I am fine with that but I'd almost rather have you do the FIRST 8 weeks of the OS, not the last. If you wanted to extend, you could bleed over into some of the VO2 cycles (weeks 9-14 OS) before heading over to the HIM plan. Could do 10:10 or 12:8 based on how you feel!
'you could bleed over into some of the VO2 cycles (weeks 9-14 OS) before heading over to the HIM plan. '
Thanks Patrick - just to make sure, 'HIM' should be 'IM' correct? Do week 1-8 OS then jump over to IM plan (just in case that makes a difference to the way to approach OS)
All right, finished IM CDA on Sunday, swam and walked today, not sore, a little tired, ready to get back on the horse. Here's my plan for the 15 weeks leading up to IM HI Oct 9.
I'm looking for confirmation that this makes sense, and I have one question at the end.
3 weeks, follow IM transition plan. 3rd week, if feeling strong, start FTP intervals one day on the bike. Progress Sat ride to 2.5 hours, long run to 70 minutes, +/-
3 weeks, focused FTP work 2 days a week on the bike, and one shorter (IP type) interval workout on the run, with a 2.5-3 hours group ride @ .85-.95 on Saturdays, 2 bricks, and one long run building from 1 hour to 1 hour 40 minutes. Swim two days a week during the first six weeks, one day open water, one day some speed work in the pool.
Last nine weeks, drop into the IM training plan as written. I'll have a bigger training block at elevation in weeks 7/8 of the plan. Shorter (7-9 day) taper, rather than 2 full weeks.
Question- for that second 3 week block, if I do some Olympic distance races, what do I drop from the week?
The plan looks great. If you race OLY that block, most of what you have there will be okay save for the long weekend rides on those race weekends (otherwise 2 x FTP and 1 x long run btw M-F). Swim whenever you want. I think if you can balance that 2nd 3-week block right, you'll be poised to reap the benefits of the altitude block. Don't want to be too tired going into that!
Also, curious to hear what your goals are for Kona.
Also, curious to hear what your goals are for Kona.
My experience last year at Kona really rattled me - psychologically, I mean. I had gotten too full of myself, thinking that now I was ready to RACE and compete for a top five spot there. Of course, two more good races at IM AZ and CDA since feeds that. In 2006, my first time racing HI, my one and only goal was to avoid blowing up in the heat and walking big time. I managed that by having a good bike and a 10:00 min/mile pace on the run, 6-7 minutes slower than CDA that year. Now, with repeated success in lesser IMs, I keep getting thoughts I ought to challenge myself more in the Big Dance, but OTH I know that carries massive risk. I'm starting from where I finished in 2006, which was that race was the most fun I've ever had doing triathlon. I suspect wanting to return to that feeling, and totally losing it on Palani last Oct, could temper my final goals. But, I might just get and decide to go for it again, this time with strict power goals on the bike - and a real power meter. I just sprung for a PowerTap 10 minutes ago.
I need some advice. I had planned on racing the Tour of the Catskills (a 3-day stage race) in late July and then gearing up for the Niagara Falls Marathon in Oct. Following the Coaches advice I was going to use the OS plan and then Marathon Hack for the final 16 weeks. Unfortunately, due to life getting in the way (extensive travel and a death in the family) I think I am going to pull out of the ToC. I have only complete a couple rides in the past few weeks, and NO group rides.
So that just leaves the marathon. I have also previously posted that I am traveling to Lake Placid in July to register for the 2011 Ironman. So I am considering adding a Sprint Tri in the Sept time frame. However, I want the primary focus to be the marathon.
So my question is should I stick with OS/Marathon Hack or should I switch to a more pure marathon plan?
Hi! Just finished imcda last week and now not sure what to do for a plan. I'm a typical OCD person who likes having a plan. I have no race goals right now other than maintaining my fitness and having fun. Plan to do a him only next year with full im in 2012. Where should I go for a plan for now? Thanks!
Iknow that you guys have had a lot with IM CDA, but could you look back to my question on the 22nd of June and let me know what you think I should be doing now? I think it was just lost in the shuffle right before you guys left.
I need help with where to start. I had to totally can my season for compartment syndrome surgery back on Mar 4 of this year. It took forever for me to heal enough to start training again. That many months of doing nothing really stunk and it was just a little over a week ago that I was allowed to start runing, biking, and swimming again. It seemed as though the bottom incision would never fully repair itself. Now, I am sitting down wondering what I should be doing as I have nothing on the schedule at all. I can see where I lost a ton of the bike. The run is not that bad, only about 45 to 50 seconds slower per mile, but I can only run up to 7 miles this week per the doc. I have my first real swim tonight. I also have gained in weight as I was told I could do nothing at all, not even weights because they did not want me picking up weights and putting the pressure on my leg. I even watched, very closely, what I ate, but still gained a lot. I really need to lose close to 30 pounds before racing next year and have already lost the first 3 in the past 5 days. I am pretty sure that this will taper off as my body gets used to the exercise again. I have amde a ton of changes to my diet, so that part is straight. I was working with a nutritionist, but it just was not working. I felt like I was a test patient for info and really was getting nothing from it. I had more answers than they did. I just really need help on the training side. I have no idea where to start to get going again. Is there any normal progression when coming back from surgery that I should follow? The legs feels incredible, by the way. The surgeon was awesome. I know that I will need to do some serious stretching because I am insanely tight, but I have the time now that I have changed firms and can free up about 2:30 of commuting every day for work. I would like to do the aqua velo at Chesapeake Man this year and maybe another race, but figured that I could use this year to really drop the weight and get used to racing/training with a PM.
Ned -
Sorry we missed your OP; what a story! I think that you have done the right thing re your recovery; 30lbs is a lot but can be done. I think your Chesapeakeman plan is good. I would suggest you start by lining up an IM plan for CM. Then I would go ahead and swim/bike on the days it says to, but at your own intensity/duration. Next step is to move to full duration as listed, but your own intensity. Then about 8 weeks out, start to build up to the plan as listed. No runs obviously!
Sorry to hear about your challenges; I hope you are well. I think the hack is still a great way to go. No reason to forgo lots of bike fitness b/c you are running only...and I think the cycling helps. If / when the riding gets too much, you can dial it back in favor of proper run training and you'll still be ahead of the game!
Was trying to find the best 12 week program for my next race on oct 2. Right now I have started the 12 week race prep and was wondering your thoughts on this matter, just want the best 12 weeks combination or program.
I have a dilemna. My A race for the season is the Patriot's Half Ironman in Williamsburg, VA on 9/11. It's a local(ish) race, and I've structured much of the years training and prior off-season training for it. A good friend and co-worker is doing the Grand Columbian (in Columbia, WA) on 9/18, and invited me to come out and race with him. I'm seriously considering doing it (mainly for personal reasons - I owe him for coming out and doing a race with me earlier in the year, the company team could use the support, etc.) and just racing it as a 'D' race (finish with dignity, no time expectations).
I'm in good shape, and while I'm not concerned about the distance, Patriot's will also be my first half. Am I absolutely insane to think this plan is a workable one? If I am insane, is it "you'll perform really crappy" insane or "you're likely to injure yourself" insane?
My race is halfmax national's in Myrtle Beach, I feel I have a good physical base to work with I have been staying active on the bike and run. Would like to have a better than average race for me I want to qualify for World's 2011. Thanks for your time in this matter.
@ George -- Dooo it if you can. This sport is about so much more than just performance; friends and fun are also big factors. Sounds like a great chance to cover all the bases!
@ Michael -- Welcome to the Team! Sounds like while there will be 16 spots per AG, you'll need to have a great race. That said, you are 12.5 weeks out from the race, which is the perfect time to start the right level Half Ironman plan to get ready. I'd prefer that you start the 12 week plan of your choosing and then we "tweak" you after 3-4 weeks if needed. We have a solid 4 weeks in the middle we can play with before the final 4 as you dial it in to race!
Thanks for the info will do. I have a question I am having a verrry hard time keeping my heart rate within my zones on my bike rides. Living in LV the terrain and heat does not allow me to keep my heart rate down even in my recovery 4' period. I am in upper zone 4 and upper zone 5 for the ENTIRE ride except for the 15 to 30 min worm up which is all downhill. Can I sent you my bike profile I have a garmin forerunner 305 and I think I can email you my ride data. My question I guess is am I better off doin my long rides on stationary bike in controlled enviroment.
I'm doing IMAZ in November and due to several uncontrollable circumstances (family illness, etc.), I'm not where I want/need to be! OS was ok, but not great! My FTP didn't raise and I'm fine with that for now. My question is - with 19 weeks to go, what should I do between now and the "12" weeks of IM training ( I did IMLOU last year so I'm comfortable with the 12 weeks). Basically, what bike training should I do in the next seven weeks? Should I drop back into an OS plan, do the 20 week IM plan, a mixture? I'm most concerned with the bike, I can get the run training in, but really want to do everything I can to get my bike to up speed before the 12 weeks. Thoughts?
RnP – Need some feedback on the remaining 6 weeks before IMLOU. I completed IMCDA two Sundays ago. Recovery has gone well.
I did a 2:40 min solid bike (IF .78 total )on Saturday and the legs felt good, HR was still a bit high but it was hot. I did a 60 min run (mostly Z1 ,some Z2 ) with walk breaks like aid stations every mile on Sunday – legs were good. Swim – all good on that front.
So 6 weeks to go , do I just drop into the final 6 weeks of the IM plan?? Do I do both race rehearsals? Anything different on this taper?
Hi RnP- I found the transition plan in the WIKI but not really sure how the EN membership works with having a plan prior to the OS after the transition plan ends. Does the membership cover a plan all year long or only if you are in a HIM or IM phase? I'm not great at scheduling my own workouts so I just want to know if I should buy a different plan until October or November. Thanks, Lisa
@ Micheal - As long as you are able to recover from these workouts I am okay with a higher HR. Given where you live and time of year it's gonna be hard for you. That said. even if you wanted to be at 160, can you sit on the new numbers or do they just skyrocket with no stability? I hope that we can call 175 the new 155, etc.
@ Tim -- No more OS for you. It's time to load up the 20 week plan to end on race day and start plugging away. You can add in a big big week between now and week 12 to gain some fitness, but that's assuming that you can do that sort of juggling. BBW info is in the wiki, but you can ask us for more input here!
@ Masochistic Matt - I think that you can drop in on week 6 but no need to do the RRs. You can ride long for sure, but no real goals other than being steady. I would watch the intervals as they might seem a bit hard as the rides go longer. I personally would do a lot more swimming in these final weeks and fine tune my run form. Bike fitness will follow and the run is what it is!
@ Lisa -- After your race and pre - OS is up to you. Some folks do shorter races and play along, others just like to hang out. Some put their membership on hold and come back in two months. Totally up to you. We do have some hack guidance for marathons, if that's your fall fancy (did I just say that?). Totally up to you!
I am looking for a sanity check. I am in Week 1 of a 20 wk IM ending in IM Cozumel. However, I also want to do well at the halfmax on October 2nd. I am assuming that the intensities of the IM and HIM plans match up pretty well and the extra volume in an IM plan won't hurt me.
I'm sitting in Week 12/20 of IM plan for Wisconsin and gearing up to ride RAGBRAI in ~1.5 weeks. Ragbrai is a week long ride across Iowa, this year it's Sunday July 25th through Saturday the 31st and covers about 450 miles and ~15k feet of climbing over the week, with individual days ranging ~50 to 100 miles. It's definitely not a race, and it's much more well known as being kind of a party on wheels than a test of fitness.
So the million dollar question is how do I work this into my plan, it falls right on week 14/20 which features the ever-important Race Rehearsal #1 on Saturday the 30th. I won't be riding all out with intervals every day that is for sure, but I have no issues with choosing specific days to ride hard and then others to ride with my family and friends. I will be able to get some runs in the morning or bricks afterwards but likely nothing of any fantastic length or intensity. Swim access will be even more scarce, last year I managed to sneak my way into a few community pools and the odd lake or two but it is far from a sure thing. All and all though I came out of RAGBRAI last year with a lot of miles on my legs and noticeably improved bike fitness throughout the rest of the summer although this was pre-EN and my training was certainly less thorough than it is today.
Any suggestions for working this into my schedule would be appreciated, I'm already planning to postpone RR#1 one week to the following Saturday.
@Elias -- With your HIM so close to COZ, we'll just train you for COZ. You'll be fit enough for sure, given how we train, but you will need to tweak your plan a bit before/after the race. There's guidance on how to do this in the Wiki under the Self Coached Guide! You can also post proposed changes here / micro thread and we'll give you input!
@Trevor -- Sounds awesome! I would postpone the Friday/Saturday/Sunday RR part of the week to the following one. I would ride the short days hard / ABP, then the long days as 1/2 with family & friends then push the last 1/3 to 1/4 of the ride. That way you can shower up and take care of them when they come in, etc. Don't sweat swims and do some early AM runs...even a regular 30' run with a few minutes of stretching would be good enough!! And pics please!
I am in week 5/20 for IMFL. Originally I planned to do a half IM on Sept.12, but would rather do Longhorn 70.3 on Oct 17th. I'm not thrilled about the one in September anymore because I just discovered the bike course is 4 loops. UGH. Is Longhorn too close to Florida? If Longhorn is okay should I just follow along the plan and substitute race day for whatever the plan calls for? Thanks! Lynda
Thanks, Coach P - if I were to put my membership on hold for a couple months, would I come back at the same pricing I'm currently at or would I have to start over? Thanks for the guidance. I think I'm opting for the have fun before the OS and try a half marathon also for fun.
G'day RnP - just checking with ya on this - build up to IMCoz, original plan was to arrive in Coz on the Monday of race week - due to my concerns over acclimatizing I have (as you know P) looking at staying in Miami before that week - thought it a good idea considering I'm coming from a UK winter.
Research has thrown up the opportunity to travel to Miami on the wednesday of IM week 10 (of 12 week plan) - have a family pass & can work from there also. Question is, from a training point of view is travelling in week 10 a good idea? Don't want to screw-up the training or does the need/benefits of get acclimated trump everything else?
I notice that week 9 is the big mileage & hours week so I'll at least have that under my belt. Now I've committed to IMCoz I don't see the point in going in half-ass'd - altho' thats just me! Feel free to give me a slap and to 'get real' ! :-)
David -
I am fine with that but I'd almost rather have you do the FIRST 8 weeks of the OS, not the last. If you wanted to extend, you could bleed over into some of the VO2 cycles (weeks 9-14 OS) before heading over to the HIM plan. Could do 10:10 or 12:8 based on how you feel!
Hope that helps,
Thanks Patrick - just to make sure, 'HIM' should be 'IM' correct? Do week 1-8 OS then jump over to IM plan (just in case that makes a difference to the way to approach OS)
That's right...same deal for IM!
All right, finished IM CDA on Sunday, swam and walked today, not sore, a little tired, ready to get back on the horse. Here's my plan for the 15 weeks leading up to IM HI Oct 9.
I'm looking for confirmation that this makes sense, and I have one question at the end.
3 weeks, follow IM transition plan. 3rd week, if feeling strong, start FTP intervals one day on the bike. Progress Sat ride to 2.5 hours, long run to 70 minutes, +/-
3 weeks, focused FTP work 2 days a week on the bike, and one shorter (IP type) interval workout on the run, with a 2.5-3 hours group ride @ .85-.95 on Saturdays, 2 bricks, and one long run building from 1 hour to 1 hour 40 minutes. Swim two days a week during the first six weeks, one day open water, one day some speed work in the pool.
Last nine weeks, drop into the IM training plan as written. I'll have a bigger training block at elevation in weeks 7/8 of the plan. Shorter (7-9 day) taper, rather than 2 full weeks.
Question- for that second 3 week block, if I do some Olympic distance races, what do I drop from the week?
Also, curious to hear what your goals are for Kona.
My experience last year at Kona really rattled me - psychologically, I mean. I had gotten too full of myself, thinking that now I was ready to RACE and compete for a top five spot there. Of course, two more good races at IM AZ and CDA since feeds that. In 2006, my first time racing HI, my one and only goal was to avoid blowing up in the heat and walking big time. I managed that by having a good bike and a 10:00 min/mile pace on the run, 6-7 minutes slower than CDA that year. Now, with repeated success in lesser IMs, I keep getting thoughts I ought to challenge myself more in the Big Dance, but OTH I know that carries massive risk. I'm starting from where I finished in 2006, which was that race was the most fun I've ever had doing triathlon. I suspect wanting to return to that feeling, and totally losing it on Palani last Oct, could temper my final goals. But, I might just get
So that just leaves the marathon. I have also previously posted that I am traveling to Lake Placid in July to register for the 2011 Ironman. So I am considering adding a Sprint Tri in the Sept time frame. However, I want the primary focus to be the marathon.
So my question is should I stick with OS/Marathon Hack or should I switch to a more pure marathon plan?
R and P,
Iknow that you guys have had a lot with IM CDA, but could you look back to my question on the 22nd of June and let me know what you think I should be doing now? I think it was just lost in the shuffle right before you guys left.
Ned -
Sorry we missed your OP; what a story! I think that you have done the right thing re your recovery; 30lbs is a lot but can be done. I think your Chesapeakeman plan is good. I would suggest you start by lining up an IM plan for CM. Then I would go ahead and swim/bike on the days it says to, but at your own intensity/duration. Next step is to move to full duration as listed, but your own intensity. Then about 8 weeks out, start to build up to the plan as listed. No runs obviously!
@ ;Al -- You on a powermeter will be wicked scary!!!!
Peter -
Sorry to hear about your challenges; I hope you are well. I think the hack is still a great way to go. No reason to forgo lots of bike fitness b/c you are running only...and I think the cycling helps. If / when the riding gets too much, you can dial it back in favor of proper run training and you'll still be ahead of the game!
* 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, etc...
* 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, etc...
If you want more detailed input, please tell us what your Race is in Oct, how fit you are and what your goals are! Thanks!
I have a dilemna. My A race for the season is the Patriot's Half Ironman in Williamsburg, VA on 9/11. It's a local(ish) race, and I've structured much of the years training and prior off-season training for it. A good friend and co-worker is doing the Grand Columbian (in Columbia, WA) on 9/18, and invited me to come out and race with him. I'm seriously considering doing it (mainly for personal reasons - I owe him for coming out and doing a race with me earlier in the year, the company team could use the support, etc.) and just racing it as a 'D' race (finish with dignity, no time expectations).
I'm in good shape, and while I'm not concerned about the distance, Patriot's will also be my first half. Am I absolutely insane to think this plan is a workable one? If I am insane, is it "you'll perform really crappy" insane or "you're likely to injure yourself" insane?
My race is halfmax national's in Myrtle Beach, I feel I have a good physical base to work with I have been staying active on the bike and run. Would like to have a better than average race for me I want to qualify for World's 2011. Thanks for your time in this matter.
@ Michael -- Welcome to the Team! Sounds like while there will be 16 spots per AG, you'll need to have a great race. That said, you are 12.5 weeks out from the race, which is the perfect time to start the right level Half Ironman plan to get ready. I'd prefer that you start the 12 week plan of your choosing and then we "tweak" you after 3-4 weeks if needed. We have a solid 4 weeks in the middle we can play with before the final 4 as you dial it in to race!
Thanks for the info will do. I have a question I am having a verrry hard time keeping my heart rate within my zones on my bike rides. Living in LV the terrain and heat does not allow me to keep my heart rate down even in my recovery 4' period. I am in upper zone 4 and upper zone 5 for the ENTIRE ride except for the 15 to 30 min worm up which is all downhill. Can I sent you my bike profile I have a garmin forerunner 305 and I think I can email you my ride data. My question I guess is am I better off doin my long rides on stationary bike in controlled enviroment.
I need help!
I'm doing IMAZ in November and due to several uncontrollable circumstances (family illness, etc.), I'm not where I want/need to be! OS was ok, but not great! My FTP didn't raise and I'm fine with that for now. My question is - with 19 weeks to go, what should I do between now and the "12" weeks of IM training ( I did IMLOU last year so I'm comfortable with the 12 weeks). Basically, what bike training should I do in the next seven weeks? Should I drop back into an OS plan, do the 20 week IM plan, a mixture? I'm most concerned with the bike, I can get the run training in, but really want to do everything I can to get my bike to up speed before the 12 weeks. Thoughts?
RnP – Need some feedback on the remaining 6 weeks before IMLOU. I completed IMCDA two Sundays ago. Recovery has gone well.
I did a 2:40 min solid bike (IF .78 total )on Saturday and the legs felt good, HR was still a bit high but it was hot. I did a 60 min run (mostly Z1 ,some Z2 ) with walk breaks like aid stations every mile on Sunday – legs were good. Swim – all good on that front.
So 6 weeks to go , do I just drop into the final 6 weeks of the IM plan?? Do I do both race rehearsals? Anything different on this taper?
Thanks Guys.
@ Tim -- No more OS for you. It's time to load up the 20 week plan to end on race day and start plugging away. You can add in a big big week between now and week 12 to gain some fitness, but that's assuming that you can do that sort of juggling. BBW info is in the wiki, but you can ask us for more input here!
@ Masochistic Matt - I think that you can drop in on week 6 but no need to do the RRs. You can ride long for sure, but no real goals other than being steady. I would watch the intervals as they might seem a bit hard as the rides go longer. I personally would do a lot more swimming in these final weeks and fine tune my run form. Bike fitness will follow and the run is what it is!
@ Lisa -- After your race and pre - OS is up to you. Some folks do shorter races and play along, others just like to hang out. Some put their membership on hold and come back in two months. Totally up to you. We do have some hack guidance for marathons, if that's your fall fancy (did I just say that?). Totally up to you!
Hey Coaches!
I am looking for a sanity check. I am in Week 1 of a 20 wk IM ending in IM Cozumel. However, I also want to do well at the halfmax on October 2nd. I am assuming that the intensities of the IM and HIM plans match up pretty well and the extra volume in an IM plan won't hurt me.
Is that a safe assumption?
Elias Papatestas
I'm sitting in Week 12/20 of IM plan for Wisconsin and gearing up to ride RAGBRAI in ~1.5 weeks. Ragbrai is a week long ride across Iowa, this year it's Sunday July 25th through Saturday the 31st and covers about 450 miles and ~15k feet of climbing over the week, with individual days ranging ~50 to 100 miles. It's definitely not a race, and it's much more well known as being kind of a party on wheels than a test of fitness.
So the million dollar question is how do I work this into my plan, it falls right on week 14/20 which features the ever-important Race Rehearsal #1 on Saturday the 30th. I won't be riding all out with intervals every day that is for sure, but I have no issues with choosing specific days to ride hard and then others to ride with my family and friends. I will be able to get some runs in the morning or bricks afterwards but likely nothing of any fantastic length or intensity. Swim access will be even more scarce, last year I managed to sneak my way into a few community pools and the odd lake or two but it is far from a sure thing. All and all though I came out of RAGBRAI last year with a lot of miles on my legs and noticeably improved bike fitness throughout the rest of the summer although this was pre-EN and my training was certainly less thorough than it is today.
Any suggestions for working this into my schedule would be appreciated, I'm already planning to postpone RR#1 one week to the following Saturday.
@Trevor -- Sounds awesome! I would postpone the Friday/Saturday/Sunday RR part of the week to the following one. I would ride the short days hard / ABP, then the long days as 1/2 with family & friends then push the last 1/3 to 1/4 of the ride. That way you can shower up and take care of them when they come in, etc. Don't sweat swims and do some early AM runs...even a regular 30' run with a few minutes of stretching would be good enough!! And pics please!
Couch P,
thanks. I have been reading through all the stuff. Looks good. I will post on the micro when the race gets closer.
I am in week 5/20 for IMFL. Originally I planned to do a half IM on Sept.12, but would rather do Longhorn 70.3 on Oct 17th. I'm not thrilled about the one in September anymore because I just discovered the bike course is 4 loops. UGH. Is Longhorn too close to Florida? If Longhorn is okay should I just follow along the plan and substitute race day for whatever the plan calls for?
Thanks! Lynda
Research has thrown up the opportunity to travel to Miami on the wednesday of IM week 10 (of 12 week plan) - have a family pass & can work from there also. Question is, from a training point of view is travelling in week 10 a good idea? Don't want to screw-up the training or does the need/benefits of get acclimated trump everything else?
I notice that week 9 is the big mileage & hours week so I'll at least have that under my belt. Now I've committed to IMCoz I don't see the point in going in half-ass'd - altho' thats just me! Feel free to give me a slap and to 'get real' ! :-)