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  • Dinner would be great, but I eat main meal mid-day. Lunch Fri? Email: jonathan.nissanov@gmail.com; 215-870-6463; Arriving late thur night with my wife. Staying at Santa Nella House.
  • sounds good! Josiah is captain and staying near race so I asked him to check on "dinner" ... I also haven't looked at the schedule yet, but I'm thinking morning swim and some time for set up of bags/bike... I'm easy and I also don't eat a big dinner... in fact I don't eat a big anything image so you all let me know what works.
  • This will be my first year at Vineman so I don't know much about dining options but happy to check out yelp. Are most folks near swim/t1 or run/t2? Personally, I favor a carb happy dinner, pizza, pasta, even Pho or mild mexican. Majority rules again? My email is; Josiah.Garrison@gmail.com; Cell 916.850.9933. Looking forward to seeing everyone and may bring a couple local tri club peeps to dinner.

    My rough, flexible plan:

    Wife, kids and I arrive mid-day Thur. and will probably ride 40 min or so up & down Chalk Hill if anyone's interested in a little course recon. I did ride the course last month, it's mostly consistent rollers. If you want to join please ping me, the more the merrier. Say around 3? There will be plenty of folks out there, so regardless you won't be alone. Whatever time works for the majority is cool. Maybe we could  get together Thur night depending on when the Withrow's arrive?

    Friday- My kids are doing Ironkids run at 8:00 at the expo area. Mid-morning drop bike and do a 30 min swim.

    Early dinner- 5ish. Lights out at nine.


    Friday late morning/ early afternoon- swim a little? Early dinner 5:00 ish, crashing no later than 9.

  • There is a welcome dinner Thursday night for all the athletes. My family will be at the welcome dinner and the awards banquet meal on Sunday. We will not be able to make the team dinner or lunch that you decide to do. We will look for you all on the course. My husband and I wear a different kit( not EN). We will introduce ourselves when we see the EN kit. We love this course. It is so beautiful! This coming weekend it is forecast to be 100 degrees. Yowza!! Hoping by the next weekend it will be back in the 80's again. Fingers crossed!
  • Sounds good Carrie. We're probably skipping the athlete dinner, too crowded for me. I will be racing in Folsom Bike Tri Club Kit, so keep an eye out and you guys have an awesome race!

  • Just reading through this thread for the first time. Not sure if you all are aware but race registration is Wed and Thurs only. Then drop bike and gear bags off on Friday at T1. This year the run course and T2 have changed. T2 is at a park behind Windsor HS. The run is on the complete other side of Windsor HS. It is 2 loops of 13.1. Long long gradual downhills and long long gradual uphills. Rollers and some steeper hills too on the run but not at all like the old course.

    There is very poor cell service near T1. My friends who stayed near T1 for the 70.3 could not call or text from their rentals :-(. Hopefully you will have reception.

    The bike is not 2 exact same loops but basically 2 56 mile loops.

    I just did the 70.3 last week. Love that course. Have done the 70.3 many times and the full ages ago - 2002 on the old course.

  • Thanks for the info! and a Saturday race means if we get together for a meal it will have to be lunch as you all are not getting in until Thursday.... Friday lunch? or after bike drop off?
  • Carrie, are you doing this race? send me your email and I'll add you to the spreadsheet... bunch of my run team mates, Gilbert's Gazelles (from Austin, Tx), are doing the CIM... I did New York last year... loved it! Second time... this year doing Havana for a change... so can't fit in the New York race
  • Hi Patricia,
    Yes, Steve and I are both racing the Ironman. Our friends are coming up to cheer and will be with our daughter. I won't make a lunch or dinner with you all but will look for you on race day :-).
  • I think it is awesome that you did the 70.3 for your race rehearsal weekend! very smart!

    send your email if you want your info on the spread sheet....
    here's the link... if you just want to be able to contact anyone
    https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...sp=sharing is the link
  • So it sounds like lunch on Friday would be best for those who are interested. How about this place: http://www.kcsamericankitchen.com/assets/kcslunch_web.pdf.  Near the HS, good yelp reviews and we could take a team picture there too. Please let me know who's interested and I'll book a table around 1200 on Friday.


  • Another great place to eat and is less than a mile from the High School ( T2 and registration)

    We ate there with friends after a long training day on the course in June.

    I did my race rehearsal 5 weeks out. Then Vineman 70.3 as a way to get back in to racing before the full ironman. I have not raced a triathlon in 4 years. Yikes!! We focused on a big home remodel. Now that the house is done we are getting back to racing. So fun! Good news is the race was amazing and I felt so good all day. So many details in a race and I was reminded of all of them and felt prepared. So glad I did the race.

    I'll add my name/info to the spreadsheet.
  • Haha!! I posted the same place to eat!!
  • twist eatery looks a little better to me but you all need to provide opinion.... is this near the location where we bring our bikes and bags? I don't know anything about this area. I don't know about KC's... I don't eat meat... and occasionally will have fish or chicken... but not everyone has the same preferences and I can get a salad anywhere
  • KC's might be it. either way, I'm in for lunch.

    Carrie, send me your email so you can edit the spreadsheet to put your info in
    looking forward to hearing about your experience! are you sure you can't come to lunch?
  • My email carriechavez@pacbell.net

    No group lunch for me the day before. We hunker down as a family after gear drop off and chill out.
  • we'll miss you! I wear the EN red race top just like in my picture and some black Coeur shorts... I have silver hair and I'm short. looking forward to meeting you! Also looking forward to cooler weather than what we have here! looks like it might or might not happen.
  • Patricia- One more thing, you may want to ping Brenda Ross as she's setting up official race day threads and athlete tracker spreadsheets this season... Thanks again for taking on all the admin!

  • I had no idea I had taken on the admin? I just didn't see a spreadsheet for this race image
  • Good luck to everyone doing the Full Vineman this year! It's great to see so many EN participants.
    I did this race in 2014 and it was a great-(challenging) race. I plan on coming back in 2017 and look forward to hearing from everyone!
  • Brenda has been pinged!  Glad to help!  Looking forward to meeting you

  • Hey Ill be there too! Not an A race. Please add me. Stephweldon@hotmail.com. My husband and I are good for lunch Friday too. ??
  • you have been added....


    it's going to be a hot one!

  • Thanks for posting!
  • Josiah, will you be setting up a group me?
  • Patricia-
    Could you add eveyone from Brenda's Race day thread to the spread sheet? I forwarded the link but folks can't seem to get in.
  • I'll do what I can...

    do you want help with the group me? or do you thing folks don't want to be bothered....
  • got it! Thanks Josiah! i am looking forward to meeting everyone! glad there will be some EN peeps here!
  • Nice to see you today, Carrie!  Thanks for your sage advice....  Best luck to you and Steve!

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