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2016 IM NC Week 14- Run Focus

Week 14- Run Focus Week
Alrighty folks- how ya’ll doin?!? Shout out to Nemo and Eric for posting last week! Let's hear it team!!! You are ROCKSTARS and we want to hear about it!

So the coaches declared this a “Run Focus Week”.  What that means is if possible, aim for a few more than your "typical" week by either inserting another run day or adding a small amount to every run you do.   HOWEVER- This is entirely optional, it simply plays into their separate build / taper approach for managing fitness by discipline across your Race Prep phase.
In saying that, as we start the week- check in with yourself.  How are you feeling? How’s your body handling the training stress? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE watch Coach Patrick’s discussion on cumulative fatigue under Week 14 IM video.  (Located on the right side of your Training Plan page).
He shares some EXTREMELY important and valuable information about smart training.
Alright North Carolina Crew-Make sure to post in the forum or social media so we can see your hard work this week. Let's get this mojo flowin crew!!! I know this is hands down going to be an awesome group of EN'rs and I can't wait for you to crush it. Go out there and make us proud!


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    Hey Team, I started the run-focus week off with a 60-mile ride.  Whoops.  But the weather was too nice.  A few too many pick-up trucks on the road racing to re-load on beer and get back to the trailer before NASCAR starts, but other than that . . . just a ride.  Fatigue started to catch up with me last week, so I cut a few WKOs short.  This week is supposed to be 50+ miles of running and 1,100 TSS points . . . we'll see.  I'd be happy with 80% of that, especially because the temps are supposed to return to the mid-90's.  Stay safe, stay healthy.

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    Finished up last week with some good numbers for me. Hit most of my targets and tried to focus on the bike while maintaining some run durability. Today was a local supported century ride and it looked like a good opportunity to do a mini race rehearsal to see where I am. Swam 3000 yds before the ride. Then did the 100 mile Tour de Moore with some friends. Missed on the hydration a little but saw it coming because of cooler temps when we started. 3 mile run afterwards was a little tough. Overall a good training day but I'm spent and gonna take tomorrow off. Then will get back to a run focus as best I can. Was hoping to get to 40 miles this week but less likely now. Hate to see the heat come back. Rock on team!
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    Hi all!

    Firstly big shout out to Laura who always does an incredible job at team captain (thank you for leading us into IMTX back in May Laura!)

    I would this team's your thoughts on a question I have for this week, now that we are into our last six weeks for IMNC. I have a 2 hour run (not split run) this Thursday. I m thinking of switching Thursday's run with Sunday, so I do a bike & run on Thursday and then a two hour run on Sunday instead... meaning I can compete in a half marathon here in the Cleveland Metropark on Sunday morning. Any thoughts about doing a run race for a training run at this stage? Any negative or positive benefits?

    Other than that - training is on plan - plenty of cycling & running, stepping up the swimming and looking forward to October 22nd!

    Thanks all
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    Hey Julian, We have some WSMs in this group so I would defer to their advice on this, but I think it is ok to move the schedule around some. That's part of life and many times we have to juggle our training with what life throws at us. The 2 hour HM sounds like a fun way to get in your 2 hour run. I am not real good at doing all my training alone. It is lonely enough out there with what we do. Any time I can train with a group and closely match my needed workout, I do it. The other thing about the HM though is the effort. Is it a race are you planning to push too hard so that it adversely affects downstream workouts? Keep it within the plan, run your training paces and run to be part of the larger group. Good luck. Keep us informed on how you're doing.
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    Mike - just read your post about the pick up trucks. I know what you mean. Made me chuckle!

    Nemo- Nice ride this weekend. It's gonna pay dividends in October.
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