Did my 2x12' this morning in the hills today. My IF numbers were around .94 and .96, slightly lower than where I wanted them to be. It felt pretty hard because I don't think I was sufficiently fueled, and leaving the heater on overnight really sucks the moisture out of me, so I was kind of dehydrated. Still managed to get it done but I'll just have to be better prepared next time with regards to fueling and hydration.
Did the 2x10' this evening on the trainer. It was dark and raining when I left for work this morning. I definitely prefer getting the work in first thing in the morning, but sometimes work gets in the way of fun. My first training ride with power and it was interesting. I know I have an awful lot to learn about using power, but I can already tell I am going to like it. I caught myself pushing too hard on several occasions. On the second set I got into a nice 88-92 cadence that let me hit my numbers. I also spent 20' changing gears and cadence to observe the impact on watts. I always knew I was a geek, now I am a geek with power!
@ Russell - The design of the program is to work the FTP intervals longer and longer 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20'. You also get multiple sets 2 and 3 increasing the work load as we get deeper and deeper in the OS. The goal is not to crussh you every single workout as you have to run tomorrow and VO2 on Thursday. I also find that I can typically exceed FTP on the shorter intervals usually in to the 2X10' sets once I get to 12', 15' and 20' this gets harder to achieve but can happen on good days. If you are finding the bike workouts exceedingly easy then you can possibly bump up your FTP or do another test and earn it the hard way. Consult the coaches in the micro thread if you have questions on positing a re-test in your week.
I was channelling Steve W tonight doing my workout later in the PM.
Just got in the main set 2' warm up and off with a 2x12' @1.0 and 1.01. Felt better physically than I did mentally. The accountabiliy of the OS group got me on the bike tonight.
@ Gordon - you must have still been on the drainer when I started cause I couldn't find my mojo..... spent an extra 5 min trying to warm up, and the first interval was murder. I managed to hold right at FTP but man o man did that hurt! Glad I could help Gordon, way to get it done......
Somewhere in the rest cycle, things got right again (maybe Gordon finished by then) and was much better for the second int.
@ Roy - Hey I only did 1.01 nothing crazy. At least I'm safe until the snow melts up here but you never know. I might get two kick just for making him come up here and having to do a ride on the trainer.
@ ;Steve W - Sorry if I stole your mojo it's back honest! Nice job getting through a tough workout.
@Mike W...I spent a few weeks using Lose It pretty religiously. It worked great for me. I learned a ton about where I was adding unnecessary calories (can you say bread!!) and how much more I could eat if I stuck to fruits and vege's. I've raced IM at 162, and had struggled to get below 175 until I started on the app. Now, despite not actually logging my calories, I'm down to 168.2 as of this morning. Big fan of that app!
Was not feeling the mojo this morning, but hopped on and Jens it out. You wouldn't think that an extra 15 seconds would matter, but I was definitely feeling it. 12x1:15 all between 1.19 and 1.22. 40 minutes total at 0.93. Time to wake up the kids for school!
Week 30/30s in the book . I used to think I could do anything for 30 secs, but have you paid attention to how loooong 30secs can be (unless you're resting, of course, then they go by real fast!)? Going from 4/set to 6/set definitely makes a difference, but somehow, I love these. I just dig in and stare at my bike computer, watching the numbers go up. Time to REST, woo-hoo!!
This has not been a good week for me. My computraner stopped working, but I think it is a blown fuse. If not I will be shopping for a new trainer this weekend.
Felt pretty good and hit all the intervals. I haven't been doing too much running the last couple of weeks due to various other life events (OK, it's because I'm spending too much time building my sauna), so my legs were super sore after yesterdays 3 x 1 mile sub-7:00. Felt better after the ride!
Busy night at the firehouse last night...only 5 hours sleep...full day of hanging Christmas lights today...then the 30/30 tonight...I'll be honest, really not looking forward to that at the end of the day
I did the 30/30's today. Again, with training with HR, I am leaning much more on PE than anything during these sessions where for 30 seconds I push as hard as humanly possible and then coast for 30. Today was a bit rough, though I felt better in staying in Z3 after the main set was done. I got in a bout 60 minutes in all with 10 for warm up. Not bad, looking forward to a day off tomorrow!
@ Dave - That sucks that your computrainer is down. Hoepfully its just a fuse and you have it up and running shortly.
@Russell - That piano is werid only C's, D's and E's on it? Not to mention it's a long way to the end and tha only gets us to the start of the season.
Got in the VO2 bike today and felt really good. Nice hard workout but I still had some left which makes me think I've got back some of the 10-12 watts I was down at the start of the OS from last year. I'm travelling for work next week otherwise I might do something crazy like a bike test. My only hold back is that the runs have still been fairly hard so I want to ensure I don't impact those in any way. I need the run work more than an extra bike test and harder bike workouts.
3X (5X1/1) 2' rest. All were between 1.20 &1.22. The final one was 1.22. Finshed off with 15' @.84 and a total 1:01 @.916 IF.
Staying the course for now. I'll see what Saturday's bike ride brings.
Sufferfest Revolver = 16x 60/60's for my workout today (in place of 30x30/30's)...ate it up...yum.
I did almost the same as Joe. 15' warmup then 5 x (3X1'(1')@Z5+1'@Z1) then to make it an even 60' threw in 2 X 4'(1')@Z3 . As a HR guy, I nailed the same speed as last week and my AVHR dropped a few beats. So, something is working already in the last week.
@ Steve West - you bet. Although I have the trigger point roller, I normally just use the stick and a lot of self-massage!
@Mark, lots of different opinions in the house on bike cadence. Here's a good thread to start, with input from a few different WSMs.
@Joe, the difference in the intervals are the result of the different levels of OS (Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced).
2x10's plus some Z3 in the books, 53 minutes total. Working hard but feeling pretty good...way to go peeps, keep the mojo flowing !
@ Russell - The design of the program is to work the FTP intervals longer and longer 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20'. You also get multiple sets 2 and 3 increasing the work load as we get deeper and deeper in the OS. The goal is not to crussh you every single workout as you have to run tomorrow and VO2 on Thursday. I also find that I can typically exceed FTP on the shorter intervals usually in to the 2X10' sets once I get to 12', 15' and 20' this gets harder to achieve but can happen on good days. If you are finding the bike workouts exceedingly easy then you can possibly bump up your FTP or do another test and earn it the hard way. Consult the coaches in the micro thread if you have questions on positing a re-test in your week.
I was channelling Steve W tonight doing my workout later in the PM.
Just got in the main set 2' warm up and off with a 2x12' @1.0 and 1.01. Felt better physically than I did mentally. The accountabiliy of the OS group got me on the bike tonight.
Somewhere in the rest cycle, things got right again (maybe Gordon finished by then) and was much better for the second int.
Total bike 68' @ (0.843)
2x10' @ (1.005) & (1.003)
1x20' @ (0.841)
Bricked the run on the deadmill - 26' @ 8:49
Psyched for tomorrows hard run.
So I got new software for my computer and now am good to go with TR! Hopefully I'll be up and rolling for Thursday's workout! Yay!!
Good work everyone, keep after it
... but I do have to say, my legs are still buzzing this morning....
@ Roy - Hey I only did 1.01 nothing crazy. At least I'm safe until the snow melts up here but you never know. I might get two kick just for making him come up here and having to do a ride on the trainer.
@ ;Steve W - Sorry if I stole your mojo it's back honest! Nice job getting through a tough workout.
Get after it everyone!
Week 30/30s in the book
. I used to think I could do anything for 30 secs, but have you paid attention to how loooong 30secs can be (unless you're resting, of course, then they go by real fast!)? Going from 4/set to 6/set definitely makes a difference, but somehow, I love these. I just dig in and stare at my bike computer, watching the numbers go up. Time to REST, woo-hoo!!
10 x 30/30
5 x 1/1
3 x 1:30/1:30
1 x 30
Felt pretty good and hit all the intervals. I haven't been doing too much running the last couple of weeks due to various other life events (OK, it's because I'm spending too much time building my sauna), so my legs were super sore after yesterdays 3 x 1 mile sub-7:00. Felt better after the ride!
Busy night at the firehouse last night...only 5 hours sleep...full day of hanging Christmas lights today...then the 30/30 tonight...I'll be honest, really not looking forward to that at the end of the day
I will be doing them tonight after work also so we are in this thing together!
Sufferfest Revolver = 16x 60/60's for my workout today (in place of 30x30/30's)...ate it up...yum.
Hi all
Did my own variant of RICE (Rest, Ice-Cream, Elevation) last night after my sprawl during the run on Wed.
This morning - uneventful 50m in the dungeon to the dulcet tones of Eminem (he swears so I don't have to) all starting at 0500.
Could do a little more; considering moving up to a 35/35 or 40/40 billat for next week...
That said, rest right now sounds like a fine idea - I'll prioritize rest in my afternoon meetings.
Logging off until whenever I have time to log in and log my work on Saturday.
@Roy - logged by 0530 - way to lead the charge!
@Kate - little known fact - you are correct - the timer on TrainerRoad goes more quickly for the rest intervals than for the work intervals.
I hate Jacket Flappers!
Nice job, Joe.
Macro view of where we are in the OS:
@ Russ - why does your piano have blue keys???
@ Dave - That sucks that your computrainer is down. Hoepfully its just a fuse and you have it up and running shortly.
@Russell - That piano is werid only C's, D's and E's on it? Not to mention it's a long way to the end and tha only gets us to the start of the season.
Got in the VO2 bike today and felt really good. Nice hard workout but I still had some left which makes me think I've got back some of the 10-12 watts I was down at the start of the OS from last year. I'm travelling for work next week otherwise I might do something crazy like a bike test. My only hold back is that the runs have still been fairly hard so I want to ensure I don't impact those in any way. I need the run work more than an extra bike test and harder bike workouts.
3X (5X1/1) 2' rest. All were between 1.20 &1.22. The final one was 1.22. Finshed off with 15' @.84 and a total 1:01 @.916 IF.
Staying the course for now. I'll see what Saturday's bike ride brings.
Got my 30/30s in with standard warmup and finished off with 20' at 0.85. Felt good. Legs came back a bit after the fatigue earlier this week.
I did almost the same as Joe. 15' warmup then 5 x (3X1'(1')@Z5+1'@Z1) then to make it an even 60' threw in 2 X 4'(1')@Z3 . As a HR guy, I nailed the same speed as last week and my AVHR dropped a few beats. So, something is working already in the last week.
@ Steve West - you bet. Although I have the trigger point roller, I normally just use the stick and a lot of self-massage!