I got the 45/45s in this morning. It sucked pretty bad, my legs felt pretty rough until the 4th set or so. This head cold is still working me over, but I got in the work. Not much extra today, trying to maximize some rest. Have a good one all!
Got the bike in this morning before work Did the 45s repeats and tried for stable power delivery by focusing on cadence as suggested (which worked well). Finished up with 12 minutes at .85 for 60 minutes total. Felt a bit easier overall than last week.
BOOM! Got it done this AM. I'm either getting stronger or riding smarter - I suspect it's a combination of both. Definitely a more consistent effort among all intervals than last week. Quite happy w/ today's ride - somewhat mentally challenging w/ the playlist shuffled Silent Night doing the 'on' parts and 'allelujah!' during the 'off' parts - I wish there was a way to automatically sync music to effort within a workout.... Now 48+ hours of rest and a massage tonight
Did my 45/45's as 1/1...pretty hard, but got 'em all in:
Did a version of the new warmup: 5' ez, 3' standing, 2' ez, 8' @ 85%...felt pretty good, not sure I'll keep doing it or not 5 x 1 @ ~270/150 (2' rest) 5 x 1 @ ~270/150 (2' rest) 2 x 1 @ ~270/150
Glad to get the bike done this morning for a change. I typically don't have a permanent set-up (such is life when you live in a condo that is less than 600 sq. ft) but I appear to have figured something out that is more permanent which allows me to train pre-work now. The only down side of a morning ride? I'm half-asleep and I can't keep track of where I was during the 5 x (4 x 45/45) set. I may have done a little less or a little more, who knows! But I got something done anyways since I did some intervals and rode for an hour. Onward and upward from here
@ Naomi. i struggled with losing track on the 30/30s and 45/45s as well. a "technique" that works quite well for me is to tag each interval with a unique number. for example, the first 4 intervals are 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, set #2 is 2-1, 2-2, 2-3, 2-4 and so on until set #5 (5-1, 5-2, 5-3, 5-4). keeping that identifier in mind leading up to an interval and repeating it during the interval helps me focus less on the time passing and keep track of where i'm at in the wko. i also tried pre-loading my garmin with the wko, but garmin only allows 20 "steps" per workout, which becomes a problem for 45/45s
@ Naomi. i struggled with losing track on the 30/30s and 45/45s as well. a "technique" that works quite well for me is to tag each interval with a unique number. for example, the first 4 intervals are 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, set #2 is 2-1, 2-2, 2-3, 2-4 and so on until set #5 (5-1, 5-2, 5-3, 5-4). keeping that identifier in mind leading up to an interval and repeating it during the interval helps me focus less on the time passing and keep track of where i'm at in the wko. i also tried pre-loading my garmin with the wko, but garmin only allows 20 "steps" per workout, which becomes a problem for 45/45s
Illness recovery and work still have me behind so hit Tue wko today. 2 X 15' as 0.99 and 1.01. No time for much more. Tomorrow is VOmax (5 x 4 45/45). Great work all.
Gordan with regards to the cough I almost fell of my bike after the first interval today I was coughing so hard. Hope you are kicking the crud.
Today's motto: Something is better than nothing. Wife is gone on business and with a 4 year old in the house, I don't feel comfortable going into the pain cave and losing awareness of what's going on in the house. So I ended up on a stationary bike at work today for the VO2 work. Not the same, but did get the 15 minutes of on time on 1:15's. Probably not exactly the right power but close enough for today.
Good work everyone. Keep the work and mojo flowing!
Got the workout done earlier today but posted it on the dashboard. Going through a crap crush right now and I took it out on my legs. I created some TR art.
Late posting for this morning's workout! Got in my 5 X [3(60"/60")+1'] with a 15' warm up and 10' spin cool down, got in a full hour. Amazing that the first week I did this, it was hard and now after the first set, it's like "Hmn, wonder how 6 X 2.5' @ Z4 would feel?" Seems like we did that a lot last year both in the OS and in the SC plan.
Anyway - looking forward to just doing some swim drills tomorrow and getting some more bag time!
After last weeks potential over-do (5 x 4 x (1/1)) that wasn't realized until Saturday (jury is still out, but experimenting), I scaled back. 4 x (4 x (1/1)), followed up with 13' of 80% time.
On track with 5 x (4 x 45/45) + 2 x 5' @ 85%. 75 minutes, overall TSS 94, IF 0.866. Each of the 4x45s, work and rec. intervals were 1.02 IF, a small step up for me. Steady States were 0.85 and 0.9
I need a sneeze guard for my computer screen; I keep cleaning little droplets of dried on moisture (hate to think what it might be) off the screen every week or so.
Ouch! Got it done but it wasn't pretty. Hectic day, work late but Jack Bower helped me thru..... MS1 only
5x(3x60/60) (2')
Total ride 57' @ (0.864)
hope to get out of work early tomorrow and go the pool for a bit, blow some bubbles and see how that feels..... no intensity, no volume.... just an easy swim for mental re-adjustment after a long week.
Skipped yesterday's bike. Feeling like I'm battling some bug last few days combined with a chronic lack of sleep so not feeling very well. My performance management chart also shows my TSB to have been negative for the last 4 weeks, and is currently around -25 which is another indicator I was better off getting an extra rest day then doing the workout and paying more for it later.
OK - best laid plans just got sunk. It is foggy out, so despite my planned outdoor ride today since is is 66 degrees with no wind, I will go to the pain cave. Oh well, as long as Army beats Navy today, I will have at least achieved a sports victory of some kind!
Hope everyone is healthy and keeping safe! Now off to get the drainer set-up....
Bike done. Just used a free ride on Trainer Road. I must say that the visual cues do help me keep focused, even without anything like NPR or music playing. Just keeping that yellow line where I want it (or at least in the neighborhood as I mess around with gears and cadences) helps the time go by. Compared to last year, I am definitely getting more focused work accomplished with this plan and TR.
Gold star for the day: This is the first time I managed to not go over into VO2max territory (at least concerning power) during the intervals too much. Only 7 seconds out of the whole 90 minutes. TR thinks my heart rate should be much lower but I ignore that as long as it behaves like ti usually does.
Thursday's anger boy routine DEFINITELY made today's bike workout much harder to achieve but I got it done.
Got up early, loaded up Michael Jackson's "History" on iTunes and went BOOM on the bike . Nailed all intervals - am doing a better job of keeping power steady. Tracking cadence definitely helps me. Although I do wonder how I'm going to stay on pace when I'm riding outside and have to focus on more than my tiny bike computer (e.g. the ROAD).
Also, question, what am I doing if I'm riding in 'no mans land', i.e. hitting power that's between zone 3 (127-134) and 4 (151-158)? I had a bit of a hrd time keeping the power low (i.e. in z3) towards the end once I was all revved up in z4. I kept going into the 140s, which is neither here nor there. So what does that mean, other than a lack of discipline??
Had a good run afterwards - I think. I tend to hoild off judgment on the Saturday run until after Sunday's run!
Got the bike ride in and it was hard. I finally figured out why other than I am still coughing a bit. In my move to the new house I have neglected to set up my two fans. This is officially my dumb a$$ move of the week. Three bike rides all without the fan and I finally figure it out.
I'm going straight to storage and gett the fans. Unfortunately I mentioned it to my wife and this probably means a few other things need to get moved.
1X11 @.98, 1X9 and 2X5 the rest at .96 and as stated above it was hard.
@ Kate the z3 85% stuff is a good sweet spot to get in some good work but not over tax the system with too much z4 efforts. Moving in to no man's land after the z4 stuff indicates a good day and the legs/cardo system is strong. If this continues to be the case we are nearing week 8 and indicative of a bumb up in your FTP that you will see.
If you are recovering overachieving on the bike is easier on the body than pushing the run. For when I'm feeling good I tend to reach a little on the z4 work 1.02, 1.03 to get a feel of where I might be. Finally I also tend to take it a little easier on the Saturday ride before a test, think 95% rather than 100% so that I have a little be of extra recovery for the test week.
Felt great on the bike today. 2 x 10' @ IF = .99, then 5' @ 1.04. Kept it to a 15' warm up and the main set only, followed by an easy brick run. Had to move things around this week, so did not have a rest day yesterday, and I want to save something for tomorrow's long run. Work Christmas party tonight will not help things!
Must be something in the water cause I felt really good this afternoon as well. 2x12 both on 0.98, 1x6 on 1.0, and 2x10 on 0.84/0.82. Total of 1:16 ride time on 0.84.
Wish I had some of what Jim and Roy were drinking....I felt like Kurt KInetic himself came over and opened up a can of whup-a$$ on me. Barely kept it in z4, but did the 2x10, 1x5, skipped the z3. I suspect my moving VO2 session from thurs to fri and running first today cooked me. Anyhoo....good work all, keep up the good work!
Got the bike in this morning before work Did the 45s repeats and tried for stable power delivery by focusing on cadence as suggested (which worked well). Finished up with 12 minutes at .85 for 60 minutes total. Felt a bit easier overall than last week.
BOOM! Got it done this AM. I'm either getting stronger or riding smarter - I suspect it's a combination of both. Definitely a more consistent effort among all intervals than last week. Quite happy w/ today's ride - somewhat mentally challenging w/ the playlist shuffled Silent Night doing the 'on' parts and 'allelujah!' during the 'off' parts - I wish there was a way to automatically sync music to effort within a workout.... Now 48+ hours of rest and a massage tonight
Did a version of the new warmup: 5' ez, 3' standing, 2' ez, 8' @ 85%...felt pretty good, not sure I'll keep doing it or not
5 x 1 @ ~270/150 (2' rest)
5 x 1 @ ~270/150 (2' rest)
2 x 1 @ ~270/150
Good luck all!
@ Naomi. i struggled with losing track on the 30/30s and 45/45s as well. a "technique" that works quite well for me is to tag each interval with a unique number. for example, the first 4 intervals are 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, set #2 is 2-1, 2-2, 2-3, 2-4 and so on until set #5 (5-1, 5-2, 5-3, 5-4). keeping that identifier in mind leading up to an interval and repeating it during the interval helps me focus less on the time passing and keep track of where i'm at in the wko. i also tried pre-loading my garmin with the wko, but garmin only allows 20 "steps" per workout, which becomes a problem for 45/45s
as they say around here, YMMV
Mind said go! Body said NO! Body won.
Thanks, Mike! I will give your suggestion a try.
Gordan with regards to the cough I almost fell of my bike after the first interval today I was coughing so hard. Hope you are kicking the crud.
Today's motto: Something is better than nothing. Wife is gone on business and with a 4 year old in the house, I don't feel comfortable going into the pain cave and losing awareness of what's going on in the house. So I ended up on a stationary bike at work today for the VO2 work. Not the same, but did get the 15 minutes of on time on 1:15's. Probably not exactly the right power but close enough for today.
Good work everyone. Keep the work and mojo flowing!
Finally got in a full workout with some adjustments
5X1'(2'); 4X1'(2') and 2X(3X1') @ 1.2- 1.22. No 85% as I did not want to push my luck.
@ Dewey - Thanks and remember to listen to your body if your not feeling it tomorrow as it's supposed to be an off day.
@ Roy - Nice job getting the workout in knowing you the intervals were probably a little hot.
Anyway - looking forward to just doing some swim drills tomorrow and getting some more bag time!
On track with 5 x (4 x 45/45) + 2 x 5' @ 85%. 75 minutes, overall TSS 94, IF 0.866. Each of the 4x45s, work and rec. intervals were 1.02 IF, a small step up for me. Steady States were 0.85 and 0.9
I need a sneeze guard for my computer screen; I keep cleaning little droplets of dried on moisture (hate to think what it might be) off the screen every week or so.
5x(3x60/60) (2')
Total ride 57' @ (0.864)
hope to get out of work early tomorrow and go the pool for a bit, blow some bubbles and see how that feels..... no intensity, no volume.... just an easy swim for mental re-adjustment after a long week.
bike in
off in the rain for the brick
Hope everyone is healthy and keeping safe! Now off to get the drainer set-up....
Gold star for the day: This is the first time I managed to not go over into VO2max territory (at least concerning power) during the intervals too much. Only 7 seconds out of the whole 90 minutes. TR thinks my heart rate should be much lower but I ignore that as long as it behaves like ti usually does.
Thursday's anger boy routine DEFINITELY made today's bike workout much harder to achieve but I got it done.
Got up early, loaded up Michael Jackson's "History" on iTunes and went BOOM on the bike
. Nailed all intervals - am doing a better job of keeping power steady. Tracking cadence definitely helps me. Although I do wonder how I'm going to stay on pace when I'm riding outside and have to focus on more than my tiny bike computer (e.g. the ROAD).
Also, question, what am I doing if I'm riding in 'no mans land', i.e. hitting power that's between zone 3 (127-134) and 4 (151-158)? I had a bit of a hrd time keeping the power low (i.e. in z3) towards the end once I was all revved up in z4. I kept going into the 140s, which is neither here nor there. So what does that mean, other than a lack of discipline??
Had a good run afterwards - I think. I tend to hoild off judgment on the Saturday run until after Sunday's run!
Keep moving, peeps!
Got the bike ride in and it was hard. I finally figured out why other than I am still coughing a bit. In my move to the new house I have neglected to set up my two fans. This is officially my dumb a$$ move of the week. Three bike rides all without the fan and I finally figure it out.
I'm going straight to storage and gett the fans. Unfortunately I mentioned it to my wife and this probably means a few other things need to get moved.
1X11 @.98, 1X9 and 2X5 the rest at .96 and as stated above it was hard.
@ Kate the z3 85% stuff is a good sweet spot to get in some good work but not over tax the system with too much z4 efforts. Moving in to no man's land after the z4 stuff indicates a good day and the legs/cardo system is strong. If this continues to be the case we are nearing week 8 and indicative of a bumb up in your FTP that you will see.
If you are recovering overachieving on the bike is easier on the body than pushing the run. For when I'm feeling good I tend to reach a little on the z4 work 1.02, 1.03 to get a feel of where I might be. Finally I also tend to take it a little easier on the Saturday ride before a test, think 95% rather than 100% so that I have a little be of extra recovery for the test week.
Must be something in the water cause I felt really good this afternoon as well. 2x12 both on 0.98, 1x6 on 1.0, and 2x10 on 0.84/0.82. Total of 1:16 ride time on 0.84.
Solid work everyone! Keep it coming.
Total ride 127' @ 0.83 TSS 144.5
To all nice work
Wish I had some of what Jim and Roy were drinking....I felt like Kurt KInetic himself came over and opened up a can of whup-a$$ on me. Barely kept it in z4, but did the 2x10, 1x5, skipped the z3. I suspect my moving VO2 session from thurs to fri and running first today cooked me. Anyhoo....good work all, keep up the good work!
Bricked it early today. Alarm off at 5:30 and rolled into the pain cave just after 6am
Very good w/u with the 12' @ 82.5% at a high cadence (for me) of ~88-90
2x10' felt like work, but nothing too extraordinary and the 1x5' flew by thanks to some good tunes
finished off with 8' in Z3 for 70 minutes total ride
30' run afterwards and called it a day
Fueled my bike run brick with 700 cal Infinite on 15' plus 2 bottles h20 in the pain cave.
Bike WU 15'
Did the FTP as 2x15'(3) instead of 2x12' + 1x6' @ (0.988) & (0.983)
Followed with 2x15' (2') @ (0.843) & (0.863)
Total bike 90' @ (0.852)
T2 @ 2:30
Run started easy and worked into MP, last mile @ TP
Total run 7.5 miles in 60' @ 8:05 (MP)
Felt strong and solid thoughout.