Hi Guys: Due to a number of running injuries and other life circumstances, although I started with the NOS group, I later had to switch, sort of, to the Injured group restart, and then started on my own again on March 15. I started running a bit, worked up to an hour run and 2 x 1 mile @ TP, but have had to take off two weeks b/c of calf problems so not sure where that puts me on a running schedule. I go back to the doctor Monday. I am doing the bike workouts this week as week 5. This would put me on target for an August 1 finish to OS for the bike and somewhere unknown for the run. I do not have any races scheduled during this time frame, had to defer St. Anthony's. My A race is SOMA 1/2 IM on 10/24. With no time for transition, would start week 1 of the 12 week HIM plan on 8/2. Trying to figure out whether to shorten the OS, add a transition week or 2, whether to go straight in, shorten the HIM plan, etc? Suggestions? Of course, if I can not run it will all change anyway. Thanks, Dave
Posted By Clinton Fletcher on 16 Apr 2010 08:18 AM
I'm supposed to be in week 17 of OS. However, life and work got in the way of training the last two weeks. I've done little, if anything, these last two weeks save for a few runs and some core work. Jumpstarting my training again with a mini tri-camp this weekend. I was supposed to enjoy the two week transition at the end of the OS, but now that I've taken almost two weeks off, I'm wondering what I should do with the transition coming up in three weeks. Advice?
I would probably have fun on the weekend, and make your transition to general prep now. IF you were slated to do a 4 or 8 week GP block, you can do repeat weeks as 1-2-2-3-3-4 (now that's 6 weeks instead of 4). If you were to go into race prep and had 12 weeks do something similar OR if you had less than 12 weeks then just add those weeks to the start of your plan (i.e. start at week 10 instead of 8, etc).
Hi Guys: Due to a number of running injuries and other life circumstances, although I started with the NOS group, I later had to switch, sort of, to the Injured group restart, and then started on my own again on March 15. I started running a bit, worked up to an hour run and 2 x 1 mile @ TP, but have had to take off two weeks b/c of calf problems so not sure where that puts me on a running schedule. I go back to the doctor Monday. I am doing the bike workouts this week as week 5. This would put me on target for an August 1 finish to OS for the bike and somewhere unknown for the run. I do not have any races scheduled during this time frame, had to defer St. Anthony's. My A race is SOMA 1/2 IM on 10/24. With no time for transition, would start week 1 of the 12 week HIM plan on 8/2. Trying to figure out whether to shorten the OS, add a transition week or 2, whether to go straight in, shorten the HIM plan, etc? Suggestions? Of course, if I can not run it will all change anyway. Thanks, Dave
DW -
I would go OS through week 14, then transition to Gen Prep 4 weeks, then 12 week race prep. This gives you two weeks to play with off, either 1 after OS and 1 before Race Prep or two back to back somewhere, totally up to you! Presume you are taking all steps necessary to improve calves, etc...
So according to my plan, I'm starting in on week 18 of my OS on my way to IMUSA in July (I didn't start wit November OS group because I did IMAZ this year and needed to do some transition time post-race). According to the calendar if went all the way through to the end of the 20 weeks of OS I'd have 11 weeks for race prep. Is it better to finish all 20 weeks of OS and go with 11 of race prep, or 19 of OS and then the full 12 of race prep?
Doing IMLP on July 25th. As it is, my 12-week IM training is supposed to start on 5/3. I have a HIM planned for 5/8. Looking ahead to the last week of General Prep 2, Week 4, it looks like that might be a great taper week plan with the last workout on GP4 fitting pretty well with a HIM race.
So I'm thinking: 4/19 - GP2 Week 2 4/26 - GP2 Week 3 5/2 - GP2 Week 4 5/10 - Start with IM Week 2, recovery from the HIM as needed.
1) I've got 1 more week of OS then I start the last 6 of HIM. I just changed to the HIM in the training plan tool - and wonder the 2nd workout of the day meant to be a brick (I'm guessing not) or can it be done later in the day? (I had another question but Nemo helped me...)
Coaches, I am coming up on the first week of my 20 week IM plan after my post NOLA recovery week. The question is; I have a week in July beginning the Sunday of the weekend of IM Rally in Wisconsin that I ride 500 miles in a week for Habitat for Humanity. Adding this to the IM training ride I will do with the Chicka's on Friday, I'll be at over 600 miles in 10 days. Do I just make this an UBER bike week with some run work immediately following a couple of days or what is your suggestion? I have tried in past years but there is rarely opportunity to swim. I will try and work it in as I can but I usually get to the town, shower, eat and go to bed after an hour around the campfire. Here is the route and approximate daily mileage:
Day 1 - 55 miles Sunday, July 11 Sandstone to Isle
Day 2 - 75 miles Monday, July 12 Isle to Hill City
Day 3 - 70 miles Tuesday, July 13 Hill City to Grand Rapids
Day 4 - 100 miles Wednesday, July 14 Grand Rapids to Hibbing
Day 5 - 70 miles Thursday, July 15 Hibbing Loop!
Day 6 - 75 miles Friday, July 16 Hibbing to Esko
Day 7 - 50 miles Saturday, July 17 Esko to Sandstone
You can move any plan you want into and out of your account. However, you won't be able to stack plans ie, "I just want the system to load up Weeks 6-8 of Plan X." Instead, you set the end date of the plan and it backfills the entire plan into your account, which would overwrite or supersede what you are currently looking at.
1 week transition is OK
You can always schedule your own BD or BBW and ask us to confirm it's a good idea or not.
On May 1st, I am doing the White Lake HIM. After, I was going to take two weeks to do nothing and/or some unstructured workouts. Beginning June 21st, I will be starting 8 weeks of General Prep which will lead into 12 weeks of Race Prep for IMFL. (I will be taking my bike with me while on vacation in Vermont for General Prep week 1.) During these 20 weeks, I have planned several Olympic races and 1 HIM. (The Olympic races are added because I like the races and to add some variety to my training but I will also still be getting my scheduled workouts done.) I am also planning on doing 1 high volume, long weekend training camp (EF WIntergreen Camp2) at the end of General Prep week 6.
Between the Transition and General Prep weeks, I have 5 weeks. I thought about doing some OS work with Power Clinic bike add-ins but was not sure which week to start at or should I do something else. Any advise or comments concerning what to do during the 5 weeks or any of my planned season would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your help.
I have completed week 18 of the December intermediate Out-season plan ... Just took 2 weeks to attend a significant Bike camp followed by the3 YMCA National Swim Meet. Would like to now pick up at week 18 again and complete the out-season in the next three weeks (just in time to use the Triple-T in Southern OH as a training weekend... Then need to know what to do next... My "A" race is IMKY
Rich, still getting used to EN and the training plans. Apparently, my OutSeason Plan ended 4/18 and I didn't know when/how to change to next plan or whether I'd get a prompt telling me to do so. When I joined EN in December I had added two races to my season (5/16 Olympic, B race) and (6/27 Buffalo Springs Lake 70.3, A race) but system somehow booted them out and I just re-entered them. I just changed my plan to the 12-week beginner 70.3 plan as it seemed to best match timing for my A race. Am I headed in the right direction and should I just jump into the current 3rd week of this plan and away I go through race day? Thanks, Pete
Noob EN here. Race plan is as follows: 6/26 C-level sprint, 9/26 A race is Augusta 70.3. Rich suggested to OS until starting Beg 12 HIM plan for A race. During my 12 week HIM I have a weeklong family vacation that I know I won't be able to get hardly any training in for. Should I just push back the HIM plan for one more week creating a 13 week block realizing that I'm going to skip a week in the middle for vacation? Or should I just keep it 12 weeks solid block and call the vacation week a scratch?
Also, do I need to include a Transition from OS to HIM if I'm starting training into OS midway through season? Or should I stay in OS until beginning HIM without Transition?
Sorry I can't put up one of those screen prints as others do - I'm not tech savvy and still learning the ropes. Thanks for the info.
RnP Do to some unplanned life events I've had to step away from any focused training for about 5 weeks now. I completed the November out season religiously and my time away just happened to correspond with the final week of that plan. During the past 5 weeks I've been only able to get in generally 1 or 2 rides and 1 or 2 runs per week (total of only 3-4 hours/week). I think I am able to start getting back into a more normal routine but quite frankly don't know where/how to jump back in. My only a race is imwi I am planning to do the horribly hilly hundreds ride in June and some shorter distance running and tri events just for fun during the summer. Can you provide some guidance on how to get back on the wagon with the right plan where i won't be jumping into the deep end if you will and risk injury from taking volumes up too dramatically? I feel pretty good still on both the run and the bike - definitely lost some and I find when I push it it feels like it takes longer to recover but overall I still feel some gains from the ou treason work. Help me get back on the wagon... Mark
RnP- A little confused about when to start some plans. I've read the guidance but am still a little unclear. Doing the Jan OS and am currently in week 16 things are going fine in that regard. Starting to put a little far under the fast on some of the rides and runs. I'm doing KS 70.3 on 6/6 that is 6.5 weeks away. A race is IM LOU. Should I be thinking transition period in a week or two then do the last 4 weeks up to KS? Thanks DG
I have finished my 20-wk OS and have purchased the 12 IM plan for IMUSA. Question is: What are the workouts between now and 5/3/10 when the "race prep" begins?
@Peter, please the Season Planning Tools to lay out your season per our guidance. You can then go to your Training Plan Dashboard to load up the plans you need when you need them.
Short answer is that you should load up the HIM plan to END on the day of your A-race. That will backfill your calendar and you can just jump right into it. For help with how to integrate those other races into you training plan, please see the Self-Coaching Guide here. We have created a number of pre and post race week template training weeks for you that you can use.
@Tommy, please see and use the Season Planning Tools link above. So you won't be able to get in ANY training? How about short and fast runs in the morning before the family stuff starts? Or the same or Strides in the evening? In general we recommend that you try to turn the vacation into a run week (run frequently and the less time you have to run, the harder you run), call the bike a wash and pick up the plan where you're supposed to be when you come back from vacation.
Jump right into it but do the smart guy thing on the running intensity and volume. IOW, you may find you need to turn down the heat on some of the runs, turn down the volume of the long run and come up with a conservative plan to get back on the scheduled long run volume after about 4-6wks. Very confident you'll be able to jump into the cycling volume with no issues.
@Terry, load up the 20wk IM plan into your account. It will back-fill your calendar and include guidance for this week and next.
Continue with the OS, modifying the volume and doing the swims and using it to prepare you for Kansas. Or...
Load up the HIM plan to end on Kansas, dropping the OS and using the HIM plan.
Take a week off Kansas, use that as your transition. Basically, it makes more sense to burn a transition week as a post-race recovery week also. Two birds, one stone.
@Rob, my concern with IMFL athletes has always been the extreme length of the season. You've done a great job planning out your season and including a bunch of fun stuff to keep you motivated. How about this:
Yes, do the OutSeason plan in those weeks and don't over think it. Continue to keep the volume as low as you can as long as you can, building your FAST cuz you've got tons of time to build FAR.
Rather than doing the General Prep blocks, how about inserting the HIM plan to end on that Olympic in early August, turning that race into an A-race? Sure, it's overkill for an Olympic but it continues to keep the volume non-IM-like for a long time, with a good balance of continuing to build speed while also building endurance. And you'll crush the Oly which will also serve a very clear dividing line between GP and RP training.
RnP & Haus. I am looking for feedback for my season plan. I started with Dec OS and I am in Week 20 right now. I have viewed both of the season planning videos and used the spreadsheet to come up with what I think is an OK plan, but I need some experience to look over my shoulder.
1. 20 weeks OS (Dec) ending 4-26
2. Trasition 2 weeks
3. 12 weeks Race Prep for 70.3 Boulder (Aug 8)
4. General Prep 2 weeks
5. 12 Weeks Race Prep for IMAZ (Nov 21)
Like I said, I am new to the haus and the Season Planning tool, so am looking for thoughts. Thanks.
RnP, Just finishing block 1 of general prep this week. Then I have a 2 week gap before the 12 week race prep for Placid. What would you recommend I fill the 2 week gap with?? Barbara
I am taking this year as a rebuilding one, getting my joy of training and racing back. Pretty much, just planning on doing sprints and olys. I am in week 16 of the OS, and starting to wonder what is next - I've heard of just repeating the OS, but want your recommendations. If I do repeat the OS, is it from week 1, or do I jump to the VO2 section ...? Do I need to set some objectives? You get the picture.
Saturday here: I start the IM 20 week plan on Monday.... please , I would like to see the plan and bug in your ear if not already loaded into my dashboard. I think I have done the formal request thru correct channels... and nope nothing there yet. Yeah I know it is in two days.. and yeah I know it is probably a Monday swim... but just making sure I get to see it. thx m
I'm throwing in some racing into my OSP because otherwise what's the point?
My A race is not until near the end of the season (Either IMWI or IMFL, haven't yet decided yet) so I signed up back in Dec for White Lake Half and Sprint next weekend. I have read Coach P's Taper with Purpose post but don't want to cut out of training entirely. Basically WLH is going to be a long training day with a swim I'm not prepared for thrown in for "fun".
I was probably going to bike on Monday, run on Tuesday then ride again on Weds. Perhaps a light run on Thurs, then drive to WL on Fri for the races on Sat and Sun. Thoughts? I'm monitoring my ATL CTL and TSB, right now TSB is -30 or so, I'm looking to get it up to around +15-20.
Hi Guys: Due to a number of running injuries and other life circumstances, although I started with the NOS group, I later had to switch, sort of, to the Injured group restart, and then started on my own again on March 15. I started running a bit, worked up to an hour run and 2 x 1 mile @ TP, but have had to take off two weeks b/c of calf problems so not sure where that puts me on a running schedule. I go back to the doctor Monday. I am doing the bike workouts this week as week 5. This would put me on target for an August 1 finish to OS for the bike and somewhere unknown for the run. I do not have any races scheduled during this time frame, had to defer St. Anthony's. My A race is SOMA 1/2 IM on 10/24. With no time for transition, would start week 1 of the 12 week HIM plan on 8/2. Trying to figure out whether to shorten the OS, add a transition week or 2, whether to go straight in, shorten the HIM plan, etc? Suggestions? Of course, if I can not run it will all change anyway. Thanks, Dave
I would probably have fun on the weekend, and make your transition to general prep now. IF you were slated to do a 4 or 8 week GP block, you can do repeat weeks as 1-2-2-3-3-4 (now that's 6 weeks instead of 4). If you were to go into race prep and had 12 weeks do something similar OR if you had less than 12 weeks then just add those weeks to the start of your plan (i.e. start at week 10 instead of 8, etc).
Welcome back!
DW -
I would go OS through week 14, then transition to Gen Prep 4 weeks, then 12 week race prep. This gives you two weeks to play with off, either 1 after OS and 1 before Race Prep or two back to back somewhere, totally up to you! Presume you are taking all steps necessary to improve calves, etc...
Guys - you missed me out !
Keep checking back......................
Thanks, D
So according to my plan, I'm starting in on week 18 of my OS on my way to IMUSA in July (I didn't start wit November OS group because I did IMAZ this year and needed to do some transition time post-race). According to the calendar if went all the way through to the end of the 20 weeks of OS I'd have 11 weeks for race prep. Is it better to finish all 20 weeks of OS and go with 11 of race prep, or 19 of OS and then the full 12 of race prep?
Doing IMLP on July 25th. As it is, my 12-week IM training is supposed to start on 5/3. I have a HIM planned for 5/8. Looking ahead to the last week of General Prep 2, Week 4, it looks like that might be a great taper week plan with the last workout on GP4 fitting pretty well with a HIM race.
So I'm thinking:
4/19 - GP2 Week 2
4/26 - GP2 Week 3
5/2 - GP2 Week 4
5/10 - Start with IM Week 2, recovery from the HIM as needed.
Sound good? Different ideas?
- Suzanne
Hi coaches,
1) I've got 1 more week of OS then I start the last 6 of HIM. I just changed to the HIM in the training plan tool - and wonder the 2nd workout of the day meant to be a brick (I'm guessing not) or can it be done later in the day? (I had another question but Nemo helped me...)
Day 1 - 55 miles
Sunday, July 11
Sandstone to Isle
Day 2 - 75 miles
Monday, July 12
Isle to Hill City
Day 3 - 70 miles
Tuesday, July 13
Hill City to Grand Rapids
Day 4 - 100 miles
Wednesday, July 14
Grand Rapids to Hibbing
Day 5 - 70 miles
Thursday, July 15
Hibbing Loop!
Day 6 - 75 miles
Friday, July 16
Hibbing to Esko
Day 7 - 50 miles
Saturday, July 17
Esko to Sandstone
@ Dave F
On May 1st, I am doing the White Lake HIM. After, I was going to take two weeks to do nothing and/or some unstructured workouts. Beginning June 21st, I will be starting 8 weeks of General Prep which will lead into 12 weeks of Race Prep for IMFL. (I will be taking my bike with me while on vacation in Vermont for General Prep week 1.) During these 20 weeks, I have planned several Olympic races and 1 HIM. (The Olympic races are added because I like the races and to add some variety to my training but I will also still be getting my scheduled workouts done.) I am also planning on doing 1 high volume, long weekend training camp (EF WIntergreen Camp2) at the end of General Prep week 6.
Between the Transition and General Prep weeks, I have 5 weeks. I thought about doing some OS work with Power Clinic bike add-ins but was not sure which week to start at or should I do something else. Any advise or comments concerning what to do during the 5 weeks or any of my planned season would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your help.
@Eric, stop the OS at Week 19 and move over to the IM plan so you do all 12wks
The above, I think, is a simpler solution for you.
Completed NOLA HIM last Sunday. Off Mon/Tues completely and I have scheduled another HIM for May 1. What should I do between now and then ?
Bill, we have a post-race week and other stuff laid out here: Self Coaching Guide
Thanks...so I pick up Post HIM template this week and week 20 of HIM plan next ?
Rich, still getting used to EN and the training plans. Apparently, my OutSeason Plan ended 4/18 and I didn't know when/how to change to next plan or whether I'd get a prompt telling me to do so. When I joined EN in December I had added two races to my season (5/16 Olympic, B race) and (6/27 Buffalo Springs Lake 70.3, A race) but system somehow booted them out and I just re-entered them. I just changed my plan to the 12-week beginner 70.3 plan as it seemed to best match timing for my A race. Am I headed in the right direction and should I just jump into the current 3rd week of this plan and away I go through race day? Thanks, Pete
Noob EN here. Race plan is as follows: 6/26 C-level sprint, 9/26 A race is Augusta 70.3. Rich suggested to OS until starting Beg 12 HIM plan for A race. During my 12 week HIM I have a weeklong family vacation that I know I won't be able to get hardly any training in for. Should I just push back the HIM plan for one more week creating a 13 week block realizing that I'm going to skip a week in the middle for vacation? Or should I just keep it 12 weeks solid block and call the vacation week a scratch?
Also, do I need to include a Transition from OS to HIM if I'm starting training into OS midway through season? Or should I stay in OS until beginning HIM without Transition?
Sorry I can't put up one of those screen prints as others do - I'm not tech savvy and still learning the ropes. Thanks for the info.
Do to some unplanned life events I've had to step away from any focused training for about 5 weeks now. I completed the November out season religiously and my time away just happened to correspond with the final week of that plan. During the past 5 weeks I've been only able to get in generally 1 or 2 rides and 1 or 2 runs per week (total of only 3-4 hours/week). I think I am able to start getting back into a more normal routine but quite frankly don't know where/how to jump back in. My only a race is imwi I am planning to do the horribly hilly hundreds ride in June and some shorter distance running and tri events just for fun during the summer. Can you provide some guidance on how to get back on the wagon with the right plan where i won't be jumping into the deep end if you will and risk injury from taking volumes up too dramatically? I feel pretty good still on both the run and the bike - definitely lost some and I find when I push it it feels like it takes longer to recover but overall I still feel some gains from the ou treason work. Help me get back on the wagon...
Bill, yep, that's the plan
A little confused about when to start some plans. I've read the guidance but am still a little unclear.
Doing the Jan OS and am currently in week 16 things are going fine in that regard. Starting to put a little far under the fast on some of the rides and runs.
I'm doing KS 70.3 on 6/6 that is 6.5 weeks away.
A race is IM LOU.
Should I be thinking transition period in a week or two then do the last 4 weeks up to KS?
@Carl, please use the Season Planning Tools here to plan out your season.
Short answer is that after Triple T you can load up the 12wk IM plan to end on IMLou and you're set.
@Peter, please the Season Planning Tools to lay out your season per our guidance. You can then go to your Training Plan Dashboard to load up the plans you need when you need them.
Short answer is that you should load up the HIM plan to END on the day of your A-race. That will backfill your calendar and you can just jump right into it. For help with how to integrate those other races into you training plan, please see the Self-Coaching Guide here. We have created a number of pre and post race week template training weeks for you that you can use.
@Tommy, please see and use the Season Planning Tools link above. So you won't be able to get in ANY training? How about short and fast runs in the morning before the family stuff starts? Or the same or Strides in the evening? In general we recommend that you try to turn the vacation into a run week (run frequently and the less time you have to run, the harder you run), call the bike a wash and pick up the plan where you're supposed to be when you come back from vacation.
@Terry, load up the 20wk IM plan into your account. It will back-fill your calendar and include guidance for this week and next.
@Dan, I think you should either:
@Rob, my concern with IMFL athletes has always been the extreme length of the season. You've done a great job planning out your season and including a bunch of fun stuff to keep you motivated. How about this:
RnP & Haus. I am looking for feedback for my season plan. I started with Dec OS and I am in Week 20 right now. I have viewed both of the season planning videos and used the spreadsheet to come up with what I think is an OK plan, but I need some experience to look over my shoulder.
1. 20 weeks OS (Dec) ending 4-26
2. Trasition 2 weeks
3. 12 weeks Race Prep for 70.3 Boulder (Aug 8)
4. General Prep 2 weeks
5. 12 Weeks Race Prep for IMAZ (Nov 21)
Like I said, I am new to the haus and the Season Planning tool, so am looking for thoughts. Thanks.
Just finishing block 1 of general prep this week. Then I have a 2 week gap before the 12 week race prep for Placid. What would you recommend I fill the 2 week gap with??
Hey Coaches!
I am taking this year as a rebuilding one, getting my joy of training and racing back. Pretty much, just planning on doing sprints and olys. I am in week 16 of the OS, and starting to wonder what is next - I've heard of just repeating the OS, but want your recommendations. If I do repeat the OS, is it from week 1, or do I jump to the VO2 section ...? Do I need to set some objectives? You get the picture.
Mike B
Saturday here: I start the IM 20 week plan on Monday.... please
, I would like to see the plan and bug in your ear if not already loaded into my dashboard. I think I have done the formal request thru correct channels... and nope nothing there yet. Yeah I know it is in two days.. and yeah I know it is probably a Monday swim... but
just making sure I get to see it. thx m
I'm throwing in some racing into my OSP because otherwise what's the point?
My A race is not until near the end of the season (Either IMWI or IMFL, haven't yet decided yet) so I signed up back in Dec for White Lake Half and Sprint next weekend. I have read Coach P's Taper with Purpose post but don't want to cut out of training entirely. Basically WLH is going to be a long training day with a swim I'm not prepared for thrown in for "fun".
I was probably going to bike on Monday, run on Tuesday then ride again on Weds. Perhaps a light run on Thurs, then drive to WL on Fri for the races on Sat and Sun. Thoughts? I'm monitoring my ATL CTL and TSB, right now TSB is -30 or so, I'm looking to get it up to around +15-20.
Thanks in advance for help.