 miles, but planning on doing 5 miles tomorrow.


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