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Jacklyn Moore Official Coach Thread



  • To be clear, pinching cheeks is not included in your Team Endurance Nation
    membership. LOLOLOLOLOL ๐Ÿคฃ
  • I am POSITIVE that I read it in the fine print. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

  • WOW! What a great week. I am VERY proud of my work. It was only 9 miles but I worked for it. Hit all the intervals except I broke the 1 mile interval into 2-1/2 mile intervals. It was HOT! That I was able to do. Pace and form are improving. Still being very watchful of HR.

    Summary for BHM wk2


    BIKE:32.3 miles ZWIFT ( PR'd the Richmond coarse by 3 minutes).

    RUN:9 miles

    Took Thursday off because I was SORE! Decided to do self care instead and brave COSTCO. I was ouching walking up the stairs. It sucks being fat and out of shape.

    Well, I was expecting this but, they have cancelled the Glacier half marathon. They are offering a virtual version. I get my bib and tshirt and when I finish I get my metal. Sounds good to me. I have two routes picked out. We had, originally planned, for this trip to scout out Coeur'd lene for IM 2021 but I don;t know if I will even get the time off. My hospital has cancelled all vacations for April and May. We're not sure what we are going to do yet.

    Have a great week. Be safe.


  • HEY! I joined the Project 5k! This is going to be fun.๐Ÿ˜

  • @Jacklyn Moore -- Thank you for joining us in P5K...fun! It's just meant to be a little program for people to stay connected and engaged, please feel free to be your usual awesome social software. In other news, congratulations on what you were able to do last week. I know that being out of shape isn't fun, but it is pretty cool to be able to put a little hurting on those muscles and start building some fitness again.

    Of all the decisions you made last week, I am most pleased with your decision to take Thursday off to rest and take care of things around the house. At the end of the day, doing those things is just as critical of staying healthy right now.


    ~ Coach P

  • Good Morning !



    Bike: 20.9 miles Zwift Covid ride. That was FUN! I have been invited back next Wednesday. Want to increase to 2 rides a week. I don't have Wednesday spin class so this works. I can't swin so I need the back mobility of being on the bike.

    Run: 11 miles (last week 9)Two goals reached this week. 11 miles total and a 4 mile run. Did 2-4 mile runs and lived to tell about it. Legs are TIRED and sore. Especially my quads. Have been hitting the hot tub every morning and rolling. That helps a lot. Using TENS on right glute/periformus area. Just those niggley out of shape things.

    Next weeks goal is to meet the scheduled mileage but.... Not too crazy about an 8 mile run yet. Total mileage for next week is 14 miles. That I can make. Want to cut the 8 miler down to 6. Take the 2 miles and add it to the other runs. What say you?

    Have a great week. Getting a kick out of the 5k group. Thanks.

    Jacklyn ๐Ÿ˜Ž

  • @Jacklyn Moore - get update, and I love getting your workouts in my Facebook feed thanks to the 5K group. You are in a really solid place right now in terms of rebuilding.

    I agree we wanna be consistent this week instead of flashing. I would almost prefer that you do 3 X 4 mile runs and a 2 mile run as part of your one workout this week. This would allow you to get the work done without over-reaching. Biggest part of keeping you run healthy is knowing when we are close to crossing the line.

    I feel like right now for miles should be the high end of the distance of any individual run. You can always go out longer on the bike or for a hike, but let's keep these runs short and focused.

    How does that sound?

    ~ Coach P

  • Good evening.

    Not as high mileage this week as planned. Did the Covid ride. That was tough. Ran several nice, smooth runs. Knees and ankles are stiff. Didn't run today. Life got in the way and feeling a little yucky. Seasonal stuff is hitting me right now. Built some SAU's for next week.

    Just completeing BHM wk 4. Run is feeling much smoother. I had strides in the 7:30 range yesterday. Bike- ZWift. Weathers all yucky again.

    Have a great week. Talk later.


  • Those allergies...man, they are killer. I am about to bust out the Claritin myself at this point.

    Don't let this moment get you down. See it. Own it. It's you right now, but it's not an accurate representation of your journey. You've done some great work and are building some good momentum...sometimes lighter days are required, but stay focused on that bigger prize!!! ๐Ÿ”Ž๐ŸŽ

    ~ Coach P

  • Well that was fun!

    Project 5k in the bag. Not too bad either. It's been along time since I have done a 5k run test. My pace would have been a bit better if my allergies were decent today. My eyes were watering so bad I had tears dripping off my chin. Then I would have to stop because of the coughing and blow my nose. Oh well. It's my life. Really thrilled though. I have completed SOMETHING!

    PROJECT 5K stats:

    Distance 5k

    Time: 35:09

    Pace: 11:29/mile

    Avg HR: 147 bpm

    I plugged in the numbers to the pace zone calculators and I don't agree with the paces. But I will try them and see. I can ALWAYS go by Kentucky windage.

    BHM week 5 completed. I am tired. I took the last two days off because my legs were thrashed! Ran 5 miles on Tuesday. Felt great. Wednesday rode the Dave Campbells hammer fest. That was intense but fun. Then took Thursday/Friday off.

    Have a great week! Thank you for this opportunity.


  • @Jacklyn Moore thank you so much for bringing your personal brand of sunshine to our group! It was a lot of fun in, as someone noted there, great to meet so many runners from so many different places.

    And as you noted, you got to complete some thing. I can hear your excitement through the keyboard. This is a good reminder that smaller incremental milestones are actually really important to your improvement. Not just a long term, race way off in the distance.

    Maybe that something you and I can brainstorm moving forward? As for your basic week, it would be great if you could continue to ride with Dave on Wednesdays. That's a good session and will prove to be a good contributor to your overall fitness on the bike. If it challenges you, we know it's a good ride!

    ~ Coach P

  • The Good, the bad and the oops.

    BHM wk6 Summary


    Run 4.5 miles

    SWIM: I wish.

    I was sick most of the week. Stomach thing. Finally felty better yesterday but got carried away cutting down a HUGE wild plum tree. None of the 3 chain saws wanted to start. So I hade to cut it down and up by hand. Took all day and I was shelled. Lesson learned (I knew this to) Go run BEFORE you get wrapped up in the day. DUH. By the time 6 rolled a round the tree was down and loaded in my truck and I was shelled.

    Went for an early morning run with Eevee. Garmin gave me +4! Tells ya how lazy i've been. We cruzed 4.5 miles at 11:00 pace! Avg HR 140. That's faster than my 5k last week. Not a lot of mental energy used either. Just a nice smooth, open gait. Breathing was steady. Cadence has dropped a little too. I can tell that my pace has improved bacuae Eevee was actually tired. Had enough left in the tank to sprint the last 8th/mile. It's fun for her because she is SO FAST. We hit a 0650 pace.

    Eevee gets so much attention. We were waved/smiled/honked at, and people are truely amazed at a well mannered dog. She never reacts unless it's a squirrel. Then all bets are off!

    I hope you and your girls are staying healthy and having fun. What a special time this is.

    Next weeks goal: Be consistent and make my training like a good girl. I got Sh#@! to do. Still deciding on my Half mary route.

    Thanks Coach. The Project 5k was fun. Kinda miss it.


  • @Jacklyn Moore - biggest takeaways from me based on your update are: always have more than three chainsaws and to do the work out first. ๐Ÿคฃ

    I think that's a good priority schedule to have. If I've done anything successfully over the last 10+ years it's making sure that the critical workouts get done every day early in the morning.

    I am not a fan of getting up early in the morning, but I have come to understand that I hate missing a workout or shortening a work out even more. Yes getting up early is the lesser of two bad options!

    I miss the project 5K work as well, and I'm trying to figure out what it should look like. Hopefully some updates for me this week!

  • You are SOOOO funny! ๐Ÿคฃ

  • Just so you know. I am NOT running 12 miles tomorrow. On tap is the LR 4b. Nope. Will be cutting that big boy DOWN! Thinking 8 is more do able. Already got some great mileage this week. 8 miles will be my longest run to date.



  • BOOM!

    Yep. That's what i said!

    Summary BHM wk 7

    SWIM: ZERO. Not sure when thats going to change.

    Bike: 19.4 miles Zwift. Missed Davids ride.

    RUN: 15.4 miles.!!!!!!!!!

    Core: 30" x2.

    Today I ran 8 miles. 5 with Eevee and 3 without. Steady state 12:00ish/mile. HR 134bpm. Time 01:45:00. Nutrition was 1.5 bottles GE. 3 shot blocks. Pee'd once. I haven't run that far in 3 years. Definetly felt the fatigue. 8 miles was a good choice. Next Friday I have a 10 miler on tap (RS half 1). I plan on going the distance. I definetly felt the distance. Knees are stiff. I have a massage and chiro on Wednesday. That should help.

    PSA Memory time. While running today I remembered the first time I ran 8 miles. Myah was 9 and Mom was here to visit. She was determined that I get it done. I didn't want to because she was here. So off I went. I turned the corner to the street and there's Mom and Myah with cow bells and signs cheering me home! I miss her. ๐Ÿ˜‡

    I love Al's idea. What do think? Should I go for it? That means changing plans on June 1. I have no idea if/where I can do the swim. The YMCA opens June 1 but not the pool.

    Have a great week. Adore you.

    Jacklyn ๐Ÿ˜Ž

  • EIGHT IS GREAT!! I love that you have such a clear memory of the first time you did that distance. Actually, I'm a little jealous. I don't have that skill set anymore, or all of the runs blended together into one long run. I'm so pumped you're able to get it done. Not only from the Fitness perspective, but just how smart you were with your pacing and your nutrition.

    Can you get this, I hope that you're feeling OK. The leg should be all set and you should be feeling all right...a nice easy spin should help as well. Let me know what the chiro says. And let me know what your lessons learned are for next week in terms of the 10 miler. Is there anything you want to add like compression socks, etc?

    As for Al's challenge...yes. We are all in the same boat for the swim (awful pun intended) but even if we can't get into the water, we can do the bike and run! I think that planning your own DIY event would be great....nothing EPIC just modeling the bike and run distances on a good course. The point isn't really the race as much as it's the training for the race!

    We would need about 8 to 10 weeks to prepare, which would be mid- to end of June...what do you think?

    ~ Coach P

  • I hope this finds you and your family safe.

    Didn't do so hot on the mileage last week. In my defence I did land a new job! In some ways it will make training in the evening after work much easier. Less drama and I get to help establish a respit and hospice home. Very excited! It will take about a month to "on board".

    BHM wk 8

    Swim: NOPE.

    BIke: 38 miles outside climbing! Forgot how much I HATE chipseal. Such a beautiful ride. Max watts 436! Beat that big boy! ๐Ÿ˜

    RUN: 8 miles. My job interview was on the day I was supposed to run 10 miles. I was able to get 6 miles done before the weather window closed. Working on heat adaption. It's been so hot and humid!

    BODY COMP: -2 lbs. Yep. Since I started the BHM I have improved body comp by 9 pounds.

    I have achieved one of my functional performance goals. I have a consistent 5 mile run back. I am over the moon with this. I am not fast but it feels very solid and smooth. I have hit the "enjoyable" stage so I would call that success.

    Another goal achieved is CONSISTENT mileage.

    Tonight is the opening of the YMCA. Spin class is back! Just smaller. I have missed my friends so much. The pool is still closed.

    On the plan there isn't a scheduled bike. I will be adding an open road on Wednesday. If I don't get called in today I will go to the opening up of spin class tonight.

    Have a great week. I hope you get out on the road.



  • @Jacklyn Moore - congratulations on the new job! They are lucky to have you. Nothing like a new adventure to keep you focused and engaged. I also just want to celebrate your achievements so far in the program. Not just the body composition but the consistent running as well.

    That consistent run will become a significant part of your training arsenal. As you move forward with goals for the fall having that as a baseline level of fitness will really help set the tone for overall success. I can't understand the importance of what it means to be durable. And you have earned it! I study now, by fast on race day! #zoomzoom

    Enjoy that spin class and say hi to all your peeps for me!

    ~ Coach P

  • Howdy!

    The new job has been CRAZY! Not used to full time at all but it's coming along well. Epic fence is built. Hurt my back while building it. Have been in run jail for 2 weeks but riding and swimming.

    Yep SWIMMING . Back in the pool. Boy is that nice. I forgot how much I love to swim. Unfortunetly I can only do 30 minutes. I have to sign up for 30 minute blocks where i get a lane ALL TO MYSELF. My stroke and lap speed have not changed much. I've been back swimming for a week. Gone 5 times. Dropping a 1:51/50y. Started doing kick laps too. My back is LOVING it. My run too......

    Went for my second short run (3 miles) today. Was cruising along, breathing easy. My shadow showed nice posterior extention. Head smooth. After a 1.5 miles looked at my pace 10:00. Haven't seen that pace in a lONG time. EEVEE was very happy with the pace. Now that i'm settling into my new job. I get home about 1820. I have been able to do a 30 minute run. One problem it's seriously hot when I get home. Even with cooling it's still really hard. Even for a short run. Working on heat adaption.

    Still getting my head wrapped around this new work schedule. My back is feeling great! I needed the swim. BAD! Right periformis has settled down with the swimming too. I guess it all works together. When 1 leg is missing something is going to give. I have decided to just let this summer happen. I have loaded up the intermediate GET FASTER plan for the summer. I have no specific plans/events. I do want to ride a century yet this season, and I want to swim 5000y. Why? Why not? I got my finisher medal for the Glacier Half marathon. Still planning on completing that when HUbs and I have a day off together. Route planned.

    Hope your having fun and staying safe!


  • @Jacklyn Moore -- Thank you so much for the update. Sounds like getting that swim in will be MANDATORY for overall wellness; can't beat the relaxation + workout combo.

    • 30 min runs at night are PERFECT! Fire up the metabolism beFore dinner is a win.

    • Re Century -- Get Faster will make you strong, so you only need 1 x long ride a month (flat and easy is fine). Long is 3h ish.

    • For the 5000, you need to be swimming 6k a week, with 1 being 3000k. So you could build up over two months as follows:
    • 3 x 1000 (2 weeks)
    • 3 x 1500 (2 weeks)
    • 3 x 2000 (2 weeks)
    • 2 x 1.5, 1x 3000 (2 weeks)

    If the two months is too much, or that much pool time is too much, then we can go 2 x pool and 1 x dry land. What do you think?

    ~ Coach P

  • HI!

    I hope your summer is going well. Things here are fine. It's been pretty hot. WE reached 109 last weekend. I didn't realize I moved to Arizona. We are healthy for the most part. Mark had his right rotator cuff done. He's 3 weeks in and doing well. My new job is shaping up well. The only bummer is that I am working nights. Makes training a bit sticky.

    So this is week 3 of nights. I am doing power yoga for 20 minutes mid shift. Helps with the sleepiness. Finding that running in the early morning keeps me awake. Not ideal but waiting until I wake up mid afternoon means it smoken hot. Not good either. Been managing about 10 miles a week. One 5+ mile run with several short runs plus going to spin class.

    My road bike just got back from the shop. I damaged her derailer so I up graded and got a new one. My plan, for now, is keep moving and start to develop a training plan. Looking forward to cooler weather so I can train in the afternoon but then I'll be on zwift.

    This morning EEvee and I went on 2.3 mile run. Pace 10:30 with 6x30 strides. HR 143bpm temp 78. Not bad at all.

    I am being super careful with my nutrition. Trying to combat the NIGHT shift yukes with good food and hydration. Instead of carb binging and caffeine. So far seems to be working well.

    Tomorrow morning I will come home and get on zwift and ride for 30min. Will see how that effects my sleep.

    Congratulations on your running for school board again. They need practicle, kind people. Especially right now. Myah is going to full on-line this year. She starts next Monday. SHe's super excited. I have had to lock up her language arts books because she wants to read them.

    Have a great week. Adore you.


  • @Jacklyn Moore - I transition to evenings can be a real challenge. I really appreciate how you are taking a holistic look at it to make sure that you find a healthy and sustainable way to balance the transition.

    I think you're onto something with that early morning run. If anything, hopefully it's a way to put your life back into some semblance of normalcy. Not to mention that anything beats not having to run in that heat! Holy cow that's ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    And of course the best part of Zwift is that it's always online! ๐Ÿคฃ

    Myah will do great at home; trying to slow her down is likely to be a losing battle...I wish you luck with that! ๐Ÿคฃ

    ~ Coach P

    ps thanks for the kind words on running for office...this is definitely an all hands on deck time for our schools and parents. If we can work together, we'll find a way to make it through!

  • HI! 09/28/2020

    Long time no talk. Things have been REALLY intense for a while. We have surrounded by forest fires. We have been at LEVEL 2 evac. for weeks. They finally lifted it yesterday. Because of the smoke , not much has been happening training wise. Last week the wind shifted and I was able to get in several runs outside. But the smokes back. Not as heavy as before.

    Night shift is going pretty well. I sure like the way it integrates with my family. Training is more challenging but as the temperature drops I will be able to get outside more in the afternoon.

    RUN-Not too bad. Hammered out 4 miles at 11:00 pace last Friday. Not too concerned with pace. More concerned with consistent performance.

    BIKE: Well. Hmmmm. Not as good as I'd like. Working on that.

    SWIM-Not. Inconsistent pool access.

    Now that I have been on nights for a couple months. I am starting to get more strict on training. I have been cautious about training. Sleep is challenging enough without the stimulation of training in the morning before bed. But I am going to start swimming on my way home. That should be ok. Not too intense. Like being in a warm bath tub.

    I actually wrote this 1 week ago. But obviously for got to post it. 10/9/2020

    This last week I have been able to accumulate some serious training time. Just finished 4 days on. Rode my trainer every day for 40 minutes before work. That worked out well. Didn't fatigue me too much for the night. Then ran several longer runs with Eevee on my days off. Did spin class.

    Swim: 1200 yards (Yippee)

    Bike:3 hours total

    RUN: 8 miles and counting. I am doing a run block over then next 3 days. Going to the beach to my FAVORITE beach run. I have a solid 5 mile run. Pace about 11:00. I just ordered new kicks. I have worn the tread off. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

    Feeling the mileage but doing fine.

    Question: I have no serious plans for next year. Too much up in the air. BUT I need to get my big butt moving. Can I drop into the NOS for some accountability and base fitness?

    Hope school is going well for your girls. Have a great weekend.



  • @Jacklyn Moore - thank you so much for the update! I was hoping that you are well, but I know that the effects of the fire are far greater than just the flames. I'm pleased to see that you have been able to stay consistent and healthy during this time that is not something that everyone else around me and say shut up to your great scheduling skills and super supportive family! ๐Ÿ˜

    I think your plan to bike a bit before work is perfect...get the heart started and avoid that "end of work" overstimulation you mentioned. I bet that after a few weeks you'll be able to even do a bit of work in there as you will have adapted. But for now consistency.

    Same on the run really...if you have a fun weekend planned you can go longer, otherwise 4 to 5 mile runs during the week are great. It's all about that weekly number!

    Yes to NOV OS we'd love to have you....it starts on 11/2...we will be ready for you!

    ~ Coach Patrick

  • edited October 16, 2020 9:15PM

    OMG! You are so adorable! Just want to pinch your cheeks.

    Took Myah camping to our favorite beach. Weather was great. Did my season closer run of 6 miles along the beach. Couldn't ask for a better day. I'm always sad when it ends too soon. You would think 6 miles would last forever but sadly nope. I wish every run was that awesome! My little run block netted me 13 miles. Flat as a pancake running.

    I'll see you in the NOS! Sounds fun. FYI-I am down 6 pounds and I am 4 pounds from my goal. See ya COVID muffin top!

    The fires have been absolutely devastating to my area. I haven't drove into the burn areas yet. I prefer not to be a looky loo. I will see them eventually.

    Looking forward to some great work!


    PS-Went and loaded up the OS for running. Looked more balanced than the bike version. I run more than bike too. Eevee demands it.

  • HI from week 1 of the OS.

    Not too bad.

    SWIM: 500 yards. Hard to do on no sleep for 24 hours.

    BIKE: 44miles. Ya know! Ride for an hour and go 5.8 miles can REALLY mess with your head.

    RUN: 8.1 miles. Didn't do the bricks. I only have 1 hour on MTUW to train. Because my bike is pathetic I made the choice to ride instead of run. Still very tentative about intensity and then working all night. I am getting braver though. ๐Ÿคช

    Well onto week 2. My rest day will be my first day off. Working MTUEW this week. Planning to train each work day from 3-4pm. Then off to work.

    Have a great week! Be safe.


  • @Jacklyn Moore - .get update and I appreciate the work that you are getting done with the challenges you have with your schedule. As you know, our target is to hit some kind of consistency. Even if that means on those days we have to do just 20 minutes. I'm not so much worried about performance as I am about baseline health. Big journeys are simply made up of thousands of small well executed steps. That's the mindset we need right now to help you get some momentum in the OutSeasonยฎ and keep you on track for 2021.

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