@Kristen, Linda - thanks for the tips... went to the grocery store yesterday with paleo in mind. lots of fruits (fresh and frozen) and veggies. I got wild halibut, free range chx and buffalo... and kefir (remember him saying he put that in smoothies), almond milk, and half and half (couldn't go full cream) for coffee. So, after a smoothie in the morning and a salad for lunch I did break down and have a bowl of cereal yesterday- pre-swim, but stuck to fish and veggies while Dan ate couscous. This morning I made a smoothie with kefir (a little tart but not bad) and made a spinach and strawberry salad for lunch with avacado, seeds and nuts. So, now that I have kefir and almond milk - bring on the smoothie recipes! (translation: help). Looking forward to the farmers market this weekend to pick up some fresh eggs and greens!
@Kristen - you're doing the 20 week IM? Hmm... wondering if I should? Since I left OS early and did 6 weeks for HIM, the coaches approved my doing 8 weeks of general prep (block 2 twice) then 12 IM... nerve wracking... hope it will work. But I will admit, looking at this week, it looks do-able with some long as rides this weekend. I got in the pool yesterday, felt horrible and out of shape. Couldn't get up to run this morning so I'll do it tonight (2x1miles) - possibly on a dreadmill bc it's darn hot and humid... and there's the ever present threat of t-storms.
@Marianne - glad Grace set you straight. I'm trying to get outside to swim more to work on my lines... getting there, but my shoulders and my crescent are still hysterical.
@Suzanne - ouch! but funny all the same... very reminiscent of my trying to swim with my hand brace (well, I did as much kicking as swimming for a few weeks)... getting out of the pool, even with a ladder nearby, with only one hand was tough! Can you kick (can you hold your arm out in front of you)... perhaps do alternating swimming and kicking sets to rest the elbow? Fortunately I had a cloth swim cap that I could use, no way I could have put on one of the plastic ones. Dear lord!
Quick check-in because work is demanding rockstar today (and this month).
Suzanne -- You could always do lots of my favorite one-armed swimming while holding a kickboard drill. That thing kills me.
LInda -- Lots of chopping! Who knew knife skills class would be such a great triathlon investment?
Me -- back from northern Wisconsin, High Cliff, and my college reunion. Reunion was ridiculously fun. No members of my usual college crew were there (the conservatory/fencer/comp sci/art nerds) so I hung out with the bio majors and the members of the university's old alternate fraternity. Spiritually, I may be a bio major. Who knew? I also slept in my freshman year dorm, and ate lots of upgraded cafteria food. Lawrence has a beautiful garden. I ate dinner made with food from the garden, while overlooking it and the river from the fancy, new student center. College life has definitely been upgraded since the days of chicken-o's!
I traveled to reunion with an old friend, who I hadn't seen since college, who turned out to be a very high maintenance house guest/roommate for the weekend. Coming back to campus after High Cliff all covered in race sweat and mud, to find my towel, dirty and on the floor? Totally ruined my calm. And the list of stupid stuff like that goes on.
Barb: Glad your training is going well---hope that epidural helps!
Michele: Ack! Sorry to hear about your vacation---being seasick SUCKS! I hope you're feeling better now that you're on land.
Suzanne: That elbow: what doesn't kill us makes for really good stories, doesn't it? I totally hear ya about just going on with the swim because you got up early, paid, painfully put on that swim cap. How's the range of motion?
The Paleo thing: yes, I have to go to the grocery store more often and spend more time cutting, peeling, chopping plant matter. I think it's worth it. My calorie budget for the day is -500Cal so I can lose 1 pound a week. Even with all the training, I don't know how I could eat non-Paleo food, stay within that Cal budget, and not feel like be hungry (and really, really crossed-eyed hungry!) all the time. The bulk (fiber) from all the fruit and veggies has made my constipation problem completely gone. I've also found that I'm better hydrated (peeing clear). As for the timing of carbs before and after workouts, I've been eating whole wheat bread, potatoes, and brown rice. During the workout, it's Infinit and gels as usual. The weight it coming off (from the caloric reduction), but the biggest benefit is that I don't feel hungry. The other benefits is that I do feel better and my skin is with less acne. I was in Richmond, Va this weekend for my DH's Xterra race. It was 4 days of eating non-Paleo more or less. I felt like crap. Glad to be back home and eating clean again.
Becky, if I remember from an earlier post from one of the coaches, the first 8 weeks of the 20 week IM program are the same as General Prep 1 (first 4 weeks) and General prep 2 (second 2 weeks). If you did 2 rounds of General prep 2, you would just be working a little harder/longer those first 4 weeks then you "have" to.
Beth, your reunion sounds great, but sorry about your difficult houseguest! What a drag!
Suzanne, how in the world did you continue to swim with all that arm pain? You have plenty of mental toughness!
Kitima, are you counting calories along with the Paleo thing? I may try that, just to see where my daily level is.
Ladies, I'm having a really hard time wanting to train for IMFL, and it's only just begun. I don't mind the day to day stuff, but I'm already dreading spending my precious weekends getting up early to get those long rides in, and spending hours on the bike all weekend. This attitude is not good. My other limiter, these days, is that I hurt my heel 2 weeks ago and haven't been able to run a step since. Carrie and Leigh gave me some great advice, but I've broken down and made a doctor's appointment with a sports specialist for tomorrow morning. I have no idea how long I'll be out of running, and pool running (tried it this morning) is just not the same. Hopefully this doctor can get me on the road to recovery asap. If I have to pool run for weeks I might lose my mind!
Kristen--I'm at the 12-week mark and I feel the same what you do! DREADING the back-to-back weekend rides. I'm not wild about that schedule at all. Like Rich says, however, you have to see the fun in the DAY. If that's not motivating to you, then maybe rethink? No shame in that. The training is hard, there's no way around it, but it shouldn't be SO awful that you hate it with every fiber of your being--maybe just most of them. I won't speak for others here, but I know there are a few other WI chicas who aren't so far from where you are either. It's just get it done, and enjoy the day. The DAY is great--that's what you hold on to.
That said, I try not to dwell on the fact that I am anxious for WI to be over b/c this is my LAST, LAST, LAST one. I just can't/don't want to do this anymore to this degree. Next year will be sprints and Olys, maybe a HIM road trip to meet up with chicas again, but that's it. No more Ironman for me. What I have needed to learn for my evolution and spirit, which is how I use the training and the race, I am have already instilled. Hang in there and just poin to the DAY if you can, then reassess.
Oh Kristen- please don't get your head all wrapped up in training for IMFL just yet!!! It's soooooooo far away- you do NOT need to be spending tons of hours on weekends on your bike. The wonderful thing about IMFL is that it's so late you can actually enjoy a little summer before you get serious. The really horrible thing about IMFL is that it's so freaking late that you will feel like you are training FOREVER if you don't take some down time from the structure. Is this the 20 week out mark? I'd say maybe stay in the OS or even better yet, jump into a HIM plan for the next 5-6 weeks and maybe even consider scheduling a race to look forward to in that time. Doesn't have to be a HIM, maybe an Oly or even a Half Mary or a 10K. Give yourself something ELSE to focus on right now. If you start thinking IMFL here in June you are going to be NUTZ by October!!!
hey girls, checking in, stinkin hot here but a pleasant sight, you know one of those Mom moments. my 16 year old is out in the pool (backyard) with my daughter and her friend and then his friend also 16 is there with his two little sisters!! four girls under the age of 9! and you know that nothing is gonna happen to them as "protect sister" is in standard operating manual for big brothers! both of them play football and have dead period the next two weeks!!
Daniel also just grilled us some steaks, Tbone, cuz my iron is still on low side of normal, at #12 and doc said lower than Easter time!! so yes the last week I have been tired. and thought something was up. He said take two iron pills per day... I can hardly remember one of them but will try and y'all can remind me!!
** back to back rides. The last 8 weeks of IM training? I was so thankful to have the energy that it felt great to get back out there. I naturally want to run long on Sunday mornings so I had to transition out of that. Having friends helps with all things and the Sunday ride has become one of me and hubby's favorites as we have gotten together with other tri friends for it.
this sunday? yep my first TT, now how should I set up my Garmin, hit lap after 40' to get my power test or hit it every 20' and record the last 40;???
@Kristen... I know, 20 weeks away is such a long time to be training. But we can do it! I purposely signed up for "fun races" before the 12 week drop dead date so it will go by more easily (I hope)... I've got a small, local OLY in July (after a 4th of July getaway), a fun tri club training "race" at the end of the month, then another OLY in early Aug followed by Timberman... lots to keep my mind on taking it one race at a time... hope I don't burn out... but I'm looking at these next 8 weeks the way I did for OS/HIM... if I'm not feeling it, I'm just not feeling it. November is a ways away and skipping a run or a ride or cutting a workout short here or there won't do me in. (heck, since this will be my first IM, I'm guaranteed a PR)! Hang in there... you're not alone!
@Marianne - wow, a TT... good luck! I'm too chicken for that... at least right now (bike handling is suffering)... can't wait to hear all about it!
@the Paleo gals - so far so good today (day 2), the only carbs was my pre-swim cereal yesterday... are salted nuts okay (I'm guessing salt is fine in moderation since he talks about spices)? regardless, that's all I could find at CVS ... I made sure there are no peanuts in the mix but the oil is peanut and/or cottonseed (love ingredient labels that don't even know what the heck is in the can)... I'm noticing a bit of a headache. I don't think it's hydration or hunger - although I definitely need to bring snacks to the office in addition to fruit (why I ended up at CVS, ran out of almonds and raisins this morning - have started a trader joes shopping list). Other ideas for desk-storable snacks? Wonder if it's lack of carb pangs... Tonight is an hour run, so I may have a granola bar soon and it's darn hot out so I suspect the infinit mix will make an appearance even though it's just a 60 minute workout... and might add some brown rice or something with dinner... I know it will be a little bit before results are in for me... want to give it 30 days to see if I'm noticably feeling more energy and lighter/body comp better... VERY relieved that red wine is on the okay list (in moderation)! I definitely need some help with sorting all of this out including which dairy is okay and which isn't - seems like he's anti-milk, but kefir is okay and I vaguely recall reading that cottage cheese and regular cheese is okay, too... huh? and are we talking the full fat stuff (I don't eat a lot of cheese but get 2% when I buy it and 1% cottage cheese - which I'd love to keep in the routine with all of this fruit). Not quite done with the book yet, hopefully this week (and hopefully there are some lists to help me out).
Went to drs this morning for bloodwork- full workup (including my TSH, T-3 Free and T-4 Free! Then... a tasty smoothie (for Becky- it's 1 cup lite Almond milk, 1/2 banana, handful frozen strawberries & razberries and 1 scoop of Isopure whey protein- 275-300 cals and it was enough to split into two servings)
Day 2 of IM training- not sure what the OS swim transition is but if I hadn't been swimming since Jan and done the half plan, I would have already died. Those sprint MS's kick my tail! Did speedwork at track last night. Still having calf/quad issues (which think came from a weakened right knee). Have chiro appt tomorrow to get hip adjusted so hoping that helps as well. Found out in first year of training that a chiro appt and massage every 6 weeks during training makes for a much happier painfree body! My right hip gets out of alignment- they think- due to running on cambered surfaces (road) where right is always lower.
Oddly enough it's not the back to back long rides I dread (seems I've been doing them for a while already), it's the getting up early. AIP 5:30am last two days but not back in cycle of early bedtimes yet.
I'm following a modified Paleo thing. Am limiting carbs but not as restrictive as Paleo likes or the dairy. I don't do alot of dairy but some white cheeses and small cup of yogurt now and then. One great thing with summertime perfect for Paleo are kabobs. I've done chicken, yellow & red peppers, onions and pineapple and tonight is steak, green & red peppers, onion & pineapple. I'll chop up the stuff night before (and you chop in big pieces so not so much work) throw in a big ziplock bag with marinade of choice (chicken was sesame ginger, steak tonight is terrayki). Thread them on skewers, throw on the grill and in a few mins... tasty dinner (and they reheat well too so make some extra for lunches!) Have some fresh corn on the cob to go on the grill too! Yum, Yum!!!!
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE grilled pineapple! My favorite part of kabobs!
Here's a little trick my DH and I do for kabobs....we buy chicken breasts in bulk here at out Super Grocery Store (Wegman's). When we have a free minute once we bring them home, we either cut them up in kabob style or keep them whole. Put them in a ziploc baggie (we do 2 servings per baggie) and pour in some marinade. Then FREEZE. When you get them out to defrost, they'll marinate themselves!
Heavy rain in and out here today. Bagged the ride and had a greasy cheeseburger with the fam instead!
Good on you, Kris! Let us know how things check out. I am forever in your debt with the smoothie thing--you opened up a whole new world for me!!! 100% with you on keeping the swim going. The past two days have been 16x100, plus the other stuff! Try that cold out of the blocks. Not happenin'.
Taking a shade off the running and the bike until the weekend to recover from the AB. I know I didn't do a whole HIM, but I did ride .77 for 3:18, so I think that deserves some recovery respect--at least it does in this old aging bod!
Oh...while I'm thinking of it...I wanted to share my favorite paleo recipe. Not doing it right now, but I eat this a lot anyway. I think the recipe is in one of the paleo books.
Peel and slice an apple. Peel and slice 2-3 full size carrots. Put all the pieces in a "chopper" or food processor. Chop it all up. You'll end up a delicious little carrot/apple salad. Sometimes I add raisins after it's chopped up or sprinkle on a little lemon juice. yum-o!
Kris, I got my blood taken today too!!! wow, I get pretty faint and can't think straight, you know one of "those kinds" so think about the beach and it calms me down. I hate it.
thanks for the grill/freezer ideas, Dana... I chop up chicken when I buy it all the time, never thought of pre-marinating... great idea! and the carrot apple slaw sounds quite tasty (I may try it soon... perhaps adding walnuts or pecans and some cinnamon)!
Not being much a meat eater (well, I should say red meat or pork) since I was 14... I grilled my very first ever burgers today. Seriously, I've never made my own burgers before! and, no, I didn't put them on the foreman grill... I bought free-range, hormone free buffalo at Whole Paychecks the other day so I seasoned it up (egg, salt, pepper, rosemary, garlic) and pattied them up. and voila. Grilled up some asparagus and eggplant while I was at it, then sliced a tomato and drizzled with oil and balsamic. I must say I was quite pleased with myself... with a glass of red wine I was stuffed! I'll take half a burger with me for lunch tomorrow with my salad... heck, I might even go nuts and make an egg and spinach frittata tomorrow morning... but let's not get too carried away! I've got chix and an assortment of peppers (red, yellow, orange) - so I suspect kabobs are in my future, too! I'll have to pick up some mushrooms and onion (I generally don't like onion, but for some reason grilled is a-ok).
@Kristen - I asked the coaches about whether I should do block 2 of general prep 2x or go ahead and do 20 weeks of IM and Rich came up with a third scenario altogether... go back to the end of OS for a few weeks if I'm comfortable with it. In his humble opinion I'm ahead of where I need to be to start GP and IM prep... so I can go back to building speed (provided I work in 1-2 swims a week and be sure my weekend runs are 1:20-1:30 and rides are 2.5-3 hours)... Honestly, that was kind of a relief... he's worried about burn out... and I'm not speedy and cut OS short to do the HIM prep... so I think this will work well... I'll do 4 weeks of OS then jump into the week 5 of IM... and have 4 weeks of that to gear up for my next HIM all the while having some fun with racing these next 8 weeks. This puts my head in a better place... besides, I'm not planning to quality for Kona this go round... ha ha...
I knew the coaches would have a good answer for you, Becky! That sounds like a good, fun plan.
All the paleo tips are great! I'll try the pre-marinating idea. I spent an hour today chopping up lots of fruit and prepping some extra veggies, and making some 96% lean grass fed beef patties to stash for when I need a lean protein but don't have anything. Dinner tonight was an Ellie Krieger recipe, greek stuffed peppers with spinach and bulgur mixed in, and some sauteed kale. Good stuff!
Thanks, everyone, for the advice and support about the IM. I do want to have some fun in the plan, but first I have to run. I'm scheduled for a sprint tri this weekend but I refuse to walk the 5k so I'm just not going to go. Hopefully this doc tomorrow will get me fixed up quickly so I can run again! I'm not going to do anything drastic at this point like not train or withdraw from the race; I'm going to give myself at least 2 months to figure out where I am and what I want. I know I can count on all of you for helping me to decide when the time comes.
Kristen- sounds to me like you've got your head on strait. Hang in there and let us know how the running goes. I had totally forgotten you were injured (so sorry!)
Marianne- OK, it's a Go. I got the hall pass from Joe and the OK from the RD to do the TT this weekend solo (it's a Team TT race, but he's letting me drop in as a solo rider). I've even got a ride to the race with fellow roadies- so I'm all set. So I'm gonna be channeling tons of Marianne Mojo during this TT!!!! When I feel like backing off, I'm gonna remember that you are out there suffering with me too! OK? Pinky Pact!!
@Becky- Nice vaca in Cabo. Pretty bracelet. Dan and you are lucky to have each other
@Suzanne- One armed flop is very funny. I missed that you broke your elbow. Bike crash? Hope you are healed up soon.
@Nemo and Marianne- TTs are lots of fun. I love that they hold you up and you are already clipped in. Marianne, don't worry about trying to hit the buttons on the PM. Just ride. After you down load it you can look at all different time periods and decide what your numbers are like. Or have Patrick look at it.
@Kristen- Heal up, sorry you are on injured reserve.
Just trying to catch up on forum. Sorry if I missed anyone. You ladies truly inspire and give great food tips. Love the cut/ marinate/ freeze idea Becky.
Swim update: Swim cap: On! Pulling: Better! Yardage: 3000! Getting out of the pool: Ladder.
So yeah, this morning's workout was vastly better than last week's. I've been feeling some snapping and cracking in my forearm - that sounds terrible doesn't it? - what I mean is, for the past few days I've had the sensation that I need to wiggle my arm to crack the joint and sometimes I can. I'm taking it as a sign that things are loosening up in there.
Dana, I like that pre-marinade idea even though I'm a little bitter about the Wegman's mention (love you! miss you!). I usually trim up and freeze individual chicken breasts when I buy them but I hadn't thought to marinade. I'm also a big fan of using the slow cooker on bulk, dried beans and grains and then freezing cupfuls in baggies.
I'm jealous of you TT ladies! I don't even know if there are ones near me...maybe I should look into that because I loathe FTP testing.
Hi ladies. I've been out of the loop herfe for a few days, as I haven't been in the forum here for a bit. I hope everyone is doing well, healing, kicking @$$, and just generally enjoying life. I'm waiting with anticipation, my epidural on July 8th, for the pinched nerve on both sides of L3. Lots of lower back, butt, and leg pain, which is getting worse by the day. July 10th is Muncie Endurathon, so I'll see how well the epidural works! Big question here about what to wear during the IM. I'm doing Louisville, and of course it will be hot and humid. Was thinking to wear a swim suit, change into bike shorts and jersey, then run shorts/top, so I have fresh, dry clothes throughout the day. Only problem is that I'm super slow in transition, and trying to get dry clothes onto a wet body isn't easy at any speed. Should I plan these changes that may take a lot of time that I don't have to spare, or wear a pair of tri shorts and top for all 3? Inquiring minds want to know. I need to order either new run shorts or tri shorts soon. So any comments from experience are most certainly appreciated!
Barb- it always depends on your goals. Long transitions don't matter if your goal is to finish with a smile. If you are looking for speed- well changing clothes is out. Personally I'll sacrifice time for comfort. If it were me, I'd swim in whatever was fastest. Personally I need boob control, so for non wetsuit swimming, I actually wear my sports bra under my bathing suit (also eliminates trying to put it on later). T1 is bathing suit off, bike shorts, socks, tri top on and probably not pulled all the way down unless a volunteer helps. T2 I change my shorts and socks. The top is usually the same. My $.02
to find the TT near you. this will be a roadie ride! and not listed under triathlon stuff if you google it. so it will be on the calendar for cycling, hence the different license, not USAT and not mt biking either, $5 for a one day pass. Cat 4 is beginning with Cat 1 being fastest. non drafting and you already ride aero... so see? you can't lose! you gotta do a power test anyways... gotta wear a jersey though!! I rode the course today with friend Heather and mine is a flat road with ridges and a few potholes with a sweet narrow path if you look carefully... with cars coming by had to take a hit in the potholes/ridges!! this sorta is windy as out in the open, rural Arkansas and we parked at a huge truck stop!!! I mean I have never seen so many trucks in one location and they all pull out at certain times, the stop had showers and all sorts to include a barber!! good on them holding me!! if you remember the dvd from Ironman KY, I made the highlight DVD for my hilarious attempt at getting clipped in after the swim!! I get my new shoes today and right now my new cleat is still stiff on right side so hope will all be fixed. no luck on saddles so riding old one until after the race.
okay so I was inspired by Matt Ancona...
Since Nemo and I are riding a 40k TT this weekend... 24.8 miles y'all take guess on our respective times. not planning on facing off... with her but do plan on channeling the GF power we got going on!!
Nemo's time? My time?
I am sure Nemo will agree.. but the winner of Nemo and the winner of Marianne, will receive a nice thank you.. maybe just a card but some such!!
Love that idea Marianne!!!! We'll push each other to go harder and the Chica's can battle it out for guessing our times!
Suzanne- there's definately a few TT's in your area (Chuch Creek in Cambridge was a week before Eagleman). Most of them do registration through BikeReg.com, so look there for races near you.
Kristen -- I went back to the OS (well, the supersized OS) and am in a surprisingly good mental state twelve weeks out. I want to train hard! I can't wait to hit a loop of the IMWI course this weekend! Training is fun! It makes me write lots of things with exclamation points!
Becky -- I also need to start packing snacks. I've had lunch. And the fruit basket at work is starting to look really picked over. What does everyone pack? My usual kashi granola bars don't seem very paleo. And this ironman training is making me hungry!
Kabobs - genius.
Linda - My "aquabike" definitely felt like a whole triathlon. Rest up, chica!
This morning, I did my brick run to the fabulous farmer's market near the zoo in my neighborhood. I hadn't been before and it was truly fantastic. The haul: homemade tofu, chinese broccoli, baby bok choy, heirloom tomatoes, a beautiful sirloin, lettuce, fennel, and fava beans.
@Beth - glad to know a return to OS isn't unheard of. I'm actually very relieved... even if just 4 weeks, it will be nice to back off the volume a bit (especially after a week off). Not to mention, hopefully I can get the paleo/primal eating thing down by then and drop a few more lbs.
@Suz - congrats on the better swim experience and positioning yourself closer to the ladder. let me know when/if you can bike and want some company.
@Kristen - hang in there... being injured blows... I spent so much time this last 9 months injured for one reason or another. It's hard to deal with but do what you can and be thankful for that! Shuffling along at Eagleman the notion of how much I've overcome in life not to mention this past year helped... I'm thinking of starting a week 1 post in the FL thread... I like having other folks to check in with who are training...
@Barb - I have the same question for FL... not planning to break any records but was thinking if, for no other reason, the ease of putting dry clothes on a wet body, to go with the tri shorts under the wetsuit... but I have a lot of time to figure that out.
@paleo/primal gals: so last night dinner was a success (although I'm sure it pales in comparison to anything Beth can whip up with her eyes closed). This morning I strayed and had a Luna bar pre-run, and post run breakfast was cereal (kashi go lean) with lots of fruit and almond milk (bummer that I realized I didn't get the unsweetened stuff... ugh... I tried to be good - now I know for my next shopping trip). My rationalization was a bit of carbs immediately preceding/following a workout is tolerable. Right? Since then I've been on the money today (actually the last 3 days). Nuts and raisins for a snack. Salad with fruit and nuts with a leftover bison burger for lunch... am starting to get hungry again so will likely dip back into my nut stash and have a nectarine... mental note: get a bigger plastic bowl for lunch salads. As far as other snack options: it seems like cheese is okay, right? So maybe some string cheese or cottage cheese to have with fruit... I think that would be safe in my office fridge... other ideas? I thought about trying to find some turkey jerkey, but the stuff at CVS had so many things I couldn't pronounce in the ingredient list I opted against it... maybe the meat truck at the farmers' market will have something for me...
Re CDA this weekend - not sure if we have any chicas heading to race... if so, good luck. I have a few tri club friends going... one of whom I'm worried about... if you could all say a special prayer for my buddy Doug Hartman I'd appreciate it. He's a super super nice guy... and this will be his 3rd IM attempt. He's missed the swim cutoff 2x - at CDA and IMFL last year. Watching at IMFL just about broke my heart... he missed by maybe 2 minutes (and the conditions were pretty choppy)... amazingly, even though they took his chip off, they let him bike and he more than made up for the deficit - coming in well ahead of the bike cutoff... I know he's been really working on his swim, went to an open water clinic in FL, etc... and I would give anything for him to get through the race. So, please send good thoughts his way.
So Beth, when are you going to open your own restaurant? Everything you cook sounds so good!
Suzanne, that's great that your arm is getting better! The cracking would freak me out, though.
Becky, my paleo snacks are pretty boring. I cook extra veggies when I have time, and will eat those as a snack, with or without a little lean protein if I have it. I'm loving the summer fruits for snacks, too...watermelon, canteloupe, pineapple, peaches, blackberries, blueberries...Black or blueberries with a little almond butter on top are pretty good. I keep a bag of mixed nuts (raw) on hand for snacking, too. I find that by the end of the work week I am fairly sick of eating vegetables, and I am a veggie lover!
Good news on the foot front! The doctor said that my tendons are fine, but that I have a localized periosteal reaction on the bone, similar to shin splints except on my calcaneus bone. He demonstrated how my left leg (same side as affected foot) is weaker, less flexible, and "tighter" than my right leg, from my butt to my feet. That's the same side I have piriformis syndrome on, so that wasn't such a big surprise. Anyway, he loosened up the heel joint a little, and applied a wrap for me to wear, and used a laser directly on the area. He also gave me some shoe recommendations with more lateral stability. I felt great walking out of his office, maybe 50% better, but after the shoe guy had me run in the store to try out the new shoes it hurts again! I go back next week for a recheck and more laser therapy. Overall I feel good about it, and I'm ready to get better!
Barb and Becky--you can transition really quick if you put your mind to it. Rich told me my first IM transition times (pre EN) were "patently unacceptable" (LOL!), and he would punch me in my non-existent nutz if I did that again. Gotta love it. So all I can tell you, is that if you focus on the transition like a laser beam, (and if you race the EN way, you will be uber-focused and not distracted all day long) then you can get in and out in a hurry.
FWIW, I swam in my EN singlet and a bikini bottom under my wetsuit. I picked a bikini bottom so I could quick change into my dry bike shorts. I got out of the Gulf, got stripped, to the tent, bikini bottom off. On went bike shorts, socks, bike shoes, and jacket (it was windy and cold), helmet, sunglasses and gloves. I was out in 8' total, which is respectable and avoided the wrath of Rich. Oh, and I lubed everything up before the swim, and had extra bag balm smeared on the chamois in my bike shorts in the transition bag.
I wear EN jog bra, EN singlet and Voler black tri shorts, so stinkin hot in KY that you will be wet and nasty anyways!!! just sayin', but yes I have done the bikini bottom thing too. but back to IM, I stay in wet bike shorts and pedal on.. but I change into dry run shorts for the run and stay in singlet that rides up and if hot take it off and wrap it around my waist and put it back on towards end of run. You need to pract transition such as the workout.. very nice to do in taper, wet, out of water, practice T1, hop on bike, ride 5', T2.. do that over and over and it will help. all of that hard work in training will be lost by taking too long of a time in transition... that is "free time"....but I say practice all of that and if you don't like it, then practice what you do like..... so if you want dry clothes before each sport, then practice it. m
Thanks all, for the advice! I most definately will practice my transitions! I'm thinking of swimming in my tri suit, which is uber easy to strip out of, then put on tri top/shorts for the bike and the run. Kristin, glad you're getting your foot issue cleared up. My left side is the tight one as well. Hope you are back on the mend, and 100% soon! Marianne and Nemo, good luck with your TT!!!!!!!!!!!! @Beth, those exclamation points were for you as well! I am certainly impressed by the dedication and perserverance of all of you doing the Paleo thing. I bought the book, have barely started reading it, but haven't started doing the Paleo thing yet. Quite the opposite....I am eating like a Sumo Wrestler!!! OMG! If it isn't nailed down, it's going in my mouth! Wouldn't be bad if it were all fruits and veggies!!! But, I have been very bad this past week or so...Oreos.... They aren't my friend, and I know that, but for some reason, they are jumping into my mouth at an alarming rate! I must keep up with the forum, for some healthy eating mojo!! @ Becky, good vibes being sent to your friend Doug, as we speak!! It sounds like he is a trooper, going ahead with the bike in FL when he had already missed his swim cutoff! Something tells me he will do it this time! Good luck to him!!! I can really relate about the swim time thing, as I am slow as a barge. Still working hard to pick it up. Suzanne, glad your elbow is getting better! That cracking would freak me out though! Everyone have a wonderful, safe day! I'm planning my 120' run today. It's a beautiful morning here in NW IN, after terrible storms rumbling through last night.
Marianne- your first TT? Really? Well get ready for another fun new experience!!
@Kristen, Linda - thanks for the tips... went to the grocery store yesterday with paleo in mind. lots of fruits (fresh and frozen) and veggies. I got wild halibut, free range chx and buffalo... and kefir (remember him saying he put that in smoothies), almond milk, and half and half (couldn't go full cream) for coffee. So, after a smoothie in the morning and a salad for lunch I did break down and have a bowl of cereal yesterday- pre-swim, but stuck to fish and veggies while Dan ate couscous. This morning I made a smoothie with kefir (a little tart but not bad) and made a spinach and strawberry salad for lunch with avacado, seeds and nuts. So, now that I have kefir and almond milk - bring on the smoothie recipes! (translation: help). Looking forward to the farmers market this weekend to pick up some fresh eggs and greens!
@Kristen - you're doing the 20 week IM? Hmm... wondering if I should? Since I left OS early and did 6 weeks for HIM, the coaches approved my doing 8 weeks of general prep (block 2 twice) then 12 IM... nerve wracking... hope it will work. But I will admit, looking at this week, it looks do-able with some long as rides this weekend. I got in the pool yesterday, felt horrible and out of shape. Couldn't get up to run this morning so I'll do it tonight (2x1miles) - possibly on a dreadmill bc it's darn hot and humid... and there's the ever present threat of t-storms.
@Marianne - glad Grace set you straight.
I'm trying to get outside to swim more to work on my lines... getting there, but my shoulders and my crescent are still hysterical.
@Suzanne - ouch!
but funny all the same... very reminiscent of my trying to swim with my hand brace (well, I did as much kicking as swimming for a few weeks)... getting out of the pool, even with a ladder nearby, with only one hand was tough! Can you kick (can you hold your arm out in front of you)... perhaps do alternating swimming and kicking sets to rest the elbow? Fortunately I had a cloth swim cap that I could use, no way I could have put on one of the plastic ones. Dear lord!
Quick check-in because work is demanding rockstar today (and this month).
Suzanne -- You could always do lots of my favorite one-armed swimming while holding a kickboard drill. That thing kills me.
LInda -- Lots of chopping! Who knew knife skills class would be such a great triathlon investment?
Me -- back from northern Wisconsin, High Cliff, and my college reunion. Reunion was ridiculously fun. No members of my usual college crew were there (the conservatory/fencer/comp sci/art nerds) so I hung out with the bio majors and the members of the university's old alternate fraternity. Spiritually, I may be a bio major. Who knew? I also slept in my freshman year dorm, and ate lots of upgraded cafteria food. Lawrence has a beautiful garden. I ate dinner made with food from the garden, while overlooking it and the river from the fancy, new student center. College life has definitely been upgraded since the days of chicken-o's!
I traveled to reunion with an old friend, who I hadn't seen since college, who turned out to be a very high maintenance house guest/roommate for the weekend. Coming back to campus after High Cliff all covered in race sweat and mud, to find my towel, dirty and on the floor? Totally ruined my calm. And the list of stupid stuff like that goes on.
Michele: Ack! Sorry to hear about your vacation---being seasick SUCKS! I hope you're feeling better now that you're on land.
Suzanne: That elbow: what doesn't kill us makes for really good stories, doesn't it? I totally hear ya about just going on with the swim because you got up early, paid, painfully put on that swim cap. How's the range of motion?
The Paleo thing: yes, I have to go to the grocery store more often and spend more time cutting, peeling, chopping plant matter. I think it's worth it. My calorie budget for the day is -500Cal so I can lose 1 pound a week. Even with all the training, I don't know how I could eat non-Paleo food, stay within that Cal budget, and not feel like be hungry (and really, really crossed-eyed hungry!) all the time. The bulk (fiber) from all the fruit and veggies has made my constipation problem completely gone. I've also found that I'm better hydrated (peeing clear). As for the timing of carbs before and after workouts, I've been eating whole wheat bread, potatoes, and brown rice. During the workout, it's Infinit and gels as usual. The weight it coming off (from the caloric reduction), but the biggest benefit is that I don't feel hungry. The other benefits is that I do feel better and my skin is with less acne.
I was in Richmond, Va this weekend for my DH's Xterra race. It was 4 days of eating non-Paleo more or less. I felt like crap. Glad to be back home and eating clean again.
Becky, if I remember from an earlier post from one of the coaches, the first 8 weeks of the 20 week IM program are the same as General Prep 1 (first 4 weeks) and General prep 2 (second 2 weeks). If you did 2 rounds of General prep 2, you would just be working a little harder/longer those first 4 weeks then you "have" to.
Beth, your reunion sounds great, but sorry about your difficult houseguest! What a drag!
Suzanne, how in the world did you continue to swim with all that arm pain? You have plenty of mental toughness!
Kitima, are you counting calories along with the Paleo thing? I may try that, just to see where my daily level is.
Ladies, I'm having a really hard time wanting to train for IMFL, and it's only just begun. I don't mind the day to day stuff, but I'm already dreading spending my precious weekends getting up early to get those long rides in, and spending hours on the bike all weekend. This attitude is not good.
My other limiter, these days, is that I hurt my heel 2 weeks ago and haven't been able to run a step since. Carrie and Leigh gave me some great advice, but I've broken down and made a doctor's appointment with a sports specialist for tomorrow morning. I have no idea how long I'll be out of running, and pool running (tried it this morning) is just not the same.
Hopefully this doctor can get me on the road to recovery asap. If I have to pool run for weeks I might lose my mind!
Kristen--I'm at the 12-week mark and I feel the same what you do! DREADING the back-to-back weekend rides. I'm not wild about that schedule at all. Like Rich says, however, you have to see the fun in the DAY. If that's not motivating to you, then maybe rethink? No shame in that. The training is hard, there's no way around it, but it shouldn't be SO awful that you hate it with every fiber of your being--maybe just most of them.
I won't speak for others here, but I know there are a few other WI chicas who aren't so far from where you are either. It's just get it done, and enjoy the day. The DAY is great--that's what you hold on to.
That said, I try not to dwell on the fact that I am anxious for WI to be over b/c this is my LAST, LAST, LAST one. I just can't/don't want to do this anymore to this degree. Next year will be sprints and Olys, maybe a HIM road trip to meet up with chicas again, but that's it. No more Ironman for me. What I have needed to learn for my evolution and spirit, which is how I use the training and the race, I am have already instilled. Hang in there and just poin to the DAY if you can, then reassess.
Daniel also just grilled us some steaks, Tbone, cuz my iron is still on low side of normal, at #12 and doc said lower than Easter time!! so yes the last week I have been tired. and thought something was up. He said take two iron pills per day... I can hardly remember one of them but will try and y'all can remind me!!
back to back rides. The last 8 weeks of IM training? I was so thankful to have the energy that it felt great to get back out there. I naturally want to run long on Sunday mornings so I had to transition out of that. Having friends helps with all things and the Sunday ride has become one of me and hubby's favorites as we have gotten together with other tri friends for it.
this sunday? yep my first TT, now how should I set up my Garmin, hit lap after 40' to get my power test or hit it every 20' and record the last 40;???
@Kristen... I know, 20 weeks away is such a long time to be training. But we can do it! I purposely signed up for "fun races" before the 12 week drop dead date so it will go by more easily (I hope)... I've got a small, local OLY in July (after a 4th of July getaway), a fun tri club training "race" at the end of the month, then another OLY in early Aug followed by Timberman... lots to keep my mind on taking it one race at a time... hope I don't burn out... but I'm looking at these next 8 weeks the way I did for OS/HIM... if I'm not feeling it, I'm just not feeling it. November is a ways away and skipping a run or a ride or cutting a workout short here or there won't do me in. (heck, since this will be my first IM, I'm guaranteed a PR)! Hang in there... you're not alone!
@Marianne - wow, a TT... good luck! I'm too chicken for that... at least right now (bike handling is suffering)... can't wait to hear all about it!
@the Paleo gals - so far so good today (day 2), the only carbs was my pre-swim cereal yesterday... are salted nuts okay (I'm guessing salt is fine in moderation since he talks about spices)? regardless, that's all I could find at CVS ... I made sure there are no peanuts in the mix but the oil is peanut and/or cottonseed (love ingredient labels that don't even know what the heck is in the can)... I'm noticing a bit of a headache. I don't think it's hydration or hunger - although I definitely need to bring snacks to the office in addition to fruit (why I ended up at CVS, ran out of almonds and raisins this morning - have started a trader joes shopping list). Other ideas for desk-storable snacks? Wonder if it's lack of carb pangs... Tonight is an hour run, so I may have a granola bar soon and it's darn hot out so I suspect the infinit mix will make an appearance even though it's just a 60 minute workout... and might add some brown rice or something with dinner... I know it will be a little bit before results are in for me... want to give it 30 days to see if I'm noticably feeling more energy and lighter/body comp better... VERY relieved that red wine is on the okay list (in moderation)!
I definitely need some help with sorting all of this out including which dairy is okay and which isn't - seems like he's anti-milk, but kefir is okay and I vaguely recall reading that cottage cheese and regular cheese is okay, too... huh? and are we talking the full fat stuff (I don't eat a lot of cheese but get 2% when I buy it and 1% cottage cheese - which I'd love to keep in the routine with all of this fruit). Not quite done with the book yet, hopefully this week (and hopefully there are some lists to help me out).
I am dedicating this day to Linda.....
Day 2 of IM training- not sure what the OS swim transition is but if I hadn't been swimming since Jan and done the half plan, I would have already died. Those sprint MS's kick my tail! Did speedwork at track last night. Still having calf/quad issues (which think came from a weakened right knee). Have chiro appt tomorrow to get hip adjusted so hoping that helps as well. Found out in first year of training that a chiro appt and massage every 6 weeks during training makes for a much happier painfree body! My right hip gets out of alignment- they think- due to running on cambered surfaces (road) where right is always lower.
Oddly enough it's not the back to back long rides I dread (seems I've been doing them for a while already), it's the getting up early. AIP 5:30am last two days but not back in cycle of early bedtimes yet.
I'm following a modified Paleo thing. Am limiting carbs but not as restrictive as Paleo likes or the dairy. I don't do alot of dairy but some white cheeses and small cup of yogurt now and then. One great thing with summertime perfect for Paleo are kabobs. I've done chicken, yellow & red peppers, onions and pineapple and tonight is steak, green & red peppers, onion & pineapple. I'll chop up the stuff night before (and you chop in big pieces so not so much work) throw in a big ziplock bag with marinade of choice (chicken was sesame ginger, steak tonight is terrayki). Thread them on skewers, throw on the grill and in a few mins... tasty dinner (and they reheat well too so make some extra for lunches!) Have some fresh corn on the cob to go on the grill too! Yum, Yum!!!!
Here's a little trick my DH and I do for kabobs....we buy chicken breasts in bulk here at out Super Grocery Store (Wegman's). When we have a free minute once we bring them home, we either cut them up in kabob style or keep them whole. Put them in a ziploc baggie (we do 2 servings per baggie) and pour in some marinade. Then FREEZE. When you get them out to defrost, they'll marinate themselves!
Heavy rain in and out here today. Bagged the ride and had a greasy cheeseburger with the fam instead!
Good on you, Kris! Let us know how things check out. I am forever in your debt with the smoothie thing--you opened up a whole new world for me!!! 100% with you on keeping the swim going. The past two days have been 16x100, plus the other stuff! Try that cold out of the blocks. Not happenin'.
Taking a shade off the running and the bike until the weekend to recover from the AB. I know I didn't do a whole HIM, but I did ride .77 for 3:18, so I think that deserves some recovery respect--at least it does in this old aging bod!
Peel and slice an apple. Peel and slice 2-3 full size carrots. Put all the pieces in a "chopper" or food processor. Chop it all up. You'll end up a delicious little carrot/apple salad. Sometimes I add raisins after it's chopped up or sprinkle on a little lemon juice. yum-o!
thanks for the grill/freezer ideas, Dana... I chop up chicken when I buy it all the time, never thought of pre-marinating... great idea! and the carrot apple slaw sounds quite tasty (I may try it soon... perhaps adding walnuts or pecans and some cinnamon)!
Not being much a meat eater (well, I should say red meat or pork) since I was 14... I grilled my very first ever burgers today. Seriously, I've never made my own burgers before! and, no, I didn't put them on the foreman grill...
I bought free-range, hormone free buffalo at Whole Paychecks the other day so I seasoned it up (egg, salt, pepper, rosemary, garlic) and pattied them up. and voila. Grilled up some asparagus and eggplant while I was at it, then sliced a tomato and drizzled with oil and balsamic. I must say I was quite pleased with myself... with a glass of red wine I was stuffed! I'll take half a burger with me for lunch tomorrow with my salad... heck, I might even go nuts and make an egg and spinach frittata tomorrow morning... but let's not get too carried away! I've got chix and an assortment of peppers (red, yellow, orange) - so I suspect kabobs are in my future, too! I'll have to pick up some mushrooms and onion (I generally don't like onion, but for some reason grilled is a-ok).
@Kristen - I asked the coaches about whether I should do block 2 of general prep 2x or go ahead and do 20 weeks of IM and Rich came up with a third scenario altogether... go back to the end of OS for a few weeks if I'm comfortable with it. In his humble opinion I'm ahead of where I need to be to start GP and IM prep... so I can go back to building speed (provided I work in 1-2 swims a week and be sure my weekend runs are 1:20-1:30 and rides are 2.5-3 hours)... Honestly, that was kind of a relief... he's worried about burn out... and I'm not speedy and cut OS short to do the HIM prep... so I think this will work well... I'll do 4 weeks of OS then jump into the week 5 of IM... and have 4 weeks of that to gear up for my next HIM all the while having some fun with racing these next 8 weeks. This puts my head in a better place... besides, I'm not planning to quality for Kona this go round... ha ha...
I knew the coaches would have a good answer for you, Becky! That sounds like a good, fun plan.
All the paleo tips are great! I'll try the pre-marinating idea. I spent an hour today chopping up lots of fruit and prepping some extra veggies, and making some 96% lean grass fed beef patties to stash for when I need a lean protein but don't have anything. Dinner tonight was an Ellie Krieger recipe, greek stuffed peppers with spinach and bulgur mixed in, and some sauteed kale. Good stuff!
Thanks, everyone, for the advice and support about the IM. I do want to have some fun in the plan, but first I have to run. I'm scheduled for a sprint tri this weekend but I refuse to walk the 5k so I'm just not going to go. Hopefully this doc tomorrow will get me fixed up quickly so I can run again! I'm not going to do anything drastic at this point like not train or withdraw from the race; I'm going to give myself at least 2 months to figure out where I am and what I want. I know I can count on all of you for helping me to decide when the time comes.
Marianne- OK, it's a Go. I got the hall pass from Joe and the OK from the RD to do the TT this weekend solo (it's a Team TT race, but he's letting me drop in as a solo rider). I've even got a ride to the race with fellow roadies- so I'm all set. So I'm gonna be channeling tons of Marianne Mojo during this TT!!!! When I feel like backing off, I'm gonna remember that you are out there suffering with me too! OK? Pinky Pact!!
@Becky- Nice vaca in Cabo. Pretty bracelet. Dan and you are lucky to have each other
@Suzanne- One armed flop is very funny. I missed that you broke your elbow. Bike crash? Hope you are healed up soon.
@Nemo and Marianne- TTs are lots of fun. I love that they hold you up and you are already clipped in. Marianne, don't worry about trying to hit the buttons on the PM. Just ride. After you down load it you can look at all different time periods and decide what your numbers are like. Or have Patrick look at it.
@Kristen- Heal up, sorry you are on injured reserve.
Just trying to catch up on forum. Sorry if I missed anyone. You ladies truly inspire and give great food tips. Love the cut/ marinate/ freeze idea Becky.
Swim cap: On!
Pulling: Better!
Yardage: 3000!
Getting out of the pool: Ladder.
So yeah, this morning's workout was vastly better than last week's. I've been feeling some snapping and cracking in my forearm - that sounds terrible doesn't it? - what I mean is, for the past few days I've had the sensation that I need to wiggle my arm to crack the joint and sometimes I can. I'm taking it as a sign that things are loosening up in there.
Dana, I like that pre-marinade idea even though I'm a little bitter about the Wegman's mention (love you! miss you!). I usually trim up and freeze individual chicken breasts when I buy them but I hadn't thought to marinade. I'm also a big fan of using the slow cooker on bulk, dried beans and grains and then freezing cupfuls in baggies.
I'm jealous of you TT ladies! I don't even know if there are ones near me...maybe I should look into that because I loathe FTP testing.
Big question here about what to wear during the IM. I'm doing Louisville, and of course it will be hot and humid. Was thinking to wear a swim suit, change into bike shorts and jersey, then run shorts/top, so I have fresh, dry clothes throughout the day. Only problem is that I'm super slow in transition, and trying to get dry clothes onto a wet body isn't easy at any speed. Should I plan these changes that may take a lot of time that I don't have to spare, or wear a pair of tri shorts and top for all 3? Inquiring minds want to know. I need to order either new run shorts or tri shorts soon. So any comments from experience are most certainly appreciated!
My $.02
okay so I was inspired by Matt Ancona...
Since Nemo and I are riding a 40k TT this weekend... 24.8 miles
y'all take guess on our respective times. not planning on facing off... with her but do plan on channeling the GF power we got going on!!
Nemo's time?
My time?
I am sure Nemo will agree.. but the winner of Nemo and the winner of Marianne, will receive a nice thank you.. maybe just a card but some such!!
Suzanne- there's definately a few TT's in your area (Chuch Creek in Cambridge was a week before Eagleman). Most of them do registration through BikeReg.com, so look there for races near you.
Kristen -- I went back to the OS (well, the supersized OS) and am in a surprisingly good mental state twelve weeks out. I want to train hard! I can't wait to hit a loop of the IMWI course this weekend! Training is fun! It makes me write lots of things with exclamation points!
Becky -- I also need to start packing snacks. I've had lunch. And the fruit basket at work is starting to look really picked over. What does everyone pack? My usual kashi granola bars don't seem very paleo. And this ironman training is making me hungry!
Kabobs - genius.
Linda - My "aquabike" definitely felt like a whole triathlon. Rest up, chica!
This morning, I did my brick run to the fabulous farmer's market near the zoo in my neighborhood. I hadn't been before and it was truly fantastic. The haul: homemade tofu, chinese broccoli, baby bok choy, heirloom tomatoes, a beautiful sirloin, lettuce, fennel, and fava beans.
Paging New York girls: Is everyone okay after the earthquake? Or was it just a few too many EN-ers on their FTP intervals at once?
@Beth - glad to know a return to OS isn't unheard of. I'm actually very relieved... even if just 4 weeks, it will be nice to back off the volume a bit (especially after a week off). Not to mention, hopefully I can get the paleo/primal eating thing down by then and drop a few more lbs.
@Suz - congrats on the better swim experience and positioning yourself closer to the ladder. let me know when/if you can bike and want some company.
@Kristen - hang in there... being injured blows... I spent so much time this last 9 months injured for one reason or another. It's hard to deal with but do what you can and be thankful for that! Shuffling along at Eagleman the notion of how much I've overcome in life not to mention this past year helped... I'm thinking of starting a week 1 post in the FL thread... I like having other folks to check in with who are training...
@Barb - I have the same question for FL... not planning to break any records but was thinking if, for no other reason, the ease of putting dry clothes on a wet body, to go with the tri shorts under the wetsuit... but I have a lot of time to figure that out.
@paleo/primal gals: so last night dinner was a success (although I'm sure it pales in comparison to anything Beth can whip up with her eyes closed). This morning I strayed and had a Luna bar pre-run, and post run breakfast was cereal (kashi go lean) with lots of fruit and almond milk (bummer that I realized I didn't get the unsweetened stuff... ugh... I tried to be good - now I know for my next shopping trip). My rationalization was a bit of carbs immediately preceding/following a workout is tolerable. Right? Since then I've been on the money today (actually the last 3 days). Nuts and raisins for a snack. Salad with fruit and nuts with a leftover bison burger for lunch... am starting to get hungry again so will likely dip back into my nut stash and have a nectarine... mental note: get a bigger plastic bowl for lunch salads. As far as other snack options: it seems like cheese is okay, right? So maybe some string cheese or cottage cheese to have with fruit... I think that would be safe in my office fridge... other ideas? I thought about trying to find some turkey jerkey, but the stuff at CVS had so many things I couldn't pronounce in the ingredient list I opted against it... maybe the meat truck at the farmers' market will have something for me...
Re CDA this weekend - not sure if we have any chicas heading to race... if so, good luck. I have a few tri club friends going... one of whom I'm worried about... if you could all say a special prayer for my buddy Doug Hartman I'd appreciate it. He's a super super nice guy... and this will be his 3rd IM attempt. He's missed the swim cutoff 2x - at CDA and IMFL last year. Watching at IMFL just about broke my heart... he missed by maybe 2 minutes (and the conditions were pretty choppy)... amazingly, even though they took his chip off, they let him bike and he more than made up for the deficit - coming in well ahead of the bike cutoff... I know he's been really working on his swim, went to an open water clinic in FL, etc... and I would give anything for him to get through the race. So, please send good thoughts his way.
So Beth, when are you going to open your own restaurant? Everything you cook sounds so good!
Suzanne, that's great that your arm is getting better! The cracking would freak me out, though.
Becky, my paleo snacks are pretty boring. I cook extra veggies when I have time, and will eat those as a snack, with or without a little lean protein if I have it. I'm loving the summer fruits for snacks, too...watermelon, canteloupe, pineapple, peaches, blackberries, blueberries...Black or blueberries with a little almond butter on top are pretty good. I keep a bag of mixed nuts (raw) on hand for snacking, too. I find that by the end of the work week I am fairly sick of eating vegetables, and I am a veggie lover!
Good news on the foot front!
The doctor said that my tendons are fine, but that I have a localized periosteal reaction on the bone, similar to shin splints except on my calcaneus bone. He demonstrated how my left leg (same side as affected foot) is weaker, less flexible, and "tighter" than my right leg, from my butt to my feet. That's the same side I have piriformis syndrome on, so that wasn't such a big surprise. Anyway, he loosened up the heel joint a little, and applied a wrap for me to wear, and used a laser directly on the area. He also gave me some shoe recommendations with more lateral stability. I felt great walking out of his office, maybe 50% better, but after the shoe guy had me run in the store to try out the new shoes it hurts again!
I go back next week for a recheck and more laser therapy. Overall I feel good about it, and I'm ready to get better!
Barb and Becky--you can transition really quick if you put your mind to it. Rich told me my first IM transition times (pre EN) were "patently unacceptable" (LOL!), and he would punch me in my non-existent nutz if I did that again. Gotta love it. So all I can tell you, is that if you focus on the transition like a laser beam, (and if you race the EN way, you will be uber-focused and not distracted all day long) then you can get in and out in a hurry.
FWIW, I swam in my EN singlet and a bikini bottom under my wetsuit. I picked a bikini bottom so I could quick change into my dry bike shorts. I got out of the Gulf, got stripped, to the tent, bikini bottom off. On went bike shorts, socks, bike shoes, and jacket (it was windy and cold), helmet, sunglasses and gloves. I was out in 8' total, which is respectable and avoided the wrath of Rich. Oh, and I lubed everything up before the swim, and had extra bag balm smeared on the chamois in my bike shorts in the transition bag.
Kristin, glad you're getting your foot issue cleared up. My left side is the tight one as well. Hope you are back on the mend, and 100% soon!
Marianne and Nemo, good luck with your TT!!!!!!!!!!!! @Beth, those exclamation points were for you as well!
I am certainly impressed by the dedication and perserverance of all of you doing the Paleo thing. I bought the book, have barely started reading it, but haven't started doing the Paleo thing yet. Quite the opposite....I am eating like a Sumo Wrestler!!! OMG! If it isn't nailed down, it's going in my mouth! Wouldn't be bad if it were all fruits and veggies!!! But, I have been very bad this past week or so...Oreos....
@ Becky, good vibes being sent to your friend Doug, as we speak!! It sounds like he is a trooper, going ahead with the bike in FL when he had already missed his swim cutoff! Something tells me he will do it this time! Good luck to him!!! I can really relate about the swim time thing, as I am slow as a barge. Still working hard to pick it up.
Suzanne, glad your elbow is getting better! That cracking would freak me out though!
Everyone have a wonderful, safe day! I'm planning my 120' run today. It's a beautiful morning here in NW IN, after terrible storms rumbling through last night.