Ok-took my rest after IM st george and decided to do RI 70.3 in July and Savage Man (both the OLY and the HIM) in September. Here is my challenge-my job is a 7/70 nite shift. So I work 7 10 hour days 9pm-7a.m. and then I am off for 7 days. No problem getting the work done on the 'off' week, but the 7 days on is a real challenge. I am using the intermediate HIM training plan for RI 70.3-on week 10. Savage man is sept 18- 9 weeks after RI-oh yeah and I decided to go to Mexico for Thanksgiving and do Cozumel. During my work week I have been skipping the swim often since it takes the most 'prep' time. Is it better to go shorter with higher intensity or go longer and do fewer workouts?
Posted By Sheryl Leonard-Schneck on 21 Jun 2010 02:27 AM
Ok-took my rest after IM st george and decided to do RI 70.3 in July and Savage Man (both the OLY and the HIM) in September. Here is my challenge-my job is a 7/70 nite shift. So I work 7 10 hour days 9pm-7a.m. and then I am off for 7 days. No problem getting the work done on the 'off' week, but the 7 days on is a real challenge. I am using the intermediate HIM training plan for RI 70.3-on week 10. Savage man is sept 18- 9 weeks after RI-oh yeah and I decided to go to Mexico for Thanksgiving and do Cozumel.
During my work week I have been skipping the swim often since it takes the most 'prep' time. Is it better to go shorter with higher intensity or go longer and do fewer workouts?
Sheryl -- Before we reply, can you tell us what you normally do on those work days? Like just life stuff. When do you sleep until, etc. Is monday better than friday, etc. Thanks!
Ok here is what my life looks like On my 7/70 week on-I nap for 2-3 hours prior to going to work I start on a Wednesday night 9pm and go till 7a.m the following morning (thursday) I come home and go to bed usually 9am-4pm Thursday I teach a TRX suspension class at 6pm and a yoga class at 7pm, Friday, Saturday and Sunday no 'extra ciriculars' so I get 6-8 hours of sleep in a row usually in the 10am.-6 pm range, like you care, but I do play a round of golf on the weekend. Monday I am up by 3pm ride my bike 15 miles to the Y, teach a spin class for 50 ' and then a 60' strength class and then ride home as fast as I can so I am not late for work Tuesday-again nothing special, home on Wednesday and sleep for 4 hours or so to get back on schedule for the week off What I find is Wednesday seems to be a good day for a long run, when I am working Monday kind of becomes the long bike b/c I can ride back and forth to the Y and add in the cycle class. I struggle with swimming b/c I am full of excuses not to go straight after work and then when I am up at 4pm it is time to be with the family. On my 7 days off I can work out whenever I feel like it so the 9a.m-3pm time slot is when I get my work-outs in. More detail than you probably wanted-any advice will be appreciated. I feel like I am juggling all the time and want to maximize my time. I also probably need a kick in the swimsuit-stop whining and go swimming at 8a.m. after work Thanks
Hi RnP. I am doing Muncie Endurathon on July 10th. Still waffling if I should just do the Aquabike or the entire race, since I'm doing IMLOU on Aug. 29th. My question is this; I'm currently on week 11/20 for IM. How should I tweak my training leading up to Muncie? How should I tweak it after Muncie? (Would like ideas re: if I do Aquabike only, and if I decide to do entire half) Thanks guys.
I need help with where to start. I had to totally can my season for compartment syndrome surgery back on Mar 4 of this year. It took forever for me to heal enough to start training again. That many months of doing nothing really stunk and it was just a little over a week ago that I was allowed to start runing, biking, and swimming again. It seemed as though the bottom incision would never fully repair itself. Now, I am sitting down wondering what I should be doing as I have nothing on the schedule at all. I can see where I lost a ton of the bike. The run is not that bad, only about 45 to 50 seconds slower per mile, but I can only run up to 7 miles this week per the doc. I have my first real swim tonight. I also have gained in weight as I was told I could do nothing at all, not even weights because they did not want me picking up weights and putting the pressure on my leg. I even watched, very closely, what I ate, but still gained a lot. I really need to lose close to 30 pounds before racing next year and have already lost the first 3 in the past 5 days. I am pretty sure that this will taper off as my body gets used to the exercise again. I have amde a ton of changes to my diet, so that part is straight. I was working with a nutritionist, but it just was not working. I felt like I was a test patient for info and really was getting nothing from it. I had more answers than they did. I just really need help on the training side. I have no idea where to start to get going again. Is there any normal progression when coming back from surgery that I should follow? The legs feels incredible, by the way. The surgeon was awesome. I know that I will need to do some serious stretching because I am insanely tight, but I have the time now that I have changed firms and can free up about 2:30 of commuting every day for work. I would like to do the aqua velo at Chesapeake Man this year and maybe another race, but figured that I could use this year to really drop the weight and get used to racing/training with a PM.
Ok, I need some advice. I am doing Boulder 70.3 August 8th and then the pikes Peak Ascent August 21st.(13.1 miles up Pikes Peak. not always a run, but fast walk then sometimes just a walk. expect about 4-4.5 hours to complete, just in case you needed some background on it) Boulder is definaltey my A race and the ascent is just for fun. What can I and should I do to help prepare for it while I am training for Boulder. A few longer runs? Will just being accustomed to racing for a 6 (hopefully a little less than) hour HIM be enough? I don't want to overdo it in my training as I am already dealing with IT band. Ok, maybe no extra long runs, I need to just get through the ones I have on the schedule. Really though I just want to finish the ascent, no records are going to be broken. Thanks in advance Jessica
Posted By Sheryl Leonard-Schneck on 22 Jun 2010 12:27 AM
Ok here is what my life looks like
On my 7/70 week on-I nap for 2-3 hours prior to going to work
I start on a Wednesday night 9pm and go till 7a.m the following morning (thursday) I come home and go to bed usually 9am-4pm
Thursday I teach a TRX suspension class at 6pm and a yoga class at 7pm,
Friday, Saturday and Sunday no 'extra ciriculars' so I get 6-8 hours of sleep in a row usually in the 10am.-6 pm range, like you care, but I do play a round of golf on the weekend.
Monday I am up by 3pm ride my bike 15 miles to the Y, teach a spin class for 50 ' and then a 60' strength class and then ride home as fast as I can so I am not late for work
Tuesday-again nothing special, home on Wednesday and sleep for 4 hours or so to get back on schedule for the week off
What I find is Wednesday seems to be a good day for a long run, when I am working Monday kind of becomes the long bike b/c I can ride back and forth to the Y and add in the cycle class. I struggle with swimming b/c I am full of excuses not to go straight after work and then when I am up at 4pm it is time to be with the family.
On my 7 days off I can work out whenever I feel like it so the 9a.m-3pm time slot is when I get my work-outs in.
More detail than you probably wanted-any advice will be appreciated. I feel like I am juggling all the time and want to maximize my time. I also probably need a kick in the swimsuit-stop whining and go swimming at 8a.m. after work
Sheryl -
Yowsers! I like your long run call, and I would swim on those work weeks either. I'd make swimming a priority on those other off days, and instead use cords / do core work to keep up critical swim strength. In general I'd try to keep the intensity up / volume down for the WORK weeks, then flip that on the other. So for a work week i'd rather see you cap longest workouts at 90' (but hard) and then go longer in the other weeks....
Ok-that sounds good-just checking though you meant you wouldn't swim on the work weeks right? I am now off for my 7 days and will head to the pool this evening
Coaches, I dont have a question as much as a comment. I just completed 4 weeks of the HIM intermediate plan before Eagleman. I am now in the 2nd week of the 20 week OS advanced plan. IT IS NO JOKE AT ALL. Either it is just me, but I many days feel that these workouts, although shorter and less time consuming, they hurt so much more and more recovery is needed. My body is used to going long comewhat hard, but living in high Z3-Z4 and even Z5 at times really hurts. I think I understand what you are trying to achieve by recomending this. I should have been doing this all winter and then as I move closer to an actual 1/2, just elongate the distance and back off on the speed. I am working this in the opposite and hope the inverse will work. I have the bace edurance but lack what I have always needed, SPEED. Any comments would be much appreciated.
Hi RnP. I am doing Muncie Endurathon on July 10th. Still waffling if I should just do the Aquabike or the entire race, since I'm doing IMLOU on Aug. 29th. My question is this;
I'm currently on week 11/20 for IM. How should I tweak my training leading up to Muncie? How should I tweak it after Muncie? (Would like ideas re: if I do Aquabike only, and if I decide to do entire half) Thanks guys.
BS -
Sorry for missing it. Go with the Aquabike and really keep the same program. You'll want to take the day off after, and the previous 2 days lighter...but otherwise you should be good!
I dont have a question as much as a comment. I just completed 4 weeks of the HIM intermediate plan before Eagleman. I am now in the 2nd week of the 20 week OS advanced plan. IT IS NO JOKE AT ALL. Either it is just me, but I many days feel that these workouts, although shorter and less time consuming, they hurt so much more and more recovery is needed. My body is used to going long comewhat hard, but living in high Z3-Z4 and even Z5 at times really hurts. I think I understand what you are trying to achieve by recomending this. I should have been doing this all winter and then as I move closer to an actual 1/2, just elongate the distance and back off on the speed. I am working this in the opposite and hope the inverse will work. I have the bace edurance but lack what I have always needed, SPEED. Any comments would be much appreciated.
I think you really just need to be sure that you are recovering well across the board. Sleep, hydration, etc. It's all so key. You will adapt after time, but the initial phase is tough. Keep it up!
your input once again would be great in order to work out my run-up to IMcoz.
Nov Adv OS completed then dropped into Wk8 HIM plan (with a pimped longer run).
Raced UK70.3 last weekend - having 2 weeks transition (plus have slight injury I'm trying to shake).
FTP approx 295w / 3.9'ish p/wt - needs testing again perhaps, no 'aero' FTP test as yet (atho' numbers don't feel far off).
Run vdot 48'ish - thats from a flat but off-road test (fire-road).
Swim newbie - technique focus - OW skills (joining local Tri club who swim OW 3 x p/wk).
Body Comp' - needs attention - watts feel good but feeling a little heavy.
WHAT I THINK I NEED: (please add your comments & when, where etc; perhaps your 'in an ideal world' type scenario & we can tweak it from there!)
Swim technique - Coz being non-wetsuit.
Perhaps 'give away' a little on the bike and bias plan towards running rely on the endurance I have & reasonable current FTP.
Running - better technique (that video P' ! ) & focus on getting quicker BUT still add some volume. Rationale; longer runs could be harder on my 43 yr old body than shorter speed work?
Add an extra run day?? Where?
Rely on ABP rides for much of the FTP work - so i get both volume 'pop' & just-sub-threshold rides in for longer periods. All on TT -bike, need to look at cadence plus dial-in the watts.
Perhaps do some 25 / 50 local TT's.
Insert a training camp - hopefully in Spain again where I can stay aero for longer periods (close to impossible here) & get warmer weather in Oct.
Hi RnP, I am new here, first week of training and I need some help.
I just did IM Brazil on May 30, took one week off and started to do some activity again on the following weeks without any structure, just for fun. Now it's time to look foward and prepare myself for the next season.
Following your recomendation I should do the Advanced Outseason training plan for 14 weeks, but in my training plan central, the plan is starting on the week 2 of a 20 week OS plan. There is no plan loaded too, I have only the week2 pdf for download. It just doesn't look right.
Patrick, sorry I missed your call, just listened my voicemail and received your message, don't worry about the Portuguese, you guys will have just to sorry my spelling, English is not my native language. Hope to talk to you soon.
I am thinking of doing a century ride the weekend after my first IMWI RR - which would be week 15 on my intermediate plan. Since I cannot see what is planned that weekend I cannot determine if that is in line with the day's activity. Can you provide some guidence re: whether a century in week 15 is a good or bad idea?
Went to Buffalo Springs with high hopes and in great shape and boy did I get whooped! I was shooting for 4:50 and gave it up 1/2 way through the run. Heat, Wind or nutrition not quite sure what happened. Anyways I am doing Utah 1/2 at the end of August, the 28th, and need to reset my plan. Where do I pick up? Easy week this week and start up again next week. What say you?
your input once again would be great in order to work out my run-up to IMcoz.
Nov Adv OS completed then dropped into Wk8 HIM plan (with a pimped longer run).
Raced UK70.3 last weekend - having 2 weeks transition (plus have slight injury I'm trying to shake).
FTP approx 295w / 3.9'ish p/wt - needs testing again perhaps, no 'aero' FTP test as yet (atho' numbers don't feel far off).
Run vdot 48'ish - thats from a flat but off-road test (fire-road).
Swim newbie - technique focus - OW skills (joining local Tri club who swim OW 3 x p/wk).
Body Comp' - needs attention - watts feel good but feeling a little heavy.
WHAT I THINK I NEED: (please add your comments & when, where etc; perhaps your 'in an ideal world' type scenario & we can tweak it from there!)
Swim technique - Coz being non-wetsuit. Yes, always a good idea
Perhaps 'give away' a little on the bike and bias plan towards running rely on the endurance I have & reasonable current FTP. That sonds reasonable
Running - better technique (that video P' ! ) & focus on getting quicker BUT still add some volume. Rationale; longer runs could be harder on my 43 yr old body than shorter speed work? I think you should work on technique, keep the speedwork and add running frequency. Any increase in volume is than a result of that stuff
Add an extra run day?? Where? Friday, Strides run
Rely on ABP rides for much of the FTP work - so i get both volume 'pop' & just-sub-threshold rides in for longer periods. All on TT -bike, need to look at cadence plus dial-in the watts. Confused here.
Perhaps do some 25 / 50 local TT's. Ok, but will be increasingly hard to fit into your plan, given your long stuff on the wekends.
Insert a training camp - hopefully in Spain again where I can stay aero for longer periods (close to impossible here) & get warmer weather in Oct. Sounds good
Ok, I need some advice. I am doing Boulder 70.3 August 8th and then the pikes Peak Ascent August 21st.(13.1 miles up Pikes Peak. not always a run, but fast walk then sometimes just a walk. expect about 4-4.5 hours to complete, just in case you needed some background on it) Boulder is definaltey my A race and the ascent is just for fun. What can I and should I do to help prepare for it while I am training for Boulder. A few longer runs? Will just being accustomed to racing for a 6 (hopefully a little less than) hour HIM be enough? I don't want to overdo it in my training as I am already dealing with IT band. Ok, maybe no extra long runs, I need to just get through the ones I have on the schedule. Really though I just want to finish the ascent, no records are going to be broken. Thanks in advance
Jessica -
That's a legitimate "fun" event you have there. Given Boulder is your A race, and you'll be trained for 13.1, I don't want you to cook yourself. I might put your long runs on hills and chuck the pacing guidnace, say for weeks 8 down to 4, then back to flats in final build. You could add a bit via a sunday run (shorten ride a bit, run longer), but there's not much else. Bottom line is if we can get you used to running hills, you'll be fine going 4.5 hours...crazy!
@Renato -- Sorry for the plan mix up, that's totally my bad. Since the plans are 20 weeks, I need to put it 20 weeks into the future so you can do the first 14 weeks..dowh! I think you should be all set now...if you need to, you might have to click on the red number of any given week to actually see it.
@David -- It can totally be done, no worries. We'll have intervals on that workout, so either you get to ride them (by pushing the pace) or you don't and plan to ride shorter, but a bit hard, on Sunday. FWIW, you can change the end date of your plan at any time in order to see future weeks!
Thank you, now the plan is working, but I already followed the plan beginning from week 2.
The only problem that I see on it is that I didn't do the tests on week 1.
Until May, 30th, when I did Ironman Brazil my numbers looked like this:
FTP - 215 (Mean maximal 60' on WKO)
VDot - 52 (estimated on previous HIM runs)
After the race I took 1 week totally off and started to do some light SBR adding some strength workouts on the following 2 weeks, with strides on the run in the last one.
Then I joined the team and following the plan central, gone direct to the week 2 of the OS plan basing my workouts on the numbers that I had before the race.
Do you think that I should keep following the plan like I started it? In that case, the plan have to be adjusted because now it's showing that this is the week 1 of 20.
I think at least one easy week is in order. Go to this Wiki Page and then scroll down until you come to the template recovery week you can repeat until you feel ready. If your previous cycle was a good one, you could take up to 1.5 weeks per the wiki schedule and then pick things up with the weekend workouts on the 10/11th.
Bob, ok to ride farther but not run. For the RR, I say ride between 3 and 3.5hrs
During my work week I have been skipping the swim often since it takes the most 'prep' time. Is it better to go shorter with higher intensity or go longer and do fewer workouts?
Sheryl -- Before we reply, can you tell us what you normally do on those work days? Like just life stuff. When do you sleep until, etc. Is monday better than friday, etc. Thanks!
On my 7/70 week on-I nap for 2-3 hours prior to going to work
I start on a Wednesday night 9pm and go till 7a.m the following morning (thursday) I come home and go to bed usually 9am-4pm
Thursday I teach a TRX suspension class at 6pm and a yoga class at 7pm,
Friday, Saturday and Sunday no 'extra ciriculars' so I get 6-8 hours of sleep in a row usually in the 10am.-6 pm range, like you care, but I do play a round of golf on the weekend.
Monday I am up by 3pm ride my bike 15 miles to the Y, teach a spin class for 50 ' and then a 60' strength class and then ride home as fast as I can so I am not late for work
Tuesday-again nothing special, home on Wednesday and sleep for 4 hours or so to get back on schedule for the week off
What I find is Wednesday seems to be a good day for a long run, when I am working Monday kind of becomes the long bike b/c I can ride back and forth to the Y and add in the cycle class. I struggle with swimming b/c I am full of excuses not to go straight after work and then when I am up at 4pm it is time to be with the family.
On my 7 days off I can work out whenever I feel like it so the 9a.m-3pm time slot is when I get my work-outs in.
More detail than you probably wanted-any advice will be appreciated. I feel like I am juggling all the time and want to maximize my time. I also probably need a kick in the swimsuit-stop whining and go swimming at 8a.m. after work
I'm currently on week 11/20 for IM. How should I tweak my training leading up to Muncie? How should I tweak it after Muncie? (Would like ideas re: if I do Aquabike only, and if I decide to do entire half) Thanks guys.
I need help with where to start. I had to totally can my season for compartment syndrome surgery back on Mar 4 of this year. It took forever for me to heal enough to start training again. That many months of doing nothing really stunk and it was just a little over a week ago that I was allowed to start runing, biking, and swimming again. It seemed as though the bottom incision would never fully repair itself. Now, I am sitting down wondering what I should be doing as I have nothing on the schedule at all. I can see where I lost a ton of the bike. The run is not that bad, only about 45 to 50 seconds slower per mile, but I can only run up to 7 miles this week per the doc. I have my first real swim tonight. I also have gained in weight as I was told I could do nothing at all, not even weights because they did not want me picking up weights and putting the pressure on my leg. I even watched, very closely, what I ate, but still gained a lot. I really need to lose close to 30 pounds before racing next year and have already lost the first 3 in the past 5 days. I am pretty sure that this will taper off as my body gets used to the exercise again. I have amde a ton of changes to my diet, so that part is straight. I was working with a nutritionist, but it just was not working. I felt like I was a test patient for info and really was getting nothing from it. I had more answers than they did. I just really need help on the training side. I have no idea where to start to get going again. Is there any normal progression when coming back from surgery that I should follow? The legs feels incredible, by the way. The surgeon was awesome. I know that I will need to do some serious stretching because I am insanely tight, but I have the time now that I have changed firms and can free up about 2:30 of commuting every day for work. I would like to do the aqua velo at Chesapeake Man this year and maybe another race, but figured that I could use this year to really drop the weight and get used to racing/training with a PM.
Sheryl -
Yowsers! I like your long run call, and I would swim on those work weeks either. I'd make swimming a priority on those other off days, and instead use cords / do core work to keep up critical swim strength. In general I'd try to keep the intensity up / volume down for the WORK weeks, then flip that on the other. So for a work week i'd rather see you cap longest workouts at 90' (but hard) and then go longer in the other weeks....
Ok-that sounds good-just checking though you meant you wouldn't swim on the work weeks right? I am now off for my 7 days and will head to the pool this evening
Hello Coaches,
On 07/25/2010 I will complete 6 weeks of 20 Week Advanced Outseason Plan. Than I transition into Advanced HIM Plan with 8 weeks remaining.
1.Do I load 12 or 20 Week Advanced HIM plan?
2.What is the difference between the two?
3.Do I count back from race day 8 weeks and start the plan at 8 weeks remaining?
Could not find these answers in Wiki or Season Planning Tool.
Just load up the 12wk plan to end on the day of your race and it will do the rest
I dont have a question as much as a comment. I just completed 4 weeks of the HIM intermediate plan before Eagleman. I am now in the 2nd week of the 20 week OS advanced plan. IT IS NO JOKE AT ALL. Either it is just me, but I many days feel that these workouts, although shorter and less time consuming, they hurt so much more and more recovery is needed. My body is used to going long comewhat hard, but living in high Z3-Z4 and even Z5 at times really hurts. I think I understand what you are trying to achieve by recomending this. I should have been doing this all winter and then as I move closer to an actual 1/2, just elongate the distance and back off on the speed. I am working this in the opposite and hope the inverse will work. I have the bace edurance but lack what I have always needed, SPEED. Any comments would be much appreciated.
I am on week 5 of last 13 weeks of said plan (when I bought into membership).
Looking ahead 2 weeks, the onlin eplan calls for TTs (week 12/20)
I did TTs on week 2 (2 weeks ago) to kick off EN training.
Any purpose in doing the TTs again, at all, do we move further out? (PS: I am training with HR on bike and pace on run).
BS -
Sorry for missing it. Go with the Aquabike and really keep the same program. You'll want to take the day off after, and the previous 2 days lighter...but otherwise you should be good!
I think you really just need to be sure that you are recovering well across the board. Sleep, hydration, etc. It's all so key. You will adapt after time, but the initial phase is tough. Keep it up!
Tim -
Given you have tested so recently, there's no need. You can do the other optional workout or a similar test like effort instead...good luck!
G'day Coaches!
your input once again would be great in order to work out my run-up to IMcoz.
WHAT I THINK I NEED: (please add your comments & when, where etc; perhaps your 'in an ideal world' type scenario & we can tweak it from there!)
Transition wk 1
Wk 12 OS Adv Plan
HIM Race - Training Thru’
Transition or Easy Week
Start of 12 wk IM Adv Plan
Big day
Training Camp / RR#1 / Test
<span style="font-size:
Hi RnP, I am new here, first week of training and I need some help.
I just did IM Brazil on May 30, took one week off and started to do some activity again on the following weeks without any structure, just for fun. Now it's time to look foward and prepare myself for the next season.
Following your recomendation I should do the Advanced Outseason training plan for 14 weeks, but in my training plan central, the plan is starting on the week 2 of a 20 week OS plan. There is no plan loaded too, I have only the week2 pdf for download. It just doesn't look right.
Patrick, sorry I missed your call, just listened my voicemail and received your message, don't worry about the Portuguese, you guys will have just to sorry my spelling, English is not my native language. Hope to talk to you soon.
I am thinking of doing a century ride the weekend after my first IMWI RR - which would be week 15 on my intermediate plan. Since I cannot see what is planned that weekend I cannot determine if that is in line with the day's activity. Can you provide some guidence re: whether a century in week 15 is a good or bad idea?
Went to Buffalo Springs with high hopes and in great shape and boy did I get whooped! I was shooting for 4:50 and gave it up 1/2 way through the run. Heat, Wind or nutrition not quite sure what happened. Anyways I am doing Utah 1/2 at the end of August, the 28th, and need to reset my plan. Where do I pick up? Easy week this week and start up again next week. What say you?
Bob Seaman
Jessica -
That's a legitimate "fun" event you have there. Given Boulder is your A race, and you'll be trained for 13.1, I don't want you to cook yourself. I might put your long runs on hills and chuck the pacing guidnace, say for weeks 8 down to 4, then back to flats in final build. You could add a bit via a sunday run (shorten ride a bit, run longer), but there's not much else. Bottom line is if we can get you used to running hills, you'll be fine going 4.5 hours...crazy!
@Renato -- Sorry for the plan mix up, that's totally my bad. Since the plans are 20 weeks, I need to put it 20 weeks into the future so you can do the first 14 weeks..dowh! I think you should be all set now...if you need to, you might have to click on the red number of any given week to actually see it.
@David -- It can totally be done, no worries. We'll have intervals on that workout, so either you get to ride them (by pushing the pace) or you don't and plan to ride shorter, but a bit hard, on Sunday. FWIW, you can change the end date of your plan at any time in order to see future weeks!
Hi Patrick,
Thank you, now the plan is working, but I already followed the plan beginning from week 2.
The only problem that I see on it is that I didn't do the tests on week 1.
Until May, 30th, when I did Ironman Brazil my numbers looked like this:
FTP - 215 (Mean maximal 60' on WKO)
VDot - 52 (estimated on previous HIM runs)
After the race I took 1 week totally off and started to do some light SBR adding some strength workouts on the following 2 weeks, with strides on the run in the last one.
Then I joined the team and following the plan central, gone direct to the week 2 of the OS plan basing my workouts on the numbers that I had before the race.
Do you think that I should keep following the plan like I started it? In that case, the plan have to be adjusted because now it's showing that this is the week 1 of 20.
Thanks Coach,
Just to check - you're happy with the plan of 8 wks OS & 12 wk IM ? Any other way you'd do it perhaps? Longer OS maybe?
As it stands, I'll be jumping into Wk 12 of OS starting next week - will hack-it slightly to ease back-in depending on how I feel.
Bob -
I think at least one easy week is in order. Go to this Wiki Page and then scroll down until you come to the template recovery week you can repeat until you feel ready. If your previous cycle was a good one, you could take up to 1.5 weeks per the wiki schedule and then pick things up with the weekend workouts on the 10/11th.