If there is an existing thread for this, feel free to point me that direction, but I'm looking at dreadmills so that I can efficiently perform the brick workouts in 20 below weather rather than wimp out and skip em.
Sears has their NordicTrac treadmill on supa sale and I was looking at it yesterday. However, I want some input on best treadmils. Most reliable, doesn't jerk around that sort of thing. I am willing to look on Craig's list, but not really sure what maker and or models to look at. It won't get a ton of use but I think once it's in place the DH might start exercising again...hope springs eternal.
@Sheryl: If you lived near me in upstate NY, I may have something for you. A local "ladies only" gym shut down a couple years ago after being open for maybe a year and they have 2 cybex treadmills sitting storage collecting dust. I'd kill to get my hands on them but I'm lucky my wife lets me put rollers in the basement. They are institution grade and would last a lifetime in a home. Anyway, good luck and sorry I was of no help whatsoever!
Run Strong
@Steven, I'll check those out.
Just drop me a line. I'll talk to the person selling. I have no idea what they want for them anymore and I don't want you to overpay. so give me a heads up and I'll see what I can do for you.
Steve, we were out in Maine last year from Christmas to New Years. EN did a Holiday Run Challenge and one day, I ran out to a light house and back. My knees still hurt from zig zagging on those granite blocks. We LOVE Maine. Especially Belfast where we always buy Love Buzz coffee for he husband and daughters.
Here's a great thread with lots of info from the 3.0 forum.
Thanks Linda, I figured this one had probably been hashed over!
I am just wondering if a computrainer would be a better idea????? Decisions Decisions!
Personally, if I could afford one (whichI can't
) I would 100% get a professional Woodway. It's like running on pine needles.