New Addition to the Pain Cave
As I approach marathon day (this Sunday), I've starting to contemplate the start of the Nov OS, and I'm getting the pain cave ready. In the past, I've used a CT set up in front of the plasma TV, and I've run erg mode workouts set to my power zones. Longer weekend rides have always been SO BORING!!
So... I just ordered a set of eMotion rollers. I'm hoping it helps with my handling skills, and provides a way to keep me more interested (or at least having to concentrate more) on those longer rides.
Replaced by the 2.5/2.5's IIRC. Which are even worse IMHO. I completely collapse in a puddle of exhaustion after those things. I can not imagine being on rollers. Hell, I'm lucky to get off the drainer without killing myself!
I made a bargain with my wife. The Pain Cave would be "leave no trace". I have to set up before and take down after each workout. It sucks, but I get to use the big screen, and the twins don't destroy my bike
I got mine in the bedroom along with the treadmill. When it comes time to do the long ass rides, I move it out to the big screen and ps3. Nothing makes the zone 3 time fly by faster than some good Modern Warfare 2.
I'm going with the "less time spent away from the fam because of workouts" and using a drop cloth argument to put my trainer right smack in front of the TV. I've yet to see how my dogs will react to the trainer. They aren't too pleased when I come speeding up to the house on my bike and they are in the front yard. I think they are trying to protect me from my bike.
In an ideal world I'd have both a CompuTrainer and a very nice set of rollers like the eMotion, as well as either a cheap trainer or a pair of standard rollers to bring to races for warmup, but I don't think I could get by with the eMotions alone. In my time on rollers I found the novelty of them great, but eventually I just got bored, and without manual erg or some resistance program ensuring that I have to keep working hard or grind to a halt I would find that I was just essentially mindlessly spinning on the rollers. Eventually I sold my Kreitlers because I just wasn't using them anymore. One day though, I'll buy a nice pair back.
I must live in your ideal world.
I do have a CT and I'm getting the eMotions lightly used. Still a lot of coin, but better than the $850 as advertised.
That would be awesome, but can you imagine setting up and taking down EVERY time you want to ride? What a nightmare!!
As cool as this is, can you just imagine what a wreck would like on it. Total disaster. Especially if you got stuck on the moving belt.
Love the length could run with your dog on that thing.
Rollers scare me. About the time I managed to be able to ride them without the constant fear of crashing I read that story a few years back about the guy who crashed on the rollers next to a glass door and was found dead by his family in a pool of blood. No thanks, I have had a hard enough time keeping the rubber side down this year.
As for playing video games while on a trainer, you are clearly riding way too easy. I find with a good trainer session I do not even remember what was on the TV.
Emotion are the best!!! Yes, you can still tip over, but there is really no danger whatsoever with them. As good as riding on the road.
Nope, I'm not playing hard enough!
@Kurt: you sell that stuff and you'd make more money than I would in a year!!!!!!!! You have no excuses now....
Of all the ways I can think of to kill myself...I think this one would be the very best to catch on video.