My flight comes in late on Wednesday, 10:17 into Madison. While I'd love a ride- that's really late and I'd hate to impose. I think it's a short cab ride. The Clarion has an airport shuttle too- but I think it stops running at 10:00 :-(
Landing at 5:45-which I assume is Madison, not EST. (Right?) I think Michele is on the same flights as I. I too can take the shuttle as to not put anyone out.
All I know is I can tell I am not flying into Boston. NO ONE ever volunteers to go to Logan! It's ususally awful. In fact, I take the bus from a few towns over to spare my family driving into the airport.
Linda- Max thinks he might be around and offered to take me to the airport of he is in town. Want a ride if I am not taking Logan Express from Framingham?
Max thinks he might be around and offered to take me to the airport of he is in town. Want a ride if I am not taking Logan Express from Framingham?
Sure, but only if it works easily. Let's figure out the timing, and see if my boys can drop me enroute so you don't have to swing out of your way. Not sure who is working when that day, or who will be where. Otherwise, I'm a just fine taking the Logan Express from Woburn.
while you are thinking of what to pack next week?? remember to throw in there things for share. you know. for example, I have the box of EN chica saddles to bring with me, I have Linda's prize for guessing my TT time and you just might have something extra, too big too small, didn't work etc.
also.. bring your roller, tennis ball, mat or use hotel towel or other and we can compare our stretching stuff. I have been motivated after viewing Leigh's great website
you know, if this is somehwhere point me? I would like a list of the actual women that we know of, who are coming to IMWI camp. and if not that the #.
Bring your EN singlet if you have for group photo. you know we need bike pic and bike gear pic, but also other group chica pics.
Landing at 5:45-which I assume is Madison, not EST. (Right?) I think Michele is on the same flights as I. I too can take the shuttle as to not put anyone out.
All I know is I can tell I am not flying into Boston. NO ONE ever volunteers to go to Logan! It's ususally awful. In fact, I take the bus from a few towns over to spare my family driving into the airport.
I'm thinking I might try to get in a swim in either Lake Wingra or at the pool, which is a 20-minute walk from our hotel, on Thursday morning. Anyone interested in that? I also added the pool to the map.
To the Ladies traveling to camp by car: Can I request a favor? Will a few of you bring floor pumps and maybe two or three of you bring peddle wrenches? It will make packing for those of us coming by plane a lot easier! :-) THANKS!
I'm thinking I might try to get in a swim in either Lake Wingra or at the pool, which is a 20-minute walk from our hotel, on Thursday morning. Anyone interested in that? I also added the pool to the map.
I'm thinking I might try to get in a swim in either Lake Wingra or at the pool, which is a 20-minute walk from our hotel, on Thursday morning. Anyone interested in that? I also added the pool to the map.
Do we have an updated "schedule" ?? I want to let Colleen know.
I've updated this google doc we've been working on- you can share this with her. It's the EN Rally stuff with our own "Chica" stuff in Red. Still pleanty of stuff up in the air, but if you send her this link she'll be able to keep track of what we are up to.
Two pool lanes and lots of EN chickas???? We can practice a mass start! I've never done it!
Marianne- excellent call on bringing "stuff". Will look around here and put some stuff in with bike when shipped (bike will be well padded, not worried about stuff knocking around).
I have a video camera, string and orange dots from Staples - - interest??
Jo -- you are a realy lurker. Last weekend, Jo very kindly rode SAG for me on the IMWI course. Since she had a video camera, she very helpfully recorded me biking and noticed a crazy little wobble. And then she read Allen Lim's article in Bicycling and is going all coach on me and wants to make me more aero.
J -- you should "get the flu" and come ride with us.
N -- will you move swimming to the morning? I believe lap swim is 6 - 9 a.m. Perhaps an earlyish swim Thursday (maybe half a regular EN swim -- or we could run an informal swim clinic), take ourselves out for a lovely breakfast at Cafe Soleil. Then bike maintaince with a shakedown ride? That should be enough for a day!
Remember to bring something nice-ish for foodie dinner. Harvest won't kick anyone out for showing up in a t-shirt in shorts, but it is more of a dress/button-down shirt sort of place.
I have a video camera, string and orange dots from Staples - - interest??
N -- will you move swimming to the morning? I believe lap swim is 6 - 9 a.m. Perhaps an earlyish swim Thursday (maybe half a regular EN swim -- or we could run an informal swim clinic), take ourselves out for a lovely breakfast at Cafe Soleil. Then bike maintaince with a shakedown ride? That should be enough for a day!
N -- will you move swimming to the morning? I believe lap swim is 6 - 9 a.m. Perhaps an earlyish swim Thursday (maybe half a regular EN swim -- or we could run an informal swim clinic), take ourselves out for a lovely breakfast at Cafe Soleil. Then bike maintaince with a shakedown ride? That should be enough for a day!
Sure- I must have read the website wrong 'cause all I saw were the afternoon hours. I wonder if we still get to slide down one of those fun slides during lap swim :-) I'll update the schedule.
Landing at 5:45-which I assume is Madison, not EST. (Right?) I think Michele is on the same flights as I. I too can take the shuttle as to not put anyone out.
All I know is I can tell I am not flying into Boston. NO ONE ever volunteers to go to Logan!
It's ususally awful. In fact, I take the bus from a few towns over to spare my family driving into the airport.
Max thinks he might be around and offered to take me to the airport of he is in town. Want a ride if I am not taking Logan Express from Framingham?
Linda -- Madison is in the Central time zone -- so an hour ahead.
Sure, but only if it works easily. Let's figure out the timing, and see if my boys can drop me enroute so you don't have to swing out of your way. Not sure who is working when that day, or who will be where. Otherwise, I'm a just fine taking the Logan Express from Woburn.
also.. bring your roller, tennis ball, mat or use hotel towel or other and we can compare our stretching stuff. I have been motivated after viewing Leigh's great website
you know, if this is somehwhere point me? I would like a list of the actual women that we know of, who are coming to IMWI camp. and if not that the #.
Bring your EN singlet if you have for group photo. you know we need bike pic and bike gear pic, but also other group chica pics.
Hey Gals,
This is for you, I'll have a few updates for you later. Short story is that swim venue has fallen thru so no swim clinic. Again, more later
27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="437" height="370" id="viddler">
Trying this again, not sure if it's working:
27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="437" height="348" id="viddlerplayer-2966dcbe">
Or go here
Thanks, Rich.
Dinner stays at seven, then.
I'm thinking I might try to get in a swim in either Lake Wingra or at the pool, which is a 20-minute walk from our hotel, on Thursday morning. Anyone interested in that? I also added the pool to the map.
In for a swim on Thursday!!
I can bring floor pump!
I will bring both pump and pedal wrench. And toolbox.
yes on pump, always have it with me in car. good thinking Nemo.
feeling sick about the possibility of Linda not being with us.
Are there dedicated lap lanes @ ; the pool?
According to their website, there should be at least two dediated lap lanes.
Do we have an updated "schedule" ?? I want to let Colleen know.
I've updated this google doc we've been working on- you can share this with her. It's the EN Rally stuff with our own "Chica" stuff in Red. Still pleanty of stuff up in the air, but if you send her this link she'll be able to keep track of what we are up to.
Hey Gals,
Final schedule and notes are here. Please review. Thanks!
Marianne- excellent call on bringing "stuff". Will look around here and put some stuff in with bike when shipped (bike will be well padded, not worried about stuff knocking around).
Any other requests to bring "stuff"?? I am driving, so can load up the wagon!!
CHECK IT OUT!!!! High of 80??!! Hall-a-freekin-looyah!!!
I have a video camera, string and orange dots from Staples - - interest??
Jo -- you are a realy lurker. Last weekend, Jo very kindly rode SAG for me on the IMWI course. Since she had a video camera, she very helpfully recorded me biking and noticed a crazy little wobble. And then she read Allen Lim's article in Bicycling and is going all coach on me and wants to make me more aero.
J -- you should "get the flu" and come ride with us.
N -- will you move swimming to the morning? I believe lap swim is 6 - 9 a.m. Perhaps an earlyish swim Thursday (maybe half a regular EN swim -- or we could run an informal swim clinic), take ourselves out for a lovely breakfast at Cafe Soleil. Then bike maintaince with a shakedown ride? That should be enough for a day!
Remember to bring something nice-ish for foodie dinner. Harvest won't kick anyone out for showing up in a t-shirt in shorts, but it is more of a dress/button-down shirt sort of place.
Sure- I must have read the website wrong 'cause all I saw were the afternoon hours. I wonder if we still get to slide down one of those fun slides during lap swim :-) I'll update the schedule.