I think you just gotta try on helmets, the lazer didn't feel as good as the Giro, had a giro and I just bought the Giro Lite. Black carbon color to match the bike. low profile, ultra lightweight, no strappy parts blowing in the wind, elastic strap in the back and no big plastic parts either. I tried on all sorts and chose that one. pricey little booger too! but my last helmet I had 5 years!! The lazer is getting good reviews though. from peeps who rave about it. okay so I have had pink helmet so now with black helmet, wonder if I will be faster, taken more seriously, will it change my biking persona!!??? smile, lol. Powertap on bike! picked that up too.... I know it. haven't done not one race this year either!! ha ha. okay talk at ya later. yep hubby has been good to me, m
Gals! Okay, I looked closer at my broken helmet and it was the Giro Skyla so I found one on sale at Nashbar and bought it. Someday I'd like the fancy dancy three-figure helmet but not yet. (Oh, I'll spend four figures on a bike and power meter, but a helmet? Pshaw.) Marianne, are you seriously riding a Visik? You must have a GPV of steel - I almost cried riding mine. If you want to try my Terry Butterfly Tri saddle, let me know.
I'm all packed and ready to go for LP camp. How horrible do we think riding the trainer for 112 miles will be? Can I do it? In my hotel room? (mental six pack mental six pack mental six pack) I want to be realistic and cut myself some slack but then I also think that if I can ride that far then the actual race will be a cakewalk.
I did Monday's 3 x 1 mile run tonight. I still can't put my hair in a ponytail but I managed two messy pigtails and a stretchy headband. I. Looked. Ridiculous. Like an unruly 5 year old.
So from the waist down the run was delightful and fast. Things were not so peachy from the waist up. The elbow HURTS if I jerk it even a little bit, which of course I do. Silver lining is that it hurts the least if I hold my arm with perfect form - hand by hip, thumb toward sky, swinging front to back. So I'll have perfect running form by the end of this thing, right?
Good luck to all the Eagleman competitors! If I could be in two places, one of them would be there cheering you on.
@Suzanne - did you get a pic of your hair on Monday? That sounds awesome... sort of punky brewster. Good luck at IMLP camp on the trainer... I feel your pain as I was stuck on the drainer til, oh, May... hang in there. you're right if you can get through that the race will be awesome!
@Marianne - I have terry butterflies on both of my bikes and like them a lot... not super advance but they work and for the most part don't cause me any problems.
Happy to say I'm sleeping well. I tweaked my packing lists last night (adding garmin and iPhone chargers, cooler, camera... and a few other little things). I also did an overall to-do... for the weekend. Will go back over that as I type it up today. I think doing that has gotten my head in a good place. I feel like I'm much more calm about things this time around...granted I've done a HIM, well, this HIM, once before so I know I can finish which helps, too.
Hi Girls, sorry this has taken me all week but my son and I completed our first HIM in Kona this past Saturday. It was wicked hot and due to not training on the run (because of my knee as you all know) I really suffered on the 13.1 miles. It was one of the toughest runs of my life and I lost a lot of time. I only had 8.5 minutes left to finish in time but I DID IT!!! Was the most amazing race of my life. My son finished about 90 minutes (or more) before me. The swim was the roughest water they have ever had (per the race people) but we didn't get the really bad Kona winds on the Road to Havi that I experienced on my training there. So throw it all together and the Hawaiian gods were smiling down on me. I will have the photos posted to my face book or to my personal place here on EN (don't know what to call that). Thanks for all of your support, Marianne I thought of you during the swim and Nemo I thought of you on the run and Linda and Katima and all of you who answered all of my silly questions early on.
I have to thank Al too, I used all of his tricks (sponges, Ice) to get through the run, OMG never felt that kind of heat. So they say this is the toughest HIM course out there, I say well if I can do it anyone can do it. I was so sore (my quads mostly) could barely walk for two days after. Even my hands were sore..... But anyways, been wanting to post this for days and just had to now. Will keep reading and helping in anyway I can but a major thanks was in order!!! Whoo hoo, Linda
Good luck EM EN racing chicas- Nemo & Becky this weekend! (Am I missing someone??) I know you will both be awesome!! You are checklist queens in prime form - who can beat that? I really enjoyed (most of) the time "in my box" during my race last weekend, hope you both do too
Suzanne - 112 on the trainer! OMG! I would definitely cut yourself some slack on that one, hopefully your elbow won't be too troublesome. Your mind is definitely in the right space!
Congrats Linda - how cool to do that with your son..burning quads are your reward! A reminder (every time you stand up!) of a job well done
This week has been a bit non-tri focused as I was coming down to earth after my race. Today my parents are moving out of their home where I grew up and my mother grew up - it's pretty intense and putting a lot of things in perspective - in a good way. They are local, so there have been a lot of trips back and forth cleaning, moving "this is your life' type of stuff. A lot to be thankful for actually.
gina, no my head is a small.. so thanks anyways! I bought a small Giro but thanks. Yes I saw the Skyler and good job on getting in on sale. I had worn out all of my sizing and had no idea!! so bought one from LBS. tested it this morning for 10' and felt like nothing on my head!! Linda, congrats on race Nemo, got the saddles today I have tried Cobbs, Adamo (last fall) and recently Selle Italia T1 and Vitesse by Fizik. Today I went back and had my old worn out foam showing mt bike saddle put back on so i could ride a century on Saturday! Don't have new bike shoes worked out so got new cleats on 5 year old worn out specialized so I could ride the next week! was having trouble clipping in. but I got my Garmin paired with my Powertap!!! nice guys in www.competitivecyclist.com !!!! so I am good to go for Saturday I ran 13.5 this morning, 11 of that with Heather and cool but humid as it was raining! but one guy on his bike said to us as he passed us. 'yall are having too much fun cuz I can hear your laughter from down the road!"...always good to chat with her and while out there passed Jo our GF on her bike also doing IMWI! so good morning and also saw our local Leah T, winner of Fargo marathon! so the die hards were out this morning! Husband is feeling a bit better although bruised up and still at home but working! son is down in Guatemala and about to head up into the mts with a local who doesn't speak English!!! gonna spend the night! oh yeah. okay scooting, I have been outside gardening and also enjoying some air mattress time in pool with youngest two! I must say I love summer and my favorite is laying on cheap air mattress with popsicle in hand! I hope you have a great day!! m
@Marianne - nice job on the run and glad your hubby is feeling better!
Amazingly enough I did get up for my30 minute run today (well, didn't have to get up all that early to only do 30 minutes)... and will do a very short and easy swim tonight using a pull buoy per coach P's advice. then eat and pack... head is not at work today... but I'm not feeling all crazy about the race either. think I just want to get it done (and then go on vacation).
Marianne- good luck with your saddle search! I hope something in that box works for you!
Weather for Eagleman looks typical. 90 degrees with 40% chance of thunderstorms (so gusty winds will likely be a factor). Wish us luck! I'm just waiting for my buddy Jim to pick me up and we'll start the drive to Cambridge. Hopefully we wont hit any traffic and can get to packet pickup tonight so we can just relax tomorrow and take care of checking out the swim, checking in the bike, and relaxing.
Hope the ladies in LP are having fun! I'd love to do that camp, sounds like a blast!
Work = insane. Budget planning, party planning, exhibit planning -- I don't know what I haven't done this week. Thankfully, it is quiet. The cross town classic + Blackhawks rally must be occupying lots of peoples' attention.
Arkansas flooding did not affect me. thanks, yes we have had these evening all of a sudden downpours. and had one last night. I leave for camping tomorrow, one night right now. about to pack up for century, mt bike race and that. just in from kids's swim lessons and errands. drinking a fresca, 92 out there and quick change into comfy clothes! GF made me a lasagne so in the oven now!! strategy, ride from my house 8 miles to do the century and then ride home, bail at mile 62 if necessary! then come home shower and drive 3.5 hours... camp and see son and rudy with joshua and grace, race at 9 and do my brick run on the trails... eat food... pack up come home. yep I am crazy! Go big or go home!! ha .. talk at ya later. will sneak a peek tomorrow before I leave. m
Good luck to everyone training and racing this weekend! Our race is to the alter! Decorations up today and rehearsal dinner. All went well and looks great! Outdoor wedding so praying for NO RAIN! Got an open water swim this am and trying to sneak in an early bike! Catch up with everyone later!
Beth- kids are like IM's - you only remember the glory of the finish line, not the pain!
@Kris - praying for no rain for you and cool temps and cloudy skies for me
thanks for all the well wishes, chicas! just got in from my 20 minute run, am charging my Garmin to pack it...then will go back over my lists (think I'm good to go). I will say I had just about everything nailed without a list, but having them to check over everything laying on my bed last night was a dream! I was calm, everything was falling into place. woo hoo! I even added a few things here and there and made a race plan yesterday at work (too hard to actually read comment summaries on transparency and the open Internet) which included some pep talking at the end. Something is wrong with my L heel... when I got up it was tough to even put weight on it... hmm... I think a few of my crappy flip turns on Th and yesterday perhaps... I hope it's nothing serious. I was able to run (and it helped me concentrate on my form: leaning forward, landing midfoot...)
I hope other chicas racing this weekend (Nemo and Kate with me) and the folks at IMLP camp have wonderful times!!!
Congrats to the girls at Eagleman! And congrats to my friend (and running relay team member) Sarah for finishing second in her AG @ Boise! So excited for her!
It's been a chilly rainy weekend here in Denver. Made for an oddly fun trip to the Farmers Market yesterday and then general errand running before a loooong nap in the afternoon. Did some work all morning today and just started to get organized for my build to Boulder 70.3. I synched up my training plan in the tool and saw the 2x20 for Tuesday....huh?!? Am i really ready for that again? That means I may have to get o'l Roo back on the trainer! Holy cow.
Can't wait for race stories from this weekend...Becky and Nemo.
Eagleman ladies! Can't wait for the report. And the wedding report from Kris (pics, or it didn't happen).
I'm tapering and took a mental RandR weeekend before the big High Cliff/Reunion/12 Weeks from IMWI weekend. There have been dinner parties with wine, picnics with indian food, strawberry tarts, and cupcakes. Ugh. Why is there a certain part of training where I know I can't have more than 1/2 a glass of wine and be happy with the next day's workout?
My smart sister talked me off the HIM swim ledge today and loaned me her much cooler than mine wetsuit. She also helped me assess the wardrobe for reunion and answer key questions, like "do I really need to wear a bra with this dress?" and which T-shirt is cutest? Yup. Wardrobe is a fantstic place to transfer pre-event jitters and excitement.
I've also been having fun trying to remembe what my taste is music was like during college. Lots of it? Seriously annoying. Why did I buy so much Dave Matthew Band? And see him in concert? (multiple times) I've seriously been neglecting Peter Gabriel and Sting. And it was seriously fun being a raging baby feminist in flannel, fueled by lots of Ani Difranco, Indigo Girls, Dar Williams.
morning ladies... I survived Eagleman.... WOW I thought the run last year was rough...nothing compared to yesterday! I put together my official report and will post it momentarily... but I will say that I stayed in my box - and recited the mantra ride the ride I should not the ride I could... when folks were whizzing by me on the bike. That stunk big time! I was slower than last year (bummer)... but all in all, fell okay about it. I am looking forward to the results to see how I stack up - hopefully my ranking improved even though my time didn't.
It was awesome to meet some EN'ers.... finally met Nemo! Nemo met Kate (another cowgirl) and we all met lots of EN guys. The pre-race dinner was lots of fun - and cheering on EN jerseys of folks I hadn't met yet on the course was fun!
GREAT JOB BECKY!!! Looks like you had some "weather to deal with too", having just done a 70.3 the week before, I wondered if your quads were wicked tired, and I know what you mean by your box, except I think I only ended up passing maybe 3 people but hey!! Done deal right??? Super duuper
I'm here Gina!! Sorry, I didn't have any internet access all weekend! All is good. I have a lot of catching up to do but will write a RR when I get a little time to breath. In summary- Swim sucked, Bike was normal, run was exactly what I planned, I finished with no pain in my calf, and I captured 78 roadkill after mile 10. Ended up in the Med Tent with an IV at the finish line (that's why I never saw you guys afterwards Becky) but I'm totally OK.
what... med tent... OMG. So glad you're okay! I definitely felt light headed and nauseous afterwards... was surprised I kept food down to be honest... but sitting in shade and drinking everything I could get my hands on helped... wow wow wow... glad you're okay. And glad your calf held up! That is music to my ears!
Wow...Becky and Nemo! Great job. Nemo, so glad you are ok. I got to watch Kathy do the Liberty 1/2 Ironman in Maple Plain, MN and it turned out David Williams was there as well so I got some great pictures of them both! Both finished well considering the horrible weather. Rain and cold.
Marianne, so glad you are missing the flooding. Such a tragedy there.
Sunday morning we started at 4:20 a.m. to get to Shelby's race and had a vehicle:deer incident. We did make it to the race and she placed 2nd in her age group so that was fun. So much fun to watch your kids do what they love! Linda, my other daughter is out in Maine cooking at a camp. She LOVES it. She is in Poland Spring, ME.
OK...I've been neglecting this forum and wanted to check in to see what I missed...which was a LOT. Take care all!
Nemo & Becky - WAY to GO!! So glad to hear the calf held up nicely, Nemo! That's such fantastic news! Way to get it done in the super hot weather - both of you!
To all the chicas who survived Eagleman, a big congrats! I hate racing in heat and humidity so I could feel your pain all the way in cool and rainy Lake Placid this weekend!
Kathy: Congrats at Liberty---the weather looked like the antithesis of EM, which is tough as well!
Kris: Wedding weekend! I had no idea it was this soon. I hope you and your daughter had a wonderful celebration. Can't wait to see pics!
Marianne: Good to hear the flooding didn't come close to you. Sounds like you are back from low thyroid land!
Nemo: Ahhh, the Eagleman medical tent. I'm a frequent flyer there. Hope you're recovered from that race. Trying to not get overheated in that kind of humidity is TOUGH. Did you meet any pros in the tent? I met Tirrenzo Bozzone in the EM med tent in 2008---He has the most luscious hair!
Well, the EN LP rally was sooo much fun! It was great to meet Suzanne, Tracy, Carie, Keith, Eric V, Mike G, Dominic, and Joe P. The weather was overcast, cool; and it rained on Sat, making for a soaking run. I've ridden and run the IMLP more than a dozen times. I'm happy to say that each time I ride it it seems less steep and not as far as the very first time. Early summer in the Adirondacks was just gorgeous this year. No black flies (maybe we were just riding and running too fast! Ha!). And the roadside was full of all kinds of wildflowers: blue vetch, lupine, violets. Lots of fly fishermen in the Ausable River too. I felt so blessed to live in Upstate NY---so remind me of this I heart NY moment come Feb!
I think you just gotta try on helmets, the lazer didn't feel as good as the Giro, had a giro and I just bought the Giro Lite. Black carbon color to match the bike. low profile, ultra lightweight, no strappy parts blowing in the wind, elastic strap in the back and no big plastic parts either. I tried on all sorts and chose that one. pricey little booger too! but my last helmet I had 5 years!! The lazer is getting good reviews though. from peeps who rave about it. okay so I have had pink helmet so now with black helmet, wonder if I will be faster, taken more seriously, will it change my biking persona!!??? smile, lol. Powertap on bike! picked that up too.... I know it. haven't done not one race this year either!! ha ha. okay talk at ya later. yep hubby has been good to me, m
I'm all packed and ready to go for LP camp. How horrible do we think riding the trainer for 112 miles will be? Can I do it? In my hotel room? (mental six pack mental six pack mental six pack) I want to be realistic and cut myself some slack but then I also think that if I can ride that far then the actual race will be a cakewalk.
I did Monday's 3 x 1 mile run tonight. I still can't put my hair in a ponytail but I managed two messy pigtails and a stretchy headband. I. Looked. Ridiculous. Like an unruly 5 year old.
So from the waist down the run was delightful and fast. Things were not so peachy from the waist up. The elbow HURTS if I jerk it even a little bit, which of course I do. Silver lining is that it hurts the least if I hold my arm with perfect form - hand by hip, thumb toward sky, swinging front to back. So I'll have perfect running form by the end of this thing, right?
Good luck to all the Eagleman competitors! If I could be in two places, one of them would be there cheering you on.
@Suzanne - did you get a pic of your hair on Monday? That sounds awesome... sort of punky brewster.
Good luck at IMLP camp on the trainer... I feel your pain as I was stuck on the drainer til, oh, May... hang in there. you're right if you can get through that the race will be awesome!
@Marianne - I have terry butterflies on both of my bikes and like them a lot... not super advance but they work and for the most part don't cause me any problems.
Happy to say I'm sleeping well. I tweaked my packing lists last night (adding garmin and iPhone chargers, cooler, camera... and a few other little things). I also did an overall to-do... for the weekend. Will go back over that as I type it up today. I think doing that has gotten my head in a good place. I feel like I'm much more calm about things this time around...granted I've done a HIM, well, this HIM, once before so I know I can finish which helps, too.
Hi Girls, sorry this has taken me all week but my son and I completed our first HIM in Kona this past Saturday. It was wicked hot and due to not training on the run (because of my knee as you all know) I really suffered on the 13.1 miles. It was one of the toughest runs of my life and I lost a lot of time. I only had 8.5 minutes left to finish in time but I DID IT!!! Was the most amazing race of my life. My son finished about 90 minutes (or more) before me. The swim was the roughest water they have ever had (per the race people) but we didn't get the really bad Kona winds on the Road to Havi that I experienced on my training there. So throw it all together and the Hawaiian gods were smiling down on me. I will have the photos posted to my face book or to my personal place here on EN (don't know what to call that). Thanks for all of your support, Marianne I thought of you during the swim and Nemo I thought of you on the run and Linda and Katima and all of you who answered all of my silly questions early on.
I have to thank Al too, I used all of his tricks (sponges, Ice) to get through the run, OMG never felt that kind of heat. So they say this is the toughest HIM course out there, I say well if I can do it anyone can do it. I was so sore (my quads mostly) could barely walk for two days after. Even my hands were sore..... But anyways, been wanting to post this for days and just had to now. Will keep reading and helping in anyway I can but a major thanks was in order!!! Whoo hoo, Linda
Good luck EM EN racing chicas- Nemo & Becky this weekend! (Am I missing someone??) I know you will both be awesome!! You are checklist queens in prime form - who can beat that? I really enjoyed (most of) the time "in my box" during my race last weekend, hope you both do too
Suzanne - 112 on the trainer! OMG! I would definitely cut yourself some slack on that one, hopefully your elbow won't be too troublesome. Your mind is definitely in the right space!
Congrats Linda - how cool to do that with your son..burning quads are your reward! A reminder (every time you stand up!) of a job well done
This week has been a bit non-tri focused as I was coming down to earth after my race. Today my parents are moving out of their home where I grew up and my mother grew up
- it's pretty intense and putting a lot of things in perspective - in a good way. They are local, so there have been a lot of trips back and forth cleaning, moving "this is your life' type of stuff. A lot to be thankful for actually.
This weekend - it's back on!
Linda, congrats on race
Nemo, got the saddles today
I have tried Cobbs, Adamo (last fall) and recently Selle Italia T1 and Vitesse by Fizik. Today I went back and had my old worn out foam showing mt bike saddle put back on so i could ride a century on Saturday! Don't have new bike shoes worked out so got new cleats on 5 year old worn out specialized so I could ride the next week! was having trouble clipping in. but I got my Garmin paired with my Powertap!!! nice guys in www.competitivecyclist.com !!!! so I am good to go for Saturday
I ran 13.5 this morning, 11 of that with Heather and cool but humid as it was raining! but one guy on his bike said to us as he passed us. 'yall are having too much fun cuz I can hear your laughter from down the road!"...always good to chat with her and while out there passed Jo our GF on her bike also doing IMWI! so good morning and also saw our local Leah T, winner of Fargo marathon! so the die hards were out this morning!
Husband is feeling a bit better although bruised up and still at home but working! son is down in Guatemala and about to head up into the mts with a local who doesn't speak English!!! gonna spend the night! oh yeah.
okay scooting, I have been outside gardening and also enjoying some air mattress time in pool with youngest two! I must say I love summer and my favorite is laying on cheap air mattress with popsicle in hand! I hope you have a great day!! m
@Linda - AWESOME! Congrats!
@Marianne - nice job on the run and glad your hubby is feeling better!
Amazingly enough I did get up for my30 minute run today (well, didn't have to get up all that early to only do 30 minutes)... and will do a very short and easy swim tonight using a pull buoy per coach P's advice. then eat and pack... head is not at work today... but I'm not feeling all crazy about the race either. think I just want to get it done (and then go on vacation).
Happy Friday!
Weather for Eagleman looks typical. 90 degrees with 40% chance of thunderstorms (so gusty winds will likely be a factor). Wish us luck! I'm just waiting for my buddy Jim to pick me up and we'll start the drive to Cambridge. Hopefully we wont hit any traffic and can get to packet pickup tonight so we can just relax tomorrow and take care of checking out the swim, checking in the bike, and relaxing.
Hope the ladies in LP are having fun! I'd love to do that camp, sounds like a blast!
Good luck at Eagleman and have fun at LP camp!
Congratulations, Linda!
Work = insane. Budget planning, party planning, exhibit planning -- I don't know what I haven't done this week. Thankfully, it is quiet. The cross town classic + Blackhawks rally must be occupying lots of peoples' attention.
Good, good luck to all those racing this weekend! Get out there and have some fun! Also, all you lucky LP camp peeps have a wonderful time!
Good luck Nemo and Becky and any other chickas racing this weekend! I am positive you will nail all your times, dreams and have wonderful memories!
Nutty here to, but just wrapped up that quarterly publication so I should be a little calmer next week!
Good luck everyone. Be safe, race smart and enjoy!
Beth- kids are like IM's - you only remember the glory of the finish line, not the pain!
Aw Kris--the wedding!!! So wonderful. Pix as soon as you can!
@Kris - praying for no rain for you and cool temps and cloudy skies for me
thanks for all the well wishes, chicas! just got in from my 20 minute run, am charging my Garmin to pack it...then will go back over my lists (think I'm good to go). I will say I had just about everything nailed without a list, but having them to check over everything laying on my bed last night was a dream! I was calm, everything was falling into place. woo hoo! I even added a few things here and there and made a race plan yesterday at work (too hard to actually read comment summaries on transparency and the open Internet) which included some pep talking at the end.
Something is wrong with my L heel... when I got up it was tough to even put weight on it... hmm... I think a few of my crappy flip turns on Th and yesterday perhaps... I hope it's nothing serious. I was able to run (and it helped me concentrate on my form: leaning forward, landing midfoot...)
I hope other chicas racing this weekend (Nemo and Kate with me) and the folks at IMLP camp have wonderful times!!!
Oh, Kris! I hope you have a great wedding weekend!
It's been a chilly rainy weekend here in Denver. Made for an oddly fun trip to the Farmers Market yesterday and then general errand running before a loooong nap in the afternoon. Did some work all morning today and just started to get organized for my build to Boulder 70.3. I synched up my training plan in the tool and saw the 2x20 for Tuesday....huh?!? Am i really ready for that again? That means I may have to get o'l Roo back on the trainer! Holy cow.
Can't wait for race stories from this weekend...Becky and Nemo.
...and wedding stories, Kris!!
Eagleman ladies! Can't wait for the report. And the wedding report from Kris (pics, or it didn't happen).
I'm tapering and took a mental RandR weeekend before the big High Cliff/Reunion/12 Weeks from IMWI weekend. There have been dinner parties with wine, picnics with indian food, strawberry tarts, and cupcakes. Ugh. Why is there a certain part of training where I know I can't have more than 1/2 a glass of wine and be happy with the next day's workout?
My smart sister talked me off the HIM swim ledge today and loaned me her much cooler than mine wetsuit. She also helped me assess the wardrobe for reunion and answer key questions, like "do I really need to wear a bra with this dress?" and which T-shirt is cutest? Yup. Wardrobe is a fantstic place to transfer pre-event jitters and excitement.
I've also been having fun trying to remembe what my taste is music was like during college. Lots of it? Seriously annoying. Why did I buy so much Dave Matthew Band? And see him in concert? (multiple times) I've seriously been neglecting Peter Gabriel and Sting. And it was seriously fun being a raging baby feminist in flannel, fueled by lots of Ani Difranco, Indigo Girls, Dar Williams.
morning ladies... I survived Eagleman.... WOW I thought the run last year was rough...nothing compared to yesterday! I put together my official report and will post it momentarily... but I will say that I stayed in my box - and recited the mantra ride the ride I should not the ride I could... when folks were whizzing by me on the bike. That stunk big time! I was slower than last year (bummer)... but all in all, fell okay about it. I am looking forward to the results to see how I stack up - hopefully my ranking improved even though my time didn't.
It was awesome to meet some EN'ers.... finally met Nemo! Nemo met Kate (another cowgirl) and we all met lots of EN guys. The pre-race dinner was lots of fun - and cheering on EN jerseys of folks I hadn't met yet on the course was fun!
Thanks to you all for the support!
GREAT JOB BECKY!!! Looks like you had some "weather to deal with too", having just done a 70.3 the week before, I wondered if your quads were wicked tired, and I know what you mean by your box, except I think I only ended up passing maybe 3 people but hey!! Done deal right??? Super duuper
@Linda - done deal is right! my quads are feeling it today that's for darn sure! More foam rolling is on my agenda...
what... med tent... OMG. So glad you're okay! I definitely felt light headed and nauseous afterwards... was surprised I kept food down to be honest... but sitting in shade and drinking everything I could get my hands on helped... wow wow wow... glad you're okay. And glad your calf held up! That is music to my ears!
Marianne, so glad you are missing the flooding. Such a tragedy there.
Sunday morning we started at 4:20 a.m. to get to Shelby's race and had a vehicle:deer incident. We did make it to the race and she placed 2nd in her age group so that was fun. So much fun to watch your kids do what they love! Linda, my other daughter is out in Maine cooking at a camp. She LOVES it. She is in Poland Spring, ME.
OK...I've been neglecting this forum and wanted to check in to see what I missed...which was a LOT. Take care all!
Kathy: Congrats at Liberty---the weather looked like the antithesis of EM, which is tough as well!
Kris: Wedding weekend! I had no idea it was this soon. I hope you and your daughter had a wonderful celebration. Can't wait to see pics!
Marianne: Good to hear the flooding didn't come close to you. Sounds like you are back from low thyroid land!
Nemo: Ahhh, the Eagleman medical tent. I'm a frequent flyer there. Hope you're recovered from that race. Trying to not get overheated in that kind of humidity is TOUGH. Did you meet any pros in the tent? I met Tirrenzo Bozzone in the EM med tent in 2008---He has the most luscious hair!
Well, the EN LP rally was sooo much fun! It was great to meet Suzanne, Tracy, Carie, Keith, Eric V, Mike G, Dominic, and Joe P. The weather was overcast, cool; and it rained on Sat, making for a soaking run. I've ridden and run the IMLP more than a dozen times. I'm happy to say that each time I ride it it seems less steep and not as far as the very first time. Early summer in the Adirondacks was just gorgeous this year. No black flies (maybe we were just riding and running too fast! Ha!). And the roadside was full of all kinds of wildflowers: blue vetch, lupine, violets. Lots of fly fishermen in the Ausable River too. I felt so blessed to live in Upstate NY---so remind me of this I heart NY moment come Feb!