is the dealio with the camp. Kathy and I are still deciding if we can come. I have Habitat 500 which begins on Sunday the 11th. I need to be in northern Minnesota sometime Saturday afternoon the 10th. Also, because of Hab500 and IMWI and new job, I have little to no vaca. The company is allowing me to work around this by taking some time without pay but I can't really push that. So....I would be driving out on Thursday night. Get there quite late, get up on Friday and ride with you all, then drive home Friday night cuz Kathy has to get back for a class that starts on Saturday at 8:00 a.m. whew...what I'm getting at is some feedback. My husband thinks our coming is INSANE (and he did say that with capital letters) I am feeling quite crunched on time. Ugh....I hate this. I HATE to miss the time with you all!!!! I really really really have been looking forward to coming out there.
Sheryl- ugh, I'd love to see you guys too. But that really does sound like a lot of stress for just one day of riding. If it were me, I'd probably opt out and wait to meet all the Chicas in September. That's just too much crammed into one weekend for my taste. But everyone is different- I have a friend who thrives on schedules like that. Whatever you decide- you know we will support you!
Hi Nemo and girls, I am going to ship my bike directly to the Clarion too. Like Rick i am not renting a car and arrive Madison at 10:30, no problem getting a cab, just wondered if anyone else was landing at that time and I would hitch a ride. Gonna sign up for the swim clinic but want to do all the dinners you girls are doing. Have to re-read Rich's latest schedule he posted because it kind of sounded like he may have changed times and places for food.
Posted a question on buying EN goodies (visors, shirts bathing suits etc.) didn't hear back on that post (that I can find), anyone now about that? Also is anyone bringing a wetsuit to swim other than in a pool, never been to Wisconsin so no clue on water temps, or even projected air temps. OK, will search around for answers, just wanted to make sure I can have as much "social time" with you girls as possible, most likey won't be on the long rides....if you know what I mean
Sheryl--part of this is also to relax and have fun. While we are totally awesome--and in a group I cannot imagine the order of magnitude greater the awesome-ness will be--we are still NOT worth that crazy schedule! That is NOT fun, but IS stress. Bag the camp, and we will all be together in September.
Thanks for the feedback. I think Kathy's schedule has freed up so she has some plans but I think I'm bagging the trip at this point. When I originally planned to come, I wasn't working and there was no job on the horizon. At this point, I have one and have even already been "promoted" in a way so I have to be true to my committments. While seeing you all would be totally awesome, my Habitat 500 ride is a committment to my daughter and my supporters so I'll see ya'll in September unless anyone wants to meet out there some other weekend to ride the course. Dangit. I am profoundly disappointed. On the other hand I do want a visor and will see if Kathy can snag it for me while she is there.
David- the Chicas will be generally following most of the EN Rally schedule for the training and such. We'll just be modifying here & there to add a little chica power (like some yoga, pilates, maybe a manicure, etc).
One reminder to everyone. Camp is on a holiday week (Monday is 4th of July holiday) so you may need to ship your bike via FedEx a little earlier to be sure it gets there on time (and so you don't end up paying $$$$ in expediting fees). Check with FedEx on delivery times to/from your own local. In a nutshell, for me this means I gotta pack up Fiona after her ride on Sunday 'cause I won't have time mid week to pack her up and she's gotta be at the FedEx office on Wednesday (week from today).
One reminder to everyone. Camp is on a holiday week (Monday is 4th of July holiday) so you may need to ship your bike via FedEx a little earlier to be sure it gets there on time (and so you don't end up paying $$$$ in expediting fees). Check with FedEx on delivery times to/from your own local. In a nutshell, for me this means I gotta pack up Fiona after her ride on Sunday 'cause I won't have time mid week to pack her up and she's gotta be at the FedEx office on Wednesday (week from today).
Crap, forgot about that. Jeezus, one more thing to plan for.
R --- The chicas have 18-20 people heading to dinner at Harvest on Thursday. Would it be possible to move the four keys talk so we can all attend and then go to dinner (end at seven, dinner at seven thirty?). Or, can we bribe you with dinner to give a version of it there?
Posted By Rich Strauss on 19 Jun 2010 03:26 PM
Here you go:
I still have some things to sort out with the Clarion and the pool so I have some loose ends in this schedule you go. As I told Nemo, please understand that I have to balance your desires with my EN requirement to put on a training camp for ~100 people, solo. After my experience with IMLP I've decided to significantly turn up the admin dial on this camp, making it much more formal and trying to do as much of the campy stuff out of the Clarion, if possible. Therefore, talks at the Clarion vs in the grass somewhere downtown, catered dinner vs a restaraunt, etc. We had 30+ sat, fed, and done in 45' in LP. I'm sure you guys would appreciate that after a long day of training.
I'm all about doing a Team-only dinner on Saturday. Please plan and maybe give me a ride cuz I'm not renting a car
Swim Clinic (optional) 3-5pm, Madison High
RR, 0800 Clarion
HHH* or other, 0800 from ?
Long run, 8a from Terrace
Camp "registration" @ 5:30p
4keys of IM Execution, IMWI Version
6-7:30p @ Clarion
Advanced IM Racing Topics
Clarion 5p
Ironman Training for the Self-Coached Athlete
5:30p @ Clarion
Walk thru of the transition area
Buffet-style, Clarion, 6p
Team only, 7p @ Team's choic
Team lunch? Coffee before run? Depends on travel schedule
I have been silent about camp plans because I was waiting to reg and find out schedule for the continuing ed week long course that I will be taking. Finally got the timeline and looks like the course doesn't begin until Sat at 1 pm. So that means I have extra time on the backend to make this work. So, I will be leaving around noonish on Thursday and making it to Madison between 4-5ish roughly. I will spend all day on Friday and then head back to Minneapolis early Sat morning....prolly take off by 5 am or earlier. Get home, say hi to the family and have enough time to get to class.Looking forward to meeting everyone
Sorry, EN attendance is mandatory. Sorry, don't want to be a dick, but I'm not flying across the country to do a clinic and have you pick and choose what you do/do not attend, at least the teaching stuff. Insert cop smilie here.
I'm not going to do two versions of the talk. I'm all about TeamEN-only dinners on Thursday and Saturday but respectfully request that I not have to do 2 x 1.5hr talks of the same stuff. Thanks .
I've had a lot of interest in the swim clinic (still working on the details) so I'm trying to string that together with admin stuff at the hotel with the 4keys talk, then dinner, have it all move smoothly.
Can't we just move the dinner to Friday? Throwing that out there, but I barely know what's going on since I'm in a "point-me-and-I'll-be-there" mode. Don't want to miss any of the EN talks, however. They are truly worth going to.
Friday is the Camp Dinner at the Clarion. We could move it to Saturday, but either way, we've gotta have dinner at some point on Thursday night! Unless you grab a bit before 5:30, you'll be eating something at 8:00 (ugh). Beth- I know there's lots of folks coming and going, so I don't know if moving Foodie Dinner to Saturday would impact anyone. Do you recall?
Eating at 8ish or prolly later with a long ride the next day, might be pushing it. For me at least, guess I will speak for myself. I did sign up for Harvest, but I will be starving by 8! I might just grab something before Rich talks @ 6. I agree with Linda, maybe we could eat @ Harvest on Friday evening? But then again, looks like on the schedule Rich is planning a meal at Clarion. Don't want to step on any toes and really appreciate all the work that has gone into the planning....just thinking out loud
Eating at 8ish or prolly later with a long ride the next day, might be pushing it. For me at least, guess I will speak for myself. I did sign up for Harvest, but I will be starving by 8! I might just grab something before Rich talks @ 6. I agree with Linda, maybe we could eat @ Harvest on Friday evening? But then again, looks like on the schedule Rich is planning a meal at Clarion. Don't want to step on any toes and really appreciate all the work that has gone into the planning....just thinking out loud
The talk throws in an element we hadn't planned on, which does mess with the Harvest plans, doesn't it? To the other chicas, it is likely I will grab a bite with Kathy. I doubt I will make it to 8. We won't eat until much later than that, then we are riding a a RR less than 12 hours later. Eating dinner so late is just not going to work for me, and I have to get to bed. Just feel for me as I sit there eating my sorry turkey sandwich, with Kathy.
You guys understand the talk is on Thursday, which is not a training day for you, and you're more than welcome to bring your own snack, sammich, donut, or whatever so that you don't pass out during the talk and make it to dinner in one piece?
More later, lemme get through CDA this weekend and turn my head back to the WI camp. Thanks!
Eating at 8ish or prolly later with a long ride the next day, might be pushing it. For me at least, guess I will speak for myself. I did sign up for Harvest, but I will be starving by 8! I might just grab something before Rich talks @ 6. I agree with Linda, maybe we could eat @ Harvest on Friday evening? But then again, looks like on the schedule Rich is planning a meal at Clarion. Don't want to step on any toes and really appreciate all the work that has gone into the planning....just thinking out loud
The talk throws in an element we hadn't planned on, which does mess with the Harvest plans, doesn't it? To the other chicas, it is likely I will grab a bite with Kathy. I doubt I will make it to 8. We won't eat until much later than that, then we are riding a a RR less than 12 hours later. Eating dinner so late is just not going to work for me. Just feel for me as I sit there eating my sorry turkey sandwich, with Kathy.
I am on the same page. 8 is just too late. Can we move HARVEST dinner to Friday???
At IM LP Rally, Rich gave the 4 keys talk on Thursday so we could incorporate it into RR on Friday. He did a different talk each night of Rally, so i doubt he will move it to Friday
I'm tempted to leave dinner on Thursday, because the other nights also promise to be troublesome with group and team dinners. But two questions:
1) Rich -- Is their wiggle room with dinner the other nights? Do you have flexibility moving anything Thursday? Ex. If we do dinner at six and promise to be back at eight, could course talk happen then?
2)Hungry foodie ladies -- We could leave dinner at eight and you could grab something beforehand and then join the eight o'clock group for dessert/second light dinner and go back early?
Argh! This is like planning extended family Thanksgiving!
From Rich's post on the Weekend Gameplan, it looks like the Rally Dinner (for ENers and Non-ENers) is Friday and the EN team only dinner is Saturday. Why don't we move the Harvest dinner to Friday night?
So I will be driving to Madison. I am planning to arrive early afternoon on Wed. Who needs a ride from the airport? What time are people arriving? Who needs a ride?
Comments is the dealio with the camp. Kathy and I are still deciding if we can come. I have Habitat 500 which begins on Sunday the 11th. I need to be in northern Minnesota sometime Saturday afternoon the 10th. Also, because of Hab500 and IMWI and new job, I have little to no vaca. The company is allowing me to work around this by taking some time without pay but I can't really push that. So....I would be driving out on Thursday night. Get there quite late, get up on Friday and ride with you all, then drive home Friday night cuz Kathy has to get back for a class that starts on Saturday at 8:00 a.m. whew...what I'm getting at is some feedback. My husband thinks our coming is INSANE (and he did say that with capital letters) I am feeling quite crunched on time. Ugh....I hate this. I HATE to miss the time with you all!!!! I really really really have been looking forward to coming out there.
Hi Nemo and girls, I am going to ship my bike directly to the Clarion too. Like Rick i am not renting a car and arrive Madison at 10:30, no problem getting a cab, just wondered if anyone else was landing at that time and I would hitch a ride. Gonna sign up for the swim clinic but want to do all the dinners you girls are doing. Have to re-read Rich's latest schedule he posted because it kind of sounded like he may have changed times and places for food.
Posted a question on buying EN goodies (visors, shirts bathing suits etc.) didn't hear back on that post (that I can find), anyone now about that? Also is anyone bringing a wetsuit to swim other than in a pool, never been to Wisconsin so no clue on water temps, or even projected air temps. OK, will search around for answers, just wanted to make sure I can have as much "social time" with you girls as possible, most likey won't be on the long rides....if you know what I mean
Me to for Harvest Thurs. fixed menu or whatever! Yoga too, not experienced at Yoga though but sounds good!
Map updated. --b
Sheryl--part of this is also to relax and have fun. While we are totally awesome--and in a group I cannot imagine the order of magnitude greater the awesome-ness will be--we are still NOT worth that crazy schedule!
That is NOT fun, but IS stress. Bag the camp, and we will all be together in September.
Thanks for the feedback. I think Kathy's schedule has freed up so she has some plans but I think I'm bagging the trip at this point. When I originally planned to come, I wasn't working and there was no job on the horizon. At this point, I have one and have even already been "promoted" in a way so I have to be true to my committments. While seeing you all would be totally awesome, my Habitat 500 ride is a committment to my daughter and my supporters so I'll see ya'll in September unless anyone wants to meet out there some other weekend to ride the course. Dangit. I am profoundly disappointed. On the other hand I do want a visor and will see if Kathy can snag it for me while she is there.
Love you all!!!
One reminder to everyone. Camp is on a holiday week (Monday is 4th of July holiday) so you may need to ship your bike via FedEx a little earlier to be sure it gets there on time (and so you don't end up paying $$$$ in expediting fees). Check with FedEx on delivery times to/from your own local. In a nutshell, for me this means I gotta pack up Fiona after her ride on Sunday 'cause I won't have time mid week to pack her up and she's gotta be at the FedEx office on Wednesday (week from today).
Crap, forgot about that. Jeezus, one more thing to plan for.
I have been silent about camp plans because I was waiting to reg and find out schedule for the continuing ed week long course that I will be taking. Finally got the timeline and looks like the course doesn't begin until Sat at 1 pm. So that means I have extra time on the backend to make this work. So, I will be leaving around noonish on Thursday and making it to Madison between 4-5ish roughly. I will spend all day on Friday and then head back to Minneapolis early Sat morning....prolly take off by 5 am or earlier. Get home, say hi to the family and have enough time to get to class. Looking forward to meeting everyone
Great news, Kathy! What a welcome addition! We can trade raising boys war stories.
Aw thanks Linda that is nice
War stories...there are many! We can talk til the cows come home 
Can you move your Thurs dinner to 8p?
I've had a lot of interest in the swim clinic (still working on the details) so I'm trying to string that together with admin stuff at the hotel with the 4keys talk, then dinner, have it all move smoothly.
Can't we just move the dinner to Friday? Throwing that out there, but I barely know what's going on since I'm in a "point-me-and-I'll-be-there" mode. Don't want to miss any of the EN talks, however. They are truly worth going to.
Easiest move is to make dinner be Thursday at eight. So let's do that.
Rich, bring snacks. (insert batting eyelashes, smiley face cop).
Eating at 8ish or prolly later with a long ride the next day, might be pushing it. For me at least, guess I will speak for myself. I did sign up for Harvest, but I will be starving by 8! I might just grab something before Rich talks @ 6. I agree with Linda, maybe we could eat @ Harvest on Friday evening? But then again, looks like on the schedule Rich is planning a meal at Clarion. Don't want to step on any toes and really appreciate all the work that has gone into the planning....just thinking out loud
The talk throws in an element we hadn't planned on, which does mess with the Harvest plans, doesn't it? To the other chicas, it is likely I will grab a bite with Kathy. I doubt I will make it to 8. We won't eat until much later than that, then we are riding a a RR less than 12 hours later. Eating dinner so late is just not going to work for me, and I have to get to bed. Just feel for me as I sit there eating my sorry turkey sandwich, with Kathy.
You guys understand the talk is on Thursday, which is not a training day for you, and you're more than welcome to bring your own snack, sammich, donut, or whatever so that you don't pass out during the talk and make it to dinner in one piece?
More later, lemme get through CDA this weekend and turn my head back to the WI camp. Thanks!
Or move the talk to Friday pm??
At IM LP Rally, Rich gave the 4 keys talk on Thursday so we could incorporate it into RR on Friday. He did a different talk each night of Rally, so i doubt he will move it to Friday
EN has the course reviews/talks in the store. Great to have.
I'm tempted to leave dinner on Thursday, because the other nights also promise to be troublesome with group and team dinners. But two questions:
1) Rich -- Is their wiggle room with dinner the other nights? Do you have flexibility moving anything Thursday? Ex. If we do dinner at six and promise to be back at eight, could course talk happen then?
2)Hungry foodie ladies -- We could leave dinner at eight and you could grab something beforehand and then join the eight o'clock group for dessert/second light dinner and go back early?
Argh! This is like planning extended family Thanksgiving!
Arranging rides from Airport:
So I will be driving to Madison. I am planning to arrive early afternoon on Wed. Who needs a ride from the airport? What time are people arriving? Who needs a ride?