Nov OS Week 3 Bike Thread
On to week 3. I watched the week 3 webcasts tonight and also the Core Diet presentation in the Wiki. Some great pointers in all of these. The core diet presention is almost an hour and a half but the web casts are short.
Noooo! I just finished Saturday's bike workout 3 hours ago... I'm not *ready* yet.
Where can I find the week 3 webcasts?
Can only say that I am just really pleased with the way this OS has started...feeling great on both the bike and the run...Keep On Keepin' On!
@ Aaron -- links to coaching video on right side of My Training Plan page under Weekly Training Resources
@ Al - I'm not ready yet either. Good thing today is a rest day for me.
@ Aaron - As Mike pointed out the coaches have weekly webcast. From the - 'training' tab - 'my training plan' - you will see the weekly webcast, red link on the right side. The core diet webinar is here in the wiki:
@ Aaron. i'm doing Intermediate OS and have the same two videos -- believe they're the same for all levels
Hey - looks like tomorrow morning is going to be a bit nippy at 42 degrees so I have got to do some "self-coached" modification for tomorrow's workout! I'm posting this so someone else can maybe use it as well.

I'll do a the run workout at 30' at Z1 with some strides, THEN, do the bike workout in my pain cave (aka garage). This way I don't run when I'm still soaked from the bike or have to do the "change into dry" kabuki dance (negative fun). Doing a the run at work later in the day just won't work and after work tends to compromise my Wednesday run workout.
I saw someone else make this observation last week (I think) and this has worked for me in the past! Hope it helps someone.
I've found the bike workouts, dare I say, not too hard so far. I am using TrainerRoad with virtual power, and 2 weeks ago was the first time I've ever done a test, so I'm thinking maybe I didn't push myself hard enough and now my zones are too easy. I'm planning on bumping up all my zones this week and seeing how it goes- is this an alright idea, and what would a reasonable increase be?
And a happy start of week 3 to all!
I've kept up with all the workouts so far. Had to juggle the order a bit last week with some pestilence spreading through the household. Tis the season with 4 little petri dishes licking all the door handles...
Anyway, as I have a computrainer, I've been setting up the workouts in erg mode, and I have to say, the FTP workouts have been challenging. I like the fact that if I don't keep up, it will spit me off the trainer. Hasn't happened yet, but that is my motivation to keep turning the pedals. First goal is to stay up with the workouts, then improve my cadence metrics over time.
Great encouragement on these boards. Bring on the week I say...
Hello week 3!
Did Tuesday's bike tonight to accomodate work, off day will not be until Wednesday.
2 x 10' @ .996 and .998 remainder at .887
I know it's early, but the efforts don't feel as hard as past OS. Not sure if it's because I'm going into this OS with minimal fitness due to being injured most of last season or if it's because this is my first OS to train with power and didn't push the test hard enough. Going to stick with the numbers for 2 more weeks, but thinking about re-testing after week 4 rather than waiting until week 8.
Get after it everyone!
crazy day at work today, so got outside and did my work yesterday
did the15 min w/u, 2x10 on an IF of 1.04 and 1.07, followed by 15 minutes of IF.85 (yeah I know overachieving a little, but felt great, sun was out, temp was in the upper 70's ... ...)
I just had to.
Got the bike workout in this morning, did standard wu, 2x8, and made up the rest with .80-.85IF for 60 total. This is the first time for me that my legs felt fatigued before starting the workout and the 2x8 at 95-100% were tough but I hit the numbers .98 first one and 1.0 second one so all is well. My legs felt better toward the end of the 12' .85 part of the wu which underlines the usefulness imo of this warmup scheme to gauge where the legs are before the main set begins. On to the run this evening!
Phew ... that was the toughest workout so far this OS in terms of nailing the intervals. I could tell yesterday afternoon that I wasn't recovered from the weekend, so I spent the afternoon on the couch and went to bed extra early to get some more zzz, but still this AM I could tell it was going to be a tough morning... Barely held on to z4 during the first 10 mins, and in the second 10 mins teetered along upper edges of z3 and lower z4. Definitely a bit disappointing ... I'm so slow anyway, I can't afford to waste workouts! Run afterwards felt quite refreshing though - crisp, fresh air, light rain, z1 pace. All good. I've got a crazy work week, so my priority is going to be to keep it together this week and not make bad decisions.
Run+bike done.
Add me to the growing list of folks who thought that was a tough one! Started out with a ~26 min run outside in some light drizzle, but surprisingly mild temps. Took it easy and stayed at the target pace with strides. Hopped on the bike and....uh-oh, this is gonna be rough. Tried to get ~10 min of 85% in after a short warm-up and that wasn't really working, so went directly to the main set and survived 40 minutes...
#1: 99%
#2: 98%
Had to push a bit near the end of each interval to get my numbers up.
A couple reasons for the diffuculty of today's bike:
1. residual fatigue from the weekend's work (and I skipped saturday's run)
2. run first, then bike
3. started weight mgmt app Lose It! yesterday and may not have taken in enough fuel
The good news is I have ~3,000 calories to eat the rest of the day!
Great work all
Got on bike and got the main set of 2 X 12' @Z4 done with the AVHR in the first set a bit low and then the second set right on the lower end. Figure it had to do with the low temp since the effort was clearly there.
Time to recover and maybe pull out the CEP socks when I get home - should have thought about that before I left for work and could've been using them now. Note to self - start doing that daily!
Executed the 2x12' standard warmup...short cooldown...1hr total time...hit the numbers but I was little tired this morning...hopefully it was due to the short sleep (6 v 7)...then got outside for an easy 3miles (24min.)....the cool rain felt good on the legs (and kept me moving..LOL)
Note of the day - though I had suspected as much...I learned that the pool I recently started swimming in was 25m not 25yard (as I was originally told)...which makes my workouts/100yd times much better
@Rachel - from your description it sounds like you didn't test hard enough. You have two options: test again, bump up your watts 5%. As a general principle, increasing intensity needs to be earned by testing. For example, you could take next Tuesday's workout and turn it into a test instead of the prescribed FTP workout. Advantage is you get a much better metric on where you really are on the bike, and that will bring your bike workouts closer to optimal. Disadvantage is that you could mess with your Wednesday run workout and Th VO2 workout. That said, it's early in the OS and it sounds like it's worth it to throw a test in. Alternatively, you can just bump up your intensity until it feels like a 4 out of 5. This is less dangerous on the bike than on the run, but you still want to do it carefully. You'd bump by 5% and hang out there for a couple of weeks, then potentially bump up again, and at that point we may be getting close to the next round of tests anyway. This early in the OS, you want your workouts dialed in, but not at the risk of burning out or injuring yourself, so some restraint is called for - like so many things, it's a balance.
Just checking in on those that got the work out in early this morning. I have to do it all tonight.
@Steve - It could be a couple things i) the test as you metioned ii) your fitness will return rather quickly so perhaps you are seeing some of the previous OS gains coming back.
@ Mike - No need to ramp up or hammer the end remember 95-100% is the range for power so 95% is perfectly acceptable.
Enjoyed the threshold workout this morning - and it didn't seem all that hard, but I wonder if this is by design.
2x10 at 95%-100% of threshold where threshold is the wattage you could hold for an hour - that's a pretty easy workout.
It seems like we're being spared on the FTP to ensure we have plenty of energy the VO2 workouts... thoughts?
This mornings bike workout of 12 x 2' at 95%-100% went well. I like to get in a full hour but had to cut today's warmup and my 80%-85% time a bit short. Should be no harm because main set goals were met.
Question on cadence: During the main set, is there a preference to hammer hard or to spin fast. Both can get me to the indicated % of FTP, but is one preferable over the other, or is it recommended to just go with whatever cadence is most comfortable provided i'm at target FTP? Thanks!
No ride this AM, as I wussed out and slept in. So, I bricked my wkos this afternoon at lunch.
2x12' @ IF= 1.006 and 1.009, respectively. - don't know what happened to my power readin here. Showed up fine on my Garmin.
5:30a clip-in 29F 2 x 10' got my targets
toes and fingers screamed COLD
25min run with strides
toes and fingers were happy after scream of blood return.
Question what is with the 2 x 12' sets I'm seeing here for today, mine was 2 x 10' is that because some are bike focused? Just don't wan to miss out on the additional pain opportunities
@ Gordon -- thanks for the reminder. will try to keep that in mind for the next tough session