I want to preface this by saying California rain is wussy rain. We don't get the huge rain drops, crazy hurricanes, etc. out here. With that said, if it isn't too cold I like to run in the rain. Bring on the puddles! It is a nice change and I seem to run better in the rain. Go figure.
I did my :45 run again today. 6th day in a row since last off day. Legs felt good and I ran pretty much tempo the whole time. A full minute per mile faster than my previous Z1 stuff. Felt great and have my first 5k vDot test next weekend so wnated to get a glimmer of speed work in today.
I am the Cubmaster for the local Cub Scout Pack and we have our Fall campout this weekend so I won't be able to run tomorrow but will Sunday afternoon when I get home. Looking forward to a fun weekend with 70+ elementary school boys and their peeps.
OK I'm going to start getting my butt in this weekly thread so you all will help keep me on my run frequency targets pre-Nov OS.
Today's run was a short easy one as I wanted to keep it chill after a great but rather pounding trail run on Wednesday evening (i need to build up my downhill running strength so my ankles don't feel so worked over afterward), and a strength and yoga day yesterday. Haven't decided what tomorrow's run has in store
Stinks that so many of you are being hampered by rainy weather. As Steve says, it has been awesome here in CO, albeit a bit too dry. Makes for really nice, cool mornings for running though. Happy Friday and Happy long runs to those of you who have them yet to do.
Got in 4 miles today in about 32 minutes. First mile around 9 pace and next three at not 9 pace. I have to say I have a few aches and pains from the few runs I've done this week. I plan on doing some cycling tomorrow and run Sunday. Have a good weekend!
Daniels 5-15k modified, Week 1, Q3 5x600m(200m) I-pace, 5:51, 5:53, 5:52, 5:51, 5:56, 4mi in 28:00min total, stinging fast pain. Week 1 total 30mi, longest run 7.5mi that included fair amount of R-pace running, 5%. Also bought Elixir 5 today, ready to brake them in. 5k test next Saturday, local race with the last 1mi uphill. Objective, establish baseline VDOT in Week 2 of 12 week VO2max/ LT focus.
Wow Aleksandar! I'm going to follow up your fabulous post w/how slow and sluggish I have been running! Chicago Marathon next weekend, and given how I've been feeling, and with a sore, tight tendon in my right foot, the goal there will be to finish! Did 20 a couple of weeks ago, and an 11 last weekend. Have a 6 to do today, that may turn into a waterjog, due to the tendon. Plan on a half mary in Nov. here in Valparaiso, then probably just the Turkey Trot, to end out the season, with a couple of 5K's thrown in. Trent, soooo awesome to see that you are up and running again!! Literally!!! Extremely windy day here in NW IN. Happy running everyone!
Now a month into 'run only' pre-OS block. Working with combo of Daniels and plan from local coach. VDot has gone from a 'long-course 52' to 'fast 53,' so things are on track for my November goal of 54+. Weeks now creeping into the 50 miles / week territory. One more month to go, with work shifting from V02 to mucho tempo. But I get to keep a little bit of 400s and 800s in track work, which is nice - I've developed a weird enjoyment of the kind of work (pain?) that comes with intervals.
One-week trip to Paris falls midway into this final block, and it will be tough to go into damage control in the best food place in the world. I can't imagine a surplus of tracks nearby, so I'll need to take it to the streets. Really need to get in front of this as a potential lost week, so time to research "running in Paris" on the 'net.
One more observation: my ass has DOMS-hurt from running. All the time. I've run and biked a LOT in 10 years, and never had ass-hurt like this.
Also surprised at the impact on body weight this kind of training has: although I'm not putting in a ton of hours, it's normally only in the depths of in-season that I shed weight like this. Appetite is reasonable, and my body seems to be telling itself "this guy's trying to run, so let's not add on the pounds for a while."
So far, the run only gig is really enjoyable. Race schedule permitting, I'll definitely be making this a part of my annual training plan.
I'm in. I think my next race will be a trail half marathon in mid December.
But my real reason for posting is to offer this advice/threat...If you get one of those cadence beepers, and then use it in a race...I will kill you. A couple years back, before I had my wicked EN enduced passing speed (yes, that's a joke!) I came up behind a person with one of these and beep could beep not beep pass beep them beep and beep yet beep I beep didn't beep want beep to beep drop beep back beep. After a few minutes of this metronome-waterboarding I dug deep and put some distance between me and the beeper.
OK, I feel better now. Therapy costs $85 hour, right? Where do I send my money?
I want to preface this by saying California rain is wussy rain. We don't get the huge rain drops, crazy hurricanes, etc. out here. With that said, if it isn't too cold I like to run in the rain. Bring on the puddles! It is a nice change and I seem to run better in the rain. Go figure.
I did my :45 run again today. 6th day in a row since last off day. Legs felt good and I ran pretty much tempo the whole time. A full minute per mile faster than my previous Z1 stuff. Felt great and have my first 5k vDot test next weekend so wnated to get a glimmer of speed work in today.
I am the Cubmaster for the local Cub Scout Pack and we have our Fall campout this weekend so I won't be able to run tomorrow but will Sunday afternoon when I get home. Looking forward to a fun weekend with 70+ elementary school boys and their peeps.
Today's run was a short easy one as I wanted to keep it chill after a great but rather pounding trail run on Wednesday evening (i need to build up my downhill running strength so my ankles don't feel so worked over afterward), and a strength and yoga day yesterday. Haven't decided what tomorrow's run has in store
Stinks that so many of you are being hampered by rainy weather. As Steve says, it has been awesome here in CO, albeit a bit too dry. Makes for really nice, cool mornings for running though. Happy Friday and Happy long runs to those of you who have them yet to do.
Hey gang, thought I might join you....
I'm getting ready for MDI on 10/17. Be my 7th time running it. Love the course. Anyone else ever run it?
Ran 24 last sunday near MP, then 8 tempo tuesday and 10 @ MP wednesday. Next up will be 20 this weekend and my taper starts monday,
Run Strong,
Daniels 5-15k modified, Week 1, Q3 5x600m(200m) I-pace, 5:51, 5:53, 5:52, 5:51, 5:56, 4mi in 28:00min total, stinging fast pain. Week 1 total 30mi, longest run 7.5mi that included fair amount of R-pace running, 5%. Also bought Elixir 5 today, ready to brake them in. 5k test next Saturday, local race with the last 1mi uphill. Objective, establish baseline VDOT in Week 2 of 12 week VO2max/ LT focus.
Trent, soooo awesome to see that you are up and running again!! Literally!!!
Extremely windy day here in NW IN. Happy running everyone!
One-week trip to Paris falls midway into this final block, and it will be tough to go into damage control in the best food place in the world. I can't imagine a surplus of tracks nearby, so I'll need to take it to the streets. Really need to get in front of this as a potential lost week, so time to research "running in Paris" on the 'net.
One more observation: my ass has DOMS-hurt from running. All the time. I've run and biked a LOT in 10 years, and never had ass-hurt like this.
Also surprised at the impact on body weight this kind of training has: although I'm not putting in a ton of hours, it's normally only in the depths of in-season that I shed weight like this. Appetite is reasonable, and my body seems to be telling itself "this guy's trying to run, so let's not add on the pounds for a while."
So far, the run only gig is really enjoyable. Race schedule permitting, I'll definitely be making this a part of my annual training plan.
Hi all!
I'm in. I think my next race will be a trail half marathon in mid December.
But my real reason for posting is to offer this advice/threat...If you get one of those cadence beepers, and then use it in a race...I will kill you
. A couple years back, before I had my wicked EN enduced passing speed (yes, that's a joke!) I came up behind a person with one of these and beep could beep not beep pass beep them beep and beep yet beep I beep didn't beep want beep to beep drop beep back beep.
After a few minutes of this metronome-waterboarding I dug deep and put some distance between me and the beeper.
OK, I feel better now. Therapy costs $85 hour, right? Where do I send my money?