okay suzanne, sorry about the wreck and now broken body parts, first off "irritability" don't forget that you are not training.. no run, no swim or no bike++ crankiness!! yep we get used to that routine and endorphins and without it only natural that your emotions are a bit off! worst part about being injured is either the depression or the feeling of energy that can't be released!! hang in there and so sorry about the Rally.
everybody else? I read it but gotta scoot.. more time later but yes feeling a bit flat with the dog and son #2 gone! was blue yesterday and today is better but still it isn't the same around here! but I did get to run 6 miles and totally forget about all of that!! sweat dripping off of me, into my sunglasses!! and 2 pounds away from "race weight" not that I even know what race weight is..!!!! but ya know how you have this # in your head.. anyways, with more hot runs, I feel sure I can sweat it off!!! and I fit into my shorts from last summer, so all is good!!! ha.
speaking of bra, yes when my shoulder acted up I couldn't getoffthe sports bra... without yelling out "aaah." now all better and so thankful! m
Oh no! Suzanne! That is horrible...but I do have to say I'm glad that your elbow (and frame) cracks seem to be the extent of the injuries. I am so sorry for the pain you're dealing with physical AND social. At least you have us...we'll never call you crazy for swimming, biking, running, or anything too much. Fingers crossed for good news from the ortho!
Aimee!!! So proud of you for having posted such a great time this weekend! That is great to have run so much faster just based on feel. Definitely cool. Have fun making up SAUs and recovering. You've earned it, sister!
Today was my return to the pool....a whopping 1500m. should be enough to get me started on my ramp up to my sprint race in under 2 weeks..right?
@Aimee -- Congratulations! High five, chica! You are now my muse for High Cliff!
Short version of my RR - I had a little trouble holding watts on the Lakeshore Path, but once I figured it out, it was entertaining -- and the easiest, most boring ride I've done in a while. Power numbers are screwy, because it started to pour like crazy about thirteen miles from the end. Since I was feeling pretty good, I booked it up the path towards home until I found out you can hydroplane on a tri bike during a crazy curve around the Shedd Aquarium. And brakes don't work very well. With all the standing water, and lack of braking power, I slowed down the rest of the way home. There was enough lightning that I skipped the run, but my legs felt fantastic and were a little sad they didn't get to do a 1/2 mary.
Suzanne - Elbow news sucks! But I'm glad you are in good spirits, and can type to us in the forums. And, yeah, the people who think we are all masochist adrenaline junkies. Most of the time, I just smile and nod. I used to not be that cool. But I get to go on zen seven-mile runs after work and they don't, so it all kinda works out.
Olivia -- A 1500 is grand! And after IMSG, a sprint will be like swimming to the first buoy.
Gina - glad to hear about the knee!
Nemo -- It sounds like you have some seriously good running energy today. Go with it!
Who knew reading Racing Weight would lead to a new era of cooking inspiration? For tonight's experiment, Beth came home to her rather empty single girl athlete fridge and had to decide if she was going to make dinner or eat a Clif bar. Beth made dinner: I had a head a rapini and a butterflied pork chop from a local farm. I turned the rapini into a stuffing by chopping it up, adding a leetle bit of butter, a few tablespoons of panko breadcrumbs, hot pepper flakes, and my favorite secret ingredient: Penzey's Salad Elegant seasoning. I seasoned the pork chops and then covered them with the rapini. Bake for twenty minutes. So delicious. I'm glad the farmer's market is tomorrow. I seriously need to restock my pantry -- or tomorrow's dinner is going to be shriveled celery and Trader Joe's hummus of questionable age.
@ Beth- I am a horrible cook and would be embarrassed to tell you what I eat on a daily basis. I am very sad that I am not moving to Chicago rather than Boston in order to be closer to the FOOD! Don't get me wrong I can eat! Maybe after IMLP I will be inspired to learn to cook a bit more. You can be my inspiration
@Aimee --- holy cow, that totally rocks... shaving 15 minutes off your run! Woo Hoo... I hope I can do the same (and about the same time, too - my HIM last year I baked and didn't know what I was doing ... )
@Gina - happy dance! very good news about your sister!!!
@Beth - sounds like another book I should read. I think I've seen it advertised in the runners mag... or somewhere. But I've got the paleo and paleo for athletes books to take with me on vaca next week...
the swim we did last night (1800m) was actually fun - sets of 150s and then 25s alternating sprints and easy... and quick! yay!!! was gonna get up to do my easy brick today but when I got up at 4:45 to go to the bathroom knowing my alarm was set for 5 I decided that sleep was more important during taper week - and it's another humidity free day, so I'll do it tonight (45 on bike, 30 on run... and the work zones are Z2! woo hoo! I like taper)... Weight is still higher than I want, a factor of sweets at the company picnic and out at Dan's last night... zippo will power... but I'm still 5 down from my first bike test in OS... but 5 from where I want to be. I wonder if I just have a new number... should try on some of the pants that I couldn't get into in feb to see how they fit and feel - that's the more important test, body composition (but I do really like my old number... especially since most folks guessed I was 10 pounds lighter - muscle will do that)!
starting to think too much about the race... not having dreams per se, but when I lay down I think about the stuff I need to do, how I want to improve from last year, what I can do to improve on last year, I walk through transition... I really want to do better than last year since it was my first and it was hard and I had no real idea what I was doing... but I came in in better shape and at my race weight (8 pounds lighter than now) having run a Jan marathon. I know the weather will be a big factor and I worry that my carrying extra pounds isn't so good... it will be what it will be. I feel pretty good. I've accepted that I've done my best in training and I'm running faster that I imagined possible (and I'm still pretty slow)... and a guy I shared a lane with last night, when I finished, said "you fly." That was pretty cool... especially since I know a lot of folks who are much better... but the swim is where I do the best comparatively. So I think it's more nervous energy as opposed to nervous nerves... trying to stay zen. want to do well (it's an A race) but still have fun. My eye is on the IMFL prize...
Carly: A big congrats to Michelle for her first tri---it was cold and rainy out there! Good on ya for being a good sherpa!
Marianne: How's the saddle search going? Undercarriage pain is like none other!
Gina: Such great news about your sister--what a relief! Also...good to hear your knee is on the mend.
Olivia: Glad to hear your mouth is healing up. Any chance this is the last operation for it?! Also, really glad to hear you're back to training. It's gotta be hard trying to fuel the workouts on liquids and soft foods.
Suzanne: What did the ortho have to say about the elbow? Cannot believe the ER doc lectured you on braking---PUH-LEEZ! And all those people blaming your training for everything bad...what can we do but try to not roll our eyes too loudly at their comments?
Aimee: Congrats on your race---the new Moose bike course is no joke! And HUGE gains on the run! Way to go!
Jo: A cool HIM in Oct...Longhorn 70.3 in Austin, TX is really cool. Well, it was quite warm in 2008, but the race director is Keith Jordan who directs Mooseman and Timberman. It was a really fun and well organized HIM.
Beth: I'm coming over the dinner tonight! I love your love of food. Can't wait for some gastronomical adventures at Cowgirl camp.
Becky: Pre-race nerves...Write down the concrete things you need to do and make a list so you don't forget. It will help decrease any anxiety before the race. As far as visualizing, think of the things that you can control: your form, your calmness, your mental space, your nutrition. Everything else (like weather, the competition, flat tires) will be dealt with by a rational and calm Becky. You are going to do great.
Yesterday was supposed to be a rest day, but the weather was just so gorgeous that I took my dog for a run punctuated by several breaks for him to jump into a lake to fetch a stick. He ran the entire run with the stick in his mouth. Then had a really good 90' mtb ride. I feel like my legs are back from ToC---though mtb legs are not = IM legs. Can't wait for LP rally this weekend!
Beth, your dinners always sound so yummy! Do you know 101cookbooks.com? I think I've posted that site around here before but it's a really well-written blog and sounds like it's right up your alley.
My elbow update, copied from my post in the general discussion forum:
The radial fracture is slight - either a small hairline or compression fracture. I am out of the sling and will regain full range of motion in about 6 weeks. No PT necessary. To quote my orthopedist, I just have to "suck it up." This is why I love this guy! Pain is my only limiter, so as soon as I can extend the elbow enough to swim, I can swim. I can run. I can bike on the trainer for two weeks and then I can get back on the road. IMLP is a go. I'm going to the Rally this weekend and riding on the Computrainer.
Range of motion improving - I can pull my arm up a lot more and can aaaaallllmost extend, but that's pretty painful. The activities of daily living are much easier although I'm looking at my eyebrows and thinking that it'll be a few more days before I can get in a good pluck. The bruise/scrape on my hip is more painful now and waistbands are problematic. Thus, I am living in my jersey roll-top skirt from Old Navy. I have three - it's the best $45 I've ever spent. So simple and comfy and everyone thinks I'm super dressed up when I wear them. Seriously, go get one:
Jo- are you looking for a local HIM or do you want to travel? I've got lots of ideas for you but want to prioritize :-)
Suzanne- sooooo happy for you! Seriously. I admit I was secretly hoping you'd come cheer for us at E-man, but this news is way better.
Becky- Kitboo is right, start making lists and get stuff out of your head and onto paper- that will help. Reminds me, I need to put the HIM Podcast on my ipod for my next run- that always gets my head in the right place. Oh- and I need to print out my packing list and start going over it. Hmmmm, so much to do.
I wish I were going to LP to be with the EN crew this weekend - sounds like it will be much better weather than Eagleman! But it will be fun to meet all the MidAtlantic EN Peeps too! Looking forward to our dinner together!!
I made some lists for packing. probably overkill, but I'm OCD. I can't seem to attach an excel spreadsheet. I made a non-race day list, an omnibus race clothes list, and a list for each event (so the clothes will show up twice) to organize me on race eve/race morning as I check and re-check my transition bag. Also made a general nutrition list that may be it... I don't know... as I said, overkill.
Sorry I have to copy and paste (so this will be long...). I tried to think through the day before and race day slowly going through the race and transition putting things down in the order I'll need them... but it's always the most obvious thing that's overlooked. I added things I know I won't need this weekend (i.e., arm warmers) but they might be handy at another race. I probably won't wear a fuel belt, but who knows. Feedback would be great - lots of sets of eyes and brains are better than 1! thanks in advance...
non-race day packing list
birth control
ibuprofen (post race)
makeup remover
face travel pack
cotton balls
body glide
hotel reservation no.
USAT card
directions to/from packet pickup
directions to/from hotel
directions to/from dinner
**make pre-race dinner reservation
foam roller
tennis ball
race morning to-do before leaving hotel
body glide (neck, arms,. toes)
transition packing list
tarp for bike ( w clips or string)
body glide
spray sunscreen
water bottle
S! Caps canister (put in pocket after swim)
Garmin (turn on when transition closes, set for bike workout); put on after swim
gels (put in pocket after bike)
bib belt
in post-race bag
beach towel
face wipes
dry clothes (shorts, bra, tshirt)
race morning to do in transition
turn on Garmin, get the bike workout ready (to hit start when leave transition)
BECKY!!!! AWESOME!!!! Somewhere in my spare time I wanted to do what you just did!!! I'm totally printing it!
Suzanne...saw your post on facebook and totally excited! I was bummin' to think that you weren't going to do IMLP! Do you think you'll still come up this weekend? At least come for the food!
Dana, I AM coming this weekend! I'm feelin' the EN love - so many people have offered to help me out and I SO appreciate it. Tracy is bringing her Computrainer and the LP course, so if I can stand it I'll be riding the whole thing safely secured to the ground. I'm just warning all of the Rally peeps that if I have a few drinks in me I might offer to show you my bruises. And if you're drunk too you might make the mistake of agreeing to look.
Range of motion is rapidly returning. I touched my finger to my nose this afternoon!!!
Serious question here: What helmets do you guys own? I have to scrap my Giro because I hit my head and dented it in the crash. I have no idea what model it is but I remember it costing in the $30-40 range. So it looks like I'm looking at either the Giro Indicator or the women's Skyla. Is there any difference between these two other than sizing for a smaller head?
Suzanne- I have the Bell Volt. I just bought it from REI and I love it. Fits me perfectly, and I have a pretty small head. It was on sale and I used my REI dividend- otherwise I'm not sure I would have paid the $$$ for it- wow I had forgotten how expensive that stuff can be!
Husband had brow lift surgery today. his forehead and eyebrows over the last years have slipped down and it takes fatigue and eye strain to keep it all up.. I know sounds comical and you should see him now.. in a complete head bandage for 3 days but obvioulsy a lot of pain, spent the day at the hospital and I am now the nurse! next meds in 10' for pain! insurance paid for the operation but it means 3 weeks of no running, 1 week no swimming and he can cycle when he wants to... so this week I am flexible with him but plan on doing some events this weekend as we feel like he will be better by then. so he was training with me the last month and the dizziness still an issue thanks for asking saw the "dizzy doc" last week so riding is better but his balance is still off when he looks left! he ran 9 miles yesterday and basically had dogged himself out prior to surgery... school is now out today so my summer routine about to go into full force which means getting up early to train... ie not having to wrry about getting kids off to school... and being back home too and then kids stuff housework and cooking! husband also out of town for 2 business weeks in June so careful planning is required. I am type A anyways... so I will think carefully about what I am doing when. The saddle? rode today and okay sitting up but still hurts aero although I did damage myself this weekend! lol... tomorrow I pick up my bike with power!!! and they will either change out for diff saddle or adjust that one, the Vitesse by Fizik. then,, cleats, still finding those and helmets?? well $175 or $200 for Giro at my LBS...havn' t orderd WKO for Mac nor have it all afigured out but right now a bit busy with real life stuff!! ha. thinking about starting a whole thread "marianne gets power = help!" ha ha. anyways trying to get my gear in order and also made my own doc appt for thyroid and iron check in two weeks!
Suzanne your elbow prognosis is seriously THE best news I've had all day! So excited that IMLP is ON! Woo hoo!
Impressive list Becky. Oh yeah, and I meant to tell you before that I figured your last name was eastern European in origin. By looks that name is more daunting than Syptak (DH's family is from Moravia in the CR.)
Beth, really...when are we planning cooking camp! Seriously! We could rock some good stuff to eat for many days on end!
Becky: Great lists! From one OCD chica to another...I would like to add to your list: The charger for your Garmin watch. Just want to make sure that thing has a full battery before your race.
Suzanne: Giro and Bell helmets have a 30% discount off a new helmet if you crack one of their helmets within 3 years of purchase. I crack alot of helmets. Anyhoo, I like the way Giro helmets fit my noggin better than Bell. I've also found that the helmets with sizes (S,M,L) fit my head better than the universal sized helmets or women's specific helmets (which are way to small for my huge melon). Best thing is just to try them on and hope the one you like isn't too expensive.
Suzanne: So glad that it is going to work out for you to come to the Rally and to race IMLP!! Way to be creative with what life has handed you!
Marianne: Jealous of your power purchase. Just can't justify/swing the $$ this year, but I know I will be in the same boat as you when I do get it. Now what are all of these acronyms again?
Gina: I hear you about the $$ doubling now. All in the name of a healthy lifestyle right?!
AM Swim workout, last day at work, dinner with fam and then sleep and off to IMLP Rally!!
Ugh. Not a pretty pool workout. I started to have race anxiety and couldn't manage to chill. I had a good fear-letting talk with myself on the way home and am looking forward to the re-do of today's workout. And I can probably hold out my arms and kick and beat my last HIM swim time, so really, I just need to chill. But the seriously freaking out swim demon definitely needs to be calmed by next week. That just seriously moved up the race prep priority chart.
Helmets -- I've been a Giro girl since my first. They fit. I just trade out one $80 ish model for another when they wear out. I like that I can adjust them with one hand, while riding, if necessary.
Olivia -- Cooking camp would be awesome! Anytime, chicas. Any time. I've realized recently I'm one of the few people who find everything about cooking relaxing. What could be more calming than making a big pot of lentil soup with lots of veggies? And Kitima -- come for dinner anytime!
Marianne -- Aren't saddles pesky? You might want to try out different shorts with different saddles, too. My current saddle? Loves the DeSotos. The last saddle? Craft.
CAMP! -- I'm so excited for all of you going this weekend.
And ladies, please choose Jo a good 70.3, because I'll likely be the sherpa. I think the real questions are 1)what do you want to see and 2), who do we want to visit?
And ladies, please choose Jo a good 70.3, because I'll likely be the sherpa. I think the real questions are 1)what do you want to see and 2), who do we want to visit?
OK- then this is soooooooooo easy. You will both come HERE to the Outer Banks of NC, stay in my house, enjoy a nice weekend at the beach recovering from IMoo, and then Sherpa for Jo while she races and while I volunteer at the Outer Banks Triathlon on September 18th. You get free room & board, and in return you simply have to cook me dinner
Did I mention September is probably the best time of the year to visit the beach??
And ladies, please choose Jo a good 70.3, because I'll likely be the sherpa. I think the real questions are 1)what do you want to see and 2), who do we want to visit?
OK- then this is soooooooooo easy. You will both come HERE to the Outer Banks of NC, stay in my house, enjoy a nice weekend at the beach recovering from IMoo, and then Sherpa for Jo while she races and while I volunteer at the Outer Banks Triathlon on September 18th. You get free room & board, and in return you simply have to cook me dinner
Did I mention September is probably the best time of the year to visit the beach??
In that case, I'd like to sign up to sherpa as well!
@Nemo - I'll come, too! I'll be in full IM mode, so I can sherpa and train (and eat Beth's wonderful cooking)! It will be a mini EN Chica camp!
@Marianne - I have power envy, too. Trying to decide if I want to do my first EN season as is or bite the bullet and get power during general prep so I'll have it for my next HIM and, more importantly, IMFL... I just don't know if I'll have the time to learn it all when I'm trying to train, work, and earn all the SAUs I can... it may be a post-season purchase so i can compare the two seasons (think the DB has signed off on my doing another IM next year (suggestions for Aug or Sep, thinking Moo) - and that 2012 will be an IM free year with hopefully a wine marathon in France in September and the NYC marathon in November...scary that I have the next 2 seasons pretty much mapped out).
@Suzanne - I have a Rudy project and love it. It's cushy and nice. I have a huge noggin and I think it's super easy to adjust - there's a not to turn in the back.
I'm sure I'm missing folks... will go through my packing lists another zillion times between now and Friday night (thanks, Kit, will add the Garmin charger). Since I can't do a race recon swim on Friday the coach recommended I do a pool swim with my wetsuit or pull buoys... a good idea since I haven't had the wetsuit on in a year but I may try it on to be sure it fits and then take a pull buoy with me instead.
re: helmets - I've used Bell, Giro, and a couple of other brands. But now that I use the Lazer Genesis I will never need to try another brand again. Probably gonna pick up a Lazer Tardiz aero helmet, too. The comfort and fit are amazing...didn't know what I was missing until I tried it.
I'm seeing the potential for cooking camp! Jo -- I'm with you whatever you choose.
Pics! Notice which person has the most excellent running form? Little Miss Addie decided to take off at the end of the race and I really had to pick up my game. I also think this was the most fanfare I've ever received for doing an EP run.
We have so many cool EN Kids. I swear they need their own little mini kits! :-)
OK- my house isn't quite big enough for an entire EN Chica retreat- but if more folks want to join Jo for the OBX Tri, there are pleanty of rental cottages including this one that rents for $650/week (in Sept), is only a few houses down from us, sleeps 8, and is pet friendly (bring the dogs!!!!)
Just checking in to see what wonderful things you are doing.
Anyone know of an Oct/Nov 1/2 that is awesome?!?
PS You ladies are really awesome.
everybody else? I read it but gotta scoot.. more time later but yes feeling a bit flat with the dog and son #2 gone! was blue yesterday and today is better but still it isn't the same around here! but I did get to run 6 miles and totally forget about all of that!! sweat dripping off of me, into my sunglasses!! and 2 pounds away from "race weight" not that I even know what race weight is..!!!! but ya know how you have this # in your head.. anyways, with more hot runs, I feel sure I can sweat it off!!! and I fit into my shorts from last summer, so all is good!!! ha.
speaking of bra, yes when my shoulder acted up I couldn't getoffthe sports bra... without yelling out "aaah." now all better and so thankful! m
Aimee!!! So proud of you for having posted such a great time this weekend! That is great to have run so much faster just based on feel. Definitely cool. Have fun making up SAUs and recovering. You've earned it, sister!
Today was my return to the pool....a whopping 1500m.
Suzanne...argh! As Olivia said...so glad that's the extent of your injuries!
Finally settling down for the night after a busy day...enjoying chicken kabobs from the grill!
Short version of my RR - I had a little trouble holding watts on the Lakeshore Path, but once I figured it out, it was entertaining -- and the easiest, most boring ride I've done in a while. Power numbers are screwy, because it started to pour like crazy about thirteen miles from the end. Since I was feeling pretty good, I booked it up the path towards home until I found out you can hydroplane on a tri bike during a crazy curve around the Shedd Aquarium. And brakes don't work very well. With all the standing water, and lack of braking power, I slowed down the rest of the way home. There was enough lightning that I skipped the run, but my legs felt fantastic and were a little sad they didn't get to do a 1/2 mary.
Suzanne - Elbow news sucks! But I'm glad you are in good spirits, and can type to us in the forums. And, yeah, the people who think we are all masochist adrenaline junkies. Most of the time, I just smile and nod. I used to not be that cool. But I get to go on zen seven-mile runs after work and they don't, so it all kinda works out.
Olivia -- A 1500 is grand! And after IMSG, a sprint will be like swimming to the first buoy.
Gina - glad to hear about the knee!
Nemo -- It sounds like you have some seriously good running energy today. Go with it!
Who knew reading Racing Weight would lead to a new era of cooking inspiration? For tonight's experiment, Beth came home to her rather empty single girl athlete fridge and had to decide if she was going to make dinner or eat a Clif bar. Beth made dinner: I had a head a rapini and a butterflied pork chop from a local farm. I turned the rapini into a stuffing by chopping it up, adding a leetle bit of butter, a few tablespoons of panko breadcrumbs, hot pepper flakes, and my favorite secret ingredient: Penzey's Salad Elegant seasoning. I seasoned the pork chops and then covered them with the rapini. Bake for twenty minutes. So delicious. I'm glad the farmer's market is tomorrow. I seriously need to restock my pantry -- or tomorrow's dinner is going to be shriveled celery and Trader Joe's hummus of questionable age.
@ Beth- I am a horrible cook and would be embarrassed to tell you what I eat on a daily basis. I am very sad that I am not moving to Chicago rather than Boston in order to be closer to the FOOD! Don't get me wrong I can eat! Maybe after IMLP I will be inspired to learn to cook a bit more. You can be my inspiration
@Aimee --- holy cow, that totally rocks... shaving 15 minutes off your run! Woo Hoo... I hope I can do the same (and about the same time, too - my HIM last year I baked and didn't know what I was doing ... )
@Gina - happy dance! very good news about your sister!!!
@Beth - sounds like another book I should read. I think I've seen it advertised in the runners mag... or somewhere. But I've got the paleo and paleo for athletes books to take with me on vaca next week...
the swim we did last night (1800m) was actually fun - sets of 150s and then 25s alternating sprints and easy... and quick! yay!!! was gonna get up to do my easy brick today but when I got up at 4:45 to go to the bathroom knowing my alarm was set for 5 I decided that sleep was more important during taper week - and it's another humidity free day, so I'll do it tonight (45 on bike, 30 on run... and the work zones are Z2! woo hoo! I like taper)... Weight is still higher than I want, a factor of sweets at the company picnic and out at Dan's last night... zippo will power... but I'm still 5 down from my first bike test in OS... but 5 from where I want to be. I wonder if I just have a new number... should try on some of the pants that I couldn't get into in feb to see how they fit and feel - that's the more important test, body composition (but I do really like my old number... especially since most folks guessed I was 10 pounds lighter - muscle will do that)!
starting to think too much about the race... not having dreams per se, but when I lay down I think about the stuff I need to do, how I want to improve from last year, what I can do to improve on last year, I walk through transition... I really want to do better than last year since it was my first and it was hard and I had no real idea what I was doing... but I came in in better shape and at my race weight (8 pounds lighter than now) having run a Jan marathon. I know the weather will be a big factor and I worry that my carrying extra pounds isn't so good... it will be what it will be. I feel pretty good. I've accepted that I've done my best in training and I'm running faster that I imagined possible (and I'm still pretty slow)... and a guy I shared a lane with last night, when I finished, said "you fly." That was pretty cool... especially since I know a lot of folks who are much better... but the swim is where I do the best comparatively. So I think it's more nervous energy as opposed to nervous nerves... trying to stay zen. want to do well (it's an A race) but still have fun. My eye is on the IMFL prize...
Carly: A big congrats to Michelle for her first tri---it was cold and rainy out there! Good on ya for being a good sherpa!
Marianne: How's the saddle search going? Undercarriage pain is like none other!
Gina: Such great news about your sister--what a relief! Also...good to hear your knee is on the mend.
Olivia: Glad to hear your mouth is healing up. Any chance this is the last operation for it?! Also, really glad to hear you're back to training. It's gotta be hard trying to fuel the workouts on liquids and soft foods.
Suzanne: What did the ortho have to say about the elbow? Cannot believe the ER doc lectured you on braking---PUH-LEEZ! And all those people blaming your training for everything bad...what can we do but try to not roll our eyes too loudly at their comments?
Aimee: Congrats on your race---the new Moose bike course is no joke! And HUGE gains on the run! Way to go!
Jo: A cool HIM in Oct...Longhorn 70.3 in Austin, TX is really cool. Well, it was quite warm in 2008, but the race director is Keith Jordan who directs Mooseman and Timberman. It was a really fun and well organized HIM.
Beth: I'm coming over the dinner tonight! I love your love of food. Can't wait for some gastronomical adventures at Cowgirl camp.
Becky: Pre-race nerves...Write down the concrete things you need to do and make a list so you don't forget. It will help decrease any anxiety before the race. As far as visualizing, think of the things that you can control: your form, your calmness, your mental space, your nutrition. Everything else (like weather, the competition, flat tires) will be dealt with by a rational and calm Becky. You are going to do great.
Yesterday was supposed to be a rest day, but the weather was just so gorgeous that I took my dog for a run punctuated by several breaks for him to jump into a lake to fetch a stick. He ran the entire run with the stick in his mouth. Then had a really good 90' mtb ride. I feel like my legs are back from ToC---though mtb legs are not = IM legs.
Can't wait for LP rally this weekend!
Beth, your dinners always sound so yummy! Do you know 101cookbooks.com? I think I've posted that site around here before but it's a really well-written blog and sounds like it's right up your alley.
The bruise/scrape on my hip is more painful now and waistbands are problematic. Thus, I am living in my jersey roll-top skirt from Old Navy. I have three - it's the best $45 I've ever spent. So simple and comfy and everyone thinks I'm super dressed up when I wear them. Seriously, go get one:
My elbow update, copied from my post in the general discussion forum:
The radial fracture is slight - either a small hairline or compression fracture. I am out of the sling and will regain full range of motion in about 6 weeks. No PT necessary. To quote my orthopedist, I just have to "suck it up." This is why I love this guy! Pain is my only limiter, so as soon as I can extend the elbow enough to swim, I can swim. I can run. I can bike on the trainer for two weeks and then I can get back on the road. IMLP is a go. I'm going to the Rally this weekend and riding on the Computrainer.
Range of motion improving - I can pull my arm up a lot more and can aaaaallllmost extend, but that's pretty painful. The activities of daily living are much easier although I'm looking at my eyebrows and thinking that it'll be a few more days before I can get in a good pluck.
Suzanne- sooooo happy for you! Seriously. I admit I was secretly hoping you'd come cheer for us at E-man, but this news is way better.
Becky- Kitboo is right, start making lists and get stuff out of your head and onto paper- that will help. Reminds me, I need to put the HIM Podcast on my ipod for my next run- that always gets my head in the right place. Oh- and I need to print out my packing list and start going over it. Hmmmm, so much to do.
I wish I were going to LP to be with the EN crew this weekend - sounds like it will be much better weather than Eagleman! But it will be fun to meet all the MidAtlantic EN Peeps too! Looking forward to our dinner together!!
I made some lists for packing. probably overkill, but I'm OCD. I can't seem to attach an excel spreadsheet. I made a non-race day list, an omnibus race clothes list, and a list for each event (so the clothes will show up twice) to organize me on race eve/race morning as I check and re-check my transition bag. Also made a general nutrition list that may be it... I don't know... as I said, overkill.
Sorry I have to copy and paste (so this will be long...). I tried to think through the day before and race day slowly going through the race and transition putting things down in the order I'll need them... but it's always the most obvious thing that's overlooked. I added things I know I won't need this weekend (i.e., arm warmers) but they might be handy at another race. I probably won't wear a fuel belt, but who knows. Feedback would be great - lots of sets of eyes and brains are better than 1! thanks in advance...
Suzanne...saw your post on facebook and totally excited! I was bummin' to think that you weren't going to do IMLP! Do you think you'll still come up this weekend? At least come for the food!
Range of motion is rapidly returning. I touched my finger to my nose this afternoon!!!
Jo - wanna tackle Savageman? http://www.savagemantri.org/
Serious question here: What helmets do you guys own? I have to scrap my Giro because I hit my head and dented it in the crash. I have no idea what model it is but I remember it costing in the $30-40 range. So it looks like I'm looking at either the Giro Indicator or the women's Skyla. Is there any difference between these two other than sizing for a smaller head?
Impressive list Becky. Oh yeah, and I meant to tell you before that I figured your last name was eastern European in origin. By looks that name is more daunting than Syptak (DH's family is from Moravia in the CR.)
Beth, really...when are we planning cooking camp! Seriously! We could rock some good stuff to eat for many days on end!
Suzanne: Giro and Bell helmets have a 30% discount off a new helmet if you crack one of their helmets within 3 years of purchase. I crack alot of helmets.
Suzanne: So glad that it is going to work out for you to come to the Rally and to race IMLP!! Way to be creative with what life has handed you!
Marianne: Jealous of your power purchase. Just can't justify/swing the $$ this year, but I know I will be in the same boat as you when I do get it. Now what are all of these acronyms again?
Gina: I hear you about the $$ doubling now. All in the name of a healthy lifestyle right?!
AM Swim workout, last day at work, dinner with fam and then sleep and off to IMLP Rally!!
Helmets -- I've been a Giro girl since my first. They fit. I just trade out one $80 ish model for another when they wear out. I like that I can adjust them with one hand, while riding, if necessary.
Olivia -- Cooking camp would be awesome! Anytime, chicas. Any time. I've realized recently I'm one of the few people who find everything about cooking relaxing. What could be more calming than making a big pot of lentil soup with lots of veggies? And Kitima -- come for dinner anytime!
Marianne -- Aren't saddles pesky? You might want to try out different shorts with different saddles, too. My current saddle? Loves the DeSotos. The last saddle? Craft.
CAMP! -- I'm so excited for all of you going this weekend.
And ladies, please choose Jo a good 70.3, because I'll likely be the sherpa. I think the real questions are 1)what do you want to see and 2), who do we want to visit?
OK- then this is soooooooooo easy. You will both come HERE to the Outer Banks of NC, stay in my house, enjoy a nice weekend at the beach recovering from IMoo, and then Sherpa for Jo while she races and while I volunteer at the Outer Banks Triathlon on September 18th. You get free room & board, and in return you simply have to cook me dinner
Did I mention September is probably the best time of the year to visit the beach??
And you can visit Moo Jo!
Beth looks AWESOME!!!
1/2 Mary in Fargo...

@Beth - you are awesome!
Okay, so NC and TX are on the board - - Beth can cook REALLY well!
Cute pic of Beth, Addie and me at the Fargo 5K.
In that case, I'd like to sign up to sherpa as well!
@Nemo - I'll come, too! I'll be in full IM mode, so I can sherpa and train (and eat Beth's wonderful cooking)! It will be a mini EN Chica camp!
@Marianne - I have power envy, too. Trying to decide if I want to do my first EN season as is or bite the bullet and get power during general prep so I'll have it for my next HIM and, more importantly, IMFL... I just don't know if I'll have the time to learn it all when I'm trying to train, work, and earn all the SAUs I can... it may be a post-season purchase so i can compare the two seasons (think the DB has signed off on my doing another IM next year (suggestions for Aug or Sep, thinking Moo) - and that 2012 will be an IM free year with hopefully a wine marathon in France in September and the NYC marathon in November...scary that I have the next 2 seasons pretty much mapped out).
@Suzanne - I have a Rudy project and love it. It's cushy and nice. I have a huge noggin and I think it's super easy to adjust - there's a not to turn in the back.
@Beth - great pics!
@IMLP'ers - have a great time at camp!
I'm sure I'm missing folks... will go through my packing lists another zillion times between now and Friday night (thanks, Kit, will add the Garmin charger). Since I can't do a race recon swim on Friday the coach recommended I do a pool swim with my wetsuit or pull buoys... a good idea since I haven't had the wetsuit on in a year but I may try it on to be sure it fits and then take a pull buoy with me instead.
I'm seeing the potential for cooking camp! Jo -- I'm with you whatever you choose.
Pics! Notice which person has the most excellent running form? Little Miss Addie decided to take off at the end of the race and I really had to pick up my game. I also think this was the most fanfare I've ever received for doing an EP run.
OK- my house isn't quite big enough for an entire EN Chica retreat- but if more folks want to join Jo for the OBX Tri, there are pleanty of rental cottages including this one that rents for $650/week (in Sept), is only a few houses down from us, sleeps 8, and is pet friendly (bring the dogs!!!!)