Rory Gumina CoachEN (2020-2021)
Age Group, Height and Weight.
M60-64, 5'9", 172 lbs
140.6 Best Time in Last Five Years
12:11:32 Mont Tremblant 2017
70.3 Best Time in Last Five Years
5:30:47 Quassy 2017
Oly Best Time in Last Five Years
2:33:25 Rochester 2015
26.2 Best Time in Last Five Years
3:50:09 Erie 2018
13.1 Best Time in Last Five Years
1:42:07 Rochester Flower City 2017
* Your Strongest Discipline
* Your Weakest Discipline
* Your Weakest Discipline: Tell Us More...
Actually weakness is combo of Bike and Run, specifically the ability to run to my potential (4:05-4:10) after the IM ride
* Your Injury / Difficulty History
Leg (IMMT 2017) & Adductor (IMLP 2018) cramps during IM run. No history of training injury issues except niggles (touch wood, fingers crossed!).
* Top Three Lessons Learned in your triathlon career.
1. Need to hold planned power on bike (tri distance specific) to be able to attack the run
2. Importance and relevance of Run Power, and how it relates to pace and cadence
3. Go with fewer swim wko's in order to add more bike & run wko's
Your Top Three Races / Events this Season (with dates):
IM Tulsa May 23, 2021
IM 70.3 Geneva (Musselman) July 11, 2021
Erie Marathon Sept 12, 2021
Timeline to Tulsa
Body Comp
Action Items
IMMT 2017 Run:
IMFL 70.3 2018 Run:
IMLP 2018 Run:
IMMT 2017 Bike:
IMFL 70.3 Bike:
IMLP 2018 Bike:
Eagleman 70.3 2018
IMMD 2019 (a bit harder to see because of the watermark ... and unfortunately no Run pix ... ๐)
Let me know if above are what you were hoping for @Coach Patrick ... I could look for personal photos as well ... also, do you want some "now" pix?
Morning @Coach Patrick ! ... couple things:
Nov. 2 Week Recap:
Wkly Recap:
Wkly Recap:
Is this working for you @Coach Patrick ? I haven't heard from you so am thinking, of the myriad ways to connect this may not be ideal?
Or, also, I know there are TONS of things going on right now with the Team ... should we hold off on this CoachEN thing till the new year instead? (eg. Feb/12 wks out from Tulsa)
@Rory Gumina -
Catching up, but I'm up for the challenge...thanks for all the info...getting up to speed is hard to do, but I am getting there!
Let's start with the run picture review:
Loom | Send a video. Not a thousand words.
Bike picture review:
Loom | Send a video. Not a thousand words. specific changes for you here: head position and downtube speed. Anything else (gearing / tires) would be in season changes closer to race prep.
I prefer WKO comments in, thats a better place long term.
In terms of weekly focus points, I like the summaries. Bonus if you have end of week questions for me to answer. Otherwise I tend to look month to month here (our next check in should be early DEC to see gains and make edits.
If there is another way I can be more helpful to you, let me know!
~ Patrick
OK let's give it a go then Coach!
Run input & homework understood ... incl. adding proper butt kick drill for bigger circle
Bike input: when I got fitted last year with Todd he took before/after vid of my bike position ... I just texted that to you ... basically rotated fwd & down which lowered head and reduced surface area of chest ... no pix of it "in use" since, but it did feel comfortable the very few times I rode outdoors this year
Re: the bottom frame triangle ... is that what you mean by downtube speed in your note above ... and the point is that just filling that space would improve aerodynamics of my setup? Also, can you send a pic of how you have the TorHans bottle setup on your bike ... I didn't quite follow/hear what you said on the vid
Going forward I will:
As far as additional help, leading up to or when we talk on Dec. 2, I'd like to:
Thx @Coach Patrick !
Wkly Recap:
Upcoming Week (NovOS): 3,500 swim Mon; WTRL instead of bike test Tue; Not yet committed to Run Test Wed ... any alternatives?; Looking fwd to Recovery Ride Thu & 3hr rides Sat ... other days as written;
Other Questions: additional help requests in previous note above ... as well as clarification on what you meant in video re: downtube speed
@Rory Gumina okay...check in time...thanks for all the info!
For the historical review conversation, let's do the analysis live on zoom when we get to that point!
For this week, the general plan looks good. Per my comment in Geneva, that VO2Long is going to need to be earlier in the week for you to be successful...waiting until the weekend has a ton of fatigue in your system. That might be easier when WTRL is done (racing TTT on Thurs is okay)...think on that one.
I'd prefer the run test on Thursday (make wed the recovery spin day post WTRL. If you aren't that invested in the run test, we can swag it but I think it's worthwhile to check in since the roads are still good and we can actually get a comparable test in (vs previous Outseasons).
I think that monday / friday core is the "additional" focus for this week.
ONE NOTE on the VO2 LONG - you are doing them at like 75 rpms. Not going to work. That needs to be 90-95rpms. You can't handle those watts and torque. If the 90-ish cadence is no joy, then you can alternate 30" high, 30" at the lower one for now as you build up.
OTHER NOTE your HR is like 127 at VO2 watts. Is that even possible? Do you race IM at 100bpms?? What's your HRM set up and can we trust it?
Looking forward to our call...
~ Patrick
Dec. 2 Call Recap: