Dang Nemo. Major bummer for that dude! Reminds me of a Jeff Foxworthy joke...something about a baby bird. Ha ha!
Kristen - have you ever gotten any medical insight on the migraine following hard work efforts? I his you not I am having the same issue. Trying to determine what might be going on and whether their is anything I can do to prevent it. I am so sorry you are experiencing this with such regularity. It really is frustrating to have something like that limiting you when your drive is there and you otherwise feel good.
Found this quote today, and it makes me feel lots better. Because for IMWI I will definitely be on the undercooked side of the equation:
Sebastian Kienle before Challenge Roth: “Well, I don’t feel really perfectly prepared, but you know, if you feel perfectly prepared, then it may as well be the case that you did too much."
Found this quote today, and it makes me feel lots better. Because for IMWI I will definitely be on the undercooked side of the equation:
Sebastian Kienle before Challenge Roth: “Well, I don’t feel really perfectly prepared, but you know, if you feel perfectly prepared, then it may as well be the case that you did too much."
Thanks, L- Needed that today. Here I am, about to to my 3rd IM and I more intimidated than ever. Maybe it's the fatigue talking, but my head has been in a bad space the last few days.
Maybe it's the fatigue talking, but my head has been in a bad space the last few days.
Definitely fatigue talking. Just because it's a last big week, don't drill yourself into the abyss. Meter things out over this big week, and even next week before the full on taper. A little more rest--if you need it--will make the difference between tackling what's to come this week with a smile and energy or dread. Better the first than the latter.
Nemo - tell your friends to stop sending you "junk" email -
Did the unthinkable today and tried to make up for a missed weekend ride by getting up at the crack this morning. Rough. Very rough. And raining. Lots of rain. My enthusiasm for biking is low right now -which I haven't felt in a while. I'm hoping that is a good sign, somehow! I want to get this thing DONE!!!
Keep pushing through IMMoo ladies - it is gritty, but you are getting so close too!!
Becky - what a great race! And you're so casual about it "no biggie!" love it
Sports bras - oh yeah, I have that issue. I have a grand total of two that I use, one other in a pinch. Moving comfort made a great one that I can no longer find. What is up with that? Like you chicas said, they only make their bras more complicated. I need simple, and snug, is that so difficult? I've got it - a Chica line of sports bras!! We've got to come up with a good name.
Linda and Gina, I echo your sentiments. I am also on my 3rd IM in 3 years and at about the 5 weeks out point, I was done. Tired. Burnt out. I've been hanging on by trying to tell myself things like "last final push until the taper", "last full week of work before I head to Canada" and other short term milestones to get me through. I have been missing many workouts and bagging many runs of the bikes but now I think that was good thing as I feel like I am on the verge of injury in several places. Thanks for the quote Linda and take care of yourselves...all of you!
I hear you about the small milestones!! This morning, while I was running, my mind was wandering to getting through the week. I had to tell myself that "today" was my box. Just today.
@Linda- That is a great quote. It does give me some peace too. My swimming is slower this year, but I have not been motivated to go swim Master's (don't like the coach). I skipped swim last Friday and cut this AM swim in half. I just was NOT into sprinting. It ain't gettnig any better at this point. It is what it is and I want to enjoy the remining swims before the cold weather ends them for the year.
@Kristen- "The Time Traveler's Wife" is one of my all time favortie books. I cried so much. I can not see the movie since I have not heard good things from those that also read the book. Planning to read "Eat, Pray, Love" before I see the movie.
@Nemo- Dang I missed the pic. But I don't want to go blind either ;-)
Max has made an "Xtranormal" cartoon movie about how cranky we all get with IM training. If he can figure it out, he wants me to post it. Right now, no idea. It did make me laugh as they "talk" about the "EN cult".
Lots of indulging this weekend, too hell with body comp. Red velvet pound cake 1 night, red velvet cheesecake the next. YUMMY!
Sebastian Kienle before Challenge Roth: “Well, I don’t feel really perfectly prepared, but you know, if you feel perfectly prepared, then it may as well be the case that you did too much."
I love it! Thanks for sharing!
@Tracy - I don't think I'll be able to race NE next year (it will be way too close to IMWI, but assuming that it's not an RR weekend, I'll be there if Dan is - to sherpa, etc. I can probably get a pretty good bike workout in that day - riding 2 or 3 loops of the course while he's setting up in transition and swimming, etc... it's a special race to me bc it was my first OLY and I've done it 3 years now. The ride is pretty, rolling hills. The run is akin to EM, out and back on the side of a road with no shade... but there are hills (not quite Columbia-esque, though). I really like it and hope you do it. We ate the town 10 miles away, havre de grace, and I will definitely go back. super cute, almost Harper Valley PTA ish. Loved it!
@Nemo - sorry I missed the post/pic... sort of... hmm...
@Aimee - yes, I do have a moving comfort that I like a lot... it has my running group logo on it... I've never seen it at any sports store... comfy, doesn't chafe! Hang in there with the bike... I know what you mean... I have to rejigger my schedule next week and if the weather doesn't cooperate with me I don't know what I'll do... 4 hours on the drainer might kill me.
@Michele - I had a food weekend like that, too... with the race I ate pasta and loved it! After the race I ate pasta and loved it! I'm back on the paleo wagon today, though... Red Velvet cake is my favorite! Mmmmm..... good for you! Life's too short!
thanks - the race was actually fun... and I'm now looking forward to Timberman (not that I wasn't before)... but it's nice to have the season broken up... but I will say looking down the barrel of 12 weeks is scary! I teased Dan that he better watch out, I'd be catching up to him... he laughed and told me he fully expects me to beat him at the HIM if he can't run the whole way (which has been his experience at the HIMs he's done). He also admitted that when we crossed paths on the run he was totally surprised to see me and knew I was having a really good day. That was nice. We've never done a race together before... I know he knows I do this and he was there at EM in crazy conditions and was amazed I finished as well as I did.... but I think actually doing one together when he has times to see and compare finally showed him that I sorta know what I'm doing and talking about... there has been some tension in the past about his cutting me off and almost disregarding comments I make or suggestions/advice/pointers I give to people who talk to me/us about tris (as if I'm new and don't know what I'm talking about OR that I've spend too much time drinking the EN kool-aid)... this may have helped. In any event, I'm still trying to downplay the EN talk. He liked his "I'm with her" shirt and I think he'll wear it in FL. And I told him he'd get a 4 keys shirt (I wore mine yesterday) there to wear, too... he'll never really get this whole EN thing and despite seeing my performance in 2 races this year, he'll never really appreciate the training style either... but at least I know it works and even if he won't admit it, I think now he does, too.
@Tracy - jealous you got power... I'm planning on that in the off season! Suzanne just sent me some stuff to look at (old threads, etc). I'm also intrigued by the idea of a computrainer... programming in courses, etc... very cool! I like my cycleops fluid 2 a lot, but hmm... maybe I'll upgrade all the components in my pain cave and sell the drainer (or give it to Dan, although I know he won't use it...) Now that I've refinanced and paid off my car and am super close to one more school loan being history... I think I can budget it in a few months - first up is a new home computer... but those are getting pretty cheap...
anyway, 4 weeks to go Moo gals... AWESOME. I'm so excited for you... can't wait to be there!
Nemo - tell your friends to stop sending you "junk" email -
ha ha! Good one, Aimee!
IMKY/IMCA girls...<2 wks to go...so excited for you! The hard work is done, just gotta finish your taper and execute like ninjas on race day. </p>
IMWI girls...see the above statement, and smile because you'll be at that place in just under two weeks I like Gina's concept of "today" is your box, just today. Maybe it even has to narrow to "this next hour" is your box at times. But you know the light is there at the end of the tunnel, and that light should just start to become visible in the next week. Hang on and do what you can, and don't sweat it if you miss workouts here and there. Believe me, it works out ok... Really have to listen to your body right now and not dig yourself into too deep of a hole this late in the game. Of course you're riding that fine line, and are continuously in a bit of a hole right now, but be careful to stay on the sane and healthy side of that fine line.
Thinking about you girls (and guys) a lot right now! It WILL all be worth it on MLK Blvd in Madison on Sept 12. Take care of yourselves...
Max has made an "Xtranormal" cartoon movie about how cranky we all get with IM training. If he can figure it out, he wants me to post it. Right now, no idea. It did make me laugh as they "talk" about the "EN cult".
Lots of indulging this weekend, too hell with body comp. Red velvet pound cake 1 night, red velvet cheesecake the next. YUMMY!
M- That is soo funny about the "cult"! Su made an extranormal video last year ( I will have to find it) and called us the same thing!!
I am eating, eating, eating and honestly am about 3lbs too thin.
Will catch up l8tr, great weekend in WI this weekend (thanks again Michele. U r awesome). Home late last night, then back up early to work booth @ IN state fair. @Gina- ck out my FB posts. Think I can help with weight loss issue. I'm really working hard to keep things on straight & clean eating path. Really close to race weight, give or take 1-2 lbs. Gotta keep to the course
Hang on and do what you can, and don't sweat it if you miss workouts here and there. Believe me, it works out ok... Really have to listen to your body right now and not dig yourself into too deep of a hole this late in the game. Of course you're riding that fine line, and are continuously in a bit of a hole right now, but be careful to stay on the sane and healthy side of that fine line.
Thanks Michele. SO true. This is where I really start to listen to those voices who have a wider perspective than I do right now. I can't believe (well, yes I can believe) the push-pull of taking the day off today. I agonized about it, and wrung my hands for HOURS. Then I decided to call it. I dug deep Sat and had a phenomenal day. Dug deeper yesterday, and came up short--that's a sign. My legs feel like posts today. I am tired, beat , and cranky. I have "that feeling"--hard to describe, but pushing myself today is NOT going to make anything better--not the heavy legs or the tired body. If I were to workout today, I know I would also feel compromised mentally to hit the rest of the week. Look at all this analysis for ONE STINKIN' DAY off that will likely do me more good than harm!!!! I haven't taken a day off in WEEKS. It gets ridiculous. So thanks Michele for the final dope slap. I needed it.
Kris- Saw the FB posts. The mere thought of how that smells makes me wanna hurl!! I could eat a big ole cheeseburger though!!
Michele- Thanks for being the voice of reason. It is so easy to get caught up in pushing, pushing through these last weeks. Though, I have told Su several times in the lst 2 weeks, " I could do the race today if I were rested". Need to believe that.
Quick check in, but I've been reading. Lots of good stuff going on in the house. We cowgirls just can't remember stuff or type as well as usual.
Sports bras - I love my champion ones. I tried on all the sports bras at the LRS one day in my size. I found the one I like. Now, I order them when they are on sale at the online champion store.
Move - Wowsers. That was a tough one, but I got it done. And my new apartment is super-pretty and I'm mostly bouncing about, thinking "I get to live here!".
Asian art man - vetoed. Although going on a date was a great way to stand down and rest. May all my dates agree to such fun outings as seeing "Breakfast at Tiffany's" followed by delicious lunch.
Louisville, Canada ladies -- so excited for you!
Cowgirls -- Moo jo sends lots of kisses. She is, after all, the best podium girl ever.
@Beth, congrats on the move, so glad you love the new place!
sort of doing a hybrid taper and week 1 HIM this week... and to be honest for once this season I'm not tied to the script and I'm not anxious or neurotic about it ... it will all work out in the end. I'm ready for the HIM and will do what needs to be done to get myself ready for IM - if that means getting up at 4:30am, well, for 10-11 weeks, I'll do it. Hopefully with lots of help.
I went a little nutty shopping this past few days... I ordered a pair of Zoot compression Rx recovery tights (at the high recommendation of at least a few of you - in an ideal world they'll be here for my trip to NH, but I'm not optimistic), and some de soto tri shorts (holy expensive... but if I'm gonna be in the saddle for so many hours I thought I'd give em a try - got the forza tri short and the 400 mile short... ). I think that'll be it for now... good thing I refinanced and paid off my car... these hobbies of mine are expensive! And, this is really exciting (well, for me) as Michele M and Suzanne know, I'm starting the research process for power... lots to learn even before making the plunge... kinda fun... and overwhelming! I know this is a dumb question - but for those of you who started as HR athletes and made the switch - did you notice a big improvement? I know I'm never gonna win and that's okay, but I want to get better and maybe someday podium at an OLY... I think that's the best I'll do and that would be tremendous!
I have to thank Linda and the cowgirls for the cow band... it was such a welcome surprise! I ziptied it to my bento box so I will have it with me on my rides (and at Timberman this weekend) to inspire me and keep my head in the game for this year and next (when I'll become a cowgirl myself). You are all so inspiring I can't wait for WI to soak it all in! Hang in there, you've worked long and hard and overcome so many obstacles with grace and poise and strength... you're almost there!
@Becky- Getting power was night and day in so many ways. I joined EN and did an indy iron race by HR/PE. I was very happy to finish. It was amazing. I remember doing my RRs and trying to keep my HR down on the hills, etc. I had always been a solid MOP racer. As I was getting older, my times were slipping to put me at the front of the BOP. I thought it was all about my aging.
After getting power 20 months ago, I am a different athlete. I am now closer to the front of the MOP in my races. I have done several HIM with power, but never did a RR, just didn't feel the need. IMWI will be my first IM with power. And doing that RR with Aimee was eye opening for me. Watching my power for 6 hours and then KNOWING that I could run off the bike was incredible.
I remember for the indy race doing the RR Brick and suffering on the run like you would not believe. No problem keeping my time where it should have been.
Not only did I experience the exponential rise in fitness that happens for most when getting power, but my confidence in my racing, which I didn't realize had taken a hit, was back. Now I will never again podium unless I win the war of attrition, but I am very happy with my times these days. I have never been fast. I usually podium in those races where the field is tiny (like 3 per age group, seriously).
Trust me, the only reason you will regret getting power is that you enter a whole new world of hurt in training.
Re podium--what till you hit 50. You win just about every local sprint there is. 55? I can't wait. I may need t build a room for all my harware from top tier races like the Appleman sprint.
Re podium--what till you hit 50. You win just about every local sprint there is. 55? I can't wait. I may need t build a room for all my harware from top tier races like the Appleman sprint.
That's my secret strategy... I don't need to beat the competition, I just need to outlive it ...he he he
Re podium--what till you hit 50. You win just about every local sprint there is. 55? I can't wait. I may need t build a room for all my harware from top tier races like the Appleman sprint.
That's my secret strategy... I don't need to beat the competition, I just need to outlive it ...he he he
Ha! My retirement plan involves starting to work on my Kona qualification. Not many chicas in the 70-74 age group. . . .
And expensive sport, yes! I spent a LBS amount of money iat the LBC last wekend (Local Benefit Counter). And I'm taking it out of the triathlon budget. I needed eye cream, concealer, blush, etc., to make the icky bags under my eyes go away.
Thanks to Paleo diet/Ironman training, I'm now sub 130#. Bones are starting to stick out I didn't know I had. Time to race soon?
@Michele - thanks, that's really helpful and the kind of testimonial I needed. I'm a middle of the packer now and I like the science, etc... (I took a VO2 max test and bought a Garmin to train in zones to improve, so I think that this is a logical step -- I know I'll never be a sprinter as far as running goes, but I've improved... I definitely want to take my biking to the next level as I think this is where I stand the most to gain).
@Linda et al - EXACTLY! That's been my plan to quality for Boston for years... wait til I get old enough that the time is possible... and the strategy is even better suited for triathletes since that's me against my competition (not me against my own aging body) who will be dropping like flies (I hope)!
@Beth - woo hoo!!! I was sub 130 a few days last week... finally... but after a weekend of carb loading and racing I'm back up - but still trending down. If all goes well I'll be back at my norm (128 +/- 2) and stay there and getting to race weight by my first RR in late Sept... at least that's the plan!
My DH pokes fun at me and the Chica forum. He says,"So what do you girls talk about? Your feelings? Tampons? Boobs?" So now I can say,"YES! We're talking about BOOBS!" Sports bras: I really love my Champion ones---you can buy them at Target and they are always having a sale on line. My mammary endowment is small so I have no problem with a squished uni-boob. I'm thinking about getting implants for my 45th birthday---maybe sooner. Not huge stripper boobs, but nice blouse bunnies. My friend, Janelle is planning on getting them too---so we'll be cosmetic surgery pals. It won't be the first thing I do because my girlfriend (s) is going along with me. Afterall, I did sign up for a certain IMWI this year. Ha!
Yesterday was a DAY OFF. *big sigh* I had psyched myself up to do a bike test then a run, then a swim. Everything was packed up and ready to go. However, I woke up from a horrible night's sleep. Stuffy, runny nose--I felt like I was drowning in my own secretions. Fookin' allergies! I have been strict and disciplined lately about taking my antihistamines and nasal sprays but the last 3 days have clobbered my head. I feel like I have a constant head cold. Then, inexplicably, it seemed that every whiny, non-compliant, combative, argumentative patient came in yesterday. I know it wasn't just me and a possible pre-IM crabbiness because one of my nurses dubbed the day as "Douchebag Tuesday". Another said to me,"What is up with today? Is it Jerk Day at the Wound Clinic?" Let me say these nurses are the most professional, patient, and friendly women who walk this earth. It takes ALOT to push them to say these things out loud. By the end of the day, all the energy was sucked out of atmosphere for me. I had a bowl of peach ice cream and went to bed. Note to self: Get AOB early on Tues!
Hope everyone's week is going better! It's getting dark in the mornings---but there's still yummy peaches at the grocery store. Summer's not over yet!
@Kit too funny about your DH. And, FWIW, I've thought about helping myself out in that department, too...who knows if I ever will, though... we'll see...
my legs are fried. so, despite Coach P telling me to not do taper week but to do week 1 IM instead, I overruled him and am tapering for Timberman instead. I need it. I tried to run last night - following the 10 minute rule and my legs just couldn't do it... so I took the short brick loop and called it quits after 15. I don't feel at all bad about it. I did a 45 min spin this morning (no brick, partly bc of my legs, partly bc of the rain). Again, it's all good. I'll try to do it tomorrow (45 bike, 30 run)... and a short swim Fri before hitting the road.
having a PM dilemma... as Kit, Nemo, and Kate know - I've sought their advice. I just discovered my 2 bikes have different cranksets (triple on the roadie, double on the TT). No big deal honestly - decided last night to sell the roadie (it's been collecting dust) - which will help finance the purchase of the quarq... and, if all goes well, when the quarq is paid, I'll get a new roadie -- ideally with 650 wheels and the same crankset so I can use all wheels on both bikes and trade out the quarq. Looking at the crankset on the TT (after doing all sorts of research to figure out what all this stuff is... I'm clueless, mind you), I discovered I have a standard double, not a compact. Not that I really care or appreciate the difference - but I know that's not the haus way... To be honest, I want the most bang for my buck.... and that will be having 2 bikes with the same size wheels and the same crankset... I can't afford a quarq and 2 new bikes... so I'm gonna have to stick with the TT I have and work around those parameters. I just hope the coaches don't beat me up at a pre-race bike inspection. Seriously, though... what's the difference? Is this really that bad?
Becky- the compact crank won't make that big a diff at IMFL- don't sweat the pre-race inspection on that front. However, you really WILL want one for IMWI next year. You are progressing in the right direction, that's all that matters. You don't have to be there all at once.
thanks Nemo... this has been fun! In a scary way... but hey, if I can learn it anyone can! I'll shift to the compact when I get the quarq and will be sure that when the time comes to get a new roadie I'll get it right! So, the next step is to find out the size - was planning on a tune up post Timberman... and will be sure to get the info I need to get the ordering process underway.
Dan was funny about it all last night - actually, he was very helpful walking me through it and pointing things out on my bike. When I tried to explain the powertap and quarq difference I'm sure I failed miserably... but he got the point that I have 2 wheel sets that would be unusable if I go powertap... so that settled that. And he was on board with my selling my roadie since I don't ride it (and ultimately upgrading to one with 650s so it will all be the same)... but when I mentioned the PM would be in the 2k range he almost fell over... All I could say was I want it, I'm not asking him to pay for it , and I would like him to support me. He dropped it... but he definitely thinks I'm drinking the kool-aid.
I have been reading the posts and finally found time to join in, and also procrastinating my long ride.......I know not very EN.
Regarding the sports bras, before the joys of motherhood I wore the frog bra by title nine sports, it is like compression on steroids and the only bummer is that I would often be in zone 3 just getting the thing over my head! Title nine has great selection with many of the brands you have all mentioned with a helpful key that gives an idea of support offered, fyi.
I live about an hour and a half from Fruita and am pretty familiar with mtb trails and camping.....most excellent place and not as high profile/busy as Moab.
@Nemo: so what compression tight did you order, saw it on the new dashboard.
@Becky: psyched you are going for power training, would love to someday, sounds like you can't lose!
For all you IM LV and IMoo gals I am also super excited for you and hope to learn from you all how to deal with pre-race anxiety.
How come none of you rock star chicas are doing IMAZ this year........unless I missed it!
Becky - going back a bit.. we are scarily on the same wavelength as I bought recovery tights and DeSoto Forza shorts this past weekend! I also got power a couple of months ago. I haven't done all my homework on it, but I'm at least conversant and it has helped me gauge my efforts in a really different way that is quite helpful - esp in race rehearsal as Michele C. observed. The PM keeps you honest; I bet you will really love it.
Rode this morning with a friend. It's a weekly ride, a few different folks show up depending. It can be hard to do intervals due to socializing. Folks do two loops and I try to get some work done on a solo third loop. Today a friend joined me for a third loop and did the intervals with me. It was cute - as the 2nd one started she asked "Ok, so this is when we go fast?" She loved it.
@Barb - blame it on the taper! We are almost there chica!
@Kit - boob job - interesting thought, but the pain, oh, the pain.
Kristen - have you ever gotten any medical insight on the migraine following hard work efforts? I his you not I am having the same issue. Trying to determine what might be going on and whether their is anything I can do to prevent it. I am so sorry you are experiencing this with such regularity. It really is frustrating to have something like that limiting you when your drive is there and you otherwise feel good.
Found this quote today, and it makes me feel lots better. Because for IMWI I will definitely be on the undercooked side of the equation:
Sebastian Kienle before Challenge Roth: “Well, I don’t feel really perfectly prepared, but you know, if you feel perfectly prepared, then it may as well be the case that you did too much."
Thanks, L- Needed that today. Here I am, about to to my 3rd IM and I more intimidated than ever. Maybe it's the fatigue talking, but my head has been in a bad space the last few days.
Definitely fatigue talking. Just because it's a last big week, don't drill yourself into the abyss. Meter things out over this big week, and even next week before the full on taper. A little more rest--if you need it--will make the difference between tackling what's to come this week with a smile and energy or dread. Better the first than the latter.
Nemo - tell your friends to stop sending you "junk" email -
Did the unthinkable today and tried to make up for a missed weekend ride by getting up at the crack this morning. Rough. Very rough. And raining. Lots of rain. My enthusiasm for biking is low right now -which I haven't felt in a while. I'm hoping that is a good sign, somehow! I want to get this thing DONE!!!
Keep pushing through IMMoo ladies - it is gritty, but you are getting so close too!!
Becky - what a great race! And you're so casual about it "no biggie!" love it
Sports bras - oh yeah, I have that issue. I have a grand total of two that I use, one other in a pinch. Moving comfort made a great one that I can no longer find. What is up with that? Like you chicas said, they only make their bras more complicated. I need simple, and snug, is that so difficult? I've got it - a Chica line of sports bras!! We've got to come up with a good name.
Linda and Gina, I echo your sentiments. I am also on my 3rd IM in 3 years and at about the 5 weeks out point, I was done. Tired. Burnt out. I've been hanging on by trying to tell myself things like "last final push until the taper", "last full week of work before I head to Canada" and other short term milestones to get me through. I have been missing many workouts and bagging many runs of the bikes but now I think that was good thing as I feel like I am on the verge of injury in several places. Thanks for the quote Linda and take care of yourselves...all of you!
I hear you about the small milestones!! This morning, while I was running, my mind was wandering to getting through the week. I had to tell myself that "today" was my box. Just today.
@Kristen- "The Time Traveler's Wife" is one of my all time favortie books. I cried so much. I can not see the movie since I have not heard good things from those that also read the book. Planning to read "Eat, Pray, Love" before I see the movie.
@Nemo- Dang I missed the pic. But I don't want to go blind either ;-)
Max has made an "Xtranormal" cartoon movie about how cranky we all get with IM training. If he can figure it out, he wants me to post it. Right now, no idea. It did make me laugh as they "talk" about the "EN cult".
Lots of indulging this weekend, too hell with body comp. Red velvet pound cake 1 night, red velvet cheesecake the next. YUMMY!
I love it! Thanks for sharing!
@Tracy - I don't think I'll be able to race NE next year (it will be way too close to IMWI, but assuming that it's not an RR weekend, I'll be there if Dan is - to sherpa, etc. I can probably get a pretty good bike workout in that day - riding 2 or 3 loops of the course while he's setting up in transition and swimming, etc... it's a special race to me bc it was my first OLY and I've done it 3 years now. The ride is pretty, rolling hills. The run is akin to EM, out and back on the side of a road with no shade... but there are hills (not quite Columbia-esque, though). I really like it and hope you do it. We ate the town 10 miles away, havre de grace, and I will definitely go back. super cute, almost Harper Valley PTA ish. Loved it!
@Nemo - sorry I missed the post/pic... sort of... hmm...
@Aimee - yes, I do have a moving comfort that I like a lot... it has my running group logo on it... I've never seen it at any sports store... comfy, doesn't chafe! Hang in there with the bike... I know what you mean... I have to rejigger my schedule next week and if the weather doesn't cooperate with me I don't know what I'll do... 4 hours on the drainer might kill me.
@Michele - I had a food weekend like that, too... with the race I ate pasta and loved it! After the race I ate pasta and loved it! I'm back on the paleo wagon today, though... Red Velvet cake is my favorite! Mmmmm..... good for you! Life's too short!
thanks - the race was actually fun... and I'm now looking forward to Timberman (not that I wasn't before)... but it's nice to have the season broken up... but I will say looking down the barrel of 12 weeks is scary! I teased Dan that he better watch out, I'd be catching up to him... he laughed and told me he fully expects me to beat him at the HIM if he can't run the whole way (which has been his experience at the HIMs he's done). He also admitted that when we crossed paths on the run he was totally surprised to see me and knew I was having a really good day. That was nice. We've never done a race together before... I know he knows I do this and he was there at EM in crazy conditions and was amazed I finished as well as I did.... but I think actually doing one together when he has times to see and compare finally showed him that I sorta know what I'm doing and talking about... there has been some tension in the past about his cutting me off and almost disregarding comments I make or suggestions/advice/pointers I give to people who talk to me/us about tris (as if I'm new and don't know what I'm talking about OR that I've spend too much time drinking the EN kool-aid)... this may have helped. In any event, I'm still trying to downplay the EN talk. He liked his "I'm with her" shirt and I think he'll wear it in FL. And I told him he'd get a 4 keys shirt (I wore mine yesterday) there to wear, too... he'll never really get this whole EN thing and despite seeing my performance in 2 races this year, he'll never really appreciate the training style either... but at least I know it works and even if he won't admit it, I think now he does, too.
@Tracy - jealous you got power... I'm planning on that in the off season! Suzanne just sent me some stuff to look at (old threads, etc). I'm also intrigued by the idea of a computrainer... programming in courses, etc... very cool! I like my cycleops fluid 2 a lot, but hmm... maybe I'll upgrade all the components in my pain cave and sell the drainer (or give it to Dan, although I know he won't use it...) Now that I've refinanced and paid off my car and am super close to one more school loan being history... I think I can budget it in a few months - first up is a new home computer... but those are getting pretty cheap...
anyway, 4 weeks to go Moo gals... AWESOME. I'm so excited for you... can't wait to be there!
ha ha! Good one, Aimee!
IMKY/IMCA girls...<2 wks to go...so excited for you! The hard work is done, just gotta finish your taper and execute like ninjas on race day. </p>
IMWI girls...see the above statement, and smile because you'll be at that place in just under two weeks
I like Gina's concept of "today" is your box, just today. Maybe it even has to narrow to "this next hour" is your box at times. But you know the light is there at the end of the tunnel, and that light should just start to become visible in the next week. Hang on and do what you can, and don't sweat it if you miss workouts here and there. Believe me, it works out ok... Really have to listen to your body right now and not dig yourself into too deep of a hole this late in the game. Of course you're riding that fine line, and are continuously in a bit of a hole right now, but be careful to stay on the sane and healthy side of that fine line.
Thinking about you girls (and guys) a lot right now! It WILL all be worth it on MLK Blvd in Madison on Sept 12. Take care of yourselves...
M- That is soo funny about the "cult"! Su made an extranormal video last year ( I will have to find it) and called us the same thing!!
I am eating, eating, eating and honestly am about 3lbs too thin.
@Gina- ck out my FB posts. Think I can help with weight loss issue. I'm really working hard to keep things on straight & clean eating path. Really close to race weight, give or take 1-2 lbs. Gotta keep to the course
Hugs to all. Will catch up soon
Thanks Michele. SO true. This is where I really start to listen to those voices who have a wider perspective than I do right now. I can't believe (well, yes I can believe) the push-pull of taking the day off today. I agonized about it, and wrung my hands for HOURS. Then I decided to call it. I dug deep Sat and had a phenomenal day. Dug deeper yesterday, and came up short--that's a sign. My legs feel like posts today. I am tired, beat , and cranky. I have "that feeling"--hard to describe, but pushing myself today is NOT going to make anything better--not the heavy legs or the tired body. If I were to workout today, I know I would also feel compromised mentally to hit the rest of the week. Look at all this analysis for ONE STINKIN' DAY off that will likely do me more good than harm!!!! I haven't taken a day off in WEEKS. It gets ridiculous. So thanks Michele for the final dope slap. I needed it.
Kris- Saw the FB posts. The mere thought of how that smells makes me wanna hurl!! I could eat a big ole cheeseburger though!!
Michele- Thanks for being the voice of reason. It is so easy to get caught up in pushing, pushing through these last weeks. Though, I have told Su several times in the lst 2 weeks, " I could do the race today if I were rested". Need to believe that.
Quick check in, but I've been reading. Lots of good stuff going on in the house. We cowgirls just can't remember stuff or type as well as usual.
Sports bras - I love my champion ones. I tried on all the sports bras at the LRS one day in my size. I found the one I like. Now, I order them when they are on sale at the online champion store.
Move - Wowsers. That was a tough one, but I got it done. And my new apartment is super-pretty and I'm mostly bouncing about, thinking "I get to live here!".
Asian art man - vetoed. Although going on a date was a great way to stand down and rest. May all my dates agree to such fun outings as seeing "Breakfast at Tiffany's" followed by delicious lunch.
Louisville, Canada ladies -- so excited for you!
Cowgirls -- Moo jo sends lots of kisses. She is, after all, the best podium girl ever.
morning ladies!
@Beth, congrats on the move, so glad you love the new place!
sort of doing a hybrid taper and week 1 HIM this week... and to be honest for once this season I'm not tied to the script and I'm not anxious or neurotic about it ... it will all work out in the end. I'm ready for the HIM and will do what needs to be done to get myself ready for IM - if that means getting up at 4:30am, well, for 10-11 weeks, I'll do it. Hopefully with lots of help.
I went a little nutty shopping this past few days
... I ordered a pair of Zoot compression Rx recovery tights (at the high recommendation of at least a few of you - in an ideal world they'll be here for my trip to NH, but I'm not optimistic), and some de soto tri shorts (holy expensive... but if I'm gonna be in the saddle for so many hours I thought I'd give em a try - got the forza tri short and the 400 mile short... ). I think that'll be it for now... good thing I refinanced and paid off my car... these hobbies of mine are expensive!
And, this is really exciting (well, for me) as Michele M and Suzanne know, I'm starting the research process for power... lots to learn even before making the plunge... kinda fun... and overwhelming! I know this is a dumb question - but for those of you who started as HR athletes and made the switch - did you notice a big improvement? I know I'm never gonna win and that's okay, but I want to get better and maybe someday podium at an OLY... I think that's the best I'll do and that would be tremendous!
I have to thank Linda and the cowgirls for the cow band... it was such a welcome surprise! I ziptied it to my bento box so I will have it with me on my rides (and at Timberman this weekend) to inspire me and keep my head in the game for this year and next (when I'll become a cowgirl myself). You are all so inspiring I can't wait for WI to soak it all in! Hang in there, you've worked long and hard and overcome so many obstacles with grace and poise and strength... you're almost there!
I also want to thank Linda and the cowgirls for my cow band. What a nice surprise. I actually put it on right away
Every time i look at it, I send good training Mojo out. Hope it reaches you all.
Helps for me too, when working out, think of all of you
Happy Training!
I know several ladies haven't gotten their's yet and are prolly thinking, "what the...?" Heeheeheehee.
Also SHeryl, if you check in there, could you get me your addy?
After getting power 20 months ago, I am a different athlete. I am now closer to the front of the MOP in my races. I have done several HIM with power, but never did a RR, just didn't feel the need. IMWI will be my first IM with power. And doing that RR with Aimee was eye opening for me. Watching my power for 6 hours and then KNOWING that I could run off the bike was incredible.
I remember for the indy race doing the RR Brick and suffering on the run like you would not believe. No problem keeping my time where it should have been.
Not only did I experience the exponential rise in fitness that happens for most when getting power, but my confidence in my racing, which I didn't realize had taken a hit, was back. Now I will never again podium unless I win the war of attrition, but I am very happy with my times these days. I have never been fast. I usually podium in those races where the field is tiny (like 3 per age group, seriously).
Trust me, the only reason you will regret getting power is that you enter a whole new world of hurt in training.
Re podium--what till you hit 50. You win just about every local sprint there is. 55? I can't wait. I may need t build a room for all my harware from top tier races like the Appleman sprint.
That's my secret strategy... I don't need to beat the competition, I just need to outlive it ...he he he
Ha! My retirement plan involves starting to work on my Kona qualification. Not many chicas in the 70-74 age group. . . .
And expensive sport, yes! I spent a LBS amount of money iat the LBC last wekend (Local Benefit Counter). And I'm taking it out of the triathlon budget. I needed eye cream, concealer, blush, etc., to make the icky bags under my eyes go away.
Thanks to Paleo diet/Ironman training, I'm now sub 130#. Bones are starting to stick out I didn't know I had. Time to race soon?
@Michele - thanks, that's really helpful and the kind of testimonial I needed. I'm a middle of the packer now and I like the science, etc... (I took a VO2 max test and bought a Garmin to train in zones to improve, so I think that this is a logical step -- I know I'll never be a sprinter as far as running goes, but I've improved... I definitely want to take my biking to the next level as I think this is where I stand the most to gain).
@Linda et al - EXACTLY! That's been my plan to quality for Boston for years... wait til I get old enough that the time is possible... and the strategy is even better suited for triathletes since that's me against my competition (not me against my own aging body) who will be dropping like flies (I hope)!
@Beth - woo hoo!!! I was sub 130 a few days last week... finally... but after a weekend of carb loading and racing I'm back up - but still trending down. If all goes well I'll be back at my norm (128 +/- 2) and stay there and getting to race weight by my first RR in late Sept... at least that's the plan!
Sports bras: I really love my Champion ones---you can buy them at Target and they are always having a sale on line. My mammary endowment is small so I have no problem with a squished uni-boob. I'm thinking about getting implants for my 45th birthday---maybe sooner. Not huge stripper boobs, but nice blouse bunnies. My friend, Janelle is planning on getting them too---so we'll be cosmetic surgery pals. It won't be the first thing I do because my girlfriend (s) is going along with me. Afterall, I did sign up for a certain IMWI this year. Ha!
Yesterday was a DAY OFF. *big sigh* I had psyched myself up to do a bike test then a run, then a swim. Everything was packed up and ready to go. However, I woke up from a horrible night's sleep. Stuffy, runny nose--I felt like I was drowning in my own secretions. Fookin' allergies! I have been strict and disciplined lately about taking my antihistamines and nasal sprays but the last 3 days have clobbered my head. I feel like I have a constant head cold. Then, inexplicably, it seemed that every whiny, non-compliant, combative, argumentative patient came in yesterday. I know it wasn't just me and a possible pre-IM crabbiness because one of my nurses dubbed the day as "Douchebag Tuesday". Another said to me,"What is up with today? Is it Jerk Day at the Wound Clinic?" Let me say these nurses are the most professional, patient, and friendly women who walk this earth. It takes ALOT to push them to say these things out loud.
By the end of the day, all the energy was sucked out of atmosphere for me. I had a bowl of peach ice cream and went to bed. Note to self: Get AOB early on Tues!
Hope everyone's week is going better! It's getting dark in the mornings---but there's still yummy peaches at the grocery store. Summer's not over yet!
too funny about your DH. And, FWIW, I've thought about helping myself out in that department, too...who knows if I ever will, though... we'll see...
my legs are fried. so, despite Coach P telling me to not do taper week but to do week 1 IM instead, I overruled him and am tapering for Timberman instead. I need it. I tried to run last night - following the 10 minute rule and my legs just couldn't do it... so I took the short brick loop and called it quits after 15. I don't feel at all bad about it. I did a 45 min spin this morning (no brick, partly bc of my legs, partly bc of the rain). Again, it's all good. I'll try to do it tomorrow (45 bike, 30 run)... and a short swim Fri before hitting the road.
having a PM dilemma... as Kit, Nemo, and Kate know - I've sought their advice. I just discovered my 2 bikes have different cranksets (triple on the roadie, double on the TT). No big deal honestly - decided last night to sell the roadie (it's been collecting dust) - which will help finance the purchase of the quarq... and, if all goes well, when the quarq is paid, I'll get a new roadie -- ideally with 650 wheels and the same crankset so I can use all wheels on both bikes and trade out the quarq. Looking at the crankset on the TT (after doing all sorts of research to figure out what all this stuff is... I'm clueless, mind you), I discovered I have a standard double, not a compact. Not that I really care or appreciate the difference - but I know that's not the haus way... To be honest, I want the most bang for my buck.... and that will be having 2 bikes with the same size wheels and the same crankset... I can't afford a quarq and 2 new bikes... so I'm gonna have to stick with the TT I have and work around those parameters. I just hope the coaches don't beat me up at a pre-race bike inspection. Seriously, though... what's the difference? Is this really that bad?
thanks Nemo... this has been fun! In a scary way... but hey, if I can learn it anyone can! I'll shift to the compact when I get the quarq and will be sure that when the time comes to get a new roadie I'll get it right! So, the next step is to find out the size - was planning on a tune up post Timberman... and will be sure to get the info I need to get the ordering process underway.
Dan was funny about it all last night - actually, he was very helpful walking me through it and pointing things out on my bike. When I tried to explain the powertap and quarq difference I'm sure I failed miserably... but he got the point that I have 2 wheel sets that would be unusable if I go powertap... so that settled that. And he was on board with my selling my roadie since I don't ride it (and ultimately upgrading to one with 650s so it will all be the same)... but when I mentioned the PM would be in the 2k range he almost fell over...
All I could say was I want it, I'm not asking him to pay for it , and I would like him to support me. He dropped it... but he definitely thinks I'm drinking the kool-aid.
Morning to the forum of inspiration......
I have been reading the posts and finally found time to join in, and also procrastinating my long ride.......I know not very EN.
Regarding the sports bras, before the joys of motherhood I wore the frog bra by title nine sports, it is like compression on steroids and the only bummer is that I would often be in zone 3 just getting the thing over my head! Title nine has great selection with many of the brands you have all mentioned with a helpful key that gives an idea of support offered, fyi.
I live about an hour and a half from Fruita and am pretty familiar with mtb trails and camping.....most excellent place and not as high profile/busy as Moab.
@Nemo: so what compression tight did you order, saw it on the new dashboard.
@Becky: psyched you are going for power training, would love to someday, sounds like you can't lose!
For all you IM LV and IMoo gals I am also super excited for you and hope to learn from you all how to deal with pre-race anxiety.
How come none of you rock star chicas are doing IMAZ this year........unless I missed it!
Okay, time to buck up and head out the door.....
Happy Wednesday!
Becky - going back a bit.. we are scarily on the same wavelength as I bought recovery tights and DeSoto Forza shorts this past weekend! I also got power a couple of months ago. I haven't done all my homework on it, but I'm at least conversant and it has helped me gauge my efforts in a really different way that is quite helpful - esp in race rehearsal as Michele C. observed. The PM keeps you honest; I bet you will really love it.
Rode this morning with a friend. It's a weekly ride, a few different folks show up depending. It can be hard to do intervals due to socializing. Folks do two loops and I try to get some work done on a solo third loop. Today a friend joined me for a third loop and did the intervals with me. It was cute - as the 2nd one started she asked "Ok, so this is when we go fast?" She loved it.
@Barb - blame it on the taper! We are almost there chica!
@Kit - boob job - interesting thought, but the pain, oh, the pain.