I just got my training plan uploaded for Ironman Arizona. I was put on the 20 week training plan, and this would be week 3. I'm new to Team Endurance, joining this week. For IM AZ, I've been following the typical Joe Friel training plan, where I've planned for 3 base periods, 3 builds, one peak, and then taper. I'm in the 3rd build period, and my hours have been between 12-16 a week, so week 3 of the plan sent to me seems like a very big drop off from where I've been for hours. I know the team endurance philosophy is very different, but I'm curious what I should do. I've been doing 1-3 hard workouts during the week, and then longer base building stuff on weekends. I recently ordered a power meter that I should start using next week, but all my workouts through last weekend (with run/bike cadence and heart rate) can be found on my garmin connect site here. I'm fairly strong on the run (marathon a year ago was at 3:36, and my guess is I can do about a 3:20 now), weaker on the bike (for a 50 mile ride, average about 18.5 mph...for 90 mile ride, average about 17.5 mph), and a decent swimmer (endurance pace is about 1:30-1:35/100 yards). I did a half iron in Oceanside in March at 5:25, splits can be found here.
Any advice as to whether I'm on the right plan and should cut my hours? I've been humbled doing some of these 5-7 hour workouts, and I'm nervous if I don't stay on the road for long base building rides to work on my weakness (bike). I've been cycling for about 1.5 years, so not a lot of miles under my belt for doing an ironman.
@Lynda, the Sept date would be better for IMFL than the October date. For help with modifying the plan to accommodate a race, see the Self-Coaching Guide in the Wiki.
@Lisa, please email admin@endurancenation.us with Membership Hold in the subject line.
@David, I think going to Miami is a good choice for you.
@Adam, welcome aboard! Please use our plan, not Friel's. Do our rides this weekend, exactly as prescribed, then recommend you post your observations in the forum as another thread.
Coach, thanks for the response. Will do. By the way, I couldn't easily find the testing requirements for bike/run. Any chance you can point me in that direction?
Adam, by testing requirements did you mean the actual process for doing a bike test or a run test? The descriptions are in the plan itself when you come to a test week, but pulling real quick out of one of my plans here's a sample bike test:
FTP or LTHR Test: Do ONE of these tests WU: 10-15', 3 x 30 (30 ) SpinUps, in aerobars, then 3 x 2' (1') Zone 3
MS: 2 x 20' (2'). Record each 20' segment as interval in WKO+. Create one range that includes both 2 x 20 intervals & the 2' rest, for a total of 42'. -OR- Normalized watts for range is your Functional Threshold. Enter this number in the Threshold Watts field of the Power Zones table of WKO+.
MS: 3 x 1' (1') Hard, to get your heart rate up and work up a sweat. Then time trial 40' Hard-Very Hard. Take average heart rate as your LTHR. TeamEN Members, enter in Data Tool. Others refer to Quick Start Guide for zone.
WD: Easy spin.
And here's a sample Run Test
WU: 15' including 4 x 30 at 5k pace. MS: Run a 5k Time Trial. Find a relatively flat course (or track) for your test. Goal is to hold a pace you can sustain for the full duration of the test without blowing up and without having a lot left to kick at the end. The ideal course is one you can test on repeatedly.
WD: Walking, jogging as needed, etc. Note 1: Get average HR for test, this is your Lactate Threshold HR used to calculate HR training zones. Go to ENData Tool to calculate Vdot and training paces. Bonus if you can record miles splits for this test.
Check out the wiki for more of the coaches thoughts on testing and welcome aboard of course. As Rich said, feel free to start a new thread in the general forum describing your background and the concerns you may have from migrating from your old plan to your new one. There are a lot of the people on the team who were in the same boat when they started.
In April I wrote (Question and Response on page 33) seeking advice for the reminder of my season leading up to IMFL.Based on your response, I started a 12-week HIM plan on May 24th that would end on August 14th with an Olympic A race.Beginning August 16th, I would then start the 12-week IM Race Prep.
As life would have it, last Tuesday (July 13th) after several weeks of groin pain after my runs, I went to see me doctor.The next day I saw a surgeon and two days later (Friday, July 16th) I was having a hernia repair.While it has only been a week, the recovery has been slower than I would like but I am trying very hard not to rush it so that I do not damage the repair or make it worse and then have to cancel the rest of my season.Due to this unexpected challenge, I have scrapped my plans to race the August 14th Olympic.I am still registered for an HIM on September 11th which will be followed by the two Race Rehearsals. Below is my pre-injury planning schedule.
Any advice or comments that you can offer about my schedule and how I should proceed with training would be greatly appreciated.Thank you!
I think this is the right forum. I'm looking to find some good warmup races to IM AZ that are local. I don't have any plans at the moment for racing before, and it would be nice to have some warm ups before November.
I'm based in Southern California. I saw on the general forums that someone is doing the Big Kahuna, 70.3 in Santa Cruz on September 11th. Any recommendations on races and whether this one is a good one? My only concern on the Big Kahuna is it's more hilly than IM AZ and a beach swim, so not apples to apples, but still a good distance nonetheless.
@Rob, I think you should work with your doctor to determine what the recovery timeline is, what you can and can't do, etc. Then communicate that to us and we can help you with your schedule.
@Adam, this thread is for athletes and coaches only to discuss long range season planning type stuff. Looks like you are looking for comments/advice from the other members re race selection, etc. Please post your question as a separate thread in the Race Selection and Reviews forum. Thanks!
When I submitted my original schedule I was planning on doing the Silverman Full on 11/7, you had me plan 8 weeks of OS and jump into week 5 of the 20 week IM plan. I decided to stay in the OS plan and switch to the Silverman Half. Given the change when do you recommend I stop the OS plan and jump into what week of the HIM plan? I am beginning week 9 of the OS today.
I am finally setting down to figure out how to combine the OS Plan with the Marathon Hack. My thought, as I believe Coach P already recommended, is the following
Monday: Day Off :-)
Tuesday: Tempo Run
Wednesday: Bike (Normal Tuesday OS bike workout)
Thursday: Run
Friday: Bike (Normal Thursday OS bike workout)
Saturday: Long Bike (Normal OS Weekend ride)
Sunday: Marathon Hack Long Run
The Marathon hack includes 3 runs: Long, Tempo and "Regular", or something like that. Is there a prefered order in which to do the Tempo and Regular run? Which of the two, if any are easier? My thought was to put that on Thursday between the 2 bike days. However, a majority of them seem to be 5K tests, which might be better suited after a days rest.
In addition, should I continue with the brick runs or am I already doing enough running?
Thanks Rich. BTW the new wheels and PT are working out great. I am planning on using the race wheel cover for the first time tomorrow in training and Friday in the Saints to Sinners Bike Relay Race from Salt Lake City to Las Vegas.
Hi, I just finished IMLP, and have a half iron (Westchester Toughman) coming up on Sept 11. Should I just choose the Advanced 12 week plan with my end date on Sept 12th, and jump right in? -Thanks. JB
After that, I am planning on doing a few local fun races. [I guess my season is inside out - most people do those BEFORE their big race :-) ] No big goals other than to do my best on the day. Through mid-September, they will include the bike leg (only) of a 70.3-distance race and a couple of local sprints. I will probably do a half-mary in October, but again, mostly as a social/fun race, not a major focus. After that a bit of OFF season to decompress before starting up an OUT-season. (Start date not 100% certain yet...depends on 2011 plans)
So my generic idea is to take the first couple of weeks of August very easy (transition), then train again with somewhat less volume than the HIM plan peaked at; the question is what template you suggest. I'd assume you'd say to use the OS plan as a starting point for sprint-type distances and then just hack in swims and/or longer runs/rides etc as necessary, but not sure. And if so, should I start at its beginning or with it pointed to end about where my competitions end? [Same question of course, if you think I should use a different plan as a template.]
@William - I would go ahead and use the OS plan as the template, it's more than enough. But don't follow it by the letter, use it to make a basic week that you train to....if you go 100% OS now and then 100% OS when the OS starts, that's less than idea. I would look to Swim M/W, run hard tues/th, Wed = tempo bike+run, friday off. Sat hard bike (roadies?), sunday = race or longer ride+run. (just making that up).
Thanks. Makes sense. Around here, there's a roadie ride on Wednesdays I am pretty sure. That might mean having to mix things up a little differently. Any thoughts adapting to that day? I have yet to look carefully at the basic week it presents, but I recall that the bike intervals were on Tuesdays.
Looking for some guidance for what's next for me, after last week's meltdown due to untimely illness. Next year will be IM free, plan 2 x 70.3s. Since I only did an Aqua velo, my legs seem fine, although I have some residual fatigue from being sick.
I was going to do Marine Corp marathon, but decided against because I really want to work on biomechanics, flexibility, strength and body comp, & power meter school. Doing an October marathon would be set up for injury
Should I go with a modified OS or general prep? Any suggestions to help boost my mojo, have a success- 5k or 10ks, maybe late fall half marathon? Looking for intermediate goal
Patrick- do you know anyone in Marathon Nation looking for a marathon? I can transfer my marathon entry?
Geoff, i live here in nw las vegas and am also doing the 1/2 silverman...possibly hook up for some training together if you can go that slow without getting mad...lol James
RnP, let me start this off by saying I am not that guy. I am not at all nervous about my first IM coming up in 10 months, it is just on my mind because I am trying to plan my 2011 season and I need to know if I need to start laying some groundwork to enter some HIMs that I would need to travel to. OK so here goes:
Signed up for IM CDA last week of June. 12 week plan has me starting in the first week of April. Living in the northeast there would be no HIMs nearby before my 12 week plan starts up. Should I look to do one pre 12wk plan or can I actually schedule one during the 12wk plan or just forget it all the same. I have some local HIMs in May, as well as FL 70.3 where the boss will pay, but they are smack in the middle of the plan.
My main point is whether I need to do a HIM as prep, when can I do it, and if I need to do it I need to run it by the wife as travel may be involved. So as I said, not looking for my plan, just need to know if I need to let my wife know I am going to be travelling.
@Tracy, I think you should drop into the OS plan, whenever you are mentally ready, and then use that train for whatever you feel like doing: if 5k's, 10k's, then you likely don't need to make any mofifications. If a half marathon, pretty sure we have something in the wiki re how to modify the OS to accommodate a half mary. If something cycling (century, etc) then...you know the drill.
@Tucker, please see the Season Planning Toolkit here. Short answer is that you do not "need" to do a HIM as prep for an IM. They are completely, completely different races. Personally, I would only do one if I felt like it, and if I felt like I needed a shorter term, shorter distance goal to focus on so that I'm not focusing on an Ironman for months and months. For example, if I were doing IMCDA, I might sign up for Cali 70.3 because I could focus my head on that race, in late March, then transition to IM training. So, for example, I'm not saddling up the bike in February thinking I'm riding for an IM in June. Intead I'm riding short and very, very hard, focused on a goal that's only 6wks out vs 20wk.
For a first time IM athlete, this need to preserve your head by using a short term focus is very important. But you don't need an HIM to be that focus. It could be a series of 5k, 10k, half marathons, and epic cycling event or weekend, etc.
Hi James, would love to connect. We have a group that communicates via a weekly email for a Saturday morning ride. Email includes location and time, those who are going to show up reply accordingly. Send me your email and we will include you.
Doodling about in Adv OS plan - original strategy after my 70.3 late May was starting OS from wk 1 again & switching to 12wk IM for Coz - hamstring injury equals no running.
How would you adjust the week/plan to compensate for no run time? Swim & bike fine. Not sure how cumulative training load is affecting the rehab however - no pain on bike or in pool.
Decision cut-off on Cozumel is in 2 weeks time,not looking great to be honest which is a bit depressing but hey! No way am i going all that way just for a holiday and trot around in 90 degree heat just to say I've finished an IM, no thanks! Would rather re-focus, get the FTP up, sort out the run mechanics & body-comp in time to race IM-Lanza next May.
Have been doing all bike sessions in OS and swimming 5 days a week following the 20 wk plan.
I thought I'd throw this to you before asking the greater Nation: I'm not doing triathlon this year and won't next year as well; I'm enjoying the brevet world for now. I'll keep a toe-hold in EN for the community; there's nothing like it.
Here's the query: can you recommend a coach/system for me: a mid-pack, middle-aged guy focussing on endurance cycling for the next 16 months. I rolled the Beginner OS successfully, only abandoning the run at the very end once I realized I'd be doing only brevets this season. New England/Massachusetts based.
@Dave - Part of what every injury means is a need to stand down, not train harder. I know you know, but your body might just need a bit of a break to get back to 100%. That said, I wouldn't throw in the towel on IM Coz until you HAVE TO. You can get in good s/b training, get the race done and come back to OS for Lanza..that's nice variety instead of OS for 40 weeks....
@Bill - You travails keep me wickedly entertained and super motivated on my "long" rides of 40 miles. You are a monster. Are you looking for someone in person or online is okay. Assume power knowledge is a must?
So, this is sort of between big picture and this week.
I have a nagging Achilles Tendon injury. Flared up in Nov. of last year and I rested a couple of weeks and then flared up again in March (both times when I did an ultra distance relay withing a couple of weeks of a HIM).
Nothing major, but stiffness in the morning and if I sit for a while. First Dr. didn't seem to concerned.
However, due to some traveling and other issues, I was thinking of trying to cut back my running a little to see if I can get it to get better(no morning pain).
So, what do you think of the following:
Option 1-No running for 2 weeks-substitute with more time on the bike.
Option 2-Substitute high inline walking on the treadmill (works the same muscles as running) for the shorter runs and replace the long run with more bike time.
I need to do some planning for work/life in Sept, but I can't see past week 12 on my Training Plan (I need viz on week 17). How do I look ahead to see what's upcoming for those weeks?
@Elias -- I think the short no run block is okay as long as you take steps to treat it as well (strengthen / stretch / etc). IOW just not running won't fix it. As for the training, just add more cycling in that would be fine. When you do return, come back slowly don't just start doing intervals!!!
@James -- All you need to do it edit your training plan to end on a closer date and you'll see it all. Then put it back so you dont' get confused!
Hay R&P- I am just bouncing back from having hip/sports hernia surgery. I have been running and biking for 3 weeks and am feeling great. I have been very good at following doctors orders and he has officially given me the go ahead to go all out on every thing. I know that my FTP has fallen to 224W and my running ftp is way high at 7:30's or so. Should I start doing OS stuff or continue to noodle around until November? Thanks in advance...
Whatup everyone/coaches,
I just got my training plan uploaded for Ironman Arizona. I was put on the 20 week training plan, and this would be week 3. I'm new to Team Endurance, joining this week. For IM AZ, I've been following the typical Joe Friel training plan, where I've planned for 3 base periods, 3 builds, one peak, and then taper. I'm in the 3rd build period, and my hours have been between 12-16 a week, so week 3 of the plan sent to me seems like a very big drop off from where I've been for hours. I know the team endurance philosophy is very different, but I'm curious what I should do. I've been doing 1-3 hard workouts during the week, and then longer base building stuff on weekends. I recently ordered a power meter that I should start using next week, but all my workouts through last weekend (with run/bike cadence and heart rate) can be found on my garmin connect site here. I'm fairly strong on the run (marathon a year ago was at 3:36, and my guess is I can do about a 3:20 now), weaker on the bike (for a 50 mile ride, average about 18.5 mph...for 90 mile ride, average about 17.5 mph), and a decent swimmer (endurance pace is about 1:30-1:35/100 yards). I did a half iron in Oceanside in March at 5:25, splits can be found here.
Any advice as to whether I'm on the right plan and should cut my hours? I've been humbled doing some of these 5-7 hour workouts, and I'm nervous if I don't stay on the road for long base building rides to work on my weakness (bike). I've been cycling for about 1.5 years, so not a lot of miles under my belt for doing an ironman.
Thanks for the help/advice
@Lynda, the Sept date would be better for IMFL than the October date. For help with modifying the plan to accommodate a race, see the Self-Coaching Guide in the Wiki.
@Lisa, please email admin@endurancenation.us with Membership Hold in the subject line.
@David, I think going to Miami is a good choice for you.
@Adam, welcome aboard! Please use our plan, not Friel's. Do our rides this weekend, exactly as prescribed, then recommend you post your observations in the forum as another thread.
Coach, thanks for the response. Will do. By the way, I couldn't easily find the testing requirements for bike/run. Any chance you can point me in that direction?
Thanks again! Will talk to you after this weekend
FTP or LTHR Test: Do ONE of these tests WU: 10-15', 3 x 30 (30 ) SpinUps, in aerobars, then 3 x 2' (1') Zone 3
MS: 2 x 20' (2'). Record each 20' segment as interval in WKO+. Create one range that includes both 2 x 20 intervals & the 2' rest, for a total of 42'. -OR- Normalized watts for range is your Functional Threshold. Enter this number in the Threshold Watts field of the Power Zones table of WKO+.
MS: 3 x 1' (1') Hard, to get your heart rate up and work up a sweat. Then time trial 40' Hard-Very Hard. Take average heart rate as your LTHR. TeamEN Members, enter in Data Tool. Others refer to Quick Start Guide for zone.
WD: Easy spin.
And here's a sample Run Test
WU: 15' including 4 x 30 at 5k pace.
MS: Run a 5k Time Trial. Find a relatively flat course (or track) for your test. Goal is to hold a pace you can sustain for the full duration of the test without blowing up and without having a lot left to kick at the end. The ideal course is one you can test on repeatedly.
WD: Walking, jogging as needed, etc. Note 1: Get average HR for test, this is your Lactate Threshold HR used to calculate HR training zones. Go to ENData Tool to calculate Vdot and training paces. Bonus if you can record miles splits for this test.
Check out the wiki for more of the coaches thoughts on testing and welcome aboard of course. As Rich said, feel free to start a new thread in the general forum describing your background and the concerns you may have from migrating from your old plan to your new one. There are a lot of the people on the team who were in the same boat when they started.
In April I wrote (Question and Response on page 33) seeking advice for the reminder of my season leading up to IMFL. Based on your response, I started a 12-week HIM plan on May 24th that would end on August 14th with an Olympic A race. Beginning August 16th, I would then start the 12-week IM Race Prep.
As life would have it, last Tuesday (July 13th) after several weeks of groin pain after my runs, I went to see me doctor. The next day I saw a surgeon and two days later (Friday, July 16th) I was having a hernia repair. While it has only been a week, the recovery has been slower than I would like but I am trying very hard not to rush it so that I do not damage the repair or make it worse and then have to cancel the rest of my season. Due to this unexpected challenge, I have scrapped my plans to race the August 14th Olympic. I am still registered for an HIM on September 11th which will be followed by the two Race Rehearsals. Below is my pre-injury planning schedule.
Any advice or comments that you can offer about my schedule and how I should proceed with training would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Training Plan
Race Prep (HIM) - Week 1
Race Prep (HIM) - Week 2
Race Prep (HIM) - Week 3
Vermont Trip (6/18-6/20)
Race Prep (HIM) - Week 4
Vermont Trip (6/21-6/27) Big Bike Week
Race Prep (HIM) - Week 5
Race Prep (HIM) - Week 6
Colonial Beach Sprint (7/10)
Race Prep (HIM) - Week 7
Race Prep (HIM) - Week 8
Race Prep (HIM) - Week 9
Race Prep (HIM) - Week 10
Race Prep (HIM) - Week 11
Canceled (Luray Olympic (8/14))
Race Prep (HIM) - Week 12
Race Prep (IM) - Week 1
Race Prep (IM) - Week 2
Race Prep (IM) - Week 3
Patriots Half (9/11)
Race Prep (IM) - Week 4
Race Prep (IM) - Week 5
Race Rehearsal #1 (9/25)
Race Prep (IM) - Week 6
Race Prep (IM) - Week 7
Race Prep (IM) - Week 8
Race Rehearsal #2 (10/16)
Race Prep (IM) - Week 9
Trevor, thanks for the feedback and that really helps! I will check out the general forum and also post a comment there. Thanks again
I think this is the right forum. I'm looking to find some good warmup races to IM AZ that are local. I don't have any plans at the moment for racing before, and it would be nice to have some warm ups before November.
I'm based in Southern California. I saw on the general forums that someone is doing the Big Kahuna, 70.3 in Santa Cruz on September 11th. Any recommendations on races and whether this one is a good one? My only concern on the Big Kahuna is it's more hilly than IM AZ and a beach swim, so not apples to apples, but still a good distance nonetheless.
Once again, thanks in advance for any info.
@Rob, I think you should work with your doctor to determine what the recovery timeline is, what you can and can't do, etc. Then communicate that to us and we can help you with your schedule.
@Adam, this thread is for athletes and coaches only to discuss long range season planning type stuff. Looks like you are looking for comments/advice from the other members re race selection, etc. Please post your question as a separate thread in the Race Selection and Reviews forum. Thanks!
When I submitted my original schedule I was planning on doing the Silverman Full on 11/7, you had me plan 8 weeks of OS and jump into week 5 of the 20 week IM plan. I decided to stay in the OS plan and switch to the Silverman Half. Given the change when do you recommend I stop the OS plan and jump into what week of the HIM plan? I am beginning week 9 of the OS today.
Geoff, recommend you do the OS plan until 6-8wks out from your race, then switch over to the HIM plan, set to end on Silverman.
See this wiki thread for our thoughts on transitioning from the OS to your A race plan.
I am finally setting down to figure out how to combine the OS Plan with the Marathon Hack. My thought, as I believe Coach P already recommended, is the following
The Marathon hack includes 3 runs: Long, Tempo and "Regular", or something like that. Is there a prefered order in which to do the Tempo and Regular run? Which of the two, if any are easier? My thought was to put that on Thursday between the 2 bike days. However, a majority of them seem to be 5K tests, which might be better suited after a days rest.
In addition, should I continue with the brick runs or am I already doing enough running?
What do yo think?
I just finished IMLP, and have a half iron (Westchester Toughman) coming up on Sept 11. Should I just choose the Advanced 12 week plan with my end date on Sept 12th, and jump right in?
@John, please see this IM Transition ebook we created a while back
After that, I am planning on doing a few local fun races. [I guess my season is inside out - most people do those BEFORE their big race :-) ] No big goals other than to do my best on the day. Through mid-September, they will include the bike leg (only) of a 70.3-distance race and a couple of local sprints. I will probably do a half-mary in October, but again, mostly as a social/fun race, not a major focus. After that a bit of OFF season to decompress before starting up an OUT-season. (Start date not 100% certain yet...depends on 2011 plans)
So my generic idea is to take the first couple of weeks of August very easy (transition), then train again with somewhat less volume than the HIM plan peaked at; the question is what template you suggest. I'd assume you'd say to use the OS plan as a starting point for sprint-type distances and then just hack in swims and/or longer runs/rides etc as necessary, but not sure. And if so, should I start at its beginning or with it pointed to end about where my competitions end? [Same question of course, if you think I should use a different plan as a template.]
Hi RnP
Looking for some guidance for what's next for me, after last week's meltdown due to untimely illness
. Next year will be IM free, plan 2 x 70.3s. Since I only did an Aqua velo, my legs seem fine, although I have some residual fatigue from being sick.
I was going to do Marine Corp marathon, but decided against because I really want to work on biomechanics, flexibility, strength and body comp, & power meter school. Doing an October marathon would be set up for injury
Should I go with a modified OS or general prep? Any suggestions to help boost my mojo, have a success- 5k or 10ks, maybe late fall half marathon? Looking for intermediate goal
Patrick- do you know anyone in Marathon Nation looking for a marathon? I can transfer my marathon entry?
Thanks for your help
i live here in nw las vegas and am also doing the 1/2 silverman...possibly hook up for some training together
if you can go that slow without getting mad...lol
Signed up for IM CDA last week of June. 12 week plan has me starting in the first week of April. Living in the northeast there would be no HIMs nearby before my 12 week plan starts up. Should I look to do one pre 12wk plan or can I actually schedule one during the 12wk plan or just forget it all the same. I have some local HIMs in May, as well as FL 70.3 where the boss will pay, but they are smack in the middle of the plan.
My main point is whether I need to do a HIM as prep, when can I do it, and if I need to do it I need to run it by the wife as travel may be involved. So as I said, not looking for my plan, just need to know if I need to let my wife know I am going to be travelling.
Thanks guys.
@Tracy, I think you should drop into the OS plan, whenever you are mentally ready, and then use that train for whatever you feel like doing: if 5k's, 10k's, then you likely don't need to make any mofifications. If a half marathon, pretty sure we have something in the wiki re how to modify the OS to accommodate a half mary. If something cycling (century, etc) then...you know the drill.
@Tucker, please see the Season Planning Toolkit here. Short answer is that you do not "need" to do a HIM as prep for an IM. They are completely, completely different races. Personally, I would only do one if I felt like it, and if I felt like I needed a shorter term, shorter distance goal to focus on so that I'm not focusing on an Ironman for months and months. For example, if I were doing IMCDA, I might sign up for Cali 70.3 because I could focus my head on that race, in late March, then transition to IM training. So, for example, I'm not saddling up the bike in February thinking I'm riding for an IM in June. Intead I'm riding short and very, very hard, focused on a goal that's only 6wks out vs 20wk.
For a first time IM athlete, this need to preserve your head by using a short term focus is very important. But you don't need an HIM to be that focus. It could be a series of 5k, 10k, half marathons, and epic cycling event or weekend, etc.
Doodling about in Adv OS plan - original strategy after my 70.3 late May was starting OS from wk 1 again & switching to 12wk IM for Coz - hamstring injury equals no running.
How would you adjust the week/plan to compensate for no run time? Swim & bike fine. Not sure how cumulative training load is affecting the rehab however - no pain on bike or in pool.
Decision cut-off on Cozumel is in 2 weeks time,not looking great to be honest which is a bit depressing but hey! No way am i going all that way just for a holiday and trot around in 90 degree heat just to say I've finished an IM, no thanks!
Would rather re-focus, get the FTP up, sort out the run mechanics & body-comp in time to race IM-Lanza next May.
Have been doing all bike sessions in OS and swimming 5 days a week following the 20 wk plan.
I thought I'd throw this to you before asking the greater Nation: I'm not doing triathlon this year and won't next year as well; I'm enjoying the brevet world for now. I'll keep a toe-hold in EN for the community; there's nothing like it.
Here's the query: can you recommend a coach/system for me: a mid-pack, middle-aged guy focussing on endurance cycling for the next 16 months. I rolled the Beginner OS successfully, only abandoning the run at the very end once I realized I'd be doing only brevets this season. New England/Massachusetts based.
@Bill - You travails keep me wickedly entertained and super motivated on my "long" rides of 40 miles. You are a monster. Are you looking for someone in person or online is okay. Assume power knowledge is a must?
Being on the Vineyard, I'll have to go with someone online. And yes, it's gotta be power-based.
Hey Coaches,
So, this is sort of between big picture and this week.
I have a nagging Achilles Tendon injury. Flared up in Nov. of last year and I rested a couple of weeks and then flared up again in March (both times when I did an ultra distance relay withing a couple of weeks of a HIM).
Nothing major, but stiffness in the morning and if I sit for a while. First Dr. didn't seem to concerned.
However, due to some traveling and other issues, I was thinking of trying to cut back my running a little to see if I can get it to get better(no morning pain).
So, what do you think of the following:
Option 1-No running for 2 weeks-substitute with more time on the bike.
Option 2-Substitute high inline walking on the treadmill (works the same muscles as running) for the shorter runs and replace the long run with more bike time.
Any thoughts.
@James -- All you need to do it edit your training plan to end on a closer date and you'll see it all. Then put it back so you dont' get confused!