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  • @Doug Sutherland Thank you for the encouragement.  Second injury this season, so rinse and repeat.  Just glad it's still early.  This is a new one for me, so not sure how much time to rest it.  I've read through a few older posts in the medical forum and may just post my own.

    @Francis Picard damn solid FTP work as expected.

    Since I'm in run jail AGAIN, time for late late bike wko's like:

    Monday 5x1.5 @ 1.20 - 

    Tuesday 2x12 @ 1.00 & 1.01 - finally pushing up and over on the ftp

    I'm going to "test" the foot with a short afternoon run today, as I didn't have enough time last night to get my bike road ready for a lunch ride.

  • Phil - I hope the test run goes well and the plantar injury goes away quickly

    Today was a lunch swim; it went well; still doing a lot of high-elbow drills; mixed in some 200s and 100s
  • @Paul Hough Congrats on your daughter graduating. That's a great achievement. 

    @Shaughn Simmons Thanks, Shaughn for the advice. I'll check out that PM right now.
  • @Paul Curtin Same here.

    3.4 mile test run this afternoon seems to have gone well. Made the first lap in Hoka's to see if that would take some impact off of my heel.  It was definitely a softer ride, but started to strain my mid-sole.  Swapped out for my regular shoes, for another two miles and all still seems well.  
  • @Shaughn Simmons and @Paul Hough - thank you! Calf is better :)  
    Have a great week!
  • 1+ on the P1 pedals. Love being able to have the same PM on both the triathlon bike and the roadie. apples to apples comparison. Still waiting for the batteries to run out (7 months and counting.)

    Nice work @Francis Picard, you are going into your IM build with a fantastic base.

    @Paul Hough  my youngest is 5, currently playing with her fake dog, "Lisa" and stamping her hand with a happy face. Life is good.

    @Shaughn Simmons Sorry about the IR. Sucks. Been there. Hang tough.

    @Daria Matthews Funny, I have cramped twice in the past 2-3 weeks. Usually happens at 330am.Ugh. I eat pickles daily, so plan to stretch and foam roll more. Suspect in my case the strength + bike that is the cause though. Good times.

    Training has almost been on point.  can't find the pool this week. Got a quality Z4 run in yesterday. Today was grinding out the 6x2" at z5 on zwift when during the 4th interval zwift got stuck at 305W, so I had stop to rest, got in the last 2, then cut out the z3 time.  Bad news, I will not be able to bike this weekend. Good news, I will be at Disneyland with said 5 year old on space mountain, etc, and celebrating my 42nd birthday. I will plan to run, but not much else. I am thinking of jumping into full IM mode June 6th, 14 weeks out from IMMOO!
  • Had an insane long bike today. 3 hours battling 15-20mph winds. Did some fantastic climbing. I felt pretty beat up by the time I got home. Then squeezed out an hour run. Crazy high HR. But still got it done. Feeling pretty cooked. On tap for tomorrow is an hour swim than an hourish ride. After that it's lunch with my girl and a massage. Ya baby. 

    I second the power tap pedals. I have them and love them. If your watch doesn't have a power function. I got a Lezyne bike computer. Cheap and works great. Paired with my Garmin. 

    SS- I hope your injury is starting to feel better. 

    Congrats on all the fantastic work being done! 
  • @Jacklyn Moore - HUGE job mentally getting through those winds!  Just damn solid!

    @Doug Sutherland 6 X 2" is brown shorts territory for me.......double check your cranks and make sure they are not bent now...

    @Phil Mills - glad to hear the test run came out positive!  Be smart my friend.

    8 mile progression run for me this morning which seemed to be ok... https://www.strava.com/activities/1004787902

  • @Doug - I'm too old to even think about kids that young anymore (my daughter was 1 when I turned 42)...but 5 years old is a wonderful age!   My daughter may be 18 now but my oldest is 36.   When she goes to college in August my son turns 37 ... so this empty nest thing is going to be very different considering how long I've had at least one kid in the house.

    Anyway, her ceremony was 8pm in a class of 550.  I didn't get to bed until after 11pm and my planned double for this morning went out the window.  I did score 70 mins high RPM/Z2 on the drainer and will run 6 miles tonight with 6 x 1/2 mile @ Z3.   And on it goes.
  • Great work continues to be displayed by the team! I've been on the road the last few days in N. Ga for work so I haven't responded. I did bring my bike this time and was able to get two evening rides in in the Mountains. Second night was in Toccoa, GA up Currahee Mtn for two repeats. You can stretch the climb to two miles (paved road) with the average grade being about 7% with two sections that reach 15%. I'll be back there in August, so will be looking to get in even more repeats! Keep grindin'!!
  • @Shaughn Simmons Good recovery to you as well.  I hope not to do anything stupid, but I wouldn't bet against me.  Thanks for the warning.  Taking it slow.

    @Doug Sutherland Ah going to "The Park". Enjoy, I'll be there in September, followed by Disney World in November.

    @Jacklyn Moore Winds...I do not like them Sam I am.  I do not like them on little bit.  

    Since I can't run, I bike.  Third day, or night in a row last night.  VO2 on Monday, FTP on Tuesday, so Z3 work last night.
    60' with 1x35' @ .81

    3.6 mile run today.  I believe that the PF injury may be due to a new pair of shoes.  Same make and model, though they feel quite a bit stiffer and not as cushioned as the last 4-5 pairs I've gone through.  Still too soon to tell though.  
    Not much to look at, but no heel pain flaring up.

  • everyone is doing great here ! love what I am seeing on strava!!

    Did a 5X500M swim tonight when got back from work.. tomorrow will try to fit my long bike run in the PM.

    Week end will be the long run on Sat and intervals run on Sun.
  • @Phil Mills thanks!  Keep up that consistency!
    @Francis Picard  - 5 X 500 (muscular endurance) always looks easier on paper than it is when I execute that in the pool....  animal!  Good luck on the long bike - don't put too much pressure on yourself....we are still early....

    I got in some Zwift riding and a few Z3 intervals Friday as I continue to be careful and see progress healing: https://www.strava.com/activities/1006848564

    Have a safe, fun weekend all!

  • Hi all! 1 more day in swim camp for me and then 10 weeks of EN*Half, so excited! I completed all my workouts for the week except 2 more swims.  I tried my wetsuit today so that was interesting.  Also forgot how to switch to 25meter pool from 25yards, but I got it now.  Nasty weather here in CO so I was the only one at an outdoor pool   :D

    Keep up the great work!!

  • Pretty good weekend so far although I am concerned that I may have a stress fracture in my left foot (sigh, been there done that so many times).  I had a good run with 6 x 800m Thursday night and took Friday off from running. Saturday I ran 12 miles (9:31 average) including a 35 min warm-up, 4 x .75 mile uphill run going from Z3 to Z5) plus 10 mins Z3 on the flat, then easy up to 12.  I didn't have any time for swimming or biking as we had a huge graduation party for my daughter and kids were in and out all day and into the night.

    Sunday morning my daughter and I went to the beach for our usual Memorial Weekend racing.  After a 1/2 mile OWS warm-up swim in the Gulf, I raced 1 mile in fairly choppy conditions starting at 9am.  Lots of Age Group swimmers today to make me feel very slow (32:03).  At 10am was a 5K beach run for which I averaged 8:30 pace and I was pretty happy with that given yesterday's long run, the heat, and the beach surface.  In the afternoon, I spent 70 mins on the trainer just getting in some Z2 time.   I'll take tomorrow off from running and see how the foot does Tuesday.

    I hope everyone else is having a great weekend.

  • Week 5 AGF in the books: a good week overall with 3 swim WKOs.  Was supposed to join the local tri crew this morning for a swim, but opted to sleep in.  The 50-meter outdoor Y pool is open this afternoon so I may try that
  • @Phil Mills - curious about the same shoe suddenly feeling different ... did you change vendors for this pair?  Perhaps your foot and/or stride have changed slightly ... I'd get to a good running shop for a new fitting
  • So I'm flying back to WA this morning after a whirlwind Disneyland trip. 20+ hours walking, standing, eating, phew. Looking forward to getting back on track. One more week of GF for me. Great work here everybody, thanks for the mojos
  • @Doug - You should have had a fitbit to see how far you really walked!

    Today - 80 miles on the bike in the baking heat plus 3500 yards in the pool after a long nap.  I'm leaving for England Wed evening for a vacation with the family - without a bike - and am trying to put a little bike/swim fitness in the bank before I go.

  • Continued strong work by all! Way to keep the Mojo going! Stubbed my toe Friday night, could barely walk correctly Saturday morning so I limited the training over the weekend to cycling and some swim strength training. Rides of 50, 51, and 40 made up the long weekend with positive results especially since I've been on the road bike and riding in a fasted state. Will probably get the Tri bike off the trainer this week and to the LBS for new extensions and PM install. Pool this morning swimming 4x400 @ 1:35/100yd pace. Missed the last set by two seconds. Swimming with a wetronome is definitely a game changer!
  • @Phil Mills - curious about the same shoe suddenly feeling different ... did you change vendors for this pair?  Perhaps your foot and/or stride have changed slightly ... I'd get to a good running shop for a new fitting
    I've wearing the Brooks Ghost shoes since 2013; and run with the Ghost 7 model for the past two seasons. The 7 is two model years old, so I just purchased a new pair off of ebay.  This was pair #4 and felt fine during a short "break in" run.  The long run the next day went well too.  That night I started having significant pain while walking around the house.

    I've been putting off switching to a different make & model of shoe, as the last two iterations of the Ghost do not fit my feet. You may be right in that it's time to test out all of the neutral models again.

    @Paul Hough hope the stress fracture turns out negative.  I dealt with that last season, and it sounds like you've been to that rodeo a few times.

    Took the family out to the beach for the long weekend.  While it was sunny and 85 at home, it was 55 and foggy for our time at the coast.  Not what we expected.  I loaded up the bike and trainer in hopes of getting in some long early am training sessions.  I managed only one, as I was concerned about how the trainer noise would affect our neighbors.  
    Wet, foggy weather conditions and roads with no shoulder to speak of, nixed getting out for an early am ride.  Got in some extra sleep though. 

    90' Friday before hitting the road - 2x10' @ .99 & 1.02; 1x35' @ .81

    Sunday - 15'@1.00, 10'@.81, 10'@.70

    Monday - Short beach run with the pup

    Late night trainer session - 3x25'@.82
  • Today was IM wk 4 bike test. Had a 28 point bump in FTP! Biggest i've ever had. Feeling pretty speedy.
    Friday I will be putting the new zip code to work. Shouldn't be too bad. The numbers are close to where i was riding last week. Then I caped off the day with a 5 mile TRP run with strides. My Garmin agrred that I left it on the bike trainer. I actually got a "poor" recovery notice. That was after a nap too! 

    Coach P. doesn't want me to do the run test. He wants me to do the split run on Thursday. I'm a little disappointed. But he is the Yoda. So split run it is. 

    Man. You guys are killing it! @Paul Hough- Sending you healing vibes! 

    Have a great week. See ya on Strava.
  • Tues - AM:  35 miles on the drainer (FTP session).  PM:  45 mins weights, yard work, 4 mile run

    Wed - AM:  3000 SCY + 28 miles on the drainer (Z2) + yard work + 2.25 mile run

    I'm over 11 hours for Mon- Wed now, but the downtime is coming.  I'm leaving for northern England this evening for a vacay.  Thursday off:  foot is sketchy.

    @Jacklyn:  Thanks for the vibes.  I don't really know what is wrong at this point.  If it doesn't go away, it will probably be late June before I have time to see the doc.  Plus, I'm a lousy patient.  It is going to have to hurt a lot more than it does before I stop.

  • edited June 2, 2017 1:14PM
    Jacklyn: nice FTP gain! That's a ton of effort.

    phil: I'm a dedicated Hoka dude, might try em

    paul: one day I want to check out Hadrians wall, maybe part of an archeology tour up there. Enjoy the down time

    putting together a good last week. Still can't hold z2 pace at the end of today's long run, HR running up into the high 160, so shorted the run by 15 min, but ''twas my best LR distance this year. Sorry to see the z5 intervals go, I can hang with z5 for 2 min much better than z4 x 15 min. traveling again this weekend for wife time, but she wants to cycle, so anticipate getting in the bike wkos
  • @Doug Sutherland- Thank you! 
    Sounds like your acquiring some SAU! Right on. 

    Managed to do something to my right knee last night. All I did was stand up! I hate being so old and feeble. So ice, nsaids, compression, gentle exercise. No problem with ROM but patella talks when I walk up the stairs. So revamped today's plan and hammered out 4000+ yrd swim. I LIKE just swimming. No intervals. No do this then this.... I managed to get it done in 1:20:00. Not bad said I. 

    Depending on how my knee feels, Hubs and I are heading out on a long ride tomorrow. Looking for about 60 miles. We will see how this plays out. The route doesn't have any big climbs just lots of rollers along the north Umpqua river. Should be beautiful. Put my Aerocover on too. That should make for some fun.

    Have a great weekend. Be safe. 
  • edited June 2, 2017 8:23PM
    @Doug Sutherland, I will be all over Hadrian's wall next week.  Yesterday, we landed and hit the road immediately.  I am merciless about jet lag whining.  No training on Thursday, but I did hike up Stanage Edge to take pics (this is where Elizabeth from Pride and Prejudice looks over the cliff with her arms out).  Today was 5.5 mile run along the River Ouse in York before touring all day, then 45 mins weights in the hotel fitness center.
  • @Jacklyn Moore Awesome bump.

    @Doug Sutherland I have a pair of Cliftons.  Tried them two weeks ago and they aggravated my already sore foot.  

    So, anyone betting on me doing something stupid, Tuesday that bet would have paid off.  Went entirely too hard on a 3 mile run with my 6 y/o on a bike.  Damned if that didn't flare my PF for the last few days.

    Started working with the VASA Erg.  It's going to take some getting used to for sure.  Managed 15' and was sore in my lats as well as my front side from laying on the bench.  Time will tell. Managed to figure out the wrist flick maneuver to get the Fenix3 to register laps. 

    Since running wasn't in the cards yesterday, and getting up in the early AM hasn't been working either, I brought my bike and trainer into work to knock out an hour workout on my lunch break.
    8x1.5'@ 1.25
    10'@ .82
  • So right knee felt pretty good. KT taped it for lateral knee pain and out the door we went. Went on a challenging ride of 48 miles of giant rollers along The North Umpqua river. Stunning vistas but you earned it. Knee felt stiff. Could feel it ache when ever I was putting up bigger watts while climbing but ok. This was also my first ride with my aero jacket. WOW! What a difference. My bike is a bit twitchy in the wind. Not today. I felt absolutely planted. I was carving technical descents like crazy. When we got to the turn point to head into town, my beloved daughter called, with an emergency. I'm 15 miles away. I layed down the fastest pace, to date, back into town with a head wind. Picked up two QOM on the way to her school.  HR and Watts were within zones! School thought it was amusing when I arrived all kitted out. Daughter is fine.  B)

    @Phil Mills- You took your bike and trainer to work. STUD!

    It's never boring in the world we live in! 
  • Writing from scottsdale this morning, a quick trip away from the kids. (Funny, she is face timing them as I write, with a full on children-bickerfest happening in the background.) As usual the weather is stupid nice. WTF don't I live here?!? Looked at houses yesterday for fun. Amazing how fun cycling is when it is 98 without humidity. 

    I took the wife out for her first outside ride in a few years. Almost no actual work done, averaged 99W over 2 hours with multiple stops, a true joy ride, tinkering with her fit, etc. But it sure was fun. Going to skip the ride today and hike Pinnacle Peak instead. 

    @Phil Mills When my achilles thing happened 5/2016, I went to see a friend of mine who happens to be a orthopedic surgeon who specializes in foot injury. He asked me to stop all bike/run for 6 weeks, lots of swimming with water running/stepping, wear a night boot (sucks, toes get numb), rolling bottom of foot with a ball, toe raises on stair, NSAIDS daily, and shoes on at all times. But mainly, no running for 6 weeks, then a slow ramp up. I did this, and frankly it did not cure me, but I was able to ramp up to IMC and IMAZ. Every run was painful for 15-30 minutes until last month, a full year. That is all I know, and I am sorry you are going through something similar.

    @Paul Hough Man, travel envy in the extreme. Stay away from London.


  • The trail hike today turned into a trail run/walk/run. Always wanted to try trailed running. Was promptly humbled! Very fun way to see north Phoenix. 

    Thus ends my time on the GF plan. Tomorrow officially starts the build to IM Wisconsin. Good luck to you guys!
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