Weekly Run Thread 10/18/10 (aka Dave's International Interval's or Kris Gets "Goofy" Thread)
In honor of Dave's intervals around the Eiffel Tower and Kris' upcoming run through Disney World . . . . along with our daily run info . . . . maybe we can include our best international (outside the U.S.) run and/or coolest/zaniest run's we have ever done?
Who's first?
I've got a zany run story from this time of year.
Last year right before halloween I was down in charlotte, NC for a wedding. We had the morning to scope out a long run location and found a big plantation farm nearby. miles and miles of trails as advertised. It was awesome! so dave takes off and I'm running along all by myself enjoying the scenery and deserted trails. As I turn the corner, freddy krueger is standing there. Being a general chicken, I immediately run (actually it was a full out sprint and I might have screamed) down a different path only to encounter mike myers. Off I go in a different direction at which point this guy pops out of the woods and is like "hey lady! could you keep it down. this is a kids haunted hay ride!"
Turns out we parked in one of the earlier lots and if we'd got to the end one we would have seen the signs that said haunted hay ride etc etc. whoops!
30 minute EP with 8 30 sec strides, or so. In the books at lunch. I'm still going "commando" (Garmin-less) for this week's runs.
Best run? Last year's Madison to Chicago 200 mile relay run. 36 hours in a van with your fellow runners, sleeping under the stars in high school parking lots, and having cheap spaghetti and Starbuck's taste like ambrosia. I feel in love with running for life on my second leg out of three -- running through the streets of some suburb of Milwaukee around midnight. It was so beautiful and peaceful.
Best run (if you could call it a run) . 4mi at basecamp of k2 , running back for grabbing a food bag I had forgotten at the previous camp before light went.
Day off from running today for me, so 30 mins of yoga in the bag. Once upon a time I know I had some flexibility.... now if I can just remember where I put it....
Still think my best run story... when I first starting running, I had a group of 4-5 gals that would run early am. One Saturday long run, we're running down the main drag, chatting along as usual, we look over to the far side of the road to see a full, very white moon hanging out the driver side of a Toyota. As it was abt 6:30am, so it was one of those moments where you glanced and then did a double take to make sure that what you thought you saw, really was. We laughed for 20 mins trying to figure out how they got a bottom out of the driver side window and still kept it on road.
Sorry John, I drank beer instead.
Run Strong
My most memorable international run was the Detroit Marathon. I grew up in Detroit and moved out to California as soon as I could. But I went back to run the Detroit Marathon several years ago. Half of the marathon is run in Detroit and the other half is run in Windsor Canada (eh?). You run over a bridge to get into Canada and then run through a tunnel to return to Detroit. It was kind of cool to run ins 2 countries. My only complaint was that none of the Canadian aid stations served Labatt's or Molson beer.
Do you have to get your passport stamped nowadays?
45'15" today.
Thirty minutes lunch run -- office to Soldier Field and back -- in the books. Love that I get to do that route almost everyday. Love how my legs are just starting to kick and do what they are supposed to do at the start of the run.
Mr. Stark? How goes Phase II of Jack Daniels?
@Steve, congrats on marathon race, well done, nice time too. You gotta love when the plan and execution come together.
Week 4, Phase II, Q1 4x[200m(200m)200m(400m)600m(400m)] R-pace, target 5:39, it was an oops again, most went 5:30-5:21. . Over paced them again. Hopefully, I will learn discipline. Running R-pace workouts faster has no additional benefit except that recovery is longer. I know that and I keep repeating the same mistake over and over.
Next Q2 on Thursday is 6mi@6:50 pace, adjusted T-pace. These teach you a lesson in over pacing.
I have been capping my weekly miles to 40-42mi and been enjoying this faster running very much. Last week had 3 Q sessions, 2 on track and one T-pace. Daniels 5-15k plan seems very appealing as long as you don't try to increase mileage at the same time.
All: Cool stories so far!
@Beth - Last time I was in Chicago I did a few runs on Lakeshore and out to Soldier field. So frigging beautiful! Jealous!
The cuts on my left foot from the swim exit Sunday are starting to heal. Had one gash on the ball of my left foot that is more deep than long that has hurt hurt like hell and hard to put pressure on it. I knew there was still debris in it. I spent some time digging into it while watching the Giants spank the Phillies this afternoon and I think I got everything out. Late today it felt amazingly better.
Took 2 full days off after last run of Phase 1 on Saturday.
So . . . .
Hit the track this evening for Day 1 of Phase II of the Daniels program.
Ran the following:
10 x 200's @ R (TP)
1 x 400 @ R (TP)
Felt almost too easy. Was out with some really fast friends so the middle 4 intervals I ran 7 seconds faster than in the book. Felt great.
So now ya know, Beth.
Tomorrow my Supplemental will be a 2+ hour ride with Tom Glynn and another guy he recently met. Can't wait.
Steven: CONGRATS! Well done my man! Recover and bask in the glory!
Nice! Running with those fast friends is where the money is - it's definitely a perspective shifter!
I'm practicing cyclocross dismounts/remounts and jumping over barriers today---that's kinda like running.
Went and did a ride this morning with Tom Glynn and a new friend Tom made last week. I was not clear on our route and when I got to Tom's I was informed we were doing a ~ 50 mile bike and with stops, etc, we would be out there for ~ 3 hours. Mentally, I was not ready. I am in runner mode right now. So I rode with them part way and then split off. Ended up riding 1:40 ABP @ .855 IF. Legs were a little sore from track yesterday.
@Dave - Following your lead I contacted a local run coach (my very first tri coach) and we are hooking up next week to review my run stride, etc. She is gonna video tape me on the local track and then we will review if any changes need to be made. Looking forward to it.
Q2 run tomorrow. 5 x 1 mile @ T with 1 minute recovery for each. This should hurt.
John - that's awesome. I'd love to hear your post-session thoughts on the run stride analysis experience, and whether or not you think it is the sort of thing that would benefit few / some / many / most / all EN athletes.
Also, your timing around stride analysis is ideal, imho. You've gone through the paces (no pun intended) of a series of tough workouts that have enhanced neuromuscular coordination, and come out the other end with improved form from simply doing the work. So I would imagine this analysis will be around refinement, instead of the kinds of gross improvements that might have come if you had undertaken analysis at the outset of your run block when your body was simply less efficient.
Oh - and the 5 x mile 1' recovery session is AWESOME. I'm hooked on these, and will be trying to find ways to keep them up through the OS and inseason. Trust me: you'll learn to love them. Best done on a track, if at all possible. And just keep telling yourself "intervals 4 and 5 are where the money is at." Especially during intervals 4 and 5.
Kitima -- Practicing dismounts sounds like pylometrics to me. Definitely like running!
John - Wowsers. 5xmiles. And that does sound kinda fun.
I survived my thirty minute EP on the dreadmill.
I usually avoid this torture device, and had to broker a deal with my chiro, where I would only run indoors if it below ten degrees. I forgot my headphones, so I ended up watching Mythbusters with closed-captioning while running. It was less terrible, but I'll still take running outside!
@John: x2, I'd love to hear what went on with you analysis. I'm an XC coach in high school and if all I need is a video an no special software, I'd like to try it sometime. Hope it went well.
Got 49' yesterday, feeling good this week!
Well that totally SUCKED! I was not mentally prepared for doing 5 x 1 miles. I was completely psyching myself out as I have not done these in about a year. It really was a mental thing for me today. At .2 miles into the 5th interval I stopped and walked for 10 seconds as I was debating quitting and going home. My legs felt fine, but my mind was whack! Gotta work on my mental 6 pack.
T pace from Daniels book at my vDot is 8:12.
Mile 1 - 7:59 DOH!
Mile 2 - 8:04
Mile 3 - 8:13
Mile 4 - 8:15
Mile 5 - 8:20
The track isn't available when school is in session so I did these on a road near my house using my Garmin or distance and pacing. Slight rolling road for the 1 mile. Need to work on pacing again. I just didn't feel it. But it will come. It always does.
Q3 workout for Saturday is kinda cryptic. 1 minute hard at (I) pace then 1 minute easy, then 30 seconds hard at (I) pace then 30 seconds easy. Doesn't say how many I do? Anyone have a clue and can help? It is on Page 244 of the book.
@Dan, good work!
@Christy and @Beth, good work as well!
As far as my analysis, I am meeting the coach on Tuesday at 4:00. I am a simpleton with all this stuff. I just like to net it out and not get too deep into the detail. Just tell me what to do and I will get it done.
Which is why I will probably never be a WSM! 
I have been working on my body comp (lost a lot of weight this year) and now doing the Daniels Program. Now that those are going well the next thing to look at is my running form/efficiency. I may not need to change anything, but I won't know until I see myself and get feedback from the coach. I have a feeling it will be like the first time I got video analysis of my swimming stroke a few years back. OUCH!
Will keep ya posted.
Nice almost 6ish mile run this morning- easy cruise mode- temps in the high 40's, beautiful moon.. didn't even look at the Garmin till the turn around (hence the 6ish that was supposed to be 5... opps). Off tomorrow to Bourbon Chase. www.bourbonchase.com/
@Oliva- I checked out your supa cool trail relay for next year..... waaaayyyy impressed chicka. That looks awesome! I'll be interested to follow your training for this.
Captain Stark... impressive, as always! Thinking it's time for another rock n roll video ......
2011: OS Jan , Pacific Crest HIM, IMCA 11'. Goofy Race and a Half 2013...WDW 25th Anniv.
Way to get those 5x1 milers done, John! That's like the OS set of 3x15s. I'm sure the mental six pack will be loving them soon.
Let's see. Daniels says
The Interval pace time should be 8% of the week's total mileage or 10k, whichever is less. At my pace, which isn't far away from yours, I'm guessing that should be about ten of those?
Head totally wanted to go home and take a nap, but fourth run of the week in, so I am 4/4. I'm going to bump runs up to forty-five minutes because running 30 minutes is boring.
note to file: trip fast dude next week.
Sure like having the music in the ears blasting to get me motivated.