Weekly Run Thread - 9/27/10
Based on my post yesterday, there appears to be some interest in a weekly run only thread. This is not a *runners only* thread, but a thread for people to post their run stuff, etc. even though you may still be in-season or biking and swimming as well waiting for their OS to start. Or folks ramping for a half or full marry and want to post hpw they are doing!
I am currently following the Daniels 5k/10k program that the EN vDot system is based on. I am in Phase 1 Week 2 and for the first 4 weeks it is frequency and LRP runs. After that is goes into intervals, hills, etc. I have run 9 of the last 11 days for a minimum of 45 minutes each day. Legs are getting used to the frequency. I will be doing this program until January OS starts.
Today was, as expected, 45 minutes at LRP with ~10 minutes at tempo pace (legs just wanted to go). One thing I am trying to focus on is cadence and keeping it at 180 is tough. Any thoughts on how to build consistency with that?
I will play with you John.
I am on the "exited to be able to run again plan" as of last evening. 4 easy miles on the TM last night watching the Yankee game. The hole in my knee did not pull apart which was really nice. Felt a little weird to be running after 9 days of doing nothing but that is to be expected. Ran a nice flat 4 mile loop this morning in a little under 30 minutes.
Turns out my irrational fears about losing all fitness by doing nothing for 9 days were unfounded. Good to be back at it!
I'm in the same boat as Chris. I've run 4-5 times since my half, but very slow miles. I feel good and plan to continue to my OS. I would've run yesterday but I had a XC meet to coach, then it was cancelled, no clothes. Wanted to run today, but XC meet rescheduled! I'll get out later tonight I think if its not a flood here.
Maybe we should call this the running REHAB thread.
Glad everyone is on the way up! Good work.
I'll play too John. But I won't be just running either but I'll throw in a little bike here and there. Really need the run frequency since I had a little thing get in the way of running for the past 2 months.
Feels like I'm starting over completely as my first run back at it was 4 miles at what used to be stupid easy (8:00 miles) and I thought my lungs were going to come right out of my chest. Hope the drugs will kick in soon as the treatments have me way tired with no energy still.
@John, that's funny as shit!!! Good idea!
So my running guru question- what is the purpose of strides? RnP have us do them as does Daniels and I admit I always ignored that in the past but now I'm doing them three runs a week(out of seven). But why?
Sorry, I punked out last night after my meet. I was so hungry when I got home I ate like a horse. Sausage doesn't sit well with me when I run! I'll get something going once the monsoon passes here in Oneonta, ny
Still standing down on running until next week, but there has been lots of yoga. We'll see if super-adjustment instructor can get my shoulder blades to relax this week. (which theoretically would be good for running)
@Dan - Sausage and a long run? Good call on bailing. :-)
@Beth, I was thinking the same thing when I saw Trent's post.
@Trent - Glad to see ya back. You will get you run back!
I ran my usual :45 this morning. Legs really peppy and ran 23 seconds per mile faster than the previous bunch of days. Felt good to push it a bit into Z2+. It's not part of the plan, but just had to do it. :-)
Also, I am almost at the lightest body weight I have been in over 20 years! One pound to go and 4.5 lbs. and I will be sub-Clydesdale! And I go see my nutritionist next week for a BodPod test to get my body fat %. Hopefully that is where most of the weight loss is coming from. I am setting myself up for some good run gains. Let's hope.
love it... especially since I'm one of the maybe 10 people still training.
It's stormy here and I'm trying to figure out what to do/how to do my 2.5 hour run. This morning was really bad... lunch time was really bad. But I think the tornado warnings have passed and while there still may be flash flood warnings, they're not for my area... The rain seems to be letting up... and I haven't heard a T'storm warning in a while. But 2.5 hours is a long time to be out there and who knows how many systems can pass through in that time... grumble... I suppose I've been really lucky, there haven't been many times where weather has sidelined me (granted, I did spend a few code red weekends on the drainer instead of outside in 100+humidity)... but this is of course my longest run of training and I don't want to skip it!
I ate around noon hoping that by 2 or 2:30 the weather would be cooperating... we'll see...
Your thoughts? Do some drainer time instead of run? If so, how much? Add the run after my 4.5 hour ride Sat (well, maybe after my ride and a nap)? I could go to the gym (would have to pay for paIrking after 2 hours) but 2.5 on a mill would kill me. Seriously, I just don't think I could do more than an hour (and even then I would be pissy)...
I'm similarly struggling to find the time to fit in today's 2.5 hour run. Wife is out of town and busy day at the office (last week I blew off the morning at the office to do the 2.25 hour run! Priorities, priorities). At this point in my training, I'm using the EN plans as more of an outline and the coaches are probably going to ream me for saying that. Needless to say, I'm kiboshing my run today for 1.5 hours on drainer doing the 8, 10, 20, 10, 8 intervals. If I can't go far today, I might as well work on fast. I'll try for my 2.5 hour run on Saturday since I can't get away to do the 4 hour ride. Will do my 4 hour ride and run on Sunday.
Trent: Welcome back, my friend! Stupid easy = 8 min/miles huh?
Dan: Good call on sausage/no run. I ran last night after eating 1/2 rack of ribs. I think the whole neighborhood stank of my meat burps.
Going out again tonight for another 30-40 minute run. No Garmin. Easy peasy. The first 15 minutes have been "ouch ouch ouch, achy achy achy" then I'm fine. I told myself I just ran 26 miles in unbelievable pain 2 weeks ago at IMWI so suck it up, buttercup!
Kitima: oh God, ribs. I just barfed in my mouth thinking about that run!!!!!!!! Thank goodness I'm not even in the OS yet, I don't feel guilty about working out right now....
I'll keep the streak up, pepperoni rolls tonight and a night out with the wife and no kids.... no run!!! I'll keep you posted on how much I don't run!!!
@Clinton and Marianne - the weather just never really seemed to let up enough to where I felt that being out there that long would be wise... so after work (at 4), I re-did Wed's brick sitting on the drainer for an hour doing 3x(5x30/30s) and then a 30 min run (I felt safe out there for that long, did a short loop near my house - it started raining again halfway through... and by the time I was eating dinner it was coming down pretty hard again). I got up on my usual schedule today and came in 1.5 hours early to leave at 3:30 - so I plan to do the long run tonight. I'll have daylight for most of it, probably only getting dark once I'm off the trail and in my hood with streetlights, etc... but reflective gear will be with me!
I'll keep my schedule tomorrow for the long ride, maybe starting later than usual. After the work segments if I'm exhausted, I'll cut it short a bit... or suffer through it... we'll see... stinks but hey, that's how it goes sometimes.
Chris G. I too am sick of the rain, but I've run in it twice this week already. I simply refuse to get on a treadmill.
I like this off-season consumption of salted pork products and fatty meats. It's way more yummy than SALAD.
I'm kinda running tonight: cyclocross practice. Kev and I will be dismounting and running over imaginary barriers on the Auburn Trail tonight. Hoping for no crotch disasters tonight with jumping back on the bikes.
Mmmmmmmmmmmmm...... I'll get out with xc kids today, if it ever stops raining.
@Christy fingers crossed... I'm leaving work early to get my run in. So far so good and I actually saw the sun just a minute ago!
@Kit - good luck with that. I have the same hope for my weekend ... Todd sent me an Adamo saddle to try. I might wait til my Sun 3 hour ride for the test ride.
Have you considered something like this?
Works great in the pool too.
Sorry to hear you folks in the northeast are having nasty weather. It's been GORGEOUS here in Colorado. :-D
@Kitboo - avoiding all "crotch disasters" is something I strive for at all times