forgot to say that I am tentatively doing an adventure race oct 9 "Raid the Rock" and a mt bike race 2 October! and nope remember I don't actually know how to ride. so that is what I am doing post IM, and somehow I got conned into helping plan another mt bike race late October,r ember last year me and H dressed up in costume and got others too as well.. well they liked it so much! what did I know? it was my very first mt bike race and I decorated a spot in the woods luau style, apparen't ly never seen before cuz we also danced and blared music! very fun but now I am the family activities coordinator....
well I channeled you and esp the sherpa girls, and knocked out 50/ran 3. solo and on the rivertrail so not out on the roads so hard to piece together a long ride but safer. and since I had this bad feeling all day and I think it was the dog, I didn't risk going out on open roads today. plus phone said it was gonna die. anyways, not anybody out there cuz it was stinkin hot and it got up to 108! come to find out at 101, my bike pace needs to be taken down to zone 2... or my head goes boom boom, and don't worry I am good in teh heat. went potty so I could check on things, dipped my head in water 3x, drank, had salt and one time back at my car sat down in shade and ate an orange! and then got back on bike! shorts/saddle were comfy so good news there and even climbed a few hills! and in that sorta heat in the shade my run pace is 11:30 off the bike, felt way faster though!!! and oh yeah, when Brick house came on my IPOD?? I felt liked yelling "BOO YA!".... and sure did enjoy little Richard too! but like I said very hot on bike, even stopped in at bike store, they know me, I mean like I had ridden 48 miles and I wanted to ask them about my dropped chain, so pop in to see the mechanics, shellaced with sunscreen, dirt and grass up my shiins stuck to me, probably stunk too... sweaty... and they just sorta stopped what they were doing and stared at me! ha. and I was so hot that i couldn't remember any bike mechanical terms. so just said "when this is down here like this and I move this down here then I dropped this chain, is it the bike or is it me? " well the mechanic put my PM in for me so he doesn't think I am too strange. anyways, going to a bike cleaning party! fun huh, a new local group, going to race are having food and cleaning in their garage! he will clean if we bring food! duh. I can do that! so I am off a bit late to the store to buy stuff for brownies. soaking wet hair but not too bad sunmarks.
Thanks a bunch girls, when I didn't feel like riding, I knew I would report back to you. m
I'm the older sister, although I think both my sister and I got the crazy type A personality. She just gets to benefit from being the baby.
@ Suzanne, would be so interested in some of your OW swimming adventures, I wou
ld LOVE to do something like that
@ mtb ladies, I don't think that I have the guts for that, but would totally be up for a trip to CO
I can sympathize with the dog getting loose stories, Kona is typically good and will return will called, now we have a fenced in yard so I worry less about him getting out.
Spur of the moment decided to sign up for a metric century on Saturday, my first, hopefully it will be a good experience, the beginning of my foray into being a better biker.
Stacy, welcome to EN and the Women's (Chica's) Forum! This is home base baby! Thanks to all for the comments regarding my leg. I did the 90 minute run/walk this a.m., taking it easy, keeping in mind that it is taper time, and had NO pain in leg during or after the run! Happy, Happy! And, found out tonight, that most likely the IMLOU course has changed to eliminate two big hills, as they finally got the bridge done, that has been closed since 2008!! So glad you found Rudy, Marianne! And huge thumbs up for all the ladies with 4 legged babies! I have two cats, Binky and Roo. (Found both in a corn field about a mile up the road from home, 2 years apart.) Binky would not set foot outside if you left the door wide open for her! Roo has snuck out a couple of times, but just saunters out the door! Not too hard to catch, thank goodness! I love my babies! Binky is a black and white tuxedo cat. I call her my Big Fat Sumo Cat! Roo is a lover! Gina, love the Mt. Bike you are hoping to obtain. I have a non-suspension GT by Specialized. It is several years old, but I do like it. I do not ride trails and haven't for years. But after I bought it, I took lessons from a guy who was teaching Mt. Biking through the Y. I loved riding through the woods! Don't care for riding over logs and all the technical stuff. But, if there was ever an EN Chica Mt. Bike gathering, I would definately like to attend!! Another bike I'm interested in getting is a Touring Bike. Would like to do a tour someday. Don't know where, but a tour would be cool. Raleigh seems to have some cool tour bikes. My goal for this winter is to get rockin' on the bike! I want to climb like it's my job! I cruised the IMSG website and looked at the is gorgeous!!! Would love to tri it, but until I lose weight and get stronger on the climb, I'll have to keep thinking about it. Becky and Linda and any others who had a crappy relationship with parents as a child, I am so sad to hear this. You both turned out to be such strong women. Kudos to you both!! And huge hugs to you both as well!!! HUG, HUG!! I was blessed with wonderful parents. My Dad is gone, and Mom is 90, and health declining rather quickly...Learned lots from them about caring for other people and giving of one's self. I can only dream to be half the person either of them were through their lives. They did a lot of good for our community. Finally, have to say thanks to all of you for your support! I am excited for IMLOU and ready! I KNOW I will finish this race and become an Ironman! Cannot WAIT!!! I have Endurance Nation to thank, for everything...I mean that from the bottom of my heart! God Bless!
IMSG = 2011 for me, FYI Barb. tentative natch. I am out the door to go riding, DH is at home so Rudy stays put in kennel. my bike sparkles thanks to a gathering of other tri geeks with the host washing bikes and us bringing snacks. actually felt like sleeping but with this heat know I better get on out there. normally I swim on Friday so a bit outta sorts but remember I leave Sun - Tues to take Andrew to college in Nashville, hence all of the crammed workouts. seems like a familiar pattern. but I have to take a nap today, just gotta. and guess what? my new bike shoes, rub the toenail paint off my big toe! Kris F!! the newer specialized tri shoes are skinnier in toe box! whassup? okay scooting. m
@Barb - IMLOU is yours! I'm glad you are ready to go. We will be watching!
Moving. I have this fantasy that has my A in yoga class at 5:30 p.m. today, and then going come and crawling into my assembled bed, with freshly washed sheets.
Suzanne, I love that line "responsibility and perfectionism, I know them well." That's me. Do everything you're supposed to do and be darned good at it cuz you're first born.
I'm the oldest. My sister is 2.5 years younger. She's loads smarter than me, better at music than me, has neater handwriting than me, etc. She has always unknowingly pushed me to try to be better. I always had to work so much harder in school to even be in the same time zone with her. But I was never the Baccalaureate nor the PhD nor the Fulbright scholar....sigh. But I love her so much! She truly is a joy to have in my life! We always have, and always will, share a little corner of the world that only we can laugh in or cry in. I only wish that we lived closer. They're in Charlottesville, VA and I don't get out there nearly as often as I wish to, and she's rarely out here. On an Ironman related note. She and my brother-in-law were in Florida for my first IM. They, along with my DH, were such great supporters! The cool thing was that both she and Anton (BIL) got inspired while watching the race and decided to sign up for a HIM. In 2008 they did the HIM in Rapperswil-Jona in Switzerland...which just happens to be the town where his extended family lives! I thought that was so super cool!!!
Wow!! Some rumblings about IMSG! Barb- it truly is a stunning part of the country. When I am among those red rock formations I am truly moved. Really. It is a different sort of beauty for sure.
Kitima- I'm so interested to hear how you go with the allergy shots. Though I grew up with kitties and love them, I'm so beyond allergic at this point in my life that it would probably be dangerous for me to have one. If shots (or acupuncture) would help, I might be down with that.
Linda - I am so impressed with the improvements to your bike fit! Wow! I'm trying to convince DH that I need to do the video gig with Todd now. Brian is adamant that all fits are a waste of $$. Ugh! He doesn't get it sometimes.
lots of oldest and youngest peeps! I'm an oddball on this one- twin. brother Scottie is the polar opposite. social butterfly, HS bio teacher, goes to the gym to tan (though he will begrudgingly hit the t-mill if his preferred bed is in use).
thanks for sharing birth order info - very cool to get to know each other in different ways
had to pass up an overnight trip with girlfriends this weekend; just too much I feel like I need to do re: race prep, final semi-big training weekend for the bike. Felt a little lame about it, but the end is in sight!!
You all are inspiring me re: mountain biking. I did a little with an old bf; I was awful! I think my DH would be pretty into it. Though we seriously do not need any new bikes in our apt!!
@Barb my pool is closed for the next two weeks starting Sunday too! So bummed b/c I would definitely have liked to swim a bunch during taper. Walden Pond here I come..
@Carly are you house-hunting in Boston? Not easy, I agree! The metric century sounds fun - that's a good solid distance!
Beth - good luck moving, Marianne good luck with the college drop-off, everyone else - be safe and train well!
lots of oldest and youngest peeps! I'm an oddball on this one- twin. brother Scottie is the polar opposite. social butterfly, HS bio teacher, goes to the gym to tan (though he will begrudgingly hit the t-mill if his preferred bed is in use).
I'm sure it wasn't meant to but this had me laughing out loud!! Gotta love it! As I always say. We all have our "thing." And who am I to say that any one thing is better than another.....Some may just be funnier than others...
@ Leigh- A brother that tans! Is he a body builder? I see a lot of that.
Here's a chuckle- totally soldifies my status as a l'il peep, even though I feel far from little. After Rich's talk at Tri Rally about round bottles screwing up aeroness of frame, I had an epiphany. I ordered both the Arundel bottles AND a Speedfil. Wanted to see which I preferred. Well- neither will fit my bike, even remotely. The only thing big about me is my nose and my feet.
I will be blaming my 7+ hours on the bike at IMWI on my total lack of aerodynamic bottles. (as if)
a body builder? yea right. even he would giggle at that one. nah, he just likes to tan and the gyms up here offer free tanning so at $10/month it's cheaper to join the gym than go to a tanning specific place. he goes through spurts of attempted fitness but mostly just cracks up at the thought of it.
@Olivia- totally meant as a joke. that's what I jokingly tell everyone about him and his his standard line is: "it works a lot like our secret language and twin osmosis- she works out and poof. I'm good for the week. That's why I tan. I'm trying to help my sister balance out that godawful farmer tan of hers. If I stick with it, eventually it will transfer over."
@Michele - too funny... I can't do a speedfill bc I have a Felt frame and it won't fit. So, I guess I can blame my poor bike splits on that!
I just have to share my adventures of yesterday with you all... it was quite a day. So, I had to change my telework day around and was working from home yesterday (not Thursday) - which actually worked out well since I took Monday as a rest day and was a day behind schedule all week... I get up and am ready to do my long run ... I separate my keys and am out the door. holding my car key. NOT my house keys. I look at my hand. I try the door knowing it's not going to open. Oh crap. I know I can break in with a credit card (sadly, I know this from experience). So I knock on my various neighbors' doors... no answer. Either bc they're already at work or not gonna answer a random door knock before 8am. Shit... what am I going to do? I don't even have my cell phone... I know Dan has a spare key and I contemplate driving to his house (his house key is in my car)... then I realize my old chiropractor had a swipe card. Yay! I prop the building door so it won't shut, run around to my car, get the swipe card, and voila... break into my place. Grab my house key and am off for my run. Finally. The temps are tolerable (meaning not quite 80) but it's so crazy humid I realize quickly it was a mistake to not bring water - fortunately I picked a route that had a fountain at 3 miles, which was about my turn around point (only a 70 minute run).
Okay I survive the run, am back in my house - a little late but it's all good... Use my lunch hour to go get blood drawn, work work work... then I decide what the heck, I'm gonna go get that darn swim in that I put off yesterday. Dan has to work late so we aren't doing dinner til 6:30 or 7 anyway... so, I go to the pool for my 4x600s. I don't want to, but that's life. In the water I am unbelievably relaxed. My stroke feels good, I'm hitting my turns well... not going super fast, but my timing is good and it feels comfortable... I am 2 or 3 laps into my 3rd set and, as I'm approaching the wall to turn, start the somersault and total darkness. I somersault and stand straight up. Huh? In a second or two the generator lights flicker on... power outage. Have to get out of the pool. We can wait 10 minutes... sitting on the deck chatting with the only other swimmer (go figure, 5 on a friday - folks apparently have better things to do).... we hear some sputtering and the air comes on... a minute later more sputtering and the air goes back off... that's when I call it quits. Half a swim workout is better than none... power never came back on and by the time I was done showering and leaving the locker room everyone (not many folks, mind you) was leaving the gym. Oh well, A for effort.
Dan and I go out for pasta... nothing remotely primal about the spaghetti with pesto and 2 glasses of chianti but man was it good! I did ask for a chx breast on the side - and ate half of the pasta and half the chix... then we walked up the street (Del Ray is super cute) and stop for ice cream... I can't think of the last time I had ice cream.... oh man was it gooooooood! I chalk it off to carb loading for my OLY tomorrow. Got up for a light zone 1 jog today... did lots of stretching after and some abs and pushups... now it's time to pack.
Will check back in Monday... hope everyone has a great training weekend... be safe on the roads!
Becky, I'm a little concerned for your safety if you can break into your place using a card! Just a thought, but you may want to add a deadbolt or something... but good luck on your Oly!
I forgot to respond to this earlier, but I am the older sister. There are only us two girls, and I am 5 years older than Jill. My parents are wonderful, and I feel like my sister, Mom, Dad (and, of course, Tabitha) are all my best friends. My parents call T their third daughter - I am so lucky for that. My sister and I are really close. Right now she lives just a 10 minute run away, so we often meet each other early in the mornings to run together.
Today was the "big day" on the half IM plan for Longhorn, and I had a great time! I rode my "urban assault" course over the streets of Houston very early, and then did my run around the museums and the zoo. Reese was being a diva and refused to drink out of the doggie water fountains, so I shared my Infinit with her. I did the swim last, and that cool water felt great. I was supposed to do all of this with my sister, but she caught a bad cold, so it was just me. Next up: fajitas, margaritas, and some preseason football.
From FB posts it looks like you Moo ladies all had great long rides today. Good job, girls!
@ ;Becky--that swim was just NOT meant to be! LOL! Moving on....
Keith was just looking at bike shorts, which reminded me of something from my ride today. I stopped at a water fountain to refill where cyclists always gather. To me, most men in bike clothes are uninteresting at best to sometimes repulsive at worst (and you know what i mean--beer belly, things too tight in all the wrong places, et al. Yuck.) Welllllll, today I notice a tall, built guy pulls up behind me. He walks on to rack his bike, and I notice his is the best looking a$$ I have seen in forever! He's wearing a pair of gray-ish Decsente bike shorts that fit, um, great. Great looking legs to boot. I have to tell you that I did my best construction worker imitation and just let myself stand there and take it in! I never do that, but it was some mighty fine scenery. Had to share with the ladies. Don't think Keith would much appreciate.
Linda- LOL! That just made my day! I really need to join one of the local clubs in hopes of finding something like that, that just happens to be single and nice Did he shave his legs? have prominent VMOs? ( that is a weakness for me, blushing just thinking about it. Man, I need to go on a date, ASAP
Kristen- Sounds like your Mojo is coming back. I feel bad for your sister if she had anything like what I had- ick
Becky- good luck at Northeast tomorrow. I want to do that race, maybe next year. I agree with Kristen, don't like the sounds of your security system, x2 with deadbolt! Get a hide-a key or lockbox for that spare key
M- good luck with college drop off. Glad Rudy was safe- what a morning you had the other day
Beth- how did the move go? Hope not to sore from multiple stairs, then riding. Hope you get settled in soon
Carly - hope you had fun with century!
Welcome Stacy to EN and this great thread!
Suzanne- you guys have been having some crazy storms this year, seem to be bypassing Baltimore. We should try to get together. Bummed I missed the happy hour with you and Becky ( downside of a crazy schedule)
WOW- Aimee, Barb and Carie- taper time for you guys, am i missing anyone? Enjoy!
IMMoo Chicas- wow, you guys have been really getting it done, especially in crazy hot temps! You are all an inspiration. the energy is just incredible. I can't believe one more ride before taper- sheesh!
Olivia so excited you will be coming to Madison! CC hope you can come, but flights are just crazy, the costs all add up!
I know i'm missing folks, sorry, forum is as busy as ever!
Birth order for me- 3rd out of 4. 2 older sisters and a younger brother. My brother got away with murder, my brother and I were the good ones after seeing trouble my sisters got into. I am kind of a peace keeper, responsible, serious- but also independent-/adenturous adrenaline junkie- didn't have a "normal" career path. My parents really questioned my wanting to be a travel nurse> I have had some great experiences in my career, and met a lot of neat people One of the bizarre things about me is I can be really Anal/OCD about some things, then Fly by the Seat of My Pants on others
Finally recovered after last weekend's craziness at work- yesterday made up for it. I was on the 11a-11p shift, it was like a ghost town. All the cases were done by 4:30, got to go home at 7pm. Then had one of my better runs since coming back. It was slow, but til now, I was still having to do the 5 min run/30 sec walk. yesterday I did 30 continuous, only reason I walked was had a stomach cramp i couldn't shake by slowing pace down. Felt good, hope it continues
Just got back from Pa, mom is in hospital again, she should be going to rehab tomorrow or Monday. Aging parents, tough to see. Payback for all the times they worried about us. Battling independence vs safety. Mom tends to wait to long before calling doctor/ seeking attention. A small problem becomes much bigger, harder to take care of. A conversation we have had many times. She has awesome neighbors, thank God! Give your parents a hug today if close by
Another quiet weekend on the forum. Everyone must be exhausted from training. Just popping in to say Hi!
Had a great training ride trying to chase down Leigh and Dave Boyle. We ended up riding 96 miles in 5.5 hours. Did some MAJOR hills. At one point I though my PM was dying. I was getting watts of 18-50 going uphill. After about 20 minutes, I noticed Dave was behind me. When we came to a light I was telling him about it. Turns out he has a Quarq PM in the crank set and it can interfere with the Powertap. After he rode off, a few minutes went by and my numbers returned to normal. What a relief!
I was thinking about all of you folks getting ready for IMLou. 2 weeks! In some ways I am envious, in others I could wait longer. Not that I want to spend any more weekends exercising for 9 hours! So excited and can't wait to track your progress on race day. Is IMCA the same day?
Now, if you wanna get your hands on some o' those hunky bodies, work as a body marker @ a race. You do have to touch a lot of strangers though
We went to se "Eat, Pray, Love" last night. Nice flick. Entertaining, funny, like a travel mag. Made me want to go to Italy and eat, to Bali to swim in beautiful water. A good break from IM, IM, IM !!
Dragged my ass onto the bike this morning and managed 2 hrs. Bagged the run. Groceries bought (2 stores), pot of spaghetti sauce& tuna burgers made for Su ( she is on a month of nights and food @ ;hospital is...), grass cut, home pedi done.
Tired, tired, tired ladies. Hanging on by a thread.
Sounds like the Moo girls had some tough outings today. You've all been working soooo hard. You're tired. Physically, mentally, emotionally....and it sounds like it's starting to show a bit. Keep the faith're so close to taper and your bodies, minds, and souls are ready for it. Push through this last bit and you're there!
I have to tell ya though, I keep vacillating on whether or not I want to do another IM next year....reading the FB posts and comments elsewhere today made me remember how tiring the whole thing would be. Soooo...swinging toward "no" today.
So G...maybe the Italy and Bali thing is a better way to go! Ugh! I have a friend who is living that whole "travel the world" life right now...I admire her for just picking up and doing it.
Funny stuff about admiring the view in bike shorts. You're right Linda, generally not appealing and borderline offensive.
OK...can we talk sports bras for a sec? I haven't shopped for them in years, but finally need to. OMG! They SUCK! What is with the padding and the fancy strap configs on them???? I am among the smallest chested people there is, and even I don't want to have any added bulk in the front of my workout bra. How in the H are those things supposed to wick sweat away?? Really people, have we gotten so we are that concerned about how our boobies look that we can't even bear the idea of smashing them down for running? I tried on about 6 different ones and finally settled for one of the more standard sport all black ones that I found. Truly uninspiring! And don't even get me started on the running shorts....tried that too and ugh! I must be old or something the styles looked horrible on the hangers and even worse on me!
Rant over now....time to think about le dinner.
Sleep well iron women. IMLOU gals especially this is time to absorb. Moo girls heads down and concentrate on getting the final piece of work're so so close.
Linda- I coulda used a hunky guy in bike shorts today for motivation!!! Too funny!
Olivia, Tracy, and all of you ladies who are done with your races but still here to support those of us still in training. THANK YOU!!!!!!! Oh, it means so much to have the support of you ladies, I just can't say thanks enough.
Olivia- I'm the president of the itty bitty titty committee, so I totally understand your plight. I find a bra that fits and then buy half a dozen in multiple colors! Right now the Champion bra is what works for me. It's a basic uniboob masher- but it works for the small chested. They had them at Target for a while (the XS size is what I need) but I ended up buying a bunch at the outlets.
Kudos to all the ladies for getting it done this weekend. Still wicked hot in some parts of country.
@ Tracy thanks for the information about the PM. Thinking of your mom, just tell her to do what the PT says at rehab.
@ Linda, I have been thinking of your 'no clothes buying for a year' deal and I really want to try it. I plan on buying a few necessities (maybe EN singlet and need a new bathing suit for the winter) in the next 2 weeks and starting 9/1. It won't be too difficult I don't think, I'm not a fashion diva by any means. It will only be challenging in the cylcing/running gear dept.
@ Gina, that book has been on my list for awhile, just bought Born To Run, will put that to the top of my list next.
@ Michele, sounds like you are surviving with a new boss at work. I was up in your and Linda's neck of the woods on Saturday for a metric century. Nice route, mostly nice roads.
I am thinking of ending my season with a sprint in September. Oddly feeling the need to race after IMLP. Also trying to plan next season, really having a tough time with that one. I promised no IM so looking for a few 1/2 IMs. Maybe Muskoka (cause it won't sell out most likely) or Syracuse cause its near family and would have free lodging. I'm not familiar with New England races at this point, so maybe something more local, everything seems to sell out so fast around here!
On another note, really trying to be serious about saving $$ for a house next year. Going to be tough with both of us trying to race. Michelle wants to do a 1/2 next summer as well. Thoughts on how to suggest Michelle train if she does want to do a race. I wouldn't feel right getting her a plan without paying for a EN membership, but she is already a member of MN (training for Goofy's Challenge), so RnP are making their $$ off of us. Just wondered how everyone else handles this situation.
Carly- Last when Su and I trained for IMA*, I specifically asked R about Su using the plan. He said, "as long as she wears our kit". That was the end of it!
@O--my aging hormones seem to have made my boobs go in the other direction, which is SO strange to me. I'm hardly busty, but bigger than I ever have been. Who needs it? I do second Nemo's Champoin bra recommendation. I got them at Target too. They're cheap, hold things in place, comfy, and they don't have any stinkin' cups or adjustable this-and-that. It a plain ole sports bar. I TOTALLY agree with you on the running shorts. I think they all look awful--and look awful on just about everyone. I haven't bought a pair in yeas, and need to. I don't like anything. I like the old split sides--comfy and cool. Can't find them anywhere retail so you can try them on. So I am still in my very old Hind running shorts that I have had for far too long. And re another IM.. I wrote this in the WI forum just today. With any luck, life is long and IMs will be there years down the road if you want.
I have to say...this weekend--capped by this day and how I feel right now--is THE reason why I think this is my last Ironman. Never say never, but for me, doing this 3x is likely enough. The IM day is SO worth it, but these rides are what erode me body, spirit--and especially mentally. Happy to be back into it for sure, but also feeling my personal limits.
@Carly--I can almost guarantee you will have NO problem going a year. But you have to give yourself margins that give a little. For example, because of my Reynaud's and Cali, I HAD to buy a few winter things to keep myself safe, literally. I got only what I needed, and that did not count in my mind as "buying clothes." Let's say the EN kit goes on sale, then get it. That's a limited time thing that you KNOW you're going to get anyway, so why pay full price? Bathing suits cannot get sheer--that's just wrong. It's all about dialing in what you "need" rather than impulse getting what you "want"--that's what it was for me. It wasn't about money (although I'm sure it saved some bucks I'm now spending on WI ), it was about having too much that I didn't need--or want. Too much clutter, that makes me feel like a can't breathe. A year is a LOOOONG time, but I did it. Glad I did too. So far since it's over I have about exactly one bathing suit, one pair of pink pants, and a black and a blue SS T. Seems I still don't need much! Let us know how it goes.
Tired, tired, tired ladies. Hanging on by a thread.
Gina, I second that one!
Michele, yes, IMCA is on the same day as IMLou...2 weeks away!
I don't know why I'm still having muscle soreness after my workouts. I've had them all season...never had so much muscle soreness training for an IM, but I've quickly learned EN is all about WORK! But seriously, I hope the muscle soreness calms down during the second taper week...geez. I also can't seem to sleep enough!
@Kristen, Tracy - I do have a deadbolt... but I actually need my key to be able to use it. I suppose I could stop opening the door so it automatically keeps the door knob locked... but... I will say knowing the door is so old I can break in easily is comforting. Trust me - when I have the key in hand I always lock the top bolt when I leave!
@Olivia and Nemo. I'm not exactly endowed myself... AT ALL... which is really strange. My mom, aunt, grama are all pretty decently sized in that regard. So not only did I get my mom's short genes (barely taller than her at 5'4 when the bros are 5'10-6') I did not get her boob genes. What's up with that... I will admit, when I see little lanky barely teenage girls with more/better cleavage than me I get really depressed. I don't want to be big, mind you... but it would be nice to fill out any top. Speaking of sports bras, I like the Nike Fit (and I rarely rarely rarely endorse anything by Nike) and I got an Addidas one last year that I love love love!
@Linda - nothing wrong with admiring art when you see it! we won't tell Keith... but I hope to ride that course some time (as long as you don't tell Dan).
Happy taper Michele! a few more weeks sounds positively dreamy!!!
As of tomorrow it's ON time for me (and Nathalie)... crazy... I did an OLY today = my first race since EM in June and it felt good to be back out there. Next weekend is another HIM... I think that will also help get my head back in the game. Nice to have something to show I've been working (I've only done 4 OLYs... this particular race 3 of the 4... and I PR'ed by 12 minutes... and that was trying to dial it in on the ride, do an ABP but really keeping my HR low and controlled on the rolling hills)... so I'm quite pleased. Funnily, Dan was quite shocked to see me on the run when he did... another point in the EN system books! He finished in 2:35 (pretty much his standard OLY time after years and years of racing), I finished in 2:42. No podium, but I'm cool with that... even if I had gone all out, not sure if I could have been 5 minutes faster to break into the top 3 (I was 6 of 20 in my AG, and 23/100 in my gender). All in all, very pleased! And I don't feel like I killed myself, which is really what is the best part! I wasn't taking it easy by any stretch, but I didn't go nuts! Woo hoo! Go EN! I think this is exactly what I needed to help get my head back in the game!
I'm sure I'm missing lots of folks... and I'm sorry... hope everyone had a great weekend.
OK Ladies, all this talk about shorts reminded me of a pic a FB friend recently posted of a guy at a local Half Mary. I can't help it, I have to share. This is a public service announcement. Whatever you do- don't let some version of this be you (Warning, you may want to avert your eyes!)
[Update: I took down the pic. Woke up this morning and thought WOAH what was I thinking posting that here!] For those of you who didn't see it, I think a description might be better.
Imagine fit running dude, obviously moving quite fast is speeding on down the road in tiny running shorts with the side split. The wind blows a bit and said side split parts ways well enough that the little man (wrapped in the VERY thin shorts liner) comes out for a little peak to see how the race is going.
Aaaaaaahhhhhh, Nemo! My eyes! My eyes! They're burning...!!!
IMOO ladies, you are so close! Hang in there just a little bit longer!
Gina, thanks for the movie review. We plan on seeing that one next weekend. T is out of town, and I just finished watching "The Time Travellers Wife". Tears, tears at the end. I hate crying at movies!
I suppose it's a good thing next year is going to be dedicated to sprints and Olys, after an early spring marathon. My head hates long training days, as in a migraine almost every time. Ugh. I had such a great "big day" yesterday, was careful not to dig myself a nutrition hole, and stayed hydrated. I did everything perfectly, and still got a migraine. That really pisses me off! It's a shame, because I am really feeling fit and healthy and motivated right now. Stupid head...
Hi girls! Great weekend in Madison here. High of 80 today, and no humidity! And the wind kept the mosquitos away! Jonnie and I met up with @Kris F and Paul, and rode an IMWI loop, and then drove most of the run course (despite road constructions everywhere). It was so awesome to meet Kris, and a great excuse to get back on my tri bike. That was only my 3rd ride in the past 4 weeks (and first on my tri bike in that long), and it felt awesome! I was so inspired that I got on my road bike today and did hill repeats alone. No, not training for anything. No HR monitor, no watch, no bike computer at all. It was liberating!
As far as sports bras go, I too am in the flat chested category. I am addicted to a sports bra that's actually the top of a workout bikini. It's SO comfy, I wear them all the time. And I end up wearing the bottoms as underwear just as often.
Linda - loved your comment about the great looking body in biking shorts! My sister, a non-athlete, just posted on fb yesterday that she was disgusted by all the guys out running and cycling in spanex that she saw that day. I commented that she apparently just wasn't seeing the *right* guys in spandex! I will have to say, Madison is a great place for appreciating the beauty of the athletic body...
Hope everyone had a great weekend. Keep getting 'er done, ladies!
Wow Nemo! uh , I guess he was putting it All out there on the course
I have had success with under armour bras. I have a nice pair of UA shorts, comfy for running, downside is no pocket. Although i don't think they are run specific shorts.
I am reading Eat pray love, want to see movie- thanks for review
All Moo chicas- HANG IN THERE!!!!! All this hard work is going to show up as an Awesome day. You guys are so inspiring, so proud of all
Also for LOu and canada girls- Carie- hopefully your legs will feel better soon
Becky- great Job today at Northeast! not far behind Dan either- Awesome
Carly- I'll be with you on saving money to buy a house. Right now seriously tracking expenses to see where I can cut back.
I am also looking forward to fun races next year, a couple 1/2 IM and olympics and sprints. This week, kind of wish I didn't sign up for Half Full on 10/3. A decision made out of frustration from LP. I just want to have FUN now. Will see how this week goes
well I channeled you and esp the sherpa girls, and knocked out 50/ran 3. solo and on the rivertrail so not out on the roads so hard to piece together a long ride but safer. and since I had this bad feeling all day and I think it was the dog, I didn't risk going out on open roads today. plus phone said it was gonna die. anyways, not anybody out there cuz it was stinkin hot and it got up to 108! come to find out at 101, my bike pace needs to be taken down to zone 2... or my head goes boom boom, and don't worry I am good in teh heat. went potty so I could check on things, dipped my head in water 3x, drank, had salt and one time back at my car sat down in shade and ate an orange! and then got back on bike! shorts/saddle were comfy so good news there and even climbed a few hills! and in that sorta heat in the shade my run pace is 11:30 off the bike, felt way faster though!!! and oh yeah, when Brick house came on my IPOD?? I felt liked yelling "BOO YA!".... and sure did enjoy little Richard too! but like I said very hot on bike, even stopped in at bike store, they know me, I mean like I had ridden 48 miles and I wanted to ask them about my dropped chain, so pop in to see the mechanics, shellaced with sunscreen, dirt and grass up my shiins stuck to me, probably stunk too... sweaty... and they just sorta stopped what they were doing and stared at me! ha. and I was so hot that i couldn't remember any bike mechanical terms. so just said "when this is down here like this and I move this down here then I dropped this chain, is it the bike or is it me? " well the mechanic put my PM in for me so he doesn't think I am too strange.
anyways, going to a bike cleaning party! fun huh, a new local group, going to race are having food and cleaning in their garage! he will clean if we bring food! duh. I can do that! so I am off a bit late to the store to buy stuff for brownies. soaking wet hair but not too bad sunmarks.
Thanks a bunch girls, when I didn't feel like riding, I knew I would report back to you. m
Ms. Schwindt--We need your new addy in the spreadsheet.
Anyone else who has to update please do. New chicas, if you're will ing share your personal addy, please do. The doc has turned out to be very handy.
Welcome new ladies!
I'm the older sister, although I think both my sister and I got the crazy type A personality. She just gets to benefit from being the baby.
@ Suzanne, would be so interested in some of your OW swimming adventures, I wou
ld LOVE to do something like that
@ mtb ladies, I don't think that I have the guts for that, but would totally be up for a trip to CO
I can sympathize with the dog getting loose stories, Kona is typically good and will return will called, now we have a fenced in yard so I worry less about him getting out.
Spur of the moment decided to sign up for a metric century on Saturday, my first, hopefully it will be a good experience, the beginning of my foray into being a better biker.
So glad you found Rudy, Marianne! And huge thumbs up for all the ladies with 4 legged babies! I have two cats, Binky and Roo. (Found both in a corn field about a mile up the road from home, 2 years apart.) Binky would not set foot outside if you left the door wide open for her! Roo has snuck out a couple of times, but just saunters out the door! Not too hard to catch, thank goodness! I love my babies! Binky is a black and white tuxedo cat. I call her my Big Fat Sumo Cat! Roo is a lover!
Gina, love the Mt. Bike you are hoping to obtain. I have a non-suspension GT by Specialized. It is several years old, but I do like it. I do not ride trails and haven't for years. But after I bought it, I took lessons from a guy who was teaching Mt. Biking through the Y. I loved riding through the woods! Don't care for riding over logs and all the technical stuff. But, if there was ever an EN Chica Mt. Bike gathering, I would definately like to attend!! Another bike I'm interested in getting is a Touring Bike. Would like to do a tour someday. Don't know where, but a tour would be cool. Raleigh seems to have some cool tour bikes.
My goal for this winter is to get rockin' on the bike! I want to climb like it's my job! I cruised the IMSG website and looked at the is gorgeous!!! Would love to tri it, but until I lose weight and get stronger on the climb, I'll have to keep thinking about it.
Becky and Linda and any others who had a crappy relationship with parents as a child, I am so sad to hear this. You both turned out to be such strong women. Kudos to you both!! And huge hugs to you both as well!!! HUG, HUG!! I was blessed with wonderful parents. My Dad is gone, and Mom is 90, and health declining rather quickly...Learned lots from them about caring for other people and giving of one's self. I can only dream to be half the person either of them were through their lives. They did a lot of good for our community.
Finally, have to say thanks to all of you for your support! I am excited for IMLOU and ready! I KNOW I will finish this race and become an Ironman! Cannot WAIT!!! I have Endurance Nation to thank, for everything...I mean that from the bottom of my heart! God Bless!
I am out the door to go riding, DH is at home so Rudy stays put in kennel. my bike sparkles thanks to a gathering of other tri geeks with the host washing bikes and us bringing snacks. actually felt like sleeping but with this heat know I better get on out there. normally I swim on Friday so a bit outta sorts but remember I leave Sun - Tues to take Andrew to college in Nashville, hence all of the crammed workouts. seems like a familiar pattern. but I have to take a nap today, just gotta. and guess what? my new bike shoes, rub the toenail paint off my big toe! Kris F!! the newer specialized tri shoes are skinnier in toe box! whassup? okay scooting. m
@Barb - IMLOU is yours! I'm glad you are ready to go. We will be watching!
Moving. I have this fantasy that has my A in yoga class at 5:30 p.m. today, and then going come and crawling into my assembled bed, with freshly washed sheets.
I'm the oldest. My sister is 2.5 years younger. She's loads smarter than me, better at music than me, has neater handwriting than me, etc. She has always unknowingly pushed me to try to be better. I always had to work so much harder in school to even be in the same time zone with her. But I was never the Baccalaureate nor the PhD nor the Fulbright scholar....sigh. But I love her so much! She truly is a joy to have in my life! We always have, and always will, share a little corner of the world that only we can laugh in or cry in. I only wish that we lived closer. They're in Charlottesville, VA and I don't get out there nearly as often as I wish to, and she's rarely out here. On an Ironman related note. She and my brother-in-law were in Florida for my first IM. They, along with my DH, were such great supporters! The cool thing was that both she and Anton (BIL) got inspired while watching the race and decided to sign up for a HIM. In 2008 they did the HIM in Rapperswil-Jona in Switzerland...which just happens to be the town where his extended family lives! I thought that was so super cool!!!
Wow!! Some rumblings about IMSG! Barb- it truly is a stunning part of the country. When I am among those red rock formations I am truly moved. Really. It is a different sort of beauty for sure.
Kitima- I'm so interested to hear how you go with the allergy shots. Though I grew up with kitties and love them, I'm so beyond allergic at this point in my life that it would probably be dangerous for me to have one. If shots (or acupuncture) would help, I might be down with that.
Linda - I am so impressed with the improvements to your bike fit! Wow! I'm trying to convince DH that I need to do the video gig with Todd now. Brian is adamant that all fits are a waste of $$. Ugh! He doesn't get it sometimes.
Fruita sounds perfect! All are welcome!
thanks for sharing birth order info - very cool to get to know each other in different ways
had to pass up an overnight trip with girlfriends this weekend; just too much I feel like I need to do re: race prep, final semi-big training weekend for the bike. Felt a little lame about it, but the end is in sight!!
You all are inspiring me re: mountain biking. I did a little with an old bf; I was awful! I think my DH would be pretty into it. Though we seriously do not need any new bikes in our apt!!
@Barb my pool is closed for the next two weeks starting Sunday too! So bummed b/c I would definitely have liked to swim a bunch during taper. Walden Pond here I come..
@Carly are you house-hunting in Boston? Not easy, I agree! The metric century sounds fun - that's a good solid distance!
Beth - good luck moving, Marianne good luck with the college drop-off, everyone else - be safe and train well!
@Carly--check your FB mail. Excuse my training brain for the delay. I can keep nothing straight.
Here's a chuckle- totally soldifies my status as a l'il peep, even though I feel far from little. After Rich's talk at Tri Rally about round bottles screwing up aeroness of frame, I had an epiphany. I ordered both the Arundel bottles AND a Speedfil. Wanted to see which I preferred. Well- neither will fit my bike, even remotely. The only thing big about me is my nose and my feet.
I will be blaming my 7+ hours on the bike at IMWI on my total lack of aerodynamic bottles. (as if)
a body builder? yea right. even he would giggle at that one. nah, he just likes to tan and the gyms up here offer free tanning so at $10/month it's cheaper to join the gym than go to a tanning specific place. he goes through spurts of attempted fitness but mostly just cracks up at the thought of it.
@Olivia- totally meant as a joke. that's what I jokingly tell everyone about him and his his standard line is: "it works a lot like our secret language and twin osmosis- she works out and poof. I'm good for the week. That's why I tan. I'm trying to help my sister balance out that godawful farmer tan of hers. If I stick with it, eventually it will transfer over."
@Michele - too funny... I can't do a speedfill bc I have a Felt frame and it won't fit. So, I guess I can blame my poor bike splits on that!
I just have to share my adventures of yesterday with you all... it was quite a day. So, I had to change my telework day around and was working from home yesterday (not Thursday) - which actually worked out well since I took Monday as a rest day and was a day behind schedule all week... I get up and am ready to do my long run ... I separate my keys and am out the door. holding my car key. NOT my house keys. I look at my hand. I try the door knowing it's not going to open. Oh crap. I know I can break in with a credit card (sadly, I know this from experience). So I knock on my various neighbors' doors... no answer. Either bc they're already at work or not gonna answer a random door knock before 8am. Shit... what am I going to do? I don't even have my cell phone... I know Dan has a spare key and I contemplate driving to his house (his house key is in my car)... then I realize my old chiropractor had a swipe card. Yay! I prop the building door so it won't shut, run around to my car, get the swipe card, and voila... break into my place. Grab my house key and am off for my run. Finally. The temps are tolerable (meaning not quite 80) but it's so crazy humid I realize quickly it was a mistake to not bring water - fortunately I picked a route that had a fountain at 3 miles, which was about my turn around point (only a 70 minute run).
Okay I survive the run, am back in my house - a little late but it's all good... Use my lunch hour to go get blood drawn, work work work... then I decide what the heck, I'm gonna go get that darn swim in that I put off yesterday. Dan has to work late so we aren't doing dinner til 6:30 or 7 anyway... so, I go to the pool for my 4x600s. I don't want to, but that's life. In the water I am unbelievably relaxed. My stroke feels good, I'm hitting my turns well... not going super fast, but my timing is good and it feels comfortable... I am 2 or 3 laps into my 3rd set and, as I'm approaching the wall to turn, start the somersault and total darkness. I somersault and stand straight up. Huh? In a second or two the generator lights flicker on... power outage. Have to get out of the pool. We can wait 10 minutes... sitting on the deck chatting with the only other swimmer (go figure, 5 on a friday - folks apparently have better things to do).... we hear some sputtering and the air comes on... a minute later more sputtering and the air goes back off... that's when I call it quits. Half a swim workout is better than none... power never came back on and by the time I was done showering and leaving the locker room everyone (not many folks, mind you) was leaving the gym. Oh well, A for effort.
Dan and I go out for pasta... nothing remotely primal about the spaghetti with pesto and 2 glasses of chianti but man was it good! I did ask for a chx breast on the side - and ate half of the pasta and half the chix... then we walked up the street (Del Ray is super cute) and stop for ice cream... I can't think of the last time I had ice cream.... oh man was it gooooooood! I chalk it off to carb loading for my OLY tomorrow.
Got up for a light zone 1 jog today... did lots of stretching after and some abs and pushups... now it's time to pack.
Will check back in Monday... hope everyone has a great training weekend... be safe on the roads!
Becky, I'm a little concerned for your safety if you can break into your place using a card!
Just a thought, but you may want to add a deadbolt or something... but good luck on your Oly!
I forgot to respond to this earlier, but I am the older sister. There are only us two girls, and I am 5 years older than Jill. My parents are wonderful, and I feel like my sister, Mom, Dad (and, of course, Tabitha) are all my best friends. My parents call T their third daughter - I am so lucky for that.
My sister and I are really close. Right now she lives just a 10 minute run away, so we often meet each other early in the mornings to run together.
Today was the "big day" on the half IM plan for Longhorn, and I had a great time! I rode my "urban assault" course over the streets of Houston very early, and then did my run around the museums and the zoo. Reese was being a diva and refused to drink out of the doggie water fountains, so I shared my Infinit with her.
I did the swim last, and that cool water felt great. I was supposed to do all of this with my sister, but she caught a bad cold, so it was just me. Next up: fajitas, margaritas, and some preseason football. 
From FB posts it looks like you Moo ladies all had great long rides today. Good job, girls!
@ ;Becky--that swim was just NOT meant to be! LOL! Moving on....
Keith was just looking at bike shorts, which reminded me of something from my ride today. I stopped at a water fountain to refill where cyclists always gather. To me, most men in bike clothes are uninteresting at best to sometimes repulsive at worst (and you know what i mean--beer belly, things too tight in all the wrong places, et al. Yuck.) Welllllll, today I notice a tall, built guy pulls up behind me. He walks on to rack his bike, and I notice his is the best looking a$$ I have seen in forever!
He's wearing a pair of gray-ish Decsente bike shorts that fit, um, great. Great looking legs to boot. I have to tell you that I did my best construction worker imitation and just let myself stand there and take it in!
I never do that, but it was some mighty fine scenery. Had to share with the ladies. Don't think Keith would much appreciate. 
Linda- LOL!

That just made my day! I really need to join one of the local clubs in hopes of finding something like that, that just happens to be single and nice
Did he shave his legs? have prominent VMOs? ( that is a weakness for me,
blushing just thinking about it. Man, I need to go on a date, ASAP
Kristen- Sounds like your Mojo is coming back. I feel bad for your sister if she had anything like what I had- ick
Becky- good luck at Northeast tomorrow. I want to do that race, maybe next year. I agree with Kristen, don't like the sounds of your security system, x2 with deadbolt! Get a hide-a key or lockbox for that spare key
M- good luck with college drop off. Glad Rudy was safe- what a morning you had the other day
Beth- how did the move go? Hope not to sore from multiple stairs, then riding. Hope you get settled in soon
Carly - hope you had fun with century!
Welcome Stacy to EN and this great thread!
Suzanne- you guys have been having some crazy storms this year, seem to be bypassing Baltimore. We should try to get together. Bummed I missed the happy hour with you and Becky
( downside of a crazy schedule)
WOW- Aimee, Barb and Carie- taper time for you guys, am i missing anyone? Enjoy!
IMMoo Chicas- wow, you guys have been really getting it done, especially in crazy hot temps! You are all an inspiration. the energy is just incredible. I can't believe one more ride before taper- sheesh!
Olivia so excited you will be coming to Madison! CC hope you can come, but flights are just crazy, the costs all add up!
I know i'm missing folks, sorry, forum is as busy as ever!
Birth order for me- 3rd out of 4. 2 older sisters and a younger brother. My brother got away with murder, my brother and I were the good ones after seeing trouble my sisters got into. I am kind of a peace keeper, responsible, serious- but also independent-/adenturous adrenaline junkie- didn't have a "normal" career path. My parents really questioned my wanting to be a travel nurse> I have had some great experiences in my career, and met a lot of neat people
One of the bizarre things about me is I can be really Anal/OCD about some things, then Fly by the Seat of My Pants on others

Finally recovered after last weekend's craziness at work- yesterday made up for it. I was on the 11a-11p shift, it was like a ghost town. All the cases were done by 4:30, got to go home at 7pm
. Then had one of my better runs since coming back. It was slow, but til now, I was still having to do the 5 min run/30 sec walk. yesterday I did 30 continuous, only reason I walked was had a stomach cramp i couldn't shake by slowing pace down. Felt good, hope it continues
Just got back from Pa, mom is in hospital again, she should be going to rehab tomorrow or Monday. Aging parents, tough to see. Payback for all the times they worried about us. Battling independence vs safety. Mom tends to wait to long before calling doctor/ seeking attention. A small problem becomes much bigger, harder to take care of. A conversation we have had many times. She has awesome neighbors, thank God! Give your parents a hug today if close by
Had a great training ride trying to chase down Leigh and Dave Boyle. We ended up riding 96 miles in 5.5 hours. Did some MAJOR hills. At one point I though my PM was dying. I was getting watts of 18-50 going uphill. After about 20 minutes, I noticed Dave was behind me. When we came to a light I was telling him about it. Turns out he has a Quarq PM in the crank set and it can interfere with the Powertap. After he rode off, a few minutes went by and my numbers returned to normal. What a relief!
I was thinking about all of you folks getting ready for IMLou. 2 weeks! In some ways I am envious, in others I could wait longer. Not that I want to spend any more weekends exercising for 9 hours! So excited and can't wait to track your progress on race day. Is IMCA the same day?
Hope everyone is happy, safe, and healthy!
Checking in folks-
Now, if you wanna get your hands on some o' those hunky bodies, work as a body marker @ a race. You do have to touch a lot of strangers though
We went to se "Eat, Pray, Love" last night. Nice flick. Entertaining, funny, like a travel mag. Made me want to go to Italy and eat, to Bali to swim in beautiful water. A good break from IM, IM, IM !!
Dragged my ass onto the bike this morning and managed 2 hrs. Bagged the run. Groceries bought (2 stores), pot of spaghetti sauce& tuna burgers made for Su ( she is on a month of nights and food @ ;hospital is...), grass cut, home pedi done.
Tired, tired, tired ladies. Hanging on by a thread.
I have to tell ya though, I keep vacillating on whether or not I want to do another IM next year....reading the FB posts and comments elsewhere today made me remember how tiring the whole thing would be. Soooo...swinging toward "no" today.
So G...maybe the Italy and Bali thing is a better way to go! Ugh! I have a friend who is living that whole "travel the world" life right now...I admire her for just picking up and doing it.
Funny stuff about admiring the view in bike shorts. You're right Linda, generally not appealing and borderline offensive.
OK...can we talk sports bras for a sec? I haven't shopped for them in years, but finally need to. OMG! They SUCK! What is with the padding and the fancy strap configs on them???? I am among the smallest chested people there is, and even I don't want to have any added bulk in the front of my workout bra. How in the H are those things supposed to wick sweat away?? Really people, have we gotten so we are that concerned about how our boobies look that we can't even bear the idea of smashing them down for running? I tried on about 6 different ones and finally settled for one of the more standard sport all black ones that I found. Truly uninspiring! And don't even get me started on the running shorts....tried that too and ugh! I must be old or something the styles looked horrible on the hangers and even worse on me!
Rant over now....time to think about le dinner.
Sleep well iron women. IMLOU gals especially this is time to absorb. Moo girls heads down and concentrate on getting the final piece of work're so so close.
Olivia, Tracy, and all of you ladies who are done with your races but still here to support those of us still in training. THANK YOU!!!!!!! Oh, it means so much to have the support of you ladies, I just can't say thanks enough.
Olivia- I'm the president of the itty bitty titty committee, so I totally understand your plight. I find a bra that fits and then buy half a dozen in multiple colors! Right now the Champion bra is what works for me. It's a basic uniboob masher- but it works for the small chested. They had them at Target for a while (the XS size is what I need) but I ended up buying a bunch at the outlets.
Kudos to all the ladies for getting it done this weekend. Still wicked hot in some parts of country.
@ Tracy thanks for the information about the PM. Thinking of your mom, just tell her to do what the PT says at rehab.
@ Linda, I have been thinking of your 'no clothes buying for a year' deal and I really want to try it. I plan on buying a few necessities (maybe EN singlet and need a new bathing suit for the winter) in the next 2 weeks and starting 9/1. It won't be too difficult I don't think, I'm not a fashion diva by any means. It will only be challenging in the cylcing/running gear dept.
@ Gina, that book has been on my list for awhile, just bought Born To Run, will put that to the top of my list next.
@ Michele, sounds like you are surviving with a new boss at work. I was up in your and Linda's neck of the woods on Saturday for a metric century. Nice route, mostly nice roads.
I am thinking of ending my season with a sprint in September. Oddly feeling the need to race after IMLP. Also trying to plan next season, really having a tough time with that one. I promised no IM so looking for a few 1/2 IMs. Maybe Muskoka (cause it won't sell out most likely) or Syracuse cause its near family and would have free lodging. I'm not familiar with New England races at this point, so maybe something more local, everything seems to sell out so fast around here!
On another note, really trying to be serious about saving $$ for a house next year. Going to be tough with both of us trying to race. Michelle wants to do a 1/2 next summer as well. Thoughts on how to suggest Michelle train if she does want to do a race. I wouldn't feel right getting her a plan without paying for a EN membership, but she is already a member of MN (training for Goofy's Challenge), so RnP are making their $$ off of us. Just wondered how everyone else handles this situation.
Carly- Last when Su and I trained for IMA*, I specifically asked R about Su using the plan. He said, "as long as she wears our kit". That was the end of it!
@O--my aging hormones seem to have made my boobs go in the other direction, which is SO strange to me. I'm hardly busty, but bigger than I ever have been. Who needs it? I do second Nemo's Champoin bra recommendation. I got them at Target too. They're cheap, hold things in place, comfy, and they don't have any stinkin' cups or adjustable this-and-that. It a plain ole sports bar. I TOTALLY agree with you on the running shorts. I think they all look awful--and look awful on just about everyone. I haven't bought a pair in yeas, and need to. I don't like anything. I like the old split sides--comfy and cool. Can't find them anywhere retail so you can try them on. So I am still in my very old Hind running shorts that I have had for far too long. And re another IM.. I wrote this in the WI forum just today. With any luck, life is long and IMs will be there years down the road if you want.
I have to say...this weekend--capped by this day and how I feel right now--is THE reason why I think this is my last Ironman. Never say never, but for me, doing this 3x is likely enough. The IM day is SO worth it, but these rides are what erode me body, spirit--and especially mentally. Happy to be back into it for sure, but also feeling my personal limits.
@Carly--I can almost guarantee you will have NO problem going a year. But you have to give yourself margins that give a little. For example, because of my Reynaud's and Cali, I HAD to buy a few winter things to keep myself safe, literally. I got only what I needed, and that did not count in my mind as "buying clothes." Let's say the EN kit goes on sale, then get it. That's a limited time thing that you KNOW you're going to get anyway, so why pay full price? Bathing suits cannot get sheer--that's just wrong.
It's all about dialing in what you "need" rather than impulse getting what you "want"--that's what it was for me. It wasn't about money (although I'm sure it saved some bucks I'm now spending on WI
), it was about having too much that I didn't need--or want. Too much clutter, that makes me feel like a can't breathe. A year is a LOOOONG time, but I did it. Glad I did too. So far since it's over I have about exactly one bathing suit, one pair of pink pants, and a black and a blue SS T. Seems I still don't need much! Let us know how it goes.
Gina, I second that one!
Michele, yes, IMCA is on the same day as IMLou...2 weeks away!
I don't know why I'm still having muscle soreness after my workouts. I've had them all season...never had so much muscle soreness training for an IM, but I've quickly learned EN is all about WORK! But seriously, I hope the muscle soreness calms down during the second taper week...geez. I also can't seem to sleep enough!
Keep up the good work Moo chicas!
@Kristen, Tracy - I do have a deadbolt... but I actually need my key to be able to use it.
I suppose I could stop opening the door so it automatically keeps the door knob locked... but... I will say knowing the door is so old I can break in easily is comforting. Trust me - when I have the key in hand I always lock the top bolt when I leave!
@Olivia and Nemo.

I'm not exactly endowed myself... AT ALL... which is really strange. My mom, aunt, grama are all pretty decently sized in that regard. So not only did I get my mom's short genes (barely taller than her at 5'4 when the bros are 5'10-6') I did not get her boob genes. What's up with that... I will admit, when I see little lanky barely teenage girls with more/better cleavage than me I get really depressed. I don't want to be big, mind you... but it would be nice to fill out any top. Speaking of sports bras, I like the Nike Fit (and I rarely rarely rarely endorse anything by Nike) and I got an Addidas one last year that I love love love!
@Linda - nothing wrong with admiring art when you see it! we won't tell Keith... but I hope to ride that course some time (as long as you don't tell Dan).
Happy taper Michele! a few more weeks sounds positively dreamy!!!
As of tomorrow it's ON time for me (and Nathalie)... crazy... I did an OLY today = my first race since EM in June and it felt good to be back out there. Next weekend is another HIM... I think that will also help get my head back in the game. Nice to have something to show I've been working (I've only done 4 OLYs... this particular race 3 of the 4... and I PR'ed by 12 minutes... and that was trying to dial it in on the ride, do an ABP but really keeping my HR low and controlled on the rolling hills)... so I'm quite pleased. Funnily, Dan was quite shocked to see me on the run when he did... another point in the EN system books! He finished in 2:35 (pretty much his standard OLY time after years and years of racing), I finished in 2:42. No podium, but I'm cool with that... even if I had gone all out, not sure if I could have been 5 minutes faster to break into the top 3 (I was 6 of 20 in my AG, and 23/100 in my gender). All in all, very pleased! And I don't feel like I killed myself, which is really what is the best part! I wasn't taking it easy by any stretch, but I didn't go nuts! Woo hoo! Go EN! I think this is exactly what I needed to help get my head back in the game!
I'm sure I'm missing lots of folks... and I'm sorry... hope everyone had a great weekend.
OK Ladies, all this talk about shorts reminded me of a pic a FB friend recently posted of a guy at a local Half Mary. I can't help it, I have to share. This is a public service announcement. Whatever you do- don't let some version of this be you (Warning, you may want to avert your eyes!)
[Update: I took down the pic. Woke up this morning and thought WOAH what was I thinking posting that here!] For those of you who didn't see it, I think a description might be better.
Imagine fit running dude, obviously moving quite fast is speeding on down the road in tiny running shorts with the side split. The wind blows a bit and said side split parts ways well enough that the little man (wrapped in the VERY thin shorts liner) comes out for a little peak to see how the race is going.
That said- I'm not a big fan of split shorts.
Aaaaaaahhhhhh, Nemo! My eyes! My eyes! They're burning...!!!
IMOO ladies, you are so close! Hang in there just a little bit longer!
Gina, thanks for the movie review. We plan on seeing that one next weekend. T is out of town, and I just finished watching "The Time Travellers Wife". Tears, tears at the end. I hate crying at movies!
I suppose it's a good thing next year is going to be dedicated to sprints and Olys, after an early spring marathon. My head hates long training days, as in a migraine almost every time. Ugh. I had such a great "big day" yesterday, was careful not to dig myself a nutrition hole, and stayed hydrated. I did everything perfectly, and still got a migraine. That really pisses me off! It's a shame, because I am really feeling fit and healthy and motivated right now. Stupid head...
Have a great Monday, everyone!
Hi girls! Great weekend in Madison here. High of 80 today, and no humidity! And the wind kept the mosquitos away! Jonnie and I met up with @Kris F and Paul, and rode an IMWI loop, and then drove most of the run course (despite road constructions everywhere). It was so awesome to meet Kris, and a great excuse to get back on my tri bike. That was only my 3rd ride in the past 4 weeks (and first on my tri bike in that long), and it felt awesome! I was so inspired that I got on my road bike today and did hill repeats alone. No, not training for anything. No HR monitor, no watch, no bike computer at all. It was liberating!
Wow Nemo! uh , I guess he was putting it All out there on the course
I have had success with under armour bras. I have a nice pair of UA shorts, comfy for running, downside is no pocket. Although i don't think they are run specific shorts.
I am reading Eat pray love, want to see movie- thanks for review
All Moo chicas- HANG IN THERE!!!!! All this hard work is going to show up as an Awesome day. You guys are so inspiring, so proud of all
Also for LOu and canada girls- Carie- hopefully your legs will feel better soon
Becky- great Job today at Northeast! not far behind Dan either- Awesome
Carly- I'll be with you on saving money to buy a house. Right now seriously tracking expenses to see where I can cut back.
I am also looking forward to fun races next year, a couple 1/2 IM and olympics and sprints. This week, kind of wish I didn't sign up for Half Full on 10/3. A decision made out of frustration from LP. I just want to have FUN now. Will see how this week goes
Have a good week everyone!