Suzanne - I love "your" back yard pic. It is SO Maryland! Makes me miss home!
Michele goes on another fab vacation! I'm jealous. Can't wait to hear about it...I've just started vacation research and was settling in on an Eastern European adventure...but this Costa Rica talk makes me want to default to the tropics yet again.
OMW....You gals are so busy! Had the best swim I have had in ages and I realized something. I went to swim in a pool in a neighboring town (we have very few swimming options out here) there was no one else there except the ladies doing water aerobics and I was able to focus and get er done. It was great!!!!
Gina, hope the knee is healing. Olivia, I'm so sorry your pain is so bad. I hope you are both better soon!!!
Ya'll all have a great night!! Kathy and I have less than three weeks to Horribly Hill Hundreds.....I'm gonna hurt!
Hi everyone - just wanted to dip and grab some mojo before I enter my race weekend..
@Kris - good luck in Kansas!! We'll be racing at the same time..mind meld!!
@Michele - have a great time, hope to ride when you get back. I too have had a great time in Costa Rica - saw red hot lava coming out of the Arenal volcano - so cool. And the beaches are divine Pura vida!
@Olivia - hope you are continuing healing well; that is quite a challenging recovery
@Linda - glad you found your sneakers! I was concerned
@Barbara - thanks again for the loaner, fits perfectly..
Of course the week before my race has to be the busiest..the holiday wkend was so fun, lots of socializing and grilling, visiting. Then organized a dinner for DH's bday last night, 8 of us. Had to do that since his actual b'day is Friday when he will be driving w/me up to NH And tonight have a work function in CT and won't be home until about 10!! Ugh..At least I cleared leaving early from work tomorrow. Excited!!! Having trouble concentrating....
Hi, girls, just checking and saying hi. Recovering from the stomach bug...ugh! Looking forward to the IMLP rally next week and looking forward to meeting some of you!
I have to say, now that I have a droid, I subscribe to this thread and it's much easier to follow along! I heart my droid!
Let's see, been too far behind, but what I can remember... @Linda...I always do that when i'm "straigtening up" the house...I put things away where I think they should, and then I can't find them! It's easier just to leave things in piles- for me at least!
Hope everyone else is having a good week! Tomorrow is Friday! Yay! Going to attempt the first open water swim of the season...I'm terrified of fish, so making sure I have company (thanks, Michelle and Carly!)!
@Sheryl - The HHH was so much fun! You will love it! Moojo really liked riding shotgun on that course. She really, really wants all the chicas to ride it again in July.
Costa Rica -- Mmm. Nice. Have fun, Michelle!
Olivia -- I've been hearing awesome things about Prague. And I keep wanting to hang out in Berlin.
Aimee -- Is it Mooseman time? Good luck!
@Michele - I'm also racing on the 19th, in the middle of my college reunion. I've decided it is a basic triathlon skills race -- I will declare victory if I don't break out the breast stroke at all on the swim and if I spend the majority of the bike in aero. I don't care if it takes me eight hours to finish.
It is a crazy day at work because the NEA chairman is speaking tonight: Translation: Beth is nametag girl/photographer-videographer wrangler, then awesome speech, then pick healthy stuff out of cocktail party food, then AIP!
Paleo question -- how are you all doing at eating enough calories in a day? I broke down and ate two pieces of pizza last night because I was starving. I then realized breakfast + lunch + snacks were under the 1000 calorie mark for the day. Oops.
Oh man, I'm sooooooo glad I decided NOT to do Mooseman this year. The thought of traveling again this weekend makes me ill! Good Luck Aimee (and Leigh, I think your doing it too?)
Mind Meld with Kris for sure!!! I did that with Gina last year. I don't remember exactly what the races were- but we were both doing a race on the same weekend and I remember on the run when things got tough I channeled up the thought of Gina out there racing too and imagined her running next to me- pushing me to on to the finish line. Totally worked!!!
I'll be going to Dare Days (county fair kinda thing) this weekend to promote my fundraising for the SPCA. They have a "booth" and will be collecting donations at the fair for me- so they want me to be there in my race gear to help generate funds- soooo cool. In addition they will have a few of the animals from the shelter there to encourage adoptions. So I get to do my workout on Saturday and then spend the afternoon with kittens and puppies of all ages while promoting Ironman and animal rescue. How freakin awesome is that? I totally picked the right charity!
I'm excited for you Aimee!! You will do FABULOUS!!!! Mucho MOJO to you girl!! @ Kris, you too! You both will rock it!!! Did a 2500 yd. swim last night, taking my sweet time, workig on form. Time sucked...1:20!!! YIKES! Also did a TT 5K run this a.m. IT too, sucked...34:10!!! I swear, I am sabbotaging myself! Eating too much, drinking too much, and slowing down!!! I need some serious EN kicks in the @$$!!!! C'Mon girls, and guys! Give it to me!!! Don't know why I'm on a downward spiral, but I do not want to crap my entire training season down the tubes, when IMLOU comes around!!!! Has anyone else done this? Is this normal? I know I have to suck it up and cut it out. Just want to know if I'm being a freak here, or of anyone else has done the sabotage thing with " life stuff" while training for IM.
@Kris & Aimee -- kill it this weekend... and remember to have fun! I'm sending lots of good mojo your way and looking forward to your race reports so I can read them and get pumped up for Eagleman next weekend!
@Olivia - not exactly Eastern Europe, but Slovenia is fabulous (my fam is from there)... and I've heard wonderful things about Croatia. And from Slovenia, it's an easy train ride up through Trieste and down to Rome for a few days of holiday in Italia!
@Barbara - I am certainly one who's been battling myself to get my sh@! together for the last few months. Some weeks are better than others, some days are better than others... but when it comes right down to it, it's about life style choices and figuring out your priorities. I wouldn't go cold turkey giving up all your vices at once, that's a surefire way to crash into a huge binge-o-rama. I simply can't cut wine from my life... but I will limit my weekday intake to nil if I can... I have zippo junk food in the house (which, actually isn't that hard)... Work on one thing at a time until it's mastered then move on to the next. Keep your eye on the goal and be patient and forgive yourself for your transgressions (provided they're not every day or every meal). No one but you can make you do it... and you have to want to do it for the right reasons (YOU)! Good luck... from your sister in the struggle! You're not alone and you CAN do it!
The run this morning was wicked hot (again). Doing a happy dance that it's over and that it's my only workout of the day! I swam last night but had to cut it short... not on purpose, but I ended up sharing a lane with someone I know and she is one heck of a chatty cathy... I happened to get in when she was on a break (darn), so we talked for a few minutes... then fortunately, after my first set she was not breaking so I got through 2... and my break corresponded to her finish... and another few minutes of chatter gone... I only had time for one more set. Instead of 2800 I did 2200. You know what? I am totally fine with that. I am SO ready to taper. Short, easy run and a swim tomorrow. Brick Saturday. Then.... TAPER!
@ Kris and Aimee: Good luck this weekend!! Represent the EN Chicas!!
@ Michele: have a great vacation, very jealous!
Actually looking forward to long 4.5 hr ride this weekend. It's supposed to thunderstorm but other than that actually excited to ride. Planning on first OW swim with Dana and Michelle tomorrow night. I didn't make it to the lake last weekend. Still trying to stay focused on the training with everything else going on. I keep telling myself if I can train for an IM through all of this 'life stuff' I can train through anything!
For no real reason I didn't get up this morning to run... I know I should have. i wasn't beat or too tired... it's supposed to hit 90 and there's a chance for afternoon storms... but, if all goes well, I'll do my 40 minute run after work (short run in an easy zone... and I still didn't get out of bed) I deserve to suffer in the heat... I guess I can chalk it off to acclimating for eagleman next Sunday.
tomorrow is a not-too-awful brick... and I hope to relax, run some errands (bathing suit shopping ) then hit an outdoor pool to make up my swim (will do Monday's speedwork since I did an OWS this past Monday instead)... Then it's taper time!
weight is down today... which is good (still 3-5 from normal)... but I always manage to self destruct during the weekend... gotta really pay attention as next week is a light workout week... (so, Barbara, I will try to be on my best behavior)!
Good luck to those racing! Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Getting power next week. excited and nervous. now about to find out what I need now... WKO? seminars, videos. I have a Mac. getting a PowerTap to work with my Garmin. so now ... I have bought aero helmet before IMLP, REtuhl bike fit, worked on flexibility, went to PT, ordering Power (the aero spokes weren't in but as soon as they are, bingo!), I don't have extra junk on my bike, been training all season on my bike, hitting the hills, ran 15 the week before this one... run mileage is steady at 26/ inching up carefully... swim is back in action, changed my nutrition, back off when I hurt... well I am pretty excited if it all comes together!! if any of you have anything to share with me, I would appreciate it.
okay trying a Selle Italia T1 saddle tomorrow. old saddle literally worn out and foam showing thru. Remember I tried some last Fall.. and it hurt. riding tomorrow 3.5 hours tomorrow with new sadlle!! ouch or it will feel good. opinions? forgot what we were trading and selling.... too.
I need new cleats, currently have Specialized but they made my feet get those hot spots last year and they are ratty tatty after 5 years of use!! for sure I need new cleats on bottom. opinions. you can see that I am trying to be conservative $$ wise, really. but 14 weeks from race day and I need to solve some of this.
new new helmet too, mine is 5 years and cracked, have a Giro! Basically everything was new 5 years ago when I started to ride and it all wore out!! but hey I ride about 6,000 miles per year! maybe more maybe less.. had a period of no logging of miles. won't even mention that I also need new goggles and new tng two piece suits!! dang. I didn't think I was high maintenance but I might be. !!!
okay girls, having a BDAY wasn't so bad, if it got me some power!!! ha. gonna call us the Power Puff Girls!! cuz ya know I have on mascara every day of my life!! and yes still carry lipgloss with me on the bike!
yep Nemo is mailing to me!!! y'all are great!! that is what I love about this EN chica vibe, we share and share alike! thanks. in fact, I am gonna check to see if I have something to share in my closet. dont' know what, but what a great idea...
M -- Nemo last had the saddles. N -- Did you send them on to Robin? I also really like my new Keywin pedals from Todd the Bike Fitter. They are superlight, very comfy, and relatively cheap.
Best salad ever last night -- farmer's market lettuce, baby thyme, and radishes, with fennel, grape tomatoes, avocado and a dressing of a little bit of cream, red wine vinegar, salt, and pepper. I added my last piece of leftover salmon. Soo delicious.
smile!!! okay girls, can you say EXCRUCIATING RIDE WITH A NEW SADDLE almost threw it away to try the seatpost!! the Selle Italia T1 was a disaster and I am still cringing with pain! only managed 38 miles on the thing! had to stop twice and take a Motrin! nothing worse except maybe tooth pain!! but I did put the bike behind me and had a great brick run of 5 miles!! and prove once again my own body,that miles 0 = 2.5 hurt and then if I can get to mile 3, I feel so much better,. over cast here with spotty sun helped although dripping with sweat it wasn't scorching!! rode with husband and his friend. when I got home, I got right on my air mattress with a popsicle and big hat and swimsuit and laid there forever!! and then I flipped over and got the backside!! THEN I did some yardwork, washed the car, showered went to grocery store and back to Bike store and got a Vitesse Fizik to try!! cooked spaghetti for dinner and more laundry! with my compression socks on, ankle bracelet, toe ring, silver yellow box flip flops and sundress on!! anyways, gotta scoot!! Andrew leaves tomorrow!! for Guatemala... so only 3 kids and no dog here for the summer! wow. m
A belated good luck to everyone racing this weekend - I hope everyone had a great time. I can't wait to read the race reports!
Finally I'm starting to feel a little like myself after vacation. I forced myself out on a 2 hour ride this morning, rather than staying on the trainer. The first 30 minutes I just wanted to get off, but after that I settled in and found myself enjoying it, and even feeling some power return. I think I'm coming back!
Gina, how's the knee, and Belle? Olivia, how's the mouth? I hope all our ladies are feeling better.
I hope all the ladies racing this weekend had fun and represented well.
@ Gina and Olivia (and anyone else with boo boos) hope you are mending well
I buggered my long bike yesterday. Somehow thought that 4.5 hr bike ride = 80 mile on the bike. Well more like 6.5 hr on the bike in reality. Throw in a few monster hills and plenty of rollers and then add the wind and it was a legit day IMO. Just chalked it up to experience and another 'first' for long rides. Actually 82.6 mile is now the longest I have ridden on a bike. And will proceed to blow that out of the water next weekend at IMLP Rally. Yucky raining weather today so sat out the 2 hr bike, instead was Michelle's shepra for her first tri. She had fun despite the rain and chilly weather. I am so proud of her. A few pics...
Very much looking forward to the rally this coming weekend and meeting some EN peeps in person! Happy Sunday All.
Carly - huge props to you for gritting through what turned out to be a longer ride than you expected. That is a big accomplishment from both physical and mental perspectives. Extra pat on the back for you, sister. Those rides can get pretty desperate...especially with the wind...and getting through it is something to savor on your road to IM. Great work.
And special cheers for Michelle on her first tri! And in that crappy weather too! Ugh! Hope she had fun and feels good about her day. Pass along congrats to her.
My mouth is getting a lot better. It is still really raw and feels uncomfortable, but the pain is largely gone. Thankfully! I'm gradually getting back to regular foods which is kinda nice. (Just in time for the first summer fruit and veg delivery from the CSA! YAY!)
Got back on the bike today for what was effectively my first ride since IMSG. (Whoa. That was 6 weeks ago! Yikes!) Nothing like several hours of solid climbing at 9,800-10,000 feet to clear the cobwebs. Man! It is going to take me a while to work back up to being fit. Although I did win the sprint finish at the top of Montezuma (our 10K ft high point) Brian was climbing way stronger than me today. He passed me a couple of times and then had to pace me up our last climb...I wasn't allowed to fall off his wheel. This, ladies, is a switch for has always been the other way around. Anyway the upshot is that I gots me some work to do before our annual Mt. Evans climb on July 4th.
Congrats to Kris for her Kick-a$$ Kansas race! And to Linda H for her finish at Honu! Way to represent ladies! Can't wait to hear how it went!
CONGRATS!!!!!!!! To leigh on the rainy olympic in NH,Aimmee how was the 70.3?, Linda H and Lynne in Hot and windy Hawaii and Kris F in Kansas- anyone I'm missing, sorry
Carly, way to get that LONG ride done saturday, and sherpaing for Michelle- is she hooked? Is she ready to sign up for IM
Beth- nice job on RR
M-Hope things get worked out with the saddle- ugh, been there before. I seem to be liking my ISM, will know more next week on LP rally weekend. Are you holding up ok with Andrew gone, as well as your training buddy Rudy? I will be getting power, hopefully after LP rally weekend. Hopefully no more expenses that come up. I will also be doing power tap wit 310XT, my 305 died. Eventually will get joule. Also need to get new cassette this week! sheesh- triathlon money never ends
Olivia- glad you are feeling better, and pain improved, your fitness will be back before you know it!
Nemo- hope fund raising at dare days went well, that dog looked so cute!
Gina- is the knee better? Belle feeling ok
Kristen- glad you are feeling more like you again, no fun to not be yourself. ou were hit with alot after vacation. Sorry to hear about your sister's cat
Linda- did you survive the graduation speeches?
Suzanne- hope your elbow is ok, please let me know if I can help you with anything!!!!!!!!
I have had two people tell me I look like I have lost weight! The scale is still up and down, but down more, I think I am losing fat, the scale is slow to catch up. Long way to go.
For Becky and barb- I have been struggling with motivation too- not sure what my problem is, but I need to get over it fast! My running is ok, just slow, and have been taking too many walk breaks, but I'm running, without pain. Biking sometimes makes my knee sore, but not painful, ice ibuprofen, next day compltely fine. I think maybe its 2 things- lots of crashes lately, don't want it to happen to me etc; then just fear of being hurt again. If I keep thinking those things, surely they will happen. have to get my mind in that positive place. Linda & suzanne- need some of that reframing that you guys have mentioned.
One more night after tonight, then off for a week! I need it, I am less tolerant of BS and attitudes these days!
Ok traumaland is BUSY tonight, going back in to help out my buddy with a sick GSW
Some of you may have read this in the forum, but I crashed my bike this weekend courtesy of an inattentive driver and cracked my elbow and my frame. Arrrrrgh! Today my disappointment is a little sharper - I'm really bummed to miss out on the rally and potentially the entire race. The ortho appt is tomorrow morning ("What? You can't get me in until tomorrow? You mean the world doesn't revolve around me???"). I suppose you never know - I fantasize about being told that there's no point to splinting the elbow and that I can get right back out there once the pain goes away. I'm still battling mild ankle tendinitis too, so I can't bike...can't swim...and probably shouldn't be running either. So that leaves...the elliptical? Power walking? Interpretive dance?
Some observations so far (for the women's forum only): Retail therapy is not nearly so therapeutic when you can't try on any tops. Grocery store employees are reeeeeeaaaaaaally nice to you when you're in a sling. It is actually pretty easy to put on a bra when your elbow is broken.
Most irritating thing so far? Me, trying hard not to be irritated by people's idiotic comments to me, and judging myself for being irritated by idiotic comments. Case in point: I was at urgent care explaining that I'd gone over my handlebars and the doctor shook her head, tsk-tsk-tsked, and explained that when you brake you're supposed to apply equal pressure to both the front and back brakes to avoid going over the handlebars. lskdjf lkjaw owieju [forehead banging on keyboard] Also, my life is full of people who like to blame my training for whatever ails me. Got a cold? "Maybe you shouldn't be in the pool so much." Sore? "Maybe you shouldn't bike so much." Blister? "Maybe if you cut back on your running..." I'm anticipating having to fend off more of these comments and hoping that I"m being unfair and that people will surprise me.
Best thing is that now I have time to read up on everyone's comings and goings in the forums! It's been ages since I've gone through the race report forum. Cheers everyone!
@Suzanne... need to get my coffee then will check for your forum post (after your text I was checking the women's thread and thought I was crazy that I missed it)... I TOTALLY know what you mean about annoying people and stupid anti-training/anti-athletic comments. Luckily for my shoulder I had a lot of very supportive folks (the ortho was a sports doc) and my chiro knows what it is I do... even for my finger the PT and doc knew I needed to get back out there and were actually pretty impressed by how hard i worked so I could get back out there. Anyway... sooooo sorry.... fingers crossed (now that I can actually do that). Glad you can put on a bra... I couldn't do that minus one hand (or button my pants... Dan was a super trooper).
@Tracy - looking forward to my own vaca! The number on the scale drives me crazy, but body composition may be changing for us both... bathing suit shopping was not nearly as traumatic as I expected (still hardly an enjoyable experience).
@Olivia - glad you're healing up and glad you're back in the saddle after IMSG.
@Carly - wow... that's quite a ride! I did that once running (went out for 15, got lost, ended up doing 18)... kudos to you for knocking it out and logging your longest ride! And congrats to Michele! Woo hoo!
I also need to read race reports when I get coffee... but it sounds like everyone had a great weekend so I'm very excited to read them and get pumped up for EM!
Enjoyed sleeping in yesterday (was a scheduled day off)... and I did Friday's 40 minute run in the late afternoon when there was a break in the dark skies... today is an 1800m swim (yay taper) so I slept in again and will do that after work... my real goal this week is to watch my diet like a hawk. Was okay as far as wine went this past weekend, but lots of sweets around (work picnic, dinner out with a friend of Dan's) was hard for me... with low volume workouts and a race coming up, it's time to do the my body is my temple sort of thing... got the paleo books I ordered already - excited to start looking at those when I head to Mexico next wed.
Good Morning! I'm anxiously awaiting all the reports from the races this weekend. I know our Chicas just rocked it!!!
Susanne- I think we all have had those interactions with other folks who are trying to be well meaning when they say things like "maybe you shouldn't run so much". I have a scar so bad on the side of my tongue from biting it from these comments that the dentist even mentioned it "uh- do you bit your tongue a lot?" HA HA HA!!!
The heavenly north winds have returned! This weekend was a boiler, but it's absolutely BEAUTIFUL out there today. So nice I might just go for a run this afternoon even though the plan doesn't call for one. Some days ya gotta dance, ya know??
Thanks so much for your support this weekend!! I will give some highlights here and will do a longer RR later this week. I am extremely low on SAU right now and will probably not have the luxury of contemplating my race for hours on end tonight!
Compared to Timberman last year I had a 25 min improvement in my 13.1 !! A 1:55 vs 2:20 - pretty significant and exactly what my Vdot predicted!! And the craziest thing was I wasn't running with my Garmin - because it croaked 3 am on Sunday!! And what didn't I bring, besides my kitchen sink? My Garmin charger! So going by feel I got my goal time! Crazy!
Wanted to go under 6:00 - got a 5:57! I really want to get down in the 5:40 then 5:30 range, but the bike course at Mooseman would not allow that and I had adjusted my expectations..
My DH drove my parents up along side me on the "Devil's Hill" and they were cheering me on along the steepest part. It was so crazy, people were getting off their bikes, I was passing big men (the compact helps!) and my parents are snapping shots. Too funny!
Leigh saw me there too! Her Oly the day before got shortened to a bike/run b/c of thunderstorms; no swim. Oh yes, did I mention yet that it was raining - my ENTIRE race! It pretty much started at the swim and let up periodically between downpours and showers. Once you got used to it, you just kept going. I honestly started to feel worse for the spectators b/c at least we were fairly warm..
Met Bob Aresenault on the course - he was cruising, looking sooo strong as he passed me! Flashed gang signs to Brad, I think?
So more later, but I feel good! Back at work, but not quite ready to work
@Susanne - that sucks so badly! I'm glad you're ok. How was the driver to you? When I had shingles I had the similar "you're working too hard" jazz. Not from everyone, the usual suspects..
I also want to hear from Beth about her race rehearsal!
First and foremost, my oldest sister had her surgery this am and she had a benign pelvic mass. HALLELOOOOOYAAHHHH!! Hysterectomy was done via a robot- very cool. She will come home later today.
Also, was 64 lovely degrees first thing. I only wish I could have been out in it!!
Suzanne- the elbow is broken??? say it isn't so
Carly- congrats on the marathon ride and on Michelle's tri. Just remember, now your expenses double!
Olivia- has it really been 6 weeks????
Racing gals- How was it???
Oh, and my knee is improving with Leigh's stretching/rolling advice. Thanks all for asking
Suzanne - I love "your" back yard pic. It is SO Maryland! Makes me miss home!
Michele goes on another fab vacation! I'm jealous. Can't wait to hear about it...I've just started vacation research and was settling in on an Eastern European adventure...but this Costa Rica talk makes me want to default to the tropics yet again.
Gina, hope the knee is healing. Olivia, I'm so sorry your pain is so bad. I hope you are both better soon!!!
Ya'll all have a great night!! Kathy and I have less than three weeks to Horribly Hill Hundreds.....I'm gonna hurt!
Hi everyone - just wanted to dip and grab some mojo before I enter my race weekend..
@Kris - good luck in Kansas!! We'll be racing at the same time..mind meld!!
@Michele - have a great time, hope to ride when you get back. I too have had a great time in Costa Rica - saw red hot lava coming out of the Arenal volcano - so cool. And the beaches are divine Pura vida!
@Olivia - hope you are continuing healing well; that is quite a challenging recovery
@Linda - glad you found your sneakers! I was concerned
@Barbara - thanks again for the loaner, fits perfectly..
Of course the week before my race has to be the busiest..the holiday wkend was so fun, lots of socializing and grilling, visiting. Then organized a dinner for DH's bday last night, 8 of us. Had to do that since his actual b'day is Friday when he will be driving w/me up to NH
And tonight have a work function in CT and won't be home until about 10!! Ugh..At least I cleared leaving early from work tomorrow. Excited!!! Having trouble concentrating....
I have to say, now that I have a droid, I subscribe to this thread and it's much easier to follow along! I heart my droid!
Let's see, been too far behind, but what I can remember...
@Linda...I always do that when i'm "straigtening up" the house...I put things away where I think they should, and then I can't find them! It's easier just to leave things in piles- for me at least!
@Gina- heal up that knee!
@Kris- good luck! Can't wait to hear the report!
@ Michele- have fun!
Hope everyone else is having a good week! Tomorrow is Friday! Yay! Going to attempt the first open water swim of the season...I'm terrified of fish, so making sure I have company (thanks, Michelle and Carly!)!
Costa Rica -- Mmm. Nice. Have fun, Michelle!
Olivia -- I've been hearing awesome things about Prague. And I keep wanting to hang out in Berlin.
Aimee -- Is it Mooseman time? Good luck!
@Michele - I'm also racing on the 19th, in the middle of my college reunion. I've decided it is a basic triathlon skills race -- I will declare victory if I don't break out the breast stroke at all on the swim and if I spend the majority of the bike in aero. I don't care if it takes me eight hours to finish.
It is a crazy day at work because the NEA chairman is speaking tonight: Translation: Beth is nametag girl/photographer-videographer wrangler, then awesome speech, then pick healthy stuff out of cocktail party food, then AIP!
Paleo question -- how are you all doing at eating enough calories in a day? I broke down and ate two pieces of pizza last night because I was starving. I then realized breakfast + lunch + snacks were under the 1000 calorie mark for the day. Oops.
Mind Meld with Kris for sure!!! I did that with Gina last year. I don't remember exactly what the races were- but we were both doing a race on the same weekend and I remember on the run when things got tough I channeled up the thought of Gina out there racing too and imagined her running next to me- pushing me to on to the finish line. Totally worked!!!
I'll be going to Dare Days (county fair kinda thing) this weekend to promote my fundraising for the SPCA. They have a "booth" and will be collecting donations at the fair for me- so they want me to be there in my race gear to help generate funds- soooo cool. In addition they will have a few of the animals from the shelter there to encourage adoptions. So I get to do my workout on Saturday and then spend the afternoon with kittens and puppies of all ages while promoting Ironman and animal rescue. How freakin awesome is that? I totally picked the right charity!
Did a 2500 yd. swim last night, taking my sweet time, workig on form. Time sucked...1:20!!! YIKES! Also did a TT 5K run this a.m. IT too, sucked...34:10!!! I swear, I am sabbotaging myself! Eating too much, drinking too much, and slowing down!!! I need some serious EN kicks in the @$$!!!! C'Mon girls, and guys! Give it to me!!! Don't know why I'm on a downward spiral, but I do not want to crap my entire training season down the tubes, when IMLOU comes around!!!! Has anyone else done this? Is this normal? I know I have to suck it up and cut it out. Just want to know if I'm being a freak here, or of anyone else has done the sabotage thing with " life stuff" while training for IM.
@Kris & Aimee -- kill it this weekend... and remember to have fun! I'm sending lots of good mojo your way and looking forward to your race reports so I can read them and get pumped up for Eagleman next weekend!
@Olivia - not exactly Eastern Europe, but Slovenia is fabulous (my fam is from there)... and I've heard wonderful things about Croatia. And from Slovenia, it's an easy train ride up through Trieste and down to Rome for a few days of holiday in Italia!
@Barbara - I am certainly one who's been battling myself to get my sh@! together for the last few months. Some weeks are better than others, some days are better than others... but when it comes right down to it, it's about life style choices and figuring out your priorities. I wouldn't go cold turkey giving up all your vices at once, that's a surefire way to crash into a huge binge-o-rama. I simply can't cut wine from my life... but I will limit my weekday intake to nil if I can... I have zippo junk food in the house (which, actually isn't that hard)... Work on one thing at a time until it's mastered then move on to the next. Keep your eye on the goal and be patient and forgive yourself for your transgressions (provided they're not every day or every meal). No one but you can make you do it... and you have to want to do it for the right reasons (YOU)! Good luck... from your sister in the struggle! You're not alone and you CAN do it!
The run this morning was wicked hot (again). Doing a happy dance that it's over and that it's my only workout of the day!
I swam last night but had to cut it short... not on purpose, but I ended up sharing a lane with someone I know and she is one heck of a chatty cathy... I happened to get in when she was on a break (darn), so we talked for a few minutes... then fortunately, after my first set she was not breaking so I got through 2... and my break corresponded to her finish... and another few minutes of chatter gone... I only had time for one more set. Instead of 2800 I did 2200. You know what? I am totally fine with that. I am SO ready to taper. Short, easy run and a swim tomorrow. Brick Saturday. Then.... TAPER!
@ Kris and Aimee: Good luck this weekend!! Represent the EN Chicas!!
@ Michele: have a great vacation, very jealous!
Actually looking forward to long 4.5 hr ride this weekend. It's supposed to thunderstorm but other than that actually excited to ride. Planning on first OW swim with Dana and Michelle tomorrow night. I didn't make it to the lake last weekend. Still trying to stay focused on the training with everything else going on. I keep telling myself if I can train for an IM through all of this 'life stuff' I can train through anything!
It's almost Friday
For no real reason I didn't get up this morning to run... I know I should have.
i wasn't beat or too tired... it's supposed to hit 90 and there's a chance for afternoon storms... but, if all goes well, I'll do my 40 minute run after work (short run in an easy zone... and I still didn't get out of bed) I deserve to suffer in the heat... I guess I can chalk it off to acclimating for eagleman next Sunday.
tomorrow is a not-too-awful brick... and I hope to relax, run some errands (bathing suit shopping
) then hit an outdoor pool to make up my swim (will do Monday's speedwork since I did an OWS this past Monday instead)... Then it's taper time!
weight is down today... which is good (still 3-5 from normal)... but I always manage to self destruct during the weekend... gotta really pay attention as next week is a light workout week... (so, Barbara, I will try to be on my best behavior)!
Good luck to those racing! Hope everyone has a great weekend!
okay trying a Selle Italia T1 saddle tomorrow. old saddle literally worn out and foam showing thru. Remember I tried some last Fall.. and it hurt. riding tomorrow 3.5 hours tomorrow with new sadlle!! ouch or it will feel good. opinions? forgot what we were trading and selling.... too.
I need new cleats, currently have Specialized but they made my feet get those hot spots last year and they are ratty tatty after 5 years of use!! for sure I need new cleats on bottom. opinions. you can see that I am trying to be conservative $$ wise, really. but 14 weeks from race day and I need to solve some of this.
new new helmet too, mine is 5 years and cracked, have a Giro!
Basically everything was new 5 years ago when I started to ride and it all wore out!! but hey I ride about 6,000 miles per year! maybe more maybe less.. had a period of no logging of miles. won't even mention that I also need new goggles and new tng two piece suits!! dang. I didn't think I was high maintenance but I might be. !!!
okay girls, having a BDAY wasn't so bad, if it got me some power!!! ha. gonna call us the Power Puff Girls!! cuz ya know I have on mascara every day of my life!! and yes still carry lipgloss with me on the bike!
I did order the EN visor so got that covered.
Marianne- Not sure who has my saddles now. Sent them first to Beth, who sent them to???? If you can find them, try them out!
M -- Nemo last had the saddles. N -- Did you send them on to Robin? I also really like my new Keywin pedals from Todd the Bike Fitter. They are superlight, very comfy, and relatively cheap.
Best salad ever last night -- farmer's market lettuce, baby thyme, and radishes, with fennel, grape tomatoes, avocado and a dressing of a little bit of cream, red wine vinegar, salt, and pepper. I added my last piece of leftover salmon. Soo delicious.
Maybe on my big toe ......
A belated good luck to everyone racing this weekend - I hope everyone had a great time. I can't wait to read the race reports!
Finally I'm starting to feel a little like myself after vacation. I forced myself out on a 2 hour ride this morning, rather than staying on the trainer. The first 30 minutes I just wanted to get off, but after that I settled in and found myself enjoying it, and even feeling some power return. I think I'm coming back!
Gina, how's the knee, and Belle? Olivia, how's the mouth? I hope all our ladies are feeling better.
Have a great start to the week, friends!
I hope all the ladies racing this weekend had fun and represented well.
@ Gina and Olivia (and anyone else with boo boos) hope you are mending well
I buggered my long bike yesterday. Somehow thought that 4.5 hr bike ride = 80 mile on the bike. Well more like 6.5 hr on the bike in reality. Throw in a few monster hills and plenty of rollers and then add the wind and it was a legit day IMO. Just chalked it up to experience and another 'first' for long rides. Actually 82.6 mile is now the longest I have ridden on a bike. And will proceed to blow that out of the water next weekend at IMLP Rally. Yucky raining weather today so sat out the 2 hr bike, instead was Michelle's shepra for her first tri. She had fun despite the rain and chilly weather. I am so proud of her. A few pics...
Very much looking forward to the rally this coming weekend and meeting some EN peeps in person! Happy Sunday All.
And special cheers for Michelle on her first tri! And in that crappy weather too! Ugh! Hope she had fun and feels good about her day. Pass along congrats to her.
My mouth is getting a lot better. It is still really raw and feels uncomfortable, but the pain is largely gone. Thankfully! I'm gradually getting back to regular foods which is kinda nice. (Just in time for the first summer fruit and veg delivery from the CSA! YAY!)
Got back on the bike today for what was effectively my first ride since IMSG. (Whoa. That was 6 weeks ago! Yikes!) Nothing like several hours of solid climbing at 9,800-10,000 feet to clear the cobwebs. Man! It is going to take me a while to work back up to being fit. Although I did win the sprint finish at the top of Montezuma (our 10K ft high point) Brian was climbing way stronger than me today. He passed me a couple of times and then had to pace me up our last climb...I wasn't allowed to fall off his wheel. This, ladies, is a switch for has always been the other way around. Anyway the upshot is that I gots me some work to do before our annual Mt. Evans climb on July 4th.
Congrats to Kris for her Kick-a$$ Kansas race! And to Linda H for her finish at Honu! Way to represent ladies! Can't wait to hear how it went!
Gina how's the knee????
CONGRATS!!!!!!!! To leigh on the rainy olympic in NH,Aimmee how was the 70.3?, Linda H and Lynne in Hot and windy Hawaii and Kris F in Kansas- anyone I'm missing, sorry
Carly, way to get that LONG ride done saturday, and sherpaing for Michelle- is she hooked? Is she ready to sign up for IM
Beth- nice job on RR
M-Hope things get worked out with the saddle- ugh, been there before. I seem to be liking my ISM, will know more next week on LP rally weekend. Are you holding up ok with Andrew gone, as well as your training buddy Rudy? I will be getting power, hopefully after LP rally weekend. Hopefully no more expenses that come up. I will also be doing power tap wit 310XT, my 305 died. Eventually will get joule. Also need to get new cassette this week! sheesh- triathlon money never ends
Olivia- glad you are feeling better, and pain improved, your fitness will be back before you know it!
Nemo- hope fund raising at dare days went well, that dog looked so cute!
Gina- is the knee better? Belle feeling ok
Kristen- glad you are feeling more like you again, no fun to not be yourself. ou were hit with alot after vacation. Sorry to hear about your sister's cat
Linda- did you survive the graduation speeches?
Suzanne- hope your elbow is ok, please let me know if I can help you with anything!!!!!!!!
I have had two people tell me I look like I have lost weight! The scale is still up and down, but down more, I think I am losing fat, the scale is slow to catch up. Long way to go.
For Becky and barb- I have been struggling with motivation too- not sure what my problem is, but I need to get over it fast! My running is ok, just slow, and have been taking too many walk breaks, but I'm running, without pain. Biking sometimes makes my knee sore, but not painful, ice ibuprofen, next day compltely fine. I think maybe its 2 things- lots of crashes lately, don't want it to happen to me etc; then just fear of being hurt again. If I keep thinking those things, surely they will happen. have to get my mind in that positive place. Linda & suzanne- need some of that reframing that you guys have mentioned.
One more night after tonight, then off for a week! I need it, I am less tolerant of BS and attitudes these days
Ok traumaland is BUSY tonight, going back in to help out my buddy with a sick GSW
Have a great week everyone!
Some of you may have read this in the forum, but I crashed my bike this weekend courtesy of an inattentive driver and cracked my elbow and my frame. Arrrrrgh! Today my disappointment is a little sharper - I'm really bummed to miss out on the rally and potentially the entire race. The ortho appt is tomorrow morning ("What? You can't get me in until tomorrow? You mean the world doesn't revolve around me???"). I suppose you never know - I fantasize about being told that there's no point to splinting the elbow and that I can get right back out there once the pain goes away. I'm still battling mild ankle tendinitis too, so I can't bike...can't swim...and probably shouldn't be running either. So that leaves...the elliptical? Power walking? Interpretive dance?
Some observations so far (for the women's forum only): Retail therapy is not nearly so therapeutic when you can't try on any tops. Grocery store employees are reeeeeeaaaaaaally nice to you when you're in a sling. It is actually pretty easy to put on a bra when your elbow is broken.
Most irritating thing so far? Me, trying hard not to be irritated by people's idiotic comments to me, and judging myself for being irritated by idiotic comments. Case in point: I was at urgent care explaining that I'd gone over my handlebars and the doctor shook her head, tsk-tsk-tsked, and explained that when you brake you're supposed to apply equal pressure to both the front and back brakes to avoid going over the handlebars. lskdjf lkjaw owieju [forehead banging on keyboard] Also, my life is full of people who like to blame my training for whatever ails me. Got a cold? "Maybe you shouldn't be in the pool so much." Sore? "Maybe you shouldn't bike so much." Blister? "Maybe if you cut back on your running..." I'm anticipating having to fend off more of these comments and hoping that I"m being unfair and that people will surprise me.
Best thing is that now I have time to read up on everyone's comings and goings in the forums! It's been ages since I've gone through the race report forum. Cheers everyone!
@Suzanne... need to get my coffee then will check for your forum post (after your text I was checking the women's thread and thought I was crazy that I missed it)... I TOTALLY know what you mean about annoying people and stupid anti-training/anti-athletic comments. Luckily for my shoulder I had a lot of very supportive folks (the ortho was a sports doc) and my chiro knows what it is I do... even for my finger the PT and doc knew I needed to get back out there and were actually pretty impressed by how hard i worked so I could get back out there. Anyway... sooooo sorry.... fingers crossed (now that I can actually do that). Glad you can put on a bra... I couldn't do that minus one hand (or button my pants... Dan was a super trooper).
@Tracy - looking forward to my own vaca! The number on the scale drives me crazy, but body composition may be changing for us both... bathing suit shopping was not nearly as traumatic as I expected (still hardly an enjoyable experience).
@Olivia - glad you're healing up and glad you're back in the saddle after IMSG.
@Carly - wow... that's quite a ride! I did that once running (went out for 15, got lost, ended up doing 18)... kudos to you for knocking it out and logging your longest ride! And congrats to Michele! Woo hoo!
I also need to read race reports when I get coffee... but it sounds like everyone had a great weekend so I'm very excited to read them and get pumped up for EM!
Enjoyed sleeping in yesterday (was a scheduled day off)... and I did Friday's 40 minute run in the late afternoon when there was a break in the dark skies... today is an 1800m swim (yay taper) so I slept in again and will do that after work... my real goal this week is to watch my diet like a hawk. Was okay as far as wine went this past weekend, but lots of sweets around (work picnic, dinner out with a friend of Dan's) was hard for me... with low volume workouts and a race coming up, it's time to do the my body is my temple sort of thing... got the paleo books I ordered already - excited to start looking at those when I head to Mexico next wed.
Susanne- I think we all have had those interactions with other folks who are trying to be well meaning when they say things like "maybe you shouldn't run so much". I have a scar so bad on the side of my tongue from biting it from these comments that the dentist even mentioned it "uh- do you bit your tongue a lot?" HA HA HA!!!
The heavenly north winds have returned! This weekend was a boiler, but it's absolutely BEAUTIFUL out there today. So nice I might just go for a run this afternoon even though the plan doesn't call for one. Some days ya gotta dance, ya know??
Hi Everyone!!

Thanks so much for your support this weekend!! I will give some highlights here and will do a longer RR later this week. I am extremely low on SAU right now and will probably not have the luxury of contemplating my race for hours on end tonight!
Compared to Timberman last year I had a 25 min improvement in my 13.1 !! A 1:55 vs 2:20 - pretty significant and exactly what my Vdot predicted!! And the craziest thing was I wasn't running with my Garmin - because it croaked 3 am on Sunday!!
And what didn't I bring, besides my kitchen sink? My Garmin charger! So going by feel I got my goal time! Crazy!
Wanted to go under 6:00 - got a 5:57! I really want to get down in the 5:40 then 5:30 range, but the bike course at Mooseman would not allow that and I had adjusted my expectations..
My DH drove my parents up along side me on the "Devil's Hill" and they were cheering me on along the steepest part. It was so crazy, people were getting off their bikes, I was passing big men (the compact helps!) and my parents are snapping shots. Too funny!
Leigh saw me there too! Her Oly the day before got shortened to a bike/run b/c of thunderstorms; no swim. Oh yes, did I mention yet that it was raining - my ENTIRE race! It pretty much started at the swim and let up periodically between downpours and showers. Once you got used to it, you just kept going. I honestly started to feel worse for the spectators b/c at least we were fairly warm..
Met Bob Aresenault on the course - he was cruising, looking sooo strong as he passed me! Flashed gang signs to Brad, I think?
So more later, but I feel good! Back at work, but not quite ready to work
@Susanne - that sucks so badly! I'm glad you're ok. How was the driver to you? When I had shingles I had the similar "you're working too hard" jazz. Not from everyone, the usual suspects..
I also want to hear from Beth about her race rehearsal!
@Kris - of course want to hear from you!
@Becky and Nemo - even more excited to hear about EM next week!!
BEAUTIFUL day in many ways!!!
First and foremost, my oldest sister had her surgery this am and she had a benign pelvic mass. HALLELOOOOOYAAHHHH!! Hysterectomy was done via a robot- very cool. She will come home later today.
Also, was 64 lovely degrees first thing. I only wish I could have been out in it!!
Suzanne- the elbow is broken??? say it isn't so
Carly- congrats on the marathon ride and on Michelle's tri. Just remember, now your expenses double!
Olivia- has it really been 6 weeks????
Racing gals- How was it???
Oh, and my knee is improving with Leigh's stretching/rolling advice. Thanks all for asking