Jumping in here for a bit finally! I'm home sick today and should be sleeping, but I'm catching up here first.
I clearly missed something with the blood tests...Kris and M I hope you're both "all good."
On transitions in IM my personal preference is to approach them as much like any other race as possible. There are a few extra steps including putting on socks and maybe reloading some sunscreen but otherwise I like to get in and get out. Think about what you truly need to do vs. what you think you might need and then simplify as much as possible.At IMFL in '06 T1 for me was 6:06. At IMCDA in '08 it was 6:28 and that was WITH a dip in the hot tub to try to regain some feeling in my limbs. St. George was a joke and so not even relevant because of how darned cold and shivering I was.
On foods, we are overrun with greens in our house! The CSA has been prolific with spinach, various lettuces, and herbs. It's insane!!! So we are literally eating like rabbits!
I really got hit with some sort of sickness. It has been six days now. No energy, feverish, congestion, chills, cough. Because of this I've lost all of what was supposed to be week 6 of my build to Boulder 70.3. Now I'm thinking I may need to bail out on that race as well as Boulder Peak which is 3 weeks prior. It just doesn't seem like it's in the cards this year. I'm not sure there's much to be gained from trying to cram for these events only to show up and not perform the way I want to. I'm kinda done with what seems to be a season of sub-optimal racing. In my sprint this weekend I was only 3 minutes off my PR but I felt like poo the whole time and just didn't feel the push or the strength that I usually feel in that race. I'm just not keen on doing that for the duration of an HIM, especially when I'm so not trained. There is a part of me that feels like that's quitting, especially because for the first time ever I am fund-raising for a local non-profit with this race. I'm just really aware that my body just doesn't seem to want to play this year, and the fight is tiring to the mind. Ugh! Sometimes I really hate being so thoughtful about stuff like this.
@Barbara - I should practice transitions, too... never have before but it makes sense.
So glad I did my run yesterday morning... but since today is my telework day getting up at 5ish to do my brick just didn't happen (my alarm went off and I turned it off... next thing I know it was 7... then 9, I guess I needed sleep! wow). It's another scorcher in DC so I will most likely do my ride on the trainer at 4:30 and suffer through the 20 minute run outside (my own darn fault for not getting up). I'm really glad to be back in OS for a few weeks... a short break before hitting it hard again - tough workouts, but manageable. Funny, in OS I was chomping at the bit to do more volume... now I'm thrilled to be stepping back before signing away the next 16 weeks of my life.
Heading to the chiropractor at noon and the trader joes is a few blocks from there so we'll see what I can come up with in terms of primal-approved snacks.
Dan bikes to work a few days a week and he was in a head-on collision on Tuesday... ugh... he said it was his fault at a tricky intersection on the trail. He looks terrible. A shiner on his eye and his right side is all bruised and battered (hand, wrist, bicep)... and he only went to the ER today (grr). X-rays and MRI - no breaks, whew! And his bike is okay... So, please please please be careful out there... particularly on those trails you've done a million times before - you never know.
IM transition and clothes change...At IMLP 2007, I completely changed my outfits. Swam in a bathsuit, then changed into a bike kit, then changed into running clothes. Frankly, I think it was a complete waste of time--especially the bathsuit off and trying to get a sportsbra and bike shorts on a wet body. As far as feeling "fresh", it's an IM there's no feeling fresh at all. The 2 minutes of having nice new clothes on coming out of transition was not worth the time spent changing into them, IMHO. For IMWI, I'm going to wear my EN singlet and tri shorts from start to finish. What I think is far more important for comfort (which is relative during an IM), is making sure you put on BodyGlide on all and every part that could potentially chafe.
Kristen: Yes, I am tracking my caloric intake with an iPhone app called Lose It. I run a 500 Cal deficit a day in order to lose 1 pound a week. So far it's working. The Paleo addition was so I maintain that calorie deficit without feeling insanely hungry throughout the day. The bulk of all the plant matter I eat keeps me very full and the low glycemic index of that food keeps my glucose levels steady all day (so no spikes in insulin, no "I'm gonna inhale the next thing I see like a hyena in the Serengeti" feeling). Glad to hear your foot is doing better with the treatments.
Suzanne: A crackling elbow! I'm envisioning all the scar tissue breaking up and lots of healing going on and your range of mobility increasing!
Earthquake: Yep, I felt that earthquake yesterday around 1:30pm. It felt like someone kicked my chair than gently shook it for about 30 seconds. My DH said the track lights in the house swayed. So strange to have an earthquake in Upstate NY.
I'm so slow writing these posts that I'm behind by the time they're posted!
Olivia: I really hope you're feeling better. Take some time to rest---it's been on HELLUVA year for you no doubt. And didn't you start a new job that super busy too? When I'm feeling like poo my mom always says:"Eat something, take a shower, and go to bed." In that order too. I call it Mommycakes Trifecta. It works everytime.
Becky: Ouch for Dan! Good to hear there's nothing broken.
I found this link that gives sample menus for eating Paleo-style for a day with two workouts, and a rest day. Does this seem like enough food to you? I tried it once, and I have to say, it seemed kinda on the low side. What to y'all think? That "home brew" think is so loaded with juice and glucose it gave me the zings! Tasted good though. I think we'll all end up eating "modified Paleo," as in using the idea to get your head around how to eliminate the junk, then customizing for suit out own needs. That's fine--getting to better eating habits any way we can get there! I dunno, I'm all for Spartan, but not too extreme.
@Becky--yo on Dan! So sorry to read that. What is going on these days???? Keep us posted on how he's doing. Thank heavens it wasn't worse..
@Olivia--still not better? That is one stubbon cold. I hate the ones that last weeks. I can only speak for myself to say slogging through a HIM is not my idea of a good time. I had just enough to do the AB, but if I had to face that run I would have been road kill. You can decide what's best for you, but how about just doing sprint after sprint through the summer? Post-reg at the local races. Throw it down as best you can. Have FUN, and get into the vibe of it all. Those small, short races can go a long way to restoring the fun and getting you psyched again. Just a thought. In fact, I just described my racing summer 2011.
Kitboo- you and me both!!! Man this place has a lot going on! (explanation points for Beth- I just loved that one). How is the B12 and D looking with the new Paleo thing?
Beth- homemade tofu?? How does that work?
Olivia- man, you've been sick for a while! And mentally, wow- that's some serious burn out. I'm with Linda- sounds to me like you need some low key short fast fun stuff. Just go out and have fun- or don't race at all, isn't there another 14er to knock off the list?
Becky- soooo sorry to hear about Dan. You said it was a head on collision, but was that with a car or another cyclist? What trail are you talking about? I know some of those hiker/biker trails in DC have tight turns and I can imagine a collision in several places. Ugh! Hope he's doing better soon.
OK- I'm trying not to freak out, but I've just made a change to my weekend plans at the last minute and I need to remain calm. The TT this weekend is actually a 2-man Team TT. But I I arranged with the RD to do it as a solo rider. All good, right? Well one of the local guys here just sent out a note to find a buddy to do the Team TT with and my name got thrown into the pot! EEEEEEK! I said "OK- as long as the RD says we can switch my registration" and Oh.......My.......God, I think I'm about to do a Team TT!!!
So Marianne- I may not be able to hold onto the challenge, but both of us will be doing something out of our comfort zones this weekend!!!
Staying calm, deep breaths, I can do this..................
Linda, I'll have to check out that link. You are right about figuring out how to clean up the junk, and then going on from there. In hungrier moments I try to think of reasons not to follow the Paleo, and I just can't find any. Tons of veggies, fruits, lean proteins, good fats, and carbs around workouts - it seems very similar to many pro athlete's diets that I have read about. Why can't chocolate gelato be on that list?
Becky, so glad that Dan's ok! That could have been really bad.
Kitima, do you find it difficult to guesstimate the amount of calories in dishes you make at home or eat out? That always trips me up on logging calories.
Olivia, stay at home and rest! Whatever crud you have sounds nasty. Take a long weekend and pamper yourself!
I'm so excited about the new Ironman Texas, but wish it was at a different time of year. I live only 45 minutes from the Woodlands and could easily train on the course. However, while Texas weather is much more temperate than a lot of the country in the winter, training outside in January and February is just nasty. 34 degrees and high humidity are not my cup of tea. I won't do it this first year, but maybe in a few...Spectating will be great, though! We don't have a guest room but anyone is welcome on our couch or an air mattress!
Ahh, but it is!!!! You get your 5% of calories from any old thing you wanna eat! Ok, maybe I stretch it to a tad more than 5%, but I get my little treats every day. Choco definitely one of them!
Neems-- your lil' peep status is now officially "on hold." Not yet revoked, but you're coming close. JK, but that is cool. My tummy did a little flip just reading it, so I know how you feel. Thing is, we can only do what we can do. You will do your best, you will be motivated, you'll dig deep, and you will do what you can to the nth. Can't ask for more than that!
Well ok, ok, I'll start doing Paleo! It does sound pretty cool.
Olivia - that is so frustrating; it sounds like you are making the right decision to take some time before pressuring yourself with a big race.
Nemo - Team TT!!! That is way too cool - and very intimidating..please, please, please get some pics! Good luck Marianne too!
Becky - sorry about Dan's accident, what a bummer..My DH bikes absolutely everywhere (we don't have a car) and sometimes when he's a little late getting home, I get so nervous.
Kitima -good advice on IM transition changing..I'm planning on wearing one outfit, but I have been having intermittent bike short "itchies" all year. I grimace to think of 112+ 26.2 in damp/sweaty shorts -the price to pay for a little more speed!!
I've had a crappy training week with some runs that I've literally slogged through, and one that I just couldn't finish. Last week I felt great running, this week I wasn't breathing all that well and I'd get all clammy. I ran through it one day, though the day before I said screw it. I'm thinking it's the heat, not as good sleeping/eating. Unfortunately I haven't been doing much to improve this as had friend in town, mother-in-law in town and demanding work week. I've bagged a couple of workouts and am looking for a clean slate!! Don't have a lot of room for fooling around 10 weeks to IMKY.
Paleo and food stuff: The Lose It app has a pretty big database of foods from supermarkets and restaurants. For things that aren't listed, I look them up on The Daily Plate website. As for quantity, my DH and I have been measuring and weighing our food for so long that I'm pretty accurate with guessing the volume or weight of what I eat when I'm eating out or on the road. As for the Vit B12 and Vit D deficiencies and Paleo, I've been taking Vit D supplements as I'm not about to stop wearing high spf sunscreen. For the Vit B12, I'm getting monthly shots. I haven't had those vitamin levels check yet (in 6 weeks). I know from the Lose It app that I should be eating more protein (it will calculate the percentage of macronutrients that I eat) so I've been trying to be more mindful to that. As for my 5% digression from Paleo, I have a small block of Hageland dark chocolate with almonds every night for my treat. It's only 95 Calories and the almonds have the good fat.
Nemo: Team TT---how cool is that?! Maybe a quick rehearsal ride with your teammate before the race would be good to work out just how long each of you will pull, on which side you will pass, what to do if someone poops out and needs to pull less...I'm very excited for you! I've always wanted to do one, but everyone I know who would do one with me has an FTP at least 100 watts above mine (read: all guys). It'll be so fun just getting Fiona and yourself all dressed up for it with wheel covers, aerohelmet...an EN skinsuit! Ha!
@Nemo... wow! I'm nervous for you, but you'll be great - I know you can keep your wits about you. I second the advice of trying to get together and ride with your teammate. Good luck!!! Can't wait to hear about it (and Marianne's TT, too)! Dan's crash was with another cyclist. He said it was around the airport at the 4 mile run junction, I think... I know that one well and it's sort of a Y. He knows it's tricky but he just zoned out apparently. I'm glad he didn't break anything or sprain anything seriously since soft tissue damage is worse than a break - we're on the calendar for a small OLY together 7/11, we'll see if he'll race or sherpa. Fingers crossed!
@Linda and Kit - thanks for the links (and app recommendation). I just finished the Primal Blueprint and will move on to Paleo for Athletes. I do think Kristen (and others?) are right in that this is all about cleaning up our diets and habits... making healthier lifestyle choices. I think breakfast will be the hardest for me... cereal and fruit is so easy... but eggs don't take all that long (especially if I've cut up the veggies the night before) and smoothies are definitely easy (but I need to pick up some protein powder). And, Linda, dark choco and red wine are okay in moderation - woo hoo!!! I've had a glass of wine with dinner and done okay... I didn't weigh myself getting back from vaca, but when I hopped on the scale yesterday I didn't want to cry and today was ever so slightly lower...
I hit Trader Joe's and did what I could as far as snacks go. String cheese and cottage cheese (hard to resist the impulse to get the fat free/low fat versions), trail mix, buffalo and turkey jerky (unfortunately these were made with sugar and soy sauce... hopefully I can find alternatives at whole foods or the farmers market), and almond butter. Oh, and I also picked up some real butter (I can't think of the last time I got real butter), dark chocolate and unsweetened almond milk (so I'm ready when I'm done with the sweet stuff I got the other day).
Holy cow Nemo. You do find lots of cool stuff to do. A team TT sounds freaking great! Someone has to get vid of you and your teammate out there with the hammer down.
Sorry to hear about Dan's bike crash, Becky. That really stinks! I do sometimes think there are more dangers lying in the shadows of our respective local trails than we realize. It is a good reminder to stay alert, especially at those intersections.
Aimee those weeks of less that perfect training can be frustrating, it does sound like there's been a lot of things that you had to take care of. It does sound like you've had some issues with the heat. Do you notice a difference if you take on more fluid/electrolytes? This could be a good chance to find a new hydration strategy that could be great for the hot, sticky IMKY conditions.
Oh yeah, and I forgot to tell you all that this weekend at my sprint race a girl in my AG started asking me a bunch of questions about EN. Turns out she's going to be in Madison for Moo to volunteer and sign up for the race. She said she'd go to the EN Talk before the race. I thought that was pretty cool! I told her that the EN vibe was going to be super strong there that week and that she will come away from there feeling it! Very cool that I could end up with another chica in my back yard!
@Barb- I have done it both ways and if you are wearing speed suit for IMLOU, tri shorts/singlet is easiest approach. The tent @ Lou is dark, hot and chaotic so you'll not want to hang out long and trying to undress and dress wet is not fun. I did change to run shorts in T2. Let's just say after 6 hrs of good hydration status on the bike I wanted outta those babies!
Ladies- another thought on the Paleo thing- as Linda points out you have the 5% and I'd use that or modify as you need. I do Paleo 80% of the time (choose to not give up dairy totally so I'm ok with a little cheese or yogurt). Balance is essential in all things to be successful. Too much of anything isn't good, yes even speed :-) Just getting the processed foods out of your diet slowly over time is a huge health benefit.
Just plain ole hot & humid here- knocked out my ride last night and run this morning and felt like I'd lost 20 pds in sweat!! On the lookout for some good,decently priced, supportive sports bra. The Champion ones just aren't holding up so looking for alternatives- something I can run in (ie max support). Let me know if you run across any deal or ones you like!
Nemo!!!!! (The exclamation points are all I need to say on the subject of Team TT.)
Aimee - bad weeks totally suck. I like to think of them as weeks my body is working especially hard to absorb all the previous training.
Linda - Hm. There are lots of weird foods mixed with chopped egg whites and protein powder. That's getting a little too close to fake food for my liking. As long as the salads are huge, their examples probably have enough calories. That breakfast smoothie alone sounds fairly calorie dense.
Homemade tofu. Go to farmer's market. Trade a five dollar bill for tofu. That's as close as I get to homemade. Last night, I stir-fried the tofu, zucchini, baby bok choy, and chinese broccoli with garlic and curry powder. Seriously delicious. I'm eating the leftovers for lunch right now.
Kitima -- I like this Mommycake trifecta.
Becky -- Oh, poor Dan! I'm glad he got checked out and is okay.
Last fall, I learned the Lush store can solve all my icky over-chlorinated swimming skin problems (Sympathy for the Skin). Last week, I spent the best $10 of the week, by adding a detox treatment when I got my hair cut. It is now soft, shiny, and you can actually see highlights. Much improved over the limp, brittle hair I had before. The nice Aveda ladies also sold me a spray-in product which protects the hair from sun and chlorine. Who knew being an athlete would be so hard on hair and skin?
Running is also so much easier now that I can breathe! I'm thinking this new diagnoses of allergies and getting them under control may be worth a vdot point or two.
Last fall, I learned the Lush store can solve all my icky over-chlorinated swimming skin problems (Sympathy for the Skin).
Mmmm, that looks yummy! Now the hair thing...was that a salon treatment? I could enjoy something like that. I looked up "hair detox," and all I got were sites that help you pass drug tests.
Last fall, I learned the Lush store can solve all my icky over-chlorinated swimming skin problems (Sympathy for the Skin).
Mmmm, that looks yummy! Now the hair thing...was that a salon treatment? I could enjoy something like that. I looked up "hair detox," and all I got were sites that help you pass drug tests.
Yes, salon treatment. I'm guessing it is an aveda thing:
Detoxifying TreatmentThis specially formulated shampoo treatment removes any excess build up of product, chlorine and environmental pollutants.
Practice swimming in your tri shorts and singlet, and you might discover that yes it is diff but not so bad, and then you can hop on the bike... really the year I did KY it was very hot and I tumped water on my helmet and stayed wet for the ride... so changing into dry clothes would not have mattered. and same thing with the run. soaking wet... my finishing photo looked like I had come out of the water but it was really finishing the run cuz of sweat and pouring water over my head or the wet sponges. practice putting those wet clothes on.. say take a shower and then put your clothes on and you will see how hard it is to get a jog bra over your head and down.. just swim in it. just sayin''..it is hilarious trying to shimmy on shorts onto a wet body!! and people are yelling in the tent, it is hot in there and your possessions are ina bag dumped onto the floor!!
I am seriously thinking about IM TX. just thought I would let y'all know. how this would look: Mid March - Mid May, thick of training. Swim: I can start some wetsuit open water swims (chilly) by end of April so I can get in some OW swims in local lake. Before that, I was Masters swimming 2x week anyways, so that would stay the same except a bit longer probably timewise. Run: 2010 I did some winter series, free runs late December thru January on Saturday mornings and in the week I ran solo. We have a local 1/2 marathon/marathon early March that I could spin up for. I haven't joined any local running clubs since my move here 3 years ago as my focus has been on cycling, but maybe I would... with kids' school schedule, early mornings are school prep for me. and evening workouts are never good for me.. leaving me with times that normally others can't do. but I don't mind running solo so no prob there. Husband is gone a lot with work so single parenting is no stranger to me. Bike: Well remember I did ride solo in the winter quite a bit and no mental problems with that either. I bought more and more clothes and froze so it was all bidness knocking out the sets!! On the weekends, I could pick up some longer rides and/when husband is home. my coldest ride was at 24 degrees and we had ice and rain so biking is dicey because of the weather... lots of rescheduling. Whereas the running was not so affected although if you remember I don't like the cold!! but managed to get out everyday with the help of the dog Rudy. Our coldest run was 9 degrees and windy and I still need some warm gloves!! note.
So Dec/Jan and FEB the weather is cold... by Spring Break in March our weather is getting nicer and this year when I returned from Guatemala 7 March, we already had much warmer weather than when I had left. in Fact March 20th, I did the 65 mile bike tour.....
This is just a 7.5 hour drive for me, so close like KY was. and yes I still have a goal of doing all of the US IMs!! this is the week after my oldest graduates from college, other son just getting out of his first year and third son just practicing football and his soccer is over... my youngest two, still in school. so??
I know some of you mentioned the riding in the winter... and yes that part is not so nice, but I was already and have been riding every winter on my tri bike no less! so actually, if I am gonna be out there anyways, why not train for an Ironman!!?? besides this is a flat course. and honestly? I do better on a flat, windy course (Like NOLA )() than a hilly course.
seriously thinking about it. just thought I would let you know. m
husband said I can do it, gonna pray on it tomorrow morning, but right now have schemed my way thru the training. He also said I could do IMAZ as well. just FYI on where my brain is. Leaving me with UT in 2012. all plans subject to change!!
Have to share this: This probably is not Primal or Primordial or whatever the diets are called BUT it's fabulous. My friend Adrienne runs a blog where she mostly posts fun recipes she tries. Check it out: adjdes.blogspot.com/
I made a half serving tonight for dessert. She makes it for breakfast. I suppose it depends on what you want to top it with. I have to say, I'm becoming a huge fan of frozen fruit smashed into tiny bits and mixed with other healthy stuff. Who knew?
Optional toppings: chocolate syrup, nutmeg, cinnamon - just go nuts
1. Make life easier on yourself and slice the banana and place it on a baking sheet. Slip the sheet into the freezer and let the pieces harden. (It's easiest to take care of this step the night before.)
2. Place the banana, oats, and peanut butter into a food processor and blend until smooth.
Thank you everyone, for your advice regarding clothes for IMLOU! I truly appreciate your thoughts and advice! I would like to wear the same clothes, but if I pee on the bike, I don't think I want to stay in those tights for the marathon! Does anyone have any suggestions regarding good tri shorts? I am a large lady, so I need something that will fit and look good. Not a 'lil peep! I'm going to check with Rich to see if he has any guys tri tops, because the ladies top I have is rolling up like a window blind! LOL! Nemo and Marianne, good luck with the TT this weekend! Rock it Girls! Becky, I am glad that Dan is okay! What a terrible thing to happen! @Beth, glad you can breathe better! It sure makes a difference! Olivia, I hope you feel better soon. And you have to do what is best for you. I know that whatever you decide, will be right for you. You certainly have had one helluva year! Marianne, sounds like you have really thought through doing IMTX! I'd love to do it. It is really early in the season for me, being in NW IN. But, if it isn't sold out after IMLOU, I may just consider it. Think I better complete my first IM before considering my 2nd! LOL! Have a good evening everyone!
@Suzanne - that does sound yummy... the oats and peanut butter would be on the "no" Paleo list... but subbing almond butter would help... and most of us, it sounds like, are still doing some grains pre and post workout. I'm definitely becoming a huge smoothie fan - using yogurt or kefir as my protein base, adding flax oil... and lots of fruit. Mmm... need to try some with almond milk, too.
@Beth - what spray in product are you using for your hair? I'm really lucky that the gym I go to has a saline pool so I've been okay so far, but now my local pool is open daily 12-7 and I hope to be out there as much as I can... and that's super-chlorinated... ugh.
It's darn hot and humid here, too... think we broke records in DC today... I couldn't even bear the thought of riding outside and hopped on my drainer. My 20 minute (Z2 out, Z3 back run) turned into a sufferfest for 10 and walk back. I just couldn't do it. My feet were hot/burning (possibly the new shoes, won a pair of Karhus last fall), my hammie was off (not a new problem) and it was just stifling... knowing IMFL is 19.5 weeks away helped some... but stopping to walk home was definitely sucky! At least I hit my 2x15s on the bike!
I'm sure there are lots of folks I'm forgetting... and I'm also mixing up what I've seen on FB v. what's been posted (i.e., Kitima running with a lost lab then returning it to its owners)... anyway, glad tomorrow is Friday... and REALLY glad I have a day off from training (back in OS has it's advantages). There's a chance I'll be meeting up with Suzanne and Tracy to ride Saturday which will be very cool... I'll scrap the set workout and just try to get my hill mojo back (I'll need it for Timberman) - now that Eagleman is done, I need to get back to being comfortable on hills.... only been out 2x since my crash and both times have been really nervewracking.
M-Your plans for Texas sound cool. If you want, I have an old trainer collecting dust in my basement. Its yours if you want it for those brutal cold days in january/feb. I'm driving to Madison for the rally, so are you. It would be no problem to throw in my car. Just say the word
Beth-glad to hear you can breath now when you run, oxygen is good. I will be having a beauty treatment on Tuesday, can't wait for smooth ,shiney, highlighted hair. Will probably chop a good amount off too.
Your meals always sound so good. we definitely need a Chica cooking camp. What are garlic scapes?
Becky- sorry to hear about Dan's crash? glad nothing is broken. Way to many crashes going on in the haus, or close calls. Scary stuff
Olivia- hope you feel better soon. I agree with the others, you have been through a lot. Just do whatever to have FUN!
Kristen- hope your heel heals fast. You have time before Florida
Nemo and Marianne-have fun time trialing this weekend! Nemo- everything will be fine with the TTT. You will be great!!!!!!!!!
Barb- IM FL-I changed to running shorts, for CDA- I wore trishorts and singlet the whole time. Will probably do that again for LP. I am not able to pee on bike. i may put spare shorts in bike to run bag so they are there if I need them. I use lots of aquaphor and bodyglide
Dana- thanks for asking about my knee, 90-95% of time it seems to be doing well. I'll see how it does on this weekends ride after playing with cleats
Kitima- Earthquake is weird for NY
Aimee - Put this week of off training behind you, move forward, next week will be better. I like what beth said about your body absorbing all the training. maybe like growing pains, but fitness pains
It happened again yesterday- 2 people told me I look like I am losing weight.! The scale is still all over, but mostly down. I am down 3 in in my hips from january and 1 in on chest, bust and waist. I'll take it.
So something I could use advice on, or a smack to the head. I have been having lots of doubts for IMLP which is in 31/2 weeks. You guys know that I really only started running again basically in April. My biking was limited as well. I just feel like I am out of time and I am cramming for an exam. Each week I feel like I am getting better, but when i was down, I was down and let a lot of things go- such as core stuff. I feel that in my bike. I have started doing more core work, and I am feeling it this week, OMG. Anyway, I just did not want to withdraw from IM AGAIN this year, My ONE THING is to get ME back, and leave all the crap ( injuries, thyroid/depression stuff from my dad's illness and death) from the last 2 years on the roads of Lake Placid. I don't have any time expectations. I know deep in my person I can do it, and it is about executing with the fitness I have, I just need to squash the doubts I have. I think my biggest fear is that if I quit or drop that I will let the other stuff win. My way of quashing that fear is by setting another goal of doing either IM AZ or Cozumel in November if LP does not go well. get back on the horse again and by November will have better fitness and will have my PM ( won't have it most likely for LP) and will have more training to execute like a ninja. By having that plan B, is that giving up on me? Is that making it to easy to quit when things get rough out there in LP?. I quit a sprint tri once due to a flat when I fist started doing tris- Worst feeling in the world. Do these thoughts/doubts make any sense? or have i gone off the deep end? Any thoughts/suggestions, words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated
Barb, Shorts: Check out Voler. forgot website, but great shipping and return, I wear the black voler shorts and all sizes. they are tri shorts but they make cycling Tracy, yes on trainer, I would be silly to turn it down. husband got one for his bike but it doesn't fit mine?? something about the shape of the thing that attaches. wow on weight loss and losing inches I presume that is what you meant?? 3" in the hips, wow!! and you seem happy with your new size. so right there you have an accomplishment without the actual finish line of IMLP> like Rich said it is the lifestyle that goes with the IM ...now of course you are nervous. I remember being big and pregnant, like about 3 weeks away from due date and thinking OH NO!! this is gonna hurt, what have I done!!?? but of course no backing out....!! you get closer to that IM and by now all of your tri friends and regular friends know about it, the cat is out of the bag....and then you have past "stuff" that you are trying to get rid of. okay this is gonna sound weird, but you probably have a RR or other long ride, let's just say IMWI camp. I say you dump all of that "stuff" that you say you were going to dump at IMLP... dump it now. you have these baggages of "stuff" that is causing you stress and anxiety so instead of celebrating your fitness, weight loss and race day... you have feelings that are bothering you. You have 3 weeks left and some of that some hard, but long training, plenty of time. to come to grips with yourself and say "I want to do this Ironman, and it will be a great day!" Also "when it gets rough out there?"... now come on, you have had piriformis, thyroid, Dad's death been to Haiti, worked long hours and etc.... you just gotta say "it has been rough out there and I am surviving!!"" You have been doing the work to the best of your ability. Everything about an Ironman makes you question everything about your life in my estimation, I have said this before "it is mental, spiritual and physical".. and "all it takes is all you got."
**remind me of all of this when I am 3.5 weeks out from IMWI!!!! anyway we all love you and got your back irregardless of any IM finish.
**dog is whining, gotta scoot to run him. not even ready!! m
I slept in, woo hoo and like Nemo only til 6:30 a.m. I even woke up at 4:50, my time, but forced myself to go back to sleep. gonna run the dog here in a bit. but I woke up thinking, hey penny and Kristen live close to IMTX and the thought of meeeting them for some sort of tng weekend made me smile.
Barb- I'll second the Voler Tri shorts, I love them. At IMWI in 08 I switched to running shorts for the run- not sure I'll do that this year or not- but the idea of having fresh "panties" to start the run was kinda nice.
Tracy- X1000 what Marianne said! Dump all that crap now and use IMLP to celebrate how fantastic you are! You absolutely CAN do this. And don't set up a "fallback" plan to go to IMCoz before you have even started the swim at IMLP or it will be far to easy to bail out when your brain starts having that fight with your body. Take the next 3 weeks to really solidify your execution plan. What is your One Thing!? Practice using that One Thing right now to keep you focused on having a successful day at IMLP!
@Tracy - I may not be the best source of advice bc I've never done an IM before...i want you to do it for so many reasons, but deep down I don't want you to get hurt - physically or mentally... physically bc your knee isn't ready or mentally bc you won't finish in the time you want/had before (although you say that your prize is a finish... if that's the honest truth...go for it).
Anyway... See you tomorrow morning at 7:30! I don't expect to be burning up the trail, so feel free to wax and wan philosphic on me... despite my type E-ness, I can actually listen, too. Looking forward to it (well, as much as I can be looking forward to my longest ride in a year)... and super duper congrats on the lost inches!!!
Not sure when the TTs are... but good luck Nemo and marianne! and good luck to all our CDA'ers!!!
@ ;Tracy, I wrote something yesterday to Kitima that just came spilling out, and I think it turned out pretty revealing about what IM is for me this year. It's not ready for prime time, but I think it will help you. Check your PM here in EN.
You know I'm not afraid to tell people to step away from the race when I truly believe it might by the right decision. I think we can sense the spirit and the level of angst even virtually. For you, since I have spent time with you and know a bit of your story and situation, I think you should see it through. You just have to promise yourself not to change the rules on yourself mid- or post race. This is about the comeback--not the finish time, not the pace. That, my dear, is good enough, and might prove to be one of the best IMs of your life. You gotta go deeper, and in the end, it's where we should dig to find our gratification and growth no matter what the outcome. We are proud of you for facing it down--whether you get to the start line or not. But I think you should try. The outcome will be what it will be.
Edited to say, move forward as long as you can feel fairly sure that you will do no long-term, irreversible harm to your body. Nothing is worth that.
Tracy -- What Marianne, Nemo, and Linda said! And, when you are in the middle of a bike workout, or in the pool, and strip out all words and thoughts and just move, how do you feel about racing? Does your body want to jump and swim and play? Does it like doing all this crazy triathlon stuff? if you get an answer like that, the race is yours for the taking.
I do this sometimes before workouts, when I'm not particularly into them. I like to ask myself what will it will take to get me through the workout happy? I get lots of answers. Sometimes, it is permission to cut it in half. Sometimes, a long, luxurious nap. Sometimes, I need a new jersey. With Steelhead, I had to promise myself a bottle of Marcassin pinot. (I didn't actually end up cashing out my reward at the end. The race was, by far, cool enough.) What does IMLP need from you to be a happy race?
Garlic scape -- is the stalk of the garlic plant. So, delicious. One of the best things I've ever made was whole wheat pasta with grilled garlic scapes, tomatoes, and peaches, with a pretty cowgirl creamery cheese.
I clearly missed something with the blood tests...Kris and M I hope you're both "all good."
On transitions in IM my personal preference is to approach them as much like any other race as possible. There are a few extra steps including putting on socks and maybe reloading some sunscreen but otherwise I like to get in and get out. Think about what you truly need to do vs. what you think you might need and then simplify as much as possible.At IMFL in '06 T1 for me was 6:06. At IMCDA in '08 it was 6:28 and that was WITH a dip in the hot tub to try to regain some feeling in my limbs. St. George was a joke and so not even relevant because of how darned cold and shivering I was.
On foods, we are overrun with greens in our house! The CSA has been prolific with spinach, various lettuces, and herbs. It's insane!!! So we are literally eating like rabbits!
I really got hit with some sort of sickness. It has been six days now. No energy, feverish, congestion, chills, cough. Because of this I've lost all of what was supposed to be week 6 of my build to Boulder 70.3. Now I'm thinking I may need to bail out on that race as well as Boulder Peak which is 3 weeks prior. It just doesn't seem like it's in the cards this year. I'm not sure there's much to be gained from trying to cram for these events only to show up and not perform the way I want to. I'm kinda done with what seems to be a season of sub-optimal racing. In my sprint this weekend I was only 3 minutes off my PR but I felt like poo the whole time and just didn't feel the push or the strength that I usually feel in that race. I'm just not keen on doing that for the duration of an HIM, especially when I'm so not trained. There is a part of me that feels like that's quitting, especially because for the first time ever I am fund-raising for a local non-profit with this race. I'm just really aware that my body just doesn't seem to want to play this year, and the fight is tiring to the mind. Ugh! Sometimes I really hate being so thoughtful about stuff like this.
OK. Now I should go try to get some shut eye.
@Olivia - oh no... feel better!
@Barbara - I should practice transitions, too... never have before but it makes sense.
So glad I did my run yesterday morning... but since today is my telework day getting up at 5ish to do my brick just didn't happen (my alarm went off and I turned it off... next thing I know it was 7... then 9, I guess I needed sleep! wow). It's another scorcher in DC so I will most likely do my ride on the trainer at 4:30 and suffer through the 20 minute run outside (my own darn fault for not getting up). I'm really glad to be back in OS for a few weeks... a short break before hitting it hard again - tough workouts, but manageable. Funny, in OS I was chomping at the bit to do more volume... now I'm thrilled to be stepping back before signing away the next 16 weeks of my life.
Heading to the chiropractor at noon and the trader joes is a few blocks from there so we'll see what I can come up with in terms of primal-approved snacks.
Dan bikes to work a few days a week and he was in a head-on collision on Tuesday... ugh... he said it was his fault at a tricky intersection on the trail. He looks terrible. A shiner on his eye and his right side is all bruised and battered (hand, wrist, bicep)... and he only went to the ER today (grr). X-rays and MRI - no breaks, whew! And his bike is okay... So, please please please be careful out there... particularly on those trails you've done a million times before - you never know.
Kristen: Yes, I am tracking my caloric intake with an iPhone app called Lose It. I run a 500 Cal deficit a day in order to lose 1 pound a week. So far it's working. The Paleo addition was so I maintain that calorie deficit without feeling insanely hungry throughout the day. The bulk of all the plant matter I eat keeps me very full and the low glycemic index of that food keeps my glucose levels steady all day (so no spikes in insulin, no "I'm gonna inhale the next thing I see like a hyena in the Serengeti" feeling).
Glad to hear your foot is doing better with the treatments.
Suzanne: A crackling elbow! I'm envisioning all the scar tissue breaking up and lots of healing going on and your range of mobility increasing!
Earthquake: Yep, I felt that earthquake yesterday around 1:30pm. It felt like someone kicked my chair than gently shook it for about 30 seconds. My DH said the track lights in the house swayed. So strange to have an earthquake in Upstate NY.
Olivia: I really hope you're feeling better. Take some time to rest---it's been on HELLUVA year for you no doubt. And didn't you start a new job that super busy too? When I'm feeling like poo my mom always says:"Eat something, take a shower, and go to bed." In that order too. I call it Mommycakes Trifecta. It works everytime.
Becky: Ouch for Dan! Good to hear there's nothing broken.
Hi All,
I found this link that gives sample menus for eating Paleo-style for a day with two workouts, and a rest day. Does this seem like enough food to you? I tried it once, and I have to say, it seemed kinda on the low side. What to y'all think? That "home brew" think is so loaded with juice and glucose it gave me the zings! Tasted good though. I think we'll all end up eating "modified Paleo," as in using the idea to get your head around how to eliminate the junk, then customizing for suit out own needs. That's fine--getting to better eating habits any way we can get there! I dunno, I'm all for Spartan, but not too extreme.
@Becky--yo on Dan! So sorry to read that. What is going on these days???? Keep us posted on how he's doing. Thank heavens it wasn't worse..
@Olivia--still not better? That is one stubbon cold. I hate the ones that last weeks. I can only speak for myself to say slogging through a HIM is not my idea of a good time. I had just enough to do the AB, but if I had to face that run I would have been road kill. You can decide what's best for you, but how about just doing sprint after sprint through the summer? Post-reg at the local races. Throw it down as best you can. Have FUN, and get into the vibe of it all. Those small, short races can go a long way to restoring the fun and getting you psyched again. Just a thought. In fact, I just described my racing summer 2011.
Kitboo- you and me both!!! Man this place has a lot going on! (explanation points for Beth- I just loved that one). How is the B12 and D looking with the new Paleo thing?
Beth- homemade tofu?? How does that work?
Olivia- man, you've been sick for a while! And mentally, wow- that's some serious burn out. I'm with Linda- sounds to me like you need some low key short fast fun stuff. Just go out and have fun- or don't race at all, isn't there another 14er to knock off the list?
Becky- soooo sorry to hear about Dan. You said it was a head on collision, but was that with a car or another cyclist? What trail are you talking about? I know some of those hiker/biker trails in DC have tight turns and I can imagine a collision in several places. Ugh! Hope he's doing better soon.
OK- I'm trying not to freak out, but I've just made a change to my weekend plans at the last minute and I need to remain calm. The TT this weekend is actually a 2-man Team TT. But I I arranged with the RD to do it as a solo rider. All good, right? Well one of the local guys here just sent out a note to find a buddy to do the Team TT with and my name got thrown into the pot! EEEEEEK! I said "OK- as long as the RD says we can switch my registration" and Oh.......My.......God, I think I'm about to do a Team TT!!!
So Marianne- I may not be able to hold onto the challenge, but both of us will be doing something out of our comfort zones this weekend!!!
Staying calm, deep breaths, I can do this..................
Linda, I'll have to check out that link. You are right about figuring out how to clean up the junk, and then going on from there. In hungrier moments I try to think of reasons not to follow the Paleo, and I just can't find any.
Tons of veggies, fruits, lean proteins, good fats, and carbs around workouts - it seems very similar to many pro athlete's diets that I have read about. Why can't chocolate gelato be on that list? 
Becky, so glad that Dan's ok! That could have been really bad.
Kitima, do you find it difficult to guesstimate the amount of calories in dishes you make at home or eat out? That always trips me up on logging calories.
Olivia, stay at home and rest! Whatever crud you have sounds nasty. Take a long weekend and pamper yourself!
I'm so excited about the new Ironman Texas, but wish it was at a different time of year. I live only 45 minutes from the Woodlands and could easily train on the course. However, while Texas weather is much more temperate than a lot of the country in the winter, training outside in January and February is just nasty. 34 degrees and high humidity are not my cup of tea.
I won't do it this first year, but maybe in a few...Spectating will be great, though! We don't have a guest room but anyone is welcome on our couch or an air mattress!
Ahh, but it is!!!! You get your 5% of calories from any old thing you wanna eat!
Ok, maybe I stretch it to a tad more than 5%, but I get my little treats every day. Choco definitely one of them!
Neems-- your lil' peep status is now officially "on hold." Not yet revoked, but you're coming close.
JK, but that is cool. My tummy did a little flip just reading it, so I know how you feel. Thing is, we can only do what we can do. You will do your best, you will be motivated, you'll dig deep, and you will do what you can to the nth. Can't ask for more than that!
Hello everyone -
Well ok, ok, I'll start doing Paleo!
It does sound pretty cool.
Olivia - that is so frustrating; it sounds like you are making the right decision to take some time before pressuring yourself with a big race.
Nemo - Team TT!!! That is way too cool - and very intimidating..please, please, please get some pics! Good luck Marianne too!
Becky - sorry about Dan's accident, what a bummer..My DH bikes absolutely everywhere (we don't have a car) and sometimes when he's a little late getting home, I get so nervous.
Kitima -good advice on IM transition changing..I'm planning on wearing one outfit, but I have been having intermittent bike short "itchies" all year. I grimace to think of 112+ 26.2 in damp/sweaty shorts -the price to pay for a little more speed!!
I've had a crappy training week with some runs that I've literally slogged through, and one that I just couldn't finish. Last week I felt great running, this week I wasn't breathing all that well and I'd get all clammy. I ran through it one day, though the day before I said screw it. I'm thinking it's the heat, not as good sleeping/eating. Unfortunately I haven't been doing much to improve this as had friend in town, mother-in-law in town and demanding work week. I've bagged a couple of workouts and am looking for a clean slate!! Don't have a lot of room for fooling around 10 weeks to IMKY.
As for the Vit B12 and Vit D deficiencies and Paleo, I've been taking Vit D supplements as I'm not about to stop wearing high spf sunscreen. For the Vit B12, I'm getting monthly shots. I haven't had those vitamin levels check yet (in 6 weeks). I know from the Lose It app that I should be eating more protein (it will calculate the percentage of macronutrients that I eat) so I've been trying to be more mindful to that.
As for my 5% digression from Paleo, I have a small block of Hageland dark chocolate with almonds every night for my treat. It's only 95 Calories and the almonds have the good fat.
Nemo: Team TT---how cool is that?! Maybe a quick rehearsal ride with your teammate before the race would be good to work out just how long each of you will pull, on which side you will pass, what to do if someone poops out and needs to pull less...I'm very excited for you! I've always wanted to do one, but everyone I know who would do one with me has an FTP at least 100 watts above mine (read: all guys). It'll be so fun just getting Fiona and yourself all dressed up for it with wheel covers, aerohelmet...an EN skinsuit! Ha!
@Nemo... wow! I'm nervous for you, but you'll be great - I know you can keep your wits about you. I second the advice of trying to get together and ride with your teammate. Good luck!!! Can't wait to hear about it (and Marianne's TT, too)! Dan's crash was with another cyclist. He said it was around the airport at the 4 mile run junction, I think... I know that one well and it's sort of a Y. He knows it's tricky but he just zoned out apparently. I'm glad he didn't break anything or sprain anything seriously since soft tissue damage is worse than a break - we're on the calendar for a small OLY together 7/11, we'll see if he'll race or sherpa. Fingers crossed!
@Linda and Kit - thanks for the links (and app recommendation). I just finished the Primal Blueprint and will move on to Paleo for Athletes. I do think Kristen (and others?) are right in that this is all about cleaning up our diets and habits... making healthier lifestyle choices. I think breakfast will be the hardest for me... cereal and fruit is so easy... but eggs don't take all that long (especially if I've cut up the veggies the night before) and smoothies are definitely easy (but I need to pick up some protein powder). And, Linda, dark choco and red wine are okay in moderation - woo hoo!!! I've had a glass of wine with dinner and done okay... I didn't weigh myself getting back from vaca, but when I hopped on the scale yesterday I didn't want to cry and today was ever so slightly lower...
I hit Trader Joe's and did what I could as far as snacks go. String cheese and cottage cheese (hard to resist the impulse to get the fat free/low fat versions), trail mix, buffalo and turkey jerky (unfortunately these were made with sugar and soy sauce... hopefully I can find alternatives at whole foods or the farmers market), and almond butter. Oh, and I also picked up some real butter (I can't think of the last time I got real butter), dark chocolate and unsweetened almond milk (so I'm ready when I'm done with the sweet stuff I got the other day).
Sorry to hear about Dan's bike crash, Becky. That really stinks! I do sometimes think there are more dangers lying in the shadows of our respective local trails than we realize. It is a good reminder to stay alert, especially at those intersections.
Aimee those weeks of less that perfect training can be frustrating, it does sound like there's been a lot of things that you had to take care of. It does sound like you've had some issues with the heat. Do you notice a difference if you take on more fluid/electrolytes? This could be a good chance to find a new hydration strategy that could be great for the hot, sticky IMKY conditions.
Oh yeah, and I forgot to tell you all that this weekend at my sprint race a girl in my AG started asking me a bunch of questions about EN. Turns out she's going to be in Madison for Moo to volunteer and sign up for the race. She said she'd go to the EN Talk before the race. I thought that was pretty cool! I told her that the EN vibe was going to be super strong there that week and that she will come away from there feeling it! Very cool that I could end up with another chica in my back yard!
Ladies- another thought on the Paleo thing- as Linda points out you have the 5% and I'd use that or modify as you need. I do Paleo 80% of the time (choose to not give up dairy totally so I'm ok with a little cheese or yogurt). Balance is essential in all things to be successful. Too much of anything isn't good, yes even speed :-) Just getting the processed foods out of your diet slowly over time is a huge health benefit.
Just plain ole hot & humid here- knocked out my ride last night and run this morning and felt like I'd lost 20 pds in sweat!! On the lookout for some good,decently priced, supportive sports bra. The Champion ones just aren't holding up so looking for alternatives- something I can run in (ie max support). Let me know if you run across any deal or ones you like!
Nemo!!!!! (The exclamation points are all I need to say on the subject of Team TT.)
Aimee - bad weeks totally suck. I like to think of them as weeks my body is working especially hard to absorb all the previous training.
Linda - Hm. There are lots of weird foods mixed with chopped egg whites and protein powder. That's getting a little too close to fake food for my liking. As long as the salads are huge, their examples probably have enough calories. That breakfast smoothie alone sounds fairly calorie dense.
Homemade tofu. Go to farmer's market. Trade a five dollar bill for tofu. That's as close as I get to homemade. Last night, I stir-fried the tofu, zucchini, baby bok choy, and chinese broccoli with garlic and curry powder. Seriously delicious. I'm eating the leftovers for lunch right now.
Kitima -- I like this Mommycake trifecta.
Becky -- Oh, poor Dan! I'm glad he got checked out and is okay.
Last fall, I learned the Lush store can solve all my icky over-chlorinated swimming skin problems (Sympathy for the Skin). Last week, I spent the best $10 of the week, by adding a detox treatment when I got my hair cut. It is now soft, shiny, and you can actually see highlights. Much improved over the limp, brittle hair I had before. The nice Aveda ladies also sold me a spray-in product which protects the hair from sun and chlorine. Who knew being an athlete would be so hard on hair and skin?
Running is also so much easier now that I can breathe! I'm thinking this new diagnoses of allergies and getting them under control may be worth a vdot point or two.
Mid March - Mid May, thick of training.
Swim: I can start some wetsuit open water swims (chilly) by end of April so I can get in some OW swims in local lake. Before that, I was Masters swimming 2x week anyways, so that would stay the same except a bit longer probably timewise.
Run: 2010 I did some winter series, free runs late December thru January on Saturday mornings and in the week I ran solo. We have a local 1/2 marathon/marathon early March that I could spin up for. I haven't joined any local running clubs since my move here 3 years ago as my focus has been on cycling, but maybe I would... with kids' school schedule, early mornings are school prep for me. and evening workouts are never good for me.. leaving me with times that normally others can't do. but I don't mind running solo so no prob there. Husband is gone a lot with work so single parenting is no stranger to me.
Bike: Well remember I did ride solo in the winter quite a bit and no mental problems with that either. I bought more and more clothes and froze so it was all bidness knocking out the sets!! On the weekends, I could pick up some longer rides and/when husband is home. my coldest ride was at 24 degrees and we had ice and rain so biking is dicey because of the weather... lots of rescheduling. Whereas the running was not so affected although if you remember I don't like the cold!! but managed to get out everyday with the help of the dog Rudy. Our coldest run was 9 degrees and windy and I still need some warm gloves!! note.
So Dec/Jan and FEB the weather is cold... by Spring Break in March our weather is getting nicer and this year when I returned from Guatemala 7 March, we already had much warmer weather than when I had left. in Fact March 20th, I did the 65 mile bike tour.....
This is just a 7.5 hour drive for me, so close like KY was. and yes I still have a goal of doing all of the US IMs!! this is the week after my oldest graduates from college, other son just getting out of his first year and third son just practicing football and his soccer is over... my youngest two, still in school. so??
I know some of you mentioned the riding in the winter... and yes that part is not so nice, but I was already and have been riding every winter on my tri bike no less! so actually, if I am gonna be out there anyways, why not train for an Ironman!!?? besides this is a flat course. and honestly? I do better on a flat, windy course (Like NOLA )() than a hilly course.
seriously thinking about it. just thought I would let you know. m
Have to share this: This probably is not Primal or Primordial or whatever the diets are called BUT it's fabulous. My friend Adrienne runs a blog where she mostly posts fun recipes she tries. Check it out: adjdes.blogspot.com/
I made a half serving tonight for dessert. She makes it for breakfast. I suppose it depends on what you want to top it with. I have to say, I'm becoming a huge fan of frozen fruit smashed into tiny bits and mixed with other healthy stuff. Who knew?
The Small & Mighty
(Courtesy of Yes, I Want Cake)
1 frozen banana
1/3 cup raw rolled oats
1 tbsp peanut butter
Optional toppings: chocolate syrup, nutmeg, cinnamon - just go nuts
1. Make life easier on yourself and slice the banana and place it on a baking sheet. Slip the sheet into the freezer and let the pieces harden. (It's easiest to take care of this step the night before.)
2. Place the banana, oats, and peanut butter into a food processor and blend until smooth.
3. Add your toppings of choice and enjoy!
Nemo and Marianne, good luck with the TT this weekend! Rock it Girls!
Becky, I am glad that Dan is okay! What a terrible thing to happen! @Beth, glad you can breathe better! It sure makes a difference!
Olivia, I hope you feel better soon. And you have to do what is best for you. I know that whatever you decide, will be right for you. You certainly have had one helluva year!
Marianne, sounds like you have really thought through doing IMTX! I'd love to do it. It is really early in the season for me, being in NW IN. But, if it isn't sold out after IMLOU, I may just consider it. Think I better complete my first IM before considering my 2nd! LOL! Have a good evening everyone!
@Suzanne - that does sound yummy... the oats and peanut butter would be on the "no" Paleo list... but subbing almond butter would help... and most of us, it sounds like, are still doing some grains pre and post workout. I'm definitely becoming a huge smoothie fan - using yogurt or kefir as my protein base, adding flax oil... and lots of fruit. Mmm... need to try some with almond milk, too.
@Beth - what spray in product are you using for your hair? I'm really lucky that the gym I go to has a saline pool so I've been okay so far, but now my local pool is open daily 12-7 and I hope to be out there as much as I can... and that's super-chlorinated... ugh.
It's darn hot and humid here, too... think we broke records in DC today... I couldn't even bear the thought of riding outside and hopped on my drainer. My 20 minute (Z2 out, Z3 back run) turned into a sufferfest for 10 and walk back. I just couldn't do it. My feet were hot/burning (possibly the new shoes, won a pair of Karhus last fall), my hammie was off (not a new problem) and it was just stifling... knowing IMFL is 19.5 weeks away helped some... but stopping to walk home was definitely sucky! At least I hit my 2x15s on the bike!
I'm sure there are lots of folks I'm forgetting... and I'm also mixing up what I've seen on FB v. what's been posted (i.e., Kitima running with a lost lab then returning it to its owners)... anyway, glad tomorrow is Friday... and REALLY glad I have a day off from training (back in OS has it's advantages). There's a chance I'll be meeting up with Suzanne and Tracy to ride Saturday which will be very cool... I'll scrap the set workout and just try to get my hill mojo back (I'll need it for Timberman) - now that Eagleman is done, I need to get back to being comfortable on hills.... only been out 2x since my crash and both times have been really nervewracking.
Howdy Chicas-
M-Your plans for Texas sound cool. If you want, I have an old trainer collecting dust in my basement. Its yours if you want it for those brutal cold days in january/feb. I'm driving to Madison for the rally, so are you. It would be no problem to throw in my car. Just say the word
Beth-glad to hear you can breath now when you run, oxygen is good. I will be having a beauty treatment on Tuesday, can't wait for smooth ,shiney, highlighted hair. Will probably chop a good amount off too.
Your meals always sound so good. we definitely need a Chica cooking camp. What are garlic scapes?
Becky- sorry to hear about Dan's crash? glad nothing is broken. Way to many crashes going on in the haus, or close calls. Scary stuff
Olivia- hope you feel better soon. I agree with the others, you have been through a lot. Just do whatever to have FUN!
Kristen- hope your heel heals fast. You have time before Florida
Nemo and Marianne-have fun time trialing this weekend! Nemo- everything will be fine with the TTT. You will be great!!!!!!!!!
Barb- IM FL-I changed to running shorts, for CDA- I wore trishorts and singlet the whole time. Will probably do that again for LP. I am not able to pee on bike. i may put spare shorts in bike to run bag so they are there if I need them. I use lots of aquaphor and bodyglide
Dana- thanks for asking about my knee, 90-95% of time it seems to be doing well. I'll see how it does on this weekends ride after playing with cleats
Kitima- Earthquake is weird for NY
Aimee - Put this week of off training behind you, move forward, next week will be better. I like what beth said about your body absorbing all the training. maybe like growing pains, but fitness pains
It happened again yesterday- 2 people told me I look like I am losing weight.! The scale is still all over, but mostly down. I am down 3 in in my hips from january and 1 in on chest, bust and waist. I'll take it.
So something I could use advice on, or a smack to the head. I have been having lots of doubts for IMLP which is in 31/2 weeks. You guys know that I really only started running again basically in April. My biking was limited as well. I just feel like I am out of time and I am cramming for an exam. Each week I feel like I am getting better, but when i was down, I was down and let a lot of things go- such as core stuff. I feel that in my bike. I have started doing more core work, and I am feeling it this week, OMG. Anyway, I just did not want to withdraw from IM AGAIN this year, My ONE THING is to get ME back, and leave all the crap ( injuries, thyroid/depression stuff from my dad's illness and death) from the last 2 years on the roads of Lake Placid. I don't have any time expectations. I know deep in my person I can do it, and it is about executing with the fitness I have, I just need to squash the doubts I have. I think my biggest fear is that if I quit or drop that I will let the other stuff win. My way of quashing that fear is by setting another goal of doing either IM AZ or Cozumel in November if LP does not go well. get back on the horse again and by November will have better fitness and will have my PM ( won't have it most likely for LP) and will have more training to execute like a ninja. By having that plan B, is that giving up on me? Is that making it to easy to quit when things get rough out there in LP?. I quit a sprint tri once due to a flat when I fist started doing tris- Worst feeling in the world. Do these thoughts/doubts make any sense? or have i gone off the deep end? Any thoughts/suggestions, words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated
Tracy, yes on trainer, I would be silly to turn it down. husband got one for his bike but it doesn't fit mine?? something about the shape of the thing that attaches. wow on weight loss and losing inches I presume that is what you meant?? 3" in the hips, wow!! and you seem happy with your new size. so right there you have an accomplishment without the actual finish line of IMLP> like Rich said it is the lifestyle that goes with the IM ...now of course you are nervous. I remember being big and pregnant, like about 3 weeks away from due date and thinking OH NO!! this is gonna hurt, what have I done!!?? but of course no backing out....!! you get closer to that IM and by now all of your tri friends and regular friends know about it, the cat is out of the bag....and then you have past "stuff" that you are trying to get rid of. okay this is gonna sound weird, but you probably have a RR or other long ride, let's just say IMWI camp. I say you dump all of that "stuff" that you say you were going to dump at IMLP... dump it now. you have these baggages of "stuff" that is causing you stress and anxiety so instead of celebrating your fitness, weight loss and race day... you have feelings that are bothering you. You have 3 weeks left and some of that some hard, but long training, plenty of time. to come to grips with yourself and say "I want to do this Ironman, and it will be a great day!" Also "when it gets rough out there?"... now come on, you have had piriformis, thyroid, Dad's death been to Haiti, worked long hours and etc.... you just gotta say "it has been rough out there and I am surviving!!"" You have been doing the work to the best of your ability. Everything about an Ironman makes you question everything about your life in my estimation, I have said this before "it is mental, spiritual and physical".. and "all it takes is all you got."
**remind me of all of this when I am 3.5 weeks out from IMWI!!!! anyway we all love you and got your back irregardless of any IM finish.
**dog is whining, gotta scoot to run him. not even ready!! m
I slept in, woo hoo and like Nemo only til 6:30 a.m. I even woke up at 4:50, my time, but forced myself to go back to sleep. gonna run the dog here in a bit. but I woke up thinking, hey penny and Kristen live close to IMTX and the thought of meeeting them for some sort of tng weekend made me smile.
Barb- I'll second the Voler Tri shorts, I love them. At IMWI in 08 I switched to running shorts for the run- not sure I'll do that this year or not- but the idea of having fresh "panties" to start the run was kinda nice.
Tracy- X1000 what Marianne said! Dump all that crap now and use IMLP to celebrate how fantastic you are! You absolutely CAN do this. And don't set up a "fallback" plan to go to IMCoz before you have even started the swim at IMLP or it will be far to easy to bail out when your brain starts having that fight with your body. Take the next 3 weeks to really solidify your execution plan. What is your One Thing!? Practice using that One Thing right now to keep you focused on having a successful day at IMLP!
@Tracy - I may not be the best source of advice bc I've never done an IM before...i want you to do it for so many reasons, but deep down I don't want you to get hurt - physically or mentally... physically bc your knee isn't ready or mentally bc you won't finish in the time you want/had before (although you say that your prize is a finish... if that's the honest truth...go for it).
Anyway... See you tomorrow morning at 7:30! I don't expect to be burning up the trail, so feel free to wax and wan philosphic on me... despite my type E-ness, I can actually listen, too. Looking forward to it (well, as much as I can be looking forward to my longest ride in a year)... and super duper congrats on the lost inches!!!
Not sure when the TTs are... but good luck Nemo and marianne! and good luck to all our CDA'ers!!!
@ ;Tracy, I wrote something yesterday to Kitima that just came spilling out, and I think it turned out pretty revealing about what IM is for me this year. It's not ready for prime time, but I think it will help you. Check your PM here in EN.
You know I'm not afraid to tell people to step away from the race when I truly believe it might by the right decision. I think we can sense the spirit and the level of angst even virtually. For you, since I have spent time with you and know a bit of your story and situation, I think you should see it through. You just have to promise yourself not to change the rules on yourself mid- or post race. This is about the comeback--not the finish time, not the pace. That, my dear, is good enough, and might prove to be one of the best IMs of your life. You gotta go deeper, and in the end, it's where we should dig to find our gratification and growth no matter what the outcome. We are proud of you for facing it down--whether you get to the start line or not. But I think you should try. The outcome will be what it will be.
Edited to say, move forward as long as you can feel fairly sure that you will do no long-term, irreversible harm to your body. Nothing is worth that.
Tracy -- What Marianne, Nemo, and Linda said! And, when you are in the middle of a bike workout, or in the pool, and strip out all words and thoughts and just move, how do you feel about racing? Does your body want to jump and swim and play? Does it like doing all this crazy triathlon stuff? if you get an answer like that, the race is yours for the taking.
I do this sometimes before workouts, when I'm not particularly into them. I like to ask myself what will it will take to get me through the workout happy? I get lots of answers. Sometimes, it is permission to cut it in half. Sometimes, a long, luxurious nap. Sometimes, I need a new jersey. With Steelhead, I had to promise myself a bottle of Marcassin pinot. (I didn't actually end up cashing out my reward at the end. The race was, by far, cool enough.) What does IMLP need from you to be a happy race?
Garlic scape -- is the stalk of the garlic plant. So, delicious. One of the best things I've ever made was whole wheat pasta with grilled garlic scapes, tomatoes, and peaches, with a pretty cowgirl creamery cheese.
Hair product - Aveda Sun Care Protective Hair Veil.