Good morning ladies! Thought I'd finally post something on here. I've been reading some things off and on, but basically have been off of the triathlon radar. I kind of lost the mojo for a few months after LOU, but am starting to feel it again. I've been working on my body comp, slowly but surely, and will focus on that BIG TIME this winter! I've done a couple of mid-distance races (running) and will give my final try, to completing the HUFF 50K trail run on Dec. 18th. It is either very snowy or very, very muddy on this hilly trail each year. It's a 3 looper, and I've managed 2 loops previously. It got too muddy for my hips to handle it last time. If I finish it I'll be very happy. If I don't, that's okay too! I plan to join January OS (Team Confetti! Love it!) and am seriously thinking that I will go for IMLOU again...This time, NO SWIM GOGGLES ON THE BIKE!! Hope everyone is doing well, and enjoying their 'down time'. I'm doing a Turkey Trot here in Valparaiso, and imagine that most of you will be 'Turkey Trotting' out there across the U.S.!! Huge hugs to you all!!!
Morning Ladies! Despite beautiful weather and the best intentions, I could NOT get out of bed this morning to get on the bike. Watching the team and friends race IMAZ just wore me out!!! Congrats to the whole team!
We'll be heading to WV for Thanksgiving with Joe's family on Thurs, then going to Charlottesville VA for the rest of the weekend to do some hiking and general snooping around. So no Turkey Trots for me!
Oh, and yesterday I rode my bike for an hour and did a set of 2x5' @FTP intervals. That's the most "work" I've done on the bike since IMWI! OUCH. I've had a lot of fun just running and biking for fun, but I need to build myself back up to doing some longer intervals on the bike over the next few weeks or that first 2x20 FTP test is gonna really hurt!
Sorry I missed so much over the weekend. Followed IMAZ on my Iphone in the car. My husband impusively loaded us up in the car and we headed 20 hours to Louisiana (went through a lot of Chica states) for my Aunt Maude's 80th birthday. This is my aunt from my birth family. We all found each other about 2 years ago. We love this family!!! Such wonderful people. We stayed 8 hours then headed home 20 hours.....ugh. This TSA boycott is gonna be rough.
So, I have shared how frustrated I am at work but today took the cake. A gal in the office was collecting a little money to give to the girl whose job I'm covering while she is out on medical leave. MAJOR MAJOR medical stuff. Some sort of very rare gastrointestinal blastoma tumor things...something like that. Anyway, there is no cure and they do not respond to chemo so she will be taking steriods and having more surgery as time goes on. The two girls in my area.....bitched (sorry for the language) all afternoon about Jane collecting. The money is simply to help offset some extra stuff like travel to Mayo clinic, hotels, meals. Nothing big really and most people gave a little but not much. I really really could just not believe that I work with people this incredibly shallow and petty and selfish. If you don't want to give fine, but SHUT UP!!!!! This girl with the tumors worked 3 jobs to make ends meet. Doesn't spend money like water, she is frugal. She is supposed to get married in June and then all this happens. One of the girls that was b-ing. She had knee surgery in July and is still milking her handicap sticker and parking near the door. Do you think she would offer to give it up for the girl coming back 1/2 days??? No. OK.....sorry for the total rant but I really can't work in this environment anymore. I have never ever met anyone this selfish who didn't at least try and hide it. You would have thought someone asked for their kidney or something.....Do you think either that they get that there are tons of out of pocket expenses??? Ok...I have to quit because I could go on and on. Thanks for letting me scream here because my husband really doesn't want to hear it. And don't even get me started on how she thinks people that crash on their bikes deserve no sympathy because they shouldn't be out there in the first place.....ugh........AARRRRGGGGHHHHHH
Holy crap Sheryl! You work with impossible, shallow, self- centered, entitled PIAs. You need a new job more than me! Your husband is a gem. But the bikers comment- NOW I intensely dislike your co-workers!
Sheryl, I cannot believe your co-workers!!!! I think that Michele pegged them perfectly," impossible, shallow, self-centered, entitled PIA's!!!" How can people be so COLD?? God forbid something happent to one of THEM! They'll be the first ones to want attention, help, sympathy, etc.! Girl, you definately need to get the he!! out of there!!! I am impressed that you have hung in there so long, with those #%^&!#!!!
What a nice thing your husband did for you, going to Aunt Maude's b-day! Good memories were just made...!! Hope your day goes better today!! Hugs, Barb
@Sheryl - wow... I'm speechless... get out as soon as you can! And give your ill coworker my best. Heck, I'll chip in and send you a check for $20. How horrible!
@Gina - miss ya, enjoy your time off! And will see you on FB!
I'm in super freezing cold WY now... we got in to Cody last night at 9 (11pm EST - after leaving my office at noon EST to start the treck)... Planes Trains and Automobiles...seriously. Got to Ten Sleep just after 11. i was a little wired but managed to fall asleep eventually... did I mention it was 1 degree when we arrived. Wow. have workout gear, we'll see how that goes. If nothing else they have a stationary bike and what looks to be a one piece weight machine-y thing (name is completely escaping me)... I read a super interesting article in Men's Health on the trip about strength... basically the whole point was that we don't need stability balls and all the crazy gizmo and gear... a few dumbells and bar bells...and 3 exercises: squats, dead lifts, and presses - to get super strong and healthy and mentioned various things to emphasize (raw strenght, endurance... and 2 others). It was really interesting... the author mentioned a book I'm gonna get and check out... I digress, will keep you posted as I learn more - since i have some time before OS not to mention owning a gym and training/coaching is my life goal...
so, if you're traveling for the holidays be safe! and have fun...
@Sheryl- it's stories like yours which just make me sad. I can't believe the self centered culture we've created. It's not just in your office- it's everywhere (although I'll admit- seems you've got more than your fare share over threre!). Here's an example:
I recently read a short news blurb about dozens of dead pelicans that have been found washed up on the shores of Wrightsville Beach, NC. The article stated the authorities do not believe it's due to natural causes and suspect someone is killing them. My reaction? Horrific, how terrible, what a shame! This is an animal that was just recently removed from the Federal Endangered Species list. So I scan down to read the comments (dangerous, I really should NEVER do that- they are always the most ignorant hateful posts) and see the first 3 posts which say, effectively, "what's the big deal, it's just a stupid bird"
Anyway- idiots are everywhere. I'm just so thankful for small pockets of community like this forum where we are all respectful and thoughtful of each other.
Gals! First, thanks so much for the helpful comments about the grocery store pick-up. I still gotta write him back, but I'm taking a cue from you guys and being extra kind and polite.
The work management shifts have been made public, so if you know me and who I work for you'll be able to look that up. And that's all my paranoid self is going to say about that.
In other news, I purchased a new Tide flavor recently. It's supposed to be for workout clothes. For two weeks I was having an identity crisis, as I no longer smelled like myself. That's passed, but I'm noticing that my old C2 Target sports bra - which was already slightly rank - is now radioactively stinky. What gives? Note to self: get Mom to tag along on a Target trip over Thanksgiving, hold up a new bra, and give her this face:
@Nemo.... that makes me mad, too. Grr.... it all just makes me realize how important a committee to determine who can breed is and that I need to chair it!
@Suz - which Tide... i've wanted to try the one with Febreeze but haven't yet... i have tried the sport washes, before (the one in the orange bottle), but it's not cheep and I went through so much laundry this summer... and good luck with the grocery store guy!
so I heard AZ closed in a half hour... how crazy! Two of my friends in DC are in (one had to do community)... so, it seems WTC won't be taught a lesson any time soon... but i do plan to do non WTC races in 2012!
It's about 25 here...not bad unless the wind is blowing...then it's just frightful! Day one of the no caffeine challenge. had herbal tea with breakfast... so far so good. i am sleepy, but yesterday was such a long crazy day... we'll see.
it all just makes me realize how important a committee to determine who can breed is and that I need to chair it!
HA HA HA! You are so right Becky! I saw the funniest bumper sticker to that effect, it said:
"Spay and Neuter your Pets, and your weird relatives and friends too!"
If only we could!
My friend is a neonatal ICU nurse, we used to have talks about this all the time. My thought, especially for crackhead/heroine using welfare mothers- no check until you get your Birth Control Shot!
Sheryl- your coworkers sound like a piece of work! I have a couple circulating RNs that are just rude and nasty. They can really make your day miserable. I had that on Friday. tried talking to her at the end of the day, nope, its all me. Another circulator- I walk in the OR to give a break to the resident, said "Good Morning"- directed at the circulator ( a different one from Friday)- no response! I get along well with all others, so..... can be real frustrating. Overall, in our society, its all about me, me, me- no manners, no kindness or self awareness of others' needs. Where has please, and thank you gone?
Suzanne& becky- I did have the tide with febreeze- Ugh, hated it, to perfumey, and did not take the odor out of clothes. Suzanne, if your mom comes up with any good laundry secrets, please pass along. My big issues lately, can't get my whites white. Hopefully, you come home with a :0 new, non-toxic bra
Safe Travels everyone!
I work tomorrow, then Thurs am will go to my sister's in NJ. May take an alternate route though cause all the construction on 95 through Delaware will make driving crazy!
Guys. Thanks for all the commiserating. So, so frustrating to deal with these people. Every day when husband gets home I say, "I see stupid people......" Nemo, horrible when people kill the innocent and defensless. I blew up at the girls today. One of them always makes snotty comments to me about what I snob I am because I won't shop at Wal-Mart and she made some snarky remark today and I just lost it. She acted shocked. Of course in their minds I'm the "B."
Put it in a bubble and blow it away!!!! It's gonna be a GREAT weekend with my in-laws here. Love having an entire weekend with the kiddos around and Alice and Dale here!
Hoping you all have a very blessed Thanksgiving! Forget all about ignorant, selfish people except to resolve to education all.
Love you all for your support and wise guidance and advise. So thankful for you all!
Put it in a bubble and blow it away!!!! It's gonna be a GREAT weekend with my in-laws here. Love having an entire weekend with the kiddos around and Alice and Dale here!
I like that and will try to remember it... it's so hard sometimes!
I worked out today on the in-home equipment... and realized I am WEAK. Once upon a time I could do 4 pull ups in a row... not even one. But i thought about it and I really haven't lifted much in well over a year (first the sprained shoulder then, just at it was finally functional, a week in the hospital and months of hand PT)... so, I am humbled for sure! But, to resurrect an old thread of ours, i do miss lifting and feeling strong. I did battle my weight a lot this year despite the crazy training for IM... I wonder how much of that is because of zippo strength training or plyo - which I'd always done in the past on top of the normal marathon/tri training...
In any event... having a very relaxing time here. Crossword puzzles, board games, chilling out, napping, walking in the mountains - well yesterday.... we'll see if we actually step foot outside today. It's noon and only just crossed over into above zero temps (around 1, now). yesterday the afternoon hit about 20 and the walk was great when the wind wasn't blowing... I just hope I can go run for an hour tomorrow - my solo turkey trot...
@Tracy - thanks for the tip re: the Tide with Febreeze. I think Kate G said she uses it and likes it... I haven't noticed crazy smells (yet, or maybe I'm immune to it)... but before my gym clothes go into the hamper I hang them to dry on the clothes rack which I think helps a bit so they're aired out...
anyway, I hope everyone is doing well! and I truly hope you all have wonderful Thanksgivings! I am certainly thankful for my new team and the friends I've made here! I meant it when i said [in my podcast interview] that I have sisters across the country!
I use Gain AND Win when I wash my workout clothes. I cut both doses in half, but it seems to work.
Driving to NY tomorrow morning. Plan to lay around after dinner and let my sister's 3 Mastiffs keep me warm!
If you don't know- I have broken down and joined FB. I admit that I only check it 1 or 2 times during the work week and 1 time on weekends, but I am under my "stage name"- Michele Weinai, friend me as I am taking a 1 month hiatus from EN. But I will be back for Jan OS!!
HA HA HA! Becky, I'm here. But haven't really checked in all weekend either (did some lurking but that was about it). Joe and I had a wonderful time hiking in the Shenandoah Mountains this weekend. 2 days of 4-5 hours of bliss in the woods. LOVED IT! Was really the little vacay we both needed. Nothing like a walk it the woods with no distractions around to really give a couple some time to truely reconnect and work out stuff. I'll post pics at some point in the "Fall" thread.
Mom and Dad are now visiting before continuing their way back to Florida. I'm so thankful for the time I get to spend with them.
OMG... it's December... I will get that thread going momentarily! Glad you had a great holiday, Nemo. The hiking sounds great and your pics were gorgeous!
ladies, read your post about accomodations for shurpas at LP. I responded and not sure if anyone took a look, or whether you have it all worked out. Feel like stocker when reading your posts, as you all seem to know each other. It is my hope to meet you in LP.
HI Brenda! Many of us have been fortunate enough to meet in person (at Moo Camp for many, then at IMWI for more)... but we really get to know each other on this thread - so the actual meeting was kind of funny - like we already knew each other! It's kitchen table conversation and all are welcome and pretty much anything goes as far as what we talk about! Plean join us in the December thread!!!
Hope everyone is doing well, and enjoying their 'down time'. I'm doing a Turkey Trot here in Valparaiso, and imagine that most of you will be 'Turkey Trotting' out there across the U.S.!! Huge hugs to you all!!!
Morning Ladies! Despite beautiful weather and the best intentions, I could NOT get out of bed this morning to get on the bike. Watching the team and friends race IMAZ just wore me out!!! Congrats to the whole team!
We'll be heading to WV for Thanksgiving with Joe's family on Thurs, then going to Charlottesville VA for the rest of the weekend to do some hiking and general snooping around. So no Turkey Trots for me!
Oh, and yesterday I rode my bike for an hour and did a set of 2x5' @FTP intervals. That's the most "work" I've done on the bike since IMWI! OUCH. I've had a lot of fun just running and biking for fun, but I need to build myself back up to doing some longer intervals on the bike over the next few weeks or that first 2x20 FTP test is gonna really hurt!
Hey Chics- I am taking a 3 month hiatus. You can get me over on Facebook if needed!!
Sorry I missed so much over the weekend. Followed IMAZ on my Iphone in the car. My husband impusively loaded us up in the car and we headed 20 hours to Louisiana (went through a lot of Chica states) for my Aunt Maude's 80th birthday. This is my aunt from my birth family. We all found each other about 2 years ago. We love this family!!! Such wonderful people. We stayed 8 hours then headed home 20 hours.....ugh. This TSA boycott is gonna be rough.
So, I have shared how frustrated I am at work but today took the cake. A gal in the office was collecting a little money to give to the girl whose job I'm covering while she is out on medical leave. MAJOR MAJOR medical stuff. Some sort of very rare gastrointestinal blastoma tumor things...something like that. Anyway, there is no cure and they do not respond to chemo so she will be taking steriods and having more surgery as time goes on. The two girls in my area.....bitched (sorry for the language) all afternoon about Jane collecting. The money is simply to help offset some extra stuff like travel to Mayo clinic, hotels, meals. Nothing big really and most people gave a little but not much. I really really could just not believe that I work with people this incredibly shallow and petty and selfish. If you don't want to give fine, but SHUT UP!!!!! This girl with the tumors worked 3 jobs to make ends meet. Doesn't spend money like water, she is frugal. She is supposed to get married in June and then all this happens. One of the girls that was b-ing. She had knee surgery in July and is still milking her handicap sticker and parking near the door. Do you think she would offer to give it up for the girl coming back 1/2 days??? No. OK.....sorry for the total rant but I really can't work in this environment anymore. I have never ever met anyone this selfish who didn't at least try and hide it. You would have thought someone asked for their kidney or something.....Do you think either that they get that there are tons of out of pocket expenses??? Ok...I have to quit because I could go on and on. Thanks for letting me scream here because my husband really doesn't want to hear it. And don't even get me started on how she thinks people that crash on their bikes deserve no sympathy because they shouldn't be out there in the first place.....ugh........AARRRRGGGGHHHHHH
You work with impossible, shallow, self- centered, entitled PIAs.
You need a new job more than me!
Your husband is a gem.
But the bikers comment- NOW I intensely dislike your co-workers!
God forbid something happent to one of THEM! They'll be the first ones to want attention, help, sympathy, etc.! Girl, you definately need to get the he!! out of there!!!
I am impressed that you have hung in there so long, with those #%^&!#!!!
What a nice thing your husband did for you, going to Aunt Maude's b-day! Good memories were just made...!!
Hope your day goes better today!!
Ugh! Oh, no, Sheryl! Stupid co-workers.
Not much here. My homework for Thanksgiving is to buy wine. This is not hard homework.
@Sheryl - wow... I'm speechless... get out as soon as you can! And give your ill coworker my best. Heck, I'll chip in and send you a check for $20. How horrible!
@Gina - miss ya, enjoy your time off! And will see you on FB!
I'm in super freezing cold WY now... we got in to Cody last night at 9 (11pm EST - after leaving my office at noon EST to start the treck)... Planes Trains and Automobiles...seriously. Got to Ten Sleep just after 11. i was a little wired but managed to fall asleep eventually... did I mention it was 1 degree when we arrived. Wow. have workout gear, we'll see how that goes. If nothing else they have a stationary bike and what looks to be a one piece weight machine-y thing (name is completely escaping me)... I read a super interesting article in Men's Health on the trip about strength... basically the whole point was that we don't need stability balls and all the crazy gizmo and gear... a few dumbells and bar bells...and 3 exercises: squats, dead lifts, and presses - to get super strong and healthy and mentioned various things to emphasize (raw strenght, endurance... and 2 others). It was really interesting... the author mentioned a book I'm gonna get and check out... I digress, will keep you posted as I learn more - since i have some time before OS not to mention owning a gym and training/coaching is my life goal...
so, if you're traveling for the holidays be safe! and have fun...
I recently read a short news blurb about dozens of dead pelicans that have been found washed up on the shores of Wrightsville Beach, NC. The article stated the authorities do not believe it's due to natural causes and suspect someone is killing them. My reaction? Horrific, how terrible, what a shame! This is an animal that was just recently removed from the Federal Endangered Species list. So I scan down to read the comments (dangerous, I really should NEVER do that- they are always the most ignorant hateful posts) and see the first 3 posts which say, effectively, "what's the big deal, it's just a stupid bird"
Anyway- idiots are everywhere. I'm just so thankful for small pockets of community like this forum where we are all respectful and thoughtful of each other.
Gals! First, thanks so much for the helpful comments about the grocery store pick-up. I still gotta write him back, but I'm taking a cue from you guys and being extra kind and polite.

The work management shifts have been made public, so if you know me and who I work for you'll be able to look that up. And that's all my paranoid self is going to say about that.
In other news, I purchased a new Tide flavor recently. It's supposed to be for workout clothes. For two weeks I was having an identity crisis, as I no longer smelled like myself. That's passed, but I'm noticing that my old C2 Target sports bra - which was already slightly rank - is now radioactively stinky. What gives? Note to self: get Mom to tag along on a Target trip over Thanksgiving, hold up a new bra, and give her this face:
@Nemo.... that makes me mad, too. Grr.... it all just makes me realize how important a committee to determine who can breed is and that I need to chair it!
@Suz - which Tide... i've wanted to try the one with Febreeze but haven't yet... i have tried the sport washes, before (the one in the orange bottle), but it's not cheep and I went through so much laundry this summer... and good luck with the grocery store guy!
so I heard AZ closed in a half hour... how crazy! Two of my friends in DC are in (one had to do community)... so, it seems WTC won't be taught a lesson any time soon... but i do plan to do non WTC races in 2012!
It's about 25 here...not bad unless the wind is blowing...then it's just frightful! Day one of the no caffeine challenge. had herbal tea with breakfast... so far so good. i am sleepy, but yesterday was such a long crazy day... we'll see.
HA HA HA! You are so right Becky! I saw the funniest bumper sticker to that effect, it said:
"Spay and Neuter your Pets, and your weird relatives and friends too!"
If only we could!
My friend is a neonatal ICU nurse, we used to have talks about this all the time. My thought, especially for crackhead/heroine using welfare mothers- no check until you get your Birth Control Shot!
Sheryl- your coworkers sound like a piece of work! I have a couple circulating RNs that are just rude and nasty. They can really make your day miserable. I had that on Friday. tried talking to her at the end of the day, nope, its all me. Another circulator- I walk in the OR to give a break to the resident, said "Good Morning"- directed at the circulator ( a different one from Friday)- no response! I get along well with all others, so..... can be real frustrating. Overall, in our society, its all about me, me, me- no manners, no kindness or self awareness of others' needs. Where has please, and thank you gone?
Suzanne& becky- I did have the tide with febreeze- Ugh, hated it, to perfumey, and did not take the odor out of clothes. Suzanne, if your mom comes up with any good laundry secrets, please pass along. My big issues lately, can't get my whites white. Hopefully, you come home with a :0 new, non-toxic bra
Safe Travels everyone!
I work tomorrow, then Thurs am will go to my sister's in NJ. May take an alternate route though cause all the construction on 95 through Delaware will make driving crazy!
Guys. Thanks for all the commiserating. So, so frustrating to deal with these people. Every day when husband gets home I say, "I see stupid people......" Nemo, horrible when people kill the innocent and defensless. I blew up at the girls today. One of them always makes snotty comments to me about what I snob I am because I won't shop at Wal-Mart and she made some snarky remark today and I just lost it. She acted shocked. Of course in their minds I'm the "B."
Put it in a bubble and blow it away!!!! It's gonna be a GREAT weekend with my in-laws here. Love having an entire weekend with the kiddos around and Alice and Dale here!
Hoping you all have a very blessed Thanksgiving! Forget all about ignorant, selfish people except to resolve to education all.
Love you all for your support and wise guidance and advise. So thankful for you all!
I like that and will try to remember it... it's so hard sometimes!
I worked out today on the in-home equipment... and realized I am WEAK. Once upon a time I could do 4 pull ups in a row... not even one. But i thought about it and I really haven't lifted much in well over a year (first the sprained shoulder then, just at it was finally functional, a week in the hospital and months of hand PT)... so, I am humbled for sure! But, to resurrect an old thread of ours, i do miss lifting and feeling strong. I did battle my weight a lot this year despite the crazy training for IM... I wonder how much of that is because of zippo strength training or plyo - which I'd always done in the past on top of the normal marathon/tri training...
In any event... having a very relaxing time here. Crossword puzzles, board games, chilling out, napping, walking in the mountains - well yesterday.... we'll see if we actually step foot outside today. It's noon and only just crossed over into above zero temps (around 1, now). yesterday the afternoon hit about 20 and the walk was great when the wind wasn't blowing... I just hope I can go run for an hour tomorrow - my solo turkey trot...
@Tracy - thanks for the tip re: the Tide with Febreeze. I think Kate G said she uses it and likes it... I haven't noticed crazy smells (yet, or maybe I'm immune to it)... but before my gym clothes go into the hamper I hang them to dry on the clothes rack which I think helps a bit so they're aired out...
anyway, I hope everyone is doing well! and I truly hope you all have wonderful Thanksgivings! I am certainly thankful for my new team and the friends I've made here! I meant it when i said [in my podcast interview] that I have sisters across the country!
Driving to NY tomorrow morning. Plan to lay around after dinner and let my sister's 3 Mastiffs keep me warm!
If you don't know- I have broken down and joined FB. I admit that I only check it 1 or 2 times during the work week and 1 time on weekends, but I am under my "stage name"- Michele Weinai, friend me as I am taking a 1 month hiatus from EN. But I will be back for Jan OS!!
Happy Turkey Day!!
Mom and Dad are now visiting before continuing their way back to Florida. I'm so thankful for the time I get to spend with them.