Good luck Becky! I did TImberman last year, my first 1/2 - great time! Swim is great, a big arc in the lake. Sounds like they didn't chage the waves, b/c I think I was in the next to last one as well! Lot of sitting on a picnic table watching the other waves start. If they haven't change the bike course, there's a couple of challenging hills, but also a long out and back flat where you can gain some speed. The run is flat, two loops, along the water and then onto the main road and into a neighborhood. There is one hill that I remember that you have to do twice. It isn't horrible, but a lot of people walk it. Lots of good energy at the aid stations, one that is on a little cul-de-sac where every house has it's own set-up with a theme. I think it was 50s music last year, but I may be confusing that.
Have a blast - you will crush it with all your racing this year!
okay girls,,, at one point on the brick run today I said to pal Heather "you know some girlfriends go shopping for fun!"... as we were running in 99 degrees, 110 heat index along a rural road! oh and one dude on a bike that passed my by.. yeah I know.. anyways, he said to me "is there a ladies race today?" and I said not that I know of, "Oh, well i have seen four girls on Time trial bikes today!" so hey, at least I looked like I was racing!!! ha ha. also I felt fat today.. don't you hate those mornings?? gotta wear spandex?? are you kidding me... so I squeezed myself into them and tried to make sure the gut was not hanging over!!! why did I eat all of that food and son's football banquet last night??? m
Morning Girls! Just a quick hello today. Off to ride a 40 miler w/ my pal Debra, in the Tour de LaPorte. It's a local ride in the next county, that is very hilly. If I weren't doing IMLOU Sunday, we would most likely do the 100 miler, which goes through orchard country, up to Lake MI, through horse country, farms, etc. Pretty ride. My last 'longish' Ha, ride before LOU. Hope everyone has a wonderful day, whatever you do today! You WI girls are KILLING IT! Send me lots of your Mojo next Sunday, okay??? xxoo
Just checking in one last time before travel day #1 gets all crazy...flight from NYC to Seattle today, drive from Seattle to Penticton on Tuesday. One week till the big day! Keep at it Moo chicas and good luck to you Barb and the other Lou ladies if I don't get to post until I get home!
... if not, I just ride... I don't know what that's like anymore.
It is bliss.
Don't get me wrong, I love my tri bike and power meter and joule. But have recently rediscovered the "just ride" enjoyment that I had forgotten about. Looking forward to the next few months of just fun riding before the OS starts up again.
Wow, the sports bra discussion really has taking on a new twist! Wondering how many lurkers are out there... Hope everyone is enjoying the discussion!
Yep..loving just going out and riding. Mind you, that doesn't equate to noodling along, it just means I don't have to worry about watts, milage, time out on the road, speed, or HR. Nada. Just ride and have fun! It has been great! I did find myself wondering about my watts last weekend when I managed to catch and pass all of the riders that had passed Brian and I on our ride from the Frisco to Copper Mountain climb (and got a nice complement about my pace from an Italian gentleman...I did love that!). I felt really good that day, and was slightly curious....but not enough to slap the PM on the bike. Same with running...I've hardly worn a watch in the last month. It is quite liberating, really.
Crazy week last week, which kept me out of the forum. I read some of the boob discussion though, so not totally out of the loop.
Good luck to those at Timberman!
Good luck with the travels Carie, Aimee, and Barb...and anyone else who is off to IM Canada or Louisville.
Hi, ladies! Been off-line since IMLP...trying to get back to whatever "normal" is when you are not training for an IM... been keeping up with a lot of via FB.
Glad to hear so many of the moo ladies had good RR #2 and that they are done! Can't believe that IM Canada and IMlou are here already! Safe travels to the races.
Been cleaning out closets and doing a lot of donating. Feels good to have some closet space back. Also trying to get back to non-IM eating habits! Uff! That's hard work! I like being able to eat whatever I wanted!
Beth-love the tomato pics! We grew tomatoes this year and we have to grab them before the dogs do! They seemed to have a great affinity for tomatoes over the winter! Anyway, have missed you guys and hope you are all doing well!
Oh Dana- so nice to hear from you again. I'm looking forward to being where you are soon!
Big congrats to Becky for a great race at Timberman this past weekend! You are so ready for your IMFL training! Can't wait to hear all about that race. It sounds fantastic and I've been thinking it might be on my 2011 calendar (Chica reunion?).
Good luck to all the Chicas doing IMLOU and IMCanada this weekend. We will be following you! Be sure to "check in" on the thread Marianne created. Want to be sure we can send you all good vibes on race day!
I'll try to be on the weekly chat tonight with Coach P. Mostly 'cause I need to start getting my head on strait for focusing on execution for IMWI. I'm already getting distracted into thinking about all the fun stuff I'm gonna do AFTER the race! Like a week of nothing but Yoga! Riding Hobbs (my poor neglected road bike) with the roadies and getting dropped like a bad habit. Or, have Otto and Lilly coach me on my afternoon napping skills! Seriously, last night I said to Joe "I tried to nap today, but I just couldn't do it even though I felt like I needed it". He replied "that's 'cause you have too much energy. we need to work on your sloth skills" I laughed so hard, oh yeah- a new goal! How do I measure that in WKO???
So that's it. My post IMWI race goal is going to be working on my SF (Sloth Factor)!!!!
Very excited for the ladies racing this weekend. We will be cheering you on virtually from all across the U.S.!
So new boss, as I mentioned. Asked me about my weekend. So I decided to dive in and explain that I am training for IMWI, all set to explain what it means. Also as way of explaining why I always look tired but am happy. Well what do you know- he has a friend doing IMKY this weekend. Knows all about the training, etc. He actually seemed to think it was cool. I think this is going to be fine.
We had such a great weekend workout on Sunday. I was supposed to rest but was out there Sunday swimming with Linda Patch, and Leigh and Dave Boyle. Then we did a run. I had to turn around after 15 minutes, I was still whooped from the RR, but rested today instead. Then we had a HUGE breakfast at the Patch's place. Just really great folks and wonderful food and conversation. Thank you EN!
And Nemo- SF- just ain't gonna happen! You, all of us, too type A to sit back and do nothing for more than a few days. When the muscle pain is gone, we'll be right back at it. Although a week of yoga sounds divine.
Nemo...I know what you mean. I slept two hours last night....two....had to get a little more sleep before work then drove an hour to find a place to swim tonight....hoping for sleep tonight.
Echo the sentiments on IMLOU and IM Canada! Can't wait to see how everyone does. My birth father who I met just this past April has a foster son who is, of all things, doing IM Lou so it will be fun to watch him too!!!
I'm jealous of all the Moo Chicas who are now tapering... and I'm just about ready to get going (once I recover). I started a note on the drive home from NH yesterday but somehow managed to lose it... So I'll save it for a race report. Long story short I have mixed feelings about the weekend. My time was what I expected based on my RRs at River Rd (but the ride was easier so my bike time should have, in theory, been better than anticipated), my overall rank in my AG is good (top third)... but I just had a bad day - starting with a crappy swim, followed by cold and rain (at times hard) on the bike... I did feel good on the run so that's something... So I just don't know what my take away is yet. If I was having fun and feeling good it would have been one thing but my bad swim took me out of my box and my mood was poopy from that point - and hitting a lower point on the bike when the rain was hard - until I started running (when I embrace a light cool rain). So, I guess it was a total learning experience and mental toughness exercise. And to be totally honest, I'm sort of bummed bc Dan smoked me (although we both have about the same place in our respective AGs) - the cool temps definitely helped him out... granted, he was off the bike by the time the rain got hard... and he felt awful and could barely move after or yesterday while I felt pretty good (not perfect, but not very stiff or sore). So, I just don't know how I feel yet. Very mixed. I will say that racing with HR stinks... not sure if I could have gone harder on the bike... granted, the rain sucked my mojo right out - particularly on the long flat out on 106 (?) when I should have been rocking and rolling and banking easy time - I couldn't because I was riding in rain/hail into a headwind. Sigh.
But, 65 (I think) out of one ninety something is pretty cool... despite my crappy swim I was 38th in my AG... and I must have done something right on the bike because my run was 58th in my AG. Hmm... focus on the good... I had a rough race, my head was not where it should have been, I struggled to stay in the box, failing often... but I ended up in the top third of my AG. If I'm decent on a bad day... wow, I would be pretty good on a good day, right?
Tired today. I wish I could have taken a real recovery day (not sitting in the car... oh, love the tights by the way)... but being back at work will be good to get my head off this race!
I hope folks who did IMWI RRs had great weekends!
Welcome back, Dana. I hope you've recovered well and are readjusting to "normal" life!
Michele, hope you're getting ready for your race and feeling great!
Beth: What beautiful pics of the garden! Was that last pic taken with a wide angle lens? Remind me again---were you an Art major and/or do you just love photog?
Olivia & Michele: Totally hear ya about riding "naked"---no PM's, no agenda. Even though I had a HEINOUS day on the bike on my last RR, I still dream of all things cycling: beautiful old steal frames, through-axles for mtb forks, SRAM Force gruppetto---is it all that?. Fall mtb and 'cross are just around the corner!
Barb, Aimee, Carie, Yasko (am I missing any other IMC/IMLou chicas?): Safe travels to Louisville and Penticton! The Chica Nation shall be cheering loudly for you!
Nemo & Sheryl: I can't sleep either despite my exhaustion. You'd think with the temps dropping here recently it would be more comfortable to sleep. No, I just lay around and listen to the last of the summer frogs, the raccoons and foxes fighing over stale bread that I leave out for them, and a couple of Eastern Screech owls that hang out in my yard. Before long it's 5am and Morning Chorus has begun with my ducks chiming in. I hoping today's ride will poop me out for a good night's sleep.
Becky: Ack! Sorry to hear about your poopy Timberman swim. I had a horrific swim at Musselman 2008---not enough buoys, got caught in a seaweed clump the size of a couch. I was pissed off about the swim until halfway through the run. I totally feel your pain, sista! I've found that long course racing is really an exercise of staying focused for what seems like a long time with sometimes alot of distractions. The Timberman bike course is no joke---the fact that you felt good on the run means you did something right with the bike execution. Don't beat yourself up to badly about it----IMFL is the real prize!
My DH and I were talking about high school last night. We had 2 completely different experiences: He was the basketball star, jock stud (dating the prettiest cheerleader), and hero of a small town. I was the only Asian person in my town, didn't fit in, was really into poetry and raised tropical fish. So needless to say, I have NO DESIRE to go back to high school. But if I could (like Peggy Sue Got Married), I would have spent more time with my parents. Really. It would be nice to get to know them when they were my age now. DH says,"If you had to spend an extra 10 minutes with your parents at age 16, you would've resented it for the rest of your life!" Hmmm. Good point.
Racing chicas - So excited for all of you! Race smart! Have fun!
Kitima -- Nope. Standard 18-55mm. Art history/historic preservation majors for me, but I did manage to sneak a few photography classes in grad school.
Becky -- Oh, man. Bad swim = no fun.Bill McKee told me something after my High Cliff DNF that you might like -- take thin silver lining, leave the cloud. Celebrate that top third finish and how you are so in good enough shape to kick butt and train in Florida!
I do not envy my own taper right now. Can it be the outseason again? Bonus prize? I get to catch up on Mad Men. Sucky part? I have noticed how horrible and dirty my half-unpacked house is. I have a pull buoy and fins int he middle of the dining room. How long have they been there? Hmm. Also, everything aches and I want carbs and not salad. I'm presuming I'll feel tons better after running intervals at lunch.
Beth- I had a nice giggle about your apartment mess, the pull buoy/ fins in the dining room and you with nary a clue as to how long they have been there. Everytime I walk by the front hallway/ closet area, I "see" the 5 helmets, 4 pairs of shoes, 4 gym bags, and all the other junk sitting there, but just in such a way that I don't step on anything or trip. Any other time of year and I would be nuts about the mess. Now I am justifying leaving it "as is" because I don't want to forget anything when I pack.
Beth...don't expend too much taper energy cleaning your apt. it will all still be there on 9/13! Mad Men catch up binges are great! Love that show. But I'm a season behind since I only get the DVDs via no talking about the current season....mmmmkay?
Dana - excellent work on cleaning out closets & stuff. It is a really good feeling to purge old stuff isn't it?!? Makes you wonder why we get new stuff sometimes too. Hope your body is feeling good and recovered by now!
Can't wait to cheer for the Canada and Louisville chicas this weekend!!
Thanks for everyone's input about my 2011're all so great! Not doing IM next year is probably the right way to go. Maybe if I wait a year we'll get a full Iron distance race in CO. But I still feel the pull...I may need to be talked off the ledge over the next few months to make sure I don't impulsively sign up for WI or FL. I am REALLY digging the idea of a chica HIM rendezvous though. Would love to come race out east with all of you! And we should think about Fruita too!
Survived my first day at a new gym/health club today. Yuck. I hate making the change, but it cuts out a lot of extra movement in my schedule. Considering joining the official Masters swim group as a way to meet people....and maybe as a way to keep me focused on NOT doing IM next year. HA!
More later - but in the meantime rest up and hydrate gals!
Olivia -- How about IMLP in 2012? Also, you have got to talk to me after you watch "Man Walks Into an Advertising Agency" -- and no spoilers from these season, except Joan has all the best dresses.
And I like this idea of a chica HIM next year. East coast. Rent a big house or two?
oh no... 2012 will be an IM-free year for me, so no Chica IM for me. And since IMWI is my plan, the only HIM I'll be doing in 2011 is Eagleman... I seem to be off kilter with the chica calendar. Boo!
2011 EN CHICA HIM Reunion Year for sure!!! As a matter of fact, I think we could have a few good options to choose from (or do them all, what the heck).
May-:Tour of California (Come on girls- you KNOW you want to join us in the uber stalking of Pro Tour Boys!)
August: Timberman (already gals living up there, right? and sounds like a fun race too)
September: IMWI Sherpa AND THEN........ OBX Sprint/Oly/HIM. You guys come visit ME! You can rent a beach house really cheap in September, enjoy the race (whatever distance you feel like doing) and then we all get to hang out at the beach together!!! I personally just love the idea
October: Anyone interested in doing something crazy like the Triple-T?? They have a new Triple-T race in White Lake, NC. That's the place where Michele and I met for the HIM last year and she can tell you just how beautiful the water is! We could rent a cottage around the lake or stay in a cabin (like camping when you were a kid).
Well, that's kinda what my 2011 season is gonna look like anyway. I'm gonna have fun at TOC, and then spend all summer just running local 10k's, racing in local TTs, riding with my roadie friends, maybe even enter a real cycling road race. I'm going to have a fun summer and then do a race in the fall with whatever fitness I've got. 2009 was one of my funnest years and I want a repeat of that next year. 2011 is gonna be all about just racing hard, playing hard, and having fun!
I am definitely interested in going back to Timberman... but can't do it in 2011 bc of IMWI... would be game for 2012... thinking since 2012 will be IM-free, I'll find 2 HIMs to do (one early, then Timberman) and then focus on NYC marathon in November.
After 3 IMs in 3 years, I desperately need an unstructured year. Even in this first few days of taper I feel a load off my shoulders and mind. My new MTB will be waiting for me when I return from Madison and I am going to enjoy fall in the woods!! I would like to try some off road tri's and trail running, maybe get Belle into "Flyball".
I have many,many ideas so we will see how it all unfolds.
Yes, Yes, yes !!!!!( think meg ryan from when harry met sally , faking orgasm scene)- that in regard to the chica 1/2 IM 2011 reunion. I am definietly interested in Timberman, Nemo- when is OBX HIM?
I really want to do ToC, but really need to save for buying house and possible trip to new zealand and /or australia next October
Are we getting momentum for LP 2012- so far me, Michele Moreno, Beth? Olivia? Who else?
Olivia- I agree with others on IM free next year, finish getting dental work complete, and put all of that behind you !
Nemo- i think i just challenged Rich to a Java smackdown on FB, at your suggestion I'll keep you posted- uh, now you know
Becky-Nice job on Timberman!, despite rain/hail/winds, sounds like you executed well,especially if you felt good on run, and yes top 1/3 is great! For IM training, practice staying in your box- esp regarding the swim! (starting with 2500-300 people all at once), you may not have the swim time you want, but don't let it get you down for the rest of the race! easier said than done for sure, but put it behind you. I have yet to have an IM swim time that i was happy with & capable of. Just think of it as your entry ticket to get on bike. Celebrate the good, learn from the bad and move forward!
Beth- I am with you on crazy house. I seem to make more of a mess when i clean. Trying to purge/organize, and i make more of a mess. For you, I agree, it will still be there 9/13
How is everyone holding up in taper time?
To all chicas racing this weekend- safe travels, stay healthy, can't wait to cheer for ya. how exciting
For me- my half full for 10/3, thinking of turning it into a relay- any midatlantic peeps want to join me ?. After i signed up, lost motivation- just been wanting to chill and have fun. Then last night on a very enjoyable run in cooler temps, I tweaked my left posterior tibial tendon. Pretty tender, had ART today, and he taped it. I will be pool running rest of week.
I am thinking about getting a personal trainer certification. Something I have thought of on and off for a while. Possibly working with middle school kids and their family on up. I will still do anesthesia, but wouldn't mind getting to point of doing 1/2 and 1/2.( I am still an adrenaline junkie & luv the good trauma like I had Sunday night)
I am getting tired/frustrated of the super obese and their complications. If i can help do something before it becomes a problem, I would love to. One of our ICUs (Michele Cellai-5 South) has multiple patients weighing in the 300-500 +lb range- they all have soft tissue infections because they are diabetic, not well controlled, + all other complication/sequalae from being obese. I plan to be at my goal weight before any of my personal training happens. I am FINALLY heading in right direction, weight is coming down slow and steady, and I am noticing my body is changing, helping to keep me motivated. I think my corrected thyroid levels are finally having an effect at the cellular level, having a positive effect both physically and mentally- ie craving bad for you comfort foods like mac and cheese- has not been a problem in a while. I am getting back to the Real Tracy Wood, laughing more, actually thinking about wanting to put myself out into the dating scene, just being a goofball, and it feels good!
Real quick: - I could perhaps be talked into IMLP in 2012. - I could DEFINITELY be talked into a Chica HIM on the East Coast in 2011. I have plans to be in Croatia (swimming!) in July, so a pre-July or Mid-August or later HIM would be perfect. - I am totally willing to swim or bike in a half-Full relay, Tracy!
Timberman--yes. Never done it. Ridden the course plenty of times, but never have done the race. Patriot is decent--mid June. Easy course. Timberman, not easy at all.
I TOTALLY want to go to the OBX/NC! I'll do either option! My plan is Thelma and Louise road trip with any EN chicas and guys that want to tag along. Keith too. Bikes in my van. Drive. '
IM not on my radar for a while. I had a bad mental attitude for way too much of the training--until the race almost got taken from me. That gave me a much-needed attitude adjustment! That said, I have to figure out the financial impact of two kids in college. IM is not cheap, as we well know, and the tuition bills at BC and Colby are nutz. And when Grant is out of Colby, Casey will be headed in somewhere. We're not Rockefeller, so I think it's best I be a bit conservative next year and see how it goes before I jump into anything major. So lucky I will have gotten to do 3. Part of me still wants to go back to FL--one more time. Maybe next age group jump--I should do pretty well at 55.
@G--FLYBALL, totally!!!!! Doing it with Cali this winter. Can't wait to pack up my dog on Sunday mornings to go play rather than worrying about FT intervals. Had enough of that the past 3 years. And we want to get her TD title in tracking. She rocks at it. So, yes, my dog, now becomes my kid with activities of her own.
@Tracy--if anyone would have ever tried to tell me the impact of this thyroid thing on the body, well, you can't even wrap your head around it unless you live it. I am doing much better too. I am handling this training 1000% better than I have held up to anything since my mid-30s. No kidding. Doesn't mean I'm faster, just not crumbling. I want to ask people, "is this how YOU'VE been feeling all these years????" It's a whole new world.
Good luck Becky! I did TImberman last year, my first 1/2 - great time! Swim is great, a big arc in the lake. Sounds like they didn't chage the waves, b/c I think I was in the next to last one as well! Lot of sitting on a picnic table watching the other waves start. If they haven't change the bike course, there's a couple of challenging hills, but also a long out and back flat where you can gain some speed. The run is flat, two loops, along the water and then onto the main road and into a neighborhood. There is one hill that I remember that you have to do twice. It isn't horrible, but a lot of people walk it. Lots of good energy at the aid stations, one that is on a little cul-de-sac where every house has it's own set-up with a theme. I think it was 50s music last year, but I may be confusing that.
Have a blast - you will crush it with all your racing this year!
Photos from Wednesday's community garden outing:
Nemo- Better to be safe. Too many shark sightings this year. Glad you opted to wait.
Beth- Gorgeous pics!
Gina- a friend brought me tomatos at work. So yummy and sweet- reminded me of the ones you brought to camp!
Busy here. Getting my stuff ready a little each night for tomorrows final RR!
Morning Girls! Just a quick hello today. Off to ride a 40 miler w/ my pal Debra, in the Tour de LaPorte. It's a local ride in the next county, that is very hilly. If I weren't doing IMLOU Sunday, we would most likely do the 100 miler, which goes through orchard country, up to Lake MI, through horse country, farms, etc. Pretty ride. My last 'longish' Ha, ride before LOU. Hope everyone has a wonderful day, whatever you do today! You WI girls are KILLING IT! Send me lots of your Mojo next Sunday, okay??? xxoo
Yep..loving just going out and riding. Mind you, that doesn't equate to noodling along, it just means I don't have to worry about watts, milage, time out on the road, speed, or HR. Nada. Just ride and have fun! It has been great! I did find myself wondering about my watts last weekend when I managed to catch and pass all of the riders that had passed Brian and I on our ride from the Frisco to Copper Mountain climb (and got a nice complement about my pace from an Italian gentleman...I did love that!). I felt really good that day, and was slightly curious....but not enough to slap the PM on the bike. Same with running...I've hardly worn a watch in the last month. It is quite liberating, really.
Crazy week last week, which kept me out of the forum. I read some of the boob discussion though, so not totally out of the loop.
Good luck to those at Timberman!
Good luck with the travels Carie, Aimee, and Barb...and anyone else who is off to IM Canada or Louisville. I have to go catch up on some work!
Glad to hear so many of the moo ladies had good RR #2 and that they are done! Can't believe that IM Canada and IMlou are here already! Safe travels to the races.
Been cleaning out closets and doing a lot of donating. Feels good to have some closet space back. Also trying to get back to non-IM eating habits! Uff! That's hard work! I like being able to eat whatever I wanted!
Beth-love the tomato pics! We grew tomatoes this year and we have to grab them before the dogs do! They seemed to have a great affinity for tomatoes over the winter!
Anyway, have missed you guys and hope you are all doing well!
Big congrats to Becky for a great race at Timberman this past weekend! You are so ready for your IMFL training! Can't wait to hear all about that race. It sounds fantastic and I've been thinking it might be on my 2011 calendar (Chica reunion?).
Good luck to all the Chicas doing IMLOU and IMCanada this weekend. We will be following you! Be sure to "check in" on the thread Marianne created. Want to be sure we can send you all good vibes on race day!
I'll try to be on the weekly chat tonight with Coach P. Mostly 'cause I need to start getting my head on strait for focusing on execution for IMWI. I'm already getting distracted into thinking about all the fun stuff I'm gonna do AFTER the race! Like a week of nothing but Yoga! Riding Hobbs (my poor neglected road bike) with the roadies and getting dropped like a bad habit. Or, have Otto and Lilly coach me on my afternoon napping skills! Seriously, last night I said to Joe "I tried to nap today, but I just couldn't do it even though I felt like I needed it". He replied "that's 'cause you have too much energy. we need to work on your sloth skills" I laughed so hard, oh yeah- a new goal! How do I measure that in WKO???
So that's it. My post IMWI race goal is going to be working on my SF (Sloth Factor)!!!!
So new boss, as I mentioned. Asked me about my weekend. So I decided to dive in and explain that I am training for IMWI, all set to explain what it means. Also as way of explaining why I always look tired but am happy. Well what do you know- he has a friend doing IMKY this weekend. Knows all about the training, etc. He actually seemed to think it was cool. I think this is going to be fine.
We had such a great weekend workout on Sunday. I was supposed to rest but was out there Sunday swimming with Linda Patch, and Leigh and Dave Boyle. Then we did a run. I had to turn around after 15 minutes, I was still whooped from the RR, but rested today instead. Then we had a HUGE breakfast at the Patch's place. Just really great folks and wonderful food and conversation. Thank you EN!
And Nemo- SF- just ain't gonna happen! You, all of us, too type A to sit back and do nothing for more than a few days. When the muscle pain is gone, we'll be right back at it. Although a week of yoga sounds divine.
Echo the sentiments on IMLOU and IM Canada! Can't wait to see how everyone does. My birth father who I met just this past April has a foster son who is, of all things, doing IM Lou so it will be fun to watch him too!!!
Hope everyone gets a great night's sleep!
Hi Ladies!
I'm jealous of all the Moo Chicas who are now tapering... and I'm just about ready to get going (once I recover). I started a note on the drive home from NH yesterday but somehow managed to lose it...
So I'll save it for a race report. Long story short I have mixed feelings about the weekend. My time was what I expected based on my RRs at River Rd (but the ride was easier so my bike time should have, in theory, been better than anticipated), my overall rank in my AG is good (top third)... but I just had a bad day - starting with a crappy swim, followed by cold and rain (at times hard) on the bike... I did feel good on the run so that's something... So I just don't know what my take away is yet. If I was having fun and feeling good it would have been one thing but my bad swim took me out of my box and my mood was poopy from that point - and hitting a lower point on the bike when the rain was hard - until I started running (when I embrace a light cool rain). So, I guess it was a total learning experience and mental toughness exercise. And to be totally honest, I'm sort of bummed bc Dan smoked me (although we both have about the same place in our respective AGs) - the cool temps definitely helped him out... granted, he was off the bike by the time the rain got hard... and he felt awful and could barely move after or yesterday while I felt pretty good (not perfect, but not very stiff or sore). So, I just don't know how I feel yet. Very mixed. I will say that racing with HR stinks... not sure if I could have gone harder on the bike... granted, the rain sucked my mojo right out - particularly on the long flat out on 106 (?) when I should have been rocking and rolling and banking easy time - I couldn't because I was riding in rain/hail into a headwind. Sigh.
But, 65 (I think) out of one ninety something is pretty cool... despite my crappy swim I was 38th in my AG... and I must have done something right on the bike because my run was 58th in my AG. Hmm... focus on the good... I had a rough race, my head was not where it should have been, I struggled to stay in the box, failing often... but I ended up in the top third of my AG. If I'm decent on a bad day... wow, I would be pretty good on a good day, right?
Tired today. I wish I could have taken a real recovery day (not sitting in the car... oh, love the tights by the way)... but being back at work will be good to get my head off this race!
I hope folks who did IMWI RRs had great weekends!
Welcome back, Dana. I hope you've recovered well and are readjusting to "normal" life!
Michele, hope you're getting ready for your race and feeling great!
Olivia & Michele: Totally hear ya about riding "naked"---no PM's, no agenda. Even though I had a HEINOUS day on the bike on my last RR, I still dream of all things cycling: beautiful old steal frames, through-axles for mtb forks, SRAM Force gruppetto---is it all that?. Fall mtb and 'cross are just around the corner!
Barb, Aimee, Carie, Yasko (am I missing any other IMC/IMLou chicas?): Safe travels to Louisville and Penticton! The Chica Nation shall be cheering loudly for you!
Nemo & Sheryl: I can't sleep either despite my exhaustion. You'd think with the temps dropping here recently it would be more comfortable to sleep. No, I just lay around and listen to the last of the summer frogs, the raccoons and foxes fighing over stale bread that I leave out for them, and a couple of Eastern Screech owls that hang out in my yard. Before long it's 5am and Morning Chorus has begun with my ducks chiming in. I hoping today's ride will poop me out for a good night's sleep.
Becky: Ack! Sorry to hear about your poopy Timberman swim. I had a horrific swim at Musselman 2008---not enough buoys, got caught in a seaweed clump the size of a couch. I was pissed off about the swim until halfway through the run. I totally feel your pain, sista! I've found that long course racing is really an exercise of staying focused for what seems like a long time with sometimes alot of distractions. The Timberman bike course is no joke---the fact that you felt good on the run means you did something right with the bike execution. Don't beat yourself up to badly about it----IMFL is the real prize!
My DH and I were talking about high school last night. We had 2 completely different experiences: He was the basketball star, jock stud (dating the prettiest cheerleader), and hero of a small town. I was the only Asian person in my town, didn't fit in, was really into poetry and raised tropical fish. So needless to say, I have NO DESIRE to go back to high school. But if I could (like Peggy Sue Got Married), I would have spent more time with my parents. Really. It would be nice to get to know them when they were my age now. DH says,"If you had to spend an extra 10 minutes with your parents at age 16, you would've resented it for the rest of your life!" Hmmm. Good point.
Racing chicas - So excited for all of you! Race smart! Have fun!
Kitima -- Nope. Standard 18-55mm. Art history/historic preservation majors for me, but I did manage to sneak a few photography classes in grad school.
Becky -- Oh, man. Bad swim = no fun.Bill McKee told me something after my High Cliff DNF that you might like -- take thin silver lining, leave the cloud. Celebrate that top third finish and how you are so in good enough shape to kick butt and train in Florida!
I do not envy my own taper right now. Can it be the outseason again? Bonus prize? I get to catch up on Mad Men. Sucky part? I have noticed how horrible and dirty my half-unpacked house is. I have a pull buoy and fins int he middle of the dining room. How long have they been there? Hmm. Also, everything aches and I want carbs and not salad. I'm presuming I'll feel tons better after running intervals at lunch.
Great work at Timberman, Becky!
Beth...don't expend too much taper energy cleaning your apt. it will all still be there on 9/13!
Dana - excellent work on cleaning out closets & stuff. It is a really good feeling to purge old stuff isn't it?!? Makes you wonder why we get new stuff sometimes too. Hope your body is feeling good and recovered by now!
Can't wait to cheer for the Canada and Louisville chicas this weekend!!
Thanks for everyone's input about my 2011're all so great! Not doing IM next year is probably the right way to go. Maybe if I wait a year we'll get a full Iron distance race in CO. But I still feel the pull...I may need to be talked off the ledge over the next few months to make sure I don't impulsively sign up for WI or FL. I am REALLY digging the idea of a chica HIM rendezvous though. Would love to come race out east with all of you! And we should think about Fruita too!
Survived my first day at a new gym/health club today. Yuck. I hate making the change, but it cuts out a lot of extra movement in my schedule. Considering joining the official Masters swim group as a way to meet people....and maybe as a way to keep me focused on NOT doing IM next year. HA!
More later - but in the meantime rest up and hydrate gals!
And I like this idea of a chica HIM next year. East coast. Rent a big house or two?
And yes to a chica HIM. Renting a big house. Let's do it!
2011 EN CHICA HIM Reunion Year for sure!!! As a matter of fact, I think we could have a few good options to choose from (or do them all, what the heck).
May-:Tour of California (Come on girls- you KNOW you want to join us in the uber stalking of Pro Tour Boys!)
August: Timberman (already gals living up there, right? and sounds like a fun race too)
September: IMWI Sherpa AND THEN........ OBX Sprint/Oly/HIM. You guys come visit ME! You can rent a beach house really cheap in September, enjoy the race (whatever distance you feel like doing) and then we all get to hang out at the beach together!!! I personally just love the idea
October: Anyone interested in doing something crazy like the Triple-T?? They have a new Triple-T race in White Lake, NC. That's the place where Michele and I met for the HIM last year and she can tell you just how beautiful the water is! We could rent a cottage around the lake or stay in a cabin (like camping when you were a kid).
Well, that's kinda what my 2011 season is gonna look like anyway. I'm gonna have fun at TOC, and then spend all summer just running local 10k's, racing in local TTs, riding with my roadie friends, maybe even enter a real cycling road race. I'm going to have a fun summer and then do a race in the fall with whatever fitness I've got. 2009 was one of my funnest years and I want a repeat of that next year. 2011 is gonna be all about just racing hard, playing hard, and having fun!
just posted my RR...
Leigh- that would be awesome! But you gotta then come visit me too :-)
My plan for 2011 : NO PLAN !!
After 3 IMs in 3 years, I desperately need an unstructured year. Even in this first few days of taper I feel a load off my shoulders and mind. My new MTB will be waiting for me when I return from Madison and I am going to enjoy fall in the woods!! I would like to try some off road tri's and trail running, maybe get Belle into "Flyball".
I have many,many ideas so we will see how it all unfolds.
Yes, Yes, yes !!!!!( think meg ryan from when harry met sally , faking orgasm scene)- that in regard to the chica 1/2 IM 2011 reunion. I am definietly interested in Timberman, Nemo- when is OBX HIM?
I really want to do ToC, but really need to save for buying house and possible trip to new zealand and /or australia next October
Are we getting momentum for LP 2012- so far me, Michele Moreno, Beth? Olivia? Who else?
Olivia- I agree with others on IM free next year, finish getting dental work complete, and put all of that behind you !
Nemo- i think i just challenged Rich to a Java smackdown on FB, at your suggestion
I'll keep you posted- uh, now you know
Becky-Nice job on Timberman!, despite rain/hail/winds, sounds like you executed well,especially if you felt good on run, and yes top 1/3 is great! For IM training, practice staying in your box- esp regarding the swim! (starting with 2500-300 people all at once), you may not have the swim time you want, but don't let it get you down for the rest of the race! easier said than done for sure, but put it behind you. I have yet to have an IM swim time that i was happy with & capable of. Just think of it as your entry ticket to get on bike. Celebrate the good, learn from the bad and move forward!
Beth- I am with you on crazy house. I seem to make more of a mess when i clean. Trying to purge/organize, and i make more of a mess. For you, I agree, it will still be there 9/13
How is everyone holding up in taper time?
To all chicas racing this weekend- safe travels, stay healthy, can't wait to cheer for ya. how exciting
For me- my half full for 10/3, thinking of turning it into a relay- any midatlantic peeps want to join me ?. After i signed up, lost motivation- just been wanting to chill and have fun. Then last night on a very enjoyable run in cooler temps, I tweaked my left posterior tibial tendon. Pretty tender, had ART today, and he taped it. I will be pool running rest of week.
I am thinking about getting a personal trainer certification. Something I have thought of on and off for a while. Possibly working with middle school kids and their family on up. I will still do anesthesia, but wouldn't mind getting to point of doing 1/2 and 1/2.( I am still an adrenaline junkie & luv the good trauma like I had Sunday night)
I am getting tired/frustrated of the super obese and their complications. If i can help do something before it becomes a problem, I would love to. One of our ICUs (Michele Cellai-5 South) has multiple patients weighing in the 300-500 +lb range- they all have soft tissue infections because they are diabetic, not well controlled, + all other complication/sequalae from being obese. I plan to be at my goal weight before any of my personal training happens. I am FINALLY heading in right direction, weight is coming down slow and steady, and I am noticing my body is changing
, helping to keep me motivated. I think my corrected thyroid levels are finally having an effect at the cellular level, having a positive effect both physically and mentally- ie craving bad for you comfort foods like mac and cheese- has not been a problem in a while. I am getting back to the Real Tracy Wood, laughing more, actually thinking about wanting to put myself out into the dating scene, just being a goofball
, and it feels good!
Off to bootcamp
- I could perhaps be talked into IMLP in 2012.
- I could DEFINITELY be talked into a Chica HIM on the East Coast in 2011. I have plans to be in Croatia (swimming!) in July, so a pre-July or Mid-August or later HIM would be perfect.
- I am totally willing to swim or bike in a half-Full relay, Tracy!
Timberman--yes. Never done it. Ridden the course plenty of times, but never have done the race. Patriot is decent--mid June. Easy course. Timberman, not easy at all.
I TOTALLY want to go to the OBX/NC! I'll do either option! My plan is Thelma and Louise road trip with any EN chicas and guys that want to tag along. Keith too. Bikes in my van. Drive.
IM not on my radar for a while. I had a bad mental attitude for way too much of the training--until the race almost got taken from me. That gave me a much-needed attitude adjustment! That said, I have to figure out the financial impact of two kids in college. IM is not cheap, as we well know, and the tuition bills at BC and Colby are nutz. And when Grant is out of Colby, Casey will be headed in somewhere. We're not Rockefeller, so I think it's best I be a bit conservative next year and see how it goes before I jump into anything major. So lucky I will have gotten to do 3. Part of me still wants to go back to FL--one more time. Maybe next age group jump--I should do pretty well at 55.
@G--FLYBALL, totally!!!!! Doing it with Cali this winter. Can't wait to pack up my dog on Sunday mornings to go play rather than worrying about FT intervals. Had enough of that the past 3 years.
And we want to get her TD title in tracking. She rocks at it. So, yes, my dog, now becomes my kid with activities of her own. 
@Tracy--if anyone would have ever tried to tell me the impact of this thyroid thing on the body, well, you can't even wrap your head around it unless you live it. I am doing much better too. I am handling this training 1000% better than I have held up to anything since my mid-30s. No kidding. Doesn't mean I'm faster, just not crumbling. I want to ask people, "is this how YOU'VE been feeling all these years????" It's a whole new world.
I am so in for IMLP 2012.