Nov OS Week 6 Bike Thread
It's in to December and on to week 6 of the OS. Not sure I have any sage advice given I'm the guy who has been sick for a week and a half. Keep the workouts rolling and remember to look at the holiday party schedule and adjust workouts accordingly. On tap for me this week is my birthday, not sure what my wife has planned and an office Christmas party on Friday.
Up and done early this morning. 2x20 (0.97 each). No worries about overcooking the intervals this morning. I pulled out all the stops, espresso instead of the normal coffee, playlist on 10. Kesha and lots of snare bass beats. 1st interval actually felt kinda good. The timer was on backward during the second one. Feels very good to be done.
Hit it hard everyone and good luck.
98% and 99% respectively
Off to the other kind of work - great day all
Done. 1.0 and 1.0. legs feel pretty good ( a bit surprised!). Onwards and upwards!
bike set done this am
2x15' @ 98% and 99%
@ Roy, +1 on Kesha -- i was listening to an EN podcast until midway thru the 1st interval and switched over to some dance beats when the work got tuff
have a good one all almost got me...did the GRAY workout on Trainer Road....2x20 Z4....legs were a little tired from some big weekend runs....and then I overcooked the first interval slightly..have been experimenting between gears & cadence...and the first interval felt good...after the rest the second interval started rough...midway through I felt like I was just hangin on to the low end of the Z4 Range....I really really focused on trying to relax and mentally separate the feelings of "tiredness" with the feeling of "doing work"......and I ended up finishing the second half strong...this all felt really good.
15' WU
20' @ 102% (220 watts)
20' @ 97 % (209)
Good luck everyone!
I was on workout triage this morning. I figured as I am still coughing here and there I'd go for a 4X10. After 2X10 I called it both at .96. Felt good to get a workout in but there's no way 20' should have felt that hard.
@ ;Bill - you got the ski's out yet? We had another 5 inches last night . which made for a fun drive in to work.
Bike done. Still struggle a bit staying within the prescribed watt ranges. Seems to get better the longer I'm on the bike, i.e. towards the end of the first interval and during the second interval. At the beginning, I tend to yoyo back and forth a lot. Admittedly, I overcooked the very last piece when my playlist switched to Haendels Messiah (I was doing the "Holiday" list this AM) - someone remind to play that in my head @ ile 20+ of the run... @ Russ, @ Satish - are those your IF numbers? Garmin Connect also shows those to me for the duration of the entire workout, not the splits - unless I have this set up wrong. I recall people saying GC has limited value for analyzing power. Do you use something different?
Run afterwards was nice and gentle - Strides were invigorating. Off to work!
@kate: yes that is intensity factor. just divide your normalized or average power for the interval by your FTP if your software doesn't do it for you ( my IF for the whole 60 minutes was .89).
@ Satish: math in the early AM? Now THAT might brak me
@Kate - I do use a desktop app for power analysis - Golden Cheetah -
It's open source and free and it works great for me. The main thing it gives me that I don't have in Connect (both are GC so we'll go with Connect vs Cheetah) is the ability to define my intervals after the workout. For example, if I do my EN in a Free 90 then I export from TR and import to Cheetah and set my intervals so I can see where I landed across the different intervals.
If you're game, download it, create yourself as a rider, put in your zones, bring down today's file, import it, and take a look. If you have any questions, reach out. My two favorite pages are the CP graph (critical power) and Ride graph. Ride is where you would go to set (or reset) your intervals. Cheetah definitely has more analytical power than Connect - the question is whether that informs your training - or is fun enough to justify the time. I find it useful.
Variability on the first interval - On the trainer I find I do better if I focus on maintaining a steady cadence, vs. trying to keep power steady. I know, for example, that if I'm in a certain gear and maintain between 90 and 91, that I'll come out at FTP. If I crank it up to 100 then I'm at my VO2M. Down a gear, 96 will give me my FTP, so I can train a different intensity/cadence, which helps me get through the longer workouts. I know this from the power numbers, but it's much easier for me to get in a groove by watching cadence, which my body understands more easily than power.
Getting tired of Eminem - may try Messiah... see if it helps to get a Handel on my playlist (sorry)
You may want to check out the dashboard thread on caffeine/coffee before am workouts
Good job everyone for staying the coure
I did the Gray TR workout as well. Something is a little odd with the FTP numbers. Anyway, first interval was 248w and second was 249w. I played around with different gears and cadences trying to stay at my target wattage. NOT easy at all. Do those folks with the power traces that look like they were drawn with a ruler have TR set on 5s averaging or something? Maybe I just need more practice.
Off to the run.
@Peter - x2 not easy at all.
The second set was better than the first.
Congratulations to everyone. No matter the track you're on - Beg, Int, or Adv - now we are doing serious workouts. My stats today:
1 hr, 20 min, 29 miles, 0.87 IF, 98.8 TSS. 2 x 20' @ 0.98, 5'@ 0.84. Followed by a 36 minute run with 5 uphill strides.
The bike felt manageable, barely, requiring that I count down my breathing the last minute of the last interval. Luckily Jack Bauer was involved in some heavy action today (saving Wm. Devane as Sect of Defense), car chase, firefight, etc. That plus the inevitable firing of Chloe O'Brian kept me going. I'm still not sure who the bad guy inside CTU will turnout to be: the New Girl (Curtis' ex), or the Fat Guy. I'm betting on the FG.
Then, the run was fun: Global Warming has today @ 52*, with a lull in the drizzle long enough to get out on the road. I'm hoping to avoid the treadmill for tomorrow AM.
Today's ride was also the longest I've ridden the entire OS..1:40 outdoors. That means I spent 60 minutes not doing any "hard" work and noodling around. Ahhh, the lack of efficiency is killing me!
I also watched 24 - so there was the requisite action (Jack coming to the rescue), double crosses (Buchanan, Chloe and Audrey going behind Lynn's back @ CTU), plot twists (first lady going along in the motorcade with the doomed Russian president) and suspense (Lynn going on a firing rampage because he's losing control). I have a feeling next episodes will follow a similar pattern
Here is today's workout (while I caught up with the latest Homeland episode!) , went well although it was harder than expected but still doing about 1.18 x FTP as I am convinced my test was too low !
Total ride 80' @ (0.878)
Bricked the run with33' @ 8:14
Nice job everyone! Looking forward to seeing lots of power bumps in two weeks!
VO2s done this morning. 5 x (4x45/45)
felt very good for sets 1-3 and sucked it up for 4 & 5.
@Ryan -- thx for the tip on the garmin pre-loaded wkos. i had to turn it off and go "manual" midway thru this morning's session, as i was seriously scared it was going to run out of battery w/ all the buzzin' and alarmin' going on. will play with it this weekend
rest day comin' up!
Whew...early burner on the trainer....always a good way to start the day....I substituted the TrainerRoad Foerester workout for todays proscribed VO2 of 5x(4x45:45)....this was 3x(8x50:50)....somethin' aint right cuz' I just felt great! A good week overall...looking forward to a rest/recovery/swim tommorrow...and hoping the weather holds for an outside ride on Saturday.
and not too bad
off to other work
have a great day all