What it takes.........October 2010
This thread pics up where This one left off!
Special invite to the newest EN Chica's joining the team. Jump on in! This thread has been ongoing for, oh, maybe a year?? It's the kitchen table we all sit around to touch base with each other on everything from triathlon, significant others, work, kids, pets, life, whatever. It's like a soap opera, don't bother trying to catch up with the old posts- just start following along from here forward!
Join us ladies!
x2 on what Nemo said... anything and everything is covered in here and all the ladies are welcome and made to feel at home. So, for the new members, welcome to the coolest thread in the forum and welcome to the team).
Very happy that I'm catching up with Suzanne for a ride tomorrow! I haven't seen her in ages!
Good luck to Kate, Suzanne, and Tracy who are on relay teams for a half full on Sunday!
Recovery in Bethland:
1. Today is the first day of boots. Goodbye open-toed shoes! It has been fun. But so are boots. And cashmere.
2. I am suffering from boy like.
3. The new house is starting to look civilized. It is strange, this state, where I have more tabs open on my computer to crafty, Martha Stewart land than triathlon land.
4. I am so riding my bike this weekend (mocha/scone ride) and starting to be a runner on Monday. Does my bike work without the powermeter?
Becky - FLORIDA. FLORIDA. We are cheering!
Who else in chicaland is still training?
My sis-in-law and her two germ bags, uh, I mean my two adorable neices will be visiting us this weekend. I'm looking forward to the visit- we had a blast with them last year and the weather looks like it will be great. I'm also volunteering again this weekend (that's 3 in a row!) for the OBX SPCA Splash & Dash. I get to walk one of the shelter dogs in the 5K walk and then help oversea them as they swim in the YMCA pool. Should be fun!
As for recovery- I'm back to running 40 min a day fairly regularly and I think if I stay cautious I can do the Half Mary in November- so I signed up. I'm looking forward to fall/winter when I can do some trail running around here too (it's too buggy in the summer to run in the woods here). Meanwhile I'm trying to figure out how to justify buying another bike so I can do cyclocross! Hmmmmmmm.
@Beth - boy like and boots... sounds dreamy!!! Yay! And congrats on getting your new place Bethified! I'm sure you're having a ball and it will be tres chic when finished! I can't wait for my next Chicago layover! Hmm... if I make a trek out to WI this summer for a recon ride, maybe I'll fly to Chicago and we can drive in together... Michele, being the super duper cool chica that she is, told me that I can borrow a bike for a non-Moocamp weekend... so, in an ideal world I'll come up once before camp to get some riding in (your plan of the course and the HHH course sounds perfect!)
Not sure who's doing AZ, but Nathalie and Lynda are also in for FL... can't recall who else, they're the only chicas weighing in on the IMFL thread so far.
@Nemo - have a great weekend... chilling with fam sounds fun!
And I am get so excited when I read your reunion thread about Wisconsin next year. It will make my race day so much more fun and I'll be properly motivated with you all out there for sure!
I have a long to-do list for the weekend... as far as non-training goes. The new derailleur came in so I need to get the bike to the LBS for that. Probably Sat after my ride. And I need to go back to a different bike shop (I could use them for the mechanical stuff, but I just don't like them there, they're snotty)... to take back an X-Lab rear cage contraption I got not realizing it was a "Cervelo only" model... hopefully they carry other ones (but that shop is wall to wall Cervelos, so who knows. If not, I'll have to get online pronto to order something). Todd sent me an Adamo saddle to try. I want to put that on Sat for Sunday's ride (think 4.5 hours might be too long for a maiden voyage) and from watching his video on proper adjustment I think that may take a bit of time... I'd also REALLY like to get in the pool for an hour of form/stroke work... preferrable eating and napping after my ride before doing that... I seriously don't know how you all did it... there just aren't enough hours in the day!
Ok, personal question (I put this way far down so it won't be spotted on the dashboard)... is it me or is all this training and hunger and exhaustion pretty much a sex drive killer? I'm finally liking my body again after my fall and winter injury/surgery weight gain but have zero interest in any extracurricular activity... and I feel awful for Dan because I'm pretty sure he's happy with my body these days, too (granted, he didn't mind me 10 lbs heavier either). Once the clock strikes 9, I am in serious wind down mode and all I want to do is sleep... Heck, even when he gets playful before dinner I'm more interested in eating. If he sticks with me through this and doesn't run screaming now that IMWI is in the books for next year it will be amazing... hopefully by then I'll figure out a better balance... but this is hard and it takes time... I don't think the "SAUs" earned 5 months ago mean squat... I will admit that the other night I was totally not in the mood, but he's been helping with my bike and taking the videos and I know he's totally over it... so I initiated (before he helped me with the bike, knowing that would put him in a better mood) despite not feeling it (not that he noticed...)... I guess doing my "girlfriendly duty" is nice, but I want to want to again... ya know?! Am I alone with this?
oh, and Beth... I think it's time to change your sign off... the pink bunny IS an Energizer Bunny now, after all!
As for WKO+, I've been using it for 5 years and have really gotten used to it. I don't like Power Agent at all--probably because it's not WKO+. As for having it on a Mac...yeesh, I'm still using PC's but there are plenty of Mac users out there with WKO+.
It is quite the learning curve with all of our gizmos. Some are more user friendly (like Garmin) than others (like Ergomo). That's one nice thing about mtb--no gizmos!
Beth: Recovery in Bethland sounds like fun. So who's this boy?! Betcha he's CUUUTE.
Nemo: Germ bags---LMAO! Good to hear your calf is okay.
Becky: When Kev and I trained for IMC last year (we didn't even make it Race Prep due to injuries), it was House of Celebacy. His was the first to go. Oh yeah, sex after that Thurs long run/Sat and Sun balls to the wall rides? Are you kidding me?! Such a shame to waste lean bodies but those sexy bods need sleep. Then when you can it's "You be on top my quads are sore...No, you be on top I pulled a hammy!"
Nemo - 48 cm cx frames have to be on mad sale somewhere!
Boy like - I'll only discuss out of haus until something is official. I just haven't suffered from serious boy like in a while. And suffering is the right word! I know what to do with 2x20s, but crazy likey pheromones? Yeesh!
Sex and the triathlete. Hm. And the lurkers are going to love this one. Thanks, Becky! While HIM training, no problem. Yes, more, please. (Although sometimes foreplay has to involve sticking an elbow into sore quads.) IM training? Totally turned off that part of my brain. It took a very hot, very flirty foreign man playfully biting my forearm at a party (I was showing off my guns) to even remotely remember I was a girl. Hm. Perhaps serious training requires serious/different foreplay?
Ok I have to tell someone!! So who better than all of you?!?! I'm exicted (and freaked out) that I actually did it...
I just signed up for the race I was afraid to talk about until I'd actually signed up. I am now truly committed to a run focus this year!! It's a team event in which my teammate and I will run 6 stages (one stage per day 8/21-26), 113 miles, from Buena Vista, CO to Beaver Creek, CO. We were attracted by the epic-ness of the whole thing and the break it will give us from Iron stuff. We also decided that we would incorporate a fundraising element to our training and racing, which neither of us have really ever done in all of our years of racing. As if one challeng wasn't enough. Oh well, might as well do it if we can right. I'm totally look forward to "having" to hit the trails for training!!
At home and supposed to be working, but can't. My computer won't recognize my wireless network. Utterly stupid. So here I am completely unproductive!! Well, except for registering for crazy-a$$ running...
Marianne- love my Droid, but the one thing I do miss is my indistructable waterproof phone that I could tuck in a jersey pocket and not care about it getting wet. Didn't take any time at all getting used to the new phone- but I know there is LOTS more stuff I could be doing with it if I just knew a little more.
I thought you ladies would find this funny. I have been thinking about Fiona's replacement and trying to come up with names as options. I went to the urban dictionary for a little inspiration/fun and found this definition- TOTALLY cracked me up!!
"Bike shorts that are not black and are tight enough to show all the contents of someone's package. Used in a sentence:
Dude, did you check out the felt on those guys from Poland in the red kit?? Was that real or a potato? "
HA HA HA!! OK, and now for Becky (since I'm now at the bottom of the post- so only the lurkers will see it). Just ask Joe that question! I think our SO's could probably start a whole support group around this topic. Finally feeling svelt in my cloths and no energy or inspiration to do anything with it. Top that off with the fact that after 6 hours in the saddle, well, uh- yeah no one really wants to go there- right? Such a waste of a good body. I will say that the desire came back rather quickly during recovery- so don't loose hope! So you see, this is another one of those reasons I promised Joe (and myself) no IMs in 2011 ;-)
Here's a random one for y'all...
It's happened every time after an Ironman. I get a song playing in my head during the race, and I can't get it out--weeks later. Now mind you, each time it's a song that's not on my iPod, and from who knows where in my crazy brain.
Ironman #1--Sitting on the Dock of the Bay
Ironman #2--Dancing in the Moonlight
This time, really bad...
Ironman #3--Rocky Mountain High!!! Where did it come from and how can I MAKE IT STOP??!!!!! Casey is going to kill me if I sing one more riff, one more time!
I feel like I need an exorcism--or a brain scan to see what's stuck!
Seriously, I wake up to it in my head in the morning. Same as the last three races. To combat this demon song, I let it take me to the edge of our lake in Maine, and it's peaceful. I'm probably giving it positive reinforcement! How do I even know all the words????
"I know he'd be a poorer man, if he never saw and eagle flyyyyyy....." True, but STOP!!!!
Ohhh, almost missed the sex chat! Oh Lordy, who the heck can have sex after six hours on a bike? All those weekend rides are total lust busters. It's all just too sensitive, and all of it is just not in the MOOD! Trick though, do it in the morning on the weekend. You know, one of those just after you wake up. Hours have passed, and usually it's a little better, and you can be more in the mood rather than being dead tired, in please-hurry-up mode. Best with a Sunday off, and then you can have post-coital nap! (Helllooooo, lurkers....new women members....welcome to our kitchen table...
@Nemo- keep an eye out for Redlines. I picked up a great deal (abiet end of cross season on a 48")
Working in running again and gotta wrap my head around back on the clean eating wagon. Promised myself I wouldn't gain back all the pre IM loss. Up 1-2 lbs now but know if I get my mind in gear next week, it'll come off quickly with the running. Still struggling to get enough sleep. Have not yet kicked the post IM crud I had. Got a Z pack on Mon but still not much relief (doesn't help that ragweed has been OFF the charts). Bourbon Chase coming up in 3 weeks, going to help pace a friend at Pinhoit 100 (funny thing, I'm still not 100% I can keep up with her even after 40 miles.. she's one kick butt runner chick) in early Nov (AL).
@Olivia- that run sounds AWESOME! Had a friend talking to me about Hood to Coast... intreging! have to remember to pace myself on cool fitness stuff.
About to get cool here this weekend. High tomorrow won't even reach 70! Definitely inspires me to go for a run! Leaves starting to turn but so dry going to brown quick. This weekend there's an art fair, trail run, last OW swim, and harvest homecoming ride.. what to do???
Linda, I spent most of the Ironman Wisconsin run with "Mercy Street" and "Fake Palindromes" in my head. I'm guessing you probably adopted the rhythn of "Rocky Mountain High" for IMWI. We are musical creatures.
Olivia- Congrats on the new race sign up! Sounds like an EPIC adventure in the making. Should be an amazing experience wither way. Let us know what charity you choose and let us know where to sign on the dotted line.
Nemo- how did the Outer Banks fare?
Becky- Sex and the triathlete. For my first iron race I was a total zombie and not interested. As a result, Max suffered. Probably was the biggest reason he hated the training.
This year for IMWI- as I said in my RR- I was NOT prepared to turn my life over to training. As the last 8 weeks came on, I would literally look at the schedule and get creative. Since I did the vast majority of the early swim workouts, I would pick a day with only a swim or a swim and a short run. I would skip the swim either way, and if the run was there, get up super early, do the run, shower, and get snuggily after.
Weekends- as much as it was sometimes not my top priority, we would nap together, wake up for an afternoon delight, and go back to sleep, both days. Harmony was much better this time around. Riding the bike doesn't make me too sore for sex, just too tired. But I decided that if folks with little ones need to get it when they can, then so do we. If he was amorous the minute I got home from work during the week, I'd go for it before I stopped moving and realized my level of exhaustion. (Assuming I was not in a total snit from work stress.)
Of course if you are too tired for your own big O, then he should be OK with that. Even without IM training, sometimes I just don't feel the need to get that far. ya know?
So be sure- you are not alone.
Olivia- So happy that you signed up for the run adventure! I'll live my running through you for now, so keep me posted.
Everyone, please send positive healing thoughts to my foot and post tib tendon
Today was kind of rough cause it is so beautiful now temp wise, I sooooo wanted to run, but can't ( again) Of all the sports in tris, running is my Favorite, used to be my strength
. I am seeing an ortho guy, foot and ankle specialist on Thursday, cause even though no stress fx, part of the tendon has a" >50% chronic tear" so ART/chiro guy wanted me to see ortho, which i was heading that way as well. Fingers crossed & deep breath. Good news is that I can still do a lot of the actions of that tendon. ie come up on toes(yes, but not steady, invert and evert foot- yes, but tender)
Oh, and the thing about it is now, I REFUSE to let my self sink into a hole( unlike last time). Time to roll those sleeves up, dig deep and get to work
Just joined meadowbrook aquatic center where michael phelps trained and now owns. Will be doing lots of swimming and pool running over next 3 months. Hoping all this is resolved by 1/3/11
Ok, can't contribute to the sex talk
, but hoping maybe i'll meet a cute boy/man in 2011, or swimming at meadowbrook? Just plan to be more social. Would like to improve body comp more, but time to be social. I'll have to remember ths thread so when I do meet someone...........Loved the phrases though " afternoon delight"
LP- just played Rocky mountain High in honor of you
. I went through a phase last March where songs get getting stuck in my head, it wouldn't stop! It finally did though so hang in there. No matter what the song, when suck, annoying
Hope everyone's illness is getting better. Kris, hope that Zpak kicks in soon and you feel better, rest up!
Nemo- any flooding issues for you with the storm? How is everyone in new England. Was driving on 95 last night, took it slow due to hydoplaning and poor visibility, there were some idiots out there, cutting through traffic without a lot of room. Scary
M- can't offer a lot of power advice or MAC, I also like my droid, still learning. Kind of wish I got the motorola with keyboard rather than touch keyboard, but like a lot of other features ( also don'yt like there is No LoseIt app
Thanks for well wishes for a Half Full.It will be interesting
Have a great WE everyone!
Olivia - sounds great!!! Scenery will be wonderful!
Nemo - can't wait to hear what you get!!! I keep looking at the felt CX but I really want a road bike first or a MTB.
Tracy - Hope you get better all he time. I know what you mean about the hole. I go there every time our oldest leaves home again. I feel fat, unappreciated and wish there was a magic pill to get me where I need to be...the magic pill is diet and exercise and relationships but you are so right that it takes work to keep the black hole at bay.....call me when it opens up and we can talk each other away from the edge :>)/
Music stuck in the head. Husband calls them ear worms. Mine is ALWAYS the Edmund Fitgerald and wouldn't you know it there was an online news story about that very thing this week....Had it in my head ever since.
Hmmm...big S.....cancer and training sure put a damper on things...but I'm hoping that my ripped body after this weight loss and training will make a difference!!!! Should, right?
Y'all have a great weekend!!!! Marianne....get the I phone and the indestructible case...you won't be sorry.
Been a very busy week for me. I decided to try a work from home deal, NOT a good idea. Too much stress sitting in front of a computer 12-14 hrs a day is just never a good idea. So my back up is a seasonal job at REI (we will see how that goes). This week was supposed to be my week to get back into run training for Disney, today will be my 2nd run of the week. So we start next week.
Also found out that the apt I am renting is under foreclosure. Researched a bit and as a tenant, I can not be kicked out. Still looking around at new places. Maybe a blessing in disguise because I am honestly embarrassed of where I live right now. Shared apt with another girl (besides Michelle and I) and her 2 cats and our dog. Just never was up to our standards, but cheap rent! Anyway looking at other apts this weekend.
One more thing. I am really having a tough time with my race season for next year. I know it's early but I feel pressure to pick races. New to NE and I know there are a ton of races, looking at 1/2 IM. Thinking of possibly SYR as it is close to my hometown or Musselman even closer to home but have done it before, Muskoka or even Poconnos. Any suggestions for earlier season races?
Anyone been able to change their profile pic? It will tell me that it has changed but remains the old pic?
Olivia-exicited for the running adventure!
Nemo-really hope the flooding wasn't too bad, we just got wind/rain here in Boston
M-wish I could help as well with the computer, but I also would recommend the Apple Store those guys know their stuff
Michele-are you still up for the 1/2 mary in ME? i am still considering
Kris-Bourbon Challenge sounds very fun, my sister is always trying to get my in something like that, someday
Tracy-definitely sending healing vibes, injuries just stink, it sounds like you have the right attitude to get it fixed for sure this time
C--the HIMs most people around here do are Mooseman, Patriot, FIRM man, and Timberman. You won't catch me dead at Moose--too cold in Newfound Lake for me at that time of year! FIRM is one of those races you can sign up for that morning. People disparage that race, but I've done the aquabike and it's fine, IMO. Complaints are mostly around road surface conditions. What I have to say about that is those people haven't ridden in WI!!!! Full freakin' IM on some of the worst roads I have ridden on.
Bunch of us are doing Timberman (Aug)--can you? Also, you coming to Steve Ford's ride/BBQ on the 17th? Hope so. Good luck on the apt.
T--way to change the outlook. Hang in there. Better times is a comin'!
O--that is PHENOMENAL! Can't wait to track you through that journey!
Happy weekend everyone! Got up really late, so I think it's a day off to catch up on grocreies, play with Cali, etc. Lovin' the NO pressure!
Feeling antsy today. I do my FTP test tomorrow (traveling on Monday). Daughter has what seemed like 800 friends over last night after homecoming. It was fun to see all her friends home from college! I miss having them all in the house every weekend. I really wanted to run, but rode the Breezer while friend ran. She is much faster when I don't run with her
. I so wanted to go up north and see the color but it doesn't work this weekend!
Hope everyone has a great weekend. Weather here is PERFECT!! Especially for the Twin Cities Marathon runners tomorrow!!
C- I am signed up for the race. Period. Only thing that would prevent me from going is some major crisis (not usually in my life) OR really bad weather as this is right on the coast. I'd drive up that morning and back right after. No hotel. And unless there was some great fair or something, I wouldn't hang around after for very long.
T- Good luck with the ankle tendons. Really gonna need time to heal.
Guess I'd better get in gear and stop wasting a gorgeous day.
Olivia, so excited about your race! Can't wait to hear about it! Tracy, I hope your tendons heal quickly.
Beth, you said you were going to be watching the marathon next weekend...you should stop by the Charity Village later in the day, (like 6 hrs. later...) and stop at the Opportunity Enterprises tent and say hi to me! I'd love to meet you! I'm signed up for the Hot Chocolate 15K! Are you doing it?
Well, going to go to a farmer a couple of miles away, to buy some juicy, fantastic, Jonathan apples. Happy Saturday ladies!!! Welcome to newbies!
We really didn't get hit bad at all by the storm. There was lots of flooding and damage on the mainland. But the storm went west of us so while we did get some rain and lots of wind, it just wasn't bad at all. Thanks for asking! I think the MD/DC/VA girls probably had it much worse!
Olivia- that race sounds like the PERFECT choice for you! Can't wait to hear all about it.
Becky- when is your next race rehearsal? Your getting to that time in the season when the motto "there's no crying in ironman" really needs to get put in your head. I'm always an emotional nut case about this time.
Do we have any other ladies in the hause training for FL or AZ?
Becky- I so feel your pain!!! I have eaten like a horse today. Unbelievable! I'm not even hungry. I made a huge batch of beef stew and I even ate a donut which I nearly NEVER do cuz I just don't like donuts that much. Not sure what's wrong. I'm past menopause so it can't be that. Maybe it's empathy with the other female cycle in the house. Husband is applying for new jobs. Maybe that's it. I did, however, find the greatest little hobby farm in the town where he is applying for a job. Then I can have my Talapia Utopia farm!!! OK...nuff. FTP tomorrow!!!
With the recent conversation about being in the mood or not, saw this on FB tonight. Becky, maybe you can find some for dan until after IMFL?
Warning if you are watching at work, turn down volume. I got a chuckle from it
Happy Sunday ladies!!
It is a gorgeous Fall morning here in TN. Crystal blue skies, 50 degrees, and all the windows are open. Such a welcome respite after this summer.
Well, you guys almost made me spit out my oatmeal this morning with the se* & the triathlete convo. Trust me, the fatigue crosses ALL lines. On a good day, we are on opposite schedules. Add IM training- oy vey
The post IM "what to do" with my life is improving. I have straightened out my spice rack (seriously),cleaned up my triathlete drawer (think ipod, sunglasses, do-rags, etc), planted fall veggies, & played A LOT of frisbee with Belle. We had a fun cookout with some folks last night- I bbq'd ribs/chicken,herbed scalloped potatoes, citrus slaw, & baked an apple-almond tart. It was a perfectly cool evening outside.
Sheryl- Good luck with the FTP
Olivia- Congrats on the race sign-up!!
Tracy- Hang in there with the foot. I know you are frustrated!!
Nemo- So glad you guys dodged another bullet this season
Barb- Good luck with Chicago. That is the ONLY stand alone marathon I've done
Michelle- Too tired for your own ??? Perish the thought
Carly- I sure hope something works out with your living situation
Beth- Enjoy the boy, the boots, and the cashmere
Becky- Hang in there with the training. Taper is around the corner
My achilles is improving, just not quickly enough for me. I have run (if you can call 20-30 min a run) twice this week & with each run the achilles feels better. It is hard to not want to push it - I think Michelle M said it nicely about wanting to hold on to IM level fitness, but that is really not realistic. We work sooooo hard to get there.
Planning on a MTB ride today!!
Hugs to all
And L- I was in Greenlife yesterday, and guess what was playing???
Apple-almond tart sounds great!! We are inundated with apples from the CSA at this point and that might be something good to try. Last night DH made three loaves of apple-poppyseed bread. That only got rid of 4 apples though. My cooking adventure last night consisted of making beet and kohlrabi soup. Pretty tasty in the end, just funny because it is red like Christmas and seems like an odd thing to eat. Uses stuff up though.
Carly - I think I saw you in the November OS group. Yea!
Beth - let's hear more about the boy.
Becky - tell us something fun from your training so we can live vicariously through you in our various stages of laziness.
Crazy weather you east coast folks are having. It has been unseasonably beautiful here. Well, mostly beautiful. I actually am ready for a consistent bit of coolness. But still lots of good old Colorado sun. Really need to get out and run in it now.
Linda: John Denver earworm...oh boy. I typically think of a tune that I only remember some of the lyrics and end up playing the parts I know over and over.
Kris: It's Ragweed-o-rama here too. I'm halfway through my allergy "shots" (I'm doing the sublingual treatments)---really hoping for some relief next year.
Tracy: Really, really hoping that foot/ankle of yours heals up soon. You deserve a nice long period being injury-free.
Carly: Housing woes! Hope you and Michele find a place you both like.
Back to clean eating and logging calories for me too. I do feel better eating like that. I want to address the body comp thing now and roll into OS not trying to lose a bunch a weight. I had another wonderful weekend of dirt riding. Kev and I rode 'cross bikes today (mtb trails are wet from all the rain)---we've been doing racing to that tree, that mile marker and sprinting all out. I only won one cuz I attacked early. It's really fun despite not having much anaerobic power. My first 'cross race of this season is next Sunday. Looks like it will be mud-luscious as the forecast is for rain all week. This race is the one with the screaming fast off-camber downhill onto acorns. Mud + acorns = great potential to eat dirt. Ha!