Morning ladies! what a fabulous weekend - and such great info posted... I've been following, but never had time to log on and type.
@Olivia - hope the recovery is still going well... glad you're graduating to solid foods and sleeping well!
@Nemo - way to rock the RR! I can't believe the race is less than 2 weeks... and I can't wait to finally meet you!
@Kristen - I am so sorry to hear about Grendel. My heart goes out to you and your sister.
@Kitima - Even if I knew enough about my bikes to clean them properly, I can't imagine any scenario in which I'd do the work in a dress! You and Beth are too funny!
@Linda - I read the paleo thread a month or so ago and was totally intrigued. Reading you and Kit talk about it has reminded me... I added it to my "to read" list but might bump it up and get it and take it with me to Mexico after Eagleman... perhaps give it a go during my general prep phase before IM training gets nutty. I will say that I can't imagine dropping all dairy - like Marianne, I love Greek yogurt - and that's the base of my smoothies. I don't go crazy for carbs, but I think I'd have to tweak that to keep some brown rice, quinoa, etc in there...I'll check it out for sure and keep you posted
As for me - had a great training weekend. Friday after work I did my hour run from Wed... holy hot. I just had no interest. Did the 10 minute trick but that wasn't enough to make me loosen up or want to run. Nevertheless, I did the run. Fortunately there was an option of 2-3x1mile hard... I did 2... and prayed for the end to come. Ugh. Saturday I did Friday's workout. 40 minute Z1 run in the morning... it was darn hot but the legs felt good. I was relieved that whatever was bugging me Fri was out of my system. I headed immediately to the pool for the 3000m endurance workout. That also felt pretty good (and my flip turns are sort of getting passable). Sunday was the RR in Cambridge. ugh. I just posted the report in case you have the time. It went okay. yesterday I stuck to the week's schedule instead of a day off (had I done the RR Sat, Sun would have been off). 45 minute run in the morning and I'm amazed my legs held up. Then I went to Sandy Point for an OWS instead of the pool... felt good! Did fall off the wagon a bit as far as diet... but I was very conscious of my alcohol intake and tried to be good. The real problem for my weekend was desserts... went to a show with friends Sat and Teresa brought a homemade strawberry pie. Yum. After the RR Dan wanted ice cream... I burned 3000 cal, why not? yum. Last night we BBQ'd and friends brought this amazing strawberry and pistachio cream cake... I have NO will power! There is a reason why I don't have sweets or "junk food" in my house. At least I don't eat like that all the time... and at least they were all amazing (not mindless eating of junk bc it's there) - definitely all in the "worth it" category - thank goodness I did double workouts every day this weekend. 2 weeks to race day, no big events coming up as far as I know... so back on the super good nutrition wagon for me!
Linda H- Good luck, you are going to be just fine! And don't worry about thinking you are slow- you are in great company!
Becky- I'm looking forward to meeting you and many other ENers at Eman as well! This race has me a little worried, but the RR went really well so I need to remember those good thoughts and have confidence that the run will be OK (never ever in my wildest dreams thought I'd be worry about running at a triathlon- its always the part I look forward too!)
feeling inspired, I just got onto Amazon and ordered Primal Blueprint and the Paleo Diet for Athletes... looking forward to reading that during transition week and seeing what I can do with it (if I opt to) during General Prep! Will keep you posted.
OK people, the whole 3 lbs is back. Poop. Did not stray off the Paleo wagon to any degree this weekend, so it doesn't seem to be a matter of "how much I'm eating" or even "what I'm eating." It's the dis-regulation (that a word?) of my body from the thyroid disruption. That--and my first period since Halloween. Poop on that too.
From what I read, metabolism and water retention issues may or may not ever go back to normal after a hypo diagnosis--even on meds. This is all water, given my rings, and the puffiness around the eyes. So the game changer about eating Paleo is now how I feel, not the weight loss aspect. I feel very good. I feel I am doing my body a world of good eating this way, and I especially like the instructions on how to time things, and what to eat with a clear eye toward maximizing recovery. It's still Paleo game on--week 2.
Had the BEST weekend ever. Relaxing mixed in with great workouts. Life was in balance, and I let myself just revel in it.
Hello to everyone. I am back from a wonderful week off and wayyyyy behind. Can't address everyone individually, but have been keeping up with you!
More than a bit worried about some knee issues I have developed. Trying to get it worked up this week. Just getting way too close to the meat of MOO training for this to happen.
Gina: I am sending anti-inflammatory and healing vibes to your knee RIGHT NOW!
Shrink: You are going to do great! Enjoy the whole race experience, chica!
Becky: The strawberry and pistachio part of that cake is Paleo!
Paleo Week 2 Update: I've not weighed myself yet this week, but clothes are fitting better. Better but not fabulous. I feel really good so far--no bonking on the workouts, but I didn't do much with intensity last week as I was recovering from ToC. Like Linda, I can't be 100% strict with it. I agree with Olivia--having a high quality grain, especially before or right after a long ride or run, is a good thing IMHO. I think the overall result of this Paleo thing so far is that I've added alot more fresh fruit and veggies to my intake and pretty much eliminated all processed, sugary foods. I'm skeptical of the high protein intake (especially consuming more than 1 egg a week) and have modified that to be lower than recommended. No organ meats for me either! Also no soy for me is just not going fly---I loves my tofu and bean sprouts. BTW, my DH is having way too fun teasing me about this Paleo thing. He says,"Unsweetened Almond Milk Lite---yeah, that's what cavemen drank. I saw it on a cave painting once..." It is all kinda funny.
gasp... birthday? HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARIANNE! How exciting... I love any reason to celebrate... knowing you also love Greek yogurt, I'm raising a spoon in your honor now!
@Kitima... good to remember... next time I'll stick to just the strawberry and pistachio cream part of the cake and leave the cake part behind. That's my kind of diet! I can just picture what that cave painting looks like, your DH is too funny!
@Gina - welcome home and OH NO! Healing and positive thoughts your way!
Gina, take it easy and heal up fast! Sending positive vibes your way...
Kit, your DH is right - these Paleo rules seem a little arbitrary at times! This is the first day I have attempted the Paleo way all day. So far, so good, not really hungry, although I did get the expected migraine. I was on top of it with the meds, though, so all is good. I just had a bite of cashew butter, which is super yummy, but I was looking around wishing for a cracker to dip into it.
Olivia, how's your mouth?
Tuesdays are my normal day off, so my holiday has been extended one more day. I'm trying to decide between housework and the pool, and, quite honestly, the housework sounds kind of appealing, even if only so I don't have to change clothes, drive, swim, drive, and shower again.
G--no boo boos! Oh dear gawd, take care of that, GF. Glad you had such a great (much needed) vaycay.
Back to Paleo for a moment....I can't believe it took a book to re-introduce me to what it means to eat properly--I mean really clean. I'm going to stick with it for a bit, then add things in--just to kinda get me solidly back on track. I't slike I need an intervention. But I agree, some variety is going to have to come into play--as well as some brown grains. What I really like is the chapter on recovery and how to time what to eat, and specific carbs to eat. That, I think, has a TON of merit, and I did feel much better after following it this weekend. For an experiment, I just had a sandwich cookie and a small glass of milk--neither of which has set well in months, Went from feeling fine, to roiling, gassy stomach. Interesting.
Funny convo with Keith just now:
Him--Have you ever seen that trainer in the morning? The one...streaked blong hair, kind of a big butt, big boobs, but a little too ripped....
Me, in a low bass voice, "Goooo ooooonnnnn...." Got him flustered, and I loved it.
Hi Ladies! Just checking in to say hi! I'm in week 8 of IM training for IMLOU. Was supposed to do a bike test today, but didn't. Day off, to rest from lots of miles last weekend. Will test tomorrow most likely, and re-work my week, to be able to do my big training day on Saturday. Hope all of you are having a good day and evening!
thanks girls. hav epics from recent hibachi dinner. not sure what diet that is on, fried rice with vegs and some meat! but a good time! and yes Moo Jo went there too! anyways.
Had a great weekend here! Had a perfectly timed rain on and off day on Sun which kept me from riding when I'm supposed to be tapering. Got a nice ride with a friend hadn't seen in a while who ran the Paris marathon (inlaws have a house there so Susan & another very good friend of mine spent the week there before the race, ran then made it back just before the volcano in Iceland shut flights down!) Then a open water swim which felt great (no wetsuit needed!) Got the bike all cleaned up and ready to go for next weekend and did some prelim packing (and yes, you know it Nemo- trusty checklists and race plan at my side!) Got a pedicure and nails done yesterday, a race day must! Now for the funny part- I can figure out exactly what to wear race day and working out but this casual clothes thing has got my head spinning! It's usually work dress or workout dress mode. Time to break out some of the cute sundresses.
I've also decided I'm going to have Beth write my life story. I bet she could even make going to the grocery store sound picturesque and artistic! Such a neat gift to be blessed with!
@Barb- What did you think of the IMLOU course? I'll miss the next Iamtri ride (daughter's wedding) but told Bob I'd help out the first one in Jul so he can ride too!
@G- take good care of that knee lil lady!! We needs every happy & healthy!
@L- see if you 'd only had the app, you'd have known that would happen (he he he)
Happy B'day Miss M!!! Hope you made good mooooo wishes!
Yes, soy! Kitima, I was thinking about that today. I would have a hard time with making my curry noodle soup, braised five spice tofu, and random stir fries without tofu. I know chicken can be subbed, but I do love the tofu!
On the topic of fruits and of tomorrow we are one week away from getting our first harvest of spring/early summer stuff from the CSA! I've been longing for this day for a long time! With any luck I'll once again be able to enjoy the fresh stuff by then. Our fruit and veg consumption is about to skyrocket!
Gina, so glad you had a great trip. Pics were really fun! Get that knee taken care of....fingers crossed
My mouth is getting better, thanks so much for all of your support! A bit of a set back yesterday when the ONE key dressing that was covering the major tear (that's what it seems like, anyway) came off!! GRRR! I just have to hang on through tomorrow and then I'll be back in there on Thursday AM. I am starting to think though that either I'm really suffering more f rom the fatigue of dealing with the pain, discomfort, lack of real food, inability to ride bikes or run, and feeling like people are staring at yuck stained and out of whack teeth..... or I'm losing my mind. I went for a short hike yesterday which felt nice, and did try running a bit, but it didn't feel comfortable. I'm hoping that after getting all the stupid sillyputty-like dressing removed on Thursday I'll feel more like running. I am going to ride my bike to work tomorrow. Hoping that some early AM endorphins will influence my mood and productivity to be a little better tomorrow. Today I found myself really missing the old me that had energy.....
Oh, and randomly as a result of not having had coffee on the morning of my procedure I decided to try going off caffeine for a bit. Thought that might help with the energy issues over of today, over one week into my little test, I thought I really needed it. Had some lemon ginger tea, but that did not cut it. Hmmmm. Maybe a breif break is OK, but a full scale elimination isn't a good idea. We'll see?
Happy Birthday Marianne. Hope all who are injured are healing. I haven't posted in so long. Graduation party is done so now I have a little more time. Hope to catch up over the next week or so. New goal is to hit every workout the next six weeks and get skinny! Or at least not so rubenesque
@Becky - Refusing homemade strawberry pie would be a crime against humanity.
@Olivia -- glad you are feeling better! I'll think happy running thoughts for you because we all know you are awesome.
Coffee. I do love mine, but have consistently been leaving 1/2 cups of it left undrunk since joining the morning smoothie craze. Maybe I'm not an addict, after all.
In honor of all things Paleo, I was the Paleo poster child today. What makes this easy? Farmer's market strawberries and a new restaurant new work, called I Dream of Falafel. Mediterranean salads topped with chicken shwarma and more veggies. I think that was six servings of veggies and one lean protein. And they are cheap!
@Kris -- Going to the grocery store is interesting! It is one of my favorite things to do. I do love writing about food.
I intended to swim today, but after being away for two very long weekends of epic tri stuff the body said "no." Instead, there's been lots of laundry.
I think it's funny that while lamenting that soy isn't included in the Paleo world I mentioned it in the context of a NOODLE soup. Ha! Guess I'm truly a hopeless case when it comes to that....
Go Beth with the day off!! You have more than earned it!
@Beth - couldn't have said it any better! a crime against humanity, indeed. FWIW, ice cream, pizza, and french fries are my favorite food groups. My paleo experiment is going to be interesting.
Less than 2 weeks before EM; more importantly, 2 weeks til vacay (I'll be on a plane to Cabo 2 Wednesday's from today)! Crazy! I watched the vid attached to my training plan and the coach mentions checklists and refers me to the train map to get the form - no luck. Apparently they're not their and the coaches don't remember where they are (I didn't see them on the wiki). nemo was very kind to send me her template to look at but I'm curious if any of you know where the old forms are on the web site?
Anyone been to Cabo? Any places to see/things to do/restaurants to hit? Yay vaca! Then 8 weeks of gen prep and 12 of IM prep... boo!
Hey gals! I've been lurking for a long time but am keeping up with everyone's various movements. Had a great Memorial Day weekend with lots of tough workouts and lots of grillin' and chillin'. I'm still wading through leftover fruit salad! Why can't this be my day job?:
Kris: Remind me again---what race are you doing this weekend? I'm with you on the cute sundresses...they're much more comfortable than shorts.
Beth: Hooray for day off! I had every intention of crushing yesterday's run and swim, but completely passed out on the couch after work. I dreamt I was a Marine sniper and woke up feeling really refreshed and motivated this morning. Boo-Yah!
Olivia: Don't underestimate the physical and mental "calories" burned in order to heal from your operation. Also, the fact that it's been a >1 year process can make it so exhausting. I hope your early morning run brought you some peace and joy in this (pardon my crassness) oral surgery $hit storm you've been enduring. I have visions that you will have a mouth full of gorgeous Hollywood teeth at the end of all of this and won't be able to stop smiling!
Marianne: Can't wait to hear about your adventures with hibachi!
Sorry I can't take the time to read and respond. Has been crazy busy. Rode over 200 miles this long weekend, spent lots of time cleaning, etc. so I could pack. Car is here to take us to the airport. No training for 2 weeks! Scuba Diving in Costa Rica, living on a boat. Come back 6/16 late and race HIM 6/19. OK,"Race" is stretching it, more like "plan to finish". Ciao!
Kris, just read back through the posts and saw your question about my thoughts on IMLOU course. It was tough!!! I did one loop, starting with the out and back. Ballard School Rd. and Sligo were killers! I"m getting an 11/28 cassette for my Specialized (Queen , so I can keep on spinnin' up some of those hills! I will be down for the June 12th ride, then back in July. I hope to meet you at one of the rides! Trying to get the bike mojo going, as I have Muncie on July 10th! Still waivering about doing the entire 70.3 or just the Aquabike...
Costa Rica is wonderful!!! Have a great time Michele! I went a few years ago. Spent a few days in Arenal (at Tabacon, hot springs and the volcano - zip lining and hiking in a rain forest) then a few days beaching it in Manuel Antonio. Wonderful trip, wonderful food... jealous!
@Barb- re: Muncie.... I can only speak from my past experience.. if I had to do it over again, I'd do the Auqabike. No question in my mind. It's just such a critical big bike/run time to take a bite of for a race that really didn't mean much to me (with IMLOU being my A race). I'll have to make sure we touch base on the Jul ride! It's a gorgeous course!
That's "my" backyard - I share it with the whole neighborhood and we were all out in the baby pools this weekend. Funny you say it's Southern, because I first heard of "corn hole" on the Today Show when they were doing a special on this fun game based out of Ohio. And I thought, "Why are they calling "The Bean Bag Game" corn hole?" My family has played it for years and apparently we are less than creative with our game names.
Sorry @ Kitima- doing Kansas 70.3 on Sun in Lawrence. Contrary to my original belief last year... Ks is not all flat..... Chrissy W will be back there again. Got to get my medal from her at the finish last year... granted... Fabian she isn't but still has coolness factor!!
Morning ladies! what a fabulous weekend - and such great info posted... I've been following, but never had time to log on and type.
@Olivia - hope the recovery is still going well... glad you're graduating to solid foods and sleeping well!
@Nemo - way to rock the RR! I can't believe the race is less than 2 weeks... and I can't wait to finally meet you!
@Kristen - I am so sorry to hear about Grendel. My heart goes out to you and your sister.
@Kitima - Even if I knew enough about my bikes to clean them properly, I can't imagine any scenario in which I'd do the work in a dress! You and Beth are too funny!
@Linda - I read the paleo thread a month or so ago and was totally intrigued. Reading you and Kit talk about it has reminded me... I added it to my "to read" list but might bump it up and get it and take it with me to Mexico after Eagleman... perhaps give it a go during my general prep phase before IM training gets nutty. I will say that I can't imagine dropping all dairy - like Marianne, I love Greek yogurt - and that's the base of my smoothies. I don't go crazy for carbs, but I think I'd have to tweak that to keep some brown rice, quinoa, etc in there...I'll check it out for sure and keep you posted
@Linda H - good luck! How exciting!!
As for me - had a great training weekend. Friday after work I did my hour run from Wed... holy hot. I just had no interest. Did the 10 minute trick but that wasn't enough to make me loosen up or want to run. Nevertheless, I did the run. Fortunately there was an option of 2-3x1mile hard... I did 2... and prayed for the end to come. Ugh. Saturday I did Friday's workout. 40 minute Z1 run in the morning... it was darn hot but the legs felt good. I was relieved that whatever was bugging me Fri was out of my system. I headed immediately to the pool for the 3000m endurance workout. That also felt pretty good (and my flip turns are sort of getting passable). Sunday was the RR in Cambridge. ugh. I just posted the report in case you have the time. It went okay. yesterday I stuck to the week's schedule instead of a day off (had I done the RR Sat, Sun would have been off). 45 minute run in the morning and I'm amazed my legs held up. Then I went to Sandy Point for an OWS instead of the pool... felt good! Did fall off the wagon a bit as far as diet... but I was very conscious of my alcohol intake and tried to be good. The real problem for my weekend was desserts... went to a show with friends Sat and Teresa brought a homemade strawberry pie. Yum. After the RR Dan wanted ice cream... I burned 3000 cal, why not? yum. Last night we BBQ'd and friends brought this amazing strawberry and pistachio cream cake... I have NO will power! There is a reason why I don't have sweets or "junk food" in my house. At least I don't eat like that all the time... and at least they were all amazing (not mindless eating of junk bc it's there) - definitely all in the "worth it" category - thank goodness I did double workouts every day this weekend. 2 weeks to race day, no big events coming up as far as I know... so back on the super good nutrition wagon for me!
Becky- I'm looking forward to meeting you and many other ENers at Eman as well! This race has me a little worried, but the RR went really well so I need to remember those good thoughts and have confidence that the run will be OK (never ever in my wildest dreams thought I'd be worry about running at a triathlon- its always the part I look forward too!)
feeling inspired, I just got onto Amazon and ordered Primal Blueprint and the Paleo Diet for Athletes... looking forward to reading that during transition week and seeing what I can do with it (if I opt to) during General Prep! Will keep you posted.
OK people, the whole 3 lbs is back. Poop. Did not stray off the Paleo wagon to any degree this weekend, so it doesn't seem to be a matter of "how much I'm eating" or even "what I'm eating." It's the dis-regulation (that a word?) of my body from the thyroid disruption. That--and my first period since Halloween. Poop on that too.
From what I read, metabolism and water retention issues may or may not ever go back to normal after a hypo diagnosis--even on meds. This is all water, given my rings, and the puffiness around the eyes. So the game changer about eating Paleo is now how I feel, not the weight loss aspect. I feel very good. I feel I am doing my body a world of good eating this way, and I especially like the instructions on how to time things, and what to eat with a clear eye toward maximizing recovery. It's still Paleo game on--week 2.
Had the BEST weekend ever. Relaxing mixed in with great workouts. Life was in balance, and I let myself just revel in it.
Gotta scoot--at work!
Hello to everyone. I am back from a wonderful week off and wayyyyy behind. Can't address everyone individually, but have been keeping up with you!
More than a bit worried about some knee issues I have developed. Trying to get it worked up this week. Just getting way too close to the meat of MOO training for this to happen.
Shrink: You are going to do great! Enjoy the whole race experience, chica!
Becky: The strawberry and pistachio part of that cake is Paleo!
Paleo Week 2 Update: I've not weighed myself yet this week, but clothes are fitting better. Better but not fabulous. I feel really good so far--no bonking on the workouts, but I didn't do much with intensity last week as I was recovering from ToC. Like Linda, I can't be 100% strict with it. I agree with Olivia--having a high quality grain, especially before or right after a long ride or run, is a good thing IMHO. I think the overall result of this Paleo thing so far is that I've added alot more fresh fruit and veggies to my intake and pretty much eliminated all processed, sugary foods. I'm skeptical of the high protein intake (especially consuming more than 1 egg a week) and have modified that to be lower than recommended. No organ meats for me either! Also no soy for me is just not going fly---I loves my tofu and bean sprouts.
BTW, my DH is having way too fun teasing me about this Paleo thing. He says,"Unsweetened Almond Milk Lite---yeah, that's what cavemen drank. I saw it on a cave painting once..." It is all kinda funny.
gasp... birthday? HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARIANNE! How exciting... I love any reason to celebrate... knowing you also love Greek yogurt, I'm raising a spoon in your honor now!
@Kitima... good to remember... next time I'll stick to just the strawberry and pistachio cream part of the cake and leave the cake part behind. That's my kind of diet!
I can just picture what that cave painting looks like, your DH is too funny!
@Gina - welcome home and OH NO! Healing and positive thoughts your way!
Gina, take it easy and heal up fast! Sending positive vibes your way...
Kit, your DH is right - these Paleo rules seem a little arbitrary at times! This is the first day I have attempted the Paleo way all day. So far, so good, not really hungry, although I did get the expected migraine. I was on top of it with the meds, though, so all is good. I just had a bite of cashew butter, which is super yummy, but I was looking around wishing for a cracker to dip into it.
Olivia, how's your mouth?
Tuesdays are my normal day off, so my holiday has been extended one more day. I'm trying to decide between housework and the pool, and, quite honestly, the housework sounds kind of appealing, even if only so I don't have to change clothes, drive, swim, drive, and shower again.
I hope everyone's day is going well...
G--no boo boos! Oh dear gawd, take care of that, GF. Glad you had such a great (much needed) vaycay.
Back to Paleo for a moment....I can't believe it took a book to re-introduce me to what it means to eat properly--I mean really clean. I'm going to stick with it for a bit, then add things in--just to kinda get me solidly back on track. I't slike I need an intervention.
But I agree, some variety is going to have to come into play--as well as some brown grains. What I really like is the chapter on recovery and how to time what to eat, and specific carbs to eat. That, I think, has a TON of merit, and I did feel much better after following it this weekend. For an experiment, I just had a sandwich cookie and a small glass of milk--neither of which has set well in months, Went from feeling fine, to roiling, gassy stomach. Interesting.
Funny convo with Keith just now:
Him--Have you ever seen that trainer in the morning? The one...streaked blong hair, kind of a big butt, big boobs, but a little too ripped....
Me, in a low bass voice, "Goooo ooooonnnnn...."
Got him flustered, and I loved it. 
Hope all of you are having a good day and evening!
thanks girls. hav epics from recent hibachi dinner. not sure what diet that is on, fried rice with vegs and some meat! but a good time! and yes Moo Jo went there too! anyways.
I've also decided I'm going to have Beth write my life story. I bet she could even make going to the grocery store sound picturesque and artistic! Such a neat gift to be blessed with!
@Barb- What did you think of the IMLOU course? I'll miss the next Iamtri ride (daughter's wedding) but told Bob I'd help out the first one in Jul so he can ride too!
@G- take good care of that knee lil lady!! We needs every happy & healthy!
@L- see if you 'd only had the app, you'd have known that would happen (he he he)
Yes, soy! Kitima, I was thinking about that today. I would have a hard time with making my curry noodle soup, braised five spice tofu, and random stir fries without tofu. I know chicken can be subbed, but I do love the tofu!
On the topic of fruits and of tomorrow we are one week away from getting our first harvest of spring/early summer stuff from the CSA! I've been longing for this day for a long time! With any luck I'll once again be able to enjoy the fresh stuff by then. Our fruit and veg consumption is about to skyrocket!
Gina, so glad you had a great trip. Pics were really fun! Get that knee taken care of....fingers crossed
My mouth is getting better, thanks so much for all of your support! A bit of a set back yesterday when the ONE key dressing that was covering the major tear (that's what it seems like, anyway) came off!! GRRR! I just have to hang on through tomorrow and then I'll be back in there on Thursday AM. I am starting to think though that either I'm really suffering more f rom the fatigue of dealing with the pain, discomfort, lack of real food, inability to ride bikes or run, and feeling like people are staring at yuck stained and out of whack teeth..... or I'm losing my mind. I went for a short hike yesterday which felt nice, and did try running a bit, but it didn't feel comfortable. I'm hoping that after getting all the stupid sillyputty-like dressing removed on Thursday I'll feel more like running. I am going to ride my bike to work tomorrow. Hoping that some early AM endorphins will influence my mood and productivity to be a little better tomorrow. Today I found myself really missing the old me that had energy.....
Oh, and randomly as a result of not having had coffee on the morning of my procedure I decided to try going off caffeine for a bit. Thought that might help with the energy issues over of today, over one week into my little test, I thought I really needed it. Had some lemon ginger tea, but that did not cut it. Hmmmm. Maybe a breif break is OK, but a full scale elimination isn't a good idea. We'll see?
@Gina - Welcome back! And take care of that knee!
@Becky - Refusing homemade strawberry pie would be a crime against humanity.
@Olivia -- glad you are feeling better! I'll think happy running thoughts for you because we all know you are awesome.
Coffee. I do love mine, but have consistently been leaving 1/2 cups of it left undrunk since joining the morning smoothie craze. Maybe I'm not an addict, after all.
@dresses and bikes. Nice!
In honor of all things Paleo, I was the Paleo poster child today. What makes this easy? Farmer's market strawberries and a new restaurant new work, called I Dream of Falafel. Mediterranean salads topped with chicken shwarma and more veggies. I think that was six servings of veggies and one lean protein. And they are cheap!
@Kris -- Going to the grocery store is interesting! It is one of my favorite things to do. I do love writing about food.
I intended to swim today, but after being away for two very long weekends of epic tri stuff the body said "no." Instead, there's been lots of laundry.
Go Beth with the day off!! You have more than earned it!
@Beth - couldn't have said it any better! a crime against humanity, indeed. FWIW, ice cream, pizza, and french fries are my favorite food groups. My paleo experiment is going to be interesting.
Less than 2 weeks before EM; more importantly, 2 weeks til vacay (I'll be on a plane to Cabo 2 Wednesday's from today)! Crazy! I watched the vid attached to my training plan and the coach mentions checklists and refers me to the train map to get the form - no luck. Apparently they're not their and the coaches don't remember where they are (I didn't see them on the wiki). nemo was very kind to send me her template to look at but I'm curious if any of you know where the old forms are on the web site?
Anyone been to Cabo? Any places to see/things to do/restaurants to hit? Yay vaca! Then 8 weeks of gen prep and 12 of IM prep... boo!
Hey gals! I've been lurking for a long time but am keeping up with everyone's various movements. Had a great Memorial Day weekend with lots of tough workouts and lots of grillin' and chillin'. I'm still wading through leftover fruit salad! Why can't this be my day job?:
Beth: Hooray for day off! I had every intention of crushing yesterday's run and swim, but completely passed out on the couch after work. I dreamt I was a Marine sniper and woke up feeling really refreshed and motivated this morning. Boo-Yah!
Olivia: Don't underestimate the physical and mental "calories" burned in order to heal from your operation. Also, the fact that it's been a >1 year process can make it so exhausting. I hope your early morning run brought you some peace and joy in this (pardon my crassness) oral surgery $hit storm you've been enduring. I have visions that you will have a mouth full of gorgeous Hollywood teeth at the end of all of this and won't be able to stop smiling!
Marianne: Can't wait to hear about your adventures with hibachi!
Costa Rica is wonderful!!! Have a great time Michele! I went a few years ago. Spent a few days in Arenal (at Tabacon, hot springs and the volcano - zip lining and hiking in a rain forest) then a few days beaching it in Manuel Antonio. Wonderful trip, wonderful food... jealous!
Suzanne, where were you playing cornhole? I thought that was a southern thing!