Trainer Road For OutSeason UPDATE!
Hi Folks:
I am still working with Nate and Reid at TR to get all the Out Season bike workouts into an EN members only section in Trainer Road. They have a few more bugs that have been found and should have them fixed shortly.
Give us another week or so and those folks using Trainer Road will be able to log into the EN Members Only section on TR and access your specific EN bike workouts there.
I will send all the instructions on how to do this when the time comes.
NOTE: This DOES NOT change anything regarding the regular, day-to-day EN OS mojo/training forum postings/etc. as it normally happens. This Trainer Road offering is simply an add-on for folks who use Trainer Road.
More soon.
That's GREAT! Thanks!
Excellent!!! Just signed up for TR to a test run for the bike test.
Thanks for the work on this...
I've been looking for a reason to sign up for Trainer Road... There we go!
I have just started using TR and found it very helpful in performing the workout. Will be a great combo of EN and TR!
Very Cool...Back on TR for another OS!
Similar Set Up ...any video you can run off the computer works...stock up!...most expensive piece was a long HDMI cable....
FYI - Slowly pushing the stone forward. I start loading the OS bike workouts into TR database today. :-)
When I read this, all I could think was: Sisyphus
Or, you can download the Beta version of their software, which has a Workout Creator option. I used this yesterday, and had no bugs with it either during the creation process or the actual workout itself. I only wish they had a "delete seletion" option, as I was modifying the Clouds Rest workout, and wanted to delete the intervals I wasn't going to use.
@Al: I simply highlight the intervals or rest and then hit the Delete key on my keyboard. I am on a PC.
Just added a couple of workouts as tests. Those 2 x (5 x 30/30) in the graph look, well, {insert whip emoticon here}. :-)
There are ~75 bike workouts for each level (~25 for each Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced) and it is a slug process. Gonna take a bit. Hopefully someone will buy me beer when I am done. :-)
More soon.
I suppose we'd just need a way to export them to some file format where you could then import them - but not sure TR supports that at the moment.
Please let us know!
Yeah, John, let's crowd source this. I only work five days a month; I can easily afford to plug away at five-ten of these over the next few days. Looks like you have at least 3 volunteers already. Just parcel these out to willing workers, bud.
BTW, thanks for the the delete tip.
Thanks so much for the offer. I have had a chat with RandP and they have offered up their Admin person to do the work populating the Workout Creator. WOOHOO! I will get him the process over the weekend and push it up his priority list. RandP are very pumped about this and are 100% behind making this happen ASAP.
I will, however, take some help QA'ing the final product before we release it to the team. Making sure the intervals are the correct length of time, etc. Hate have the 2 x 8's @ FT turn out to be 2 x 8:30's. :-) That would suck!
More soon.