Got in an easy 3 mi this morning to stay loose. About MP (8:00/mi) felt terrific. Will run another 2 tomorrow to keep the legs fresh, and then it's marathon time on Sunday! Shooting to at LEAST hit 3:45, but I think I can do 3:30, so I'll be targeting ~8:00/mi for the race. Can't WAIT to toe the line.
@ Lynette - yes, MDI this coming Sunday. It was my first race of any length - I like to try really hard things first! That was back in 2004, too bad I missed the first 2 runnings of MDI, 'cause I have run it every year since. I call it my 'Home' race - the one I have to do every year. I also find that I measure ALL other marathons by MDI. So far nothing is quite as good. I even ran Big Sur which was great, but not better than MDI.
@Dan - DAMN you! I was seriously thinking about bailing on my run this morning and then I see "4 Days." So . . . . I gotta keep up with Mr. Forbes! Mojo, baby, mojo! Muchas gracias.
@Marathoners - Have a great weekend. Pace well, eat, drink and make sure you flash the EN Gangsta sign in at least one photo op! And if it gets tough . . . . . WTGU!
@ Beth - What is "bonky?" And thanks for the I/II/III info. I will run also a bit but plan on more trails for Supplemental stuff. Have fun with it.
Because of Dan, I did my usual :45 run this morning. Mentally . . . . . . I am dun! Put a fork in me. Tomorrow is my last day of frequency running and I was thinking today I might just put it off until Sunday. I am running mid to upper Z1 pace zones from the data tool, so physically I am fine. But I am cooked mentally. Bored is the word for it.
I remember PM'ing with Matt Ancona last year about how he got so fast and he told me he started with a 100 day run challenge and he ran everyday for at least 45 minutes at Z1. No way I could do that. Or maybe I am just in a lull and things would be better next week? Who knows. We will NEVER know.
I WILL knock this last one out tomorrow. I will be happy I did it and be ready to move on to mixing things up a bit with Supplemental training.
Well, we were lucky here in upstate NY that we did not get rain after work so I was able to get on the track and just jog with my Asberger's (sp?) athlete for 30 minutes. Today, no such luck, its 40 with rain, I will be drinking scotch with my dad, and maybe get on the rollers while watching the Yankees spank the Rangers....
@John - I discussed running frequency with Rich a few weeks ago on chat -- with my plan of running every day. He thought four-five days/week would be plenty. I'm shooting for running every day, but think I'm going to be zen about it and allow an off day every once in a while. We can practice Zen and the Art of Running Frequency together. Bodies are smart! They know when we need an off day.
"bonky" = Beth had a 300 calorie lunch and thought she could come home after work and run. Yeah. That wasn't going to work. I was all light-headed and starving.
4 miles today, very windy but not rain! Thats makes three times so far this week for a total of 12. Sunday's Cattell Run should make it 22 if all goes well.
Knocked out 4 miles- skills & drills run last night and another 3 this morning (got cut short due to weather :-( Just still too dark until time changes here to stick it out in the windy dark). Good temps and looking forward to hitting Long run right and early tomorrow morning. With so many folks around training for the Indy Monumental in Nov, looks like I'll have company. Not sure what I'll do after that...yikes!
30 day run frequency dealio DONE! Went and ran a hilly 7 mile trail run this morning to end Phase 1 and it was AWESOME! Nice break from the road and I am mentally recharged! Legs felt GREAT! I have attached a pic of me from this morning out on Mount Diablo. Summit behind me is 3,894'.
6 x 1000 at ~6:38/ mile Threshold Pace. Not feeling any pep in legs after hard day yesterday, but inspired by the view every lap ... second day of running at this track:
As noted, went and did the Tiburon Mile OW swim across the San Francisco Bay with Tom Glynn and one of our friends this morning. Water was ~58 and pretty flat for the bay. Was a blast!
Downside was after running for 4 weeks straight and staying injury free . . . . the water exit was VERY rocky and I cut up the bottom of my left foot pretty badly. I have it all bandaged up. Off tomorrow and we shall see how it is on Tuesday. Fingers crossed.
A couple of pics for your viewing pleasure . . . .
Me, Tom and our friend Roberta with Angel Island behind us. We took a boat over there and then swam back. Probably 1,000 swimmers this morning.
Tom swimming with the Golden Gate Bridge in the background.
6 x 1000 at ~6:38/ mile Threshold Pace. Not feeling any pep in legs after hard day yesterday, but inspired by the view every lap ... second day of running at this track:
Me, today was my last marathon for the year - MDI, voted runner up "best overall" and "most scenic" in Runners World. This was my 7th time at MDI and I set a personal course record by ove 6 minutes. Finish time was 3:32:57 Good enough to qualify for Boston - my second BQ this year. Missed setting PR by less than 2 minutes.
rTSS = 365.5 (for today) IF = 0.941
If any ENers are looking for a really difficult, totally awesome and beautiful marathon to run next fall - make it MDI but register soon. This year they closed regular registration in late spring.
6 x 1000 at ~6:38/ mile Threshold Pace. Not feeling any pep in legs after hard day yesterday, but inspired by the view every lap ... second day of running at this track:
Dave, are you really running in Paris next to the Eiffel Tower? Seriously?
Yep. It was soooooooo cool ... eveytime I hit the SE corner of the track, boom, the tower is right there. And it was a rubberized, knee-friendly track to boot! I'll probably stay in that area the next time I go ... there's a public pool next to the track, and there was ample running space between the tower and l'Ecole Militaire. I tried running around a few of the areas I had stayed - the Marais and Monparnasse - and running on the streets was comedy. Paris is not the kind of place you can easily build a training holiday, but I guess that's kinda the point.
Back to reality after the plane set down to a 90' EP/MP run, wearing a fat-belt of the week's diet excesses. Coming home just as the Toronto marathon was finishing, and I had big race envy seeing all the finishers walking around town with solar blankets and medals.
Yep. It was soooooooo cool ... eveytime I hit the SE corner of the track, boom, the tower is right there. And it was a rubberized, knee-friendly track to boot! I'll probably stay in that area the next time I go ... there's a public pool next to the track, and there was ample running space between the tower and l'Ecole Militaire. I tried running around a few of the areas I had stayed - the Marais and Monparnasse - and running on the streets was comedy. Paris is not the kind of place you can easily build a training holiday, but I guess that's kinda the point.
I stayed in Montparnasse for 2 weeks a 3 years ago. Tried running on the streets a few time---lots of dodging of commuters and the Mairie de Paris truck that hoses down the streets. Then we tried running in the Montparnasse Cemetery---got kicked out about 1 mile in. The streets along the Seine are closed to traffic on Sunday---a lovely place to run and sightsee. Good to know about that track and public pool near the Tour Eiffel---will look into staying near there for my next trip.
@ Lynette - yes, MDI this coming Sunday. It was my first race of any length - I like to try really hard things first! That was back in 2004, too bad I missed the first 2 runnings of MDI, 'cause I have run it every year since. I call it my 'Home' race - the one I have to do every year. I also find that I measure ALL other marathons by MDI. So far nothing is quite as good. I even ran Big Sur which was great, but not better than MDI.
Run Strong
@Dan - DAMN you!
I was seriously thinking about bailing on my run this morning and then I see "4 Days." So . . . . I gotta keep up with Mr. Forbes! Mojo, baby, mojo! Muchas gracias.
@Marathoners - Have a great weekend. Pace well, eat, drink and make sure you flash the EN Gangsta sign in at least one photo op! And if it gets tough . . . . . WTGU!
@ Beth - What is "bonky?" And thanks for the I/II/III info. I will run also a bit but plan on more trails for Supplemental stuff. Have fun with it.
Because of Dan, I did my usual :45 run this morning. Mentally . . . . . . I am dun! Put a fork in me. Tomorrow is my last day of frequency running and I was thinking today I might just put it off until Sunday. I am running mid to upper Z1 pace zones from the data tool, so physically I am fine. But I am cooked mentally. Bored is the word for it.
I remember PM'ing with Matt Ancona last year about how he got so fast and he told me he started with a 100 day run challenge and he ran everyday for at least 45 minutes at Z1. No way I could do that. Or maybe I am just in a lull and things would be better next week? Who knows. We will NEVER know.
I WILL knock this last one out tomorrow. I will be happy I did it and be ready to move on to mixing things up a bit with Supplemental training.
Sorry for being a downer this morning.
Well, we were lucky here in upstate NY that we did not get rain after work so I was able to get on the track and just jog with my Asberger's (sp?) athlete for 30 minutes. Today, no such luck, its 40 with rain, I will be drinking scotch with my dad, and maybe get on the rollers while watching the Yankees spank the Rangers....
@John - I discussed running frequency with Rich a few weeks ago on chat -- with my plan of running every day. He thought four-five days/week would be plenty. I'm shooting for running every day, but think I'm going to be zen about it and allow an off day every once in a while. We can practice Zen and the Art of Running Frequency together. Bodies are smart! They know when we need an off day.
"bonky" = Beth had a 300 calorie lunch and thought she could come home after work and run. Yeah. That wasn't going to work. I was all light-headed and starving.
30 day run frequency dealio DONE! Went and ran a hilly 7 mile trail run this morning to end Phase 1 and it was AWESOME! Nice break from the road and I am mentally recharged! Legs felt GREAT! I have attached a pic of me from this morning out on Mount Diablo. Summit behind me is 3,894'.
I went back into WKO and here is my 30 day info:
- I ran 26 of last 30 days.
- I ran the last 7 days in a row.
- Week 1 rTSS = 324 // Week 2 rTSS = 298 // Week 3 rTSS = 390 // Week 4 rTSS = 245 (with bike interval week 4 TSS = 385)
I am happy with my 30 days and if I do it again I WON'T do a 5k TT at the end of week 3. That shelled me for most of this past week.
I am taking tomorrow off to do the swim in the SF Bay and just take Monday off. Tuesday will start Phase 2 with Q work.
Run strong everyone!
6 x 1000 at ~6:38/ mile Threshold Pace. Not feeling any pep in legs after hard day yesterday, but inspired by the view every lap ... second day of running at this track:,+Paris,+France&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=47.080837,79.013672&ie=UTF8&hq=Tour+Eiffel&hnear=Tour+Eiffel,+Parc+du+Champ+de+Mars,+75007+Paris,+Ile-de-France,+France&ll=48.857035,2.292677&spn=0.004807,0.009645&t=k&z=17
Day 5.
As noted, went and did the Tiburon Mile OW swim across the San Francisco Bay with Tom Glynn and one of our friends this morning. Water was ~58 and pretty flat for the bay. Was a blast!
Downside was after running for 4 weeks straight and staying injury free . . . . the water exit was VERY rocky and I cut up the bottom of my left foot pretty badly. I have it all bandaged up. Off tomorrow and we shall see how it is on Tuesday. Fingers crossed.
A couple of pics for your viewing pleasure . . . .
Me, Tom and our friend Roberta with Angel Island behind us. We took a boat over there and then swam back. Probably 1,000 swimmers this morning.
Tom swimming with the Golden Gate Bridge in the background.
Fun day for the 3 of us!
4 days this week for a total of 22 miles. Today I ended my week with the Cattell 10 mile run. 1:38.XX Perfect day to run.
@ Dan
@ John, great swim pictures, looks a little cold for me but very pretty.
@ Dave, I am jealous, what a great view!
Neat swim pictures!
And weekend runs in the books for me. Still no Garmin, but it felt really good to lace up the running shoes. I like this being a runner stint.
Me, today was my last marathon for the year - MDI, voted runner up "best overall" and "most scenic" in Runners World. This was my 7th time at MDI and I set a personal course record by ove 6 minutes. Finish time was 3:32:57 Good enough to qualify for Boston - my second BQ this year. Missed setting PR by less than 2 minutes.
rTSS = 365.5 (for today)
IF = 0.941
If any ENers are looking for a really difficult, totally awesome and beautiful marathon to run next fall - make it MDI but register soon. This year they closed regular registration in late spring.
Run Strong
Yep. It was soooooooo cool ... eveytime I hit the SE corner of the track, boom, the tower is right there. And it was a rubberized, knee-friendly track to boot! I'll probably stay in that area the next time I go ... there's a public pool next to the track, and there was ample running space between the tower and l'Ecole Militaire. I tried running around a few of the areas I had stayed - the Marais and Monparnasse - and running on the streets was comedy. Paris is not the kind of place you can easily build a training holiday, but I guess that's kinda the point.
Back to reality after the plane set down to a 90' EP/MP run, wearing a fat-belt of the week's diet excesses. Coming home just as the Toronto marathon was finishing, and I had big race envy seeing all the finishers walking around town with solar blankets and medals.