Home Group Discussion-OutSeason November 2010

Week 6 Bike Thread



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    Today was a great workout....Not sure I'm going to brick run though....will save it.....legs a little shaky

    Duration: 12:01
    Work: 142 kJ
    TSS: 26.8 (intensity factor 1.157)
    Norm Power: 198
    VI: 1

    Duration: 12:01
    Work: 145 kJ
    TSS: 28 (intensity factor 1.183)
    Norm Power: 202
    VI: 1

    Entire workout (151 watts):
    Duration: 1:24:59 (1:25:05)
    Work: 767 kJ
    TSS: 135.5 (intensity factor 0.981)
    Norm Power: 168

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    Have to say... being part of a group is so good... woke up this morning feeling lazy... read a few posts of those getting it done this morning... got back on the horse... not sure I would have without the group. Big warm-up then game on:

    12' @ 269W, IF: 1.185
    12' @ 268W, IF: 1.177

    30' @ 207W, IF: 0.914

    Total bike: 1:09:03 @ 234W, IF: 1.03

    Brick run done at pace... feeling good.
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    There are definitely some bad ass IFs floating around this morning!  Way to bring it guys/ladies! 

    I made it back to the states after being up for about 28 hours straight. Was a tough week but very productive and have been able to hit my plan despite travel, sleep issues and several glasses (ok, well maybe bottles) of wine along the way.


    I did Thursday’s bike today leaving Sat brick for tomorrow after one more good night’s sleep. Did my 2X2s (not fun)  Wed and my 3X1s run Friday...


    Was a tough session after crossing 6 time zones and a full day of travel yesterday but did hit the targets.


    Entire workout (222 watts):

       Duration:     1:01:04

       TSS:            84.2 (intensity factor 0.913)

       Norm Power:        234

       Distance:    22.225 mi

                          Min   Max Avg

       Power:        0       304   222  watts

       Cadence:              32     136   86          rpm

        Speed:       0     26.3       21.8    mph

    GO Team!

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    Day off sure makes for a good Saturday wko!

    12' @ Z3, AVHR 149 (despite warmup, couldn't get into Z4)

    12' @ Z4, AVHR 161

    15' @ Z3, AVHR 150

    15' @ Z3, AVHR 153

    Run was overall Z2 @ AVHR 151 on treadmill. Felt like I could have pushed it harder, but I know tomorrow's run wko has 2X 1.5mi @ Z4. That is really going to be a challenge for me since running is my focus area this OS. 

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    I tried something new today. Been riding ERG files on the CompuTrainer up til now (which strictly controls power on the intervals). Felt I was getting lazy, not having to watch my power over varied terrain. So today I broke out my 3D IMSG file and rode the first 20 miles as my bike session (with the appropriate EN intervals thrown in). This was a great change and motivator! I pushed even harder than THU (or most days) because of a few hills. I was very happy with my end results on the bike...and the trans run was great!! Can't wait to test again.

    2x12' @ IF 0.99/0.95
    2x15' @ IF 0.79/0.89
    Total bike 87min 20miles TSS 105 IF 0.85

    25min rTSS 43 IF 0.99
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    Noticed some folks pushing 1.15-1.2 IF for the intervals. Great job. I think I'm going to start pushing the envelop a bit too. Maybe 5-10 watts next week.
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    Cracked 240! And it was only two days ago that I cracked 230 for the first time! Didn't have much left for the 2x15 or the run, though.
    18' warmup
    12' @ 234W, IF 1.13, 89RPM
    12' @ 241W, IF 1.16, 90RPM
    15' @ 174W, IF 0.84, 88RPM
    15' @ 167W, IF 0.81, 85RPM
    Total bike 83' @ 192W, IF 0.93, 86RPM, TSS 118.8.6
    Run 25' @ 7:07, NGP 7:01 (Z2), cadence 89, HR 156, rTSS 37.9
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    More "could' power intervals today! Only did one 15' segment as I'm under the gun for tomorrow's X-Mas party.

    12' @ 185W, IF: 1.068
    12' @ 190W, IF: 1.096
    15' @ 151W, IF: 0.87

    Really looking forward to the Week 8 tests!
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    I'm one pretty happy dude.  WATCH OUT BIG BOYS I'M COMING TO JOIN YA!!!!

    I didn't get up in time this morning to do the workout so I had to opt to do it this afternoon.  I thought this would not help matters as I normally always workout in the mornings.  But maybe this was one of the secrets to my success today, who knows.  Just my day maybe.  

    In the warmup I was having all kinds of connectivity problems with the computrainer and by the time it stopped cutting out on me and finally finding the cable that was loose I think I had probably a good 20 minute warmup in. (Maybe another secret to the success)  Anyway as everyone was giving it there "could"  in the week and since I tested last saturday I was just trying to stay at the new FTP earlier in the week.  But when Mancona turned his 2X20 to a test and upped his FTP to 280 or so this got me fired up.  So I decided to just go out at the coveted 300 watts like the big boys in the haus do (Chris G., Coach P, etc...) and hang on for as long as I could.

    1st 12' I was shocked that I held on the whole time and wasn't completely toasted.  In the 2nd 12' I was hanging on for dear life in the last 3 minutes and with a minute to go the watts dropped down to 299 and I had to give it everything to get it back up to 300 by the end.  In the 3' rest interval I really didn't even pedal much just a slow soft spin.  In the final 6' last interval I  only held the 300 to somewhere around the 2 or 3 minute mark the imploded a little but did hold on to a 270 watt (my FTP) final interval.

    I can't beleive it but I tried, for some reason, to do the 2X15 @ 85%.  I lasted on the 1st one around 83% and when I got to the 2' rest interval the legs just stopped.  So I didn't spin at all till the 2'  where up then started to soft pedal to see if I could continue.  Well I got 2' more of soft pedaling in and tried to get going at the 85% agaiin when that's when the little trash can I have beside me, luckily down wind from the fan, came in handy.  Haven't did that in a while from a workout but I know it was all the body would give when you get to that level.

    All in all I'm pretty stoked to see what the 300 club feels like and gives me a goal to shoot for by the end of the OS to to the 2X20 final test at 300 or above.  I weigh 139lbs. right now so a w/kg of 4.7 for 300 watts.  Still a ways off  for 5.0w/kg.

    On a side note... not sure though if this was the smartest move as I couldn't do the run obviously after and the 2X2miles tomorrow at o'dark thirty may not go so well, we will see.  So newbies do not follow this stupid vets example in this regard.


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    Hi you crazy higher than 1.0 IF peeps!!

    Hoping you all feel good and can run well tomorrow.

    I did a group ride today with my team. Course was HILLY and I loved it. I worked hard on the uphills holding around 210-220 watts or more( FT 200). Maybe 5-6 x 10 or more minutes then lots and lots of sub threshold minutes. The BOYS riding with me are strong and I slayed myself to keep up. One young buck who is 24 years old and I were chatting and I said let's go around these peeps and work. So I got on his wheel and he almost killed me. I was holding around 250 and hauling ass. Next thing I know a line of guys are on my wheel and I finally got dropped after a red light. They can jump right back into it from a dead stop with beastly power. I had to wave the white flag!! It was awesome though! I feel stronger already!

    Plus was the only chick up there with the big boys!

    I love riding!!!

    Total ride time 3:45. 65 hilly miles.Have not downloaded yet.
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    Everyone is killing. Way to get after it. I got it done in the wee hours of the morning today. I had to cut the bike a little short for family holiday stuff. I thought the weekend workouts were suppose to a little more relaxed. I seem to still have to get up at crazy times to make it happen.

    12 @260, 1.02
    12 @256, 1.004
    6 @257, 1.008
    15 @216, .846
    followed up w/ the 25 minute run

    Best ride of the week.
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    got the workout done tonight. will be a few days before i download any data as my computer crashed. trying to figure out whether to buy a new one or just keep using this old one we borrowed from my in-laws. once i make that choice then i'll have to call wko+ as i had just upgraded to 3.0 a little over a month ago and don't want to pay again. either way, the intervals felt good and i was at least 10-20 watts above FTP most of the time. run after felt good too. back on track after a poor workout week.
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    Got my work done this afternoon but had to put on a dinner for my wife's coworker and spouse - lots of SAU's there. Jay, our guest is also training for IMLP too so we had lots of kewl traiing stuff to talk about. Talked a lot about how great I think EN is. He seemed interested. Also offered to have him over for a FTP test - EN style on Thursday..... should be fun (for me!)

    Definitly up to the challange.... never seem to be able to say no. On Thursday I managed to average 218 over the 3x10's. Today I got that and more.

    workout called for 2x12 FTP plus 2x15 @ Z3 - did the Z3 as 1x30 instead

    12' @ 224; IF 1.119; VI 1.0; HR 164; Cd 88
    12' @ 221; IF 1.104; VI 1.0; HR 167; Cd 85
    30' @ 185; IF 0.923; VI 1.0; HR 155; Cd 87

    total bike 1:16:37 @ 190; IF 0.949; VI 1.12; HR 150; Cd 80

    Run targets 7:30 out, 7:20 back on the deadmill

    7:45, 7:38, 7:20

    Run total 23:08; 3.0 miles; HR 174; Cd 85

    So, not only did I push bigger watts today for the Z4 intervals, but also pushed watts for the Z3 efforts AND hit my run targets off the bike! I am psyched! Look out Week 8 FTP test!
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    The team keeps rocking it!!!

    I had a better day than Thursday!! The head needed it.  I even extended the last 6 min interval to 9 min to finish out the hour.

    75 min effort NP = 221w, IF =.934

    12' @ 246; IF 1.038

    12' @ 246; IF 1.038

    9' @ 248; IF 1.046

    10' @ 215; IF 0.907
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    Late night ride.  No run, as it's snowing & icy in Chicago.

    Had a mental number for this ride & stuck to it.  Legs are twitchy mush right now, but I'm super pumped about the ride.

    2x12 & 2x15 is not quite 2x20, but I think I can hang on to it for the test.  8 weeks & 7-9% gains.  Killer.

    Interval 1 > 12:00 @ 214w (1.09 IF)

    Interval 2 > 12:00 @ 210w (1.07 IF)

    Interval 3 > 15:00 @ 168w (.855 IF)

    Interval 4 > 17:00 @ 160w (.817 IF)

    Have a good run tomorrow all, and nice job all you peeps crushing IF's +1.0.




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    Interval 1:

        Duration:           12:10

        TSS:                  22.5 (intensity factor 1.053)

        Norm Power:    270


    Interval 3:

        Duration:           12:13

        TSS:                  23.6 (intensity factor 1.077)

        Norm Power:    276


    Interval 5:

        Duration:           6:04

        TSS:                  12 (intensity factor 1.091)

        Norm Power:    279


    Interval 7:

        Duration:           15:15

        TSS:                  19.5 (intensity factor 0.876)

        Norm Power:    224


    Interval 9:

        Duration:           15:36

        TSS:                  21.1 (intensity factor 0.9)

        Norm Power:    230


    Entire workout (224 watts):

        Duration:           1:27:47

        TSS:                  125.9 (intensity factor 0.935)

        Norm Power:    239

        Distance:          30.596 mi

                                  Min      Max     Avg

        Power:              0          311      224      watts

        Cadence:          32        125      87        rpm




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    I'm hoping to still get in the Sat workout today. I did Sunday's run on Saturday due to a funeral out of town. I am at the airport headed home and will see if it happens. Otherwise: back to work on Tuesday.
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    I'm hoping to still get in the Sat workout today. I did Sunday's run on Saturday due to a funeral out of town. I am at the airport headed home and will see if it happens. Otherwise: back to work on Tuesday.
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    Got in a VERY windy and cold ride yesterday, for two hours, totalled about .82 IF. I was ill-prepared for the cold, with only one layer, so I had to keep moving to get my warmth.

    No fixed intervals, per se, but sure did a lot of pulling of slacking roadies and other friends, into the headwind.
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    Hey--First solid workout from being sick.

    I did 1:38 at 178 NP @ IF 0.884

    I did the prior weeks workout for IntOs which was 3x10' @ z4, 2x15' @ z3 on the compu trainer

    201 np @ 1.001

    201 np @ 1.002

    201 np @ 1.002

    I felt good during the three sets however on the z3 sets I was fighting to hold my cadence -- which dropped 79 in the first set and 75 in the second. I felt like I was climbing. First time in a long time I have not been able to hold the cadence.

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    running a day behind....

    yesterday's brick was today. strong effort. no power numbers, but RPE/HR/sweat puddle say that I backed up Thursday's effort just fine. went with bigger gear this time, had to really push to keep cadence/HR up.

    Snowin' pretty steady here in ATL so I took the brick run outside, hilly, just did a neg split.
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     Just got off the bike, went rogue and watched the Women's Elite National Championship and just pushed pedals. No intervals, just rode. Men championship is next...


    Entire workout (222 watts):

    Duration:   53:09

    Work:       727 kJ

    TSS:       80.9 (intensity factor 0.956)

    Norm Power: 239

    VI:      1.05

    Distance:   16.942 mi


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    Carrie, you are an animal. I will be starting week 6 tomorrow. Nice to have read that most had good rides.
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    I'm behind a day on reporting too. Did the bike and it wasn't pretty. After the warmup I felt pretty good, but 2 minutes into the 1st set I was ready to bail. I decided not to but strruggled to make it on both. I did the main set but the Z3 work not so good. I bagged the run because I struggled so much to complete the ride.

    I'm really looking forward to next week so I can erase this from memory. image I'll file this as what happens when I push too hard Tues/Wed/Thurs

    2x12: 1.017, .991
    2x15: .817, .794
    1:13:51 .871
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    This went real well
    2x12 then 1x6 turned into 1x20 and 2x5 as 283, 275, 289.

    Entire workout (241 watts):
    Duration: 1:16:34
    Work: 1105 kJ
    TSS: 120.6 (intensity factor 0.975)
    Norm Power: 252
    VI: 1.05
    Pw:HR: n/a
    Pa:HR: n/a
    Distance: 36.118 mi
    Min Max Avg
    Power: 0 390 241 watts
    Cadence: 38 129 89 rpm
    Speed: 0 32.8 28.2 mph
    Pace 1:50 0:00 2:07 min/mi
    Hub Torque: 0 15 6 lb-in
    Crank Torque: 0 665 229 lb-in
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    2 x 12 @ 101% and 102%, then 30 minutes @ 84%.

    This was great, but I'm really glad we have tomorrow off. image
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    Late updating from the Sat ride done on Friday:


    10' warmup

    2x12'  (245/253) with 4' easy (1.004/1.037)

    2x15' (210/212) with 2' easy  (.861/.869)

    1' cooldown

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