Losing anything that is of importance to you much less monetary value is just yuck. My solution was to not buy expensive jewelry, but I realize that doesn't work for everyone. My grandmother left me her wedding and engagement ring when she passed away and even though neither are probably worth much monetarily, they are all I have left of her and would never take the chance on losing them.
On another note, just got the Fedex notice that my PM was shipped!!!
So much frustration with house hunting that we are taking a step back and taking a breather. More $$ to spend on training and racing!
Weather warmed up in New England, thank goodness, I was already wearing my thermals.
@ Becky- I have enjoyed reading your posts, kind of like experiencing the whole train/taper all over again. You are so ready, relax and enjoy the day and the experience.
Not sure if this is the best place to post but here goes:
So....IMAZ less than a month, first IM, feel like i am losing my mind typical anxiety did I do enough, blah blah, but am also really struggling with the clothes issue.
I am looking to finish with a smile, am thinking of changing into bike shorts and then running clothes as well, figure might as well be as comfortable as possible this first go around? Thoughts?
Thanks in advance.
@Becky: read you race day plan, you are my inspiration to get my act together sooner than later. Hope you are hanging in there.
Linda - I need to stop eating things with butter. I felt better eating athlete food. Now, I just need to figure out good cold weather paleo recipes. The smoothies and salads just don't do it for me in the winter. I'm thinking lots of roasted vegetables and soups with lots of kale and green things. And chickens.
Becky - Love the lists! Ironman is definitely an exercise in project management.
Michele - Oh, exercise. My non-athlete friends aren't understanding why a 4.5 mile run at EP is relaxing. And are still trying to feed me cheeseburgers all the time. Oh, our culture. I'm so glad I have all of you who understand all the fantastic coolness and crazy particularities of the long course lifestyle.
I've been in serious nesting mode. The kitchen, with its awful cabinets and white paint, if starting to look pretty cool -- although I think I need another green rug.
Laptop and new engineer's stool: Good for updating forums and drinking tea.
Stacy- you'll find lots of folks do different things when it comes to clothing options on race day. I wear my tri shorts under the wetsuit and can ride all 112 miles in them- no problem. Other folks really need bike shorts (bigger pad) and opt to swap out. At IMAZ, I would think you don't need to worry about being too cold and riding in wet shorts isn't going to be an issue. So even if you do bike shorts- you can probably wear them and not have to fuss with them in T1. On the run, I switch to running shorts. Yeah, takes a few extra minutes in T2, but for me it's worth having fresh shorts for the marathon- that comfort is more important to me than saving 30 seconds.
Beth- love your homemaker abilities. Can you just come live with me for a few months and help me with my decorating? Oh- and I'd love to hear about the winter recipes you come up with. I think maintaining weight in the winter is harder mainly because the fresh fruits and vegis aren't as readily available.
Kelly: That's awful about your ring! I had never heard of a jewelry store in American losing a piece brought in for repair. In Thailand, "lost" jewelry like that wind up for sale at another jewelry shop down the road. You are right about the things that really count: your wonderful and ongoing relationship.
Carly: I'm with you on not buying expensive jewelry. The nice stuff I have from my mom is locked away in safe. Not sure what the point of that is...When I asked Mom about her beautiful jewelry that she gave and that I never wear it, she was her pragmatic self and said,"None of that is sentimental. I gave it to you in case you become so destitute that you need to sell it to buy food (as in survive starvation)." None of my grandparents were in China during the Communist Revolution (when paper money suddenly had no value and the only real currency was gold and jewelry) but that sentiment of jewelry = last resort/assets to go to save one from complete ruin is just so pervasive.
Olivia: Love, love Santa Fe! It's always good to nurture our artsy-fartsy sides.
Marianne: I shall join in the pool. Really. My swim pal, Janelle, is pregnant. Her 3rd trimester is my only chance at swimming at least as fast as she...for one lap. Ha!
Michele: I have those conversations with my mom quarterly. There is a rotating list of arguments against my IM hobby: it'll ruin your knees, breathing that hard during exercise can't be good for you, ladies don't run around in spandex, you're not young anymore, etc. She knows she'll never change my mind, but she cannot resist the urge to try.
Stacy: I did a complete wardrobe change for my first IM. Getting out of a wet bathing suit and into a sports bra and bike jersey was like WWF (and not World Wildlife Fund) in T1 and totally not worth it. I wore bike shorts (which I peed into ALOT from overhydrating--this was all pre-EN) so changing into a fresh running skirt was nice. For IMWI, I wore the same EN kit through the whole race. Yes, I peed on the bike again but the pad in the tri shorts are so thin I didn't notice it on the run. I didn't feel one IOTA less of freshness without the clothes change; and I probably saved at least 10 minutes of wrestling with my clothes. I say at least keep the same top for the whole thing and maybe change into running shorts.
Beth: I'm with ya on winter Paleo recipes. I have total salad burnout from this spring and summer. Just hate that root vegetables are more calorie dense than field greens so I can't eat a bowl as big as my head of them.
As many of you know from FB, I have a potentially rabid but utterly sweet and beautiful little grey fox in my yard. I've named her Foxy Lady. And since I've named her she's now a pet regardless of what communicable disease she may harbor. She spent the weekend curled up in a ball and sleeping in my yard. She drinks water so I'm hoping she doesn't have rabies. I haven't seen her today or yesterday so I'm going to dispel the likelihood that she's dead and say that she's probably at a Fox spa getting a pedicure or enjoying herself eating mole/chipmunk smoothies.
Also, my mom had lumbar spine surgery yesterday. A huge 5 level decompression that took 4 hours. The good news is that her spine has completely fused (the discs are all but gone and it's all bone on bone in one sold, inflexible column) so she didn't need any hardware to stabilize her spine. The bad news is that that level of fusion HURTS like a mutha for my poor mother. But it's not new and she's been living/traveling/gardening/cooking with it for years. I talked to my dad twice today and as expected she's being a complete PITA patient. Very fussy and particular about all her meds, dressing, how to manage her blood sugars---basically back to her old self. I shall be with her next week when she gets out of the hospital and be her physical therapist, nurse (I suck the most at that job), cat litter scooper, maid, and runner of errands. I'm really looking forward to spending time with her and help her out. I know there will be times when I want to kill her, but that's why I'm packing my running shoes. Ha! She's one of the most important people in my life; and it's an honour for me to be able to help someone like her.
@Beth - love the pics! And wow, the race day plan was only the tip of the ice berg as far as my lists go... it's been nuts, but I think I finally have it.
@Stacy - I'm happy to forward you what I've put together as far as checklists, packing lists, etc... send me your email and I'll send you my stuff... it's been crazy... but Nemo, Kit and Suzanne looked at everything (as well as an IMFL vet in my tri club) and I got some really good feedback from the forum on my race day plan... think I'm ready to print and hope I covered all the bases!
@Sheryl... oh wow do I feel your pain and fear a similar confrontation some day. I'm the only daugther with 3 bros. Currently have 2 SiLs... and one niece... and the bro/sil with the daughter have zippo relationship with us (she spends all her time visiting with her own family... so we rarely see them... they don't make much of an effort that's for darn sure). My mom has some great jewelry and collects longaberger (?) baskets. I can totally see some issues coming up. And I can totally see your point. But, FWIW, my mom was a total jerk to her brother and niece when her mom passed away. As far as I understand it (I have an aunt in VA that I'm close to), my grama promised my cousin her sewing machine. When she passed away the kids got together to go through the house and divide stuff up. My mom demanded the machine... My uncle protested... from what my aunt told me my mom caused some serious bad blood that day. She may have had good reason for wanting the machine (none of us can figure it out) but she didn't explain herself or handle the situation diplomatically or rationally... Hmm... that's probably where I get my bossiness/pain-in-the-assness from. Anyway, I would suggest suggesting a conversation with your SiL. Be prepared to talk and to listen. Go in with the goal of finding common ground and understanding her point of view. Assuming she has good intentions and isn't a total jerk (like my sil, Muffy - seriously, Muffy) I can see why she'd want her kids to have something to remember their grandmother by. Perhaps you could each make a list of the items you feel really strongly about... hopefully your lists will differ so you can all have what means the most to you. If she just wants something to want something, well, then explain why pieces x,y,z mean so much to you - and then be prepared to offer her a,b,c for her and the kids. I do think you should get what you want here... but I think you should share - if for no other reason than maintaining decent relations with your fam. i know it's easier said than done. And I know I'll probably being an ugly, mean bitch when the time comes... but hey, I'm great at giving other people advice... not so great at following it.
so, as suggested above, I've made my lists. I think I feel okay as far as training. I do have a ton of anxiety about the race. The swim - what if it's rough, what if I swallow a lot of salt water and get sick/have GI issues... trying to be calm is hard.
I'm starting to wonder about things with Dan. I know he's been sick and he's a very bad sick person on top of just not being super communicative about his feelings... but my spider sense is in over drive. If nothing else, the last few years I've come to notice it and trust it... and this is not a good spider sense kind of tingle. This is a tingle of impending doom. We just booked Christmas travel (going to OR/WA to visit with my fam) and for T'giving we're going toWY (to visit his)... but I just don't feel right about things. I hope when this race is behind me/us we can get back to a more normal schedule and see what happens. I certainly don't need this to be weighing on my mind now... but I truly don't think it's race anxiety. Something is off.
@Kitboo- I'm sure you are going to be much better as nursemaid to your mom than you give yourself credit for. I took care of dad when he had triple bipass almost 10 years ago and while it was really hard to see my dad in that kind of condition, I was so thankful to be able to have the time to fly to florida and be there for him (and my Mom who would have collapsed from all the work without some help).
@Becky- trust your instinct. I hope when the race is over things clear a bit, but I've learned not to ignore those little voices in my head on stuff like this. Hugs!
Ladies- the whole WTC thing today has me thinking that I'm not sure I really want to support their organization. Soooooo, I'm kinda thinking about moving my 2012 revenge tour to Cedar Point and doing a Rev 3. I just feel like I need to vote with my feet. I'm not even sure Rev 3 has plans to repeat Cedar Point, but if they do it would be 1st week in September and that's good timing for me for training. Anyway- just wanted to put it out there- I haven't done a marathon in Ohio yet (already have NY in the books) so maybe that will get me closer to my 50 states too.
@Nemo- so did I read the WTC email right... if I pay $1000, I still have to pay $600 in entry fees? For the privledge of signing up one week early? That just makes it that much harder to get into Placid. WTF?????
@Nemo - thanks... we'll see... but I've made so many mistakes in the relationship department bc I don't listen to my gut... and my gut is screaming at me now. He's been a super trooper for the past year and lately he's been sick, so, for now I'll give him the benefit of the doubt... and see how things go after this is finally done and we have some normal us time (I'm thinking of booking at a B&B for the Sat after the IM to get out of town a bit and have a get away night).
and I totally hear ya on the WTC thing. The 5150 move annoyed me and now this... After doing the Chessy Man AV I was thinking the IM would be good... it's local, I know the course, it's cheap, the swag is good, I need a MD marathon (also thinking about the 50 state club)... this is more incentive. I don't think Vigo will sell it out. He's got the M Dot on Eagleman, hopefully he'll leave this one small and low key.
I'm with you on the WTC thing. I almost fell off my chair when I read $1000 for basically the privilege to sign up early. I did the 1st IMan WI iin 2002 and I'm afraid to look back to see how much that entry fee was but it was nowhere near $600! I was annoyed with the 5150 thing earlier - what the hell is that?? WTC also took over the 1/2 in Racine this past summer, a race that has had a great reputation. I wasn't able to do it this year but a lot of my friends did and they said the quality of the race experience actually went down but the price went up. I have a friend who did Rev3 in Ohio/Cedar Point this year and said it was great. I'm thinking about doing the Rev 3-Knoxville 1/2 in May.
@Sheryl- SiL issues totally stink. So sorry for you. I have had to make peace with the fact that my only brother and I do not get along (I do have 2 sisters- and he gets along with almost no one in our family). Anyway- he is all negative energy and I don't contact with him. Occasionally makes me sad, but not enough to be abused. Good luck.
@Nemo- I am not fully up to date on WTC e-mail yet. BUT!!! I am all for supporting non M dot events. Only doing them to be with the girls! I will go non M Dot in a heart beat- Vote with my feet as well. Count me in!
@Becky- Just be sure that with Dan the problem isn't you. This is your first IM and the stress is unimagineable at times. Even veterans can get pretty stressed. Wait until after the IM to make a decision.
@Stacy- I am one of those people that has to wear REAL bike shorts. So for IM I change from bikini bottom, to bike shorts, to tri shorts for the run. Lots of extra time. But I can't tolerate riding in tri shorts for 6-7 hours. I am a wimp.
@Kitima- I had to LOL at your mom conversation. Too funny. Hope she continues to feel better. You are an awesome daughter. Enjoy the time.
2. my mo in law masectomy is this Friday!! she all sorts of friends/family lined up and I am on for Monday..... plus camping out at hospital on Friday. she is also very funny and this will be her 2nd masectomy so my daughter age 9 wanted to know if she still had to wear a bra???? which made her smile
2. I have posted a ? in sizing of singlet.... I have Halloween on the brain too for the kids.... small or medium for me.. I normally get a small.
Marianne- so glad to hear your MIL is doing well and in good spirits!
OK ladies, total non-tri related question. After 16+ years we have finally decided to unpack the bone china dinner sets from their precious boxes and put them on the shelves in our kitchen in hopes that we might actually pull them out once and a while!! I'm thinking about buying a set of those quilted plate container thingies to keep the dishes protected while they sit up there on the shelf. Any one of you use these things? We are such non-fuss people, I don't know why the hell I registered for freakin China! I guess it will give something for our neices to argue over when we die
Stacy - Same outfit! It makes things easier. You won't care. I did put clean socks in run special needs, just in case I felt extra gross, but, by that point, I was covered in Peform and chicken broth and really didn't care. Just smile really big for your finisher's photo. That's all that really matters.
Nemo - I, of course, have the quilted china bags. They rock. They are cheap. And they minimize dusting. And you so need to start making up events for china usage. Like finishing 5ks.
And I'd so come visit for months and decorate la casa de Nemo and Joe. I'd even bring my sewing machine.
@Becky...agree with everyone else. Hopefully hang in there till after the race and there are some "normal" days although I think there might be some time before there are normal days. Sometimes I think involvement in an IM race ends up being all about us and our sig others feel left out of the picture.
@Marianne....glad the MIL is doing well. Such a difficult surgery emotionally
@Kit......been thinking about your mom today....sending up little prayers for healing and comfort!
Had a CPR class tonight. Good class. Good to feel confident and refreshed in CPR training.
Our oldest daughter turns 20 on Sunday...makes me a nostalgic. I was thinking about the wind and how when our youngest was little she would say, "Mommy, the wind is how God gets the leaves off the trees for winter!"
Masectomy is today. I race on Sunday. mt bike and doing costumed run tomorrow Green apples, Beth, and some sort of picture, big above the computer. maybe some sort of impressionist bold colors splashed up there and I bet you could even paint something on some white board!! and frame it. love the colors. I have red seat cushions outside. scooting to go rn the new WTC, I read it.. and well right now I am still in the IM family doing TX next year but nope didn't see value of 1k.
practice what you are wearing, and then you will know so some of these long bricks practice tri short and then do run shorts and change it up and you can get a good feel of costume changes.
thanks ladies... not planning on anything before FL... and am planning an overnight trip to a B&B the weekend after so we can just chill out, sleep in, and do whatever...
I started sorting/organizing/piling last night... then realized I was gonna have to sleep somewhere and at 11pm I was moving the piles on my bed to piles on my floor. On Sat after the Rally to Restore Sanity (yay) I'll be moving the piles back and organizing again - and, if all goes well, dropping my bike off at the LBS that night (a night early) with an equipment bag -- I don't want to have to deal with it (and Marine Corps Marathon road closures) on Sunday...
Shocker... 2 swims down for the week. Ha ha... but will run at lunch and, since Sun is a day off, I'll work in a swim...
I can't believe it's almost here. It's just not real yet - even after all the packing last night...
Becky - I'm so jealous!!!! You're going to HAVE SO MUCH FUN! There's nothing like your 1st Ironman. You know you're ready for it - just soak it all in and enjoy the day. The countdown is on!
Heading out on RR#2, 29 degrees in Colorado so time to buck up.....
Thank you all so much for your input related to dressing changes.
@Beth: laughed out loud when i read about chicken broth and Perform all over you
@Michele: can you really use the word "wimp" when talking about ironman clothing options?
@Becky: good luck with your continued preparations, you are very thorough and I am excited to follow you next weekend, only if time permits here is my e-mail: chicastacy@hotmail.com (i know, old e-mail not very grown up)
@Kitma: interesting your first you changed and felt like that expended way more energy, WWF style, that was awesome and made good point; will be thinking of you today when I take my s-caps.....
@Nemo: running shorts just sound good to me too after 112, am going to try that today, heading out tri shorts.....
Not sure if this is the best place to post but here goes:
So....IMAZ less than a month, first IM, feel like i am losing my mind typical anxiety did I do enough, blah blah, but am also really struggling with the clothes issue.
I am looking to finish with a smile, am thinking of changing into bike shorts and then running clothes as well, figure might as well be as comfortable as possible this first go around? Thoughts?
Thanks in advance.
@Becky: read you race day plan, you are my inspiration to get my act together sooner than later. Hope you are hanging in there.
Stacy- I did AZ last year. You will want to change into a dry top for sure after the swim. I changed into dry bra, tri singlet, & arm warmers. You WILL be chilled coming out of that water & for the first part of the bike. It warms up quickly though & then you should be good for the day. Wouldn't waste my time changing into run clothes. Also, when the sun goes down it cools off VERY quickly. I was thankful for long sleeve shirt & sock (which I used for gloves) in run SNB.
@M - thinking about you and your mom today. hope everything goes well... and Grace's question made me smile, too...
@Gigi - thanks, I'm gonna do my best to keep perspective and have fun. heck, there's a chance I'm gonna do the ride with a hot pink flower on my helmet... and run in hot pink knee high compression socks... it will certainly be hard to take myself too seriously when I look so ridiculous.
@Stacy - will send you my master packing/planning list for you to tweak as needed. I cover lots of contingencies as far as clothes go. I suspect it will be warm but I will have layers with me just in case. As far as the shorts, etc...here is what my current plan of attack is:
Swim/Bike: if the water and air temp is cool when I start - full wetsuit and sport bra, with tri shorts. Will put on EN cycling jersey in the tent. If the air temp is warm, I will swim in the EN tri singlet (too hard to get onto a wet body) in either the full or the john wetsuit.
Run: For the run, I am packing tights as well as a clean pair of compression tri shorts... I thought about simply shorts or a running skirt, but after all that time, I thought sticking with compression will feel nice... I may not change from the shorts I rode in, but I want to have the option. I'm also packing both a long and short sleeve shirt to change into to run... and will have arm warmers and a different long sleeve shirt in my SN bag... I expect that I'll put on my short sleeve running shirt in T2 and add the arm warmers at special needs and tie the long sleeve around my waist.
I am taking a social networking vacay right now to get caught up on some stuff!!! desk piled high and I see laundry too!! and other bits of clutter. email me if you need me!! m
Finally made decisions on sizing for new EN gear and ordered. Did a bunch of shopping today, new running shoes (bright orange) compression socks and some thermals because it is getting colder here.
Looking at the Rev3 website. I think I'm in for the Quassy 1/2, only a few hours away for me. Still trying to plan the season, but one early and then one late timberman (?) I get the names confused but I think that is the one the end of August in NH. Trying to have some fun this season too, probably will be in for the Lake Placid camp, just cause it was fun last year.
Going with Michelle on her 12 mile run tomorrow AM. She is being very focused with her training. Crazy long runs 8 miles today and then 12 miles tomorrow, but she is loving it. I am learning to be in the supporting role. Then setting up the bike on the trainer in preparation for the beginning of the OS on Monday. Actually ready at this point to get back at it.
Loving all of the pics (Gina and M)
Linda hope you had a good weekend watching swimming.
Sending healing vibes to M mother in law, and Kitima's mom.
@Marianne, enjoy your social network vacay! Always good to take a little down tome away from all of this
@Carly, TIMBERMAN Yes it's late August, and there is going to be a pretty good size EN crew there! (including me!)
Today is my 10 year Marathon Anniversary (Marine Corps). I enjoyed following friends doing the race online this morning and thinking about that first time. Pretty special all around. I can't believe it was 10 years ago!
still don't know how to post pics or video so put some in my profile. did mt bike race today as a fairy and yesterday ran 14 as Cleopatra. life will be boring tomorrow
Stupid question here: I changed my profile pic the other day. When I went to my profile, it shows the newest pic as my profile pic. However, when I post, the old one of me on the Great Wall, is still there. What happened?
Losing anything that is of importance to you much less monetary value is just yuck. My solution was to not buy expensive jewelry, but I realize that doesn't work for everyone. My grandmother left me her wedding and engagement ring when she passed away and even though neither are probably worth much monetarily, they are all I have left of her and would never take the chance on losing them.
On another note, just got the Fedex notice that my PM was shipped!!!
So much frustration with house hunting that we are taking a step back and taking a breather. More $$ to spend on training and racing!
Weather warmed up in New England, thank goodness, I was already wearing my thermals.
@ Becky- I have enjoyed reading your posts, kind of like experiencing the whole train/taper all over again. You are so ready, relax and enjoy the day and the experience.
EN Chicas........advice needed.
Not sure if this is the best place to post but here goes:
So....IMAZ less than a month, first IM, feel like i am losing my mind typical anxiety did I do enough, blah blah, but am also really struggling with the clothes issue.
I am looking to finish with a smile, am thinking of changing into bike shorts and then running clothes as well, figure might as well be as comfortable as possible this first go around? Thoughts?
Thanks in advance.
@Becky: read you race day plan, you are my inspiration to get my act together sooner than later. Hope you are hanging in there.
Carly - Hooray PM!
Sheryl - Stupid SiL!
Linda - I need to stop eating things with butter. I felt better eating athlete food. Now, I just need to figure out good cold weather paleo recipes. The smoothies and salads just don't do it for me in the winter. I'm thinking lots of roasted vegetables and soups with lots of kale and green things. And chickens.
Becky - Love the lists! Ironman is definitely an exercise in project management.
Michele - Oh, exercise. My non-athlete friends aren't understanding why a 4.5 mile run at EP is relaxing. And are still trying to feed me cheeseburgers all the time. Oh, our culture. I'm so glad I have all of you who understand all the fantastic coolness and crazy particularities of the long course lifestyle.
I've been in serious nesting mode. The kitchen, with its awful cabinets and white paint, if starting to look pretty cool -- although I think I need another green rug.
Laptop and new engineer's stool: Good for updating forums and drinking tea.
Beth- love your homemaker abilities. Can you just come live with me for a few months and help me with my decorating? Oh- and I'd love to hear about the winter recipes you come up with. I think maintaining weight in the winter is harder mainly because the fresh fruits and vegis aren't as readily available.
Sheryl- agree with Beth. Stupid SIL!!!!
Kelly: That's awful about your ring! I had never heard of a jewelry store in American losing a piece brought in for repair. In Thailand, "lost" jewelry like that wind up for sale at another jewelry shop down the road. You are right about the things that really count: your wonderful and ongoing relationship.
Carly: I'm with you on not buying expensive jewelry. The nice stuff I have from my mom is locked away in safe. Not sure what the point of that is...When I asked Mom about her beautiful jewelry that she gave and that I never wear it, she was her pragmatic self and said,"None of that is sentimental. I gave it to you in case you become so destitute that you need to sell it to buy food (as in survive starvation)." None of my grandparents were in China during the Communist Revolution (when paper money suddenly had no value and the only real currency was gold and jewelry) but that sentiment of jewelry = last resort/assets to go to save one from complete ruin is just so pervasive.
Olivia: Love, love Santa Fe! It's always good to nurture our artsy-fartsy sides.
Marianne: I shall join in the pool. Really. My swim pal, Janelle, is pregnant. Her 3rd trimester is my only chance at swimming at least as fast as she...for one lap. Ha!
Michele: I have those conversations with my mom quarterly. There is a rotating list of arguments against my IM hobby: it'll ruin your knees, breathing that hard during exercise can't be good for you, ladies don't run around in spandex, you're not young anymore, etc. She knows she'll never change my mind, but she cannot resist the urge to try.
Stacy: I did a complete wardrobe change for my first IM. Getting out of a wet bathing suit and into a sports bra and bike jersey was like WWF (and not World Wildlife Fund) in T1 and totally not worth it. I wore bike shorts (which I peed into ALOT from overhydrating--this was all pre-EN) so changing into a fresh running skirt was nice. For IMWI, I wore the same EN kit through the whole race. Yes, I peed on the bike again but the pad in the tri shorts are so thin I didn't notice it on the run. I didn't feel one IOTA less of freshness without the clothes change; and I probably saved at least 10 minutes of wrestling with my clothes. I say at least keep the same top for the whole thing and maybe change into running shorts.
Beth: I'm with ya on winter Paleo recipes. I have total salad burnout from this spring and summer. Just hate that root vegetables are more calorie dense than field greens so I can't eat a bowl as big as my head of them.
As many of you know from FB, I have a potentially rabid but utterly sweet and beautiful little grey fox in my yard. I've named her Foxy Lady. And since I've named her she's now a pet regardless of what communicable disease she may harbor. She spent the weekend curled up in a ball and sleeping in my yard. She drinks water so I'm hoping she doesn't have rabies. I haven't seen her today or yesterday so I'm going to dispel the likelihood that she's dead and say that she's probably at a Fox spa getting a pedicure or enjoying herself eating mole/chipmunk smoothies.
Also, my mom had lumbar spine surgery yesterday. A huge 5 level decompression that took 4 hours. The good news is that her spine has completely fused (the discs are all but gone and it's all bone on bone in one sold, inflexible column) so she didn't need any hardware to stabilize her spine. The bad news is that that level of fusion HURTS like a mutha for my poor mother. But it's not new and she's been living/traveling/gardening/cooking with it for years. I talked to my dad twice today and as expected she's being a complete PITA patient. Very fussy and particular about all her meds, dressing, how to manage her blood sugars---basically back to her old self. I shall be with her next week when she gets out of the hospital and be her physical therapist, nurse (I suck the most at that job), cat litter scooper, maid, and runner of errands. I'm really looking forward to spending time with her and help her out. I know there will be times when I want to kill her, but that's why I'm packing my running shoes. Ha! She's one of the most important people in my life; and it's an honour for me to be able to help someone like her.
@Kitima - glad your mom is okay!
@Beth - love the pics! And wow, the race day plan was only the tip of the ice berg as far as my lists go... it's been nuts, but I think I finally have it.
@Stacy - I'm happy to forward you what I've put together as far as checklists, packing lists, etc... send me your email and I'll send you my stuff... it's been crazy... but Nemo, Kit and Suzanne looked at everything (as well as an IMFL vet in my tri club) and I got some really good feedback from the forum on my race day plan... think I'm ready to print and hope I covered all the bases!
@Sheryl... oh wow do I feel your pain and fear a similar confrontation some day. I'm the only daugther with 3 bros. Currently have 2 SiLs... and one niece... and the bro/sil with the daughter have zippo relationship with us (she spends all her time visiting with her own family... so we rarely see them... they don't make much of an effort that's for darn sure). My mom has some great jewelry and collects longaberger (?) baskets. I can totally see some issues coming up. And I can totally see your point. But, FWIW, my mom was a total jerk to her brother and niece when her mom passed away. As far as I understand it (I have an aunt in VA that I'm close to), my grama promised my cousin her sewing machine. When she passed away the kids got together to go through the house and divide stuff up. My mom demanded the machine... My uncle protested... from what my aunt told me my mom caused some serious bad blood that day. She may have had good reason for wanting the machine (none of us can figure it out) but she didn't explain herself or handle the situation diplomatically or rationally... Hmm... that's probably where I get my bossiness/pain-in-the-assness from. Anyway, I would suggest suggesting a conversation with your SiL. Be prepared to talk and to listen. Go in with the goal of finding common ground and understanding her point of view. Assuming she has good intentions and isn't a total jerk (like my sil, Muffy - seriously, Muffy) I can see why she'd want her kids to have something to remember their grandmother by. Perhaps you could each make a list of the items you feel really strongly about... hopefully your lists will differ so you can all have what means the most to you. If she just wants something to want something, well, then explain why pieces x,y,z mean so much to you - and then be prepared to offer her a,b,c for her and the kids. I do think you should get what you want here... but I think you should share - if for no other reason than maintaining decent relations with your fam. i know it's easier said than done. And I know I'll probably being an ugly, mean bitch when the time comes... but hey, I'm great at giving other people advice... not so great at following it.
so, as suggested above, I've made my lists. I think I feel okay as far as training. I do have a ton of anxiety about the race. The swim - what if it's rough, what if I swallow a lot of salt water and get sick/have GI issues... trying to be calm is hard.
I'm starting to wonder about things with Dan. I know he's been sick and he's a very bad sick person on top of just not being super communicative about his feelings... but my spider sense is in over drive. If nothing else, the last few years I've come to notice it and trust it... and this is not a good spider sense kind of tingle. This is a tingle of impending doom. We just booked Christmas travel (going to OR/WA to visit with my fam) and for T'giving we're going toWY (to visit his)... but I just don't feel right about things. I hope when this race is behind me/us we can get back to a more normal schedule and see what happens. I certainly don't need this to be weighing on my mind now... but I truly don't think it's race anxiety. Something is off.
@Becky- trust your instinct. I hope when the race is over things clear a bit, but I've learned not to ignore those little voices in my head on stuff like this. Hugs!
Ladies- the whole WTC thing today has me thinking that I'm not sure I really want to support their organization. Soooooo, I'm kinda thinking about moving my 2012 revenge tour to Cedar Point and doing a Rev 3. I just feel like I need to vote with my feet. I'm not even sure Rev 3 has plans to repeat Cedar Point, but if they do it would be 1st week in September and that's good timing for me for training. Anyway- just wanted to put it out there- I haven't done a marathon in Ohio yet (already have NY in the books) so maybe that will get me closer to my 50 states too.
@Nemo - thanks... we'll see... but I've made so many mistakes in the relationship department bc I don't listen to my gut... and my gut is screaming at me now. He's been a super trooper for the past year and lately he's been sick, so, for now I'll give him the benefit of the doubt... and see how things go after this is finally done and we have some normal us time (I'm thinking of booking at a B&B for the Sat after the IM to get out of town a bit and have a get away night).
and I totally hear ya on the WTC thing. The 5150 move annoyed me and now this... After doing the Chessy Man AV I was thinking the IM would be good... it's local, I know the course, it's cheap, the swag is good, I need a MD marathon (also thinking about the 50 state club)... this is more incentive. I don't think Vigo will sell it out. He's got the M Dot on Eagleman, hopefully he'll leave this one small and low key.
@Sheryl- SiL issues totally stink. So sorry for you. I have had to make peace with the fact that my only brother and I do not get along (I do have 2 sisters- and he gets along with almost no one in our family). Anyway- he is all negative energy and I don't contact with him. Occasionally makes me sad, but not enough to be abused. Good luck.
@Nemo- I am not fully up to date on WTC e-mail yet. BUT!!! I am all for supporting non M dot events. Only doing them to be with the girls! I will go non M Dot in a heart beat- Vote with my feet as well. Count me in!
Got ahead of myself and hit submit...
@Linda- I hear ya on the weight. YUCK!
@Becky- Just be sure that with Dan the problem isn't you. This is your first IM and the stress is unimagineable at times. Even veterans can get pretty stressed. Wait until after the IM to make a decision.
@Stacy- I am one of those people that has to wear REAL bike shorts. So for IM I change from bikini bottom, to bike shorts, to tri shorts for the run. Lots of extra time. But I can't tolerate riding in tri shorts for 6-7 hours. I am a wimp.
@Kitima- I had to LOL at your mom conversation. Too funny. Hope she continues to feel better. You are an awesome daughter. Enjoy the time.
2. I have posted a ? in sizing of singlet.... I have Halloween on the brain too for the kids.... small or medium for me.. I normally get a small.
out the door to go run
OK ladies, total non-tri related question. After 16+ years we have finally decided to unpack the bone china dinner sets from their precious boxes and put them on the shelves in our kitchen in hopes that we might actually pull them out once and a while!! I'm thinking about buying a set of those quilted plate container thingies to keep the dishes protected while they sit up there on the shelf. Any one of you use these things? We are such non-fuss people, I don't know why the hell I registered for freakin China! I guess it will give something for our neices to argue over when we die
Stacy - Same outfit! It makes things easier. You won't care. I did put clean socks in run special needs, just in case I felt extra gross, but, by that point, I was covered in Peform and chicken broth and really didn't care. Just smile really big for your finisher's photo. That's all that really matters.
Nemo - I, of course, have the quilted china bags. They rock. They are cheap. And they minimize dusting. And you so need to start making up events for china usage. Like finishing 5ks.
And I'd so come visit for months and decorate la casa de Nemo and Joe. I'd even bring my sewing machine.
@Beth...cute cute cute cute!!! Love it!!!
@Becky...agree with everyone else. Hopefully hang in there till after the race and there are some "normal" days although I think there might be some time before there are normal days. Sometimes I think involvement in an IM race ends up being all about us and our sig others feel left out of the picture.
@Marianne....glad the MIL is doing well. Such a difficult surgery emotionally
@Kit......been thinking about your mom today....sending up little prayers for healing and comfort!
Had a CPR class tonight. Good class. Good to feel confident and refreshed in CPR training.
Our oldest daughter turns 20 on Sunday...makes me a nostalgic. I was thinking about the wind and how when our youngest was little she would say, "Mommy, the wind is how God gets the leaves off the trees for winter!"
I race on Sunday. mt bike and doing costumed run tomorrow
Green apples, Beth, and some sort of picture, big above the computer. maybe some sort of impressionist bold colors splashed up there and I bet you could even paint something on some white board!! and frame it. love the colors. I have red seat cushions outside.
scooting to go rn
the new WTC, I read it.. and well right now I am still in the IM family doing TX next year but nope didn't see value of 1k.
practice what you are wearing, and then you will know so some of these long bricks practice tri short and then do run shorts and change it up and you can get a good feel of costume changes.
thanks ladies... not planning on anything before FL... and am planning an overnight trip to a B&B the weekend after so we can just chill out, sleep in, and do whatever...
I started sorting/organizing/piling last night... then realized I was gonna have to sleep somewhere and at 11pm I was moving the piles on my bed to piles on my floor. On Sat after the Rally to Restore Sanity (yay) I'll be moving the piles back and organizing again - and, if all goes well, dropping my bike off at the LBS that night (a night early) with an equipment bag -- I don't want to have to deal with it (and Marine Corps Marathon road closures) on Sunday...
Shocker... 2 swims down for the week. Ha ha... but will run at lunch and, since Sun is a day off, I'll work in a swim...
I can't believe it's almost here. It's just not real yet - even after all the packing last night...
Heading out on RR#2, 29 degrees in Colorado so time to buck up.....
Thank you all so much for your input related to dressing changes.
@Beth: laughed out loud when i read about chicken broth and Perform all over you
@Michele: can you really use the word "wimp" when talking about ironman clothing options?
@Becky: good luck with your continued preparations, you are very thorough and I am excited to follow you next weekend, only if time permits here is my e-mail: chicastacy@hotmail.com (i know, old e-mail not very grown up
@Kitma: interesting your first you changed and felt like that expended way more energy, WWF style, that was awesome and made good point; will be thinking of you today when I take my s-caps.....
@Nemo: running shorts just sound good to me too after 112, am going to try that today, heading out tri shorts.....
Happy Friday all you rockin' cool EN chicas!
@M - thinking about you and your mom today. hope everything goes well... and Grace's question made me smile, too...
@Gigi - thanks, I'm gonna do my best to keep perspective and have fun. heck, there's a chance I'm gonna do the ride with a hot pink flower on my helmet... and run in hot pink knee high compression socks... it will certainly be hard to take myself too seriously when I look so ridiculous.
@Stacy - will send you my master packing/planning list for you to tweak as needed. I cover lots of contingencies as far as clothes go. I suspect it will be warm but I will have layers with me just in case. As far as the shorts, etc...here is what my current plan of attack is:
Swim/Bike: if the water and air temp is cool when I start - full wetsuit and sport bra, with tri shorts. Will put on EN cycling jersey in the tent. If the air temp is warm, I will swim in the EN tri singlet (too hard to get onto a wet body) in either the full or the john wetsuit.
Run: For the run, I am packing tights as well as a clean pair of compression tri shorts... I thought about simply shorts or a running skirt, but after all that time, I thought sticking with compression will feel nice... I may not change from the shorts I rode in, but I want to have the option. I'm also packing both a long and short sleeve shirt to change into to run... and will have arm warmers and a different long sleeve shirt in my SN bag... I expect that I'll put on my short sleeve running shirt in T2 and add the arm warmers at special needs and tie the long sleeve around my waist.
I am taking a social networking vacay right now to get caught up on some stuff!!! desk piled high and I see laundry too!! and other bits of clutter. email me if you need me!!
Finally made decisions on sizing for new EN gear and ordered. Did a bunch of shopping today, new running shoes (bright orange) compression socks and some thermals because it is getting colder here.
Looking at the Rev3 website. I think I'm in for the Quassy 1/2, only a few hours away for me. Still trying to plan the season, but one early and then one late timberman (?) I get the names confused but I think that is the one the end of August in NH. Trying to have some fun this season too, probably will be in for the Lake Placid camp, just cause it was fun last year.
Going with Michelle on her 12 mile run tomorrow AM. She is being very focused with her training. Crazy long runs 8 miles today and then 12 miles tomorrow, but she is loving it. I am learning to be in the supporting role. Then setting up the bike on the trainer in preparation for the beginning of the OS on Monday. Actually ready at this point to get back at it.
Loving all of the pics (Gina and M)
Linda hope you had a good weekend watching swimming.
Sending healing vibes to M mother in law, and Kitima's mom.
@Beth. DEAL! When do you move in?
@Marianne, enjoy your social network vacay! Always good to take a little down tome away from all of this
Yes it's late August, and there is going to be a pretty good size EN crew there! (including me!)
Today is my 10 year Marathon Anniversary (Marine Corps). I enjoyed following friends doing the race online this morning and thinking about that first time. Pretty special all around. I can't believe it was 10 years ago!
mo in law doing well. thanks.. off m